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海上风电工程基础结构抗震性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨海上风电工程基础与结构体系的抗震性能,采用ANSYS程序建立了三种基础型式的风电塔架结构数值模型,先采用振型分解反应谱法计算了结构的地震响应,进而分别将传统地震动和最不利地震动作为输入地震动,分析了三种基础结构体系的最大地震响应。结果显示:风电结构属典型的长周期结构,基础型式对结构的振动周期影响明显,单立柱桩式结构振动周期最长,八桩承台结构振动周期最短。地震作用下,单立柱桩结构的顶端位移响应也最大;振型反应谱法与传统地震动作用下结构的响应满足现行建筑抗震规范的要求,但最不利地震作用下结构的位移响应偏大,不满足规范对位移的相关规定;组合三桩结构底部基础与结构连接处是应力集中区。海上风电工程结构抗震设计的重要性应引起充分重视。  相似文献   

Very large diameter steel tubular piles (up to 10 m in diameter, termed as XL or XXL monopiles) and caissons are currently used as foundations to support offshore Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) despite limited guidance in codes of practice. The current codes of practice such as API/DnV suggest methods to analysis long flexible piles which are being used (often without any modification) to analyse large diameter monopiles giving unsatisfactory results. As a result, there is an interest in the analysis of deep foundation for a wide range of length to diameter (L/D) ratio embedded in different types of soil.This paper carries out a theoretical study utilising Hamiltonian principle to analyse deep foundations (L/D2) embedded in three types of ground profiles (homogeneous, inhomogeneous and layered continua) that are of interest to offshore wind turbine industry. Impedance functions (static and dynamic) have been proposed for piles exhibiting rigid and flexible behaviour in all the 3 ground profiles. Through the analysis, it is concluded that the conventional Winkler-based approach (such as py curves or Bean-on-Dynamic Winkler Foundations) may not be applicable for piles or caissons having aspect ratio less than about 10 to 15. The results also show that, for the same dimensionless frequency, damping ratio of large diameter rigid piles is higher than long flexible piles and is approximately 1.2–1.5 times the material damping. It is also shown that Winkler-based approach developed for flexible piles will under predict stiffness of rigid piles, thereby also under predicting natural frequency of the WTG system. Four wind turbine foundations from four different European wind farms have been considered to gain further useful insights.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study is performed on the dynamic behavior of offshore wind turbine (OWT) structure supported on monopile foundation in clay. The system is modeled using a beam on nonlinear Winkler foundation model. Soil resistance is modeled using American Petroleum Institute based cyclic p–y and t–z curves. Dynamic analysis is carried out in time domain using finite element method considering wind and wave loads. Several parameters, such as soil–monopile–tower interaction, rotor and wave frequencies, wind and wave loading parameters, and length, diameter and thickness of monopile affecting the dynamic characteristics of OWT system and the responses are investigated. The study shows soil–monopile–tower interaction increases response of tower and monopile. Soil nonlinearity increases the system response at higher wind speed. Rotor frequency is found to have dominant role than blade passing frequency and wave frequency. Magnitude of wave load is important for design rather than resonance from wave frequency.  相似文献   

对某个风电场的23座高桩-混凝土承台式海上风电塔进行了1年的强振监测,统计了其在台风、偏航冲击等作用力下的强振特性。监测数据分析发现:机舱对风向偏航时会引起塔筒强烈振动,且此类型强振现象持续时间达几十秒,有时振动加速度可超过10 m/s^2,每个月多达几百次;在某次台风作用下,塔筒的振动加速度接近10 m/s^2;施工船靠船时的碰撞引起塔筒的强振幅值接近15 m/s^2;通过分析风电塔1年运营期间的塔筒固有频率值,发现前3阶固有频率值、阻尼比未发现变化。监测结果表明:高桩-混凝土承台式风电塔在台风、机舱偏航,施工船碰撞时都会产生强烈振动。因此,机舱偏航和施工船碰撞引起风电塔的强振现象过于频繁发生,是风电塔疲劳损伤的重要因素。本文的研究成果可为此类型风电塔设计、运营安全监测及损伤诊断提供参考。  相似文献   

A simplified approximate method to analyze the rocking response of SDOF systems lying on compliant soil is introduced, accounting for soil inelasticity and foundation uplifting. The soil–foundation system is replaced by a nonlinear rotational spring, accompanied by a linear rotational dashpot, and linear horizontal and vertical springs and dashpots. Considering a square footing on clay under undrained conditions, the necessary moment–rotation (Mθ) relations are computed through monotonic pushover finite element (FE) analyses, employing a thoroughly-validated constitutive model. Cyclic pushover analyses are performed to compute the damping–rotation (CRθ) relations, necessary to calibrate the rotational dashpot, and the settlement–rotation (Δwθ) relations, required to estimate the dynamic settlement. The effectiveness of the simplified method is verified through dynamic time history analyses, comparing its predictions with the results of 3D FE analyses. The simplified method is shown to capture the entire rotation time history θ(t) with adequate accuracy. The latter is used to compute the time history of dynamic settlement w(t), employing a simplified approximate procedure. The proposed simplified method should, by no means, be considered a substitute for more sophisticated analysis methods. However, despite its limitations, it may be utilized for (at least preliminary) design purposes.  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic response of a pile group during liquefaction, shaking table tests on a 1/25 scale model of a 2 × 2 pile group were conducted, which were pilot tests of a test project of a scale-model offshore wind turbine with jacket foundation. A large laminar shear box was utilized as the soil container to prepare a liquefiable sandy ground specimen. The pile group model comprising four slender aluminum piles with their pile heads connected by a rigid frame was designed with similitude considerations focusing on soil–pile interaction. The input motions were 2-Hz sinusoids with various acceleration amplitudes. The excess pore water pressure generation indicated that the upper half of the ground specimen reached initial liquefaction under the 50-gal-amplitude excitation, whereas in the 75-gal-amplitude test, almost entire ground was liquefied. Accelerations in soil, on the movable frames composing the laminar boundary of the shear box, and along the pile showed limited difference at the same elevation before liquefaction. After liquefaction, the soil and the movable-frame accelerations that represented the ground response considerably reduced, whereas both the movable frames and the piles exhibited high-frequency jitters other than 2-Hz sinusoid, and meantime, remarkable phase difference between the responses of the pile group and the ground was observed, all probably due to the substantial degradation of liquefied soil. Axial strains along the pile implied its double-curvature bending behavior, and the accordingly calculated moment declined significantly after liquefaction. These observations demonstrated the interaction between soil and piles during liquefaction.  相似文献   

Offshore wind turbines (OWTs) are dynamically loaded structures and therefore the estimation of the natural frequency is an important design calculation to avoid resonance and resonance related effects (such as fatigue). Monopiles are currently the most used foundation type and are also being considered in deeper waters (>30 m) where a stiff transition piece will join the monopile and the tapered tall tower. While rather computationally expensive, high fidelity finite element analysis can be carried to find the Eigen solutions of the whole system considering soil–structure interaction; a quick hand calculation method is often convenient during the design optimisation stage or conceptual design stage. This paper proposes a simplified methodology to obtain the first natural frequency of the whole system using only limited data on the WTG (Wind Turbine Generator), tower dimensions, monopile dimensions and the ground. The most uncertain component is the ground and is characterised by two parameters: type of ground profile (i.e. soil stiffness variation with depth) and the soil stiffness at one monopile depth below mudline. In this framework, the fixed base natural frequency of the wind turbine is first calculated and is then multiplied by two non-dimensional factors to account for the foundation flexibility (i.e. the effect of soil–structure interaction). The theoretical background behind the model is the Euler–Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories where the foundation is idealised by three coupled springs (lateral, rocking and cross-coupling). 10 wind turbines founded in different ground conditions from 10 different wind farms in Europe (e.g. Walney, Gunfleet sand, Burbo Bank, Belwind, Barrow, Kentish flat, Blyth, Lely, Thanet Sand, Irene Vorrink) have been analysed and the results compared with the measured natural frequencies. The results show good accuracy (errors below 3.5%). A step by step sample calculation is also shown for practical use of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

本文针对渤海JZ20-2MUQ导管架式海洋平台进行比例为1∶10的模型结构的形状记忆合金阻尼隔振振动台试验研究。首先,根据原结构的基本参数,确定试验模型的几何参数,推导出相似比关系,并对形状记忆合金阻尼器和黏滞阻尼器进行性能试验,确定其基本力学性能;其次,对模型结构进行振动台试验研究,分别考察4种地震作用下无控结构、纯隔振结构、SMA隔振结构和SMA阻尼隔振结构的反应;最后,对模型结构进行数值计算分析。结果表明,各种隔振结构方案对平台结构导管架端帽位移和平台甲板加速度均有很好的控制效果。数值分析结果与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

为研究初始倾斜对风机塔结构动力可靠度的影响,利用高精度免棱镜全站仪实测某2 MW风力发电塔缩尺模型的初始倾斜缺陷,并通过ABAQUS软件分别建立倾斜以及无倾斜的有限元模型,开展结构在八度多遇近场随机地震动作用下的动力反应分析,随之采用Kriging插值模型结合子集模拟方法,计算两类模型在首次超越破坏准则下的抗震可靠度。研究结果表明:初始倾斜缺陷放大了结构塔顶侧移响应,在均值意义上,初始倾斜缺陷使得该风机塔缩尺模型的塔顶侧移增幅达7.8%;当侧移阈值达到6 mm时,所述两类模型的可靠度均接近于1,当设计阈值超过此数值时,模型初始倾斜带来的不利影响可忽略不计,而当设计阈值不足时,结构安全水准会因初始倾斜的存在而明显降低。因此,在风机塔可靠性设计中,建议对初始倾斜缺陷带来的可靠度下降这一因素加以考虑。  相似文献   

The dynamic response of a wind turbine on monopile is studied under horizontal and vertical earthquake excitations. The analyses are carried out using the finite element program SAP2000. The finite element model of the structure is verified against the results of shake table tests, and the earthquake response of the soil model is verified against analytical solutions of the steady‐state response of homogeneous strata. The focus of the analyses in this paper is the vertical earthquake response of wind turbines including the soil‐structure interaction effects. The analyses are carried out for both a non‐homogeneous stratum and a deep soil using the three‐step method. In addition, a procedure is implemented which allows one to perform coupled soil‐structure interaction analyses by properly tuning the damping in the tower structure. The analyses show amplification of the ground surface acceleration to the top of the tower by a factor of two. These accelerations are capable of causing damage in the turbine and the tower structure, or malfunctioning of the turbine after the earthquake; therefore, vertical earthquake excitation is considered a potential critical loading in design of wind turbines even in low‐to‐moderate seismic areas. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A methodology using modal analysis is developed to evaluate dynamic vertical displacements of a circular flexible foundation resting on soil media subjected to horizontal and rocking motions. The influence of the soil reaction forces on the foundation is considered by introducing modal impedance functions, which can be determined by an efficient procedure with ring elements. The displacements of the foundation can then be easily solved by modal superposition. Parametric studies for modal responses of the flexible foundation indicate that the coupled response of the foundation is significantly influenced by relative stiffness among the foundation and the soil medium, vibration frequency range, foundation mass, and boundary contact conditions. The welded boundary condition should be considered to predict the coupling response while the relaxed boundary condition may be used to predict approximately the vertical displacements. As a foundation with a relative stiffness ratio more than three, it is found that the foundation can be considered as rigid to calculate coupling displacements. For a slightly flexible foundation, considerations of three modes are sufficient enough to obtain accurate foundation responses. Moreover, at low frequencies, the coupling effect due to higher mode can be neglected.  相似文献   

The dynamic equations of motion of asymmetric offshore platforms under three different environmental conditions:seismic action,wave action and their combination are established in this paper. In establishing these motion equations,three typical eccentricity types including mass eccentricity,rigidity eccentricity and their combination were considered,as are eccentricities that occur un-idirectionally and bi-directionally. The effects of the eccentricity type,the dynamic characteristics and the environmental conditions on the torsional coupling response of platforms are investigated and compared. An effort has also been made to analyze the inffluence of accidental eccentricity on asymmetric platforms with different eccentricity in two horizontally orthogonal directions. The results are given in terms of non-dimensional parameters,accounting for the uncoupled torsional to lateral frequency ratio. Numerical results reveal that the eccentricity type has a great inffluence on the torsionally coupled response under different environmental conditions. Therefore,it is necessary to consider the combination of earthquake and wave action in the seismic response analysis of some offshore platforms.  相似文献   

日冕物质抛射(Coronal Mass Ejection,简称CME)和共转相互作用区(Corotating Interaction Region,简称CIR)是造成日地空间行星际扰动和地磁扰动的两个主要原因,提供了地球磁暴的主要驱动力,进而显著影响地球空间环境.为深入研究太阳风活动及受其主导影响的地磁活动的时间分布特征,本文对大量太阳风参数及地磁活动指数的数据进行了详细分析.首先,采用由NASA OMNIWeb提供的太阳风参数及地磁活动指数的公开数据,通过自主编写matlab程序对第23太阳活动周期(1996-01-01—2008-12-31)的数据包括行星际磁场Bz分量、太阳风速度、太阳风质子密度、太阳风动压等重要太阳风参数及Dst指数、AE指数、Kp指数等主要的地磁指数进行统计分析,建立了包括269个CME事件和456个CIR事件列表的数据库.采用事例分析法和时间序列叠加法分别对两类太阳活动的四个重要太阳风参数(IMF Bz、太阳风速度、太阳风质子密度、太阳风动压)和三个主要地磁指数(Dst、AE、Kp)进行统计分析,并研究了其统计特征.其次,根据Dst指数最小值确定了第23太阳活动周期内的355个孤立地磁暴事件,并以Dst指数最小值为标准将这些磁暴进一步分类为145个弱磁暴、123个中等磁暴、70个强磁暴、12个剧烈磁暴和5个巨大磁暴.最后,采用时间序列叠加法对不同强度磁暴的太阳风参数和地磁指数进行统计分析.统计分析表明,对于CME事件,Nsw/Pdyn(Nsw表示太阳风质子密度,Pdyn表示太阳风动压)线性拟合斜率一般为正;对于CIR事件,Nsw/Pdyn线性拟合斜率一般为负,这可作为辨别CME和CIR事件的一种有效方法.从平均意义上讲,相较于CIR事件,CME事件有更大的南向IMF Bz分量、太阳风动压Pdyn、AE指数、Kp指数以及更小的Dstmin.一般情况下,CME事件有更大的可能性驱动极强地磁暴.总体而言,对于不同强度的地磁暴,Dst指数的变化呈现出一定的相似性,但随着地磁暴强度的增强,Dst指数衰减的速度变快.CME和CIR事件以及其各自驱动的地磁暴事件有着很多不同,因此,需要将CME事件驱动的磁暴及CIR事件驱动的磁暴分开研究.建立CME、CIR事件及地磁暴的数据库以及获取的统计分析结果,将为深入研究地球磁层等离子体片、辐射带及环电流对太阳活动的响应特征提供有利的帮助.  相似文献   

A simplified discrete system in the form of a simple oscillator is developed to simulate the dynamic behavior of a structure founded through footings or piles on compliant ground, under harmonic excitation. Exact analytical expressions for the fundamental natural period and the corresponding damping coefficients of the above system are derived, as function of geometry and the frequency-dependent foundation impedances. In an effort to quantify the coupling between swaying and rocking oscillations in embedded foundations such as piles, the reference system is translated from the footing–soil interface to the depth where the resultant soil reaction is applied, to ensure a diagonal impedance matrix. The resulting eccentricity is a measure of the coupling effect between the two oscillation modes. The amounts of radiation damping generated from a single pile and a surface footing are evaluated. In order to compare the damping of a structure on a surface footing and a pile, the notion of static and geometric equivalence is introduced. It is shown that a pile may generate significantly higher radiation damping than an equivalent footing, thus acting as an elementary protective system against seismic action.  相似文献   

Calibration of dynamic analysis methods from field test data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In view of the heterogeneity of natural soil deposits and approximations made in analysis methods, in situ methods of determining soil parameters are highly desirable. The problem of interest here is the nonlinear dynamic behavior of pile foundations. It is shown in this paper that soil parameters needed for simplified dynamic analysis of a single pile may be back-calculated from the dynamic response of the pile measured in the field. A pile was excited by applying a large horizontal dynamic force at the pile-head level, and the response measured. In this paper, two different (simplified) methods of modeling the dynamic response of the pile are considered. One of the methods is based on the Winkler foundation approach, with the spring constant characterized by the so-called nonlinear py springs. The second method is based on the equivalent-linear finite element approach, with the nonlinearity of shear modulus and damping accounted for by employing the so-called degradation relationships. In the latter, the effect of interface nonlinearity is also considered. Starting with best estimates of soil parameters, the experimental data on the response of pile is used to fine-tune the values of the parameters, and thereby, to estimate parameters that are representative of in situ soil conditions.  相似文献   

As the forward directivity and fling effect characteristics of the near-fault ground motions, seismic response of structures in the near field of a rupturing fault can be significantly different from those observed in the far field. The unique characteristics of the near-fault ground motions can cause considerable damage during an earthquake. This paper presents results of a study aimed at evaluating the near-fault and far-fault ground motion effects on nonlinear dynamic response and seismic damage of concrete gravity dams including dam-reservoir-foundation interaction. For this purpose, 10 as-recorded earthquake records which display ground motions with an apparent velocity pulse are selected to represent the near-fault ground motion characteristics. The earthquake ground motions recorded at the same site from other events that the epicenter far away from the site are employed as the far-fault ground motions. The Koyna gravity dam, which is selected as a numerical application, is subjected to a set of as-recorded near-fault and far-fault strong ground motion records. The Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model including the strain hardening or softening behavior is employed in nonlinear analysis. Nonlinear dynamic response and seismic damage analyses of the selected concrete dam subjected to both near-fault and far-fault ground motions are performed. Both local and global damage indices are established as the response parameters. The results obtained from the analyses of the dam subjected to each fault effect are compared with each other. It is seen from the analysis results that the near-fault ground motions, which have significant influence on the dynamic response of dam–reservoir–foundation systems, have the potential to cause more severe damage to the dam body than far-fault ground motions.  相似文献   

地下结构抗震理论分析与试验研究的发展展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前我国在地下结构抗震分析与破坏灾变机理研究中尚存在诸多问题需要解决,在分析总结我国地下结构抗震理论与试验研究的基础上,重点阐述了需要进一步深入研究的六个关键问题:地下结构振动模型试验研究技术,土体非线性动力本构模型,高轴压的地下结构承重构件地震破坏机理,非一致波动输入及非一致波动输入下地下结构的地震反应,饱和砂土液化大变形理论及本构模型,大型三维非线性土-结构动力相互作用分析模型。这些问题的研究和解决对于完善地下结构抗震理论分析方法与试验研究技术,获得大型地下结构在地震作用下的反应规律与破坏灾变机理具有重要的科学意义和工程应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of observation and analysis of the response of one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world to the Hyogoken–Nanbu (Kobe) Earthquake of 17 January 1995. It is determined that interaction of the foundations of the bridge towers with the supporting soil plays a decisive role in the overall structural behaviour. The key factor governing the changes of the soil properties at this site is pore-water pressure buildup, which results in liquefaction of the saturated surface soil layers under large dynamic loads. Models of the soil and structure are created and initially validated by accurately simulating the system response to a small earthquake. Soil parameters reflecting the pore-water pressure buildup in the strong earthquake are determined by an advanced non-linear effective stress analysis, combining the Ramberg–Osgood model of stress–strain dependence with a pore pressure model based on shear work concept. They are utilized to investigate and simulate the interaction of the foundation and the supporting soil using the program SASSI with the flexible volume substructuring approach. The results show a good agreement with the observations and have useful implications to the scientific and engineering practice. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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