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Ground vibrations generated by construction activities can adversely affect the structural health of adjacent buildings and foundations supporting them. Therefore propagation and rate of attenuation of construction induced ground vibrations is important during construction activities, particularly in urban areas where constructions are carried out in the vicinity of existing structures. In practice wave barriers are installed in the ground to mitigate the ground vibration propagation and hence to minimise the effect of ground vibrations on surrounding structures. Different types of fill materials such as bentonite, EPS geofoam and concrete are used in constructing wave barriers. In this study, a three-dimensional finite element model is developed to study the efficiency of different fill materials in attenuating ground vibrations. The model is first verified using data from full scale field experiments, where EPS geofoam has been used as a fill material in wave barriers. Then the same model has been used to evaluate the efficiency of open trenches, water filled wave barriers and EPS geofoam filled wave barriers on attenuation of ground vibrations. EPS geofoam is found to be the most efficient fill material, providing attenuation efficiency closer to open trenches. The efficiency of EPS geofoam and water filled wave barriers can be significantly increased by increasing the depth of the wave barrier.  相似文献   

A new seismic isolation foundation called the periodic foundation is proposed, which can be described as a three-dimensional typical cell consisting of a high density core, a soft coating and a concrete matrix. Utilizing the attenuation zones (AZs) resulted by the periodicity of the foundation, the mechanism of this new seismic isolation system is different from the traditional ones. The seismic waves with the frequencies in the AZs cannot propagate across the foundation. Thus, the seismic responses on the top surface of the periodic foundation can be reduced significantly. In this paper, the dispersion curves of the three-dimensional three-component (3D–3C) periodic foundations are analyzed by the finite element method (FEM). The influencing factors such as physical and geometrical parameters of the typical cell are investigated. In order to verify its feasibility, a three-dimensional (3D) soil-foundation finite element model is analyzed, and the frequency zones of seismic attenuations are consistent with the AZs. The periodic foundation can greatly reduce the seismic response, which implies that the periodic foundation has a great potential application on seismic isolation.  相似文献   


构造应力场往往对地震活动性具有控制作用,应力快速集中的地方常常是地震频繁发生的地方.本文以巴颜喀拉块体及其边界断裂带近20年来的7次中强震为例,结合区域历史地震震源信息、地质背景及GPS等观测数据,利用Monte Carlo方法和库仑-摩尔破裂准则为计算依据,反演该块体的震前初始构造应力场.通过将初始应力场反演中不确定部分限定在一个合理的上下限范围内进行独立的重复性随机试验,并运用统计学方法得到了巴颜喀拉块体1997年玛尼MW7.5地震震前区域初始应力场.计算结果显示:(1)巴颜喀拉块体10 km深度处最大水平主应力方向自西向东呈顺时针旋转趋势,由NS向转变为近EW向,与浅部实测地应力数据、历史地震类型和板块运动方向吻合较好.(2)最大/最小水平主应力和二者差值自西向东均逐渐增加,最大水平主压应力值~400 MPa,最小水平主压应力值~250 MPa.差应力在昆仑山断裂带与阿尔金断裂带交汇处及甘孜—玉树断裂带西段较低(~150 MPa);在昆仑山断裂带东端和甘孜—玉树断裂带的东南段局部地区较高(~220 MPa).


The three-dimensional problem of isolation of vibration by a row of piles is studied numerically on the basis of a model replacing the row of piles by an effective trench in order to reduce the modelling complexity. The analysis is accomplished with the aid of an advanced frequency domain boundary element method, which is used for both the infilled trench and the soil medium in conjunction with a coupling procedure based on enforcement of equilibrium and compatibility at the trench–soil interface. Linear elastic or viscoelastic material behaviour is assumed for both the piles and the soil. The piles can be tubular or solid and have circular or square cross-section. The vibration source is a vertical force, harmonically varying with time, and the row of piles acts as a passive wave barrier. The effective trench model is constructed by invoking well known homogenization techniques used in the mechanics of fibre-reinforced composite materials, and its accuracy is compared against a rigorous boundary element analysis modelling each pile separately in full contact with the soil medium. On the basis of the effective trench model, the screening effectiveness of a row of piles is studied through parametric studies.  相似文献   

Significant research has been reported on the dynamic analysis of pile groups. However, in most of the cases, the effect of pile cap is neglected despite the fact that there may be additional interactions due to the presence of the cap. This paper presents the dynamic impedances for the pile groups with caps embedded in isotropic homogeneous elastic soils. A general three-dimensional finite element procedure is developed. The system is sub-structured into bounded near-field and an unbounded far-field. The pile-soil system of the near-field is modeled using solid finite elements, and the unbounded elastic soil system of the far-field is modeled using the consistent infinitesimal finite element cell method (CIFECM) in the frequency domain.  相似文献   

为了研究汶川地震和鲜水河断裂带上的地震之间是否有触发作用及区域构造加载作用在这些地震发生过程中对应力场的影响.我们以汶川地震和鲜水河断裂带所在区域上的共7次地震为研究对象,区域构造加载作用由GPS速度边界近似,用分裂节点技术模拟上地壳地震的发生,并采用三维黏弹性有限元方法,模拟库仑应力的演化.研究结果表明:鲜水河断裂带上的地震震前积累的库仑应力的17%~38%来自区域构造加载的持续作用,其他的地震形变引起的库仑应力的积累约占49%~67%,故地震触发作用明显(除1948年理塘地震和1973年炉霍地震外);而汶川地震震前1893—1981年发生的地震释放了该区部分库仑应力,不可能对汶川地震有触发作用.汶川地震的库仑应力积累可能主要来自区域构造加载作用,地震发生以后几乎释放了所在区域的所有库仑应力,形成新的格局.  相似文献   


地震波衰减研究是了解岩石圈构造特征的有效方法.本文基于OBS2016-2测线的海底地震仪(OBS)数据, 首次对南海东北部洋陆过渡区域地震波衰减特征进行研究, 通过正演模拟获得该区域二维纵波衰减(QP)结构.结果表明, 下陆坡的上地壳存在一个宽约40 km, 厚度约为4~5 km的高衰减区, 其特征为低纵波和横波速度(VP为5.5~6.3 km·s-1VS为3.1~3.6 km·s-1)以及较低的波速比(VP/VS为1.72~1.80), 对应较低的QP(280~410), 推测与断裂发育有关, 且受到火山活动的影响.洋陆过渡及洋壳区域的上地壳高衰减区具有低QP(300~400)和高VP/VS(1.90~1.96)特征, 可能对应较多的断裂发育及流体运移.洋陆过渡区域下地壳高速异常体表现为相对低的QP(550~600), 对应较高的VP(7.0~7.8 km·s-1)和VS(3.5~3.8 km·s-1)以及较高的VP/VS(1.85~1.96), 推测与蛇纹石化作用有关.蛇纹石化可能进一步增加岩石的孔隙度并导致更多的流体运移, 使得洋陆过渡及洋壳区域存在较高的地震波衰减.QP结构有助于我们分析南海大陆边缘的地震波衰减特征, 结合VPVS以及VP/VS, 可以更好地了解该区域地质结构和岩石属性, 对进一步挖掘OBS数据信息有重要参考价值.


Theoretical calculations indicate that elastic stresses induced by surface topography may be large enough in some landscapes to fracture rocks, which in turn could influence slope stability, erosion rates, and bedrock hydrologic properties. These calculations typically have involved idealized topographic profiles, with few direct comparisons of predicted topographic stresses and observed fractures at specific field sites. We use a numerical model to calculate the stresses induced by measured topographic profiles and compare the calculated stress field with fractures observed in shallow boreholes. The model uses a boundary element method to calculate the stress distribution beneath an arbitrary topographic profile in the presence of ambient tectonic stress. When applied to a topographic profile across the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory in central Pennsylvania, the model predicts where shear fractures would occur based on a Mohr–Coulomb criterion, with considerable differences in profiles of stresses with depth beneath ridgetops and valley floors. We calculate the minimum cohesion required to prevent shear failure, Cmin, as a proxy for the potential for fracturing or reactivation of existing fractures. We compare depth profiles of Cmin with structural analyses of image logs from four boreholes located on the valley floor, and find that fracture abundance declines sharply with depth in the uppermost 15 m of the bedrock, consistent with the modeled profile of Cmin. In contrast, Cmin increases with depth at comparable depths below ridgetops, suggesting that ridgetop fracture abundance patterns may differ if topographic stresses are indeed important. Thus, the present results are consistent with the hypothesis that topography can influence subsurface rock fracture patterns and provide a basis for further observational tests. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

单桩复合地基上块体振动特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用轴对称有限元-无限元耦合模型和现场试验,系统地分析了搅拌桩、碎石桩的长度、直径和波速及其桩身缺陷对单桩复合地基上圆形块体竖向振动速度导纳特性的影响,结果表明块体的低频速度导纳幅值比共振频率更能稳健地反映出复合地基的性状变化。本文研究对进一步完善复合地基动测理论与技术具有参考价值。  相似文献   

A coupled model is developed to investigate the dynamic interaction between an offshore pile, a porous seabed and seawater when subjected to the pseudo-Stoneley wave along the seabed and the seawater interface. The pile and the seabed are treated as the porous medium governed by Biot's theory, while the seawater is considered as an acoustic medium and is described by the conventional Helmholtz equation. The free field solution of the incident pseudo-Stoneley wave is obtained using Biot's theory and the potential method. Based on the boundary element method (BEM) for the porous medium and the acoustic medium, three BEM formulations are constructed for the pile, the seabed and the seawater, respectively, which are combined together using the continuity conditions between the pile, the seabed and the seawater to formulate the coupled model for the system. As shown in numerical examples, when the system is subjected to the pseudo-Stoneley wave, the maximum pore pressure of the seabed usually occurs at the region near the interfaces between the seabed and the seawater.  相似文献   

In this study, a new model is developed for the aseismic design of a periodic viaduct when the pile–soil–structure interaction is considered. To account for the influence of the pile–soil–structure interaction, a wavenumber domain boundary element method (WDBEM) model for the periodic pile row supporting the viaduct is developed using the sequence Fourier transform as well as the boundary element method for the elastic medium. By using the WDBEM model for the pile row, the transfer matrices for the beams and piers, the joint conditions at the beam–beam–pier (BBP) junction as well as the periodicity condition for the viaduct, the wavenumber domain response of the periodic viaduct to spatially harmonic waves is determined. Based on the wavenumber domain response of the viaduct, the space-domain response of the viaduct to an arbitrary seismic wave can be obtained by invoking the inverse sequence Fourier transform method. Numerical results show that when the periodic viaduct is exposed to the spatially harmonic wave, resonances may occur at the bounding frequencies of the passbands of the characteristic waves of the viaduct. Also, it is found that the coincidence between the traveling seismic wave and characteristic waves of the viaduct will generate additional resonant frequencies located in passbands of the characteristic waves.  相似文献   

温度作用是结构设计中不可忽视的作用,如何有效控制温度作用一直是一个重要的课题。近些年,随着建筑和结构的发展,出现越来越多的超长结构和隔震结构。对于超长结构的温度效应有许多学者做过相关的研究,但超长隔震结构的温度效应还研究甚少,温度作用下的结构变形和内力特点还不甚明晰。对超长剪力墙隔震结构的温度效应进行了探讨,利用有限元软件ETABS建立了结构的隔震模型和非隔震模型。通过对比2种模型在季节温差和混凝土收缩当量温差共同作用下的结构变形特点、构件内力和应力大小,分析隔震支座变形量与所在位置关系,发现超长隔震结构较超长非隔震结构,隔震层以上结构由于约束释放在温度作用下接近自由变形。而结构构件的内力和应力大大减小,得出隔震支座能充分消除结构因温度效应产生的不利影响,从而保护结构和构件的结论,对超长隔震结构的温度效应控制提供一定的思路和参考。  相似文献   

考虑区域地质构造差异、主要活动断裂分布特征和地表附加重力影响,建立反映龙门山地区地表起伏和岩石圈分层的三维粘弹性有限元模型。以GPS为约束重建研究区现今构造应力场,依次模拟龙门山地区1900年以来发生的5次M_S 7.0以上地震,从库仑应力和等效应力角度,分析应力场演化对强震的影响以及强震间的相互作用关系。研究结果表明:从库仑应力角度,有3次地震对后续地震有促进作用,其中汶川地震对芦山地震有触发作用;从等效应力角度,有4次地震对后续地震的发生具有加速作用。  相似文献   

A series of effective stress analyses is carried out on the seismic performance of river dikes based on the case histories during the 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-oki and 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu earthquakes in Japan. Seven case histories selected for the analyses involve a crest settlement ranging from none to 2.7 m in the dikes 3–6 m high with evidence of liquefaction at foundation soil. The effective stress model used is based on a multiple shear mechanism and was developed by one of the authors. The soil parameters are evaluated based on the site investigation and laboratory test results. The results of the analyses are basically consistent with the observed performance of the river dikes. In particular, the effective stress model shows a reasonable capability to reproduce the varying degree of settlements depending on the geotechnical conditions of foundation soils beneath the dikes. The analyses also indicate that the effect of a cohesive soil layer mixed with the liquefiable sand layers beneath the dikes can be a primary factor for reducing the liquefaction-induced deformation of dikes.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been few researches and analysis published on the seismic activity and stress state in Shandong segment of Tanlu fault zone using digital seismological methods such as seismic apparent stress, focal mechanism solution and so on. In this paper, source parameters such as focal mechanism solutions and apparent stress are calculated using the waveform data of ML≥1 moderate-small earthquakes in Shandong segment of Tanlu fault zone recorded by Shandong digital seismic network since 2007. According to focal mechanism solutions, a statistical analysis is done on the focal dislocation types in the study area using triangle graphical method, and the results show that the faulting in this area is mainly of strike-slip mechanism, and there are less thrust and normal mechanism. Calculation with the mean stress tensor method illustrates that the direction of mean principle stress of Shandong segment of Tanlu fault zone is NEE-SWW, which is the result of the combined effect of the subduction of West Pacific plate and the extrusion of Indian plate to Eurasian plate; the small dip angle indicates that the mode of action of stress is nearly horizontal, and the direction of principal stress axis is nearly perpendicular to the Tanlu fault zone. Under the action of such compressive stress field, dislocation is not likely to occur and the stress accumulation is enhanced on both sides of the fault. The apparent stress is calculated using the source spectral parameters method. Apparent stress has positive correlation with the magnitude and increases with the increased magnitude. So we get apparent stress difference by subtracting the empirical fitting value from the apparent stress. By removing the impact of magnitude, and according to the temporal-spatial evolution image of apparent stress difference, we found that the apparent stress in Shandong segment of Tanlu fault zone generally has a trend of decrease starting from the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, and the spatial distribution of apparent stress in the region is very uneven. Combined with the spatial distribution of b values, the result shows that high stress is mainly located in Anqiu segment and Tancheng-Juxian segment, especially in Anqiu segment where small magnitude earthquakes appeared accompanying with the high stress. Low b-value means high stress and low frequency means low stress release, which indicates that Anqiu segment might accumulate higher stress and is at the fault locking stage. The research will provide new data for better understanding the present active feature and stress state of the Shandong segment of the Tanlu fault zone.  相似文献   

工程结构三维疲劳裂纹最大应力强度因子计算   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了裂纹的类型、裂纹尖端应力场的奇异性。以一维问题为例,推导论证了奇异单元能够很好的反映裂纹尖端应力场的奇异性。应力强度因子一般表达式表明应力强度因子与载荷呈线性关系,并依赖于物体和裂纹的几何形状和尺寸。本文借助大型通用有限元软件ANSYS,采用位移外插法计算了三维表面裂纹前沿不同位置处的应力强度因子,并与《应力强度因子手册》基于实验的理论公式计算结果相比较。结果表明:有限元结果与理论解误差较小,裂纹最深处应力强度因子最大。  相似文献   

广东地区现代构造应力场的模拟计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用已知的断裂边界条件、区内震源机制解、小震应力降和环境应力场等资料作为基本数据,建立地质模型和计算模型,用有限元方法模拟计算了华南地区的现代地壳构造应力场.初步得到了本区的外力作用方式、断裂活动情况、应力集中状况、区应力场分布状况,为划分地震危险区段提供了依据.  相似文献   

Introduction Earthquakes are excited by dislocations of rocks, which are generated once the stresses on two sides of rocks accumulate to a certain extent. Numerical simulations and rock mechanics ex-periments are two important avenues to explore the rupture processes of seismic faults. Several methods are widely used in numerical simulations, such as the boundary element method (BEM), (Das and Aki, 1977; Fukuyama and Madariaga, 1995, 1998), the finite difference method (FDM), (Madariaga, 1…  相似文献   

Introduction The Great North China, located at longitude 106E to 124E and latitude 31N to 42N, in-cludes three secondary active tectonic blocks, Ordos, Yanshan and North China plain (Figure 1). The geological tectonics of these three secondary blocks is much different from each other. As a stable block with high rigidity, the Ordos block is mostly surrounded by down-faulted basins with an inactive interior since Cenozoic, although the fault zones along its boundary are strongly active wi…  相似文献   

本文对数值模拟方法(主要针对有限单元法)在应力场演化及地震科学中的应用和发展做了回顾与总结,主要包括构造应力场模拟、地震活动性模拟、地震危险性模拟等部分,并对数值模拟方法的发展趋势、方法的优势及其所存在的主要问题做了探讨.  相似文献   

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