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2001年全球重大气候事件概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓燕 《气象》2002,28(4):25-28
全球气候仍持续偏暖。亚洲大部出现异常冷冬,许多地区遇到数十年未见的风雪严寒;美国冬季也连续遭受暴风雪袭击。东亚、南亚、中亚有西亚发生了大范围的持久干旱,南亚、东南亚夏季暴雨频繁,造成严重洪涝灾害。欧洲、非洲及南美洲的许多国家和地区降水异常偏多,导致不同程度的洪水,俄罗斯西伯利亚地区发生百年不遇的大洪水。北大西洋飓风较常年显著偏多,西北太平洋台风也给沿海地区带来严重灾害。  相似文献   

徐夏囡  郭肖容 《大气科学》1978,2(3):258-262
1977年1月,北半球出现大范围异常天气,东亚和北美持续严寒。我国大部地区连续降温,东部和南部广大地区1月的月平均气温比常年同期偏低3—4℃,不少地区的极端最低气温创建国以来的历史记录。在美国,1月分曾遭受了几十年来少有的强寒潮袭击,不少城市出现了有气象记录以来气温的最低值。相反,阿拉斯加和东西伯利亚地区以及冻岛和格陵兰南部地区却温暖异常。这种半球性的大范围异常天气是由北半球大型环流异常所决定。最突出的现象是在极圈内对流层各高度上建立了强盛稳定的极地高气压,它从1月9日建立至2月13日消失,维持35天。在北半球极地对流层一般是由一个极地气旋性涡旋控制,有时候北极可以出现反气旋,但不能持久。这次极地高气压(简称  相似文献   

厄尔尼诺事件对辽宁气候的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
厄尔尼诺是指赤道东太平洋海表温度异常升高的现象,当该现象发生时,尤其是秘鲁沿岸的海温异常增暖,会导致热带大范围降水区的位移,太平洋东、西部大范围出现区域性的洪涝和干旱。大气环流的异常还会影响到中高纬地区,使世界上许多地区出现大范围气候异常,对社会和经济建设有巨大的影响,是目前公认的影响全球大气环流和世界气候的强信号。  相似文献   

厄尔尼诺是指赤道东太平洋海表温度异常升高的现象,当该现象发生时,尤其是秘鲁沿岸的海温异常增暖,会导致热带大范围降水区的位移,太平洋东、西部大范围出现区域性的洪涝和干旱。大气环流的异常还会影响到中高纬地区,使世界上许多地区出现大范围气候异常,对社会和经济建设有巨大的影响,是目前公认的影响全球大气环流和世界气候的强信号。关于厄尔尼诺事件对我国及东北地区气候的影响,国内已有不少研究和明确结论,但对辽宁气候的影响研究不是很多。本文试图在厄尔尼诺对辽宁夏季气候影响分析的基础上,通过对厄尔尼诺发生特征进行分…  相似文献   

兰晓青  陈文 《大气科学》2013,37(4):863-872
利用NCEP-NCAR 再分析资料分析了2011~2012 年冬季发生在欧亚大陆的一次异常低温严寒事件的大气环流演变过程以及可能的成因。这次低温事件,主要出现在2012 年1 月下旬至2 月上旬,持续大约3 周左右,非常强的低温异常覆盖了几乎整个欧洲以及东亚的西伯利亚、蒙古国和我国东北、华北等地。这次低温事件的演变与对流层北极涛动(AO)由正位相转变为负位相的时间相匹配,意味着AO 可能发挥重要作用。进一步分析表明,前期行星波的异常上传导致平流层发生爆发性增温现象,极夜急流减弱,AO 位相首先在平流层由正变负;在2~3 周左右的时间内,平流层AO 异常信号逐渐下传,使得对流层AO 也转为负位相;随后,乌拉尔山阻塞高压异常发展,极区的冷空气不断向南爆发,先后在东亚和欧洲造成剧烈的降温,导致低温严寒事件。因此,考虑平流层环流的异常可能有助于提高欧亚大陆冬季低温严寒事件的预测能力。  相似文献   

李灿  张礼平  吴义城  冯明 《湖北气象》2010,29(2):142-147
根据南方极端雨雪冰冻过程的定义,确定1964、1969、1977、1984、2008年的强降水、降温过程为南方极端雨雪冰冻过程。对发生在EINino/LaNina事件之后的南方极端雨雪冰冻过程的分析表明:EINino/LaNina是造成中国东部1月降水异常的一个主要原因,但不能解释气温异常。前一年秋季热带中东太平洋发生暖事件时,利于1月降水黄河流域偏少,长江以南偏多,而发生冷事件时,则利于1月降水黄河流域偏多,长江以南偏少。南方极端雨雪冰冻过程期间对流层低层和高层矢量风距平场表明:发生月对流层低层在1977、1984年南方极端雨雪冰冻过程中,北太平洋出现大范围气旋环流异常,中国长江中下游及以南至菲律宾出现气旋环流异常,长江中下游及以南为东风距平控制。1964、1969、2008年北太平洋出现大范围反气旋环流异常,中国长江中下游及以南出现大片偏南风距平。其共同点是均存在洋面上空暖湿空气向长江中下游及以南地区的输送。南方极端雨雪冰冻过程的前一年11月北太平洋无一例外地出现大范围气旋环流异常,发生月对流层高层副热带西风急流在中国黄海至日本一带较常年都有不同程度的偏强。  相似文献   

2008年1月我国大范围低温雨雪冰冻灾害分析   总被引:71,自引:5,他引:71  
2008年1月10日至2月初,我国发生了大范围低温雨雪冰冻灾害,其主要特征为灾害范围广、灾害强度大、连续低温时间长、雨雪持续时间长、冰冻日数多和灾害损失严重.为今后更好地开展此类事件的短期气候预测业务,作者从气候角度分析了这次灾害的可能成因.分析表明,2007年8月发生至今的拉尼娜事件发展非常迅速,其所造成的大气环流异常是导致我国大范围持续低温雨雪冰冻灾害的重要原因.在1月,乌拉尔山地区位势高度场异常偏高、中亚至蒙古国西部直到俄罗斯远东地区位势高度场偏低的环流异常持续时间很长,非常有利于冷空气不断分裂南下;西太平洋副热带高压异常偏北,有利于大量暖湿空气向我国输送,并决定了低温暴雪冻雨灾害发生的区域;青藏高原南缘的南支槽异常稳定活跃,有利于来自印度洋和孟加拉湾的暖湿气流沿云贵高原不断向我国输送.为我国长江中下游及其南部地区的强降雪天气提供了更加充足的水汽来源.分析还表明,1月中旬以来,湖南、贵州等地逆温层不断加强并长时间维持是上述地区大范围冻雨持续出现的主要原因.  相似文献   

1997年全球重大气候事件概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓燕 《气象》1998,24(4):22-25
近年来,全球气候持续偏暖,1997年又成为一个多世纪以来最暖的一年。年内赤道中、东太平洋发生了一次本世纪最强的厄尔尼诺事件,全球气候受到重大影响,特别是热带地区出现了大范围的气候异常,高温干旱、暴雨洪水事件此起彼伏,连续不断,造成严重灾害。欧洲、北美前冬和春季严寒多雪;欧洲夏季暴雨频繁,中欧发生了百年不遇的特大洪水;中国北部和朝鲜出现罕见的持续高温干旱天气;美国和加拿大边境地区发生了一百多年来最严  相似文献   

本文采用1985~2015年美国气象环境预报中心及能源部(NCEP/DOE)再分析以及美国国家海洋大气管理局(NOAA)海温(SST)等资料,基于大范围SST异常的确定规则,在北太平洋区域选取了8个暖事件,采用跟随SST异常中心的动态合成方法,研究分析了冬季北太平洋生命史为50天左右的大范围SST暖异常在其盛期前后的月内尺度海气结构特征。结果表明:(1)大范围SST暖异常前期主要表现为大气对海洋的强迫作用,后期则主要表现为海洋对大气的强迫作用。(2)SST暖异常伴随的大气结构在前后期发生了明显的转变,前期SST暖异常上空伴随着相当正压的偶极型气压异常(即东北侧为异常高压而西南侧为异常低压),对应大气偏东风异常。后期SST暖异常区北侧上空伴随着相当正压的低压异常,南侧为弱高压异常,对应大气偏西风异常。(3)在SST暖异常后期大气出现了气旋式环流异常响应,这主要是因为高频瞬变涡旋反馈强迫在起关键作用,且瞬变涡度的强迫作用是主要贡献因子。(4)海流结构在前后期也发生了明显的转变,前期海洋动力过程不利于维持SST暖异常,后期异常暖平流和异常下沉流均有助于维持SST暖异常及其对大气的影响。  相似文献   

2012年初欧洲遭受了严重的低温严寒天气。分析表明:从对流层低层到高层持续的大气环流异常与此次严寒天气有着密切的联系,1、2月出现的北极涛动(AO)的强负异常是造成此次欧洲严寒天气的主要原因。AO负异常导致北大西洋副高异常偏强、偏东和偏北,使得暖湿空气沿副高北侧流向北极地区,极大减弱了欧洲暖湿空气的来源;同时使乌拉尔山高压强度偏强,位置偏西偏北,有利于上游偏强、偏北的大西洋副高的维持,并加强了极区冷空气南下西进,造成了南欧地区的严寒天气。AO负异常引起的地中海低压槽的加深,为北方冷空气的南下创造了有利条件,也使冷暖空气在地中海北岸交汇,从而导致亚平宁半岛和巴尔干半岛的暴雪天气。虽然La Nia事件对这次严寒天气也有一定的贡献,但AO负异常对这次严寒天气的作用远远大于La Nia事件的作用。  相似文献   

南北半球大气环流与气候的相互作用   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
本文研究了冬半球大气环流对夏半球热带气旋及降水的影响。发现近百年北大西洋、北太平洋、北印度洋热带气旋数的变化分别与南大西洋高压、澳洲高压以及南印度洋高压的强弱有明显的关系。南半球澳洲附近、南太平洋、南印度洋的热带气旋数的变化与北半球亚洲大陆的冷空气活动有密切的联系。 冬半球的环流对夏半球降水的影响也很显著。我国旱涝与澳洲高压强度相关密切,而南半球印尼及澳洲附近的降水则与北半球西伯利亚高压的强度和位置的变化有较密切的联系。 在两个半球的相互作用中,冬半球经常处于主动的地位,而夏半球的气候则深受其影响。并且在东亚到澳洲一带这种两个半球间的作用最为活跃。  相似文献   

The region of south China is sometimes subject to major climatic catastrophes in winter. To have a clear understanding, the time in which extremely severe cold months occur in the south China wintertime over the past 45 years are determined and characteristics of the 500-hPa geopotential fields and SST fields are studied for the simultaneous and preceding 6-month periods. Similarity exists in the 500-hPa geopotential fields between each current severely cold month, with the geopotential pattern of being high in the north, but low in the south, of Asian-Pacific region and meridional circulation developing. The work presents anomalies of the months with significant differences in the 500-hPa geopotential field of the previous periods. The SSTA is continuous in the distribution from each extremely severe cold winter month back to the 6 months leading up to it for the region of south China while the SST pattern is of El Ni?o in January and the preceding 1 ~ 6 months for equatorial eastern Pacific but of La Ni?a in February and December. It is concluded that the prediction of severely cold winter months are possible with the use of the geopotential field at 500 hPa and the SST fields for the months ahead of the target time.  相似文献   

The study of the winter temperatures, averaged from the records of 11 observatories in the Da Hinggan Mountains and its western areas in China (DHM-WA), identified 11 extremely cold (≤???1.5 °C) and 13 extremely warm winters (≥?+?1.5 °C) during the past 60 years (1951–2010). The winters of 2011 and 2012 are another two extremely cold events. Aimed at exploring the climate causes, a comprehensive investigation is carried out on variations of some major atmospheric circulation components. Additionally, opposite circulation regimes are verified by examining the mean 500-hPa circulation patterns and sea level pressure (SLP) corresponding to 14 warm and 18 cold sea surface temperature (SST) phases over the North India Ocean (NIO) during the period of 1951–2010. Composite of an extremely cold winter usually includes a large and strong Siberian High, a deep East Asian trough to the west, an small and weak western Pacific Subtropical High to the east, a large North Polar vortex and a weakened westerly stream over Eurasia continent accompanied by a strong meridional winds from the polar region to lower latitude. Moreover, it has been found that a favorable circulation condition associated with the extremely cold winters to DHM-WA is mainly controlled by the SST over NIO in the previous warm season (June–September); This is primarily related to changes in the intensity of the Walker and Anti-Walker circulations, which subsequently influence the major circulation components and result in an extremely cold winter in DHM-WA.  相似文献   

海南岛冬季低温冷害的气候特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈敏  陈晖 《气象》1999,25(3):39-43
分析表明,海南岛冬半年日际气温的变化幅度很大,平均气温很难表征海南岛冬季“冷”的气候特征,从冬季农作物生长角度出发,统计了海南岛(以海口为例)发生低温冷害的气候概率,提出海南岛存在的“相对的冬季”进一步,引进“冷指数”替代平均气温来表征海南岛冬季的“冷”,对冷指数的主要成分分析表明:(1)以五指山脉为界,海南岛南,北两区在冬季存在明显的冷暖差异,山北地区发生低温冷害的气候概率明显大于山南地区,在科  相似文献   

2001年兰州地区春季沙尘暴天气的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2 0 0 1年 4月 ,兰州地区连续出现了两次区域性强沙尘暴天气。文中从天气概况、气候背景、地面和高空环流形势等方面 ,对两次沙尘暴天气进行了分析。结果表明 ,两次沙尘暴天气过程是在同样的大尺度环流背景下产生的 ,都是由冷锋后偏北大风引起的。但由于造成两次沙尘暴天气的冷空气强度、锋区南压程度、冷空气移动路径等不同 ,因此造成两次沙尘暴天气影响范围、强度也有所不同。同时 ,兰州地区 2 0 0 1年冬季气温异常偏高 ,春季降水偏少以及本地区特殊的地理、地形环境 ,加剧了大风、沙尘暴的出现频次和强度。通过分析 ,初步总结出了此类天气的预报思路和要点。  相似文献   

东亚冬季风环流异常与中国江淮流域夏季旱涝天气的关系   总被引:66,自引:5,他引:66  
孙淑清  孙柏民 《气象学报》1995,53(4):440-450
选取1951—1991年中的长江淮河流域夏季旱涝各10年,对它们前期的中高纬大型环流形势,低纬环流特征,垂直环流强弱,热带海洋状况等进行了对比诊断分析,其结果如下:长江淮河流域夏季旱年前冬(12—1—2月),欧亚中高纬呈经向型环流,东亚大槽较常年强且南伸,乌拉尔山及鄂霍次克海阻塞形势发展,寒潮活动频繁,东亚沿海中低纬冷涌活动强烈,至使该经度带上的跨赤道气流加强,而且使南海至菲律宾地区的对流活动趋于活跃。而涝年前冬则基本上为相反形势。本文的分析清晰地揭示了旱涝年前冬东亚冬季风环流存在着明显的差别,促使我们寻找冬夏季风活动的可能联系及物理机制。  相似文献   

Models of the climatic perturbation caused by a large scale extraterrestrial impact predict an injection of dust into the stratosphere. This would cause the onset of environmental conditions whose two principal characteristics are a prolonged period of darkness and reduced global temperatures. Similar scenarios follow large scale volcanic eruptions, wildfires and they are predicted for a nuclear winter following a protracted nuclear exchange. A significant drop in temperature and solar insolation are also characteristics of the polar winter. In this paper the onset and emergence from the polar winter is examined as a potential biological framework for studying immediate biological effects following transition into and out of a dark/cold catastrophe. Limitations of the conceptual model, particularly with respect to the fact that polar organisms are well adapted to a regular and severe dark/cold climatic change (which the rest of the Earth's biota is not) are discussed. The model has implications for the poles as an extinction refuge during such climatic changes.  相似文献   


We analyzed the relationship between an index of Great Lakes winter severity (winters 1950–1998) and atmospheric circulation characteristics. Classification and Regression Tree analysis methods allowed us to develop a simple characterization of warm, normal and cold winters in terms of teleconnection indices and their combinations. Results are presented in the form of decision trees. The single most important classifier for warm winters was the Polar/Eurasian index (POL). A majority of warm winters (12 out of 15) occurred when this index was substantially positive (POL > 0.23). There were no cold winters when this condition was in place. Warm winters are associated with a positive phase of the Western Pacific pattern and El Niño events in the equatorial Pacific. The association between cold winters and La Niña events was much weaker. Thus, the effect of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on severity of winters in the Great Lakes basin is not symmetric. The structure of the relationship between the index of winter severity and teleconnection indices is more complex for cold winters than for warm winters. It takes two or more indices to successfully classify cold winters. In general, warm winters are characterized by a predominantly zonal type of atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere (type W1). Within this type of circulation it is possible to distinguish two sub‐types, W2 and W3. Sub‐type W2 is characterized by a high‐pressure cell over North America, which is accompanied by enhanced cyclonic activity over the eastern North Pacific. Due to a broad southerly “anomalous” flow, surface air temperatures (SATs) are above normal almost everywhere over the continent. During the W3 sub‐type, the polar jet stream over North America, instead of forming a typical ridge‐trough pattern, is almost entirely zonal, thus effectively blocking an advection of cold Arctic air to the south. Cold winters tend to occur when the atmospheric circulation is more meridional (type C1). As with warm winters, there are two sub‐types of circulation, C2 and C3. In the case of C2, the jet stream loops southward over the western part of North America, but its northern excursion over the eastern part is suppressed. In this situation, the probability of a cold winter is higher for Lake Superior than for the lower Great Lakes. Sub‐type C3 is characterized by an amplification of the climatological ridge over the Rockies and the trough over the East Coast. The strongest negative SAT anomalies are located south of the Great Lakes basin, so that the probability of a cold winter is higher for the lower Great Lakes than for Lake Superior.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the contrasts between strong and weak Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) activity over the equatorial western Pacific during winter using the NCEP reanalysis data. It is shown that the MJO over the equatorial western Pacific in winter shows significant interannual and interdecadal variabilities. During the winters with strong MJO activity, an anomalous cyclonic circulation lies east of the Philippines, strong anomalous easterlies control the equatorial eastern Pacific, and anomalous westerlies extend from the Indian Ocean to the western Pacific in the lower troposphere, which strengthens the convergence and convection over the equatorial western Pacific. The moisture convergence in the lower troposphere is also enhanced over the western Pacific, which is favorable to the activity of MJO. Eastward propagation is a significant feature of the MJO, though there is some westward propagation. The space-time spectral power and center period of the MJO are higher during strong MJO activity winters. The anomalous activity of MJO is closely related to the sea surface temperature (SST) and East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). During strong MJO activity winters, there are positive/negative anomalies at high/low latitudes in both sea level pressure and 500 hPa geopotential height, and the temperature is lower over the central part of the Chinese mainland, which indicates a strong EAWM. China experiences more rainfall between the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, but less rainfall south of the Yangtze River. The SSTA is negative near the Taiwan Island due to the impact of strong EAWM and shows a La Ni?a pattern anomaly over the eastern Pacific. During the weak MJO activity winters, the situation is reversed.  相似文献   

基于1961—2020年山东省122站逐月平均气温资料、NOAA逐月海表温度资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析大气环流资料,对山东强弱冷暖冬年进行了划分,分析了ENSO对山东冬季气温变化的影响.结果表明:山东冬季气温上升趋势明显,在20世纪80年代中期由偏冷阶段进入偏暖阶段,近年波动明显;去趋势项后,59 a中出现4个强...  相似文献   

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