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针对如何对由信号畸变导致的伪距偏差数据快速准确地进行判断分类这个问题,该文进行了分析研究,提出采用聚类分析中的K-medoids算法展开伪距偏差特性研究,实现信号畸变导致的伪距偏差自动判别.通过对实际观测数据的分析比较可以看出,引入聚类分析方法实现伪距偏差的自动判别比仅按照接收机厂商、接收机模型划分伪距偏差更加符合实际情况.由信号畸变导致的伪距偏差在全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)精密数据处理中至关重要,会对精密单点定位精度和收敛性能、电离层延迟提取等产生影响.随着卫星导航系统以及GNSS跟踪网的建设与完善,海量的基准站及丰富的接收机类型为GNSS精密处理带来了更多的挑战.引入聚类分析方法实现了伪距偏差的自动判别,对于卫星导航精密数据处理性能具有重要的意义. 相似文献
Weiwei Song Wenting Yi Yidong Lou Chuang Shi Yibin Yao Yanyan Liu Yong Mao Yu Xiang 《GPS Solutions》2014,18(3):323-333
GLONASS carrier phase and pseudorange observations suffer from inter-channel biases (ICBs) because of frequency division multiple access (FDMA). Therefore, we analyze the effect of GLONASS pseudorange inter-channel biases on the GLONASS clock corrections. Different Analysis Centers (AC) eliminate the impact of GLONASS pseudorange ICBs in different ways. This leads to significant differences in the satellite and AC-specific offsets in the GLONASS clock corrections. Satellite and AC-specific offset differences are strongly correlated with frequency. Furthermore, the GLONASS pseudorange ICBs also leads to day-boundary jumps in the GLONASS clock corrections for the same analysis center between adjacent days. This in turn will influence the accuracy of the combined GPS/GLONASS precise point positioning (PPP) at the day-boundary. To solve these problems, a GNSS clock correction combination method based on the Kalman filter is proposed. During the combination, the AC-specific offsets and the satellite and AC-specific offsets can be estimated. The test results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed clock combination method. The combined clock corrections can effectively weaken the influence of clock day-boundary jumps on combined GPS/GLONASS kinematic PPP. Furthermore, these combined clock corrections can improve the accuracy of the combined GPS/GLONASS static PPP single-day solutions when compared to the accuracy of each analysis center alone. 相似文献
GLONASS pseudorange inter-channel biases and their effects on combined GPS/GLONASS precise point positioning 总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1
Combined GPS/GLONASS precise point positioning (PPP) can obtain a more precise and reliable position than GPS PPP. However, because of frequency division multiple access, GLONASS carrier phase and pseudorange observations suffer from inter-channel biases (ICBs) which will influence the accuracy and convergence speed of combined GPS/GLONASS PPP. With clear understanding of the characteristics of carrier phase ICBs, we estimated undifferenced GLONASS pseudorange ICBs for 133 receivers from five manufacturers and analyzed their characteristics. In general, pseudorange ICBs corresponding to the same firmware have strong correlations. The ICB values of two receivers with the same firmware may be different because of different antenna types, and their differences are closely related to frequency. Pseudorange ICBs should be provided for each satellite to obtain more precise ICBs as the pseudorange ICBs may vary even on the same frequency. For the solutions of standard point positioning (SPP), after pseudorange ICB calibration, the mean root mean square (RMS) improvements of GLONASS SPP reach up to 57, 48, and 53 % for the East, North, and Up components, while combined GPS/GLONASS SPP reach up to 27, 17, and 23 %, respectively. The combined GPS/GLONASS PPP after pseudorange ICB calibration evidently improved the convergence speed, and the mean RMS of PPP improved by almost 50 % during the convergence period. 相似文献
As a first step towards studying the ionosphere with the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), leveling the phase to the code geometry-free observations on an arc-by-arc basis yields the ionospheric observables, interpreted as a combination of slant total electron content along with satellite and receiver differential code biases (DCB). The leveling errors in the ionospheric observables may arise during this procedure, which, according to previous studies by other researchers, are due to the combined effects of the code multipath and the intra-day variability in the receiver DCB. In this paper we further identify the short-term temporal variations of receiver differential phase biases (DPB) as another possible cause of leveling errors. Our investigation starts by the development of a method to epoch-wise estimate between-receiver DPB (BR-DPB) employing (inter-receiver) single-differenced, phase-only GNSS observations collected from a pair of receivers creating a zero or short baseline. The key issue for this method is to get rid of the possible discontinuities in the epoch-wise BR-DPB estimates, occurring when satellite assigned as pivot changes. Our numerical tests, carried out using Global Positioning System (GPS, US GNSS) and BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS, Chinese GNSS) observations sampled every 30 s by a dedicatedly selected set of zero and short baselines, suggest two major findings. First, epoch-wise BR-DPB estimates can exhibit remarkable variability over a rather short period of time (e.g. 6 cm over 3 h), thus significant from a statistical point of view. Second, a dominant factor driving this variability is the changes of ambient temperature, instead of the un-modelled phase multipath. 相似文献
GLONASS precise point positioning (PPP) performance is affected by the inter-frequency biases (IFBs) due to the application of frequency division multiple access technique. In this contribution, the impact of GLONASS pseudorange IFBs on convergence performance and positioning accuracy of GLONASS-only and GPS + GLONASS PPP based on undifferenced and uncombined observation models is investigated. Through a re-parameterization process, the following four pseudorange IFB handling schemes were proposed: neglecting IFBs, modeling IFBs as a linear or quadratic polynomial function of frequency number, and estimating IFBs for each GLONASS satellite. One week of GNSS observation data from 132 International GNSS Service stations was selected to investigate the contribution of simultaneous estimation of GLONASS pseudorange IFBs on GLONASS-only and combined GPS + GLONASS PPP in both static and kinematic modes. The results show that considering IFBs can speed up the convergence of PPP using GLONASS observations by more than 20%. Apart from GLONASS-only kinematic PPP, the positioning accuracy of GLONASS-only and GPS + GLONASS PPP is comparable among the four schemes. Overall, the scheme of estimating IFBs for each GLONASS satellite outperforms the other schemes in both convergence time reduction and positioning accuracy improvement, which indicates that the GLONASS IFBs may not strictly obey a linear or quadratic function relationship with the frequency number. 相似文献
In global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), the problem of retrieving clock-phase biases from network data has a basic rank defect. We analyse the different ways of removing this rank defect, and define a particular strategy for obtaining these phase biases in a standard form. The minimum-constrained problem to be solved in the least-squares (LS) sense depends on some integer vector which can be fixed in an arbitrary manner. We propose to solve the problem via an undifferenced approach based on the notion of closure ambiguity. We present a theoretical justification of this closure-ambiguity approach (CAA), and the main elements for a practical implementation. The links with other methods are also established. We analyse all those methods in a unified interpretative framework, and derive functional relations between the corresponding solutions and our CAA solution. This could be interesting for many GNSS applications like real-time kinematic PPP for instance. To compare the methods providing LS estimates of clock-phase biases, we define a particular solution playing the role of reference solution. For this solution, when a phase bias is estimated for the first time, its fractional part is confined to the one-cycle width interval centred on zero; the integer-ambiguity set is modified accordingly. Our theoretical study is illustrated with some simple and generic examples; it could have applications in data processing of most GNSS networks, and particularly global networks using GPS, Glonass, Galileo, or BeiDou/Compass satellites. 相似文献
Robustness of GNSS integer ambiguity resolution in the presence of atmospheric biases 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Both the underlying model strength and biases are two crucial factors for successful integer GNSS ambiguity resolution (AR) in real applications. In some cases, the biases can be adequately parameterized and an unbiased model can be formulated. However, such parameterization will, as trade-off, reduce the model strength as compared to the model in which the biases are ignored. The AR performance with the biased model may therefore be better than with the unbiased model, if the biases are sufficiently small. This would allow for faster AR using the biased model, after which the unbiased model can be used to estimate the remaining unknown parameters. We assess the bias-affected AR performance in the presence of tropospheric and ionospheric biases and compare it with the unbiased case. As a result, the maximum allowable biases are identified for different situations where CORS, static and kinematic baseline models are considered with different model settings. Depending on the size of the maximum allowable bias, a user may decide to use the biased model for AR or to use the unbiased model both for AR and estimating the other unknown parameters. 相似文献
Integer ambiguity resolution (IAR) is the key to fast and precise GNSS positioning and navigation. Next to the positioning parameters, however, there are several other types of GNSS parameters that are of importance for a range of different applications like atmospheric sounding, instrumental calibrations or time transfer. As some of these parameters may still require pseudo-range data for their estimation, their response to IAR may differ significantly. To infer the impact of ambiguity resolution on the parameters, we show how the ambiguity-resolved double-differenced phase data propagate into the GNSS parameter solutions. For that purpose, we introduce a canonical decomposition of the GNSS network model that, through its decoupled and decorrelated nature, provides direct insight into which parameters, or functions thereof, gain from IAR and which do not. Next to this qualitative analysis, we present for the GNSS estimable parameters of geometry, ionosphere, timing and instrumental biases closed-form expressions of their IAR precision gains together with supporting numerical examples. 相似文献
在传统GPS-RTK GNSS接收机基础上研究以嵌入式Linux为操作系统,兼容CDMA 3G数据链的智能RTK GNSS接收机的关键技术及创新性.智能型RTK GNSS接收机采用当前最成熟的3G技术,配合Linux系统强大的网络功能,不仅可以高效传输差分数据,还可以完成远程数据采集、图形显示、数据下载上传等功能.可以预见,智能RTK GNSS接收机在现代测量作业中将拥有一个无限开阔的市场前景和潜在效益. 相似文献
本文对目前国际上所有的GPS伪距单点定位算法,即线性最小二乘法、非线性最小二乘法、格网搜索法、kleus法的基本原理及程序实现步骤进行了阐述,并从算法的可靠性、准确性及作业效率等方面进行了综合比较分析。 相似文献
GLONASS ambiguity resolution (AR) between inhomogeneous stations requires correction of inter-frequency phase biases (IFPBs) (a “station” here is an integral ensemble of a receiver, an antenna, firmware, etc.). It has been elucidated that IFPBs as a linear function of channel numbers are not physical in nature, but actually originate in differential code-phase biases (DCPBs). Although IFPBs have been prevalently recognized, an unanswered question is whether IFPBs and DCPBs are equivalent in enabling GLONASS AR. Besides, general strategies for the DCPB estimation across a large network of heterogeneous stations are still under investigation within the GNSS community, such as whether one DCPB per receiver type (rather than individual stations) suffices, as tentatively suggested by the IGS (International GNSS Service), and what accuracy we are able to and ought to achieve for DCPB products. In this study, we review the concept of DCPBs and point out that IFPBs are only approximate derivations from DCPBs, and are potentially problematic if carrier-phase hardware biases differ by up to several millimeters across frequency channels. We further stress the station and observable specific properties of DCPBs which cannot be thoughtlessly ignored as conducted conventionally. With 212 days of data from 200 European stations, we estimated DCPBs per stations by resolving ionosphere-free ambiguities of \(\sim \)5.3 cm wavelengths, and compared them to the presumed truth benchmarks computed directly with L1 and L2 data on ultra-short baselines. On average, the accuracy of our DCPB products is around 0.7 ns in RMS. According to this uncertainty estimates, we could unambiguously confirm that DCPBs can typically differ substantially by up to 30 ns among receivers of identical types and over 10 ns across different observables. In contrast, a DCPB error of more than 6 ns will decrease the fixing rate of ionosphere-free ambiguities by over 20 %, due to their smallest frequency spacing and highest sensitivity to DCPB errors. Therefore, we suggest that (1) the rigorous DCPB model should be implemented instead of the classic, but inaccurate IFPB model; (2) DCPBs of sub-ns accuracy can be achieved over a large network by efficiently resolving ionosphere-free ambiguities; (3) DCPBs should be estimated and applied on account of their station and observable specific properties, especially for ambiguities of short wavelengths. 相似文献
An analytical study on the carrier-phase linear combinations for triple-frequency GNSS 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The linear combinations of multi-frequency carrier-phase measurements for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are greatly beneficial to improving the performance of ambiguity resolution (AR), cycle slip correction as well as precise positioning. In this contribution, the existing definitions of the carrier-phase linear combination are reviewed and the integer property of the resulting ambiguity of the phase linear combinations is examined. The general analytical method for solving the optimal integer linear combinations for all triple-frequency GNSS is presented. Three refined triple-frequency integer combinations solely determined by the frequency values are introduced, which are the ionosphere-free (IF) combination that the Sum of its integer coefficients equal to 0 (IFS0), the geometry-free (GF) combination that the Sum of its integer coefficients equal to 0 (GFS0) and the geometry-free and ionosphere-free (GFIF) combination. Besides, the optimal GF, IF, extra-wide lane and ionosphere-reduced integer combinations for GPS and BDS are solved exhaustively by the presented method. Their potential applications in cycle slip detection, AR as well as precise positioning are discussed. At last, a more straightforward GF and IF AR scheme than the existing method is presented based on the GFIF integer combination. 相似文献
The problem of observing geocenter motion from global navigation satellite system (GNSS) solutions through the network shift approach is addressed from the perspective of collinearity (or multicollinearity) among the parameters of a least-squares regression. A collinearity diagnosis, based on the notion of variance inflation factor, is therefore developed and allows handling several peculiarities of the GNSS geocenter determination problem. Its application reveals that the determination of all three components of geocenter motion with GNSS suffers from serious collinearity issues, with a comparable level as in the problem of determining the terrestrial scale simultaneously with the GNSS satellite phase center offsets. The inability of current GNSS, as opposed to satellite laser ranging, to properly sense geocenter motion is mostly explained by the estimation, in the GNSS case, of epoch-wise station and satellite clock offsets simultaneously with tropospheric parameters. The empirical satellite accelerations, as estimated by most Analysis Centers of the International GNSS Service, slightly amplify the collinearity of the $Z$ geocenter coordinate, but their role remains secondary. 相似文献
GPS Solutions - We have derived a global zenith tropospheric delay simplified model (GZTDS), assuming that the troposphere is a nonlinear system and can be handled as a black box. The GZTDS and its... 相似文献
随着全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)的发展,特别是Galileo和QZSS计划的提出,卫星导航领域提出了兼容与互操作的概念,并日益受到重视。增强与已有系统之间的兼容与互操作已经成为GNSS的一种发展趋势,因此,有必要对GNSS的兼容与互操作展开研究。在简述GNSS的兼容与互操作提出背景的基础上,分析了相应概念之间的区别和联系。基于GNSS兼容与互操作的3个关键因素,分别分析了兼容与互操作在空间信号、时间框架、大地坐标框架选取方面的应用体现以及产生的影响。最后提出了目前GNSS兼容与互操作研究可以展开的几个方向。 相似文献
GNSS的兼容与互操作初步研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)的发展,特别是Galileo和QZSS计划的提出,卫星导航领域提出了兼容与互操作的概念,并日益受到重视.增强与已有系统之间的兼容与互操作已经成为GNSS的一种发展趋势,因此,有必要对GNSS的兼容与互操作展开研究.在简述GNSS的兼容与互操作提出背景的基础上,分析了相应概念之间的区别和联系.基于GNSS兼容与互操作的3个关键因素,分别分析了兼容与互操作在空间信号、时间框架、大地坐标框架选取方面的应用体现以及产生的影响.最后提出了目前GNSS兼容与互操作研究可以展开的几个方向. 相似文献