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Recent retrievals of zonal thermal winds obtained in a cyclostrophic regime on Venus are generally consistent with cloud tracking measurements at mid-latitudes, but become unphysical in polar regions where the values obtained above the clouds are often less than or close to zero. Using a global atmospheric model, we show that the main source of errors that appear in the polar regions when retrieving the zonal thermal winds is most likely due to uncertainties in the zonal wind intensity in the choice of the lower boundary condition.Here we suggest a new and robust method to better estimate the lower boundary condition for high latitudes, thereby improving the retrieved zonal thermal winds throughout the high latitudes middle atmosphere. This new method is applied to temperature fields derived from Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) data on board the Venus Express spacecraft. We obtain a zonal thermal wind field that is in better agreement with other, more direct methods based on either retrieving the zonal winds from cloud tracking or from direct measurements of the meridional slope of pressure surfaces.  相似文献   

We discuss in this contribution constraints on the origin of mass-loss from young stars brought by recent observations at high angular resolution (0.1″ = 14 AU) of the inner regions of winds from T Tauri stars. Jet widths and collimation scales, the large extent of the velocity profile as well as the detection of rotation signatures agree with predictions from magneto-centrifugal disk wind ejection models. However dynamically cold disk wind solutions predict too large terminal velocities and too low jet densities and ionisation fractions, suggesting that thermal gradients (originating in an accretion heated disk corona for example) may play an important role in accelerating the flow.  相似文献   

We discuss in this contribution constraints on the origin of mass-loss from young stars brought by recent observations at high angular resolution (0.1″ = 14 AU) of the inner regions of winds from T Tauri stars. Jet widths and collimation scales, the large extent of the velocity profile as well as the detection of rotation signatures agree with predictions from extended (R e ≥ 1 AU) magneto-centrifugal disk wind ejection models. Detected poloidal and toroidal velocities imply large ejection efficiencies (ξ ? 0.05, λ ? 10), suggesting that thermal gradients (originating in an accretion heated disk corona for example) play an important role in accelerating the flow.  相似文献   

Numerical calculations for the electric current in the polar ionosphere have been made by assuming some realistic distributions of the electric field and conductivity. Two dynamo actions are taken into account; one of which is induced by ionospheric winds and the other by the solar wind. For the solar wind dynamo action, it is found that the secondary polarization field caused by non-uniform distribution of ionospheric conductivity is much larger than the primary field induced by the solar wind, suggesting its important effect on charged particles in the magnetosphere, and that the irrotational current having a source and sink is of the same order of magnitude as the solenoidal current closing its circuit in the ionosphere. It is also found that the solar wind is, in general, more effective than the ionospheric winds in producing polar current systems such as DP 1 and 2, but in some cases the ionospheric winds have a significant effect on the current distribution.  相似文献   

The radiative heat flux at the boundary of a sphere containing an internal energy source and subject to general boundary conditions (problem 1) is obtained in terms of the albedo of the corresponding source-free problem with isotropic boundary condition (problem 2). The solution of problem 2 is performed on the basis of the integral Fourier transforms method. Numerical results for the partial heat flux and emissivity for a given internal energy source and inhomogeneous medium, isotropic scattering are obtained.  相似文献   

It is argued that the stationary energy spectrum given by Melrose (1969) for synchrotron sources resulting from systematic acceleration, energy-space diffusion, and synchrotron losses is unphysical as it requires a constant flow of particles in energy space. The general stationary solution is given. The asymptotic behavior of the time-dependent spectrum is found to depend critically on the boundary conditions; specifically, a stationary flat spectrum does arise for special boundary conditions, but it remains uncertain whether or not the boundary conditions applicable to a real synchrotron source will allow an initially steep spectrum to evolve toward a stationary flat spectrum.  相似文献   

We show that recently published assertions that advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) require the presence of strong winds are unfounded because they assume that low radiative efficiency in flows accreting at low rates on to black holes implies vanishing radial energy and angular momentum fluxes through the flow (which is also formulated in terms of the 'Bernoulli function' being positive). This, however, is a property only of self-similar solutions which are an inadequate representation of global accretion flows. We recall general properties of accretion flows on to black holes and show that such, necessarily transonic, flows may have either d positive or negative Bernoulli function depending on the flow viscosity. Flows with low viscosities ( α ≲0.1 in the α -viscosity model) have a negative Bernoulli function. Without exception, all 2D and 1D numerical models of low-viscosity flows constructed to date experience no significant outflows. At high viscosities the presence of outflows depends on the assumed viscosity, on the equation of state and on the outer boundary condition. The positive sign of the Bernoulli function invoked in this context is irrelevant to the presence of outflows. As an illustration, we recall 2D numerical models with moderate viscosity that have positive values of the Bernoulli function and experience no outflows. ADAFs, therefore, do not differ from this point of view from thin Keplerian discs: they may have, but they do not have to have, strong winds.  相似文献   

The nonlinear development of convective instability within slender flux tubes is studied using the method of characteristics. It is seen that the initial magnetic field influences the development of the instability. The asymptotic state of the unstable tube depends on the boundary conditions. Flux tubes subjected to ’open’ boundary conditions show a better evidence for field amplification than those subjected to ’closed’ boundary conditions. In either case, convective instability results in the generation of significant gas flow within slender flux tubes.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of the magnetic reconnection process in a current sheet show that, in some cases, MHD shocks appear to be attached to edges of the sheet. The appearance of the shocks may be considered to be a result of splitting of the sheet. In the present paper we suppose that this splitting takes place in consequence of non-evolutionarity of the reconnecting current sheet as a discontinuity. The problem of time evolution of small perturbations does not have a unique solution for a non-evolutionary discontinuity, and it splits into other (evolutionary) discontinuities. Such an approach allows us to determine conditions under which the splitting of the-sheet occurs. The main difficulty of this approach is that a current sheet is not reduced to a classified 1D discontinuity, because inhomogeneity of flow velocity inside the sheet is two-dimensional. To formulate the non-evolutionarity problem, we solve the linear MHD equations inside and outside the sheet and deduce linearized 1D boundary conditions at its surface. We show that for large enough conductivity, small perturbations exist which interact with the sheet as with a discontinuity. Then we obtain a non-evolutionarity criterion, with respect to these perturbations, in the form of a restriction on the flow velocity across the surface of the sheet.  相似文献   

The attempts at unified model fitting to explain the spectral variations in Cyg X-3 suggest equally probable fits with a combination of an absorbed blackbody and a separately absorbed power law with an exponential cut-off or a composite of absorbed free-free emission with a power law hard X-ray component apart from the iron emission line. These seemingly ordinary but ad hoc mixtures of simple X-ray emission mechanisms have a profound implication about the geometry of the X-ray source. While the first set suggests a black-hole nature of the compact object, the second combination is consistent with a neutron star binary picture. The spectral variability at hard X-ray energies above 30 keV can provide crucial input for the unified picture. In this paper, we present spectral observations of Cyg X-3, made in our on-going survey of galactic and extragalactic X-ray sources in the 20–200 keV energy region, using Large Area Scintillation counter Experiment. The data show a clear power-law photon spectrum of the form dN/dE ∼ E−2.8 in the 20 to 130 keV energy range. A comparison with earlier data suggests that the total number of X-ray photons in the entire 2–500 keV energy band is conserved at all time for a given luminosity level irrespective of the state. We propose that this behaviour can be explained by a simple geometry in which a thermal X-ray source is embedded in a hot plasma formed by winds from the accretion disk within a cold shell. The high/soft and low/hard X-ray states of the source are simply the manifestation of the extent of the surrounding scattering medium in which the seed photons are Comptonized and hot plasma can be maintained by either the X-ray driven winds or the magneto-centrifugal winds.  相似文献   

The Weber-Davis model of the solar wind is generalized to include the effects of latitude. The principal assumptions of perfect electrical conductivity, rotational symmetry, a polytropic relation between pressure and density, and a flow aligned magnetic field in a system rotating with the Sun, are retained. A flow aligned magnetic field in the rotating system may be expressed in terms of the flow velocity and density. Rotational symmetry fixes the longitudinal flow velocity Vφ in terms of the flow in the r?θ plane. Thus, the original three dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flow problem is reduced to a two dimensional hydrodynamic flow problem in the r?θ plane.There are three critical surfaces associated with the equations which supply conditions to determine three of six required boundary conditions. The specified boundary conditions at the base of the corona are the temperature, density, and magnitude of the magnetic field. The equations are then expanded about the radial, nonrotating Parker solution and an analytic solution is obtained for the resulting first order equations. The results show that for constant coronal boundary conditions there is a latitudinal flow toward the solar poles, as a result of magnetic stresses, which persists out to large distances for the Sun. Associated with this flow is a latitudinal component of the magnetic field. The radial flow parameters are, to within small first order differences, in agreement with those of the Parker and the Weber-Davis models of the solar wind.The equations are further generalized to permit first order latitudinal variations in the specified coronal boundary conditions. Results at 1 a.u. are presented for 5 per cent latitudinal differences between the equatorial and polar values. These results show that the solution at 1 a.u. is most sensitive to a latitudinal dependence in the boundary temperature and least sensitive to a latitudinal dependence in the magnetic field magnitude.A solution is then obtained for an approximate dipolar variation in the coronal magnetic field magnitude. This solution predicts that the latitudinal flow is initially toward the Equator due to magnetic channeling; however, this effect is rapidly overcome and the latitudinal flow at 1 a.u. is toward the pole and not significantly different from the solution for constant boundary conditions.  相似文献   

We consider the radiative transfer in a nonconservative homogeneous plane-parallel semi-infinite planetary atmosphere where the scattering processes are described by the Rayleigh-Cabannes phase matrix and where the primary sources are in infinitely deep layers. If we use the superposition principle we derive the Cauchy problem for the source vector.As a by-product the external field of radiation for the problem described is obtained using the principle of invariance by Chandrasekhar. The respective formulae for the radiation field in the deep layers and for the extrapolation distance are given. It is shown that the Rubenson degree of polarization even in the case of near-conservative atmospheres reaches the asymptotic regime at rather small values of the optical depth. The-plane reliefs of the characteristic equation, extrapolation distance and the normalized components of the source vector at the boundary are given along with a sample of zeros of the characteristic equation.  相似文献   

During past years high angular (<1″) resolution imaging has provided useful information about the propagation of “real” jets. Recently, in addition, the spectrograph Hubble's Space Telescope Imaging spectrograph (STIS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has finally allowed us to test the magneto-centrifugal paradigm for the jet launching. I present results from HST/STIS spectra at 0.″1 resolution of small-scale jets from T Tauri stars in their initial 140 AU (1″). The jet morphology, kinematics and excitation in different velocity intervals are derived, from which we calculate mass and momentum fluxes. Even more interestingly, we find indications for rotation around the symmetry axis in the peripheral regions of the flow. The investigated component of the wind appears to originate in the disk at a distance of 0.5-2 AU from the star, and it extracts at least 60% of the inner disk angular momentum. These results confirm for the first time the validity of the magneto-centrifugal approach for the jet launching, and constitute a benchmark to test models and simulations. In the near future, near-infrared (NIR) interferometry with AMBER/VLTI and with the LBTI will permit to observe the jet engine down to 0.1 AU from the source, where the acceleration of the jet takes place.  相似文献   

We present a novel numerical method that allows the calculation of nonlinear force-free magnetostatic solutions above a boundary surface on which only the distribution of the normal magnetic field component is given. The method relies on the theory of force-free electrodynamics and applies directly to the reconstruction of the solar coronal magnetic field for a given distribution of the photospheric radial field component. The method works as follows: we start with any initial magnetostatic global field configuration (e.g. zero, dipole), and along the boundary surface we create an evolving distribution of tangential (horizontal) electric fields that, via Faraday’s equation, give rise to a respective normal-field distribution approaching asymptotically the target distribution. At the same time, these electric fields are used as boundary condition to numerically evolve the resulting electromagnetic field above the boundary surface, modeled as a thin ideal plasma with non-reflecting, perfectly absorbing outer boundaries. The simulation relaxes to a nonlinear force-free configuration that satisfies the given normal-field distribution on the boundary. This is different from existing methods relying on a fixed boundary condition – the boundary evolves toward the a priori given one, at the same time evolving the three-dimensional field solution above it. Moreover, this is the first time that a nonlinear force-free solution is reached by using only the normal field component on the boundary. This solution is not unique, but it depends on the initial magnetic field configuration and on the evolutionary course along the boundary surface. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the formalism of force-free electrodynamics, used very successfully in other astrophysical contexts, is applied to the global solar magnetic field.  相似文献   

We show that the non-radial field-boundary condition (or the line-of-sight boundary condition) for the Laplacian-like equation developed by Bogdan and Low (1986) is sufficient to uniquely determine the model coronal magnetic field provided the electric currents are horizontal (or zero, the current-free case) at the solar surface as well as in the solar atmosphere between the photosphere and the source surface. The derived recursion formulae for the spherical harmonic coefficients can be used to determine the spherical harmonic coefficients in the solutions of the horizontal current models very efficiently.  相似文献   

By performing the one-sided Laplace transform on the matrix integro-differential equation for a semi-infinite plane parallel imperfect Rayleigh scattering atmosphere we derive an integral equation for the emergent intensity matrix. Application of the Wiener-Hopf technique to this integral equation will give the emergent intensity matrix in terms of singularH-matrix and an unknown matrix. The unknown matrix has been determined considering the boundary condition at infinity to be identical with the asymptotic solution for the intensity matrix.  相似文献   

The slowing-down Boltzmann equation for generalized boundary conditions is considered and transformed to one-speed equation in Laplace space. Exact relations between energy reflection and transmission coefficients for a problem with diffuse reflecting boundary conditions and the albedos for the problem with isotropic boundary conditions are obtained. The Galerkin method is used to calculate the energy reflection coefficient for a finite slab for different thicknesses at different mass ratiosA, target to projectile mass, at different synthetic-scattering kernels. The results for partial heat fluxes for isotropic and anisotropic-scattering dispersive medium are given. The results obtained for isotropic boundary conditions are compared well with the exact results.  相似文献   

Exact relations for radiation heat flux at the boundaries of a slab with diffusely reflecting boundary conditions and internal source are obtained in terms of the reflection and transmission coefficients of a source free slab with isotropic boundary conditions. The integral equation defining the radiation heat flux contains explicitly the internal source. So, the particular solution for radiative transfer equation is not required. Available exact values for albedos give exact values of radiation heat flux. Padé approximant technique is used to obtain numerical values for homogenous media.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm of finding numerical solutions of pulsar equation. The problem of finding the solutions was reduced to finding expansion coefficients of the source term of the equation in a base of orthogonal functions defined on the unit interval by minimizing a multi-variable mismatch function defined on the light cylinder. We applied the algorithm to Scharlemann and Wagoner boundary conditions by which a smooth solution is reconstructed that by construction passes successfully the Gruzinov’s test of the source function exponent.   相似文献   

The distributions of the current and the neutral winds driven by the electric field of convection are calculated in the dynamo-region of the ionosphere. At high latitudes the convection field drives the current and wind systems which consist of two cells with the centres at about 6 and 18 hours LT. In the northern hemisphere in the dawn cells winds and currents are clockwise, in the dusk cells they are counterclockwise. The appearance of the wind system shows that the upper atmosphere moves in the direction inverse to the displacement of the ionospheric ends of the magnetic flux tubes taking part in the convection. In the disturbed conditions the calculated wind system has the directions and velocities of the winds which are in a satisfactory agreement with the data of the irregularity drifts in the lower ionosphere in the winter season.  相似文献   

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