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《Basin Research》2018,30(2):321-343
This natural‐scale experimental study combines structural modelling of soft‐linked normal‐fault relays with a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) numerical simulation of a range of unconfined turbidity currents overrunning the relay‐system topography. The flow, released from an upslope inlet gate 2000‐m wide and 50‐m to 100‐m high, rapidly expands and adjusts its thickness, velocity and sediment load to the substrate slope of 1.5°. A lower initial sediment concentration or smaller thickness renders the quasi‐steady flow slower and its sediment‐transport capacity lower. A 3D pattern of large interfering Kelvin‐Helmholtz waves causes fluctuations of the local flow velocity magnitude and sediment concentration. Four zones of preferential sediment deposition are recognized: a near‐gate zone of abrupt flow expansion and self‐regulation; a flow‐transverse zone on the counter‐slope of fault footwall edges; a flow‐transverse zone at the fault‐scarp toes and a similar transverse zone near the crest of the hanging wall counter‐slopes. The sand deposited on the counter‐slope tends to be re‐entrained and fed back to the current by a secondary reverse underflow. The spatial extent and sediment accumulation capacity of depozones depend upon the released current volume. The impact of relay system on an overrunning current depends upon the fault separation distance and stage of tectonic evolution. An early‐stage relay system, with small vertical displacement and little overlap of faults, is bypassed by the current with minimum flow disturbance and no pronounced deposition. An advanced‐stage system, with greater fault displacement and overlap, gives a similar hydraulic effect as a single fault segment if the fault separation is small. If the separation is relatively large, the flow tends to be internally redirected sideways from the ramp into the hanging wall synclinal depressions. Since normal‐fault relays are common features in extensional basins, the study bears important implications for turbiditic slope‐fan models and for the spatial sand prediction in subsurface exploration of faulted submarine slopes.  相似文献   

As one of the most important forcing factors, relative sea-level changes exert a major influence on the building of shelf-margin clinothems. However, it is still not well understood how these changes control the growth of shelf edges and the condition of sediments transporting into deep water, especially over the individual-clinothem scale of several 100 ky. On the late-Quaternary Pearl River margin, there are two distinct shelf-margin clinothems: SQ3 and SQ4. They have different shelf-edge trajectories (slight rising vs. steep rising) and different styles of deep-water deposition (fan lobes consisting mainly of MTDs vs. fan lobes consisting mainly of turbidites). This work takes those SQ3 and SQ4 as study objects and runs a total of 136 experiments from the Dionisos stratigraphic forward model to investigate how relative sea-level changes control the trajectories of shelf edges and the volumes of MTDs in deep water over the individual-clinothem scale. Our quantitative results suggest that under the geological background of high sediment supply on the late-Quaternary Pearl River margin, the duration of highstand systems tracts (HST) relative to lowstand systems tracts (LST) or forced regressive systems tracts (FST) has a significant influence on the building of individual shelf-margin clinothems. If the relative duration of HST is either very short or very long, slight-rising shelf-edge trajectories and large-volume MTDs would be formed, whereas if the relative duration of HST is comparable with LST or FST, steep-rising shelf-edge trajectories and limited MTDs would be formed. Through the constrains of the model set to the real geological condition of the SQ3 and SQ4 clinothems, it is found that SQ3 was caused by the quite long relative duration of HST, which made highstand deltaic systems advance over the pre-existing shelf-slope break, leading to significant accretion and instability of the shelf edge and thus, giving rise to the formation of slight-rising shelf-edge trajectories and fan lobes with high MTDs contents. SQ4, however, formed as a result of the comparable durations of HST, LST, and FST, which made highstand deltaic systems advance to but not beyond the previous shelf-slope break allowing the subsequent FST to be directly perched on the clinoform slope. Such building processes did not drive pronounced accretion and instability of the shelf edge and thus, caused the formation of steep-rising shelf-edge trajectories and fan lobes with low MTDs contents.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):101-123
Due to the multiple controlling factors involved, it is a challenging task to identify and quantify the processes influencing the distribution and heterogeneity of marine organic‐rich rocks. To improve our understanding of these deposits, we model their burial history and stratigraphic evolution as well as processes linked to marine organic matter history throughout the Lower Jurassic in of the Northern Lusitanian Basin (Western Iberian Margin). This 15‐Ma‐long interval is modelled using 100‐kyr time steps to simulate lithologies and organic matter heterogeneity as layers with a thickness of 2–5 m, depending on the sedimentation rate in the basin. The model is calibrated by well and outcrop data which provide structural and biostratigraphic constraints, as well as information on the depositional facies and geochemistry of the sediments. The results show that the presence of organic‐rich intervals is linked to first‐order variations in the basin geometry and sedimentation rates. Without considering any variation of primary productivity or oxygen content in surface sea waters, the parameters of basin geometry and sedimentation rate are sufficient to predict the main characteristics of source rocks, i.e. their occurrence, thickness and mineralogy at the basin scale. However, to fit the measured organic carbon contents, we need to take account of other parameters such as variations of primary productivity or changes in dissolved oxygen concentration.  相似文献   

The evolution from Late Cretaceous to early Eocene of the well dated Amiran foreland basin in the NW Iranian Zagros Mountains is studied based on the reconstruction of successive thickness, palaeobathymetry and subsidence maps. These maps show the progressive forelandwards migration of the mixed carbonate‐siliciclastic system associated with a decrease in creation of accommodation. Carbonate facies variations across the basin suggest a structural control on the carbonate distribution in the Amiran foreland basin, which has been used as initial constraint to study the control exerted by syndepositional folding in basin architecture and evolution by means of stratigraphic numerical modelling. Modelled results show that shallow bathymetries on top of growing folds enhance carbonate production and basin compartmentalization. As a consequence, coarse clastics become restricted to the internal parts of the basin and only the fine sediments can by‐pass the bathymetric highs generated by folding. Additionally, the development of extensive carbonate platforms on top of the anticlines favours the basinwards migration of the depositional system, which progrades farther with higher fold uplift rates. In this scenario, build‐ups on top of anticlines record its growth and can be used as a dating method. Extrapolation of presented modelling results into the Amiran foreland basin is in agreement with an early folding stage in the SE Lurestan area, between the Khorramabad and Kabir Kuh anticlines. This folding stage would enhance the development of carbonate platforms on top of the anticlines, the south‐westward migration of the system and eventually, the complete filling of the basin north of the Chenareh anticline at the end of the Cuisian. Incremental thickness maps are consistent with a thin (0.4–2 km) ophiolite complex in the source area of the Amiran basin.  相似文献   

A Bayesian approach to inverse modelling of stratigraphy, part 1: method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The inference of ancient environmental conditions from their preserved response in the sedimentary record still remains an outstanding issue in stratigraphy. Since the 1970s, conceptual stratigraphic models (e.g. sequence stratigraphy) based on the underlying assumption that accommodation space is the critical control on stratigraphic architecture have been widely used. Although these methods considered more recently other possible parameters such as sediment supply and transport efficiency, they still lack in taking into account the full range of possible parameters, processes, and their complex interactions that control stratigraphic architecture. In this contribution, we present a new quantitative method for the inference of key environmental parameters (specifically sediment supply and relative sea level) that control stratigraphy. The approach combines a fully non‐linear inversion scheme with a ‘process–response’ forward model of stratigraphy. We formulate the inverse problem using a Bayesian framework in order to sample the full range of possible solutions and explicitly build in prior geological knowledge. Our methodology combines Reversible Jump Markov chain Monte Carlo and Simulated Tempering algorithms which are able to deal with variable‐dimensional inverse problems and multi‐modal posterior probability distributions, respectively. The inverse scheme has been linked to a forward stratigraphic model, BARSIM (developed by Joep Storms, University of Delft), which simulates shallow‐marine wave/storm‐dominated systems over geological timescales. This link requires the construction of a likelihood function to quantify the agreement between simulated and observed data of different types (e.g. sediment age and thickness, grain size distributions). The technique has been tested and validated with synthetic data, in which all the parameters are specified to produce a ‘perfect’ simulation, although we add noise to these synthetic data for subsequent testing of the inverse modelling approach. These tests addressed convergence and computational‐overhead issues, and highlight the robustness of the inverse scheme, which is able to assess the full range of uncertainties on the inferred environmental parameters and facies distributions.  相似文献   

Summary. Two-dimensional numerical models are used to examine the tidal regime of the Bristol Channel. The effect of including S2 in addition to M2 in the models on both the tidal elevations and the residual Eulerian circulation is investigated. The spatial distribution of the maximum spring currents and the time of their occurrence are also computed.
The Eulerian and Lagrangian residual circulations are compared and the effect of model grid size on the former is examined.
Finally the spatial distribution of energy dissipation within, and the total flux of energy into, the Bristol Channel are given.  相似文献   

A novel inverse modelling method is applied to the problem of constraining the environmental parameters (e.g. relative sea level, sediment supply) that control stratigraphic architecture. This technique links forward modelling of shallow-marine wave/storm-dominated stratigraphy to a combination of inverse methods formulated in a Bayesian framework. We present a number of examples in which relative sea-level and sediment-supply curves were inferred from synthetic vertical successions of grain size (e.g. wells) and synthetic thickness curves (e.g. seismically derived isopachs) extracted from a forward model simulation. These examples represent different scenarios that are designed to test the impact of data distribution, quantity and quality on the uncertainty of the inferred parameters. The inverse modelling approach successfully reproduces the gross stratigraphic architectures and relative sea level and sediment-supply histories of the synthetic forward model simulation, within the constraints of the modelled data quality. The relative importance of the forcing parameters can be evaluated by their sensitivity and impact on the inverted data. Of equal importance, the inverse results allow complete characterisation of the uncertainties inherent to the stratigraphic modelling tool and to the data quality, quantity and distribution. The numerical scheme also successfully deals with the problem of non-uniqueness of the solution of the inverse problem. These preliminary results suggest that the inverse method is a powerful tool in constraining stratigraphic architecture for hydrocarbon reservoir characterisation and modelling, and it may ultimately provide a process-based geological complement to standard geostatistical tools.  相似文献   

Physical models of subduction investigate the impact of regional mantle flow on the structure of the subducted slab and deformation of the downgoing and overriding plates. The initial mantle flow direction beneath the overriding plate can be horizontal or vertical, depending on its location with respect to the asthenospheric flow field. Imposed mantle flow produces either over or underpressure on the lower surface of the slab depending on the initial mantle flow pattern (horizontal or vertical, respectively). Overpressure promotes shallow dip subduction while underpressure tends to steepen the slab. Horizontal mantle flow with rates of 1–10 cm yr−1 provides sufficient overpressure on a dense subducting lithosphere to obtain a subduction angle of  ∼60°  , while the same lithospheric slab sinks vertically when no flow is imposed. Vertical drag force (due to downward mantle flow) exerted on a slab can result in steep subduction if the slab is neutrally buoyant but fails to produce steep subduction of buoyant oceanic lithosphere. The strain regime in the overriding plate due to the asthenospheric drag force depends largely on slab geometry. When the slab dip is steeper than the interplate zone, the drag force produces negative additional normal stress on the interplate zone and tensile horizontal stress in the overriding plate. When the slab dip is shallower than the interplate zone, an additional positive normal stress is produced on the interplate zone and the overriding plate experiences additional horizontal compressive stress. However, the impact of the mantle drag force on interplate pressure is small compared to the influence of the slab pull force since these stress variations can only be observed when the slab is dense and interplate pressure is low.  相似文献   

We employed a discrete‐element technique to investigate the effects of cover strength and fault dip on the style of fault‐propagation folding above a blind normal fault. Deformation in the cover is initially characterised by an upward‐widening monocline that is often replaced, with continued slip on the basement fault, by a single, through‐going fault. Localisation on a single fault produces hangingwall synclines and footwall anticlines as a result of breaching of the earlier monocline and which do not represent ‘drag’ against the fault. As basement fault dip decreases the width of the monocline at the surface increases. Experiments varying the strength of the overburden material illustrate the control that cover strength has on both fault propagation and folding in the cover. Reduction of the strength of the cover results in: (1) the width of the monocline above the fault tip increasing, and (2) more marked footwall thinning and hangingwall thickening of beds. In contrast, an increase in cover strength results in a narrower monocline and rapid propagation of the basement fault into the cover. In multi‐layer (variable strength) experiments simultaneous faulting of competent layers and flow of weaker layers produces complex structural relationships. Faults in the cover die out up and down section and do not link to the basement fault at depth. Similarly, complex macroscopically ductile characteristics such as footwall thinning and hangingwall thickening can be juxtaposed against simple brittle fault cut‐offs. These relationships must be borne in mind when interpreting the field and seismic expression of such structures. We discuss the modelling results in terms of their implications for structural interpretation and the surficial expression of fault‐related folding in extensional settings.  相似文献   

A finite difference model, allowing for episodic movements along different faults, is used to examine the effect of tectonics on the stratigraphic signature in the Oseberg–Brage area in the northern Viking Graben. Constraints are provided by local exploration and production well data and 3-D seismic coverage, and a regional depth-converted seismic line.
In the modelling, we focus on the influence of varying rates of fault movement on stratigraphic signatures such as upflank unconformities and changes in layer thickness. We couple the basinwide features of the northern Viking Graben with the fault-block-scale features of the Oseberg–Brage area by using parameter constraints derived by large-scale modelling as input for the local-scale model. In addition, subsidence patterns resulting from the basinwide model were used as background subsidence for the fault block model of the Oseberg–Brage area.
The model results indicate that the alternating activation of different faults with varying extension rates can cause stratigraphic features such as unconformities, condensation and onlap/offlap patterns. Onlap occurs during periods of low extension rates. An increase in extension rate along a fault causes footwall uplift, resulting in condensation or upflank erosion yielding unconformities. This influence can also affect sub-basins further away from the fault. Downdip layer thickening reflects the local tilting of fault blocks.
The coupling of the local and regional scales turns out to be essential in explaining the stratigraphy of the Oseberg–Brage area: basinward and, notably, updip layer thickening as observed on some of the fault blocks can only be explained by activity of the boundary fault on the opposing, western margin of the northern Viking Graben.

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