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In 2009, nearly 900 million international tourist arrivals were counted worldwide. A global activity of this scale can be assumed to have a substantial impact on the environment. In this contribution, five major aspects such as the change of LUCC and the use of energy and its associated impacts had been recognized. Recently, the impact of tourism on environment and climate attracts the attention of international organizations and societies in pace with rapid development of tourism industry. Energy consumption and CO2 emissions in tourism sector are becoming a hot spot of international tourism research in recent five years. The use of energy for tourism can be divided according to transport-related purposes (travel to, from and at the destination) and destination-related purposes excluding transports (accommodation, food, tourist activities, etc.). In addition, the transports, accommodation and foods are related to many other industries which are dependent on energy. Thus, the estimations of energy consumption and CO2 emissions in tourism sector have become a worldwide concern. Tourism in China grows rapidly, and the number of domestic tourists was 1902 million in 2009. Energy use and its impact on the environment increase synchronously with China’s tourism. It is necessary to examine the relationship between energy use and CO2 emissions. In this article, a preliminary attempt was applied to estimate the energy consumption and CO2 emissions from China’s tourism sector in 2008. Bottom-up approach, literature research and mathematical statistics technology were also adopted. According to the calculations, Chinese tourism-related may have consumed approximately 428.30 PJ of energy in 2008, or about 0.51% of the total energy consumptions in China. It is estimated that CO2 emissions from tourism sector amounted to 51.34 Mt, accounting for 0.86% of the total in China. The results show that tourism is a low-carbon industry and also a pillar industry coping with global climate change, energy-saving and CO2 emission reduction. Based on this, the authors suggested that tourism should become an important field in low-carbon economic development.  相似文献   

中国旅游业能源消耗与CO2排放量的初步估算   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
石培华  吴普 《地理学报》2011,66(2):235-243
随着旅游产业规模的不断壮大,旅游业对气候、环境的影响日益引起国际机构和社会各界的关注.旅游业能源利用及二氧化碳排放是旅游对环境影响的重要驱动力之一,成为近5年来世界旅游研究的新兴热点.旅游产业特点决定了旅游业能源消耗和二氧化碳排放量的测算是个世界性的难题.本文采用"自下而上"法,通过文献研究与数理统计方法,首次系统估算...  相似文献   

The material flow concept for materials   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mineral supply and demand data were used to track the flow of a material from its source through stages of production, processing, and fabrication into the consumption and postconsumption phases. In each stage prior to consumption, the quantity of material lost to the environment or recovered for reuse was determined. In the postconsumption stage, the quantity of material discarded was analyzed to determine how much was disposed to landfills, lost through incineration, or dispersed to the environment. Where the consumption stage involved releases to the environment, as in the use of fertilizer, this was noted also. The material flow studies also strived to determine the amount of recycling that was done in the preconsumption and postconsumption phases. Cumulative historical supply data were used to estimate the total inventory of the materials that have been put into service within the United States, and aggregated consumption data based on end use provided a basis for assessing the cumulative effect of those materials on the environment.Correspondence should be directed to Earle B. Amey, U.S. Geological Survey, National Center 983, Reston, Virginia 20192.  相似文献   

中国城市化过程中生态环境研究的文献计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市化过程中生态环境研究成果丰富,总结其演变过程利于把握该领域现状与趋势。本文从城市化文献视角对中国城市化过程中的生态环境研究在研究成果、研究子领域、研究主题、理论和方法等方面进行总结。结果表明,从2005年起中国城市化文献中关于生态环境的研究呈加速增长的态势;资源领域的国土资源和产业子领域,生态领域内经济子领域和环境领域内气候和城市环境子领域受到了较多的关注;"土地利用"和"热岛效应"一直是最热的关键词,分别占全部关键词出现频次的0.15%和0.09%,"热岛效应"和"气候变化"则是近期热点;主要理论涉及生态学、数理模型、资源与环境经济学、环境科学等,其中生态足迹理论从2002年起一直占据主流,STIRPAT模型、环境库兹涅茨曲线等综合理论模型是近期热点理论;依方法来源和主要应用领域将1992-2011年主要方法分为4类,即统计类(65.17%)、系统类(13.11%)、机理类(11.79%)和测评类(9.93%)。灰色系统分析和R/S分析近年来常见的方法。由此得出主要结论:中国城市化研究对城市土地利用、城市热岛、气候变化和水资源等大尺度的生态环境问题更加重视,对城市环境健康等微观尺度生态环境问题关注相对不足;以STIRPAT和多种土地利用变化模型为代表,综合自然和经济理论采用系统建模方法评价和模拟城市化过程中的生态环境效应将是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

21世纪,中国的人口和经济的持续增长面临着资源短缺和生态脆弱的限制。提高资源利用效率和消减资源利用引起的环境影响是学术界和决策者面临的新课题。本文从资源流动的视角研究资源利用过程及其引起的环境影响。我们把资源流动过程分解为开采、加工、转化、消费等几个关键环节,评价其资源利用效率和环境影响,并寻求改善的途径。因其资源消耗量大、生态环境影响严重,我们选取了林木、煤炭及石油研究其资源与产品流动及其环境影响。林木产品的产量、进出口量和消费量数据来自中国森林统计年鉴(1949-2001)。煤炭、石油的开采量、进出口量和消费量来自中国能源统计年鉴(1980-2006)。研究表明:过去几十年,中国的资源利用效率有所提高,资源消费结构逐步改善,但资源消费总量居高不下,对生态环境构成极大的压力。  相似文献   

土地利用规划环境影响评价指标与案例   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
土地利用规划环境影响评价,是针对土地利用的宏观结构调整与布局对环境与生态的可能影响作出的预测性评估。本文从生态保护、土地退化防治、耕地资源保障、建设用地增长的适度性与后效、耕地占补平衡的生态风险等5个方面,设计了11个指标用于预测和评估土地利用规划对环境、生态和土地资源的可能影响程度,并以《1997~2010年全国土地利用总体规划纲要》为案例进行了实际应用。结果表明,所提出的指标能较好的预估土地利用规划方案的实施对环境、生态和土地资源的潜在影响,为规避土地利用调整可能出现的不良环境与生态影响,提供有益的决策支持。  相似文献   

基于STIRPAT模型分析新疆能源足迹的影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在采用碳汇法计算新疆1957-2007能源足迹的基础上,利用sTRIPAT模型,以人口数量、富裕度、能源强度、结构化指标和现代化指标为自变量,以能源足迹为因变量,应用岭回归方法拟合得到环境压力模型,结果表明:人口数量是近51 a新疆环境变化的主要驱动因子,富裕度的增长和城市化进程的加快对能源足迹的增长具有显著影响,而能...  相似文献   

城市快速轨道交通走出地面的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢理  邓毛颖  林小华 《热带地理》2000,20(3):180-184,188
自世界上拥有第一条地铁以来,人们对城市快速轨道地上线特别是高架线存在着偏见,主要是在对城市环境和城市景观影响方面。文中从快速轨道的高架线对城市环境和景观方面的影响进行分析,阐明了城市快速轨道走出地面不仅仅是由于经济方面的原因,其对城市环境的影响可以控制在人们接受的水平,其高架线路也可以对城市景观起到强化的作用,城市快速轨道走出地面节省建设资金有利于快速轨道交通网络的形成,对解决城市交通问题和改善城  相似文献   

以土地利用/土地覆被变化为中心的土地科学研究进展   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:25  
张明 《地理科学进展》2001,20(4):297-304
土地利用 /土地覆被变化已成为土地科学、地球系统科学、全球环境变化及可持续发展研究中的核心领域。其研究的根本目标是实现土地资源的有效管理与可持续利用 ,这不仅是解决资源与环境问题的根本立足点 ,也是经济增长与区域可持续发展过程的重要前提。针对国际土地科学研究中最为活跃的几个前沿领域 :土地利用 /土地覆被变化、土地资源系统分析与评价、土地质量指标体系、生态环境效应及持续土地利用 ,结合近年来国内外有关的主要研究计划和项目 ,本文对以土地利用 /土地覆被变化为中心的土地科学研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

可持续性评价的 ImPACTS等式   总被引:68,自引:2,他引:66  
可持续发展要求必须在一个地球的约束下,最大限度地满足人类的发展需求。通过分析生态足迹与人类社会发展的关系,从可更新和不可更新资源利用效益角度来看,在发展的可持续性上发达国家比发展中国家在利用地球容纳环境和社会期望方面具有明显的优势。同时,气候变暖的事实说明,人类对不可更新化石燃料的开采和利用速率已经超过地球上生态系统吸收CO2的能力。各国要取得社会发展并使之具有可持续性,应该在地球的可持续性尺度范围内增加自己的全球足迹份额,而不是简单的减少足迹。以中国的南水北调、北粮南运,粮食安全及世界石油消费利用为例说明了社会资源在缓解和减轻环境影响方面的作用。在剖析经典的IPAT等式及其变种等式ImPACT分析框架的基础上,提出了一个新的可持续性评价研究框架--ImPACTS等式,并讨论了新等式的政策含义。在ImPACTS等式中,新增项S代表社会资源的状态 (社会发展状态),m代表管理,用来强调人类采用协调的方式来解决超过可持续性尺度这一问题的重要性,I因此变成了集成的影响评价--对环境的影响和社会发展的损益评价。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论了从长江向黄淮海平原调水对自然环境的影响。研究水分循环和水资源的变化及与之有关的物质循环的关系,是研究跨流域调水对自然环境影响的核心问题。调水对环境影响的过程,大体可归结为如下的模式:调水→改变原有的水文情势→自然环境的变化→社会经济的变化。任何调水工程对环境的影响,均可按地理分区方法分为水量输出区、输水通过区和水量输入区。南水北调对水量输出区的影响主要在枯水期发生在输水点附近及其下游。输水通过区主要使输水渠两侧和蓄水体周围环境受到影响。大量长江水调入黄准海平原,在一定程度上将引起黄淮海平原生态系统的变化。  相似文献   

非金属矿是四川优势矿产资源 ,主要矿种齐全、储量丰富 ,建材资源、化工原料资源优势突出 ,常用矿产与优势矿产吻合程度高 ;区域特征明显 ,集中分布 ,适于综合开发。但仍存在加工程度低、综合利用差、资源浪费严重 ,污染环境等问题。在综合分析矿产资源及其开发特点与评价的基础上 ,围绕加快发展建材、化工 (特别是新型建材 )主导产业 ,构想了 2 1世纪四川非金属矿开发利用的战略指导思想、目标、重点、布局及对策。  相似文献   

中国土地利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1IntroductionLand use is one of the major themes of geographical studies because of its importance to human society (Cai, 1990). Land is not only the most important natural resource, but also provides necessary space for people to live in (Li, 2002b). As the linkage between nature and human beings, land use is the way to obtain land functions to meet human demands, and usually the key factor for most environmental problems.Compared to other countries/regions in the world, China bears high pr…  相似文献   

和田河流域水资源与生态环境变化及其对策研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
和田河流域光,热,水、土地资源丰富,农牧业 潜力很大,然而该流域生态环境极其脆弱,环境灾害多发,水资源开发利用及区域发展不可避免地其生态环境产生很大影响。本文从多个侧面阐述了该流域水资源与生态环境的相互关系和影响,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Urbanization is a demographic, economic, and land transformation process. Building construction and operation are integral aspects of urban land use change and contribute to material and energy resources consumption and the resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in urban areas. In this paper, we ask two questions regarding the urbanization process: 1) Do the land, material, and energy use efficiencies associated with the construction and operation of buildings increase over time? 2) Do the gains in resource use efficiencies offset the increases in resource demands due to the magnitude of urbanization? To answer these questions, we use a systematic approach similar to a material flow analysis and apply it to the Pearl River Delta, a rapidly urbanizing region in China. We use a combination of satellite data and official statistics to evaluate changes in urban population density and building density from 1988 to 2008. Both density measures decrease from 1988 to 2003; after 2003, building density increases while population density continues to decline. We also track the indirect impacts of urban land expansion on material and energy demands and associated CO2 emissions using concrete and heating/cooling as proxies for building construction and operation, respectively. Throughout the study period, structural changes and efficiency gains decrease the demand per unit floor area for both building materials and energy. However, the efficiency gains are outstripped by the magnitude of urban expansion, therefore leading to an increase in the demand for resources and CO2 emissions per capita. Our results show that focusing only on gains in efficiency for individual buildings without considering the scale of urban expansion results in underestimate of the cumulative energy, material, and greenhouse gas emissions impacts of urbanization. We emphasize the distinction between the rates versus the accumulations of these impacts over spatial and temporal scales. We discuss the relevance of the Environmental Kuznets approaches to tackling environmental impacts that are cumulative in nature and may lead to irreversible changes in the environment. We conclude that tracking the energy, materials, and emissions impacts of urbanization requires a multi-scale approach that ranges from the individual building to the urban region.  相似文献   

蒙古高原中部气候变化及影响因素比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王菱  甄霖  刘雪林  王勤学 《地理研究》2008,27(1):171-180
利用蒙古国中部6个气象站1940~2004年和中国内蒙古自治区中部6个气象站1951~2004年的温度和降水资料,对两地的气候变化及其影响因素作了对比研究。结果表明:20世纪90年代与60年代相比,中国内蒙古6站平均升温1.35℃,蒙古国6站上升1.13℃,2000~2004年与60年代相比:中国内蒙古6站上升1.89℃,蒙古国则为1.37℃,中国内蒙古6站的升温速率高于蒙古国6站。对温度变化趋势作突变性检验,结果表明:温度发生突变时间是纬度较高地区早于纬度较低的地区,大城市早于中小城镇,城市化对温度变化影响比较明显。相对于温度变化,降水变化没有显著性的突变,但有周期变化,中国内蒙古降水变化有2.8年周期,蒙古国有4年、8年的周期,这可能因为中国内蒙古降水水汽主要来源于太平洋,而蒙古国降水的水汽主要来源于北冰洋。  相似文献   

This paper describes the current situation of China’s land use and land use changes, major driving forces, and their impacts on the environment, through a review on land use studies in the past decades in China.  相似文献   

In 1990, scrap was a major feedstock component of U.S. metals production. Steel scrap represented 56% of raw steel production, old lead scrap was 66% of total lead production, and purchased aluminum scrap represented 37% of total production. Copper scrap makes up 44% of total U.S. copper consumption annually. Although some recycling operations, such as past (but now obsolete) lead-acid battery breaking and the use of high salt fluxes on aluminum drosses have created environmental problems, the recovery of obsolete autos, cast or extruded products, appliances, lead-acid batteries, beverage containers, and drosses represents major environmental benefits in terms of reduced litter, landfill wastes, and energy savings. Evolving technologies, marketing concepts, and regulations promise even higher levels of recycling in the future. The cumulative amounts of aluminum, copper, lead, and ferrous scrap that would have had to be absorbed by our environment as discards during the period 1965–1990 had they not been recycled totaled more than 2.2 billion tons, just for the four metal groups. Concurrently, huge energy savings were realized and environmental benefits achieved through reduced emissions associated with generating that energy.Correspondence should be directed to: Earle B. Amey, U.S. Geological Survey, National Center 983, Reston, Virginia 20192.  相似文献   

经济增长和技术进步对吉林省能源足迹的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 基于IPAT等式和LMDI法,分别建立了能源足迹的驱动模型和分解模型,分析了吉林省1994-2010年经济因素和技术因素对人均能源足迹的影响特征和程度,绘制了人均能源足迹随人均GDP和能源足迹强度非等比例变化的三维曲面图。结果表明:在过去17 a中,以人均GDP为标志的经济增长是吉林省人均能源足迹增长的主要驱动因素,其年均贡献值为0.054 hm2;以能源足迹强度为标志的技术进步则是抑制人均能源足迹增长的重要因素,其年均贡献值为-0.027 hm2。总体上,经济因素对人均能源足迹的影响程度约为技术因素的2倍,且这种差距在近年来不断扩大,致使人均能源足迹呈增长趋势,能源消费对生态环境的压力显著增大。未来一段时期内,抑制吉林省能源足迹增长的重点在于技术进步。此外,在双变量人均GDP和能源足迹强度的不规则分布格局下,人均能源足迹将呈现复合曲面变化;最后结合吉林省的具体特点提出了提高技术水平、抑制能源足迹增速的措施建议。  相似文献   

黄河流域环境对水资源开发承受力的思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
尹国康 《地理学报》2002,57(2):224-231
根据黄河1919-1999年系列水沙资料,系统分析了其下游水沙变化时空过程,揭示了其发生断流原因及由此引发的环境问题,模拟了不同历史时期水情条件下环境用水需求量,并对如何提高黄河水资源开发承受能力,如何满足其环境用水提出看法。  相似文献   

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