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Wang  Yuanqing  Li  Qian  Bai  Bin  Jin  Xun  Mao  Fangyuan  Meng  Jin 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(1):287-309
The Paleogene is the first period after the Mesozoic Mass Extinction. Mammals become the dominant group in the terrestrial ecosystem with a rapid radiation, and Asia has been considered to be the origin place of several mammalian groups.The Paleogene System consists mostly of terrestrial deposits in Asia, especially in East Asia. A well-established regional chronostratigraphic framework is the foundation for understanding both the Paleogene geologic history and evolutionary history of Asia and their relationships. The Paleogene is subdivided into the Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene in the International Chronostratigraphic Chart. Based on the land mammal ages, the Chinese terrestrial Paleogene can be subdivided into 11 stages:the Shanghuan, Nongshanian and Bayanulanian stages of the Paleocene, the Lingchan, Arshantan, Irdinmanhan, Sharamurunian,Ulangochuian and Baiyinian stages of the Eocene, and the Ulantatalian and Tabenbulukian stages of the Oligocene. These stages have distinctive paleontological characters, with special significance of fossil mammals, which provide a reliable practical basis.The bases of the Shanghuan, Lingchan, and Ulantatalian stages are coincident respectively with those of the Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene. The ages for their bases are determined as 66.0, 56.0 and 33.9 Ma, respectively, following that for the corresponding series in the International Chronostratigraphic Chart. For other stages, estimated ages are provided based on available paleomagnetic results.  相似文献   

In this chapter, starting with a brief review of the research history and current status in the studies of the Ordovician chronostratigraphy in China, the subdivision of the Ordovician System, definition and recognition of its series and stage boundaries, and possible stratigraphic gaps are discussed in details in order to establish a multidisciplinary stratigraphic correlation through an integrated approach including lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, radiometric dating, chemostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. Being internationally accepted, the Ordovician System is now subdivided into three series and seven stages, in ascending order, Lower(Tremadocian, Floian), Middle(Dapingian, Darriwilian) and Upper series(Sandbian, Katian,Hirnantian). Three of the seven "Golden Spikes" defining the bases of the Ordovician stages, which were established in 1997–2007, are located in China. As a regionally applied chronostratigraphy, the Ordovician System was subdivided in China into Lower(Xinchangian, Yiyangian), Middle(Dapingian, Darriwilian) and Upper series(Neichiashanian, Chientangkiangian,Hirnantian). This scheme agrees largely with the standard international classification, which can actually be directly applied to China, except for some special circumstances where the Neichiashanian and Chientangkiangian stages of the Upper Ordovician are used. Based on the new studies in recent years and distinctions and differences recognized in the development of the Ordovician System in the constituent terranes of China, a new framework for correlation among the major Chinese palaeoplates or terranes, e.g. South China, North China(including Tarim and Qaidam) and Xizang(Tibet)-western Yunnan, has been established. However, it has been recognized herein that uncertainties still remain on defining the base of the Tremadocian,Dapingian and Katian, and on the correlation between different mega-facies. More specifically, for the Tremadocian, the precise correlation of its base will depend on the better-defined conodont taxonomy, while for the Dapingian and Katian, on the correlation between different mega-facies. It is worthwhile to note that the chemostratigraphic studies of the Ordovician System in China produced the carbonate δ13 C curves for the Darriwilian(Middle Ordovician) and Katian(Upper Ordovician), which show significant differences from the composite global curve. Record of the Ordovician isotopic dating is relatively rare in China, with only three reliable ages from zircons that are all from the upper Katian to Hirnantian of the Upper Ordovician.Abundant bentonite beds in the Upper Ordovician of South China will also provide unique opportunities to advance the isotopic dating and related researches. Studies on the Ordovician magnetostratigraphy need to be significantly enhanced in China, as currently all the available results are restricted to the Lower Ordovician of North China, although they can be correlated with those known from other parts of the world. The analysis of the durational unevenness of the seven stages in the Ordovician supports the possibility to further subdivide the long-durational Tremadocian, Darriwilian and Katian stages, each into two substages.  相似文献   

Qie  Wenkun  Ma  Xueping  Xu  Honghe  Qiao  Li  Liang  Kun  Guo  Wen  Song  Junjun  Chen  Bo  Lu  Jianfeng 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(1):112-134
The Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points(GSSPs) for the bases of all seven international Devonian stages have been formally defined and ratified by IUGS till 1996, and nowadays, the main tasks for Devonian stratigraphers include further subdivision of these standard stages, strictly constrained absolute ages for the boundaries, and precise neritic-pelagic and marine-terrestrial correlations using multidisciplinary stratigraphy methods. Establishment of high-resolution Devonian integrative stratigraphy framework and timescale of China would play an important role in improving regional and international correlation, facilitating the recognition of important stratigraphic levels in different paleogeographic settings, and understanding the evolution pattern of biota, paleoclimate and paleoenvironment during this critical interval. Based on well-studied bio-and chronostratigraphy of Devonian in South China and adjacent areas, in combination with recent achievements in carbon isotope stratigraphy, event stratigraphy and radioactive isotope ages, this paper briefly summarize the research history and current status of Devonian chronostratigraphy of China, and for the first time introduce Devonian integrative stratigraphy framework of China.Up to date, few studies have been conducted on the astronomical cyclostratigraphy and high-resolution radioactive isotope dating in Devonian of China, which should be our main focuses in the near future.  相似文献   

Wang  Xiangdong  Hu  Keyi  Qie  Wenkun  Sheng  Qingyi  Chen  Bo  Lin  Wei  Yao  Le  Wang  Qiulai  Qi  Yuping  Chen  Jitao  Liao  Zhuoting  Song  Junjun 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(1):135-153
The Carboniferous period lasted about 60 Myr, from ~358.9 Ma to ~298.9 Ma. According to the International Commission on Stratigraphy, the Carboniferous System is subdivided into two subsystems, i.e., Mississippian and Pennsylvanian, including 6 series and 7 stages. The Global Stratotype Sections and Points(GSSPs) of three stages have been ratified, the Tournaisian, Visean, and Bashkirian stages. The GSSPs of the remaining four stages(i.e., the Serpukhovian, Moscovian,Kasimovian, and Gzhelian) have not been ratified so far. This paper outlines Carboniferous stratigraphic subdivision and correlation on the basis of detailed biostratigraphy mainly from South China, and summarizes the Carboniferous chronostratigraphic framework of China. High-resolution biostratigraphic study reveals 37 conodont zones, 24 foraminiferal(including fusulinid) zones, 13 ammonoid zones, 10 brachiopod zones, and 10 rugose coral zones in the Carboniferous of China. The biostratigraphic framework based on these biozones warrants the precise correlation of regional stratigraphy of China(including2 subsystems, 4 series, and 8 stages) to that of the other regions globally. Meanwhile, the Carboniferous chemo-, sequence-,cyclo-, and event-stratigraphy of China have been intensively studied and can also be correlated worldwide. Future studies on the Carboniferous in China should focus on(1) the correlation between shallow-and deep-water facies and between marine and continental facies,(2) high-resolution astronomical cyclostratigraphy, and(3) paleoenvironment and paleoclimate analysis based on geochemical proxies such as strontium and oxygen isotopes, as well as stomatal indices of fossil plants.  相似文献   

Ediacaran successions occur widely in various depositional facies in South China and yield a series of fossil Lagerst?tten, providing a complete fossil record for the evolution of marine ecosystems after the terminal Cryogenian global glaciation. Carbonate-dominated Ediacaran successions in shallow water facies in South China record a nearly complete δ~(13)C profile that may reflect variations of marine carbon isotopic composition during the Ediacaran Period. The Ediacaran fossils andδ~(13)C profiles from South China permit stratigraphic correlation and subdivision of the Ediacaran strata. Based on biostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic, and geochronometric data from the Ediacaran successions in South China, we propose that the Ediacaran System in China can be subdivided into two series, with three stages in each series. The lower series is characterized by acanthomorphic acritarchs and the upper series by Ediacara-type macrofossils, and the two series are separated by the declining limb of a pronounced δ~(13)C negative excursion(EN3) in the upper Doushantuo Formation. The basal boundary of Stage1 is the same as the basal boundary of Ediacaran System, which has been defined at the base of the cap carbonate unit. Stage 2 represents the first radiation of Ediacaran microscopic organisms, with δ~(13)C feature representing by positive values(EP1). The base of the Stage 2 is placed at the first appearance level of a spiny acritarch species. Stage 3 is characterized by the occurrence of more diverse acritarchs and δ~(13)C feature EP2, with its basal boundary defined by a δ~(13)C negative excursion(EN2) occurring in the middle Doushantuo Formation. The basal boundary of Stage 4 is the same as the upper series. Stage 5 is marked by the occurrence of macrfossils of Miaohe biota, and its lower boundary can be placed at the level where δ~(13)C values transition from positive to negative in MNE, or the first appearance level of macrofossils of the Miaohe biota. Stage 6 is characterized by the occurrences of Ediacara-type Shibantan biota and Gaojiashan biota, with its lower boundary defined by the first appearance level of Conotubus hemiannulatus. The formal establishment of the aforementioned series and stages requires further and more detailed integrative stratigraphic study on the Ediacaran successions in China. Some of the Ediacaran successions in South China have great potential to become global standards in Ediacaran subdivision.  相似文献   

The Jurassic stratigraphy in China is dominated by continental sediments. Marine facies and marine-terrigenous facies sediment have developed locally in the Qinghai-Tibet area, southern South China, and northeast China. The division of terrestrial Jurassic strata has been argued, and the conclusions of biostratigraphy and isotope chronology have been inconsistent.During the Jurassic period, the North China Plate, South China Plate, and Tarim Plate were spliced and formed the prototype of ancient China. The Yanshan Movement has had a profound influence on the eastern and northern regions of China and has formed an important regional unconformity. The Triassic-Jurassic boundary(201.3 Ma) is located roughly between the Haojiagou Formation and the Badaowan Formation in the Junggar Basin, and between the Xujiahe Formation and the Ziliujing Formation in the Sichuan Basin. The early Early Jurassic sediments generally were lacking in the eastern and central regions north of the ancient Dabie Mountains, suggesting that a clear uplift occurred in the eastern part of China during the Late Triassic period when it formed vast mountains and plateaus. A series of molasse-volcanic rock-coal strata developed in the northern margin of North China Craton in the Early Jurassic and are found in the Xingshikou Formation, Nandailing Formation, and Yaopo Formation in the West Beijing Basin. The geological age and markers of the boundary between the Yongfeng Stage and Liuhuanggou Stage are unclear. About 170 Ma ago, the Yanshan Movement began to affect China. The structural system of China changed from the near east-west Tethys or the Ancient Asia Ocean tectonic domain to the north-north-east Pacific tectonic domain since 170–135 Ma. A set of syngenetic conglomerate at the bottom of the Haifanggou or Longmen Fms. represented another set of molasse-volcanic rock-coal strata formed in the Yanliao region during the Middle Jurassic Yanshan Movement(Curtain A1). The bottom of the conglomerate is approximately equivalent to the boundary of the Shihezi Stage and Liuhuanggou Stage. The bottom of the Manas Stage creates a regional unconformity in northern China(about 161 Ma, Volcanic Curtain of the Yanshan Movement, Curtain A2). The Jurassic Yanshan Movement is likely related to the southward subduction of the Siberian Plate to the closure of the Mongolia-Okhotsk Ocean. A large-scale volcanic activity occurred in the Tiaojishan period around 161–153 Ma. Note that 153 Ma is the age of the bottom Tuchengzi Formation, and the bottom boundary of the Fifth Stage of the Jurassic terrestrial stage in China should have occurred earlier than this. This activity was marked by a warming event at the top of the Toutunhe Formation, and the change in the biological assembly is estimated to be 155 Ma. The terrestrial Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary(ca. 145.0 Ma) in the Yanliao region should be located in the upper part of Member 1 of the Tuchengzi Formation, the Ordos Basin in the upper part of the Anding Formation, the Junggar Basin in the upper part of the Qigu Formation, and the Sichuan Basin in the upper part of the Suining Formation The general characteristics of terrestrial Jurassic of China changed from the warm and humid coal-forming environment of the Early-Middle Jurassic to the hot, dry, red layers in the Late Jurassic. With the origin and development of the Coniopteris-Phoenicopsis flora, the Yanliao biota was developed and spread widely in the area north of the ancient Kunlun Mountains, ancient Qinling Mountains, and ancient Dabie Mountain ranges in the Middle Jurassic, and reached its great prosperity in the Early Late Jurassic and gradually declined and disappeared and moved southward with the arrival of a dry and hot climate.  相似文献   

Quaternary strata in China mainly comprise continental deposits in a variety of depositional settings. The continental Quaternary in temperate northern China consists mainly of eolian and fluvio-lacustrine deposits; that in subtropical southern China, mainly of vermiculated red soils, cave/fissure deposits, and fluvio-lacustrine deposits; and that in the alpine Tibetan Plateau, mainly of fluvio-lacustrine and piedmont deposits. The marine Quaternary in China consists of detrital deposits and biogenic reef deposits. The integration of biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, climatostratigraphy and an astronomically calibrated chronology has led to the establishment of high-precision climatochronostratigraphic timescales for the detrital marine Quaternary in the South China Sea and the loess-paleosol sequence in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Extremely high-precision230 Th dating has provided a high-precision absolute age model for cave stalagmites over the past 640000 years as well as highresolution oxygen isotope records representing orbital-to suborbital-scale climate changes. By combining magnetic stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, robust chronostratigraphic frameworks for non-eolian continental Quaternary deposits on the scale of Quaternary geomagnetic polarities have been established. The continental Pleistocene Series consists, from oldest to youngest,of the Nihewanian Stage of the Lower Pleistocene, the Zhoukoudianian Stage of the Middle Pleistocene, and the Salawusuan Stage of the Upper Pleistocene. Stages of the continental Holocene Series have not yet been established. This review summarizes recent developments in the Quaternary chronostratigraphy of representative Quaternary strata and associated faunas, and then proposes an integrative chronostratigraphic framework and a stratigraphic correlation scheme for Quaternary continental strata in China. In the near-future, it is hoped to establish not only a Chinese continental Quaternary climatochronostratigraphic chart on the scale of glacial-interglacial cycles but also a Quaternary integrative chronostratigraphic chart including both continental and marine strata in China.  相似文献   

The widely exposed Chinese Neogene terrestrial deposits provide the best circumstance for the establishment of an accurate chronostratigraphic system of Eurasia, and the rapidly evolved mammalian fossils contribute efficiently to the division and correlation of Asian Neogene strata. A uniform Neogene biostratigraphic framework for China has already been established,with seven mammalian ages named. With a developed stratigraphic basis for the geochronologic "ages", seven chronostratigraphic "stage" have been established for the Chinese Neogene terrestrial strata, namely the Miocene Xiejian, Shanwangian,Tunggurian, Bahean, and Baodean stages, and the Pliocene Gaozhuangian and Mazegouan stages. Based on a series of research achievements, refined biostratigraphic, paleomagnetic and isotopic methods were combined and applied to continuous sections,and a Chinese Neogene chronostratigraphic sequence with accurate geological ages was established and improved in recent years. The lower boundaries of most of the stages could be correlated with those of the marine stages in the International Chronostratigraphic Chart, except the Tunggurian Stage, which is correlated with the European land mammal age. The biostratigraphic markers of the Chinese Neogene stages are usually first appearance of a single taxon, some representing regional species replacement, others indicating intercontinental migration of certain taxa. Candidate stratotype sections have been proposed for all the Chinese Neogene stages according to the principle and rule of modern stratigraphy, and other Chinese Neogene strata in different regions are comprehensively correlated.  相似文献   

Rong  Jiayu  Wang  Yi  Zhan  Renbin  Fan  Junxuan  Huang  Bing  Tang  Peng  Li  Yue  Zhang  Xiaole  Wu  Rongchang  Wang  Guangxu  Wei  Xin 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(1):89-111
Silurian is a period with the shortest duration in Phanerozoic except for the Neogene and Quaternary. It represents an important and unique interval when the biotic diversity recovered quickly after the end-Ordovician mass extinction, different paleoplates or terranes conjoined, big oceans disappeared or narrowed, climate and sea level changed frequently, global biotic provincialism became weaker, some primitive plants started to occupy the land. Silurian is also the first system of which all the chronostratigraphic stratotypes(i.e. the GSSPs) including four series and seven stages were established by the International Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy(ISSS). Nonetheless, during the post-GSSP studies conducted by ISSS in the middle1980 s, some Silurian GSSPs were found to have some congenital defects such as no index fossils available that hinder the high resolution subdivision and correlation on a regional or global scale. In this paper, based on the latest development of Silurian study in China, the progress in biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, event stratigraphy(such as facies differentiation, heterochrony of black shales, marine red beds, carbonate rocks and reefs), chemostratigraphy, and tectonic stratigraphy(e.g., widespread of the late Silurian rocks in South China and its tectonic implication) are systematically summarized. Some existing problems and the areas to be focused in future work are also discussed. It is suitable for chronostratigraphic study to concentrate not only on the boundary but also doing multidisciplinary analysis on the biotic, chemical, magnetic, environmental, and chronologic aspects, in order to enhance the reliability and the potential for regional and global correlation of a certain GSSP.Some important achievements are expected in these areas in the Silurian study in China:(1) ecostratigraphy and basin analysis of the Llandovery, and the correlation of integrative stratigraphy with a high resolution;(2) establishment of the Wenlock to Pridoli chronostratigraphic framework;(3) the chemo-and magnetic stratigraphy and the age of some key intervals and horizons;(4)further investigation on paleogeography and plate tectonics; and(5) origin and early evolution of the terrestrial ecosystem. Some new breakthroughs might occur in the restudy on some of those problematic GSSPs of some particular series and stages.  相似文献   

Shen  Shuzhong  Zhang  Hua  Zhang  Yichun  Yuan  Dongxun  Chen  Bo  He  Weihong  Mu  Lin  Lin  Wei  Wang  Wenqian  Chen  Jun  Wu  Qiong  Cao  Changqun  Wang  Yue  Wang  Xiangdong 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(1):154-188
A series of global major geological and biological events occurred during the Permian Period. Establishing a highresolution stratigraphic and temporal framework is essential to understand their cause-effect relationship. The official International timescale of the Permian System consists of three series(i.e., Cisuralian, Guadalupian and Lopingian in ascending order) and nine stages. In China, the Permian System is composed of three series(Chuanshanian, Yansingian and Lopingian) and eight stages, of which the subdivisions and definitions of the Chuanshanian and Yangsingian series are very different from the Cisuralian and Guadalupian series. The Permian Period spanned ~47 Myr. Its base is defined by the First Appearance Datum(FAD) of the conodont Streptognathodus isolatus at Aidaralash, Kazakhstan with an interpolated absolute age 298.9±0.15 Ma at Usolka, southern Urals, Russia. Its top equals the base of the Triassic System and is defined by the FAD of the conodont Hindeodus parvus at Meishan D section, southeast China with an interpolated absolute age 251.902±0.024 Ma. Thirty-five conodont, 23 fusulinid, 17 radiolarian and 20 ammonoid zones are established for the Permian in China, of which the Guadalupian and Lopingian conodont zones have been served as the standard for international correlation. The Permian δ13 Ccarbtrend indicates that it is characterized by a rapid negative shift of 3–5‰ at the end of the Changhsingian, which can be used for global correlation of the end-Permian mass extinction interval, but δ13 Ccarbrecords from all other intervals may have more or less suffered subsequent diagenetic alteration or represented regional or local signatures only. Permian δ18 Oapatitestudies suggest that an icehouse stage dominated the time interval from the late Carboniferous to Kungurian(late Cisuralian). However, paleoclimate began to ameriolate during the late Kungurian and gradually shifted into a greenhouse-dominated stage during the Guadalupian.The Changhsingian was a relatively cool stage, followed by a globally-recognizable rapid temperature rise of 8–10°C at the very end of the Changhsingian. The87 Sr/86 Sr ratio trend shows that their values at the beginning of the Permian were between 0.70800,then gradually decreased to the late Capitanian minimum 0.70680–0.70690, followed by a persistent increase until the end of the Permian with the value 0.70708. Magenetostratigraphy suggests two distinct stages separated by the Illawarra Reversal in the middle Wordian, of which the lower is the reverse polarity Kiaman Superchron and the upper is the mixed-polarity Illawarra Superchron. The end-Guadalupian(or pre-Lopingian) biological crisis occurred during the late Capitanian, when faunal changeovers of different fossil groups had different paces, but generally experienced a relatively long time from the Jinogondolella altudensis Zone until the earliest Wuchiapingian. The end-Permian mass extinction was a catastrophic event that is best constrained at the Meishan section, which occurred at 251.941±0.037 Ma and persisted no more than 61±48 kyr. After the major pulse at Bed 25, the extinction patterns are displayed differently in different sections. The global end-Guadalupian regression is manifested between the conodont Jinogondolella xuanhanensis and Clarkina dukouensis zones and the endChanghsingian transgression began in the Hindeodus changxingensis-Clarkina zhejiangensis Zone. The Permian Period is also characterized by strong faunal provincialism in general, which resulted in difficulties in inter-continental and inter-regional correlation of both marine and terrestrial systems.  相似文献   

Cretaceous strata are widely distributed across China and record a variety of depositional settings. The sedimentary facies consist primarily of terrestrial, marine and interbedded marine-terrestrial deposits, of which marine and interbedded facies are relatively limited. Based a thorough review of the subdivisions and correlations of Cretaceous strata in China, we provide an up-to-date integrated chronostratigraphy and geochronologic framework of the Cretaceous system and its deposits in China.Cretaceous marine and interbedded marine-terrestrial sediments occur in southern Tibet, Karakorum, the western Tarim Basin,eastern Heilongjiang and Taiwan. Among these, the Himalayan area has the most complete marine deposits, the foraminiferal and ammonite biozonation of which can be correlated directly to the international standard biozones. Terrestrial deposits in central and western China consist predominantly of red, lacustrine-fluvial, clastic deposits, whereas eastern China, a volcanically active zone, contains clastic rocks in association with intermediate to acidic igneous rocks and features the most complete stratigraphic successions in northern Hebei, western Liaoning and the Songliao Basin. Here, we synthesise multiple stratigraphic concepts and charts from southern Tibet, northern Hebei to western Liaoning and the Songliao Basin to produce a comprehensive chronostratigraphic chart. Marine and terrestrial deposits are integrated, and this aids in the establishment of a comprehensive Cretaceous chronostratigraphy and temporal framework of China. Further research into the Cretaceous of China will likely focus on terrestrial deposits and mutual authentication techniques(e.g., biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy). This study provides a more reliable temporal framework both for studying Cretaceous geological events and exploring mineral resources in China.  相似文献   

Cambrian integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cambrian Period is the first period of the Phanerozoic Eon and witnessed the explosive appearance of the metazoans, representing the beginning of the modern earth-life system characterized by animals in contrary to the Precambrian earth-life system dominated by microbial life. However, understanding Cambrian earth-life system evolution is hampered by regional and global stratigraphic correlations due to an incomplete chronostratigraphy and consequent absence of a highresolution timescale. Here we briefly review the historical narrative of the present international chronostratigraphic framework of the Cambrian System and summarize recent advances and problems of the undefined Cambrian stage GSSPs, in particular we challenge the global correlation of the GSSP for the Cambrian base, in addition to Cambrian chemostratigraphy and geochronology. Based on the recent advances of the international Cambrian chronostratigraphy, revisions to the Cambrian chronostratigraphy of China, which are largely based on the stratigraphic record of South China, are suggested, and the Xiaotanian Stage is newly proposed for the Cambrian Stage 2 of China. We further summarize the integrative stratigraphy of South China, North China and Tarim platforms respectively with an emphasis on the facies variations of the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary successions and problems for identification of the Cambrian base in the different facies and areas of China. Moreover, we discuss stratigraphic complications that are introduced by poorly fossiliferous dolomite successions in the upper Cambrian System which are widespread in South China, North China and Tarim platforms.  相似文献   

Shen  Boheng  Shen  Shuzhong  Wu  Qiong  Zhang  Shuichang  Zhang  Bin  Wang  Xiangdong  Hou  Zhangshuai  Yuan  Dongxun  Zhang  Yichun  Liu  Feng  Liu  Jun  Zhang  Hua  Shi  Yukun  Wang  Jun  Feng  Zhuo 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2022,65(6):983-1011
Science China Earth Sciences - The Carboniferous-Permian strata in the North China Block (NCB) contain abundant fossils, coals and natural gases. Establishing a high-resolution timescale for the...  相似文献   

A series of major geological and biological events which altered the evolutionary processes of whole biosphere occurred during the earth history. Establishing a high-resolution stratigraphic framework and timescale is essential to understand their tempo and causes. High-resolution biostratigraphy remains the most useful approach and forms the basis of dividing the chronostratigraphic system and making the inter-continental and regional correlation. China possesses nearly complete strata from Ediacaran to Quaternary covering wide palaeogeographic regions and containing abundant well-preserved fossils. Traditional biostratigraphy based on sytematic palaeontology of various fossil groups have played an important role in establishing the GSSPs and improving the International and Chinese Stratigraphic Charts. 11 out of 72 establised GSSPs are located in China.Recently, more high-precision geochronology, chemostratigraphy, cyclostrtatigraphy have been applied for stratigraphy and correlation and important advances have been made in some periods. This volume invited Chinese palaeontologists and stratigraphers to summarize the progresses of stratigraphy and timescale from Ediacaran to Quaternary and intercontinental and regional correlation during the last two decades.  相似文献   

Rocks of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau(QTP) host abundant Triassic fossils. So far, the well established marine fossil sequences based on ammonoids, conodonts, bivalves, brachiopods, radiolarians, and terrestrial spora-pollen sequence have become standard for biostratigraphic correlation of the QTP. For much of Triassic time, the QTP occupied a marine setting as suggested by the dominance of marine deposits. The main sedimentary types represented in the Triassic successions include littoral to sha...  相似文献   

Age determinations of the Triassic lithostratigraphic units of the Yanshan belt were previously based on plant fossils and regional correlations of lithologies. The Liujiagou and Heshanggou Formations were assigned as the Lower Triassic, and the Ermaying Formation was regarded as the Middle Triassic. We carried out a geochronologic study of detrital zircon grains from the Triassic sandstone in the Xiabancheng and Yingzi basins in northern Hebei where the Triassic strata are exceptionally well preserved. The results show that the Liujiagou, Heshanggou, and Ermaying Formations are all Late Triassic in age. The ages of detrital zircons also revealed that the upper part of the Shihezi Formation and the overlying Sunjiagou Formation, both of which were thought to be the Middle-Late Permian units, are actually late Early to Middle Triassic deposits. This study combines the upper Shihezi and Sunjiagou Formations into a single unit termed as the Yingzi Formation. We also substitute the widely-used Liujiagou, Heshanggou, and Ermaying Formations with the Dingjiagou, Xiabancheng, and Huzhangzi Formations, respectively. Field observations and facies analysis show that the top of the Shihezi Formation is an erosive surface, marking a parallel unconformity between the Middle Permian and Lower Triassic. The Yingzi Formation is composed mainly of meandering river deposits, indicative of tectonic quiescence and low-relief landform in the Early to Middle Triassic. In contrast, the Dingjiagou, Xiabancheng, and Huzhangzi Formations are interpreted as the deposits of sandy/gravelly braided rivers, alluvial fans, fan deltas, and deep lakes in association with volcanism, thus indicating an intense rifting setting. A new Triassic lithostratigraphic division is proposed according to age constraints and facies analysis, and the results are of significance for understanding the early Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Yanshan belt.  相似文献   

Based on detailed field observation and multidisciplinary studies of integrated stratigraphy, the marine Lower and Middle Triassic of Lower Yangtze region is divided into five third-order sequences, the general approach of the outcrop sequence stratigraphical study of carbonate ramp is proposed, the pattern in the development of the Early and Middle Triassic sequence under the major regression is summarized, and the sequence stratigraphical and chronostratigraphical frameworks across various paleogeographical facies zones on the marginal platform are established. Project supported by the Stake Key Project “SSLC” and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49502022, 49632070).  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas have a long and complex tectonic evolutionary history.Cratons and blocks, such as northern India, Lhasa, Qiangtang, Qaidam and Central Qilian, and their in-between orogenic belts constitute the main part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. During the Cambrian Period, most of these cratons and blocks were on the northwestern periphery of Gondwana, and were associated with the surrounding blocks, e.g. Arabian, Central Iran, Afghanistan, Tarim, Alxa...  相似文献   

During the Carboniferous Period, the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas were located in quite different paleogeographic positions with various sedimentary and biological types. It is important to systematically compile and summarize the Carboniferous strata and biotas of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas, to establish an integrated stratigraphic framework for correlation, and to reconstruct the paleogeography for correctly understanding the breakup of the Gondw...  相似文献   

The Cretaceous Period is a vital time interval in deciphering the evolutionary history of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and the convergence of different plates and blocks across the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. A detailed stratigraphic framework and paleogeographic patterns are the basis for understanding the evolution of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and the formation of the QinghaiTibetan Plateau. Here, the Cretaceous stratigraphy, biota, paleogeography, and major geological events in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ar...  相似文献   

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