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中国末次冰盛期以来湖泊水量变化及古气候变化机制解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薛滨  于革 《湖泊科学》2005,17(1):35-40
中国古湖泊数据库收录的42个湖泊,提供的湖泊水量每千年变化的空间信息,可以用来系统分析中国区域末次冰盛期以来大气环流变化的状况.研究结果表明:我国西部从末次冰盛期以来直至全新世中期均为较湿润的气候状况,推测冰期内的湿润条件主要与西风带的降水以及低温低蒸发密切相关,而全新世主要为夏季风降水增加所致;全新世晚期气候趋干明显.我国东部的大部分区域在冰盛期和晚冰期较为干旱;只是在全新世有效降水状况才有大幅度的改善,全新世中期夏季风降水的效应仍然相当显著,控制的范围可达整个中国西部,同时位于现代季风气候区的中国东部,有效降水的峰值区的变化似乎存在从北往南的穿时性,南方有效降水峰值出现在晚全新世.而西南季风区湿润状况的明显改善发生在晚冰期,比东南季风区发生的早,显然这与两个季风系统的相互消长有一定的关系.我国东北区的湿润状况改善的也较早,显示了独特的季风气候机制.  相似文献   

末次冰盛期时赤道地区的降温幅度问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综合分析了各种古气温指标所揭示的赤道地区末次冰盛期时的气温变化情况 ,发现随着海拔升高 ,气温降幅增大 ,气温递减率变化是这一现象发生的最直接原因 .估计末次冰盛期时赤道地区的气温递减率比现今的约大 ( 0 .1± 0 .0 5 )℃ /1 0 0m .CLIMAP对于末次冰盛期时赤道洋面温度变化的估计可能偏小 .  相似文献   

华北平原末次冰盛期以来典型时段古环境格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重建典型时段区域气候和植被空间格局变化,是评估未来增温背景下生态环境变化和响应过程的重要基础.文章基于AMS 14C定年技术和孢粉分析,获得了华北平原白洋淀等6个剖面末次冰盛期以来的气候-植被变化历史.结合区内已有孢粉记录,重建了华北平原末次冰盛期和全新世暖期的古环境格局.结果显示,华北平原区域植被变化受气候条件、地貌景观和人类活动等因素共同影响:末次冰盛期,华北平原气候寒冷干旱,南部山地发育针阔混交林和落叶-常绿阔叶林,北部山地生长耐寒针叶林-针阔混交林,森林面积相对较小;平原南部生长中生或湿生草甸,北部发育温带草原-荒漠草原;滨海区陆架大面积出露,生长藜科为主的盐生植物.全新世暖期,华北平原气候温暖湿润,南部山地发育落叶阔叶林或落叶-常绿阔叶混交林,伴生有喜暖亚热带属种,北部山地生长落叶阔叶林,部分喜暖湿植物常有出现,森林面积相对增加;平原腹地草本植物仍占优势,森林面积较小且难以形成地带性森林景观;受海平面上升影响,滨海区原有盐生植被向内陆收缩;此外,这一时期华北平原人类活动范围扩大、农业生产频繁,对区内自然植被产生了一定影响.文章为中国北方古气候数值模拟、区域碳循环评估和未来增温背景下区域生态环境变化预测等提供了基础数据和科学依据.  相似文献   

全球变暖对中国北方气候的影响已经引发了学术界的广泛关注,地质增温期东亚季风变迁历史可为理解未来气候变化提供重要参考.文章主要基于中国北方夏季风边缘带的湖泊、黄土等记录的古植被信息,探讨了末次冰盛期至全新世全球增温过程中东亚季风的变化历史.地质记录显示,末次冰盛期东亚冬季风增强,夏季风减弱,中国北方气候干冷,大部分地区呈现荒漠草原或干草原景观,贺兰山以东沙地的东南边界和现代沙地边界接近或略向东南方向小幅扩张.在由冷转暖的末次冰消期,东亚冬季风逐渐减弱,夏季风逐渐增强,但在快速变冷的Heinrich 1(H1)和Younger Dryas(YD)事件期间,中国北方气候变干.全新世冬季风减弱,夏季风显著增强,季风雨带向西北推进至少300km,中国中东部干旱区范围大幅度缩小,北方喜暖喜湿植物显著增加.从夏季风边缘带的记录看,中全新世夏季风最为强盛.显然,古增温有利于东亚夏季风的增强,从而极大改善中国北方的生态环境.如果全球变暖持续下去,中国北方将变得湿润.与轨道尺度记录相比,高分辨率的古植被记录较为缺乏,全新世气候突变事件以及百年-十年尺度气候旋回尚需深入研究,应作为今后研究的重点.  相似文献   

末次冰消期东亚和挪威海气候事件的对比   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对黄土-古土壤和泥炭剖面的高分辨率~14C年代学以及有机质的δ~(13)C值和有机碳百分含量的研究,揭示了末次冰消期百年尺度温暖-寒冷的东亚季风气候颤动事件及其反映的有意义的降水变率.它们由波令(Bolling13~12.5ka BP),老仙女木(Older Dryas 12.5~11.75ka BP),阿勒鲁德(Allerod 11.75~11.2 ka BP)和新仙女木(Younger Dryas 11.2~10 ka BP)事件构成.其地层结构表现出多种沉积相的变化,反映了气候的不稳定性.这些高频、快速的气候事件可与挪威海海面温度记录的气候事件—一对比.反映了东亚季风气候通过西风带及与其相关的气压系统与极地.高纬地区古气候的遥相关.  相似文献   

文章使用9个气候模式的数值试验数据,研究了末次冰盛期中国西部冰川物质平衡线高度(ELA),以期加深理解冰期青藏高原地表环境以及ELA变化成因.相对于工业化革命前期这一参考时段,末次冰盛期青藏高原夏季普遍降温4-8℃,年降水量平均减少25%.在降温和降水减少的共同作用下,中国西部ELA降低,不同区域之间降幅存在差异.在青藏高原地区,其南缘和西北部下降1100m,中部腹地下降650-800m,东部下降550-800m且由西南向东北逐渐变小.中国境内天山上的ELA下降不超过650m,祁连山和阿尔泰山上的下降值在500~600m.另外,水平分辨率高的气候模式能模拟出青藏髙原中部ELA下降不超过500m的低值,这与古冰川遗迹记录一致;末次冰盛期青藏高原冰川物质积累区主要发生在边缘山地,其面积扩张至现代的2-5倍,但仍未覆盖到高原中部.  相似文献   

The range of relative sea level rise in the northwestern South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum was over 100 m. As a result, lowland regions including the Northeast Vietnam coast, Beibu Gulf, and South China coast experienced an evolution from land to sea. Based on the principle of reconstructing paleogeography and using recent digital elevation model, relative sea level curves, and sediment accumulation data, this paper presents a series of paleogeographic scenarios back to 20 cal. ka BP for the northwestern South China Sea. The scenarios demonstrate the entire process of coastline changes for the area of interest. During the late glacial period from 20 to 15 cal. ka BP, coastline slowly retreated, causing a land loss of only 1×104 km2, and thus the land-sea distribution remained nearly unchanged. Later in 15–10 cal. ka BP coastline rapidly retreated and area of land loss was up to 24×104km2, causing lowlands around Northeast Vietnam and South China soon to be underwater. Coastline retreat continued quite rapidly during the early Holocene. From 10 to 6 cal. ka BP land area had decreased by 9×104km2, and during that process the Qiongzhou Strait completely opened up. Since the mid Holocene, main controls on coastline change are from vertical crustal movements and sedimentation. Transgression was surpassed by regression, resulting in a land accretion of about 10×104km2. Supported by Key Laboratory of Marginal Sea Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. MSGL0711), the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 04001309) and Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. MGE2007KG04)  相似文献   

Wu  Haibin  Li  Qin  Yu  Yanyan  Sun  Aizhi  Lin  Yating  Jiang  Wenqi  Luo  Yunli 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(8):1269-1278
Quantitative paleoclimatic reconstruction is crucial for understanding the operation and evolution of the global climate system.For example,a quantitative paleoclimatic reconstruction for the Last Glacial Maximum(18±2 ka~(14)C,LGM)is fundamental to understanding the evolution of Earth’s climate during the last glacial-interglacial cycle.Previous quantitative palaeoclimate reconstructions in China are generally based on statistical comparison of modern pollen assemblages and modern climate data.These methods are based on the premise that vegetation-climate interactions remain the same through time,and implicitly assume that the interactions are independent of changes in seasonality and atmospheric CO_2concentration.However,these assumptions may not always be valid,which may affect the reconstructions.Here,we present the results of a quantitative study of the LGM climate of China based on an improved inverse vegetation model which incorporates physiological processes combined with a new China Quaternary Pollen Database.The results indicate that during the LGM,mean annual temperature(ANNT),mean temperature of the coldest month(MTCO)and mean temperature of the warmest month in China were lower by~5.6±0.8,~11.0±1.6 and~2.6±0.9°C,respectively,compared to today,and that the changes in ANNT were mainly due to the decrease of MTCO.The ANNT decrease in southern China was~5.5±0.5°C.Mean annual precipitation was lower by~46.3±17.8 mm compared to today and was especially low in northern China(~51.2±21.4 mm)due to the decrease in summer rainfall.Comparison of our results with recent outputs from paleoclimatic modelling reveals that while the latter are broadly consistent with our estimated changes in mean annual climatic parameters,there are substantial differences in the seasonal climatic parameters.Our results highlight the crucial importance of developing seasonal simulation on paleoclimatic models,as well as the need to improve the quality of paleoclimatic reconstructions based on proxy records from geological archives.  相似文献   

龙感湖钻孔揭示的末次盛冰期以来的环境演化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过龙感湖滩地钻孔24.4m深度以内的沉积物岩性、生物和物理指标分析,在^14C年代测定的基础上,对龙感湖末次盛冰期以来的环境演化进行了恢复,15.0kaBP前和10.0-6.3kaBP,龙感湖区发育河流沉积,以低生物量和高磁化率为特征;约15.0-10.0kaBP期间的晚冰期,龙感湖首次成湖,湖泊中生物量明显提高;现代龙感湖雏形始于约6.3kaBP后,至3.7kaBP后发展为稳定的湖泊环境,此外,花粉结果显示,龙感湖湿地相干被大致形成于3.3kaBP后,然后,龙感湖的成因和演化,及其与长江关系的研究,还必须重视对沉各物物源的追踪。  相似文献   

末次盛冰期以来南海南部海平面及海洋底水温度均发生了很大的变化. 为了研究南海南部天然气水合物稳定带厚度在这个过程中的变化情况及其对环境的影响,我们利用相关的计算公式,并编制了计算稳定带厚度的程序,在南海南部的南沙海槽、曾母盆地、巴拉望盆地和苏禄海等四个重点海域选取了35个点进行末次盛冰期及目前稳定带厚度的计算. 计算结果表明,南海南部末次盛冰期和目前的天然气水合物稳定带厚度分别为262m和233m;甲烷资源量分别为2.69×1013m3和2.39×1013m3;水合物资源量分别为1.64×1011m3和1.46×1011m3. 这说明自末次盛冰期以来,南海南部稳定带厚度平均减薄了29m,平均减薄百分比为12%,同时释放了大约3.0×1012m3的甲烷,这些甲烷对环境产生了较大影响,对末次冰期的结束起了较大作用.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was applied to glacial and loess deposits in the north flank of the Terskey-Alatoo Range, Kyrgyz Republic, to elucidate the glacier chronology of the central Asian mountains during the Last Glacial. Moraines in five parts of study area were classified into four stages (Terskey Stages I–IV) based on their geographical position and elevation, and their moraine rock weathering. According to this classification, the oldest moraines (Terskey Stage I) were at 2100–2250 m a.s.l. and the second-oldest moraines (Terskey Stage II) were at 2400–2700 m a.s.l. Quartz samples from moraines of these two stages were used for OSL dating. The OSL ages of the quartz samples indicate that glacier expansion in the Terskey Stage II occurred between 21 and 29 ka BP.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the spatial and temporal variations in Alpine glaciations is essential for reconstructing the regional and global timing of ice ages. This study investigates glacial deposits at the mouth of the Muksu catchment in the northern Pamir using 10Be surface-exposure age dating. We sampled boulders from the furthest downstream recessional moraine (20 samples) and five lateral moraines (41 samples) near the former terminus of the Fedchenko Glacier, the longest (∼72 km) present-day Alpine glacier of the Pamir. After the identification of outliers, the boulder population of the recessional moraine yielded a mean exposure age of 17.5 ± 1.9 ka. The maximum exposure age of the lateral moraines, collected ∼5 km up-valley of the recessional moraine, is 18.2 ± 1.7 ka. The boulder ages reflect glacial deposition during the Last Glacial Maximum (Marine Isotope Stage 2) in the region; they are in accordance with published glacial deposition ages in the western Tian Shan.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the spatial patterns of regional climate and vegetation during specific intervals in the past is important for assessing the possible responses of the ecological environment under future global warming scenarios. In this study, we reconstructed the history of regional vegetation and climate based on six radiocarbon-dated pollen records from the North China Plain. Combining the results with existing pollen records, we reconstruct the paleoenvironment of the North China Plain during the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM) and the Holocene Climatic Optimum(HCO). The results show that changes in the regional vegetation since the LGM were primarily determined by climatic conditions, the geomorphic landscape and by human activity.During the LGM, the climate was cold and dry; mixed broadleaf-coniferous forest and deciduous-evergreen broadleaf forest developed in the southern mountains, and cold-resistant coniferous forest and mixed broadleaf-coniferous forest were present in the northern mountains. The forest cover was relatively low, with mesophytic and hygrophilous meadow occupying the southern part of the plain, and temperate grassland and desert steppe were distributed in the north; Chenopodiaceae-dominated halophytes grew on the exposed continental shelf of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea. During the HCO, the climate was warm and wet;deciduous broadleaf forest and deciduous-evergreen broadleaf forest, with subtropical species, developed in the southern mountains, and deciduous broadleaf forest with thermophilic species was present in northern mountains. Although the degree of forest cover was greater than during the LGM, the vegetation of the plain area was still dominated by herbs, while halophytes had migrated inland due to sea level rise. In addition, the expansion of human activities, especially the intensification of cultivation,had a significant influence on the natural vegetation. Our results provide data and a scientific basis for paleoclimate modelling and regional carbon cycle assessment in north China, with implications for predicting changes in the ecological environment under future global warming scenarios.  相似文献   

末次盛冰期以来气候环境经历了低温-升温-高温等诸多场景,成为评估未来气候变化的理想相似型.基于中国东北地区花粉记录,重建末次盛冰期以来特征时期植被格局,为预测未来气候环境变化影响下的生态环境格局提供依据.末次盛冰期(~18000cal a BP),东北地区草原植被急剧扩张,松嫩平原形成大面积的寒旱草甸草原,辽河平原和呼伦贝尔高原也被草原和荒漠占据,中南部平原发育森林草原植被;山地存在寒旱型针叶林和寒温性针阔叶混交林.早全新世阶段(10000~9000cal a BP),东北地区东部山地丘陵区和三江平原地区为针阔叶混交林植被,中部地区仍以草原植被为主,暖温性阔叶林向北有所发展.全新世大暖期( 6000cal a BP),温带针阔叶混交林和寒温带针叶林向北方扩张,落叶松向南略有推进,云冷杉林向北扩展,在小兴安岭东部和三江平原出现高值.落叶阔叶林分布中心向南迁移至长白山南部和辽东半岛.松嫩平原草原区岛状林地增加,辽河平原地区草甸草原植被扩张.增温导致东北地区季风降水增加,有利于暖温型森林植被发育.东北地区全新世暖期是植被发育最好时期,增温导致的夏季风降水增强,可能是植被和生态环境良好的主要原因.  相似文献   

Since the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM), the global climate has experienced several stages, such as cold and warming events, which provide an ideal model for evaluating climate change in the future. Based on the pollen records in Northeast(NE) China, the vegetation pattern during special periods since the LGM was reconstructed in this work. During the LGM(approximately 18,000 cal yr BP), the steppes expanded rapidly in NE China, and a cold-dry meadow-steppe developed on the Songnen Plain. The Liaohe Plain and the Hulun Buir Plateau were occupied by a steppe-desert, with forest-steppe vegetation grown in the central and southern plains; there were cold-dry coniferous forests and mixed conifer-broadleaf forests in mountainous areas. In the early Holocene(10,000–9,000 cal yr BP), Changbai mountain(CBM) forests thrived in the eastern hilly area and the Sanjiang Plain, while the central region was dominated by steppes, and warm-temperate broadleaf forests developed northward. During the Holocene warm period(approximately 6,000 cal yr BP), CBM forests and cold-temperate coniferous forests developed in the north, while spruce-fir forests developed in the eastern Xiao Hinggan Mountains and the Sanjiang Plain. The distribution centre of deciduous broadleaf forests migrated to the south of the Changbai Mountains and the Liaodong Peninsula. The isolated woodlands increased on the Songnen Plain and the meadow-steppes expanded to the Liaohe Plain. Therefore, the increase in temperature leads to the increase of monsoon precipitation in NE China, which is beneficial to the development of warm-temperate forest vegetation. The increase of summer monsoons and precipitation caused by climate warming may be the main reason for the improved plant load.  相似文献   

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