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北斗区域卫星导航系统基本导航定位性能初步评估   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
北斗区域卫星导航系统(也称北斗2代1期)于2012年12月27日正式开始运行,系统由14颗卫星组成,包括5颗地球静止轨道卫星、5颗倾斜地球同步轨道卫星和4颗中圆地球轨道卫星.本文初步评估了北斗区域卫星导航系统建成运行后的基本导航定位性能,包括卫星可见性、位置精度衰减因子、伪距和载波相位观测量精度、单点定位和差分定位精度以及模糊度解算性能等.通过实验分析可知:北斗伪距和载波相位测量精度已与GPS处在同一水平,伪距测量精度约为33 cm,载波测量精度约为2 mm;北斗伪距单点定位水平精度优于6 m,高程精度优于10 m,已满足设计要求;北斗区域卫星导航系统已具备独立的双频RTK定位能力,其单历元双频模糊度解算成功率几乎与GPS相当;北斗载波相位差分定位精度与GPS相位差分定位处在同一水平,超短基线情况下,定位精度优于1 cm,而在短基线情况下优于3 cm;北斗与GPS组合定位时,模糊度解算的固定率和可靠性均显著提高;在短基线情况下,北斗/GPS组合载波相位差分动态定位精度相对于单一的GPS定位的改善可达20%以上;北斗单频伪距差分定位精度优于2.5 m,与GPS相比仍存在较大差距,其主要原因可能为北斗GEO卫星伪距多路径误差较大.  相似文献   

随着北斗卫星导航系统组网成功,分析北斗系统的定位性能及在区域参考框架维持中的应用具有重要意义.本文以陕西和西部某区域北斗基准站为基础,从卫星数据质量、覆盖能力、网解模式和PPP解模式分析了北斗三号卫星定位性能及在区域高精度参考框架维持的可行性与可靠性.结果表明:BDS-3卫星的位置精度衰减因子(PDOP)优于BDS-2...  相似文献   

Zhou  Letao  Huang  Dingfa  Feng  Wei  Chen  Wu  Zhang  Xi  Yan  Li 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(4):733-749
In this paper, we derived a high-efficiency formula for calculating the precision of carrier phase relative positioning,analyzed the various factors that affect the positioning accuracy using the carrier phase, and proposed the concept of using a frequency dilution of precision to describe the quantitative effect of different frequency combinations on the positioning precision. To this end, we computed and plotted the global spatial distribution map of the relative positioning dilution of precision for single-day solution, half-hour solution, and single-epoch solution of the global positioning system(GPS), regional Beidou navigation satellite system(BDS2), future global Beidou navigation satellite system(BDS3), and their fusion systems.Using processing software with autonomous intellectual property rights(GCN and VENUS/ARSNet), we solved the measurement data and examined the positioning precision of the single-day solution and single-epoch solution of GPS and BDS2.The analysis demonstrated that the B1/B2 frequency positioning precision of BDS2 was better than that of L1/L2 frequency positioning of GPS, but the positioning precision of the BDS2 is worse than that of GPS over most of the service region of the BDS2. Further, the positioning precision of BDS3 is better than that of GPS in the Asia-Pacific region, while it is the opposite in other regions. Based on these conclusions, we put forth some optimization recommendations regarding the signal frequency of the navigation system and GPS measurement standards to serve as references for optimizing the system performance and formulating standards.  相似文献   

BeiDou regional navigation satellite system(BDS)also called BeiDou-2 has been in full operation since December 27,2012.It consists of 14 satellites,including 5 satellites in Geostationary Orbit(GEO),5 satellites in Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit(IGSO),and 4 satellites in Medium Earth Orbit(MEO).In this paper,its basic navigation and positioning performance are evaluated preliminarily by the real data collected in Beijing,including satellite visibility,Position Dilution of Precision(PDOP)value,the precision of code and carrier phase measurements,the accuracy of single point positioning and differential positioning and ambiguity resolution(AR)performance,which are also compared with those of GPS.It is shown that the precision of BDS code and carrier phase measurements are about 33 cm and 2 mm,respectively,which are comparable to those of GPS,and the accuracy of BDS single point positioning has satisfied the design requirement.The real-time kinematic positioning is also feasible by BDS alone in the opening condition,since its fixed rate and reliability of single-epoch dual-frequency AR is comparable to those of GPS.The accuracy of BDS carrier phase differential positioning is better than 1 cm for a very short baseline of 4.2 m and 3 cm for a short baseline of 8.2 km,which is on the same level with that of GPS.For the combined BDS and GPS,the fixed rate and reliability of single-epoch AR and the positioning accuracy are improved significantly.The accuracy of BDS/GPS carrier phase differential positioning is about 35 and 20%better than that of GPS for two short baseline tests in this study.The accuracy of BDS code differential positioning is better than 2.5 m.However it is worse than that of GPS,which may result from large code multipath errors of BDS GEO satellite measurements.  相似文献   

The first two Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites of the third generation of BeiDou satellite navigation System (BDS-3) were successfully launched on November 5, 2017. This historical launch starts the new era of the global navigation satellite system of BeiDou. Before the first two satellites of BDS-3, a demonstration system for BDS-3 with five satellites, including two Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit satellites (IGSO) and three MEO satellites, was established between 2015 and 2016 for testing the new payloads, new designed signals and new techniques. In the demonstration system, the new S frequency signal and satellite hydrogen clock as well as inter-satellite link (ISL) based on Ka-band signals with time-division multiple addresses (TDMA) were tested. This paper mainly analyzes the performances of the demonstration system, including the signalto- noise ratios, pseudorange errors and the multipath errors of the civilian signals of BDS-3. The qualities of signals in space, time synchronization and timing precision were tested as well. Most of the performances were compared with those of the regional BeiDou satellite navigation system (BDS-2). At last, the performances of positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) of the future BeiDou global system (BDS-3) were evaluated based on the signal quality of the present demonstration satellite system.  相似文献   

本文从地震科学数据共享的角度,以最具影响力的3个因特网地震数据服务中心为例,分析了美国全球地震数据服务的状况,列举了它们的一些优点,可供我国推进地震数据共享参考。  相似文献   

Abstract The Philippine Fault is a major left-lateral structure formed in an island arc setting. It accommodates a component of the oblique convergence between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Philippine archipelago. This observation is quantified through a series of global positioning satellite experiments between 1991 and 1996. The formation of the Fault marks the onset of a new geodynamic regime in the Philippine region. In the central Philippines, this event corresponds to the creation of a new tectonic boundary separating the Philippine Mobile Belt and the Philippine Sea Plate, following the latter's kinematic reorganization that occurred around 4 Ma ago. During this event, the Philippine Sea Plate changed its relative movement with respect to Eurasia from a northward to a north-westward motion, favoring the formation of a Philippine Fault–Philippine Trench system under a shear partitioning mechanism.  相似文献   

This study investigated a long-term climatology of nocturnal equatorial F-region irregularities by using phase fluctuations of the global positioning system during the solar cycle of 1996–2006 at the west Pacific longitudes. The results showed that the distribution of the occurrence of irregularities is a two-peak pattern, which peaks in equinoxes with a shallow/deep dip in June/December solstice during high solar activity but with two about the same dips in magnitude in both June and December solstices during low solar activity. Moreover, the most interesting longitudinal effect in the area is in solstice occurrences of irregularities during high solar activity that the irregularities in December solstice months develop easier in the west area but those in June solstice months develop easier in the east area.  相似文献   

将包头自动地震速报系统2013年6月—10月地震自动定位结果与全国地震统一编目进行对比,分析包头自动地震速报系统监控能力,统计该系统对不同区域、不同震级范围地震的漏报率。结果发现,该系统对M 2.0以下地震漏报率较高,对M 4.0以上地震的监控与速报具有实际意义,可为其他地市、县建设自动地震速报系统提供借鉴作用和技术支撑。  相似文献   

MTBE and gasoline hydrocarbons in ground water of the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The occurrence of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and gasoline hydrocarbons was examined in three types of studies of ground water conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey: major aquifer surveys, urban land-use studies, and agricultural land-use studies. The detection frequency of MTBE was dependent on the study type, with the highest detection frequency in urban land-use studies. Only 13 ground water samples from all study types, or 0.3%, had concentrations of MTBE that exceeded the lower limit of the U.S. EPA's Drinking-Water Advisory. The detection frequency of MTBE was highest in monitoring wells located in urban areas and in public supply wells. The detection frequency of any gasoline hydrocarbon also was dependent on study type and generally was less than the detection frequency of MTBE. The probability of detecting MTBE in ground water was strongly associated with population density, use of MTBE in gasoline, and recharge. Ground water in areas with high population density, in areas where MTBE is used as a gasoline oxygenate, and in areas with high recharge rates had a greater probability of MTBE occurrence. Also, ground water from public supply wells and shallow ground water underlying urban land-use areas had a greater probability of MTBE occurrence compared to ground water from domestic wells and ground water underlying rural land-use areas. The probability of detecting MTBE in ground water was weakly associated with the density of leaking underground storage tanks, soil permeability, and aquifer consolidation, and only concentrations of MTBE >0.5 microg/L were associated with dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

Ground water professionals within public and private sectors use well records as data sources. Both the availability and the technical content of domestic well records in the 50 states are of interest to them. Well record availability is dependent on legal requirements, filing systems, databases, and storage places. Forty-six states have statewide regulations or other legal requirements for filing completion reports for domestic wells. Fifty-one agencies across the country maintain domestic well records. Filing systems involve location, chronology, date, or number information. Thirty-one of the 51 agencies maintain varying types of databases containing record information or data related to the records. Overall, records are kept in central offices in 43 states and in regional offices in three states.
The technical content of the records was evaluated for general, location, hydrogeology, and well construction information to assess the relative value of the records for use in national pesticide surveys. Technical information tabulated from the well records collected for this paper included nine items in a general category, 28 items in a well-construction category, eight items in a hydrogeology category, and six items in a location category. Items in the general and location categories identified the well location and ownership. Construction category items include those describing well-construction parameters such as grout, casing, and screen. Hydrogeology category items include static water level, aquifer media, and estimated yield. The three items always requested were owner's name, driller's name, and static water level. The three least-requested items, ranging from 16 percent to 10 percent, were packers, drilling fluid, and geologic formation.  相似文献   

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