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积云动力和电过程二维模式研究 Ⅱ.计算结果   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用一个二维时变轴对称模式,模拟积云动力和电过程发展,讨论形成雷暴电结构的物理原因.计算结果指出,软雹碰撞冰晶的感应和非感应起电机制是形成雷暴三极性电荷结构和局地产生足以导致空气被击穿的强电场的主要物理过程.雷暴下部的次正电荷区主要由非感应起电机制形成,尤其表现在雷暴发展前期和后期,很依赖于次生冰晶效应.计算得到的次正区和主负区最大电荷浓度约为10-8C/m,主正区约低一个量级.  相似文献   

地球膨胀构造动力物理模拟的相似性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
按照地球膨胀学说进行全球构造动力物理模拟的相似性研究,得到了膨胀地球岩石层弹性球壳力学模型的方程分析相似准则和地幔物质沿膨胀裂谷通道上涌流动的方程分析相似准则.按照各相似准则的约束,计算得到了满足与膨胀地球原型相似的模型参数:膨胀初始半径为0.46m;原始岩石层的厚度、密度分别为3×10-3m和(1.2-1.8)×10kg/m,其强度为10Pa;原始地球膨胀内压为4.25×10Pa;原始地表重力为-1.25×10-2N/kg;上涌物质密度、粘度分别为1.2×10kg/m和2×10Pa·s;原始地幔物质上涌厚度、速度和加速度分别为2.5×10-2m,2.0×10-3m/s和3×10m/s2.由此表明材料物性等条件能够较好地满足原型要求的模型条件.  相似文献   

1991年北京延庆人工引雷实验及分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
简要地叙述了北京1991年夏天利用火箭-导线技术两次引雷成功的结果.两次引雷成功均是在地面电场为正(即正电荷当顶)时触发的.触发时地面电场分别为3.1kV/m和2.5kV/m,高度在300-400m之间.分析表明,两次火箭引雷均系火箭上升到一定高度时激发上行负流光,然后产生连续对地放正电的过程,无回击发生.简单模式分析表明,中和电量小于10C,火箭上升过程导线中电晕电流约为4mA.  相似文献   

2016年夏季在青海大通地区获得一次局地雷暴云内的电场探空资料,结合雷达、地闪定位资料,详细分析了该雷暴的地闪活动特征及云内的电荷结构.结果显示,该雷暴过程的负地闪在时间上呈间歇性发生,在空间分布上表现为不连续,且所有的正地闪都发生于雷暴的成熟阶段.在雷暴成熟阶段与消散阶段过渡期获得云内的垂直电场廓线表明,雷暴内的电荷结构在探空阶段呈四极性,最下部为处于暖云区内负电荷区,往上依次改变极性.最上部的正电荷区由于数据丢失无法判断其上边界外,其余3个电荷区的海拔高度分别为:5.5~5.7km(3.4~2.3℃)、5.7~6.2km(2.3~-0.4℃)和6.2~6.6km(-0.9~-1.7℃),对应的电荷密度为-1.81nC·m-3、2.47nC·m-3和-1.76nC·m-3.其中,下部正电荷区的强度最大,其次为上部的负电荷区.通过分析电荷区分布与正地闪活动的关系,认为暖云区内负电荷区的形成有利于诱发下部正电荷区的对地放电.  相似文献   

本研究利用加入起电、放电参数化方案的数值模式(Weather Research and Forecasting Model(Version 3.7.1),WRF3.7.1_ELEC),通过设计五组不同非感应起电及感应起电参数化方案敏感性试验,对发生在青藏高原东北部青海大通地区的一次雷暴过程进行模拟研究,对比分析了不同非感应起电机制及感应起电机制对雷暴云电荷结构的影响.结果表明:在雷暴云发展旺盛阶段,Saunders(S91)、Riming Rate(RR)、和Saunders和Peck(SP98)三种非感应起电方案模拟的雷暴云最低层均为负电荷区,而混合方案(Brooks and SP98,BSP)模拟的雷暴云最低层为正电荷区,主电荷区自下而上为"+-+-"排列的四层电荷结构.与甚高频辐射源定位法推算的结果对比,BSP方案模拟的本次高原雷暴云电荷结构更接近实际情况;几种不同非感应起电方案模拟的主电荷区外围与主电荷区电荷结构不同,说明在雷暴发展的不同阶段雷暴云的电荷结构是不同的;几种非感应起电方案模拟的电荷结构不尽相同,主要是由于霰、冰和雪粒子在不同高度所带电荷的极性及电量的大小不同,霰粒子的电荷密度对低层的影响较大,冰粒子和雪粒子的电荷密度对中上层的影响较大;加入感应起电机制后,雷暴云电荷结构分布几乎没有变化,但能使雷暴云发展旺盛阶段低层和中层的正负电荷区电荷密度有所加强.  相似文献   

采用动力学方程,求解了定态情况下磁层中上行离子沿磁力线的分布函数,针对不同的K指数,分别对北半球极光带区起源的上行离子O、H和He在子午面内沿磁力线的密度分布及其特性进行了研究.结果表明:1.沿磁力线向外,上行离子密度在近地空间呈急剧下降趋势,在远地空间呈缓慢下降趋势;2.重离子或初始能量较小的离子,其密度沿磁力线向外下降较快;3.K指数越大,离子进入磁层的空间范围越大;4.离子的投掷角分布对密度分布的影响甚小;5.离子密度沿磁力线的下降程度随到X轴距离的增大而呈增大趋势;6.在典型参数条件下,求得上行离子O在等离子体片边界附近的密度为10-3-10-2个cm-3,这与观测结果相一致.  相似文献   

本文自主研制性能稳定的双金属球三维电场探空仪,并结合气象探空仪等构建了雷暴电场-气象综合探空系统,实现了雷暴云内三维电场及温度、湿度的同步测量.2019年夏季对华北平原地区雷暴开展穿云观测,并结合地面大气电场、雷达回波、变分多普勒雷达分析系统(VDRAS)反演的动力场等资料进行综合研究,首次给出该地区雷暴云内的电场和电荷结构分布特征.对2019年8月7日发生的一次中尺度对流系统电场探空发现,在雷暴减弱阶段,其弱回波区内存在5个极性交替的电荷区:4.4~5.6 km之间的上部正电荷区(0℃附近)、3.6~4.4 km之间的中部负电荷区和1.0~3.6 km之间的下部正电荷区,此外在1 km下方有一个负极性电荷区,雷暴云顶附近5.7~6.9 km之间为一个弱负极性屏蔽电荷区.其中,中部负电荷区和下部正电荷区由多个不同强度、不同厚度的电荷层构成.此外,电场探空系统在中部负电荷区高度范围内经历的上升—下沉—再次上升的往返探空数据表明,雷暴云内动力环境复杂,电荷结构分布相似但又有所差异,反映了实际雷暴云内电荷分布的时空不均匀性和复杂性.  相似文献   

球载双球式电场仪及其应用   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
探测雷暴电场垂直分量幅度的球载双球电场仪,它由两个空心的、直径为14.3cm,相距3.1cm的导电球构成,两球绕垂直于两球心连线的轴旋转,电场在球上的感应电荷按正弦变化,放大后由遥测发射机传输到地面.配有温度、湿度、气压传感器,既能进行高空大气温度、气压和湿度等常规气象要素的测量,又能完成雷雨云电场特殊参量的探测任务.电场探测电路及其电池组分别装在两个球内.仪器自1994年投入使用以来,先后参加了近20颗卫星的升空安全保障任务,为“澳星”等卫星在雷雨期间安全升空,发挥了重要作用.仪器测量范围为1--100kV/m,性能良好.  相似文献   

为了进一步认识强雷暴中正地闪偏多的原因,本文利用三维雷暴云动力-电耦合数值模式,通过模拟一次强雷暴过程,讨论了正地闪频发需要的条件.结果表明,云闪的发生需要较强的上升气流,而正地闪的发生不仅需要更强的上升气流,还需要云低层存在强的下沉气流,即正地闪发生在强雷暴云成熟阶段后期,对应固态降水强度最大时段.此时,云内主上升气流区内的各电荷区被强上升气流抬升,短暂地呈现反三极性结构,非感应起电机制作用使大量的霰粒子带正电荷,形成了中部电荷密度较大、范围较深厚的正电荷区.而下沉气流区比上升气流区电荷结构更复杂,呈正、负交替的多层结构.由于雷暴云上部负电荷区中部分带负电荷的霰和雹粒子被下沉气流输送到低层,及低层区域感应起电机制的共同作用,使上升气流区外围的对流降水区中的霰和雹粒带上负电荷,在近地面形成一个较强的、范围较大的负电荷区.强雷暴云中下部存在的这个偶极性电荷结构为正地闪的发生提供了有利条件.正地闪发生阶段对应着上升气流、雹粒子体积和总闪的快速增强阶段.因此,强雷暴中正地闪的发生可作为雷暴强度及冰雹形成的一个指示因子.  相似文献   

研究了中高度(离地心3-4个地球半径)极隙区上行电子束流和上行氧离子(o)锥引起的沿磁力线传播的电磁不稳定性.采用的物理模型假定:上行电子具有单能束流分布函数,而上行氧离子(o)锥可用单能环-束分布函数来描述.结果表明,左旋和右旋圆偏振的低频电磁模是不稳定的,激发不稳定性的自由能源主要由上行电子束流提供,而上行氧离子(o)锥因自由能太小只影响频率色散关系,上行粒子(电子和氧离子)与背景等离子体密度比的变化对电磁不稳定性有重要影响.这些结果对解释权隙区纬度地面站低频电磁波观测资料和理解极隙区动力学过程是很有益的.  相似文献   

X. Qie  S. Soula  S. Chauzy 《Annales Geophysicae》1994,12(12):1218-1228
A numerical model called PICASSO [Production d’Ions Corona Au Sol Sous Orage (French) and Production of Corona Ions at the Ground Beneath Thundercloud (English)], previously designed, is used to describe the evolution of the principal electrical parameters below a thunderstorm, taking into account the major part played by corona ions. In order to improve the model restitution of a real situation, various improvements are performed: an initial vertical distribution of aerosol particles is introduced instead of the previously used uniform concentration; time and space calculation steps are adjusted according to the electric field variation rate; the upper boundary condition is improved; and the coefficients of ion attachment are reconsidered with an exhaustive bibliographic study. The influence of the ion attachment on aerosol particles, on the electric field and charge density aloft, is studied by using three different initial aerosol particle concentrations at ground level and two types of initial vertical distributions: uniform and non-uniform. The comparison between field data and model results leads to adjust the initial aerosol particle concentration over the experimental site at the value of 5000 cm−3 which appears to be highly realistic. The evolutions of the electric field and of the charge density at altitude are greatly influenced by the aerosol concentration. On the contrary, the surface intrinsic field, defined as the electric field that would exist underneath a thundercloud if there were no local charges, is weakly affected when the model is forced by the surface field. A good correlation appears between the success in the triggered lightning attempts and this intrinsic field evaluation. Therefore, when only the surface field is available, the model can be used in a triggered lightning experiment.  相似文献   

Fracturing and frictional sliding of quartz and granite under dry condition generates fractoluminescence, charged particle emission and electromagnetic radiation. Various kinds of experiments indicate that surface charge density on fracture or frictional slip surface of quartz and granite is 10−4 to 10−2 C/m2 which is larger than bound charges induced by the disappearance of piezoelectricity due to the release of stress. Hole and electron trapping centers, which is found in semiconductor devices with the Si–SiO2 system, are causes of surface charging on fracture or frictional slip surface of quartz crystal. The quantity of the surface charge is enough to cause corona discharge that can generate earthquake lights. The mechanism considering the hole and electron trapping centers has a probability to explain why non-piezoelectric minerals or rocks generate electromagnetic phenomena. It can be one of origins of seismo-electromagnetic phenomena (SEP).  相似文献   

Two ground penetrating radar (GPR) techniques were used to estimate the shallow soil water content at the field scale. The first technique is based on the ground wave velocity measured with a bistatic impulse radar connected to 450 MHz ground-coupled antennas. The second technique is based on inverse modeling of an off-ground monostatic TEM horn antenna in the 0.8–1.6 GHz frequency range. Data were collected on a 8 by 9 m partially irrigated intensive research plot and along four 148.5 m transects. Time domain reflectometry, capacitance sensors, and volumetric soil samples were used as reference measurements. The aim of the study was to test the applicability of the ground wave method and the off-ground inverse modeling approach at the field scale for a soil with a silt loam texture. The results for the ground wave technique were difficult to interpret due to the strong attenuation of the GPR signal, which is related to the silt loam texture at the test site. The root mean square error of the ground wave technique was 0.076 m3 m−3 when compared to the TDR measurements and 0.102 m3 m−3 when compared with the volumetric soil samples. The off-ground monostatic GPR measured less within-field soil water content variability than the reference measurements, resulting in a root mean square error of 0.053 m3 m−3 when compared with the TDR measurements and an error of 0.051 m3 m−3 when compared with the volumetric soil samples. The variability between the two GPR measurements was even larger with a RSME of 0.115 m3 m−3. In summary, both GPR methods did not provide adequate spatial information on soil water content variation at the field scale. The main reason for the deviating results of the ground wave method was the poor data quality due to high silt and clay content at the test site. Additional reasons were shallow reflections and the dry upper soil layer that cannot be detected by the ground wave method. In the case of off-ground GPR, the high sensitivity to the dry surface layer is the most likely reason for the observed deviations. The off-ground GPR results might be improved by using a different antenna that allows data acquisition in a lower frequency range.  相似文献   

A new method is described for estimating: (a) the meridional electric current density, jθ, (b) the vertical growth rate of the zonal magnetic field, ∂Bφ/∂r, or its scale-height, Bφ/∂Bφ/∂r) and (c) the vertical growth rate of the vertical current density, ∂jr/∂r, at a few isolated points on the top surface of the Earth's core from observations of the internal geomagnetic field at the Earth's surface. The theoretical technique rests on combining unaccelerated, gravitationally-driven Boussinesq fluid dynamics of the core with frozen-flux electromagnetism, the mantle being treated as a spherically symmetric insulator.

Insertion into this theory of main field models for epochs 1965, 1975 leads to preliminary values for these quantities of magnitude: (a) jθ 1 A/m2, (b) ∂Bφ/∂r 10−6 T/m or Bφ/(∂Bφ/∂r) 10 m, (c) ∂jr/∂r 10−6 A/m3. Some geophysical implications of these estimates are discussed.  相似文献   

REE diffusion in calcite   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Chemical diffusion of four rare-earth elements (La, Nd, Dy and Yb) has been measured in natural calcite under anhydrous conditions, using rare-earth carbonate powders as the source of diffusants. Experiments were run in sealed silica capsules along with finely ground calcite to ensure stability of the single-crystal samples during diffusion anneals. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) was used to measure diffusion profiles. The following Arrhenius relations were obtained over the temperature range 600–850°C: DLa =2.6×10−14 exp(−147±14 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1, DNd =2.4×10−14 exp(−150±13 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1, DDy =2.9×10−14 exp(−145±25 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1, DYb =3.9×10−12 exp(−186±23 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1. In contrast to previous findings for refractory silicates (e.g. zircon), differences in transport rates among the REE are not pronounced over the range of temperature conditions investigated in this study. Diffusion of the REE is significantly slower than diffusion of the divalent cations Sr and Pb and slower than transport of Ca and C at temperatures above 650°C. Fine-scale zoning and isotopic and REE chemical signatures may be retained in calcites under many conditions if diffusion is the dominant process affecting alteration.  相似文献   

青藏高原那曲地区雷电特征初步分析   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
通过对2002年夏季青藏高原那曲地区雷暴过程及闪电观测资料的初步分析,发现该地区雷暴电荷结构具有多样性和复杂性,地闪明显偏少. 对高原地闪的一些基本特征参量的统计分析表明,无论正地闪还是负地闪梯级先导前都具有持续时间较长的云内放电过程,地闪以单次回击为主. 与中低纬度地区相比,高原地闪中正地闪比例明显要高,为33髎;负地闪为67髎;正、负地闪回击后常常伴随短时间的连续电流.  相似文献   

李美  王中平  卢军  谭捍东  张小涛 《地震》2018,38(1):49-60
本文利用地下电偶极子产生的电磁场模型, 尝试模拟和推算地震前地面电磁台站观测数据所需震源深度处等效电偶矩。 结果显示, 在观测频率为1 Hz, 地下平均电导率取7.0×10-4 S/m 时, 2008年汶川MS8.0地震前电磁异常高潮期, 距离震中1440 km 的高碑店台NS测向观测到1.3 mV/m的电场强度所需震源深度处等效电偶矩量级为1013A·m; 若考虑地震主破裂长度150 km, 则产生的地电流量级为108 A。 同时, 这一等效电偶源在地面产生电场的2D分布图显示出很强的方向性(或不均匀性); 信号强度和电流源方向存在着密切的关系, 且电磁场值随观测距离增大而衰减迅速。 这部分地解释了地震相关电磁异常信号的方向性(或不均匀性)的观测事实; 如果观测点位于非强信号区, 即使在有效的探测范围内也可能记录不到异常信息, 这对地震监测台网仪器选址和布置提出了要求, 具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

The variability of air–earth electric currents in the lower 3-m air layer is analyzed in a complex with measurement data on the physical parameters that affect charge transfer in the atmosphere. Three types of air–earth current density profiles have been revealed during experimental observations in summer in Rostov region: (1) the current density decreases with an increase in the distance from the Earth’s surface and then stabilizes (nighttime conditions); (2) the current density increases with altitude up to 1 m and then decreases as altitude increases (day hours); (3) transient between types 1 and 2 that are observed in the morning and evening hours. The intensity of charge transfer in the surface air layer under the action of mechanical forces under different stratifications is estimated on the basis of data on altitude variations in the air–earth current density in view of the stationarity of electric processes and the constancy in the altitude of the total air–earth current density. Thermodynamic conditions are estimated with the use of wind velocity measurements and calculations of the turbulence factor and vertical component of the air temperature gradient.  相似文献   

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