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The coalescence and spatial variability of different thrust‐related folding mechanisms involving the same mechanical multilayer along a curved thrust system are documented in this study. The field‐based analysis of thrust‐related folds spectacularly exposed in the Gran Sasso thrust system, Central Apennines of Italy, allowed us to reconstruct the interference fold pattern between fault‐bend and fault‐propagation folding. These two thrust‐related folding mechanisms exhibit spatial variability along the differently oriented ramps of the curved Gran Sasso thrust system, passing from one style to the other. Their selective development is controlled by contrasting styles of compressional normal‐fault reactivation related to positive tectonic inversion. Fault‐bend and fault‐propagation folding interact with a characteristic interference fold pattern in the salient apex zone of the curved thrust system due to their synchronous/in‐sequence growth. This interference fold pattern might be helpful and predictive when reconstructing lateral variations in different thrust‐related folds in similar subaerial or submarine thrust belts.  相似文献   

This note presents a new method to derive closed‐form expressions describing the horizontal response of an end‐bearing pile in viscoelastic soil subjected to harmonic loads at its head. The soil surrounding the pile is assumed as a linearly viscoelastic layer. The propagation of waves in the soil and pile is treated mathematically by three‐dimensional and one‐dimensional theories, respectively. Unlike previous studies of the problem, the formulation presented allows the governing equations of the soil to be solved directly, eliminating the need to introduce potential functions. Accordingly, the dynamic response of the pile is obtained by means of the initial parameter method, invoking the requirement for continuity at the pile–soil interface. It is demonstrated that the derived compact solution matches exactly an existing solution that utilises potential functions to formulate the problem. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method to derive the analytical solution for the vertical impedance of an end‐bearing pile in viscoelastic soil. The soil is assumed as a homogeneous and isotropic layer, and the pile is considered as a one‐dimensional Euler rod. Considering both the vertical and radial displacements of soil and soil–pile coupled vibration, the governing equations of the soil and pile are established. The volumetric strain of soil is obtained by transformation on the equations of soil and variable separation method. Then the vertical and radial displacements of soil are obtained accordingly. The displacement response and impedance function of pile are derived based on the continuity assumption of the displacement and stress between the pile and soil. The solution is verified by being compared with an existing solution obtained by introducing potential functions. Furthermore, a comparison with two other simplified solutions is conducted. Numerical examples are presented to analyze the vibration characteristics of the pile. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical 3D simulations of the development of spiral inclusion trails in porphyroblasts were conducted in order to test the proposals that (a) 3D spiral geometry differs between the rotation and nonrotation end‐member models of spiral formation proposed in the literature, and (b) 3D spiral geometry can be used as a criterion to distinguish between the two end‐member models in rocks. Four principal differences are identified between the two sets of simulations: smoothness of spiral curvature; spacing of foliation planes; alignment of individual foliation planes either side of the sphere representing the porphyroblast; and spiral asymmetry with respect to matrix shear sense. Of these differences, only spiral asymmetry and possibly the alignment of individual foliation planes are diagnostic criteria for distinguishing between the end‐member models. In the absence of a readily applied test to distinguish the end‐member models, interpretation of spiral inclusion trails is problematic. It is necessary to determine complementary evidence to distinguish porphyroblast rotation or nonrotation during spiral formation.  相似文献   

Coupling between tectonics and surface processes is usually ill‐quantified as other factors such as climate and lithology affect the later. We provide catchment‐wide 10Be denudation rates of the Mand catchment in the Zagros Fold Belt (Iran) to infer correlations between these rates and ongoing tectonic shortening in the region. Denudation rates are generally low (~0.05–0.1 mm/a) but increase to ~1 mm/a near the Halikan anticline, where changes in precipitation, lithology or hillslope gradient are insignificant. The denudation rates upstream and downstream of the Halikan anticline are consistent with the GPS convergence rates in these areas. The sharp increase in denudation rates over the Halikan anticline denotes its growth as previously detected from terrace incision. It also reveals small wavelength coupling between crustal deformation and erosion. Denudation rates are therefore a useful and sensitive tool that helps constraining non‐brittle active tectonics such as folding of a sedimentary cover.  相似文献   

Continental carbonates of Quaternary age in southern Italy commonly exhibit the facies of calcareous tufa, often reported as related to shallow aquifers fed by meteoric waters and to organic processes. A close spatial relationship exists between the mappable tufa deposits and major Quaternary extensional faults. With respect to the Ca‐Mg‐HCO3 composition of limestone aquifers’ springs, tufa‐depositing springs exhibit higher salinity and alkalinity, are slightly warmer, have lower pH and are enriched in SO4 and CO2. Their δ13C values are systematically positive and compatible with a deep‐seated carbon source. A clear input of soil‐derived organic carbon is indicated only for small, non‐mappable tufas deposited by perched springs. The dataset indicates that the large tufa deposits owe their origin to a supplementary source of CO2 advected by degassing through active faults, as a necessary prerequisite for inducing a rise of total dissolved salts and alkalinity. Meteoric waters that have come from a shallow aquifer are able to precipitate only limited amount of carbonates.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic patterns and sequence development in tectonically active extensional basins remain poorly documented in comparison with passive‐margin settings. Rift basin fills are generally characterized by coarsening‐upward trends in response to the rapid creation of accommodation by extensional faulting, and the progressive filling of graben during more quiescent periods. The Early Permian Irwin River Coal Measures in the Northern Perth Basin (Western Australia) record a complex stratigraphic arrangement of conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and coal, and have been attributed to delta plain depositional environments that developed in a cool–temperate climatic setting during syn‐rift activity. Sedimentary analysis of outcrop and core data from the fault‐bounded Irwin Terrace is used to distinguish nine facies associations reflecting deposition in braided rivers, fixed‐anastomosed channel belts, tide‐influenced coastal environments and storm‐affected distal bays. The broader depositional system is interpreted as a morphologically asymmetrical tide‐dominated embayment with a fluvial and wave influence. The stratigraphic architecture of the Irwin River Coal Measures was strongly influenced by the evolving rift basin margin. Fault reactivation of the major basin‐bounding Darling Fault in the early syn‐rift phase caused footwall uplift and the inception of transverse palaeo‐valleys occupied by braided fluvial systems. Fault block subsidence during the subsequent balanced, backstepping and drowning phases resulted in a dominantly retrogradational stacking pattern indicating progressive flooding of marginal‐marine areas and culminating in deposition of distal marine elements. In the active rift basin, it is proposed that preservation of a shallow‐marine syn‐rift sequence was promoted by the geomorphological confinement of the embayed system increasing tidal current acceleration and hampering transgressive ravinement. The proposed sequence model demonstrates that transgressive successions can develop in the early syn‐rift phase in response to footwall uplift and tectonic subsidence. The syn‐rift sequence recording the filling of an embayment on a rift basin margin may be applied in similar tectonic and/or depositional contexts worldwide.  相似文献   

The Lower Triassic Mineral Mountains area (Utah, USA) preserves diversified Smithian and Spathian reefs and bioaccumulations that contain fenestral‐microbialites and various benthic and pelagic organisms. Ecological and environmental changes during the Early Triassic are commonly assumed to be associated with numerous perturbations (productivity changes, acidifica‐tion, redox changes, hypercapnia, eustatism and temperature changes) post‐dating the Permian–Triassic mass extinction. New data acquired in the Mineral Mountains sediments provide evidence to decipher the relationships between depositional environments and the growth and distribution of microbial structures. These data also help to understand better the controlling factors acting upon sedimentation and community turnovers through the Smithian–early Spathian. The studied section records a large‐scale depositional sequence during the Dienerian(?)–Spathian interval. During the transgression, depositional environments evolved from a coastal bay with continental deposits to intertidal fenestral–microbial limestones, shallow subtidal marine sponge–microbial reefs to deep subtidal mud‐dominated limestones. Storm‐induced deposits, microbialite–sponge reefs and shallow subtidal deposits indicate the regression. Three microbialite associations occur in ascending order: (i) a red beds microbialite association deposited in low‐energy hypersaline supratidal conditions where microbialites consist of microbial mats and poorly preserved microbially induced sedimentary structure; (ii) a Smithian microbialite association formed in moderate to high‐energy, tidal conditions where microbialites include stromatolites and associated carbonate grains (oncoids, ooids and peloids); and (iii) a Spathian microbialite association developed in low‐energy offshore conditions that is preserved as multiple decimetre thick isolated domes and coalescent domes. Data indicate that the morphologies of the three microbialite associations are controlled primarily by accommodation, hydrodynamics, bathymetry and grain supply. This study suggests that microbial constructions are controlled by changes between trapping and binding versus precipitation processes in variable hydrodynamic conditions. Due to the presence of numerous metazoans associated with microbialites throughout the Smithian increase in accommodation and Spathian decrease in accommodation, the commonly assumed anachronistic character of the Early Triassic microbialites and the traditional view of prolonged deleterious conditions during the Early Triassic time interval is questioned.  相似文献   

Palaeontological data from the Permian‐Triassic Bulla section, northern Italy, demonstrate a rapid extinction at this site. This occurs after a negative carbonate carbon‐isotope (δ13Ccarb) shift, consistent with two other northern Italian sites (Val Badia and Tesero). However, conclusion goes against recent reporting that the extinction occurs before the δ13Ccarb shift. We agree that the shift occurs after the extinction at Jameson Land, east Greenland (a high latitude palaeolocation). However, all other sections show the shift before, or coincident with, the extinction. We suggest that the simplest explanation is a coeval shift in carbonate carbon‐isotope shifts, and it follows that the extinction was not. This suggests that the end‐Permian extinction crept from region to region. It also suggests that the marine extinction occurred first in high northern latitudes.  相似文献   

Regionally extensive parasequences in the upper McMurray Formation, Grouse Paleovalley, north‐east Alberta, Canada, preserve a shift in depositional processes in a paralic environment from tide domination, with notable fluvial influence, through to wave domination. Three stacked parasequences form the upper McMurray Formation and are separated by allogenic flooding surfaces. Sediments within the three parasequences are grouped into three facies associations: wave‐dominated/storm‐dominated deltas, storm‐affected shorefaces to sheltered bay‐margin and fluvio‐tidal brackish‐water channels. The two oldest parasequences comprise dominantly tide‐dominated, wave‐influenced/fluvial‐influenced, shoreface to bay‐margin deposits bisected by penecontemporaneous brackish‐water channels. Brackish‐water channels trend approximately north‐west/south‐east, which is perpendicular to the interpreted shoreline trend; this implies that the basinward and progradational direction was towards the north‐west during deposition of the upper McMurray Formation in Grouse Paleovalley. The youngest parasequence is interpreted as amalgamated wave‐dominated/storm‐dominated delta lobes. The transition from tide‐dominated deposition in the oldest two parasequences to wave‐dominated deposition in the youngest is attributed mainly to drowning of carbonate highlands to the north and north‐west of the study area, and potentially to relative changes in accommodation space and deposition rate. The sedimentological, ichnological and regional distribution of the three facies associations within each parasequence are compared to modern and Holocene analogues that have experienced similar shifts in process dominance. Through this comparison it is possible to consider how shifts in depositional processes are expressed in the rock record. In particular, this study provides one of few ancient examples of preservation of depositional process shifts and showcases how topography impacts the character and architecture of marginal‐marine systems.  相似文献   

Extensive deposition of marine evaporites occurred during the Early–Middle Eocene in the South‐eastern Pyrenean basin (north‐east Spain). This study integrates stratigraphic and geochemical analyses of subsurface data (oil wells, seismic profiles and gravity data) together with field surveys to characterize this sedimentation in the foredeep and adjacent platform. Four major evaporite units were identified. The oldest was the Serrat Evaporites unit, with a platform‐slope‐basin configuration. Thick salina and sabkha sulphates accumulated on the platform, whereas resedimented and gravity‐derived sulphates were deposited on the slope, and salt and sulphates were deposited in the deep basin. In the subsequent unit (Vallfogona evaporites), thin sulphates formed on the platform, whereas very thick siliciclastic turbidites accumulated in the foredeep. However, some clastic gypsum coming from the platform (gypsarenites and gypsum olistoliths) was intercalated in these turbidites. The following unit, the Beuda Gypsum Formation developed in a sulphate platform‐basin configuration, where the topography of the depositional surface had become smooth. The youngest unit, the Besalú Gypsum, formed in a shallow setting. This small unit provides the last evidence of marine influence in a residual basin. Sulphur and oxygen isotope compositions are consistent with a marine origin for all evaporites. However, δ34S and δ18O values also suggest that, except for the oldest unit (Serrat Evaporites), there was some sulphate recycling from the older into the younger units. The South‐eastern Pyrenean basin constitutes a fine example of a foreland basin that underwent multiepisodic evaporitic sedimentation. In the basin, depositional factors evolved with time under a structural control. Decreasing complexity is observed in the lithofacies, as well as in the depositional models, together with a diminishing thickness of the evaporite units.  相似文献   

The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) is one of the most hazardous active faults on Earth, yet its Pliocene space‐time propagation across the north Aegean domain remains poorly constrained. We use low‐temperature multi‐thermochronology and inverse thermal modelling to quantify the cooling history of the upper crust across the Olympus range. This range is located in the footwall of a system of normal faults traditionally interpreted as resulting from superposed Middle–Late Miocene N–S stretching, related to the back‐arc extension of the Hellenic subduction zone, and a Pliocene‐Quaternary transtensional field, attributed to the south‐westward propagation of the NAFZ. We find that accelerated exhumational cooling occurred between 12 and 6 Ma at rates of 15–35 °C Ma?1 and decreased to <3 °C Ma?1 by 8–6 Ma. The absence of significant Plio‐Pleistocene cooling across Olympus suggests that crustal exhumation there is driven by late Miocene back‐arc extension, while the impact of the NAFZ remains limited.  相似文献   

Atmospheric dust is an integral component of the Earth system with major implications for the climate, biosphere and public health. In this context, identifying and quantifying the provenance and the processes generating the various types of dust found in the atmosphere is paramount. Isotopic signatures of Pb, Nd, Sr, Zn, Cu and Fe are commonly used as sensitive geochemical tracers. However, their combined use is limited by the lack of (a) a dedicated chromatographic protocol to separate the six elements of interest for low‐mass samples and (b) specific reference materials for dust. Indeed, our work shows that USGS rock reference materials BHVO‐2, AGV‐2 and G‐2 are not applicable as substitute reference materials for dust. We characterised the isotopic signatures of these six elements in dust reference materials ATD and BCR‐723, representatives of natural and urban environments, respectively. To achieve this, we developed a specific procedure for dust, applicable in the 4–25 mg mass range, to separate the six elements using a multi‐column ion‐exchange chromatographic method and MC‐ICP‐MS measurements.  相似文献   

This research analyses the diatom asssemblages recorded from six UK coastal sites and relates these diatom assemblages to tidal levels. The relationship between diatom assemblages and tidal levels is examined statistically in order to develop a diatom‐based tidal‐level transfer function. The results suggest that there is highly significant correlation between the diatom assemblages and water levels from mean high water of neap tides to highest astronomical tide (p = 0.01, 99 random permutations). A weighted average (WA) transfer function is thus established, and the predictive ability of this transfer function is highly satisfactory. Finally, this transfer function is applied successfully to estimate palaeotidal‐levels from fossil diatom data recorded in late Holocene coastal sequences. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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