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A comparison study is presented of three methods for evaluating trends in drought frequency: the standardized precipitation index (SPI), the Palmer drought severity index (PDSI), and a new method for estimation of dry spells (DS), which is based on average daily temperature and precipitation, and takes into account the length of a spell. The methods were applied to climate data from 450 stations in the Elbe River basin for the period 1951–2003, as well as data from several stations with longer observed time series. Statistical methods were used to calculate trend lines and evaluate the significance of detected trends. The dry spells estimated with the new method show significant trends in the whole lowland part of the Elbe basin during the last 53 years, and at the 10% level almost everywhere in the German part of the basin excluding mountains and the area around the river mouth. The SPI and PDSI methods also revealed significant trends, but for smaller areas in the lowland. The new DS method provides a useful supplement to other drought indices for the detection of trends in drought frequency. Furthermore, the DS method was able to detect statistically significant trends in areas where the other two methods failed to find significant trends, e.g. in the loess region in the southwest of the German part of the basin, where small insignificant changes in climate can lead to significant changes in water fluxes. This is important, because the loess region is the area within the basin having the highest crop yields. Therefore, additional research has to be done to investigate possible impacts of detected trends on water resources availability, and possible future trends in drought frequency under climate change.  相似文献   

Snow is an important component of the Earth's climate system and is particularly vulnerable to global warming. It has been suggested that warmer temperatures may cause significant declines in snow water content and snow cover duration. In this study, snowfall and snowmelt were projected by means of a regional climate model that was coupled to a physically based snow model over Shasta Dam watershed to assess changes in snow water content and snow cover duration during the 21st century. This physically based snow model requires both physical data and future climate projections. These physical data include topography, soils, vegetation, and land use/land cover, which were collected from associated organizations. The future climate projections were dynamically downscaled by means of the regional climate model under 4 emission scenarios simulated by 2 general circulation models (fifth‐generation of the ECHAM general circulation model and the third‐generation atmospheric general circulation model). The downscaled future projections were bias corrected before projecting snowfall and snowmelt processes over Shasta Dam watershed during 2010–2099. This study's results agree with those of previous studies that projected snow water equivalent is decreasing by 50–80% whereas the fraction of precipitation falling as snowfall is decreasing by 15% to 20%. The obtained projection results show that future snow water content will change in both time and space. Furthermore, the results confirm that physical data such as topography, land cover, and atmospheric–hydrologic data are instrumental in the studies on the impact of climate change on the water resources of a region.  相似文献   

基于时间序列Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS)植被指数,结合野外实测生物量及水文气象等数据,分析了2001 2010年退水期鄱阳湖国家自然保护区湿地植被生物量的空间格局及其时间变化规律,并在此基础上探讨了水位变化的影响.研究结果表明:(1)湿地植被生物量密度多年均值处于0~1402 g/m2之间,除蚌湖四周生物量沿湖心向四周逐渐升高外,其他区域呈现南高北低的分布格局,且其分布与研究区高程密切相关;(2)湿地植被生物量密度多年均值在退水初期为901 g/m2,随时间变化先上升后降低;植被分布面积则随着滩地出露而逐渐增大,随后基本稳定;总生物量呈现单峰变化,在11月初达到最高值.2001 2010年研究区年均生物量变化呈现波动状态,多年均值为18.3×107kg;最高出现在2006年,达到28.2×107kg,2010年最低,仅有8.37×107kg;(3)年均生物量与洲滩出露天数以及植被分布面积呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.719和0.865.水位变化为湿地生物量变化的重要影响因素.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass and primary production were monitored in the Hauraki Gulf and on the northeastern continental shelf, New Zealand - using ship surveys, moored instruments and satellite observations (1998-2001) - capturing variability across a range of space and time scales. A depth-integrated primary production model (DIM) was used to predict integrated productivity from surface parameters, enabling regional-specific estimates from satellite data. The shelf site was dominated by pico-phytoplankton, with low chlorophyll-a (<1 mg m−3) and annual production (136 g C m−2 yr−1). In contrast, the gulf contained a micro/nano-phytoplankton-dominated community, with relatively high chlorophyll-a (>1 mg m−3) and annual production (178 g C m−2 yr−1). Biomass and productivity responded to physico-chemical factors; a combination of light, critical mixing depths and/or nutrient limitation—particularly new nitrate-N. Relatively low biomass and production was observed during 1999. This coincided with inter-annual variability in the timing and extent of upwelling- and downwelling-favourable along-shelf wind-stress, influencing the fluxes of new nitrate-N to the shelf and gulf. Relationships with the Southern Oscillation Index are also discussed. Our multi-scaled sampling highlighted details associated with stratification and de-stratification events, and deep sub-surface chlorophyll-a not visible to satellite sensors. This study demonstrates the importance of multi-scaled sampling in gaining estimates of regional production and its responses to physico-chemical forcing.  相似文献   

梁新歌  王涵  赵爽  宋春桥 《湖泊科学》2023,35(6):2111-2122
在全球气候变暖和极端气候事件增加的背景下,流域水文循环过程受到的影响越来越强烈,导致湖泊水位变化表现出复杂的时空特征。而泛北极地区是地球上湖泊数量与面积分布最为集中的区域之一,该地区湖泊对气候变化响应非常敏感。因此,了解这些湖泊近期水文变化特征十分必要。本研究共搜集了36个泛北极大型湖泊(>500 km2)基于遥感或站点观测的近20年水位数据,分析其时空变化特征。本文使用线性回归模型来估算湖泊水位的变化趋势,进而利用皮尔逊相关分析了其主要水文影响变量和大气环流机制,并运用Mann-Kendall突变检验法探讨了水位突变的原因。结果表明,泛北极湖泊的水位整体上呈现不同程度上升(平均速率为0.013 m/a),有23个(64%)湖泊的水位呈上升趋势;研究湖泊中有10个通过90%统计显著性检验。其中,水位上升速率最大的湖泊是位于哈萨克斯坦的腾吉兹湖,上升速率为0.078 m/a。泛北极湖泊水位的波动主要与径流有关,有19个(53%)湖泊的水位波动与径流的增加更为相关;相比而言,位于亚洲的极地湖泊水位的上升与流域蒸发的降低显著相关,尤其是库苏古尔湖。从区域大气环流影响来看,泛北极湖泊水位变化主要与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动有关,其次是北极涛动和北大西洋涛动。本研究有助于加深对泛北极湖泊近20年水位变化规律及气候影响特征的科学理解。  相似文献   

Nearly 55% of Chinese GNP is out of and 70% of large-middle cities are located in the coastal regions, where there are vast plains and river-mouth deltas, covering 14% of the total land area and 40% of the nation抯 population. Since the 1980s, the coastal…  相似文献   

卞宇峥  薛滨  张风菊 《湖泊科学》2021,33(6):1844-1856
洪泽湖是淮河水系中最重要的湖泊之一,是我国的第四大淡水湖,它在防洪、灌溉、航运、跨流域调水以及水资源与水环境保护等方面发挥着重要作用.过去300年来,由于黄淮关系的演变和人类活动的影响,洪泽湖水域面积发生剧烈变化.研究湖泊水域空间变化有助于认识流域环境变化与人类活动影响.本文利用18世纪初以来的古地图、历史文献资料及1981-2016年期间的7期遥感影像数据,采用遥感和地理信息系统技术相结合的方法,分析了近300年来洪泽湖水域时空演变过程及其原因.研究结果表明:过去300年来,洪泽湖面积总体呈减少趋势,年际缩减速率为0.17%,且湖域范围总体表现为由四周向中心缩小的趋势,其中西南湖域的形态变化最为显著.具体而言,清中期以前,黄河多次夺泗入淮,洪泽湖面积变化受黄淮关系、高家堰等水利枢纽的修建以及降水等因素影响.至清末,洪泽湖面积由3078.78 km2下降至2335.73 km2,共减少743.05 km2,其空间形态也发生了剧烈变化,该时期黄河改道、降水以及人口增长导致的湖滨围垦是影响洪泽湖演变的主要原因.建国以来(1949-2016年),洪泽湖面积进一步缩小,由1757.60 km2下降至1488.43 km2,共减少了269.17 km2,其中1995-2000年间湖泊面积下降最为显著,共减少了281.43 km2,湖泊动态变化度达到2.78%,该时期自然因素对湖泊水域面积的影响减弱,而人口增长、围垦及水利工程的修建等人类活动逐渐成为影响洪泽湖演化的主导因素.  相似文献   

目前遥感干旱监测方法的精度普遍不高,探求新的遥感干旱监测方法有助于干旱监测预警技术的提升与发展.波文比是感热通量与潜热通量之比,能综合反映地表水热特征,可尝试将其引入到遥感干旱监测领域加以利用.应用甘肃河东地区的EOS-MODIS卫星资料和同步地面气象资料,基于地表能量平衡原理构建了波文比干旱监测模型,对比分析了波文比(β)指数、温度植被指数(TVX)与土壤水分的相关性,并以典型晴空影像(2014年10月5日)为例初步建立了β的干旱分级标准,对研究区进行了旱情评估.结果表明:β与土壤相对湿度呈现出高度负相关,相比于当下广泛应用的TVX,β与0~20 cm平均土壤相对湿度具有更好的相关性,监测精度得到了显著提高.用β干旱分级标准评估的研究区干湿状况与前期降水空间分布吻合得相当好,评估表明2014年10月5日研究区基本为适宜(无旱),与2014年9月的降水距平百分率特征一致.基于地表能量平衡的波文比(β)指数在干旱监测中效果突出,具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

中国东部西南低空急流日变化特征及其机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用Final Global Data Assimilation System (FNL) 6小时再分析数据集分析了西南低空急流的日变化特征及其影响因子,结果表明:西南低空急流具有明显的日变化特征,在夜间和早晨(02LST,08LST)中国东南大部分地区急流发生频率较高,而在白天和傍晚(14LST,20LST)低空急流发生频率较低.经向地转风分量在一天内基本保持稳定,经向非地转分量在02LST最强,占实际风场强度50%以上,而在14LST和20LST,经向风场近似满足地转平衡.对风场非定常性、风速在流动方向上的非均匀性、流线弯曲和大气斜压性产生的地转偏差的分析结果表明,经向非地转风的日变化主要是由局地变压、水平风场涡度、垂直运动和温度梯度的日变化产生,副热带高压强度和位置的变化、青藏高原大地形加热效应和昼夜间海陆热力性质差异是造成经向非地转风夜间加强的重要原因.在中国东部地区,风速在流动方向的非均匀性虽然有利于非地转风的产生,但其没有明显的日变化,不是经向非地转风在夜间加强的主要原因.  相似文献   

王东阡  张耀存 《地球物理学报》2012,55(08):2498-2507
本文利用Final Global Data Assimilation System (FNL) 6小时再分析数据集分析了西南低空急流的日变化特征及其影响因子,结果表明:西南低空急流具有明显的日变化特征,在夜间和早晨(02LST,08LST)中国东南大部分地区急流发生频率较高,而在白天和傍晚(14LST,20LST)低空急流发生频率较低.经向地转风分量在一天内基本保持稳定,经向非地转分量在02LST最强,占实际风场强度50%以上,而在14LST和20LST,经向风场近似满足地转平衡.对风场非定常性、风速在流动方向上的非均匀性、流线弯曲和大气斜压性产生的地转偏差的分析结果表明,经向非地转风的日变化主要是由局地变压、水平风场涡度、垂直运动和温度梯度的日变化产生,副热带高压强度和位置的变化、青藏高原大地形加热效应和昼夜间海陆热力性质差异是造成经向非地转风夜间加强的重要原因.在中国东部地区,风速在流动方向的非均匀性虽然有利于非地转风的产生,但其没有明显的日变化,不是经向非地转风在夜间加强的主要原因.  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to examine the variability of convective activity over the north Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea) on interannual and longer time scale and its association with the rainfall activity over the four different homogeneous regions of India (viz., northeast India, northwest India, central India and south peninsular India) during the monsoon season from June to September (JJAS) for the 26 year period (1979 to 2004). The monthly mean Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR) data obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting spacecraft are used in this study and the 26-year period has been divided into two periods of 13 years each with period-i from 1979 to 1991 and period -ii from 1992 to 2004. It is ascertained that the convective activity increases over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal in the recent period (period -ii; 1992 to 2004) compared to that of the former period (period -i; 1979 to 1991) during JJAS and is associated with a significantly increasing trend (at 95% level) of convective activity over the north Bay of Bengal (NBAY). On a monthly scale, July and August also show increase in convective activity over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal during the recent period and this is associated with slight changes in the monsoon activity cycle over India. The increase in convective activity particularly over the Arabian Sea during the recent period of June is basically associated with about three days early onset of the monsoon over Delhi and relatively faster progress of the monsoon northward from the southern tip of India. Over the homogeneous regions of India the correlation coefficient (CC) of OLR anomalies over the south Arabian Sea (SARA) is highly significant with the rainfall over central India, south peninsular India and northwest India, and for the north Arabian Sea (NARA), it is significant with northwest India rainfall and south peninsular rainfall. Similarly, the OLR anomalies over the south Bay of Bengal (SBAY) have significant CC with northwest India and south peninsular rainfall, whereas the most active convective region of the NBAY is not significantly correlated with rainfall over India. It is also found that the region over northeastern parts of India and its surroundings has a negative correlation with the OLR anomalies over the NARA and is associated with an anomalous sinking (rising) motion over the northeastern parts of India during the years of increase (decrease) of convective activity over the NARA.  相似文献   

成联正  王赟  张川 《地球物理学报》2021,64(9):3344-3357
电法勘探因其成本低、效率高的优势,常被作为寻找页岩气储层的辅助手段.然而,到目前为止,页岩的电性特征,特别是复电阻率各向异性特征,以及其与页岩气储层参数的关系研究甚少,这在一定程度上阻碍了电法勘探在页岩气勘探中的应用.基于此,本文采集了黔东地区几种典型黑色页岩岩样,并测量了 6块黑色页岩在走向、倾向和垂直层理方向的复电...  相似文献   

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