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利用美国的SAGEⅡ全球月平均格点卫星资料, 对青藏高原地区的大气气溶胶状况进行了分析. 分析表明高原上空平流层大气气溶胶的光学厚度在冬季最大, 春、秋季次之, 夏季最小, 存在明显的季节振荡现象. 然后利用MM 5模拟了气溶胶的辐射强迫状况, 结果表明, 相对于设置均一的背景气溶胶而言, 青藏高原地区的辐射强迫均为正值. 高原上地面土壤温度和地面气温均有所增加, 增加的量级相当, 但增幅略小. 高原上500 hPa处的气温也有所增加, 增幅比地面气温的增幅更小, 但仍处于同一个量级.  相似文献   

The people of the Tibetan Plateau have received extensive attention from scholars because of their unique adaptability to the low temperature and anoxic environments. However, the Tibetan communities and their habitats in the low-altitude regions of the plateau have rarely been studied in a scientific manner. Based on the extraction of geographic information of 197 towns in the Hehuang Valley and on variance analysis, this study examines the habitats and subsistence strategies of the Tibetans and other major ethnic groups in the low-latitude region of the Tibetan Plateau. Our statistical results show that the annual average temperature of Tibetan habitats in the Hehuang Valley is relatively high. The relatively warm environment of the valley allows the Tibetans in that area to cultivate wheat and barley and raise cattle and sheep—a subsistence strategy significantly different from that of other Tibetans in the high-altitude regions in the Tibetan Plateau. In addition, the Tibetan communities in the Hehuang Valley include similar agri-pastoral ethnic groups (including Hui and Salar), both of which adopt similar subsistence strategies. The agricultural ethnic groups (Han and Tu) live in a relatively cool and humid environment facilitating agricultural production, while the agri-pastoral ethnic groups (Tibetan, Hui, and Salar) inhabit relatively warm and arid environment in the valley. Due to the lack of agricultural activities, agri-pastoral groups must also engage in animal husbandry to supplement their diet. In the Ando Tibetan region, the subsistence strategies of the ethnic groups are closely related to their physical environment.Those ethnic groups communicate among themselves, integrate, and influence each other, resulting in a diversified culture. This study proves that the habitat variation at a regional scale corresponds significantly to the variation of subsistence strategies. Our findings may further refine knowledge about the human-environmental relationships of Tibetans and lead future research towards using quantitative methods to analyse the intersection of physical environment and ethnic groups' distribution.  相似文献   


岩石圈有效弹性厚度(Te)表征岩石圈综合力学强度,对理解区域深部构造孕震环境具有重要意义.青藏高原东北缘地质构造复杂,强烈地震活动频发.为进一步了解该区域深部岩石圈力学性质特征及其与地震活动的关系,本文利用基于Fan小波的谱方法,使用WGM2012重力异常数据、ETOPO1地形数据和CRUST1.0模型,通过导纳和相关联合反演计算了青藏高原东北缘的岩石圈有效弹性厚度(Te)与荷载比(F).结果显示研究区Te整体呈明显的东高西低分布,青藏块体Te变化剧烈,西部高值(>40 km)和东部低值(< 20 km)共存;鄂尔多斯地块Te较高(>30 km),变化相对平缓;荷载比F存在局部西南高,巴颜喀拉和羌塘地块荷载比F较高(>0.5),说明以地下荷载为主,其他地块荷载比F较低(< 0.2),以地表荷载为主.鄂尔多斯地块结构稳定,岩石圈强度较大,Te值较高;内部构造活动性微弱,深部物质密度横向变化较小,岩石圈所受荷载以地表为主,荷载比F较低.柴达木地块东部与巴颜喀拉地块东部可能发生有下地壳流,岩石圈较为软弱,Te值较低;巴颜喀拉地块内部与鲜水河断裂的荷载比F较高,岩石圈所受荷载以地下为主,可能是地壳物质向东流动导致岩石圈深部物质密度横向变化较大引起的.通过对比分析研究区TeTe梯度、FF梯度与地震之间的对应关系,发现地震一般发生在区域相对低Te值、Te梯度值和荷载比F梯度值较大的区域,震级较小的地震多发生在荷载比F较小的地区,6级以上强震则较多发生在荷载比F约为0.1和0.8的区域.因此,岩石圈有效弹性厚度Te值较低、Te梯度和荷载比F梯度较大的地区,更易出现地震.


The relations between lake surface sediment diatoms and water environmental variables were revealed effectively by use of a new multivariate canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) based on 45 lakes in the Tibetan Plateau. Water depth, conductivity, Cl?, Mg2+, K+ and pH, identified from 12 contemporary water environmental variables, can significantly and independently explain the diatom distributions (p<0.05). The first two axes (λ1=0.34, λ2=0.27) capture 16.1% of the variance in the species data, and account for 57.4% of the variance in diatom-environment relationship. The deletion of redundant environmental variables and unusual samples do not influence the explanation to diatom data. The final CCA result indicates that the water depth and the salinity are the two important environmental gradients and influence the diatom distribution in the plateau lakes. The water depth correlates with axis 1, while conductivity, Cl?, Mg2+ and K+, indicating the direction of salinity changes, correlate with both of the first two axes. The definition of diatom-environment model may provide a basis for further quantitative inference on diatom-environment transfer function.  相似文献   

Past studies consistently indicate measurable local associations between alcohol distribution and the incidence of violence. These results, coupled with measurements of spatial correlation, reveal the importance of spatial analysis in the study of the interaction of alcohol and violence. While studies increasingly incorporate spatial correlation among model residuals to improve precision and reduce bias, to date, most analyses assume associations that are constant and independent of location, an assumption coming under increasing scrutiny in the quantitative geography literature. In this paper, we review and contrast two approaches for the estimation of and inference for spatially heterogeneous effects (i.e., associative factors whose impacts on the outcome of interest vary throughout geographic space). Specifically, we provide an in-depth comparison of “geographically weighted regression” models (allowing covariate effects to vary in space but only allowing relatively ad hoc inference) with “variable coefficient” models (allowing varying effects via spatial random fields and providing model-based estimation and inference, but requiring more advanced computational techniques). We compare the approaches with respect to underlying conceptual structures, computational implementation, and inferential output. We apply both approaches to violent crime, illegal drug arrest, and alcohol distribution data from Houston, Texas and compare results in light of the differing methodological structures of the two approaches.  相似文献   

The eastern Tibetan plateau has been getting more and more attention because it combines active faults, uplifting, and large earthquakes together in a high-population region. Based on the previous researches, the most of Cenozoic tectonic activities were related to the regional structure of the local blocks within the crustal scale. Thus, a better understanding of the crustal structure of the regional tectonic blocks is an important topic for further study. In this paper, we combined the simple Bouguer gravity anomaly with the Moho depths from previous studies to investigate the crustal structure in this area. To highlight the crustal structures, the gravity anomaly caused by the Moho relief has been reduced by forward modeling calculations. A total horizontal derivative (THD) had been applied on the gravity residuals. The results indicated that the crustal gravity residual is compatible with the topography and the geological settings of the regional blocks, including the Sichuan basin, the Chuxiong basin, the Xiaojiang fault, and the Jinhe fault, as well as the Longmenshan fault zone. The THD emphasized the west margin of Yangtze block, i.e., the Longriba fault zone and the Xiaojiang fault cut through the Yangtze block. The checkboard pattern of the gravity residual in the Songpan-Garze fold belt and Chuandian fragment shows that the crust is undergoing a southward and SE-directed extrusion, which is coincident with the flowing direction indicated from the GPS measurements. By integrating the interpretations, the stepwise extensional mechanism of the eastern Tibetan plateau is supported by the southeastward crustal deformation, and the extrusion of Chuandian fragment is achieved by Xianshuihe fault.  相似文献   

西藏纳木错表层沉积物中正构烷烃的来源与空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过测定纳木错现代植物和表层沉积物样品中的正构烷烃,结合主成分分析方法,明确了表层沉积物中烷烃的主要来源,并初步分析了它们在湖泊中的空间分布特征.研究结果显示,沉水植物所含烷烃以n-C21-C25为主,具有n-C23的峰值;陆生植物主要含n-C27-C33烷烃,具有n-C29或n-C31的峰值;但垫状点地梅(Androsace tapete)和香柏(Sabina pingii)的主峰碳却是n-C33烷烃,这在以往研究中鲜有报道.在纳木错表层沉积物中,正构烷烃具有典型的n-C31和n-C23双峰分布形式,来源于低等菌藻类、沉水植物以及陆生植物,其中碳数小于C20的短链烷烃主要来源于低等菌藻类,其空间分布均一,由低等菌藻类的浮游生活型所决定;长链烷烃主要来源于高等植物,含量从滨岸到湖中心逐渐减少,这与其在运移和沉积过程中受微生物的持续降解作用有关,此外,来源于陆生植物的n-C27-C33烷烃因河流汇水面积和流量不同而存在空间差异,这值得重视和进一步研究.  相似文献   


Knowledge of rainfall characteristics is important for estimating soil erosion in arid areas. We determined basic rainfall characteristics (raindrop size distribution, intensity and kinetic energy), evaluated the erosivity of rainfall events, and established a relationship between rainfall intensity I and volume-specific kinetic energy KEvol for the Central Rift Valley area of the Ethiopian highlands. We collected raindrops on dyed filter paper and calculated KEvol and erosivity values for each rainfall event. For most rainfall intensities the median volume drop diameter (D50) was higher than expected, or reported in most studies. Rainfall intensity in the region was not high, with 8% of rain events exceeding 30 mm h-1. We calculated soil erosion from storm energy and maximum 30-min intensity for soils of different erodibility under conditions of fallow (unprotected soil), steep slope (about 9%) and no cover and management practice on the surface, and determined that 3 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 is the threshold erosivity, while erosivity of >7 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 could cause substantial erosion in all soil types in the area.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate Editor Q. Zhang  相似文献   

Major and minor elements have been determined on 26 samples of andesitie to rhyolitic lavas from Nevado Coropuna and Andagua valley in Southern Peru. Nevado Coropuna dating back since late Miocene is the highest stratovolcano of Peru. It is located at 150 km NW of Arequipa and at 110 km E of the Pacific coast. Andagua valley is situated at about 30 km E of Coropuna. The magmatic activity there, as shown by the presence of several cones, is more recent than that of Corpouna and is related to the tectonic graben characterizing this valley. The geological position of the valley is very important because it is near the transverse line separating the zone of rather flat subduction of the Nazca plate from another one dipping more steeply to the SE. The lavas from Andagua show higher Ti, P, Sr and alkali contents than those from Coropuna, and several display some alkaline tendency with Na affinity. No shoshonitic rocks have been found in the area. According to their geochemistry, Corpuna and Andagua andesites do not seem to have been originated by a single process. In particular, the distribution of Ni, Cr, Ti, Zr, Y, P, Nb, and Sr would exclude either adirect origin from pyrolitic materials, or aprogressive crustal contamination as the most important factors for their origin. Calculations of mineral/melt equilibria for Coropana andesites suggests crystallization processes at depth less than 35 km and H2O-understurated conditons at the time of the phenocrysts precipitation, indicating a possible high undersaturation at depth of the source zone. As lar as the rhyolites are concerned, their geochemical characteristics do not preclude a crustal origin. A statistical study of the chemical zonation of the Plio-Quaternary lavas of southern Peru has shown an increase of Ti and P contents eastward of the Chile-Peru trench.  相似文献   

位于青藏高原东北缘的青海门源地区地震活动频繁, 自1986年以来先后发生了三次6级以上的强震活动.研究门源地区的地震活动特征、发震构造和孕震环境可以为地震发生机理的分析和未来地震危险性的判定提供重要依据.本文基于中国地震台网中心提供的地震目录和震相数据, 使用波速比一致性约束的双差层析成像方法获得了门源地区2009年以来的地震精定位结果和高分辨率的三维VP、VS和VP/VS模型.使用"剪切-黏贴"方法计算了门源MS6.9地震和MS4.5以上余震的震源机制解, 并收集了该区域历史中强地震的震源机制解.结果显示: 2013年门源MS5.3地震和2016年门源MS6.4地震的余震序列沿着冷龙岭北侧断裂展布, 2022年门源MS6.9地震的余震序列沿着托莱山断裂和冷龙岭断裂展布, 其展布方向与附近断裂的走向一致.1986年门源MS6.4地震、2013年门源MS5.3地震和2016年门源MS6.4地震的震源机制解均为逆冲型, 而2022年门源MS6.9地震及其余震的震源机制解以走滑型为主.结合地震定位结果, 本次门源MS6.9地震与之前的三次中强地震的发震构造不属于同一条断层.研究区内断裂分布、中强地震的震源位置与三维速度结构具有对应关系, 托莱山断裂和冷龙岭断裂两侧的介质性质存在明显差异, 应力在刚性介质边缘累积, 导致门源地区中强地震沿着异常体边缘的断裂频繁发生.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of macrophytes, land-use beyond the riparian zone, characteristics of the riparian zone and selected channel properties have been studied in 9 streams flowing through an agricultural landscape in the north-eastern part of Slovenia. The streams studied supported a rich macrophyte community. Altogether, 53 plant taxa were observed on 93 km of the streams. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that 10 out of the 11 parameters examined significantly influenced macrophyte distribution. Of these, substrate characteristics and riparian vegetation type were the most influential. Species composition analysis revealed that the majority of species indicated moderate nutrient load while, in the more strongly modified reaches, species indicating eutrophic conditions, i.e. Myriophyllum spicatum and different species of genus Potamogeton, were more abundant.  相似文献   

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