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Aeolian processes and ephemeral water influx from the Variscan Iberian Massif to the mid‐Cretaceous outer back‐erg margin system in eastern Iberia led to deposition and erosion of aeolian dunes and the formation of desert pavements. Remains of aeolian dunes encased in ephemeral fluvial deposits (aeolian pods) demonstrate intense erosion of windblown deposits by sudden water fluxes. The alternating activity of wind and water led to a variety of facies associations such as deflation lags, desert pavements, aeolian dunes, pebbles scattered throughout dune strata, aeolian sandsheets, aeolian deposits with bimodal grain‐size distributions, mud playa, ephemeral floodplain, pebble‐sand and cobble‐sand bedload stream, pebble–cobble‐sand sheet flood, sand bedload stream, debris flow and hyperconcentrated flow deposits. Sediment in this desert system underwent transport by wind and water and reworking in a variety of sub‐environments. The nearby Variscan Iberian Massif supplied quartzite pebbles as part of mass flows. Pebbles and cobbles were concentrated in deflation lags, eroded and polished by wind‐driven sands (facets and ventifacts) and incorporated by rolling into the toesets of aeolian dunes. The back‐erg depositional system comprises an outer back‐erg close to the Variscan highlands, and an inner back‐erg close to the central‐erg area. The inner back‐erg developed on a structural high and is characterized by mud playa deposits interbedded with aeolian and ephemeral channel deposits. In the inner back‐erg area ephemeral wadis, desiccated after occasional floods, were mud cracked and overrun episodically by aeolian dunes. Subsequent floods eroded the aeolian dunes and mud‐cracked surfaces, resulting in largely structureless sandstones with boulder‐size mudstone intraclasts. Floods spread over the margins of ephemeral channels and eroded surrounding aeolian dunes. The remaining dunes were colonized occasionally by plants and their roots penetrated into the flooded aeolian sands. Upon desiccation, deflation resulted in lags of coarser‐grained sediments. A renewed windblown supply led to aeolian sandsheet accumulation in topographic wadi depressions. Synsedimentary tectonics caused the outer back‐erg system to experience enhanced generation of accommodation space allowing the accumulation of aeolian dune sands. Ephemeral water flow to the outer back‐erg area supplied pebbles, eroded aeolian dunes, and produced hyperconcentrated flow deposits. Fluidization and liquefaction generated gravel pockets and recumbent folds. Dune damming after sporadic rains (the case of the Namib Desert), monsoonal water discharge (Thar Desert) and meltwater fluxes from glaciated mountains (Taklamakan Desert) are three potential, non‐exclusive analogues for the ephemeral water influx and the generation of hyperconcentrated flows in the Cretaceous desert margin system. An increase in relief driven by the Aptian anti‐clockwise rotation of Iberia, led to an altitude sufficient for the development of orographic rains and snowfall which fed (melt)water fluxes to the desert margin system. Quartzite conglomerates and sands, dominantly consisting of quartz and well‐preserved feldspar grains which are also observed in older Cretaceous strata, indicate an arid climate and the mechanical weathering of Precambrian and Palaeozoic metamorphic sediments and felsic igneous rocks. Unroofing of much of the cover of sedimentary rocks in the Variscan Iberian Massif must therefore have taken place in pre‐Cretaceous times.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the turtle fauna from the Lower Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula has been very limited until now. There are several fossil sites where Lower Cretaceous associations of continental vertebrates have been found. Although turtles have been identified in some of them, most of these specimens have not been studied, so the diversity is unknown. Among all these findings, the turtles from the Cameros Basin are considered particularly relevant, both in their abundance and diversity. Their study has allowed the identification of several taxa. At least one representative of Solemydidae and three taxa of Eucryptodira are recognized. This study establishes kinship and biogeographic relationships between the taxa in Cameros with those found in other Spanish fossil sites and with those of other European regions.  相似文献   

The Maurynya section exposed on the northwestern margin of West Siberia is one of few continuous sections of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary deposits in Boreal regions. In the meantime, it can be considered a reference section for the transitional Volgian-Ryazanian beds formed in shallow water environments of the West Siberian sea basin. This study is a synthesis of the new data with previous results of lithologic, paleontological, biostratigraphic, and (O, C, Sr) isotope studies of the Upper Volgian-lowermost Ryazanian of the Maurynya section. It has been established that the beginning of the Cretaceous (corresponding to the middle Late Volgian) is associated with a sharp increase in species number and diversity of cephalopods and bivalve mollusks on the northwestern margin of the West Siberian sea basin. This can be explained by an increase in its depths and their stabilization at a level which appeared optimal for the habitat of nekton, nektobenthos, and benthic fauna communities, superimposed on the general trend of warming. At the same time, the percentage of phytoplankton significantly increased, indicating the onset of transgression, which affected largely coastal landscapes and type of vegetation: The forests dominated by conifers were gradually succeeded by forests mostly composed of Ginkgoaceae.  相似文献   

The location of the Late Cretaceous paleoshoreline in the Leonese Area (Iberian Trough, Spain) has been investigated by seismic analysis through isobath and isopach maps. The succession can be divided into two depositional sequences: DS-1 and DS-2. These sequences are composed of fluvial systems at the base, with paleocurrents that flowed eastward and north-eastward. The DS-1 sequence (Late Albian-Middle Turonian) shows intertidal to subtidal and offshore deposits at the top, while the DS-2 sequence (Late Turonian-Campanian) presents intertidal to subtidal, tidal flat and shallow marine and lacustrine deposits at its top. The stratigraphic cyclicity based on systems tracts shows that these two depositional sequences exhibit remarkable eustatic control. Both sequences start at the base with a significant sedimentary supply from fluvial systems, related to eustatic fall episodes, and conclude at the top with transgressive periods. The evolution of the basin reveals the history of base-level changes and associated shifts in depositional trends during successive stages. The deeper sectors of the DS-1 sequence are located towards the northeastern part of the study area while the proximal portion of the basin-margin is located to the southwest. The paleoshoreline is placed in a direction oriented at 120. The variations in thickness are elongated in orientations between 030 and 050 and are mainly related to paleovalleys and tributary fluvial networks that supply sediment through the shoreline. It is possible that these variations may be related to active synsedimentary faults. Depocenters move toward the northeast and east during the DS-2 sequence while the proximal portion of the basin-margin moves to the southwest. The paleoshoreline has an orientation of 155 direction and moves basinward. The isopach maps show a group of corridors oriented at 130?C140 and 165?C170, interpreted as result of accumulation of sandy bodies such as inter and subtidal bars. The fluvial systems are transversal to the paleoshoreline direction.  相似文献   

The existence of a mid‐Cretaceous erg system along the western Tethyan margin (Iberian Basin, Spain) was recently demonstrated based on the occurrence of wind‐blown desert sands in coeval shallow marine deposits. Here, the first direct evidence of this mid‐Cretaceous erg in Europe is presented and the palaeoclimate and palaeoceanographic implications are discussed. The aeolian sand sea extended over an area of 4600 km2. Compound crescentic dunes, linear draa and complex aeolian dunes, sand sheets, wet, dry and evaporitic interdunes, sabkha deposits and coeval extradune lagoonal deposits form the main architectural elements of this desert system that was located in a sub‐tropical arid belt along the western Tethyan margin. Sub‐critically climbing translatent strata, grain flow and grain fall deposits, pin‐stripe lamination, lee side dune wind ripples, soft‐sediment deformations, vertebrate tracks, biogenic traces, tubes and wood fragments are some of the small‐scale structures and components observed in the aeolian dune sandstones. At the boundary between the aeolian sand sea and the marine realm, intertonguing of aeolian deposits and marine facies occurs. Massive sandstone units were laid down by mass flow events that reworked aeolian dune sands during flooding events. The cyclic occurrence of soft sediment deformation is ascribed to intermittent (marine) flooding of aeolian dunes and associated rise in the water table. The aeolian erg system developed in an active extensional tectonic setting that favoured its preservation. Because of the close proximity of the marine realm, the water table was high and contributed to the preservation of the aeolian facies. A sand‐drift surface marks the onset of aeolian dune construction and accumulation, whereby aeolian deposits cover an earlier succession of coastal coal deposits formed in a more humid period. A prominent aeolian super‐surface forms an angular unconformity that divides the aeolian succession into two erg sequences. This super‐surface formed in response to a major tectonic reactivation in the basin, and also marks the change in style of aeolian sedimentation from compound climbing crescentic dunes to aeolian draas. The location of the mid‐Cretaceous palaeoerg fits well to both the global distribution of other known Cretaceous erg systems and with current palaeoclimate data that suggest a global cooling period and a sea‐level lowstand during early mid‐Cretaceous times. The occurrence of a sub‐tropical coastal erg in the mid‐Cretaceous of Spain correlates with the exposure of carbonate platforms on the Arabian platform during much of the Late Aptian to Middle Albian, and is related to this eustatic sea‐level lowstand.  相似文献   

Buntsandstein deposits generated in a slowly subsiding basin on the western margin of the Iberian Chain are represented by a stratigraphic succession of fluvial deposits less than 100 m thick (conglomerates, sandstones, and shales). Diagenetic processes in sandstones can be grouped as eodiagenetic, mesodiagenetic, and telodiagenetic. Eodiagenesis can be associated with Muschelkalk, Keuper, and probably early Jurassic times. Mesodiagenesis is probably related to Jurassic times. Diagenetic chemical reactions suggest a maximum burial less than 1.5 km and low temperatures (<120°C). Patterns of porosity reduction by compaction and cementation suggest four diagenetic stages: (1) Loss of primary porosity by early mechanical compaction; (2) early cementation (K-feldspar and dolomite); (3) dissolution of cements; and (4) framework collapse by re-compaction. These stages are manifested by the presence of two types of sandstone. Type I sandstones present high intergranular volume (mean, 30%). Type II sandstones are characterized by high compactional porosity loss and exhibit low values of intergranular volume (mean, 16.9%). Type II sandstones are associated with the dissolution of cement and later re-compaction of type I sandstones. An intermediate telodiagenetic phase is deduced and related to the sharp unconformity between Lower Cretaceous sediments and the underlying sediments. This suggests that a mechanically unstable framework collapsed during the Cretaceous, generating type II sandstones. The analyzed diagenetic paths have a wide applicability on similar marginal areas of rift basins.  相似文献   

围绕浅海背景下大型浊积扇的研究进展展开探讨,并以莺歌海盆地黄流组重力流为例研究其沉积特征及堆积机制。位于莺歌海盆地中央的东方区黄流组发育的大型高效储集体——浅海重力流沉积体的沉积特征和堆积机制具有其独特性。古生物研究表明,其沉积期的古水深为40~110m,属于陆架浅水沉积背景。其重力流特征表现为包卷变形层理、准同生变形构造等,主要发育鲍玛序列A段和AB段组合,缺失CDE段。对该重力流沉积体的初步研究表明,其具有大规模、多期次(浊积事件的垂向叠加序列组合)、持续性发育等特征。在浅海背景下形成大规模重力流沉积体的综合成因机制包括:(1)物源的持续供给;(2)同沉积期大规模海退作用;(3)陆架基底的幕式动态活动和差异性沉降。该重力流沉积体的发育受上述三大因素的联合控制。因此,本研究采取构造-层序地层学、沉积学与地球物理相结合的系列技术与方法研究其宏观、微观特征及堆积的控制要素与独特机制。该研究成果能丰富浅海区发育大型重力流沉积体的理论体系,对油气勘探新领域的拓展具重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The Cercadillo Sandstone and Siltstone (CSS) Formation forms the upper part of the Buntsandstein fluvial facies in the western margin of the Iberian Basin. Sedimentation was controlled by two major pre-Triassic tectonic systems: the Iberian Ranges System (NW-SE) and the Central System (NE-SW). Fluvial sedimentation during this period took place in coexisting braided and meandering channels, together with associated ephemeral episodes. This unusual association was due to a combination of structural control by the main normal faults coupled with large discharge fluctuations. The CSS Formation consists of two major fluvial sequences with very similar vertical patterns comprising low sinuosity stream deposits that pass upwards into high sinuosity deposits associated with extensive floodplain sediments. A widespread calcrete horizon is developed at the top of the lower sequence and a surface with pedogenic features is present at the top of the upper sequence. These horizons are interpreted to be the result of subaerial exposure during a period of no subsidence and equilibrium in the erosion-sedimentation processes in the area, probably due to quiescent periods on the master faults that delineate the basin. Minor changes within the sequences are probably due to discharge fluctuations of a climatic origin whereas the general vertical trend of the sequences is suggested to be tectonically controlled. Palaeocurrent data show a general flux of sediments to the south-east, parallel to the axis of the Iberian Basin, but the final part of the upper sequence palaeocurrents to the north-east are interpreted to indicate a local reactivation of secondary, transverse faults in the south-east part of the study area.  相似文献   

The Berriasian Rupelo Formation of the W Cameros Basin consists of a 2–200 m thickness of marginal and open lacustrine carbonate and associated deposits. Open lacustrine facies contain a non-marine biota with abundant charophytes (both stems and gyrogonites), ostracods, gastropods and rare vertebrates. Carbonate production was mainly biogenic. The associated marginal lacustrine (‘palustrine’) facies show strong indications of subaerial exposure and exhibit a wide variety of pedogenic fabrics. Silicified evaporites found near to the top of the sequence reflect a short hypersaline phase in the lake history. The succession was laid down in a low gradient, shallow lake complex characterized by wide fluctuations of the shoreline. Carbon and oxygen stable isotope analyses from the carbonates show non-marine values with ranges of δ13 from ? 7 to ? 11‰and δ18 from ? 3 to ? 7.5‰. Differences in the isotopic composition of open lacustrine carbonates are consistent with sedimentary evidence of variation in organic productivity within the lake. Analyses from the entire sample suite plot on a linear trend; isotopic compositions become lighter with increasing evidence of pedogenic modification. This suggests progressive vadose zone diagenesis and influence of meteoric waters rich in soil-derived CO2. The stable isotope data thus support evidence from petrography and facies relations that ‘palustrine’limestones form through pedogenic modification of lake carbonates.  相似文献   

The Late Permian (Wuchiapingian) Alcotas Formation in the SE Iberian Ranges consists of one red alluvial succession where abundant soil profiles developed. Detailed petrographical and sedimentological studies in seven sections of the Alcotas Formation allow six different types of palaeosols, with distinctive characteristics and different palaeogeographical distribution, to be distinguished throughout the South‐eastern Iberian Basin. These characteristics are, in turn, related to topographic, climatic and tectonic controls. The vertical distribution of the palaeosols is used to differentiate the formation in three parts from bottom to top showing both drastic and gradual vertical upwards palaeoenvironmental changes in the sections. Reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental conditions based on palaeosols provides evidence for understanding the events that occurred during the Late Permian, some few millions of years before the well‐known Permian‐Triassic global crisis.  相似文献   

本次研究在柴达木盆地旺尕秀地区上侏罗统红水沟组上覆地层中,首次发现了风成沉积。地层主体为一套棕黄色细-中砂岩,由分选、磨圆好的石英砂组成;扫描电镜下可见风成砂特有的碟形撞击坑和新月形撞击坑等特征;层内普遍发育风成大型高角度板状交错层理,层系厚度巨大,风成沙丘前积层特征明显;发育液化作用产生的牵引褶曲、倒转褶曲等常见的风成沙丘同沉积变形构造。根据岩性和沉积构造特征共在地层中识别出4种沉积亚相: 沙丘亚相、丘间亚相、旱谷亚相和沙漠湖亚相,其中沙丘亚相以风成大型交错层理为显著特征,丘间、旱谷和沙漠湖亚相则以水成沉积为主。风成砂沉积的存在丰富了柴达木盆地中生代的沉积类型,为区域地层对比及西北地区晚中生代古气候和古环境研究提供了新的证据和材料。  相似文献   

The Aínsa Basin of northern Spain contains a deep‐marine succession comprising up to 24 sandstone bodies separated by thick marl‐rich units. A detailed analysis of nine outcrops (>900 m of sediment profiles) from the Morillo Formation of the San Vicente Group, from the upper part of the basin succession, has enabled a reappraisal of the unit. Within the Morillo Formation, sediment transport was to the NW, and a range of environments are recognized including channels, lobes and pelagic deposits. The overlying Coscojuela Formation, which partly cuts into the Morillo Formation, shows W‐directed palaeocurrents in its proximal reaches, with flows being deflected to the N along an adjacent slope. Destabilization of the adjacent carbonate platform resulted in a significant input of carbonate material into the flow. The final phases of sedimentation within the Aínsa Basin were more complex than previously suspected, probably as a result of a combination of factors, including tectonic activity, resulting in basin narrowing due to anticlinal growth, as well as encroachment and/or destabilization of the adjacent regional carbonate platforms. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paleomagnetic results obtained in 23 sites from red beds of the northern border of the inverted Cameros Basin (northern Iberian Peninsula) prove a Cretaceous widespread remagnetization. Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic analyses indicate that the Natural remanent magnetization (NRM) is dominated by a stable and always normal polarity component carried by haematite. Two conglomerate test and five-fold test indicate that this component is a syn-tectonic overprint dated between Albian and Santonian times, most probably Albian, contemporary with a low-grade metamorphism. Remagnetization was acquired before compressional deformation and post-dates the main extensional stage of basin formation (Berriasian–Albian). Incremental fold tests provide best clustering solutions showing dispersed results and far from the expected direction. An alternative procedure to obtain fold test solution was applied considering asymmetric limb rotation. Mean directions obtained from these “asymmetric solutions” are consistent with the expected direction and yield a statistical value for significant grouping at the 95% confidence level in all fold tests performed. This reconstruction allows to determine the tilting of beds at the moment of acquisition of magnetization. These original dips were used to reconstruct the original geometry of the northern basin border, later modified during the Tertiary inversion stage. This extensional geometry can be characterised as a large-scale syn-sedimentary normal fault drag, with a minor roll-over anticline. The procedure developed in this paper should be tested in other inverted basins that also have undergone burial remagnetizations.  相似文献   

JAMIE G. QUIN 《Sedimentology》2008,55(4):1053-1082
The relatively fine-grained Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous 'Cork Beds' succession of the South Munster Basin includes continuous sections of paralic facies that are over 1000 m thick and individual sandstone units over 300 m thick. However, the succession does not reflect prolonged phases when facies belts were stationary, but rather multiple stacking of small-scale, high-frequency sequences, each associated with pronounced migration of shorelines. What seems to have been unusual about the South Munster Basin succession was that the geographical positioning of these high-frequency sequences was fixed. This resulted from an unusual combination of tectonics, shelf hydrodynamics, sedimentation rates and the textural maturity of the sediment within the basin. Of these, tectonics was probably most critical, particularly the juxtaposition of rapid subsidence in basinal areas and a basin margin zone (to the north) that was sufficiently up-standing to pin the maximum extent of transgression during repeated highstands of sea-level, yet not so upstanding as to have diverted the major regional drainage system. The embayed palaeogeography of the area may also have been influential.  相似文献   

有关海相碳酸盐成岩蚀变性及其对海水信息保存性的研究是一个未曾被人们重视的领域,从而限制了古海洋学及其相关学科的研究水平。近年来,这一研究领域逐渐得到学者们的重视。本文对羌塘盆地半岛湖地区上侏罗统-下白垩统生物礁相碳酸盐岩样品的微观组构观察、阴极发光分析、化学分析和同位素分析等研究表明,大部分样品都具有较低的Mn含量和较高的Sr含量,所有样品均具有较低的Mn/Sr比值,样品δ13C值和δ18O值分布范围波动较小。不同类型岩性对海水信息的保存性按含生屑泥晶灰岩→泥晶粒屑灰岩→粒屑泥晶灰岩→礁灰岩围岩部分→礁灰岩生物骨架部分的顺序依次变差。  相似文献   

The faunal associations of the uppermost Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Villar del Arzobispo, El Castellar, and Camarillas formations of the Spanish town of Galve (Maestrazgo Basin of the Iberian Range) are composed of more than fifty taxa belonging to Chondrichthyes, bony fishes, lissamphibians, mammals, and reptiles. Although the presence of turtles has been recognized in these three formations, being very abundant, the published information is limited. The detailed study of these turtles allows us to recognize at least nine taxa, several of them previously not identified in the Spanish record. These taxa correspond to stem Testudines (Solemydidae), members of Paracryptodira (Pleurosternidae), several representatives of Plesiochelyidae and taxa closely related with this clade, representatives of the stem group of Cryptodira (Xinjiangchelyidae) and members of crown Cryptodira. The chelonian fauna of Galve increases the systematic, anatomical, biostratigraphic, and paleobiogeographic knowledge on several clades, represented by taxa shared with other European regions, clades also present in Early Cretaceous sites of North America or Asia, as well as taxa exclusive of the Iberian record.  相似文献   

The Coniacian 3rd-order sequence in the Iberian Basin is represented by a carbonate ramp-like open platform. The biofacies is mainly dominated by nekto-benthic (such as ammonites) and benthic organisms (such as bivalves, mainly rudists) with scarce solitary corals (hermatypics are absent), showing major differences among the Transgressive System Tract (TST) and Highstand Normal Regression (HNR). During the TST, platform environments were dominated by Pycnodonte, other oysters and molluscs (with only subordinate rudists) and ammonites, which were represented by ornamented platycones (Tissotioides and Prionocycloceras), and by smooth oxycones (Tissotia and Hemitissotia). During the HNR, shallow water depositional areas were occupied by rudist-dominated associations. Storm- and wind-induced currents and waves acting on these associations produced large amounts of loose bioclastic debris that covered outer platform areas. This facies belt graded landwards into protected, lower-energy settings (inner platform, lagoon and littoral environments). Rudist biostromes were preserved in seaward areas of these protected shallow environments of overall moderate to low hydrodynamic gradient, which was punctuated by storms. In this environment and landwards, large areas of marly substrate favoured the presence of gastropods, other bivalves, echinoderms, benthic foraminifera and solitary corals. Because of the input of siliciclastics and, probably, the lack of nutrients in suspension, the establishment of rudist communities was difficult in more landward areas of the lagoon and in tidal environments. This heterozoan carbonate factory was thus controlled by warm-water conditions and high energy levels, which were responsible for high-nutrient contents in suspension.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地西北缘风城地区白垩系油砂储量丰富,油砂油粘度极高,其分布受多重因素影响,其中沉积微相对油砂分布的影响最为显著。笔者综合利用岩心分析、测井资料、薄片鉴定、分析化验等资料,结合砂、砾岩展布特征,在对清水河组细分层的基础上重新对各层的沉积微相进行划分,并建立测井微相模式,分析白垩系各砂层组的沉积微相类型、分布规律及演化模式。研究表明,白垩系清水河组主要发育砂岩沉积的辫状河三角洲和砾岩沉积的扇三角洲两类沉积体系,三角洲前缘水下分流河道、辫状河心滩、河道砂体是油砂矿的主要储油砂体,也是油砂的有利聚集区。研究结果为进一步指导风城地区白垩系油砂矿藏的勘探与开发奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Amphibolite facies metasedimentary schists within the Yukon‐Tanana terrane in the northern Canadian Cordillera reveal a two‐stage, polymetamorphic garnet growth history. In situ U‐Th‐Pb Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe dating of monazite provide timing constraints for the late stages of garnet growth, deformation and subsequent decompression. Distinct textural and chemical growth zoning domains, separated by a large chemical discontinuity, reveal two stages of garnet growth characterized in part by: (i) a syn‐kinematic, inclusion‐rich stage‐1 garnet core; and (ii) an inclusion‐poor, stage‐2 garnet rim that crystallized with syn‐ to post‐kinematic staurolite and kyanite. Phase equilibria modelling of garnet molar and compositional isopleths suggest stage‐1 garnet growth initiated at ~600 °C, 8 kbar along a clockwise P–T path. Growth of the compositionally distinct, grossular‐rich, pyrope‐poor inner portion of the stage‐2 overgrowth is interpreted to have initiated at higher pressure and/or lower temperature than the stage‐1 core along a separate P–T loop, culminating at peak P–T conditions of ~650–680 °C and 9 kbar. Stage‐2 metamorphism and the waning development of a composite transposition foliation (ST) are dated at c. 118 Ma from monazite aligned parallel to ST, and inclusions in syn‐ to post‐ST staurolite and kyanite. Slightly younger ages (c. 112 Ma) are obtained from Y‐rich monazite that occurs within resorbed areas of both stage‐1 and stage‐2 garnet, together with retrograde staurolite and plagioclase. The younger ages obtained from these texturally and chemically distinct grains are interpreted, with the aid of phase equilibria calculations, to date the growth of monazite from the breakdown of garnet during decompression at c. 112 Ma. Evidence for continued near‐isothermal decompression is provided by the presence of retrograde sillimanite, and cordierite after staurolite, which indicates decompression below ~4–5 kbar prior to cooling below ~550 °C. As most other parts of the Yukon‐Tanana terrane were exhumed to upper crustal levels in the Early Jurassic, these data suggest this domain represents a tectonic window revealing a much younger, high‐grade tectono‐metamorphic core (infrastructure) within the northern Cordilleran orogen. This window may be akin to extensional core complexes identified in east‐central Alaska and in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera.  相似文献   

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