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低温热年代学方法已被广泛地应用于地学领域,尤其是磷灰石/锆石(U-Th)/He、磷灰石/锆石裂变径迹(AFT/ZFT)方法,由于该方法封闭温度较低,对晚新生代构造演化、地形地貌变化等地表过程非常敏感,具有其他地质年代学方法无法比拟的优势。随着这种方法的发展,目前可准确测定年轻火山岩年龄低至千年左右。该方法还推动了近十年来造山带演化和地貌演化研究的热潮,它不仅限定了剥露抬升阶段和速率,还为新的模拟手段提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

库车前陆盆地蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,然而盆地中新生代的构造热演化史一直缺乏有效的研究,制约了油气的勘探.本文测试了吐孜2井磷灰石、锆石(U-Th)/He年龄数据,建立了He年龄随现今温度/深度变化的关系,确定该区磷灰石(U-Th)/He体系封闭温度为89℃.综合利用(U-Th)/He及镜质体反射率(Ro)数据模拟恢复了库车盆地吐孜2井中新生代热演化史,结果表明库车盆地吐孜洛克背斜形成起始时间约为5 Ma,新生代抬升剥蚀量平均约为670 m,平均抬升剥蚀速率为0.133 mm/a.根据新生代吐孜洛克背斜的构造演化分析确定了气源断裂活动及圈闭形成的时期,揭示了吐孜洛克背斜天然气成藏时间为5 Ma以后,且烃源岩生排烃、断裂活动及圈闭形成的时间具有良好的匹配关系,这是吐孜洛克油气田形成的关键因素之一.本文应用(U-Th)/He技术研究沉积盆地构造热演化史,对库车盆地油气勘探具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

喻顺  陈文  张斌  孙敬博  李超  袁霞  沈泽  杨莉  马勋 《地球物理学报》2016,59(8):2922-2936
天山是中亚造山带重要组成部分,其中-新生代构造热演化及隆升剥露史研究是认识中亚造山带构造变形过程与机制的关键.本文应用磷灰石(U-Th) /He技术重建中天山南缘科克苏河地区中-新生代构造热演化及隆升剥蚀过程.磷灰石(U-Th) /He数据综合解释及热演化史模拟表明该地区至少存在晚白垩世、早中新世、晚中新世3期快速隆升剥蚀事件,起始时间分别为~90 Ma、~13 Ma及~5 Ma,且这3期隆升剥蚀事件在整个天山地区具有广泛的可对比性.相对于磷灰石裂变径迹,磷灰石(U-Th)/He年龄记录了中天山南缘地质演化史中更新和更近的热信息,即中天山在晚中新世(~5 Ma)快速隆升剥蚀,其剥蚀速率为~0.47 mm·a-1,剥蚀厚度为~2300 m.总体上,中天山科克苏地区隆升剥蚀起始时间从天山造山带向昭苏盆地(由南向北)逐渐变老,表明了中天山南缘隆升剥蚀存在不均一性,并发生了多期揭顶剥蚀事件.  相似文献   

库车前陆盆地蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,然而盆地中新生代的构造热演化史一直缺乏有效的研究,制约了油气的勘探.本文测试了吐孜2井磷灰石、锆石(U-Th)/He年龄数据,建立了He年龄随现今温度/深度变化的关系,确定该区磷灰石(U-Th)/He体系封闭温度为89℃.综合利用(U-Th)/He及镜质体反射率(Ro)数据模拟恢复了库车盆地吐孜2井中新生代热演化史,结果表明库车盆地吐孜洛克背斜形成起始时间约为5 Ma,新生代抬升剥蚀量平均约为670 m,平均抬升剥蚀速率为0.133 mm/a.根据新生代吐孜洛克背斜的构造演化分析确定了气源断裂活动及圈闭形成的时期,揭示了吐孜洛克背斜天然气成藏时间为5 Ma以后,且烃源岩生排烃、断裂活动及圈闭形成的时间具有良好的匹配关系,这是吐孜洛克油气田形成的关键因素之一.本文应用(U-Th)/He技术研究沉积盆地构造热演化史,对库车盆地油气勘探具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

锆石是(U-Th)/He测年体系中最常用的富含U、Th的副矿物之一。相对于磷灰石而言,锆石的He封闭温度较高(约190℃),在解决沉积盆地物源和热史恢复方面更具优势。但锆石晶体内的U、Th分带普遍发育,浓度差异明显,即使是国际普遍使用的(U-Th)/He测年标样FCT(Fish Canyon Tuff)的年龄值分散度也可约达10%。文中依托中国地震局地质研究所新建立的(U-Th)/He年代学实验室,利用配备的Alphachron He同位素质谱仪对一批FCT锆石单颗粒采用激光加热萃取后进行4He含量测定,并应用自动进样的安捷伦7900 ICP-MS和同位素稀释剂法测定母体同位素U、Th的含量,得到FCT锆石的年龄范围为26. 61~31. 91Ma,加权平均年龄为(28. 8±3. 1) Ma(2SD,n=10),该年龄值与国际上多个实验室所获得的平均年龄((28. 3±3. 1) Ma,2σ,n=127;(28. 29±2. 6)Ma,2σ外部误差,9. 3%,n=114)在误差范围内一致; Th/U比值范围是0. 52~0. 67,与国际报道值一致,说明本实验室所建立的锆石单颗粒(U-Th)/He测年实验流程可靠。  相似文献   

大别山高温剥露作用研究已相当成熟, 而白垩纪特别是晚白垩世以来的区域低温剥露研究还比较薄弱, 低温年代学即是解决这一问题的重要途径之一. 本文依据大别山现有岩浆岩与变质岩的磷灰石、锆石裂变径迹和(U-Th)/He数据, 综合考虑热传导、热对流、地形及放射性热产生等因素对地温场造成的影响, 应用Mancktelow法和Braun法, 系统地对整个区域的低温年代学测年结果进行剥露速率计算, 获得了大别山白垩纪以来尤其是晚白垩世以来的剥露速率等值线图以及区域差异剥露趋势. 大别山白垩纪以来天堂寨地区及郯庐断裂带南部剥露速率(0.08~ 0.10 km/Ma)大于大别山其他地区(0.04~0.07 km/Ma). 这种区域差异剥露可能与NNE向断裂系区域差异走滑引发的构造推隆作用有关.  相似文献   

柯坪塔格地区位于西南天山与塔里木盆地之间, 是塔里木地台的一部分, 其构造隆升与天山和塔里木盆地的演化密切相关. 本文首次将(U-Th)/He热定年技术应用于该地区构造抬升的研究, 对该区震旦系露头样品的磷灰石和锆石的(U-Th)/He进行了年龄测定和热史模拟, 结果表明柯坪塔格地区主要经历了4期构造抬升事件, 导致震旦系抬升至地表, 其中磷灰石(U-Th)/He年龄揭示了晚白垩世和中新世两期的构造抬升事件. 在早石炭世, 震旦系温度达到最大, 介于133~150°C之间, 结合沉积埋藏史得到当时的最大埋深是3400~3900 m. 在渐新世—中新世, 受印度—欧亚板块碰撞远程效应的影响, 柯坪塔格地区沿柯坪塔格—沙井子断裂向巴楚隆起上逆冲, 地层快速抬升遭受剥蚀. 在15~10 Ma时, 柯坪塔格地区震旦系已抬升至地表. 自早石炭世至今, 柯坪塔格地区总剥蚀量达6170 m. 柯坪塔格地区自中生代以来的构造-热演化史与塔里木盆地北缘是一致的, 但与天山及处于塔里木盆地内部的巴楚隆起的构造抬升过程存在差异. 中新世以后, 受喜山运动远程效应影响, 柯坪塔格和天山才同处于抬升状态; 而巴楚隆起在古近纪早期仍处于抬升剥蚀状态, 与柯坪塔格地区接受沉积相反. 本文利用(U-Th)/He热定年技术成功地揭示了柯坪塔格地区自震旦纪以来的构造-热演化史, 这些结果有利于人们对这一地区构造抬升的正确认识. 同时, 本研究对塔里木盆地的油气勘探及天山地区的构造研究具有指导意义.  相似文献   

磷灰石He的封闭温度(约70℃)是目前已知体系中最低的,4He在磷灰石中空间分布包含了样品经历的低温阶段(30~90℃)的热历史信息。磷灰石4He/3He热年代学是根据经典的扩散理论,并用质子照射磷灰石使其内部生成均匀分布的3He,然后应用一种数学方法来确定磷灰石中4He的空间分布,由此可以限制样品所经历的热历史。文中简单介绍了该方法的数学原理、模拟方法、应用以及现存的主要问题等,虽然这一方法还处于不断探索中,但是其对低温热历史的灵敏性使得这种方法有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

(U-Th)/He热定年技术是近年来用于沉积盆地热史研究的新技术,目前主要是利用磷灰石和锆石的He年龄来揭示地层的构造抬升和热历史.本文依据塔里木盆地钻井样品的实测磷灰石和锆石(U-Th)/He年龄数据,初步得出了该地区磷灰石(U-Th)/He年龄的封闭温度为85℃,并建立了深度/温度-年龄演化模式;锆石则未达到其较高的封闭温度.综合利用本次实测的He年龄数据结合磷灰石裂变径迹和等效镜质组反射率等古温标,模拟计算了塔里木盆地孔雀1井(KQ1)自奥陶纪末期以来的热历史.模拟结果表明,孔雀1井区奥陶纪末期的地温梯度可达35.5℃/km,志留纪—泥盆纪时期的地温梯度为33.3~34.5℃/km,白垩纪末期地温梯度27.6℃/km左右.因此,(U-Th)/He年龄结合其他古温标综合模拟的方法可以很好地揭示沉积盆地的热历史.特别是该技术为缺乏常规古温标的塔里木盆地下古生界碳酸盐岩层系所经受热史的恢复提供了新的方法.  相似文献   

Yu  Shun  Chen  Wen  Sun  Jingbo  Shen  Ze 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(4):719-732
To gain a better quantitative understanding of zircon(U-Th)/He ages and evaluate the applicability of zircon(U-Th)/He dating, the diffusion characteristics, He diffusion kinetics, helium partial retention zone(HePRZ), closure temperature, and(U-Th)/He ages were investigated using high-precision laboratory step heating experiments based on the thermally activated diffusion process. The ln(D/a~2) in Fish Canyon Tuff(FCT) zircons determined from laboratory step heating experiments was negatively correlated with reciprocal temperature, as expected for thermally activated volume diffusion. The zircon activation energies ranged from 144 to 184 kJ mol~(-1) with a mean of 169±12 kJ mol~(-1). The closure temperatures ranged from 144 to 216°C(a cooling rate of 10°C Ma~(-1) and an effective grain radius of 38–60 μm) with an average of 176±18°C. The calculated closure temperature increased with increasing cooling rate, yielding an average zircon He closure temperature of ~136°C at a slow cooling rate of 0.1°C Ma~(-1), whereas the closure value was ~199°C at a cooling rate of 100°C Ma~(-1). The closure temperature increased with the equivalent spherical radius assuming a constant cooling rate. The He ages from FCT zircons were negligibly affected by grain size because of the rapid cooling. He preserved in the zircon was sensitive to temperature and holding time, and the temperature range for zircon HePRZ gradually decreased with increasing holding time. The(U-Th)/He ages from 26 FCT zircons yielded an algorithmic mean of 28.3±0.3 Ma(S.E.) and a geometric mean of 28.4±0.3 Ma(S.E.), consistent with the ages of 28.4±1.9 Ma reported by other laboratories. The FCT zircons were characterized by rapid cooling, young(U-Th)/He ages with good reproducibility, and low alpha doses. Weak correlations between the He ages and effective uranium(eU) concentrations from the FCT zircons indicated radiation damage did not significantly affect He diffusivity.  相似文献   

Aluminum foils were bombarded at room temperature with4He+ ions in the energy range between 1 and 5 keV. The irradiation dose varied from 1012 cm?2 to 1014cm?2, well below saturation levels. The release pattern was observed in a stepwise heating experiment. The diffusion behaviour is strongly dose dependent, higher doses resulting in a shift of the release pattern to higher temperatures. For a constant dose a well-defined energy dependence of the gas release exists, which can be used to deduce the ion energy.  相似文献   


有限差分方法被广泛应用于地震波数值模拟和传播.传统有限差分法采用Taylor级数展开实现空间偏导数的差分, 但该方法会因为网格离散化而产生数值频散, 降低地震波模拟的精度.优化差分系数正演方法能在一定程度上压制部分频散, 然而纵、横波速度取值差异较大, 在弹性波有限差分正演模拟中, 在满足纵波最大速度确定的稳定性条件下, 浅层低速横波波场往往会产生明显的频散现象.为了削弱弹性波场正演数值频散, 提高数值模拟精度, 本文首先采用优化差分网格系数降低数值频散, 然后再采用通量校正传输(Flux-Correction Transport, FCT)法来进一步压制弹性波场有限差分数值频散.常规的FCT法是对弹性波场直接进行频散压制, 但由于弹性波场中纵、横波速度差异明显, 横波波场频散明显强于纵波, 为了压制横波波场的数值频散, 往往需要选取较大的频散压制参数, 但这会使频散较弱的纵波产生假象.因此本文提出基于纵横波分离FCT弹性波正演频散压制方法, 对分离之后的纵横波场分别选择合适的频散压制参数进行通量校正, 可以有效压制数值频散, 削弱纵波FCT产生的假象.通过理论分析和数值算例发现, 本文方法能有效削弱弹性波场有限差分数值频散, 相对于常规FCT方法没有假象产生.


The problem of activation energy calculations of lead loss from zircon and the determination of the lead diffusion coefficient in zircon based on the kinetics of diffusion is dealt with. The experimental technique for the evaluation of the diffusion parameters used in this study is thermal ionization mass-spectrometry (ThIMS). The results of experiments on the kinetics of lead loss from several zircons under linear heating, step heating and isothermal heating regimes are considered. The study of effects of grain size on the kinetics of lead loss is performed under all regimes. A comparison of various mechanisms of lead diffusion in zircon is also made. The experimental results may be much better explained by the principles of volume diffusion than by those of first-order reactions. The values of activation energies calculated from volume diffusion are in the range 7.8 to 9.5 eV for crystalline zircons. The suitability of ThIMS technique for lead migration studies is considered.  相似文献   

It is generally believed a variation of 3He/4He isotopic ratios in the mantle is due to only the decay of U and Th,which produces4 He as well as heat.Here we show that not only3He/4He isotopic ratios but also helium contents can be fractionated by thermal diffusion in the lower mantle.The driving force for that fractionation is the adiabatic or convective temperature gradient,which always produces elemental and isotopic fractionation along temperature gradient by thermal diffusion with higher light/heavy isotopic ratio in the hot end.Our theoretical model and calculations indicate that the lower mantle is helium stratified,caused by thermal diffusion due to*400℃temperature contrast across the lower mantle.The highest3He/4He isotopic ratios and lowest He contents are in the lowermost mantle,which is a consequence of thermaldiffusion fractionation rather than the lower mantle is a primordial and undegassed reservoir.Therefore,oceanicisland basalts derived from the deepest lower mantle with high3He/4He isotopic ratios and less He contents—the long-standing helium paradox,is solved by our model.Because vigorous convection in the upper mantle had resulted in disordered or disorganized thermal-diffusion effects in He,Mid-ocean ridge basalts unaffected by mantle plume have a relatively homogenous and lower!3He/4He isotopic compositions.Our model also predicts that 3He/4He isotopic ratios in the deepest lower mantle of early Earth could be even higher than that of Jupiter,the initial He isotopic ratio in our solar system,because the temperature contrast across the lower mantle in the early Earth is the largest and less4 He had been produced by the decay of U and Th.Moreover,the early helium-stratified lower mantle owned the lowest He contents due to over-degassing caused by the largest temperature contrast.Consequently,succeeding evolution of the lower mantle is a He ingassed process due to secular cooling of the deepest mantle.This explains why significant amount of He produced by the decay of U and Th in the lower mantle were not released,another long-standing heat–helium paradox.  相似文献   

We have determined the concentrations and isotopic composition of helium in oceanic basaltic glass both by melting and by crushing in vacuo. A significant fraction of the helium is released by crushing, confirming that it resides within the vesicles. Comparison of volume percent vesicles to the fraction of helium contained in the vesicles gives qualitative agreement with experimental gas-melt partitioning studies. Measured concentrations are therefore, a function of original helium content, magmatic history, vesicle size and quantity, and grain size analyzed. Helium released by crushing is isotopically indistinguishable from that contained in the glass. Diffusion rates for helium in basaltic glass (in the temperature range 125–400°C) determined using the method of stepwise heating, yielded an activation energy of 19.9 ± 1 kcal/mole andlnD0 = ?2.7 ± 0.6 (cgs units). Extrapolation of these results to ocean floor temperatures (0°C) gives a diffusivity of 1.0 ± 0.6 × 10?17 cm2/s, indicating that diffusion is an insignificant mechanism for helium loss from fresh basaltic glasses. The3He/4He ratios are remarkably constant (at 1.10 ± 0.03 × 10?5) for samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (FAMOUS area and 23°N), the Juan de Fuca Ridge, the Galapagos spreading center, the Mid-Cayman Rise, and the Central Indian Ocean Ridge. This result is interpreted in terms of similar geochemical histories within the source regions for these samples.  相似文献   

There are three types of zircon (i.e. Zircon A, Zircon B and Zircon C) in the microgranitoid enclaves from the Qingtian granite. Zircon A is of the smallest Ipr, Ipy and Iel values with the largest range of variations; Zircon C is of the largest Ipr, Ipy and Iel values with the smallest range of variations; and Zircon B is intermediate among the three types. The microprobe analysis of zircon demonstrates that the contents of trace elements (Hf, U, Y, Th) increase progressively with larger and larger variation from Zircon A through Zircon B to Zircon C. These characters snggest that the three types of zircon in the enclaves may have formed successively during the cooling mess of enclave magma, corresponding to different sites along with the intrusion of enclave magma. Because of positive correlations of the UO2/HfO2ratio with Ipr, the Th02/Y203 ratio with Ipy, and the UO2/(ThO2+Y203) ratio with Iel, it is suggested that the variation in zircon typology is caused by selective substitution of trace elements on different surfaces of zircon. On the basis of enclave petrology and zircon typomorphism, it is believed that the enclave magma may be generated from partial melting of residual materials in deep regions where the granitic magma has been extracted. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49632080).  相似文献   

本文从含流体多孔隙介质中同时包含Biot流动和喷射流动两种力学机制的BISQ (Biot-Squirt)方程出发, 利用FCT (Flux-Corrected Transport)紧致差分方法数值模拟了在Biot流和喷射流共同作用下的波在含流体多孔隙各向同性介质中的传播. 通过与仅受Biot流动作用下的波场结果对比, 我们研究了耗散系数b和慢P波速度以及能量衰减之间的关系. 同时, 本文也研究了波在双层双相孔隙介质中的传播规律. 数值结果表明, 由于喷射流动的影响, Biot流动和喷射流动共同作用下的快P波传播速度比仅受Biot流动影响下的快P波传播速度慢、慢P波衰减得更快, 表明具有局部特征的喷射流动对压缩波的衰减和频散具有重要影响;而对于剪切波, 两种模型得到的剪切波速几乎一致, 说明在各向同性情况下喷射流对剪切波的影响不明显. 这一结果与波衰减和频散的理论分析结果一致, 同时本文结果也表明FCT紧致差分方法能有效压制粗网格条件下模拟弹性波场所引起的数值频散以及源噪声, 适合于双相孔隙介质中的弹性波场模拟.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a rapid expansion in the acquisition and use of information on diffusive transport in phases relevant to the solid Earth (crystals, melts and fluids). Although far from complete, the data base on diffusion coefficients is now sufficiently large that broad constraints can be placed upon the length- and time scales of many natural transport phenomena in which diffusion plays a role. Conversely, observations of diffusion progress in specific natural samples can be used to extract time–temperature information for a variety of geologic and geochemical processes, ranging from sediment burial and crustal erosion to fluid-mediated reactions and biosignature retention.Despite this undeniable progress, several major challenges remain that largely define the frontiers of research in solid-Earth diffusion. Perhaps foremost among these is the need to address and understand the multi-scale, multi-path aspects of diffusion in many systems—a complication that is not limited to polyphase materials (individual mineral grains can exhibit clear indications of multi-path behavior even when visible evidence of such paths is lacking). Many other diffusion frontiers are linked in one way or another to this multi-scale issue; they include: diffusion of molecular H2O and the effect of H species on diffusion in minerals and rocks; diffusive fractionation of multiple isotopes of a single element; diffusion at the extreme conditions of the deep Earth; reconciliation of observations from natural samples and laboratory studies; and development of theoretical approaches to ‘predict’ diffusion behavior in regions inaccessible to observation.  相似文献   

Geographical distribution of helium isotope ratios in northeastern Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Keika  Horiguchi  Sadato  Ueki  Yuji  Sano  Naoto  Takahata  Akira  Hasegawa  George  Igarashi 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):60-70
In order to study the precise geographical distribution of helium isotope ratios in northeastern Japan and compare it with geophysical data, we collected 43 gas and water samples from hot and mineral springs in the region where the ratio had never been reported, and measured the 3He/4He and 4He/20Ne ratios of these samples. It was found that the 3He/4He ratios show clear contrasts between the forearc and the back-arc regions in the Tohoku district in northeastern Japan. In the forearc region, the ratios are smaller than 1 RA (1 RA = 1.4 × 10−6; RA means the 3He/4He ratio of the atmosphere). On the other hand, those along the volcanic front and in the back-arc region are apparently higher. Moreover, we found a variation in the 3He/4He ratios along the volcanic front. In Miyagi Prefecture (38–39°N), the ratios range from 2 to 5 RA. On the other hand, the ratios are less than 1 RA in and around the southern border between Iwate and Akita Prefectures (39–39.5°N). Comparing the distribution of helium isotope ratios to results of recent geophysical studies, we found that the features in geographical distribution of helium isotope ratios are similar to those of seismic low-velocity zone distributions and high Qp−1 distributions in the uppermost mantle. These observations strongly suggest that the helium isotope ratios reflect the distribution of melts in the uppermost mantle and are a useful tool for investigating the origin, behavior, and distribution of deep fluids and melts.  相似文献   

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