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We use coseismic GPS data from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake to estimate the subsurface shape of the Chelungpu fault that ruptured during the earthquake. Studies prior to the earthquake suggest a ramp–décollement geometry for the Chelungpu fault, yet many finite source inversions using GPS and seismic data assume slip occurred on the down-dip extension of the Chelungpu ramp, rather than on a sub-horizontal décollement. We test whether slip occurred on the décollement or the down-dip extension of the ramp using well-established methods of inverting GPS data for geometry and slip on faults represented as elastic dislocations. We find that a significant portion of the coseismic slip did indeed occur on a sub-horizontal décollement located at 8 km depth. The slip on the décollement contributes 21% of the total modeled moment release. We estimate the fault geometry assuming several different models for the distribution of elastic properties in the earth: homogeneous, layered, and layered with lateral material contrast across the fault. It is shown, however, that heterogeneity has little influence on our estimated fault geometry. We also investigate several competing interpretations of deformation within the E/W trending rupture zone at the northern end of the 1999 ground ruptures. We demonstrate that the GPS data require a 22- to 35-km-long lateral ramp at the northern end, contradicting other investigations that propose deformation is concentrated within 10 km of the Chelungpu fault. Lastly, we propose a simple tectonic model for the development of the lateral ramp.  相似文献   

Several types of fluid immiscibility may affect the evolution of volatile-rich magmatic systems at the magmatic–hydrothermal transition. The topology of silicate–salt–H2O systems implies that three-fluid immiscibility (silicate melt+hydrosaline melt+vapour) should be stable in a broad range of compositions and PT conditions. The most important factor controlling the immiscibility appears to be the Coulombic properties (electric charges Z and ionic radii r) of the main network-modifying cations and the capacity for immiscibility appears to decrease in the following sequence: Mg>Ca>Sr>Ba>Li>Na>K. Liquid immiscibility is enhanced in peralkaline compositions and in the presence of nonsilicate anions such as F, Cl, CO32− and BO33−. In volatile-rich magmatic systems, the H2O is likely to react with the chloride, fluoride, borate and carbonate species and the chemical effects of high-temperature hydrolysis may be greatly enhanced by phase separation in systems with multiple immiscible fluid phases. Natural granitic magmas can thus exsolve a range of chemically and physically diverse hydrosaline liquids and the role of these fluid phases is likely to be especially significant in pegmatites and Li–F rare-metal granites.  相似文献   

The ratio between the thickness of the sedimentary sequences offscraped from the subducting plate ( H c) and the average thickness of the backstop ( H b) is expected to significantly influence vergence partitioning in thrust wedges. A series of simple sandbox experiments was performed to study the role of the H c/ H b ratio in model thrust wedges. The results obtained show that thrust wedges with H c/ H b values lower than 1 are essentially pro-ward verging, with minor retro-ward faulting; H c/ H b values greater than 1 imply an increase of vergence partitioning. When a threshold value is exceeded, fully partitioned, doubly vergent thrust wedges develop. Comparison with natural submarine thrust wedges suggests that these experimental results may provide useful insights on the evolution of structural architecture at convergent margins.  相似文献   

An unusual matrix-supported microbreccia of Caledonian age is described from the Dalradian rocks of Donegal. Field and textural relationships indicate that the breccia formed ‘in situ’ by a non-dilational mechanism during regional deformation. The presence of breccia veins of low competancy during this deformation caused multi-décollement folds to be formed adjacent to the breccias. A cyclical mechanism of formation of these breccias is proposed in which fluctuations in the overpressuring of pore fluids escaping from an adjacent crystallizing appinite mass caused periodic excursions from ductile to brittle deformation during the regional folding.  相似文献   

A new approach to constraining seawater δ34S and sulphate concentration using francolite‐bound sulphate reveals an abrupt increase in δ34S to +50‰ around the Early–Middle Cambrian boundary. Such high δ34S values are best explained by increased rates of pyrite burial due to ocean anoxia coupled with an increased sensitivity of the ocean sulphate reservoir to perturbations due to low sulphate concentrations of 500–700 μgL?1. We argue that the spread of anoxic waters at this time was partly the result of greenhouse warming related to the eruption of the Kalkarindji Large Igneous Province of northern Australia and that it triggered the collapse of early metazoan reef ecosystems during the latest Early Cambrian. Mass extinctions of the last 260 Myr have all coincided with enhanced volcanic activity, while several are also associated with positive shifts in seawater δ34S. Extending this correlation back in time further implicates volcanically induced climate change as a major determining factor in biosphere evolution. Terra Nova, 18, 257–263, 2006  相似文献   

We present results of computations on the interaction of solid-phase electrum–argentite–pyrite (weight ratios 210−5/ 210−3/1 and 210−5/410−2/1) association with Cl-containing aqueous moderately acid solutions (0.5m NaCl, pH = 3.08) at 300 °C and 500 bars. These data are a physicochemical basis for predicting the geochemical behavior of Au and Ag during the hydrothermal-metasomatic transformation of Au-Ag-pyrite. We also propose a technique of study of this process based on the phase equilibria of the subsystem Au–Ag–S with the aqueous solution at different liquid/solid (l/s) ratios, with the use of new graphic diagrams. The relationship of the composition of the solid-phase association with l/s ratio in real boundary conditions (Au = 17 ppm, mAu/mAg = 10–3.57–10–2.28) is shown. The maximum l/s values for complete leaching of gold and silver (l/smax = 200–800) are estimated. It has been established that argentite is the first to dissolve when mAu/mAg(s) > mAu/mAg(sol), and electrum, when mAu/mAg(s) < mAu/mAg(sol).

The experimental results showed that at 300 °C, the conversion of electrum (NAu = 300‰) nonequilibrated with pyrite into an Au-richer form (NAu = 730‰) and argentite follows an intricate kinetic scheme. Using the Pilling-Bedwords kinetic equation for processing data yielded the process rate constant K = 2.8(±0.5)10−5 g2cm−4day−1. With this equation, the time of the complete conversion of 200 μm thick flat gold grains is 604 days. These data evidence a significant role of kinetic factors in hydrothermal-metasomatic processes involving native gold, which requires combination of thermodynamic and kinetic approaches on the construction of geologo-genetic models for hydrothermal sulfide formation.  相似文献   

The Trans-Amazonian cycle was an important rock-forming event in South America, generating voluminous juvenile and reworked fractions of continental crust. The Bacajá domain, in the southern sector of the Maroni-Itacaiúnas Province in the Amazonian craton, is an example of the Trans-Amazonian terranes adjacent to the Archean Carajás block. Zircon Pb-evaporation and whole-rock Sm–Nd analyses were carried out on representative samples of six lithological units, and allowed the proposal of a comprehensive tectonic-magmatic evolutionary sequence for the central and eastern parts of this domain, from the Neoarchean to the Rhyacian. Gneisses with ages of ca. 2.67 and 2.44 Ga are the oldest rocks recorded in the region, and probably represent remnants of island and continental arcs. The Três Palmeiras succession, emplaced between 2.36 and 2.34 Ga, hosts gold deposits and represents the first record of Siderian supracrustal rocks in the Amazonian craton. It was probably part of an island arc/ocean floor accreted to a craton margin. Rhyacian granitogenesis lasted for ca. 140 My (2.22–2.08 Ga), marking different stages of the Trans-Amazonian cycle. The first stage is represented by continental arc granitoids formed by melting of Archean crust at 2.22–2.18 Ga. The second is characterized by the production of juvenile material between 2.16 and 2.13 Ga. The third and final stage at ca. 2.08 Ga is represented by a large volume of granitoids originated from either juvenile material or reworked crust during compressive stresses. Nd isotopes reveal that juvenile rocks dominated in the northern part of the domain, whereas those formed from reworked crust predominate in the south. The present-day configuration of the Bacajá domain results from collision against the Archean Carajás block at the end of the Trans-Amazonian cycle.  相似文献   

An integrated field, petrological and geochronological study of the Basong Tso region of south‐eastern Tibet has constrained the timing and PT conditions of north–south Lhasa terrane accretion and provides new insight into the tectonothermal evolution of the Tibetan plateau. Two distinct high‐grade metamorphic belts are recognized in the region: a southern belt (the Basong Tso complex) that consists of sheared schist and orthogneiss; and a northern belt (the Zhala complex) that comprises paragneiss and granite. Combined pseudosection modelling and U–Pb geochronology of monazite and zircon indicates that the Basong Tso complex records peak metamorphic conditions of 9 ± 0.5 kbar and 690 ± 25 °C at c. 204–201 Ma, whereas the Zhala complex experienced peak metamorphic conditions of 5.0 ± 1.0 kbar and 740 ± 40 °C at c. 198–192 Ma. Microstructural analysis suggests that the two belts share a common early prograde history, after which the Basong Tso complex attained peak conditions following rapid burial, and the Zhala complex approached peak conditions along an isobaric path. Overall it is inferred that the Basong Tso and Zhala complexes represent the lower and upper structural levels of an evolving orogen that underwent Barrovian‐type metamorphism following collision (M1), followed by Buchan‐style overprinting at higher structural levels due to heat advection by syn‐tectonic granites (M2). Mylonitization (sensu lato) of the Basong Tso complex and juxtaposition of the two units occurred after attainment of peak conditions. The dominance of Mesozoic regional metamorphism across most of the Tibetan plateau indicates that Cenozoic crustal thickening processes, where present, are only manifested at depth.  相似文献   

In situ U‐Th/Pb (LA‐ICP‐MS) monazite ages from the Hindu Kush of NW Pakistan provide new petrochronologic constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Himalaya–Karakoram–Tibet orogen. Monazites from two adjacent garnet + staurolite schist specimens yield multiple age populations that record the major Mesozoic and Cenozoic deformational, magmatic and metamorphic events along the southern margin of Eurasia. These include the accretion of the Hindu Kush–SW Pamir to Eurasia during the Late Triassic, followed by the accretion of the Karakoram terrane in the Early Jurassic. Younger Jurassic and Cretaceous ages record the development of an Andean‐style volcanic arc along the southern Eurasian margin, which ended with the docking of the Kohistan island arc and the emplacement of the Kohistan–Ladakh batholith during the Late Cretaceous. The initial Eocene collision of India with Eurasia was followed by widespread high‐temperature metamorphism and anatexis associated with crustal thickening within the Himalaya system in the Late Oligocene and Early Miocene.  相似文献   

Troctolitic gabbros from Valle Fértil and La Huerta Ranges, San Juan Province, NW‐Argentina exhibit multi‐layer corona textures between cumulus olivine and plagioclase. The corona mineral sequence, which varies in the total thickness from 0.5 to 1 mm, comprises either an anhydrous corona type I with olivine|orthopyroxene|clinopyroxene+spinel symplectite|plagioclase or a hydrous corona type II with olivine|orthopyroxene|amphibole|amphibole+spinel symplectite|plagioclase. The anhydrous corona type I formed by metamorphic replacement of primary olivine and plagioclase, in the absence of any fluid/melt phase at <840 °C. Diffusion controlled metamorphic solid‐state replacement is mainly governed by the chemical potential gradients at the interface of reactant olivine and plagioclase and orthopyroxene and plagioclase. Thus, the thermodynamic incompatibility of the reactant minerals at the gabbro–granulite transition and the phase equilibria of the coronitic assemblage during subsequent cooling were modelled using quantitative μMgO–μCaO phase diagrams. Mineral reaction textures of the anhydrous corona type I indicate an inward migration of orthopyroxene on the expense of olivine, while clinopyroxene+spinel symplectite grows outward to replace plagioclase. Mineral textures of the hydrous corona type II indicate the presence of an interstitial liquid trapped between cumulus olivine and plagioclase that reacts with olivine to produce a rim of peritectic orthopyroxene around olivine. Two amphibole types are distinguished: an inclusion free, brownish amphibole I is enriched in trace elements and REEs relative to green amphibole II. Amphibole I evolves from an intercumulus liquid between peritectic orthopyroxene and plagioclase. Discrete layers of green amphibole II occur as inclusion‐free rims and amphibole II+spinel symplectites. Mineral textures and geochemical patterns indicate a metamorphic origin for amphibole II, where orthopyroxene was replaced to form an inner inclusion‐free amphibole II layer, while clinopyroxene and plagioclase were replaced to form an outer amphibole+spinel symplectite layer, at <770 °C. Calculation of the possible net reactions by considering NCKFMASH components indicates that the layer bulk composition cannot be modelled as a ‘closed’ system although in all cases the gain and loss of elements within the multi‐layer coronas (except H2O, Na2O) is very small and the main uncertainties may arise from slight chemical zoning of the respective minerals. Local oxidizing conditions led to the formation of orthopyroxene+magnetite symplectite enveloping and/or replacing olivine. The sequence of corona reaction textures indicates a counter clockwise P–T path at the gabbro–granulite transition at 5–6.5 kbar and temperatures below 900 °C.  相似文献   

The Hadean–Archaean transition is poorly known because of the dearth of Hadean rocks. A new conceptual model is presented based on variations in mantle potential temperature (Tp) with time. The critical issue is the depth of melting with respect to a negatively buoyant magma sink between 410 and 330 km (14–11 GPa). Hadean plume magmatism begins below the magma sink, leading to generation of a refractory upper mantle reservoir and the minor production of boninite‐like magmas near the surface. With cooling, the onset of melting migrates above the magma sink, a situation likely occurring since 3.9 Ga and corresponding to Tps of ~1870°C or less. Therefore, a burst of mafic to ultramafic volcanism was produced at 3.9–3.8 Ga. This extensive volcanism may have triggered gravitational instabilities and favoured the recycling of the Hadean crust into the mantle. Results of this model are discussed in the light of existing isotopic data.  相似文献   

Granitic rocks obtained during field excursions of the famed mineralized regions of the Erzgebirge, Germany (mainly tin‐bearing), and South China (mainly tungsten‐bearing) have been geochemically analyzed and their results are compared with similar (mainly tungsten‐bearing) granites in the island‐arc setting of Southwest Japan. The studied granitoids all belong to the ilmenite‐series. The collision‐related Erzgebirge granitoids are rich in K2O and P2O5, have high A/CNK ratios (1.11–1.24, i.e. S type), but are also high in Ga/Al ratio (i.e., having some A‐type characteristics). In South China, the Xihuashan granites, in contrast, are very low in P2O5, and have A/CNK slightly above 1.0 (1.01–1.05), indicative of I type granites. The (Sn‐) W‐related granites of southwest Japan have similarly low P2O5 and A/CNK ratios, indicative also of I‐type. Both in the Xihuashan and southwest Japan, the tungsten‐related granites have high whole‐rock δ18O values implying involvement of W‐rich crustal rocks. Sn and W contents of the unaltered granites are lowest in the island‐arc setting where the related Sn–W deposits are smallest in size relative to the collision and continental margin settings of the Erzgebirge and South China.  相似文献   

The Gorny Altai region in southern Siberia is one of the key areas in reconstructing the tectonic evolution of the western segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). This region features various orogenic elements of Late Neoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic age, such as an accretionary complex (AC), high-P/T metamorphic (HP) rocks, and ophiolite (OP), all formed by ancient subduction–accretion processes. This study investigated the detailed geology of the Upper Neoproterozoic to Lower Paleozoic rocks in a traverse between Gorno-Altaisk city and Lake Teletskoy in the northern part of the region, and in the Kurai to Chagan-Uzun area in the southern part. The tectonic units of the studied areas consist of (1) the Ediacaran (=Vendian)–Early Cambrian AC, (2) ca. 630 Ma HP complex, (3) the Ediacaran–Early Cambrian OP complex, (4) the Cryogenian–Cambrian island arc complex, and (5) the Middle Paleozoic fore-arc sedimentary rocks. The AC consists mostly of paleo-atoll limestone and underlying oceanic island basalt with minor amount of chert and serpentinite. The basaltic lavas show petrochemistry similar to modern oceanic plateau basalt. The 630 Ma HP complex records a maximum peak metamorphism at 660 °C and 2.0 GPa that corresponds to 60 km-deep burial in a subduction zone, and exhumation at ca. 570 Ma. The Cryogenian island arc complex includes boninitic rocks that suggest an incipient stage of arc development. The Upper Neoproterozoic–Lower Paleozoic complexes in the Gorno-Altaisk city to Lake Teletskoy and the Kurai to Chagan-Uzun areas are totally involved in a subhorizontal piled-nappe structure, and overprinted by Late Paleozoic strike-slip faulting. The HP complex occurs as a nappe tectonically sandwiched between the non- to weakly metamorphosed AC and the OP complex. These lithologic assemblages and geologic structure newly documented in the Gorny Altai region are essentially similar to those of the circum-Pacific (Miyashiro-type) orogenic belts, such as the Japan Islands in East Asia and the Cordillera in western North America. The Cryogenian boninite-bearing arc volcanism indicates that the initial stage of arc development occurred in a transient setting from a transform zone to an incipient subduction zone. The less abundant of terrigenous clastics from mature continental crust and thick deep-sea chert in the Ediacaran–Early Cambrian AC may suggest that the southern Gorny Altai region evolved in an intra-oceanic arc-trench setting like the modern Mariana arc, rather than along the continental arc of a major continental margin. Based on geological, petrochemical, and geochronological data, we synthesize the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic tectonic history of the Gorny Altai region in the western CAOB.  相似文献   

The use of grain‐size distribution of muds for the reconstruction of past deep ocean currents is becoming established and applied in the palaeoceanographic community. The methods are also applicable to shallow marine and tidal flat muds with similar inferences concerning the energy of wave and current sorting being drawn. Fine sediment grain‐size distributions can be obtained using a variety of instruments based on fundamentally different theoretical principles. These machines may give varying, sometimes misleading, results giving divergent interpretations of flow speed history. The new evidence presented here, combined with earlier work, suggests that of the three most commonly used analytical methods for fine silts with clays, settling velocity (Sedigraph) should be the method and instrument of choice, with electrical resistance pulse counters (e.g. Coulter Counter) as a suitable alternative. The data also show that laser particle sizers should be avoided for palaeocurrent reconstructions because the measured size of platey minerals can be dominated by their large projected area. This causes them to be recorded as the same size as larger equant grains although they have much smaller settling velocity and were deposited in aggregates. This produces results with a weaker relationship to the dynamics of deposition. The central problem is thus that some coarse clay/fine silt is recorded as medium to coarse silt, the key size in the ‘sortable silt’ mean size method of inferring changes in flow speed. For coarse silts (e.g. loess) the laser gives more satisfactory results.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2002,146(1-2):191-208
An accurate calibration of chronologic and geologic data (biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic) with GPTS has been performed for the middle and upper Eocene syntectonic deposits in the surrounding areas of the Pico del Aguila anticline (South Pyrenean External Sierras).This calibration shows a variable sedimentation rate that changes from 4.8 cm/ka at the bottom to 34 cm/ka at the top, with a maximum of 58.6 cm/ka in the upper part of the studied stratigraphic section, and gives a fine and continuous chronologic frame to understand the rotational kinematics of the infrajacent thrust system.At the same time, a detailed paleomagnetic study has been carried out (14 sites and a total of 157 thermally demagnetised samples) to know the amount of rotation in the area taking advantage the “tape-recording” effect of the syntectonic materials. These samples display a ChRM between 250 and 400 °C, both polarities (that agree very well with the sequence of magnetostratigraphic zones) and consistency with the magnetic reference. Due to the decreasing value of the magnetic declination (from +46° to −3°) of the primary components (checked by fold and reversal test), the calibration has been useful to assign an absolute age to every rotation value (from 40.32 to 37.05 Ma).A time versus rotation curve does not show significant differences of rotation between the flanks of the Pico del Aguila anticline (less than 8°). Thus, the clockwise rotations detected in the study area result from the kinematics of the imbricate basal thrust system, which is also responsible for the development of detachment folds (e.g. Pico del Aguila anticline). In a time against rotation graph, the simplest fit for the overall rotation values is given by a linear segment (rotation velocity of 10°/Ma); however, the best fit is given by a segment of a parabolic curve. This pattern implies that there were changes of the rotation velocities (between 21°/Ma and −5.3°/Ma) that in this segment of the External Sierras were caused by an acceleration of the rotational movement (between 9°/Ma2 and 5.5°/Ma2). The thrust sheet shows maximum values of at least 40° of clockwise rotation.  相似文献   

A well preserved strain and reaction gradient records the progressive transformation of a megacrystic Kfs+Cpx+Opx+Bt1±Qtz syenitic pluton to a strongly sheared Kfs+Act+Bt2+Ab+Qtz tectonite within the exhumed Norumbega Fault System, Maine, USA. Detailed microstructural analysis indicates that fracturing and localized fluid infiltration initiated the deconstruction of the existing K-feldspar and two-pyroxene load-bearing framework, and that feedback among metamorphic reactions, fabric development and enhanced permeability during progressive shearing led to the development of an interconnected, biotite- and actinolite-rich foliation. The activation of dislocation creep in biotite and quartz, and dissolution–precipitation creep in actinolite and feldspar, with increasing strain ultimately resulted in a transition from dominantly frictional to dominantly viscous deformation processes. Petrological data show that various scales of geochemical disequilibrium exist across the strain and reaction gradient, and that reaction progress was limited by slow chemical diffusion during the early stages of deformation. Petrological modelling results indicate that the existing plutonic assemblage was metastable at mid-crustal conditions, and that fluid infiltration and deformation allowed the product assemblage to advance towards chemical equilibration. Comparison of the observed microstructures and deformation mechanisms with experimental and numerical modelling results suggest that the development of an interconnected biotite-dominated fabric probably caused a major (up to three fold) reduction in bulk rock strength and localization of strain into the foliated margin.  相似文献   

The Twin Creek Limestone in the footwall of the Absaroka thrust sheet contains three sets of bed-normal syntectonic calcite veins. Vein formation occurred during Cretaceous motion along the Absaroka thrust fault as indicated by (1) crosscutting relationships among these vein sets, (2) a previously dated solution cleavage, and (3) calcite twin analysis. Fluid inclusions in the veins and overburden estimates constrain inclusion entrapment temperatures to be between 175 °C and 328 °C. Results from stable oxygen isotopes indicate that the host and vein fluid compositions were in near isotopic equilibrium. Applying both reasonable geothermal gradients and constraints on overburden temperature yields fluid pressures during vein precipitation that are near hydrostatic. All data taken together suggest both that vein formation within the Twin Creek Formation occurred in a relatively closed system, and that the veins filled near hydrostatic fluid pressure. Because the veins fill precursory cracks, vein filling might not reflect the maximum fluid pressure that existed during the complete vein forming process.  相似文献   

Predictions from dynamic modelling of the lithospheric deformation are presented for Northern Europe, where several basins underwent inversion during the Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic and contemporary uplift and erosion of sediments occurred. In order to analyse the evolution of the continental lithosphere, the equations for the deformation of a continuum are solved numerically under thin sheet assumption for the lithosphere. The most important stress sources are assumed to be the Late Cretaceous Alpine tectonics; localized rheological heterogeneities can also affect local deformation and stress patterns. Present-day observations available in the studied region and coming from seismic structural interpretations and stress measurements have been used to constrain the model. Our modelling results show that lateral variation in lithospheric strength below the basin systems in Central Europe strongly controls the regional deformation and the stress regime. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the geometry of the boundary between Baltica and Avalonia, together with different rheological characteristics of the two plates, had a crucial role on local crustal deformation and faulting regime resulting in the Baltica–Avalonia transition zone from the S–N Alpine convergence.  相似文献   

Turnagain Arm is a macrotidal fjord‐style estuary. Glacier Creek is a small, glacially fed stream which enters the estuary tangentially near Girdwood, Alaska. Trenches and daily sedimentation measurements were made in a mudflat along the fluvio–estuarine transition of Glacier Creek during several summers since 2003. Each year, the flats appear to erode during the winter and then accrete vertically in the spring and summer. In each of the years studied, tidal laminae in vertically thickening and thinning laminae bundles were deposited by twice daily tides in neap–spring tidal cycles. In 2004, bundles of thickening and thinning laminae couplets were noted in trenches cut into the flats. Five laminae bundles alternated between thicker and thinner bundles, corresponding to the perigean (high spring) and apogean (low spring) tides. Well‐preserved apogean–perigean cycles have rarely been documented in modern tidal flat sediments. At this location, vertical accretion of tidal rhythmites with well‐developed neap–spring cyclicity is possible because of the near‐complete removal of the flat from the previous year, which creates accommodation space for vertical accretion without significant reworking. Macrotidal conditions, no reworking by infaunal invertebrates, protection from the main tidal channel by a gravel bar and protection from storm waves and fluvial erosion by a recess in the sedge marsh that surrounds the flats all aid in preservation of rhythmites during aggradation. The position of the flats relative to tidal range allows for accumulation of complete spring cycles and incomplete neap cycles. In the summer of 2004, apogee and perigee were closely aligned with the new and full moons, resulting in successive strong perigee and apogee tides which probably aided in the accumulation of successive thick–thin spring cycles encoding the apogean and perigean tidal cycle. The apogean–perigean signal was not observed in subsequent years.  相似文献   

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