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Elliptical galaxies are modelled as Sérsic luminosity distributions with density profiles (DPs) for the total mass adopted from the DPs of haloes within dissipationless ΛCDM (cold dark matter) N -body simulations. Ellipticals turn out to be inconsistent with cuspy low-concentration NFW models representing the total mass distribution, neither are they consistent with a steeper −1.5 inner slope, nor with the shallower models proposed by Navarro et al., nor with NFW models 10 times more concentrated than predicted, as deduced from several X-ray observations – the mass models, extrapolated inwards, lead to local mass-to-light ratios that are smaller than the stellar value inside an effective radius ( R e), and to central aperture velocity dispersions that are much smaller than observed. This conclusion remains true as long as there is no sharp steepening (slope < −2) of the dark matter DPs just inside 0.01 virial radii.
The very low total mass and velocity dispersion produced within R e by an NFW-like total mass profile suggests that the stellar component should dominate the dark matter component out to at least R e. It should then be difficult to kinematically constrain the inner slope of the DP of ellipticals. The high-concentration parameters deduced from X-ray observations appear to be a consequence of fitting an NFW model to the total mass DP made up of a stellar component that dominates inside and a dark matter component that dominates outwards.
An appendix gives the virial mass dependence of the concentration parameter, central density and total mass of the Navarro et al. model. In a second appendix are given single integral expressions for the velocity dispersions averaged along the line of sight, in circular apertures and in thin slits, for general luminosity density and mass distributions, with isotropic orbits.  相似文献   

Stable models of elliptical galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In the current ΛCDM cosmological scenario, N -body simulations provide us with a universal mass profile, and consequently a universal equilibrium circular velocity of the virialized objects, as galaxies. In this paper we obtain, by combining kinematical data of their inner regions with global observational properties, the universal rotation curve of disc galaxies and the corresponding mass distribution out to their virial radius. This curve extends the results of Paper I, concerning the inner luminous regions of Sb–Im spirals, out to the edge of the galaxy haloes.  相似文献   

In this letter we investigate the kinematical properties of early-type dwarfs by significantly enlarging the scarce observational sample so far available. We present rotation curves and mean velocity dispersions for four bright dwarf ellipticals and two dwarf lenticular galaxies in the Virgo cluster. Most of these galaxies exhibit conspicuous rotation curves. In particular, five out of the six new galaxies are found to be close to the predictions for oblate spheroids flattened by rotation. Therefore, and contrary to the previous observational hints, the present data suggest that an important fraction of dwarf early-type galaxies may be rotationally supported.  相似文献   

We have studied the evolution of globular cluster systems (GCS) in elliptical galaxies with a power-law initial GCS mass function (GCMF) f ( M )∝ M − α ] similar to that predicted by some theoretical studies of globular cluster formation and to that of young cluster systems observed in merging galaxies.
We have carried out a survey over a large number of different host galaxies and we have considered different values for the index, α , of the initial power-law GCMF ( α =1.5, 1.8, 2.0); we show the dependence of the main GCS final properties (mean mass and dispersion of the final GCMF, fraction of surviving clusters, radial gradient of the GCMF parameters) on the structure of the host galaxy and on the slope of the initial GCMF.
For a subsample of host galaxies with values of effective masses and radii equal to those determined using observational data for a number of giant, normal and dwarf galaxies, our results show that the relation between the final GCMF properties and those of the host galaxies as well as the dependence of the final GCMF parameters on the galactocentric distance within individual galaxies differ from those observed in old GCS: the values of the final GCS mean mass are in general smaller (4.2≲ log  M f≲5.0) than those observed, and the galaxy-to-galaxy dispersion of log  M f is larger than that reported by observational analyses. The results are compared with those of a companion paper in which we investigated the evolution of GCS with a log-normal initial GCMF and in which the final GCS properties were perfectly consistent with observations.  相似文献   

Line-of-sight velocity distributions of low-luminosity elliptical galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The shape of the line-of-sight velocity distribution (LOSVD) is measured for a sample of 14 elliptical galaxies, predominantly low-luminosity ellipticals. The sample is dominated by galaxies in the Virgo cluster but also contains ellipticals in nearby groups and low-density environments. The parametrization of the LOSVD given by Gerhard and van der Marel & Franx is adopted, which measures the asymmetrical and symmetrical deviations of the LOSVD from a Gaussian by the amplitudes h 3 and h 4 of the Gauss–Hermite series. Rotation, velocity dispersion, h 3 and h 4 are determined as a function of radius for both major and minor axes. Non-Gaussian LOSVDs are found for all galaxies along the major axes. Deviations from a Gaussian LOSVD along the minor axis are of much lower amplitude if present at all. Central decreases in velocity dispersion are found for three galaxies. Two galaxies have kinematically decoupled cores: NGC 4458 and the well-known case of NGC 3608.  相似文献   

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