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Unspiked K–Ar dating makes the age of the Çakmaközü basalt in eastern Turkey 1818 ± 39 ka (± 2σ). This basalt overlies a staircase of four terraces of the River Murat, a Euphrates tributary, each separated vertically by  20 m. We deduce from the relationship with the basalt that these fluvial deposits aggraded during successive  40 ka climate cycles around the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary (probably MIS 72-66). The incision and rock uplift at  0.5 mm a− 1, thus indicated, are roughly consistent with the  500 m of entrenchment of this  1.8 Ma Murat palaeo-valley into a former lake basin since the Mid-Pliocene climatic optimum. We infer that the  130 m of incision in this locality since  1.8 Ma dramatically underestimates the associated rock uplift, estimated as  600 m. The  1100 m of rock uplift and  800 m of surface uplift thus estimated since the Mid-Pliocene indicate (assuming Airy isostatic equilibrium)  5 km of thickening of the continental crust, from  37 km to the present 42 km. Eastern Anatolia was thus at a much lower altitude in the Mid-Pliocene than at present, consistent with the low-relief lacustrine palaeo-environment. We infer that the subsequent development of topography and excess crustal thickness are being caused by coupling between surface processes and induced flow in the lower crust: climate change following the Mid-Pliocene climatic optimum resulted in faster erosion that has drawn mobile lower crust beneath the study region.  相似文献   

Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fitting is a well-developed astrophysical tool that has recently been applied to high-redshift Lyα-emitting galaxies. If rest-frame ultraviolet through near-infrared photometry is available, it allows the simultaneous determination of the star formation history and dust extinction of a galaxy. Lyα-emitter SED fitting results from the literature find star formation rates 3 M yr−1, stellar masses 109 M for the general population but 1010 M for the subset detected by IRAC, and very low dust extinction, AV  0.3, although a couple of outlying analyses prefer significantly more dust and higher intrinsic star formation rates. A checklist of 14 critical choices that must be made when performing SED fitting is discussed.  相似文献   

A set of 13 new unspiked K–Ar dates has been obtained for the Quaternary basaltic volcanism in the Kula area of western Turkey, providing improved age control for the fluvial deposits of the Gediz River that underlie these basalt flows. This dating is able, for the first time, to resolve different ages for the oldest basalts, assigned to category β2, that cap the earliest Gediz deposits recognised in this area, at altitudes of 140 to 210 m above present river level. In particular, the β2 basalt capping the Sarnıç Plateau is dated to 1215 ± 16 ka (± 2σ), suggesting that the youngest underlying fluvial deposits, 185 m above present river level, are no younger than marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 38. In contrast, the β2 basalt capping the adjacent Burgaz Plateau is dated to 1014 ± 23 ka, suggesting that the youngest underlying fluvial deposits, 140 m above present river level, date from MIS 28. The staircase of 11 high Gediz terraces capping the latter plateau is thus dated to MIS 48-28, assuming they represent consecutive 40 ka Milankovitch cycles, although it is possible that as many as two cycles are missing from this sequence such that the highest terrace is correspondingly older. Basalt flows assigned to the β3 category, capping Gediz terraces 35 and 25 m above the present river level, have been dated to 236 ± 6 ka and 180 ± 5 ka, indicating incision rates of 0.15 mm a− 1, similar to the time-averaged rates since the eruptions of the β2 basalts. The youngest basalts, assigned to category β4, are Late Holocene; our K–Ar results for them range from zero age to a maximum of 7 ± 2 ka.This fluvial incision is interpreted using numerical modelling as a consequence of uplift caused by a regional-scale increase in spatial average erosion rates to 0.1 mm a− 1, starting at 3100 ka, caused by climate deterioration, since when a total of 410 m of uplift has occurred. Parameters deduced on this basis from the observed disposition of the Early Pleistocene Gediz terraces include the local effective viscosity of the lower crust, which is 2 × 1018 Pa s, the Moho temperature of 660 °C, and the depth of the base of the brittle upper crust, which is 13 km. The thin lithosphere in this area results in high heat flow, causing this relatively shallow base of the brittle upper crust and the associated relatively thick lower-crustal layer, situated between depths of 13 and 30 km. It estimated that around 900 ka, at the start of the 100 ka Milankovitch forcing, the spatial average erosion rate increased slightly, to 0.12 mm a− 1; the associated relatively sluggish variations in uplift rates are as expected given the relatively thick lower-crustal layer.This modelling indicates that the growth of topography since the Pliocene in this study region has not involved a steady state. The landscape was significantly perturbed by the Middle Pliocene increase in erosion rates, and has subsequently adjusted towards—but not reached—a new steady state consistent with these increased erosion rates. It would not be possible to constrain what has been occurring from the Middle to Late Pleistocene or even the Early Pleistocene uplift response alone; information regarding the starting conditions is also essential, this being available in this region from the older geological record of stacked fluvial and lacustrine deposition. This result has major implications for the rigorous modelling of uplift histories in regions of rapid erosion, where preservation of information to constrain the starting conditions is unlikely.  相似文献   

The Boomerang experiment completed its final long duration balloon (LDB) flight over Antarctica in January 2003. The focal plane was upgraded to accommodate four sets of 145 GHz polarization sensitive bolometers (PSBs), identical to those to be flown on the Planck HFI instrument. Approximately, 195 hours of science observations were obtained during this flight, including 75 hours distributed over 1.84% of the sky and an additional 120 hours concentrated on a region covering 0.22% of the sky. We derive the angular power spectra of the cosmic microwave background (cmb) temperature and polarization anisotropies from these data. The temperature anisotropies are detected with high signal to noise on angular scales ranging from several degrees to 10 arcminutes. The curl-free (EE) component is detected at 4.8σ, and a two-sigma upper limit on the curl (BB) component of 8.6 μK2 is obtained on scales corresponding to 0.5°. Both the temperature and polarization anisotropies are found to be consistent with a concordance ΛCDM cosmology that is seeded by adiabatic density perturbations. In addition to the cmb observations, Boomerang03 surveyed a 300 square degree region centered on the Galactic plane. These observations represent the first light for polarization sensitive bolometers, which are currently operational in two South-Pole based polarimeters, as well as Planck HFI, at frequencies ranging from 100 to 350 GHz (3 mm to 850 μm).  相似文献   

The available evidence regarding the disposition and chronology of Pliocene–Pleistocene fluvial terraces, coastal rock flats, raised beaches and lacustrine sediments adjoining the Anti-Atlas coastline of Morocco has been reviewed and supplemented by additional information from our own field reconnaissance. It is thus suggested that the study region has experienced uplift by  130 m since the Mid-Pliocene climatic optimum ( 3.1 Ma), by  90 m since the latest Pliocene ( 2 Ma), and by  45 m since the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution ( 0.9 Ma). Each of these phases of uplift correlates with a phase of global climate change known independently, and it is thus inferred that the observed uplift is being driven by climate through mechanisms such as erosional isostasy and the associated induced lower-crustal flow. Numerical modelling of the observed uplift history indicates that the mobile lower-crustal layer in the study region is  9 km thick, with a temperature at its base of  500 °C. The base of this mobile layer is inferred to be at  24 km depth, the deepest crust consisting of a layer of mafic underplating that does not flow under ambient conditions. The principal landform in the study region, the coastal rock platform at  60 m a.s.l., thus formed during a succession of interglacial marine highstands in the late Early Pleistocene when uplift rates were low. Although control on the ages of young sediments and landforms is currently extremely limited, being dependent on regional correlation schemes rather than on absolute dating, the study region fits the pattern, emerging worldwide, that climate change is driving the systematic growth of topographic relief evident during the Late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Dynamics, evolution, and structure of Uranus' brightest cloud feature   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The brightest cloud feature ever observed on Uranus at near-infrared wavelengths was detected on 14 and 15 August 2005, in images obtained with the NIRC2 instrument and adaptive optics (AO) at the 10-m Keck II telescope. The feature has been tracked forward and backward in time, and appears to have existed almost certainly from 5 November 2004 (possibly as early as 11 July 2004) through 29 October 2005. It appears to exhibit two modes of oscillation in latitude and longitude. The slow oscillation period is too long to be completely characterized by the observations; its period is most likely near 448 days, but might be as long as 753 days. The slow oscillation is consistent with the zonal mean wind profile when a superimposed more rapid oscillation is accounted for. The slow oscillation, possibly associated with a Rossby wave, was centered at 30.2° N and had a latitude amplitude of 0.6°–0.7°. Its rapid oscillation had an amplitude of 1.2° in latitude and a likely period near 0.68455 days, which is consistent with an inertial oscillation at the observed latitude. The multi-component structure of the bright features has evolved over time, as has its vertical structure. Its brightness maximum was due to a combination of cloud particles being lofted to higher altitudes, some rising from 400–500 to 300 mb, and by its effective cloud fraction (or equivalent cloud area) increasing by a factor of 5 or more. In the K′ band (2.2 μm) the differential integrated brightness due to this bright complex increased to 13% of the total light reflected by Uranus on 15 August 2005, rising from about 2% a month earlier and declining to 0.7% two months later. It has not been seen in 2006 observations.  相似文献   

The excitation mechanism of solar five-minute oscillations is studied in the present paper. We calculated the non-adiabatic oscillations of low- and intermediate-degree (l = 1  25) g4-p39 modes for the Sun. Both the thermodynamic and dynamic couplings are taken into account by using our non-local and time-dependent theory of convection. The results show that all the lowfrequencyf- and p-modes with periods P > 5.4 min are pulsationally unstable, while the coupling between convection and oscillations is neglected. However, when the convection coupling is taken into account, all the g- and low-frequency f- and p-modes with periods longer than 16 minutes (except the low-degree p1-modes) and the high frequency p-modes with periods shorter than 3 minutes become stable, and the intermediate-frequency p-modes with period from 3 to 16 minutes are pulsationally unstable. The pulsation amplitude growth rates depend only on the frequency and almost do not depend on l. They achieve the maximum at ν 3700 μHz (or P 270 sec). The coupling between convection and oscillations plays a key role for stabilization of low-frequency f- and p-modes and excitation of intermediate-frequency p-modes. We propose that the solar 5-minute oscillations are not caused by any single excitation mechanism, but they are resulted from the combined effect of “regular” coupling between convection and oscillations and turbulent stochastic excitation. For low- and intermediatefrequency p-modes, the coupling between convection and oscillations dominates; while for high-frequency modes, stochastic excitation dominates.  相似文献   

Influence of upper air conditions on the Patagonia icefields   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Upper-air conditions archived in the NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis have been used to investigate changes in precipitation and snowfall over the Patagonia icefields during 1960–99. Apparently, whereas total precipitation has not changed, warming has caused a decrease in the amount falling as snow. Precipitation at a site is taken to be proportional to the product of the relative humidity and the component of the wind in a particular critical direction, both at 850 hPa ( 1400 m) at a point over the ocean to the west of the icefields; whether it falls as rain or snow is assumed to depend on whether the temperature at the elevation of the site is above or below + 2 °C. The critical direction is assumed to be 270°, which is perpendicular to the north–south trending Andes and is also the prevailing wind direction in this zone of strong westerlies. Because of the scarcity of precipitation records on or near the icefields, the constant of proportionality cannot be determined, so the investigation is limited to examining relative changes in those upper air variables. Warming at 850 hPa has been 0.5 °C over the 40 years, both winter and summer, with the effects that it has: (1) shifted from snow to rain 5% of the precipitation, the total of which has changed little, and (2) increased annual melt in the ablation areas by 0.5 m w.e. The icefields have been losing mass since at least 1870, so this 40-year trend represents only an acceleration of the longer-term trend of adjusting to climate change since the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

We present the modelling of new indicators for old and intermediate age stellar populations based on the absorption features of Mg λ  5175 Å, Fe λ  4383 Å, and Hβ λ  5270, 4860 Å. Spectral models of stellar populations are convolved with the responses of the tunable filters of OSIRIS-GTC to provide photometric indexes with great abilities to separate age and metallicity effects. The new indexes allow us to obtain 2D maps of these features on the basis of a photometric approach and are built up to unreveal most relevant stellar population parameters.  相似文献   

We present the first calculation of the kinetic Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (kSZ) effect due to the inhomogeneus reionization of the universe based on detailed large-scale radiative transfer simulations of reionization. The resulting sky power spectra peak at ℓ = 2000–8000 with maximum values of [ℓ(ℓ + 1)C/(2π)]max  4–7 × 10 −13. The scale roughly corresponds to the typical ionized bubble sizes observed in our simulations, of 5–20 Mpc. The kSZ anisotropy signal from reionization dominates the primary CMB signal above ℓ = 3000. At large-scales the patchy kSZ signal depends only on the source efficiencies. It is higher when sources are more efficient at producing ionizing photons, since such sources produce larger ionized regions, on average, than less efficient sources. The introduction of sub-grid gas clumping in the radiative transfer simulations produce significantly more power at small-scales, but has little effect at large-scales. The patchy reionization kSZ signal is dominated by the post-reionization signal from fully-ionized gas, but the two contributions are of similar order at scales ℓ  3000 − 104, indicating that the kSZ anisotropies from reionization are an important component of the total kSZ signal at these scales.  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2009,32(2):89-99
Atmospheric parameters, such as pressure (P), temperature (T) and density (ρP/T), affect the development of extensive air showers initiated by energetic cosmic rays. We have studied the impact of atmospheric variations on extensive air showers by means of the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The rate of events shows a 10% seasonal modulation and 2% diurnal one. We find that the observed behaviour is explained by a model including the effects associated with the variations of P and ρ. The former affects the longitudinal development of air showers while the latter influences the Molière radius and hence the lateral distribution of the shower particles. The model is validated with full simulations of extensive air showers using atmospheric profiles measured at the site of the Pierre Auger Observatory.  相似文献   

Lyman alpha emitters (LAEs) are high-redshift galaxies that are believed to be actively star-forming and low in mass. Although such a population of galaxies would not be expected to lie on the Hubble Sequence, there is much we can learn from their morphological properties, including the size and distribution of their star-forming regions, the spatial correlation between emission in different bandpasses, and the possible presence of a merger/interaction with one or more neighboring galaxies. Early morphological studies suggest that most LAEs are small in size (1 kpc) and concentrated, but some (20–45%) are seen to display clumpy/irregular morphologies extending over larger radii. Constructing a more detailed picture will require a standard set of depth-independent morphological diagnostics for high-redshift galaxies. These diagnostics can then be measured differentially with redshift, shedding light on the evolution of the galaxy formation process with time.  相似文献   

The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT) is a broadband X-ray (1250 keV) astronomical satellite. Its core payload, the High Energy X-ray Telescope (hereafter HE), is operated in the hard X-ray energy range (20250 keV) and dedicated to the hard X-ray high-sensitivity survey observation, hard X-ray sky mapping and high-sensitivity focused observations towards particular celestial bodies. In order to achieve a high sensitivity, it is important to reduce effectively the background that is caused by the interactions between the detector and space particles (γ-ray, protons, electrons, neutrons). Combining a series of references about the near-earth space background with the up-to-date observational data, this paper presents a set of self-consistent data and energy spectrum formulae of near-earth space particles for the convenience of applications. In addition, by the simulative calculations with the software Geant 4, the background of HXMT and its variations with the time and orbit are also given.  相似文献   

Land clearance and hydrological change in the Sahel: SW Niger   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the West African semiarid belt of the Sahel, for the second half of the XXth century, lasting droughts (1970s–1980s) and one of the World's highest population growths have resulted in major land cover and hydrological changes that can be quantified using aerial photographs. This paper aims to provide one of the longest combined observations of land cover and hydrological changes for semiarid areas using a time series of normalised mosaics of aerial photographs dating back from 1950, field inquiries, and updated groundwater data. The 500 km2 study area in southwest Niger was chosen (i) for its rural environment representative of the rain-fed agriculture belt of the Sahel and (ii) to encompass the main hydrological study sites investigated in this region over the past two decades (Hapex-Sahel and AMMA experiments, 1990–2000s). Results have significant implications for future freshwater availability and food security in the Sahel.Between 1950 and 1992,  80% of the study area has been cleared, firstly to open new areas for agriculture and secondly for firewood supply (59% of the plateaux, 42% of the valley bottoms, and 87% of the hillslopes). Intermediate aerial photograph surveys (1960, 1975) attest an accelerated loss in the woody savannah that could not be recovered on the short term. A strong, indirect impact of land clearance is observed on the water resources. Land clearance has resulted in a modification of the soil properties and infiltration capacity and has led to an increase in Hortonian runoff collected in numerous gullies and ponds. Between 1950 and 1992, aerial photographs show a  2.5 fold increase of the drainage density with the development of large drainage systems and new ponds. Groundwater data also indicate a continuous rise in the water table, mostly noticeable since the 1980s with a mean groundwater level rise of  4 m for the 1963–2005 period (+ 15% in aquifer reserves). The relatively short  30 year time-lag between the onset of land clearance and the beginning of the water table rise is linked to the process of indirect groundwater recharge and is timed with the connectivity of the drainage network and the formation of new ponds. Finally, the sustained increase in surface runoff and groundwater recharge during the past four decades indicates that the indirect impact of land clearance on the terrestrial water balance has been stronger than that of the long-lasting Sahelian drought. As the rate of land clearance increased for the past century in semiarid Africa, its main hydrological effects may not yet be fully perceptible.  相似文献   

Here we present a crustal folding or buckling mechanism to explain the rootless 3–5 km high Alborz Mountains in northern Iran as well as  10 km of Late Miocene to recent subsidence in the south Caspian basin and  3–6 km of subsidence in the central Iranian basin in the context of the middle Miocene to recent Arabia–Eurasia collision. A key element of the mechanism is the presence of lateral and vertical lithospheric strength contrasts between the north Iranian continental and south Caspian oceanic crusts: when compression from the collision is applied across the region, the strong south Caspian oceanic crust, buried under > 10 km of premiddle Miocene sediment, interacts with the bottom of the mechanically strong continental upper crust of northern Iran, resulting in upward buckling of the continental crust and downward buckling of the oceanic crust. We test this mechanism using a finite-element numerical model with a Maxwell rheology and obtain results that are consistent with the geological and geophysical observations. The observations compiled here and the model results demonstrate the potential for using this region as a natural laboratory for studying the early stages of continent–oceanic collision, including processes like basin inversion, fault localization and, potentially, subduction initiation.  相似文献   

A.L.B. Ribeiro   《New Astronomy》2009,14(8):666-673
I present a spatial analysis of the galaxy distribution around the cluster Cl 0024+17. The basic aim is to find the scales where galaxies present a significant deviation from an inhomogeneous Poisson statistical process. Using the generalization of the Ripley, Besag, and the pair correlation functions for non-stationary point patterns, I estimate these transition scales for a set of 1000 Monte Carlo realizations of the Cl 0024+17 field, corrected for completeness up to the outskirts. The results point out the presence of at least two physical scales in this field at 31.4 and 112.9. The second one is statistically consistent with the dark matter ring radius (75) previously identified by Jee [Jee, M.J., 2007. ApJ 661, 728]. However, morphology and anisotropy tests point out that a clump at 120 NW from the cluster center could be the responsible for the second transition scale. These results do not indicate the existence of a galaxy counterpart of the dark matter ring, but the methodology developed to study the galaxy field as a spatial point pattern provides a good statistical evaluation of the physical scales around the cluster. I briefly discuss the usefulness of this approach to probe features in galaxy distribution and N-body dark matter simulation data.  相似文献   

The Alps are representing the most prominent topographic feature of central Europe in the last 30 Million years. Integration of sediment budget and thermochronological data show that crustal blocks within the Swiss and Eastern Alps experienced differential erosion and uplift, with eastward decreasing rates. Since 30 Ma, in the course of collision and slab breakoff, the Swiss and western Eastern Alps were uplifted and formed a mountain range. Moderate erosion rates stabilized  2 Myr later after adaption to the new base level. Between 28 Ma and 5 Ma, erosion rates shifted above and below different regional mean levels. These shifts of erosion rates were governed by changes of the tectonic setting. Moderate temporary drops of erosion rates and lowering of topography occurred at  21 Ma and  15 Ma in the course of lateral extension. Temporary rises occurred between 24 and 22 Ma during thrust loading and between 18 and 16 Ma during axial updoming of core complexes. By 5 Ma, a sustainable strong increase of erosion rates occurred in the Swiss and Western Alps. A much weaker increase is detected in the Eastern Alps somewhat later, which makes a tectonic trigger, probably a 2nd slab breakoff, more reasonable than a climatic trigger. However, this controversial 5-Ma event is superimposed by accelerated erosion after 2.7 Ma, governed by the onset of cyclic glaciations. Effective valley incision and sediment evacuation by glacial erosion caused isostatic compensation and pronounced young uplift of the Alps.The post-Eocene paleotopographic evolution of key areas is indirectly assessed on the base of erosion rates. Spatial change of paleotopography of the Alps and central Europe is estimated and illustrated in 3 paleogeographic maps.  相似文献   

The creation and accumulation of nanophase iron (npFe0) is a principal mechanism by which spectra of materials exposed to the space environment incur systematic changes referred to as “space weathering.” Since there is no reason to assume that cumulative space weathering products throughout the Solar System will be the same as those found in lunar soils, these products are likely to be very dependent on the specific environmental conditions under which they were produced. We have prepared a suite of analog soils to explore the optical effects of npFe0. By varying the size and concentration of npFe0 in the analogs we found significant systematic changes in the Vis/NIR spectral properties of the materials. Smaller npFe0 (<10 nm in diameter) dramatically reddens spectra in the visible wavelengths while leaving the infrared region largely unaffected. Larger npFe0 (>40 nm in diameter) lowers the albedo across the Vis/NIR range with little change in the overall shape of the continuum. Intermediate npFe0 sizes impact the spectra in a distinct pattern that changes with concentration. The products of these controlled experiments have implications for space-weathered material throughout the inner Solar System. Our results indicate that the lunar soil continuum is best modeled by npFe0 particles with bulk properties in the 15–25 nm size range. Larger npFe0 grains result in spectra that are similar in shape to the Mercury continuum. The continuum of S-type asteroid spectra appear to be best represented by low abundances of npFe0. The size of asteroidal npFe0 is similar to that of lunar soils, but slightly smaller on average (10–15 nm).  相似文献   

The Transkei Basin deposits document the sediment transport around South Africa and, hence, reveal details of palaeocurrent activity of this region for the past 36 my. Thermohaline driven water masses like the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), which are part of the global conveyor belt and the main motor for the heat transfer worldwide, have to pass the southern tip of Africa. A large amount of their sedimentary freight is deposited in the submarine Transkei Basin. By the investigation of high resolution seismic reflection data from central Transkei Basin sediments, we reconstructed depocentres and interface outlines for five different time slices since Cretaceous times. Since at least Late Eocene times, we observe an increasing activity of proto-AABW and later proto-NADW in the Transkei Basin. The current's settings were recurrently modified by various large scale global events, like the opening of the Drake Passage Gateway and the Tasman Gateway ( 34 Ma), respectively, or the closure of the Panama Isthmus ( 3 Ma). The investigations reveal a strong influence of global tectonic and climatic events on NADW and (proto-) AABW and their influence on Transkei Basin deposition.  相似文献   

We present Globigerinoides ruber, G. sacculifer and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei oxygen isotope records from northwestern subtropical Atlantic Site 1058 spanning the mid Pleistocene ( 600 to 400 ka). The high temporal resolution of these records ( 800 yr) allows us to compare millennial-scale climate signals during one of the most extreme glacial periods of the Pleistocene (Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12) to an earlier, less extreme glacial (MIS 14), as well as to two full interglacial intervals (MIS 13 and MIS 15). We observe excellent agreement in the timing and amplitude of variations between the surface-most dwelling species G. ruber and Northern Hemisphere insolation during the two interglacial periods. There is some expression of Northern Hemisphere insolation during glacial MIS 14; however, during the more extreme glacial MIS 12 Northern Hemisphere insolation patterns are not apparent in any of the planktonic foraminiferal δ18O records. Insolation remains relatively high, but δ18O values increase toward the characteristic δ18O maximum of MIS 12 in all three of the records. On the millennial-scale, all three species display their highest amplitude δ18O variations (with a period between 4–6 kyr) during glacial MIS 12. Suborbital-scale variability is also statistically significant during glacial MIS 14, but the amplitude is smaller. These results support hypotheses linking millennial-scale climate fluctuations to the extent of continental glaciation. We propose that the relatively high degree of sea surface instability during one of the most extreme glacial periods of the Pleistocene arises from the competing effects of strong atmospheric winds related to the presence of a large ice sheet to the north and persistently high incident solar radiation during this interval of time.  相似文献   

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