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潜堤对波浪传播变形的物理模型试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以不可渗透光滑潜堤为研究对象,基于波浪水槽试验,分析了规则波和不规则波通过淹没梯形潜堤时的波浪外部形态变化以及内部能量变化规律。探讨了不同波浪要素(周期、波高、淹没水深)对潜堤附近波高影响的变化规律。同时,探究了潜堤斜坡坡度、堤顶淹没水深对波浪频谱在频域分布的影响。研究结果表明:当波浪通过潜堤时,波浪主频能量衰减,波浪能量由低频向高频移动;潜堤斜坡坡度越大、堤顶水深越小,波浪主频能量衰减越剧烈;波浪通过潜堤后高频波能量占潜堤次生波能量的1%~30%。 相似文献
In this paper a series of numerical simulations are performed to investigate the vortex shedding mechanism for a solitary wave propagating over a submerged breakwater by use of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model combined with a k-ε model. Flows of different Reynolds numbers up to Re=1.4×105 corresponding to varying incident wave heights are considered in which the characteristic fluid velocity is represented by the maximum horizontal velocity above the submerged breakwater. For the verification of... 相似文献
In this paper a series of numerical simulations are performed to investigate the vortex shedding mechanism for a solitary wave propagating over a submerged breakwater by use of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model combined with a k-ε model. Flows of different Reynolds numbers up to Re=1.4×105 corresponding to varying incident wave heights are considered in which the characteristic fluid velocity is represented by the maximum horizontal velocity above the submerged breakwater. For the verification of the accuracy of the numerical model, the incident waves and the velocity field in the vicinity of the breakwater are compared with experimental data. The result shows that the model is capable of describing vortex shedding for a solitary wave propagating over a rectangular submerged breakwater. Key features of vortex generation, evolution and dissipation are investigated. It is found that the vortex shedding and their evolution due to separated boundary layer over the breakwater are strongly related to the Reynolds number. A considerable number of vortices and complicated vortex pattern are observed as the Reynolds number increases. 相似文献
Numerical Analysis on the Effects of Submerged Depth of the Grid and Direction of Incident Wave on Gravity Cage 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper,the numerical model of the net cage with the grid mooring system in waves is set up by the lumped mass method and rigid kinematics theory,and then the motion equations of floating system,net system,mooring system,and floaters are solved by the Runge-Kutta fifth-order method.For the verification of the numerical model,a series of physical model tests have been carried out.According to the comparisons between the simulated and experimental results,it can be found that the simulated and experimental results agree well in each condition.Then,the effects of submerged depth of grid and direction of incident wave propagation on hydrodynamic behaviors of the net cage are analyzed.According to the simulated results,it can be found that with the increase of submerged depth of grid,the forces acting on mooring lines and bridle lines increase,while the forces on grid lines decrease;the horizontal motion amplitudes of floating collar decrease obviously,while the vertical motion amplitudes of floating collar change little.When the direction of incident wave propagation changes,forces on mooting lines and motion of net cage also change accordingly.When the propagation direction of incident wave changes from 0° to 45°,forces on the main ropes and bridle ropes increase,while the forces on the grid ropes decrease.With the increasing propagation direction of incident wave,the horizontal amplitude of the forces collar decreases,while the vertical amplitude of the floating collar has little variation. 相似文献
Flávio Medeiros SEIBT Eduardo Costa COUTO Elizaldo Domingues dos SANTOS Liércio André ISOLDI Luiz Alberto Oliveira ROCHA Paulo Roberto de Freitas TEIXEIRA 《海洋工程》2014,28(5):687-700
The growing search for clean and renewable energy sources has given rise to the studies of exploring sea wave energy. This paper is concerned with the numerical evaluation of the main operational principle of a submerged plate employed for the conversion of wave energy into electrical one. The numerical model used to solve the conservation equations of mass, momentum and transport of volume fraction is based on the finite volume method (FVM). In order to tackle with the flow of mixture of air-water and its interaction with the device, the multiphase model volume of fluid (VOF) is employed. The purpose of this study is the evaluation of a numerical model for improvement of the knowledge about the submerged plate wave energy converter, as well as the investigation of the effect of the distance from the plate to the bottom of the sea (HP) on the performance of the converter. The simulations for several distances of the plate from the seabed show that the optimal efficiency is 64%, which is obtained for HP=0.53 m (88% of the depth). This efficiency is 17% larger than that found in the worst case (HP=0.46 m, 77% of the depth). 相似文献
为科学选择海水淡化浓盐水排海方案,运用MIKE3数值模拟软件,选取福建晋江附近海域,建立了海水淡化浓盐水排海三维数值模型,模型水位振幅误差在10 cm以内,流速、流向计算结果与实测值变化规律一致,精度符合要求。考虑多端口、排放口间距、喷射速度等因素对浓盐水稀释的影响,选取了4种不同的浓盐水排放方案,开展了海水淡化浓盐水排放扩散模拟,计算了不同排海方案下盐升包络面积。结果表明,晋江海域浓盐水排放量为3.5万t/d的海水淡化工程采用扩散器后盐升分布面积显著减少,采用多个排放口且每个排放口多个端口喷射的排放方案,可明显增强浓盐水在受纳海域中的扩散稀释效果,盐升3的分布面积可减少近一半。建议加强我国海水淡化工程浓盐水排海扩散器的研究与应用,保护受纳海域海洋生态环境。 相似文献
In this study, solitary waves passing over a submerged breakwater are investigated both experimentally and numerically. A total of 9 experimental conditions are carried out, including different incident wave heights and water depths. Numerical simulations are performed using a high-order finite-difference model solving Navier–Stokes (N–S) equations. The predicted water wave elevation, velocity and pressure show good agreement with experimental data, verifying the accuracy and capacity of the numerical model. Furthermore, parametric studies are conducted by numerical modelling to examine the effects of the geometrical features of submerged dike on hydrodynamic characteristics around the breakwater. 相似文献
淹没植物对河道糙率的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于河道水动力及植物柔性变形分析,建立淹没状态下的植物河道糙率计算的理论关系,同时,利用试验资料及理论分析成果,进一步获得了植物河道糙率的附加值,借此可以分析与评价河道植物对水流阻力的影响程度. 相似文献
基于紊流随机理论的航槽三维流动数学模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据窦国仁的紊流随机理论,建立了一种模拟河口海岸水域中航槽三维流动的数学模型。采用控制体积法导出三维偏微分方程的离散格式;将水压力分解为动水压力和静水压力,用Patankar和Spalding提出的压力校正法求解动水压力,通过求解水位控制方程来得到自由表面;紊流模型采用安国仁提出的紊流随机理论,克服了k—ε模型中采用各向同性紊动粘滞系数的不足,而k—ε模型可作为紊流随机理论的一个特例。该模型计算了各种不同挖深比,各种航槽与水流交角的航槽流速分布,利用该模型计算得到的挖槽中的流速分布与水槽及水池试验资料相吻合。利用该模型可为开敞水域中开挖航槽的选择提供依据。 相似文献
建立了珠江口海域三维悬浮泥沙的非饱和输沙数学模型,并与珠江口三维水动力斜压模型耦合,对悬沙迁移分布进行了模拟。模型由4个点的逐时实测含沙量过程进行了验证。各点模拟含沙量与实测含沙量吻合较好,表层分布与同期珠江口悬沙分布遥感图像基本一致.模拟结果表明,珠江口海域悬沙分布分层明显,河口附近水域大多为底层含沙量大于表层,但在盐淡水交汇处出现中层含沙量最小的情况总体上,自各个口门输出的泥沙受沿岸流作用向西南万向输送明显。大多数河口落潮时相对涨潮时含沙量等值线外移,反映珠江口水域悬浮泥沙主要来自河流。 相似文献
该文报道碱厂废水随浓度变化的光谱实验。分析碱厂废水的光谱特征 ,并与相同浓度的海水悬浮泥沙水体的光谱进行比较 ;确定该废水特征波长为 50 1.3nm。根据光谱实验结果 ,结合当前已有的水色传感器的资料 ,选择两个卫星传感器波段 :Sea WIFS第四频道 (497.2~ 52 1.6 nm)和TM第二频道 (518.9~ 6 0 0 .2 nm) ;利用数字对 (R,c) ,建立了反射率与该污染水体浓度间的相关模式。为遥感技术大面积、快速地监测碱厂废水污染水体提供理论依据。 相似文献
基于2000年8月在南海调查航次得到的水文资料,首次采用广义随底坐标形式的改进POM模式对南海夏季环流进行了数值研究.用正交曲线性水平网格覆盖观测区域,在垂向上对近表海面层次采用近似z坐标,而近底层则为随底坐标.在计算海区实际地形及假设的水平均匀而垂直层化的密度分布下,实施的两个数值计算试验表明,本模式采用的垂直坐标方案比传统的σ坐标方案优越,随底坐标模式因压力梯度项在起伏地形下产生的系统计算误差将变得十分的微小.在南海2000年夏季环流的实际计算中,首先对观测资料进行了60d的诊断计算,然后在诊断已得到的动力场结果基础上,又进行了10d左右的预报运行得到半诊断结果.从计算结果来看,它依赖于参数Cvis与Cdif的选择,特别是参数Cvis,文中取值为Cvis=Cdif=008.比较诊断与半诊断两个计算过程的结果,它们在定性上较为一致,在定量上有些差别.这是因为半诊断计算的方法对密度场作适当的动力调整,使其与地形、风场等更加匹配.在大尺度环流结构不受影响的情况下,尽可能地消除了小尺度噪声,可使计算得到的流场更为清晰.2000年8月南海计算区域环流的最大特点是多涡结构,其中有些反气旋暖涡和气旋式冷涡相间分布.在越南东南海域自表层至1000m水层稳定存在着一个显著的反气旋暖涡,其中心位置在11°51'N,112°07'E(诊断计算),水平尺度约为300km.此暖涡以东存在一个气旋式冷涡,这两个冷、暖涡是研究海区夏季环流的重要环流特征之一.在计算区域东北部夏季环流以反气旋环流系统为主;在计算区域东南部夏季环流以气旋系统为主;南海夏季环流分布,明显出现西部强化特征. 相似文献
南极威德尔海区域海冰异常对初夏东亚大气环流和天气影响的数值研究 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
利用经过改变用于长期数值预报的CCM1(R15L7)模式以1975年1月16日00Z模式适应场为初始场积分5个月,研究南极威德尔海附近(60°W~30°E)海冰的面积异常对东亚初夏环流转换季节的影响.发现当南极海冰偏多时,在亚洲北部冷空气活动在初夏仍然很多,势力还很强,东亚南北两支急流分支仍很明显,各种环流特征更偏向于冬季型,不利于东亚初夏的环流季节转换.海冰异常偏少时则相反,亚洲北部的冷空气活动明显减弱,南方暖气流势力明显加强北移,东亚的两支急流也趋于合并北抬,环流形势更接近于夏季型,海冰的减少促进了东亚初夏的环流季节转换过程. 相似文献
Study on Wave Dissipation of the Structure Combined by Baffle and Submerged Breakwater 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper proposes a structure combined by baffle and submerged breakwater (abbreviated to SCBSB in the following texts). Such a combined structure is conducive to the water exchange in the harbor, and has strong capability on wave dissipation. Our paper focuses on the discussion of two typical structures, i.e., the submerged baffle and rectangular breakwater combined with the upper baffle respectively, which are named as SCBSB1 and SCBSB2 for short. The eigenfunction method corrected by experimental results is used to investigate the wave dissipation characteristics. It shows that the calculated results agree well with the experimental data and the minimum value of the wave transmission coefficient can be obtained when the distance between the front and rear structures is from 1/4 to 1/2 of the incident wave length. 相似文献
基于近年来长江口三维水沙盐数值模型及水沙运动机理的研究进展,系统梳理了在长江口实际应用中面临的若干理论和技术难题,其中包括长江口物质输运模拟计算格式的守恒性和稳定性、河口区域河床切应力的准确计算、拦门沙区域近底高浓度泥沙形成机理及数值模型模拟、长江口近底高浓度泥沙横向入槽模式等问题,通过对于上述问题的梳理和总结,表明在长江口这类巨型河口进行三维水沙盐数值模型和水沙机理研究的复杂性,并针对此类区域的模型技术研发和水沙运动理论研究,提出了有科学意义和研究价值的方向和思路。 相似文献
琼州海峡潮流能资源的数值模拟评估 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
近年来,我国能源消耗量不断的增长使我们更加重视可再生能源的开发利用,而我国近海拥有复杂的海岸线和广阔的大陆架,其中许多海域蕴藏着丰富的潮流能资源。潮流能资源评估则是其电站站址选择、发电量预测等工程设计的首要工作。结合两个站位的潮流实测数据,本文利用FVCOM海洋环流数值模式较好的模拟了琼州海峡潮波传播状况,分析了该海域潮流能资源水平分布规律和时间变化特征,初步估算了该水道的潮流能的理论蕴藏量,并采用FLUX方法对该水道的技术可开发量进行了评估。结果表明,琼州海峡中心海域功率密度高,两岸资源低;可能最大流速、大潮年平均最大功率密度、小潮年平均功率密度和年平均功率密度等特征值分布基本相似;其丰富区域出现在海峡东口南部海域以及海峡中部海域,其中东口南部海域可能最大流速可达4.6 m/s,表层流大潮年平均最大功率密度为5996 W/m2,小潮平均最大功率密度仅为467 W/m2,年平均功率密度为819 W/m2,代表点超过0.7 m/s的潮流流速年统计时间约为4717 h;海峡潮流能资源理论蕴藏量为189.55MW,利用FLUX、FARM、GC方法得到该水道的潮流能可开发量分别为249GW/yr、20.2GW/yr和263GW/yr。 相似文献
XIE Ming-xiao ZHANG Chi YANG Zhi-wen LI Shan LI Xin GUO Wei-jun ZUO Shu-hua 《海洋工程》2017,31(5):549-558
A process-based 3D numerical model for surfzone hydrodynamics and beach evolution was established. Comparisons between the experimental data and model results proved that the model could effectively describe the hydrodynamics, sediment transport feature and sandbar migration process in the surfzone with satisfactory precision. A series of numerical simulations on the wave breaking and shoaling up to a barred beach were carried out based on the model system. Analyzed from the model results, the wave-induced current system in the surfzone consists of two major processes, which are the phase-averaged undertow caused by wave breaking and the net drift caused by both of the nonlinear wave motion and surface roller effect. When storm waves come to the barred beach, the strong offshore undertow along the beach suppresses the onshore net drift, making the initial sandbar migrate to the seaside. Under the condition of calm wave environment, both the undertow and net drift flow to the shoreline at the offshore side of the sandbar, and then push the initial sandbar to the shoreline. The consideration of surface roller has significant impact on the modeling results of the sandbar migration. As the roller transfer rate increases, the sandbar moves onshore especially under the storm wave condition. 相似文献
In this paper the characteristics of tidal flow and seasonal variation of seidment content in theHangzhou Bay and their affecting factors are studied.Field investigations and data analysis indicate thatthe sediment movement is mainly influenced by the Yangtze estuary and the sediment of the Yangtze estua-ry is induced by wind wave and tidal flow.Owing to the variation of dynamic conditions,the instanta-neous sediment content is controlled by tidal flow,wind wave,depth of water and tidal range synthetically.A sediment content relationship formula is established with related factors.A non-equilibrium2-dimensional numerical model of suspended sediment transportation is set up,and the finite element meth-od is applied.The computation results of the model is in accordance with field data. 相似文献