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A combined three-dimensional global model of the chemistry and dynamics of the lower and middle atmosphere (up to 90 km from the Earth’s surface) is described. With the use of this model within the AMIP2 (1979–1995) program, numerical calculations were performed with consideration for the interactive coupling between the ozone content, radiation heating, and atmospheric circulation. Comparisons were made between calculated and observed data on the ozone content and temperature. Heterogeneous processes on the surface of polar stratospheric clouds were shown to be important for a correct simulation of the spatial and temporal distribution of atmospheric ozone.  相似文献   

A new method of estimating the global fluxes of methane into the Earth’s atmosphere is proposed. This method allows one to take into account the whole spectrum of methane sources irrespectively of their location and calculate seasonal variations in methane fluxes. The results of numerical calculations of the amount of methane emitted into the atmosphere on the basis of this method are supported by data obtained from field measurements. In the Northern Hemisphere (NH), during fall, maximum concentrations of CH4 are due to methane sources in the arctic region which have not been taken into account before. For the condition of balance between the emission and sink of methane to be fulfilled, the total capacity of its sources amounts to no less than ~530 Tg/year for the NH and ~470 Tg/year for the Southern Hemisphere (SH). The results of our calculations and an analysis of the behavior of the concentration and mass of methane in the Earth’s hemispheres show that the global flux of methane from the surfaces of the lithosphere and ocean into the atmosphere may amount to more than ~1000 Tg/year.  相似文献   

赵娜  贡金鑫 《海洋工程》2014,32(6):76-85
为了解我国北方港口集装箱码头集装箱堆场荷载的情况,选择大连港集装箱码头进行集装箱荷载调查和统计分析。采用不平稳随机场模型,建立集装箱堆场的局部荷载模型和整体荷载模型,确定集装箱荷载的统计参数。研究表明:大连港集装箱码头50 a设计基准期的局部荷载最大值服从极值I型分布,平均值、标准差和变异系数分别为86 040.76 kg、24 199.05 kg和0.281 3;50 a设计基准期的整体荷载最大值也服从极值I型分布,平均值、标准差和变异系数分别为1 726.8 kg/m2、185.13 kg/m2和0.107 2。就重型集装箱而言,现行港口荷载规范规定的集装箱箱角荷载偏低,用于整体计算的荷载较高。  相似文献   

A closed dynamic compartment model of the global carbon cycle and its modifications with a small number of external parameters, which are constructed on the basis of data on the current and preindustrial carbon fluxes and reserves in reservoirs, are studied. The first possible controlling parameter is the amount of anthropogenic CO2 emission into the atmosphere. Closure in substance allows a decrease in the dimensionality of dynamic models and yields another variable parameter—the system’s total mass, whose change reflects the level of uncertainty in the knowledge of the amount of reserves. The calibration of unsaturated fluxes in each of the models is based on an algorithm developed earlier for local ecosystems, and the measured differences between the fluxes opposite in sign for several times are used to calculate the coefficients of saturated fluxes. The model’s modifications make it possible to estimate the degree to which the oceanic active layer may be involved in rapid exchange with the atmosphere and to introduce the factor of land use as an additional anthropogenic effect. The time trajectories of carbon reserves in reservoirs are calculated until 2100 under variations in anthropogenic emissions in accordance with the IPCC basic scenarios until 2100 for the basic model and its modifications.  相似文献   

This paper formulates the most general principles for verifying models of the dynamic near-water layer of the atmosphere (DNWLA) and performs an advanced verification of the model proposed by the author earlier [6]. Based on empirical wave spectra from the studies by Donelan [15], Elfouhaily [14], and Kudryavtsev [13] and well-known empirical laws describing the wave-age dependence of the friction coefficient, we adjusted the original version of the model. It was shown that the improvement of model reliability is most dependent on the adequacy of the parameterization of the tangential portion of the total momentum flux to the wavy surface. Then the new version of the model was verified on the basis of field data from two different groups of authors. It was found that the new version of the model is consistent with empirical data with an error not exceeding the measurement error of near-water layer parameters.  相似文献   

The study presents assessment of an operational wave model (Wavewatch III), focusing upon the model sensitivity to wind-forcing products. Four wind fields are used to drive the model, including the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and three other products that assimilate various satellite wind measurements having high spatial resolution, including the QuikSCAT scatterometer. Three wave field statistics: significant wave height, mean zero-crossing wave period, and mean square slope are compared with collocated TOPEX altimeter derivatives to gauge the relative skill of differing wind-forced model runs, as well as to demonstrate an extended use of the altimeter beyond simply supplying wave height for wave model validation and assimilation. Results suggest that model output is critically sensitive to choice of the wind field product. Higher spatial resolution in the wind fields does lead to improved agreement for the higher-order wave statistics.  相似文献   

半潜式平台垂向运动对气隙影响的概率统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用矩和L矩方法以及二次转换方程,基于模型试验数据的概率统计分析,研究半潜式平台在作业工况和生存工况下的气隙响应,以及平台垂向运动对立柱周围不同位置处的波浪升高和气隙的影响。结果表明,垂向运动总体上能够增加气隙,海况越恶劣,增加程度越明显;在不同浪向下对不同位置的气隙影响有差别,后立柱周围的波浪升高和气隙受平台运动的影响相比前立柱更为显著;同时,平台垂向运动会引起立柱周围波浪升高的非线性增强。  相似文献   

1Introduction Seaiceplaysanimportantroleinmoderating heatandmoistureexchangesbetweentheatmosphere andtheoceanathighlatitudes.Seaicealsointeracts withthebroaderclimatesystembythepositiveice albedofeedback(Curryetal.,1995),whichamplifies projectedclimatewarmingatthehighlatitudes,andby theoceanicfeedbackinvolvingicegrowthandmelt, whichinfluencesglobalthermohalinecirculation(i.e., theNorthAtlanticDeepWaterandtheAntarcticBot- tomWater)(Walsh,1983;Barryetal.,1993). Recently,theimplementationofas…  相似文献   

Sensitivity of a global ocean model to increased run-off from Greenland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study the reaction of a global ocean–sea ice model to an increase of fresh water input into the northern North Atlantic under different surface boundary conditions, ranging from simple restoring of surface salinity to the use of an energy balance model (EBM) for the atmosphere. The anomalous fresh water flux is distributed around Greenland, reflecting increased melting of the Greenland ice sheet and increasing fresh water export from the Arctic Ocean. Depending on the type of surface boundary condition, the large circulation reacts with a slow-down of overturning and gyre circulations. Restoring of the total or mean surface salinity prevents a large scale redistribution of the salinity field that is apparent under mixed boundary conditions and with the EBM. The control run under mixed boundary conditions exhibits large and unrealistic oscillations of the meridional overturning. Although the reaction to the fresh water flux anomaly is similar to the response with the EBM, mixed boundary conditions must thus be considered unreliable. With the EBM, the waters in the deep western boundary current initially become saltier and a new fresh water mass forms in the north-eastern North Atlantic in response to the fresh water flux anomaly around Greenland. After an accumulation period of several decades duration, this new North East Atlantic Intermediate Water spreads towards the western boundary and opens a new southward pathway at intermediate depths along the western boundary for the fresh waters of high northern latitudes.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2010,33(3-4):175-187
This paper presents a five-year global simulation of HYCOM, the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model, that simultaneously resolves the eddying general circulation, barotropic tides, and baroclinic tides with 32 layers in the vertical direction and 1/12.5° (equatorial) horizontal grid spacing. A parameterized topographic wave drag is inserted into the model and tuned so that the surface tidal elevations are of comparable accuracy to those in optimally tuned forward tide models used in previous studies. The model captures 93% of the open-ocean sea-surface height variance of the eight largest tidal constituents, as recorded by a standard set of 102 pelagic tide gauges spread around the World Ocean. In order to minimize the impact of the wave drag on non-tidal motions, the model utilizes a running 25-h average to approximately separate tidal and non-tidal components of the near-bottom flow. In contrast to earlier high-resolution global baroclinic tide simulations, which utilized tidal forcing only, the simulation presented here has a horizontally non-uniform stratification, supported by the wind- and buoyancy forcing. The horizontally varying stratification affects the baroclinic tides in high latitudes to first order. The magnitude of the internal tide perturbations to sea surface elevation amplitude and phase in a large box surrounding Hawai’i is quite similar to that observed in satellite altimeter data, although the exact locations of peaks and troughs in the modeled perturbations differ from those in the observed perturbations.  相似文献   

The performance of a z-level ocean model, the Modular Ocean Model Version 4(MOM4), is evaluated in terms of simulating the global tide with different horizontal resolutions commonly used by climate models. The performance using various sets of model topography is evaluated. The results show that the optimum filter radius can improve the simulated co-tidal phase and that better topography quality can lead to smaller rootmean square(RMS) error in simulated tides. Sensitivity experiments are conducted to test the impact of spatial resolutions. It is shown that the model results are sensitive to horizontal resolutions. The calculated absolute mean errors of the co-tidal phase show that simulations with horizontal resolutions of 0.5° and 0.25° have about 35.5% higher performance compared that with 1° model resolution. An internal tide drag parameterization is adopted to reduce large system errors in the tidal amplitude. The RMS error of the best tuned 0.25° model compared with the satellite-altimetry-constrained model TPXO7.2 is 8.5 cm for M_2. The tidal energy fluxes of M_2 and K_1 are calculated and their patterns are in good agreement with those from the TPXO7.2. The correlation coefficients of the tidal energy fluxes can be used as an important index to evaluate a model skill.  相似文献   

海洋大气气溶胶的离子色谱分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张远辉  黄自强 《台湾海峡》1994,13(2):144-150
对分析方法如采样滤膜的均匀性,滤膜上阴,阳离子的萑萃取率,方法的精密度和检出限等进行了基础性研究,并采用该方法测定了厦门海域大气中的Cl^-,F^-,SO^2-4,NO^-3,NH^+4和Na^+。本文法有较高的灵敏度,重现性好,可同时测定多种无机离子,适用于海洋大气气溶胶分析。  相似文献   

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