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The response of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water and Subtropical Countercurrent (STCC) to changes in greenhouse gas (GHG) and aerosol is investigated based on the 20th-century historical and single-forcing simulations with the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Climate Model version 3 (GFDL CM3). The aerosol effect causes sea surface temperature (SST) to decrease in the mid-latitude North Pacific, especially in the Kuroshio Extension region, during the past five decades (1950–2005), and this cooling effect exceeds the warming effect by the GHG increase. The STCC response to the GHG and aerosol forcing are opposite. In the GHG (aerosol) forcing run, the STCC decelerates (accelerates) due to the decreased (increased) mode waters in the North Pacific, resulting from a weaker (stronger) front in the mixed layer depth and decreased (increased) subduction in the mode water formation region. The aerosol effect on the SST, mode waters and STCC more than offsets the GHG effect. The response of SST in a zonal band around 40°N and the STCC to the combined forcing in the historical simulation is similar to the response to the aerosol forcing.  相似文献   

Based on the temperature and salinity from the Argo profiling floats and altimeter-derived geostrophic velocity anomaly (GVA) data in the western North Pacific during 2002–2011, the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (NPSTMW) distribution is investigated and cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies (CEs and AEs) are constructed to study the influence of their vertical structures on maintaining NPSTMW. Combining eddies identified by the GVA data and Argo profiling float data, it is found that the average NPSTMW thickness of AEs is about 60 dbar, which is thicker than that of CEs. The NPSTMW thicker than 150 dbar in AEs accounts for 18%, whereas that in CEs accounts for only 1%. About 3377 (3517) profiles, which located within one diameter of the nearest CEs (AEs) are used to construct the CE (AE). The composite AE traps low-PV water in the center and with a convex shape in the vertical section. The ‘trapped depth’ of the composite CE (AE) is 300 m (550 m) where the rotational velocity exceeds the transitional velocity. The present study suggests that the anticyclonic eddies are not only likely to form larger amounts of NPSTMW, but also trap more NPSTMW than cyclonic eddies.  相似文献   

The method proposed by Stammer (1998) is modified using eddy statistics from altimeter observation to obtain more realistic eddy diffusivity (K) for the North Pacific. Compared with original estimates, the modified K has remarkably reduced values in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) and North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) regions, but slightly enhanced values in the Subtropical Counter Current (STCC) region. In strong eastward flow areas like the KE and NECC, owing to a large difference between mean flow velocity and propagation velocity of mesoscale eddies, tracers inside the mesoscale eddies are transported outside rapidly by advection, and mixing length L is hence strongly suppressed. The low eddy probability (P) is also responsible for the reduced K in the NECC area. In the STCC region, however, L is mildly suppressed and P is very high, so K there is enhanced. The zonally-averaged K has two peaks with comparable magnitudes, in the latitude bands of the STCC and KE. In the core of KE, because of the reduced values of P and L, the zonally-averaged K is a minimum. Zonally-integrated eddy heat transport in the KE band, calculated based on the modified K, is much closer to the results of previous independent research, indicating the robustness of our modified K. The map of modified K provides useful informationfor modeling studies in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of drifter data from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment during 1979-1998, the sizes of the eddies in the North subtropical Pacific are determined from the radii of curvature of the drifter paths calculated by using a non-linear curve fitting method. To support the drifter data results, Sea Surface Height from the TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS2 satellite data are analyzed in connection with the drifter paths. It is found that the eddies in the North Pacific (18^*- 23^*N and 125^*-150^*E) move westward at an average speed of approximately 0.098 ms^-1 and their average radius is 176 km, with radii ranging from 98 km to 298 km. During the nineteen-year period, only 4 out of approximately 200 drifters (2%) actually entered the South China Sea from the area adjacent to the Luzon Strait (18^*-22^*N and 121^*-125^*E) in the winter. It is also found that eddies from the interior of the North Pacific are unlikely to enter the South China Sea through the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

The climatology subduction rate for the entire Pacific is known, but the mechanism of interannual to decadal variation remains unclear. In this study, we calculated the annual subduction rates of three types of North Pacific subtropical mode waters using a general circulation model (LICOM1.0) for the period of 1958-2001. The model experiments focused on interannual variations of ocean dynamical processes under daily wind forcings and seasonal heat fluxes. The mode water formation region was defined by a potential vorticity minimum at outcrop locations. The model results show that two subduction rate maxima (>100 m/a) were located in the Subtropical Mode Water (STMW) and the Central Mode Water (CMW) formation regions. These regions are consistent with a climatologically calculated value. The subduction rate in the Eastern Subtropical Mode Water (ESTMW) formation region was smaller at about 75 m/a. The subduction rate shows clear interannual and decadal variations associated with oceanic dynamic variabilities. The average subduction rate of the STMW was much smaller during the period of 1981-1990 compared with other periods, while that of the CMW had a negative anomaly before 1975 and a positive anomaly after 1978. The variability agreed with Ekman and geostrophic advections and mixed layer depths. The interannual variability of the subduction rate for the ESTMW was smallest during 1970-1990, as a result of a weak wind stress curl. This paper explores how interannual signals from the atmosphere are stored in different parts of the ocean, and thus may contribute to a better understanding of feedback mechanisms for the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) event.  相似文献   

对 2 0 0 0年 5~ 7月北太平洋中东部海域鱿钓探捕调查所获的不同深度海水温度和柔鱼渔获量等资料进行分析 ,结果表明在西经调查水域的 1 74°W和 1 71°W附近 ,1 0 0m ,2 0 0m和 3 0 0m水温分布均形成明显的暖水舌 ,其特征水温依次为 1 0~ 1 1℃ ,9~ 1 0°C及 8~ 9°C ;在东经调查水域 ,表层以下各层水温较往年有所偏低 1~ 2度。分析结果还表明 ,西经调查水域的中心渔场均处在暖水舌前锋一侧 ,中心渔场形成的水温指标为 :表层 1 3~ 1 4°C ,1 0 0m水层 1 0~ 1 1°C、2 0 0m水层 9~ 1 0°C及 3 0 0m水层 8~ 9°C ;在东经调查水域 ,调查期间没有形成中心渔场 ,这可能与深层水温偏低有关  相似文献   

On the basis of the conductivity temperature depth(CTD)observation data off the coast of the Philippines(7.5°–18°N,130°E–the east coast of the Philippines)in the fall of 2005,the water mass distribution,geostrophic flow field,and heat budget are examined.Four water masses are present:the North Pacific Tropical Surface Water,the North Pacific Sub-surface Water,the North Pacific Intermediate Water,and the Antarctic Intermediate Water(AAIW).The previous three corresponded with the North Equatorial Current(NEC),the Kuroshio Current(KC),and the Mindanao Current(MC),respectively.AAIW is the source of the Mindanao Undercurrent.The mass transport of NEC,KC,and MC is 58.7,15,and 27.95Sv,respectively(relative to 1500db).NEC can be balanced by the transport across the whole transect 18°N(31.81 Sv)and 7.5°N(26.11 Sv)but not simply by KC and MC.Direct calculation is used to study the heat flux.In sum,1.45PW heat is transported outwards the observed region,which is much more than that released from the ocean to the air at the surface(0.05PW).The net heat lost decreased the water temperature by 0.75℃each month on average,and the trend agreed well with the SST change.Vertically,the heat transported by the currents is mainly completed in the upper 500 m.  相似文献   

Based on the NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) data, the relationship between the Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies (SSTAs) in the North Pacific and the atmospheric circulation anomalies in January 2008 is analyzed in this study. The SSTA mode most correlated with the Geopotential Height anomalies (GHAs) in January 2008 in the North Pacific exhibited a basin-wide horseshoe pattern with a warm center in November 2007. This persistent SSTA pattern would induce positive GHAs in the Aleutian Low area and East Asia and the northward extension of the West Pacific Subtropical High in January 2008 by maximum diabatic heating in the atmosphere over the Kuroshio Oyashio Extension (KOE) area, leading to the occurence of the circumpolar trough-ridge wave train anomaly in January 2008.  相似文献   

The formulation and justification of a three-layer baroclinic ocean model developed to simulate thegeneral circulation of the ocean are described in this paper.Test of the model in simulating the annualmean circulation patterns in the North Pacific under the prescribed atmospheric forcing,which consists ofthe climatological surface wind stress and sea surface heat flux,and comparison of the results withobservations showed that the model basically simulated the large scale features of the annual meancirculation patterns in the North Pacific Ocean such as those of the intensified western boundary currentsand the North Equatorial Currents and Undercurrents.But due to the coarse resolution of the model,some details of these currents were poorly reproduced.The seasonal variations of the North Pacific Oceancirculation driven by the seasonal mean sea surface wind stress was calculated,the different aspects of theseresults were analyzed and the main current(the intensified western boundary currents)transports we  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIntheearly 1 980 s,ventilationtheoryemergedtopredictthehorizontalandverticalstructureofthethermocline.Thereweretwodifferentviewsonthestratifiedoceans.Thefirsttheory (RhinesandYoung,1 982 ,hereafterRY ;YoungandRhines,1 982 )proposedanunventilatedmodelinwhichonlytheuppermostlayerisexposedtothesurfaceandisforcedbythewindstress.Thesecondtheory (Luytenetal.,1 983 ,hereafterLPS)offeredaventilatedmodelwhichisclosertotheclassicalthermoclinetheoriesthanthatofthefirstone (e.g .,Nee…  相似文献   

Evaluation of spatial-temporal variability of species composition and diversity in oceanic ecosystems is not easy because it is usually difficult to obtain sufficient data quantifying such variability.In this study,we examined pelagic species diversity indicators,species richness,Shannon-Wiener index of diversity and Hurlbert's species evenness,for fish assemblages from two areas(north and south) in the North Pacific Ocean(2°±12°N,178°E±165°W) during May±July 2008.The assemblages were based on data collecte...  相似文献   

<正>柔鱼(Ommastrephes bartramii)广泛分布在北太平洋,20世纪70年代初首先由日本鱿钓船开发,我国大陆于1993年开始利用该资源,1994年进行较大规模地商业性生产。目前北太平洋鱿钓渔业已成为我国远洋渔业的支柱[1]。据估计,历史上北太平洋柔  相似文献   

Seasonal variability of the North Equatorial Current (NEC) transport in the western Pacific Ocean is investigated with ECMWF Ocean Analysis/Reanalysis System 3 (eRA-S3). The result shows that NEC transport (NT) across different longitudes in the research area shows a similar double-peak structure, with two maxima (in summer and winter), and two minima (in spring and autumn). This kind of structure can also be found in NEC geostrophic transport (NGT), but in a different magnitude and phase. These differences are attributable to Ekman transport induced by the local meridional wind and transport caused by nonzero velocity at the reference level, which is assumed to be zero in the NGT calculation. In the present work, a linear vorticity equation governing a 1.5-layer reduced gravity model is adopted to examine the dynamics of the seasonal variability of NGT. It is found that the annual cycle of NGT is mainly controlled by Ekman pumping induced by local wind, and westward-propagating Rossby waves induced by remote wind. Further research demonstrates that the maximum in winter and minimum in spring are mostly attributed to wind east of the dateline, whilst the maximum in summer and minimum in autumn are largely attributed to that west of the dateline.  相似文献   

Hydrographic data from eleven 1986–1991 cruises at zonal sections near 8°N from the Philippine coast to 130°E were used to examine thermohaline structures and water mass properties of the western boundary currents there, especially those of the Mindanao Undercurrent (MUC). The finding that the MUC consisted of two water masses with salinity of 34.6 at 26.9 σt and 34.52 at 27.2 σt which were remnants of the lower part of the Southern Pacific Subtropical Water (SPSW) and of the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) of South Pacific origin, respectively, showed that the MUC was not a local transient but originated elsewhere. As the MUC flowed from 7.5°N to 8°N, part of it carrying the SPSW turns anticyclonically and eastward. The Northern Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) often joins the MUC, which suggests that the NPIW carried by the MC partly returns northward as a result of the shear between the MC and the MUC or other processes. The shear instability provides the energy for the irregular fluctuation of the MUC. Contribution No. 3256 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project 49176255 and 49706066 supported by NSFC, and also by Foundation of Post-doctoral Research.  相似文献   

利用空间距离和灰色关联度分析方法对1995~2001年间北太平洋150°E—165°E柔鱼作业渔场的重心分布进行比较研究,1995~1997年8~10月份作业渔场的重心与1998~2001年存在着较大的差异,前者基本上在150°E—153°30E的42°30′N以南海域,而后者位于155°E-161°E的42°45′N以北海域。聚类结果表明,8月份作业渔场重心分为三类:1998~2001年为一类,1996~1997年为一类,而1995年为一类。9月份产量重心与作业渔船重心的聚类结果则有所不同,产量重心的聚类结果为四类,即1999~2001年为一类,1997、1996年为一类,1998年和1995年各为一类;而作业渔船重心的聚类结果则分为三类,即1999~2001年为一类,1995~1997年为一类,1998年为一类;10月份作业渔场重心分为三类;1998、2001和1999年为一类,1995~1997年为一类,2000年为一类。年间的渔场变化可能是由海洋环境条件所引起。灰色关联分析表明,产量重心与作业渔船重心存在一定的差异。8~10月份作业渔场重心的总体变化趋势为向东北偏东移动。  相似文献   

基于海表面温度数据和海面高度异常数据,采用矢量几何法提取南海的中尺度涡旋并进行统计分析。结果显示,从海表面温度和海面高度异常数据都可以提取涡旋,两者的提取能力差异很小。由海表面温度数据可以提取较小尺度的涡旋,但跟踪涡旋时存在不稳定性;由海面高度异常数据虽然不能检测到较小尺度的涡旋,但跟踪涡旋相对稳定。两种数据所提取涡旋的时间和空间分布规律具有一致性。  相似文献   

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