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The species composition and abundance of microzooplankton at 10 marine and five coastal stations(Hongdao,Daguhe,Haibohe,Huangdao and Hangxiao) in the Jiaozhou Bay(Qingdao,China) were studied in 2001.The microzooplankton community was found to be dominated by Tintinnopsis beroidea,Tintinnopsis urnula,Tintinnopsis brevicollis and Codonellopsis sp.The average abundance of microzooplankton was highly variable among stations.Specifically,the abundance of microzooplankton was higher at inshore stations and lower ...  相似文献   

We investigated the diversity and structure of free-living marine nematode communities at three sandy beaches representing typical intertidal environments of a temperate zone in Qingdao,Shandong Province,China.Average nematode abundance ranged from 1006 to 2170 ind.10 cm-2,and a total of 34 nematode genera were recorded,of which only 8 were common in all the studied beaches.Pielou's evenness and Shannon-Wiener diversity index were the lowest at the second beach where nematode abundance was the highest.The highest species diversity index coincided with the lowest nematode abundance at Shilaoren beach.Sediment median grain size,sorting coefficient,and chlorophyll-a content were essential for differentiation in nematode abundance and species diversity,whereas taxonomic diversity of nematode was homogeneous across the three beaches.In 0–20 cm sediment profile,nematode abundance declined abruptly with depth,whereas nematode diversity changed gently with obvious difference in 16–20 cm layer.Sediment granulometry and chlorophyll-a content were the two foremost factors which influenced the vertical distribution pattern of nematode generic diversity.Non-selective deposit feeders constituted the most dominant trophic group,followed by epistratum feeders.Bathylaimus(family:Tripyloididae) dominated at the second and Yangkou beach,while Theristus(family:Xyalidae) prevailed at Shilaoren beach.Omnivores and predators became important at Shilaoren beach because of the high proportion of Enoplolaimus.Even though,nematode community of the studied beaches did not differ significantly from each other.  相似文献   

Green tides are caused by the proliferation of chlorophytes under suitable hydrographic conditions.These blooms lead to environmental degradation and negatively impact the waters and seagrass beds,as well as fishing and other recreational activities in the bay.A comprehensive ecological understanding of the bloom dynamics,including the origin and persistence,is needed to foster management decisions.The algae in the great majority of green tide blooms usually belong to two genera of Ulvophyceae,Ulva and Enteromorpha.Ulva has been observed more often in recent years.In China,green tides occurred for the first time in the middle area of the Yellow Sea in 2007,and a large-scale algae blooming broke out in the middle and southern areas of the Yellow Sea in late May 2008.We identified them as Ulva prolifera by comparative analysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1),5.8S and ITS2 sequences in combination with microscopic observation.Morphological differences were found between the free-floating algae and the attached thalli.Various reproduction patterns of the free-floating algae include sexual,asexual and vegetative propagations,which played important roles in the long-term green tide persistence in China.The ITS sequences of the blooming algae were identical to those of the samples from the Lianyungang sea area but were different from the attached samples from the Qingdao sea area.The results infer that the blooms are originated from other sea areas rather than from the local attached populations.  相似文献   

Qingdao waters,including both the semi-enclosed Jiaozhou Bay(JB) and the adjacent water out of JB(OJB),have been the areas that are most frequently affected by harmful algal blooms(HABs) in the western Yellow Sea(west of 124°E).In this research,HAB occurrences in Qingdao waters from 1990 to 2009 were investigated using spatial tools in geographic information system(GIS) and are discussed in terms of their connection to temporal variation.Additionally,the effects of each HAB occurrence were further evaluated using a simple model.The calculated results were then visualized using a GIS software to indicate the effects of HABs in Qingdao waters during the entire period.As a result,the OJB was proven to be responsible for the frequent HAB occurrences in Qingdao waters after 2000,although JB was traditionally believed to be the principle source of HAB occurrences in Qingdao waters.In addition,increasing nitrogen and N/P structure imbalance were essential for increasing HAB occurrences in Qingdao waters throughout the entire period,especially for the recent HAB occurrences in the OJB.The results of this research would improve the current understanding on HAB occurrences in Qingdao waters,which would benefit HAB monitoring and the implementation of a control strategy in China as well.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of hazy and foggy weather on the bacterial communities in bioaerosols, for which samples were collected from the Qingdao coastal region on sunny, foggy, and hazy days in January and March 2013. Bacterial community compositions were determined using polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCRDGGE). The bacterial community diversity was found to be high on foggy and hazy days, and the dominant species differed during hazy weather. The Shannon-Wiener index revealed that the bacterial community diversity of coarse particles was higher than that of fine particles in the bioaerosols. The bacterial community diversity of fine particles significantly correlated with relative humidity (RH; r2 = 0.986). The cluster analysis results indicated that the bacterial communities on sunny days differed from those on hazy and foggy days. Compared with sunny days, the bacterial communities in the fine particles during hazy weather exhibited greater changes than those in the coarse particles. Most of the sequenced bacteria were found to be closely affiliated with uncultured bacteria. During hazy weather, members of the classes Bacilli and Gammaproteobacteria (Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter) were dominant. The DGGE analysis revealed that Proteobacteria and Firmicutes were the predominant phyla, and their relative percentages to all the measured species changed significantly on hazy days, particularly in the fine particles. Haze and fog had a significant impact on the bacterial communities in bioaerosols, and the bacterial community diversity varied on different hazy days.  相似文献   

An assessment with assistance of DNA barcoding was conducted on green macroalgae in coastal zone around Qingdao, China, during the period of April–December, 2011. Three markers were applied in molecular discrimination, including the plastid elongation factor tufA gene, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal cistron and rubisco large subunit gene 3′ regions (rbcL-3P). DNA barcoding discriminated 8 species, excluding species of genus Cladophora and Bryopsis due to failures in amplification. We ascertained and corrected 4 species identified by morphological methods for effectively assisting the classification. The gene tufA presented more advantages as an appropriate DNA marker with the strongest amplification success rate and species discrimination power than the other two genes. The poorest sequencing success largely handicapped the application of ITS. Samples identified by tufA and rbcL as Ulva flexuosa were clustered into the clade of U. prolifera by ITS in the neighbor-joining tree. Confusion with discrimination of the complex of U. linza, U. procera and U. prolifera (as the LPP complex) still existed for the three DNA markers. Based on our results, rbcL is recommended as a preferred marker for assisting tufA to discriminate green macroalgae. In distinguishing green-tide-forming Ulva species, the free-floating sample collected from the green tide in 2011 was proved to be identical with U. prolifera in Yellow Sea for ITS and rbcL genes. This study presents a preliminary survey of green macroalgae distributed in the coastal area around Qingdao, and proves that DNA barcoding is a powerful tool for taxonomy of green macroalgae.  相似文献   

The fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology (5^th APCAB), organized by Chinese Phycological Society, Institute of Oceanology and Qingdao Society of Bioengineering under the auspices of The Asia-Pacific Society for Applied Phycology was held on Oct. 18 - 21, 2003 in Qingdao. 5^th APCAB was generously supported by Sun Chlorella Corp. as Gold Sponsor.  相似文献   

Mass concentrations of Total Suspended Particles (TSP) and size-segregated particles were obtained from July 2001 to June 2002 in Qingdao to characterize the seasonal variations of atmospheric aerosols and to show the impact of dust events on the air quality in Qingdao. Data on size-segregated aerosols show that 73.74% of the TSP mass concentration is contributed by particles with diameters less than 11 μm. Particles with diameters less than 1.1μm have a higher concentration during the winter. In spring, larger particles tend to have higher mass concentrations. Bimodal particle size distributions have been observed, with maxima around 4.7-7 μand 0.43-0.65 μm in the winter season, and 7-11 μm and 0.65-1.1 μm in the autumn season. Measurements made during the dust events in March 2002 show high concentrations of particles in the size range 2.1-7μm.  相似文献   

通过对青岛城区土壤进行调查取样,运用单因子评价和内梅罗指数法对青岛表层土壤8种重金属元素(As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Hg,Pb和Zn)的测试结果进行评价,查明了土壤环境质量现状及其污染程度:青岛市土壤环境质量总体较高,绝大部分地区土壤环境保持在清洁水平;污染区域以孤岛状零星分布于青岛市内,区内胶州湾入海口污染指数偏高,很可能是由于河流上游污水排放导致的。通过对未来20年城区土壤在大气降尘影响下重金属Cd,Zn的累积情况进行了预测,结果表明:随着时间的推移,土壤有害元素含量会有所增高。其中,大气降尘中Zn元素对青岛市区土壤影响明显。该研究对于正确认识青岛区域地球化学特征和地质环境具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Marine macroalgae can absorb carbon and play an important role in carbon sequestration. As an important economic macroalga, Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis has the potential to significantly affect carbon absorption and storage in wave-sheltered intertidal reef systems. However, detailed knowledge on seasonal biomass changes and carbon storage of G. lemaneiformis is lacking, especially in many small and scattered ecosystems. Considering the influence of human activities on wild distribution of G. lemaneiformis, the understanding of seasonal dynamics of an economically important species in nature is necessary. In this study, we first investigated seasonal variations in biomass, coverage area, and carbon storage during low tide from August 2011 to July 2012 in Zhanshan Bay, Qingdao, China. Furthermore, we estimated the carbon storage potential of wild G. lemaneiformis using light use efficiency(LUE). The results show that the standing biomass and coverage area changed significantly with season. However, seasonal variations in carbon content and water content were not obvious, with an average content of 35.1% and 83.64%, respectively. Moreover, carbon storage in individual months varied between 0.67 and 47.03 g C/m 2, and the value of carbon storage was the highest in August and June and the lowest in February. In Zhanshan Bay, LUE of G. lemaneiformis was only 0.23%. If it is increased to the theoretical maximum(5%–6%), the carbon storage will have an increase of at least 21 times compared with the current, which suggested that carbon storage of wild G. lemaneiformis had a high enhancement potential. The study will help to assess a potential role of G. lemaneiformis in reducing atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨不同季节但路径相似的台风暴雨的相关特征,为不同季节的台风暴雨落区预报提供参考依据。【方法】利用常规的探空和地面资料以及NCEP/NCAR1°×1°全球再分析资料,计算2个强台风的水汽通量散度和湿位涡场。对比分析水汽通量辐合、湿位涡正压项(MPV1)和斜压项(MPV2)的水平和垂直分布特征,以及与暴雨落区的对应关系。【结果】秋季的"彩虹"台风高层副热带高压加强,而中低层冷空气和东南气流的汇合使"彩虹"台风的东侧和北侧获得更有利的动力环境条件;而夏季的"威马逊"台风北侧无冷空气影响,台风南侧外围强盛的西南季风气流卷入。台风"威马逊"期间,强的水汽通量辐合中心始终在台风及其残涡中心的南侧和西侧;台风"彩虹"登陆后60 h内一直持续有2支强盛的气流向台风中心输送水汽,而水汽通量的辐合中心与"威马逊"相反,位于台风中心的北侧和东侧,东南气流的卷入以及维持时间长使暴雨增幅。台风"彩虹"登陆后高层高值MPV1扰动下传,低层MPV2> 0并增强,湿斜压性得以增强,有利于垂直涡度增长,使台风低压得以维持和发展;登陆后48~66 h 925 hPa层MPV1为负值,使对流不稳定能量及潜热能的释放,有利于暴雨的维持。而台风"威马逊"登陆后湿斜压性增强不明显。2个台风强降水中心大致位于925 hPa MPV1正负中心过渡带偏向负中心一侧;"威马逊"过程低层MPV1负值中心在正值中心的左侧,对应着西南季风的汇入区;而"彩虹"过程低层MPV1负值中心在正值中心的右侧,对应着冷空气和东南气流的汇合区。这是2个台风暴雨落区差异的成因之一。【结论】本研究得出的湿位涡诊断结果对台风暴雨落区预报具有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   

An assessment with assistance of DNA barcoding was conducted on green macroalgae in coastal zone around Qingdao,China, during the period of April-December, 2011. Three markers were applied in molecular discrimination, including the plastidelongation factor tufA gene, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal cistron and rubisco large subunit gene 3'regions (rbcL-3P). DNA barcoding discriminated 8 species, excluding species of genus Cladophora and Bryopsis due to failures inamplification. We ascertained and corrected 4 species identified by morphological methods for effectively assisting the classification.The gene tufA presented more advantages as an appropriate DNA marker with the strongest amplification success rate and speciesdiscrimination power than the other two genes. The poorest sequencing success largely handicapped the application of ITS. Samplesidentified by tufA and rbcL as Ulvaflexuosa were clustered into the clade of U. prolifera by ITS in the neighbor-joining tree. Confu-sion with discrimination of the complex of U. linza, U. procera and U. prolifera (as the LPP complex) still existed for the three DNAmarkers. Based on our results, rbcL is recommended as a preferred marker for assisting tufA to discriminate green macroalgae. Indistinguishing green-tide-forming Ulva species, the free-floating sample collected from the green tide in 2011 was proved to be iden-tical with U. prolifera in Yellow Sea for ITS and rbcL genes. This study presents a preliminary survey of green macroalgae distrib-uted in the coastal area around Qingdao, and proves that DNA barcoding is a powerful tool for taxonomy of green macroalgae.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of chemical oxygen demand(COD) and total nitrogen(TN) yield from Qingdao are studied by comparing pollutant yield amount, densities and spatial aggregation(Getis-Ord indexes) among the land-based pollutant source regions(PSRs) entering the three sub-seas(i.e. the Jiaozhou Bay(JZB), other coastal area in the Yellow Sea(OCAYS) and Laizhou Bay(LZB), respectively). Industrial composition of the loads are also studied by comparing pollutant yield among the sources of agriculture, rural domesticity, industry, urban domesticity and service, and calculation of Gini coefficient. Results show that spatial distribution of COD and TN yield from Qingdao are extremely unbalanced. The JZB, with less than 3% of the total coastal sea area of Qingdao, received 62% COD load and 65% TN yield from Qingdao, while the OCAYS, with more than 97% area, only received 23% COD and 20% TN, which consist with the much worsen water quality of JZB than that of OCAYS. On the other hand, the source apportionment of COD and TN loads in the PSRs entering JZB and the OCAYS was similar. The agricultural and domestic sources with high pollution intensity account for more than 80%, while the industrial and service sources with low pollution intensity account for less than 20%. While Gini coefficients, COD 0.81 and TN 0.84 which are much higher than the ‘imbalance' threshold of 0.4, show the uneven industrial structure of Qingdao. These results may be useful in the determination of land-based pollution total amount control at the PSR level.  相似文献   

This study is part of the endeavor to construct a comprehensive DNA barcoding database for common seaweeds in China. Identifications of red seaweeds, which have simple morphology and anatomy, are sometimes difficult solely depending on morphological characteristics. In recent years, DNA barcode technique has become a more and more effective tool to help solve some of the taxonomic difficulties. Some DNA markers such as COI (cytochrome oxidase subunitⅠ) are proposed as standardized DNA barcodes for all seaweed species. In this study, COI, UPA (universal plastid amplicon, domain V of 23S rRNA), and ITS (nuclear internal transcribed spacer) were employed to analyze common species of intertidal red seaweeds in Qingdao (119.3 -121 E, 35.35 -37.09 N). The applicability of using one or a few combined barcodes to identify red seaweed species was tested. The results indicated that COI is a sensitive marker at species level. However, not all the tested species gave PCR amplification products due to lack of the universal primers. The second barcode UPA had effective universal primers but needed to be tested for the effectiveness of resolving closely related species. More than one ITS sequence types were found in some species in this investigation, which might lead to confusion in further analysis. Therefore ITS sequence is not recommended as a universal barcode for seaweeds identification.  相似文献   

首先建立一维波动方程反演的数学模型,而后引入交错网格有限差分正演模拟,最后将遗传算法和交错网格差分正演结合,实现波动方程遗传算法的反演;针对数值模拟合成的单道记录,应用波动方程遗传算法反演分析各参数对反演结果的影响;采用工程实例验证反演的预报效果,比较前后两次预报相同里程段的波速值。结果显示,S波反演结果具有更好的一致性。  相似文献   

1IN TR O D U CTIO N Wetlandsprovidemany importantservicesto human societ,y butareatthesame timeecologicallsyensitiv andadaptivesystems.Thisexplainswhy inrecentyears much attentiohnasbeenpaidto theformulatioanndop- erationof sustainablmeanagement strategie…  相似文献   

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