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提高气象事业实力关键在人才,核心在于培养和造就一批学习能力强、实践能力强和创新能力强的复合型人才。当前,受气候变化影响,各种自然灾害频发,如何有效预防与应对气象灾害,减轻其造成的损失,以及加强气象防灾减灾工作等诸方面迫切需要复合型气象人才。通过利用多种气象培训资源开展规模化培训、交差学科培养、复合型青年人才开发、建立团队模块化培养、跨部门人才交流等体系建设,培养和造就适应气象现代化需要的复合型气象人才队伍,进而推进气象事业科学、全面、快速发展。  相似文献   

正本期在中国气象局人才交流中心支持下刊载一组在人才工作、培训需求、气象科普等方面的研究成果。这些成果主要围绕当前气象人才队伍建设中存在的突出问题,从不同方面进行了有益的思考和探索:一是气象人才准入,全面分析潜在气象人才资源状况、气象工作岗位特点,结合人才招聘需求,有针对性地提出招聘工作策略;二是气象人才选拔,探讨气象部门在深化人才评价机  相似文献   

实现气象事业更大发展,必须提高气象事业软实力,必须依靠科技、人才支持。充分发挥气象现代化效益,归根结底还是气象人才问题。只有惜才、爱才,为人才发展提供良好的环境,气象事业才能够长足发展。通过青海省气象部门人才队伍的现状分析和思考,提出了加强气象人才队伍建设的对策。  相似文献   

艰苦气象台站的管理问题是困扰基层艰苦地区气象事业发展的难点,基层艰苦台站工作好坏事关气象事业发展大局,没有基层现代化,就没有气象事业的现代化。加强基层基础工作,是推动气象事业发展方式转变,实施统筹集约发展的需求,也是建设"一流台站",推进现代气象业务向基层延伸的需要。本文结合沱沱河气象站实际,分析了当前沱沱河气象站现状、管理中存在的问题及面临的困难,并从提出了加强基层台站人才队伍建设的对策,优化基层台站人才成长环境,不断创造人才辈出的良好机制;强化以人为本理念,上下形成共同推进基层台站人才队伍建设和台站运行稳定的良好局面。  相似文献   

就贯彻落实“发展战略”、“业务技术体制改革”和“加强基层台站建设”等重要任务所存在的困难和问题,深入基层台站开展调研,初步认识到制约和影响基层气象事业发展的最主要矛盾是人才匮乏,最迫切需要解决的问题是人才队伍建设。从历史和现实、体制和机制、主观和客观等方面,分析存在困难和问题的原因。  相似文献   

人才是气象事业高质量发展的基础。气象部门高层次人才是指在气象部门从事专业技术工作,具备优良的素质,良好的职业道德和团队协作精神,有较高业务水平、科研水平,在推进气象事业发展中有较高贡献,起到示范和带动作用的科技型人才。加强气象部门高层次人才队伍建设,是气象事业高质量发展的迫切要求。对气象部门高层次人才发展趋势进行了分析,构建预测模型对未来5年气象部门高层次人才队伍发展进行了预测。  相似文献   

“人才强局”战略是中国气象局党组提出的“三大战略”之一。实现我国从气象大国向气象强国跨越的目标,关键靠一支支活跃在各级气象部门各方面能力都很强的人才队伍。人才能力主要体现在人才的学习能力、实践能力和创新能力三个方面。从各级气象部门人才队伍的现状来看,加强人才队伍能力建设,重点是加强管理人才的执政能力建设、科技服务人才队伍的创业能力建设和专业技术人才队伍的创新能力建设。为此,当前应着重做好三件事。  相似文献   

新形势下黄南州气象人才队伍建设的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大力开发人才资源,是实施人才强局战略,促进气象事业发展的保证。[1]根据黄南州气象部门为培养和开发一支数量充足、结构合理、素质优良的高技能气象人才队伍,推进气象事业的更好更快发展的要求,在对人才队伍建设深入调研的基础上,针对目前人才队伍现状和存在的问题,以科学发展观为指导,牢固树立和落实科学人才观,分析本部门人才需求,就人才队伍建设进行思考。  相似文献   

近年来,陕西省气象局围绕我国气象事业奋斗目标和省委、省政府加快陕西经济社会发展的战略构思,解放思想,与时俱进,认真贯彻人才发展指导方针,落实中国气象局《关于加强气象人才体系建设的意见》,牢固树立科学的发展观和科学的人才观,把实施人才强局战略,加强高层次人才队伍建设,培养一批优秀拔尖的科技人才,作为关系到陕西省气象事业改革与发展的一项非常紧迫的大事来抓。完善政策,优化结构,创新机制,积极改进人才培养、选拔和使用的方式,人才工作成效显著。本文总结陕西气象部门科技人才队伍建设主要经验和做法、取得的成效、存在的主要问题,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

7月26~28日,中国气象局副局长矫梅燕就贵州气象工作进行深入调研,并对取得的成绩给予充分肯定。矫梅燕说,近期以来贵州气象工作发展态势很好,一是以服务为引领的意识进一步加强。二是在气象业务建设发展方面,重视夯实业务基础,注重依托科技提高业务能力,如注重预报预测方法、系统建设等。三是事业发展十分协调,在重视气象现代化建设的同时,加强科技创新、争取科研项目、加强人才队伍建设等。  相似文献   

Young stakeholders are key actors in social-ecological systems, who have the capacity to be agents of sustainability transformation but are also at high risk of exclusion in the unfolding of global change challenges. Despite the focus of sustainability on future generations, there has been little research effort aimed at understanding young actors’ roles as biosphere stewards. In this work we investigate how young stakeholders perceive and participate in the implementation of sustainability objectives in 74 Biosphere Reserves of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme across 83 countries, through participatory group workshops, individual surveys and grey literature review. We explore to what extent youth perceptions are aligned or not with current understandings of Biosphere Reserves and how young stakeholders are acting in pursuit of Biosphere Reserve objectives. We find that young stakeholders have a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced by environmental governance, such as resilience and adaptation to global change and the governance challenges of implementing adaptive co-management and increasing stakeholder participation. We also show that young stakeholders can be active participants in a wide range of activities that contribute to achieving conservation and development goals in their territories. They are particularly concerned with youth participation within all levels of Biosphere Reserve functioning and with the creation of sustainable livelihood opportunities that will allow future generations to remain in their native territories. Our study provides evidence of the importance of young stakeholder knowledge and perspectives as central actors in conservation and development initiatives, like Biosphere Reserves, and of the need to increase young stakeholder integration and participation within environmental governance.  相似文献   

The science of climate change is full of uncertainty, but the greater vulnerability of poor countries to the impacts of climate change is one aspect that is widely acknowledged. This paper adapts Dryzek's ‘components’ approach to discourse analysis to explore the media construction of climate change and development in UK ‘quality’ newspapers between 1997 and 2007. Eight discourses are identified from more than 150 articles, based on the entities recognised, assumptions about natural relationships, agents and their motives, rhetorical devices and normative judgements. They show a wide range of opinions regarding the impacts of climate change on development and the appropriate action to be taken. Discourses concerned with likely severe impacts have dominated coverage in the Guardian and the Independent since 1997, and in all four papers since 2006. Previously discourses proposing that climate change was a low development priority had formed the coverage in the Times and the Telegraph. The classification of different discourses allows an inductive, nuanced analysis of the factors influencing representation of climate change and development issues; an analysis which highlights the role of key events, individual actors, newspaper ideology and wider social and political factors. Overall the findings demonstrate media perceptions of a rising sense of an impending catastrophe for the developing world that is defenceless without the help of the West, perpetuating to an extent views of the poor as victims.  相似文献   

我国沿海地区战略地位十分重要,并呈现“区域发展沿海化,沿海城市临海化”的趋势,但同时却面临着全球气候变化引起的海平面上升、极端气候灾害频发等诸多严峻挑战。为在战略层面解决我国向海发展的战略与全球气候变化的矛盾与冲突,文中提出了我国沿海城市应对气候变化的发展战略:确定了总体目标是建设适合我国国情的沿海气候弹性城市,提出了“规划引领、陆海统筹、主动适应、积极减排、适度冗余、增加弹性”的应对原则,明确了强化城市规划管控、控制空间发展方向、严控围填海造地、优化城市空间布局、提高规划设计标准、加强海岸防护设施、夯实城市基础设施和提升监测预警应急等8项重点任务。  相似文献   

Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) is an important component of the Paris Agreement. Inclusive decision making is essential to ensure REDD outcomes, but there is limited anecdotal and empirical evidence demonstrating that stakeholder participation in REDD+ decision making has improved over time. This paper presents an analysis of the Vietnamese government’s claim that stakeholder participation in REDD+ had been improved over the course of 2011–2019, specifically focusing on various actors’ perceptions of their level of interest, engagement and influence in REDD+ policy events. Findings show that the country’s legal framework on REDD+ demonstrated Vietnam’s political commitment to improve inclusive decision making, and initial effort was made to provide political space for actors to engage in REDD+ decision making. However, momentum has been lost over time. This suggests that understanding the political context, addressing underlying power dynamics in the existing government regime, building up coalitions for change among political elites and civil society, and fostering sustainable political will and commitment are all essential to ensuring inclusive REDD+ decision making in Vietnam.  相似文献   

How contested sources of energy such as shale gas are perceived in frontier countries considering their development is incredibly important to national and international climate policies. The UK shale development case is of particular interest currently as the Government attempts to position the UK as a pioneer of European, safe, sustainable shale gas development. We conduct a mixed-methods analysis of the UK policy debate on shale gas development involving 30 stakeholder interviews and 1557 political documents. This empirical focus extends the existing literature by identifying the use of frames in and through the institutions and practices of formal UK politics. We identify nine key frames and their associated storylines, analyse their use over time, and compare these findings with other national case studies. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given most UK Governments within our timeframe have supported shale development, pro-shale development frames dominate in the policy debate; however, we also find a high level of anti-shale development frame use, suggesting a deep and ongoing framing contest in national formal political sites. We find in particular a more prominent focus on land-use issues and impacts on the landscape than other UK studies or other national contexts. Conceptually, the study puts forward an integrative approach to the related concepts of frames and storylines, as well as arguments concerning the impotence of storylines in anticipatory political debate and the polyvalence of framing strategies. Questions about governance are raised by the general lack of consensus over the framing of shale development within formal political sites, let alone amongst the broader public; and by the lack of a coherent response from the Government to criticisms of its approach. Finally, we reflect on the apparent lack of evidence for Hajer’s ‘communicative miracle’ in our case, and speculate as to whether the lack of broad-based resonance of the ‘bridge’ storyline signals trouble for the positive-sum thinking of ecological modernisation.  相似文献   

Many factors can conspire to limit the scope for policy development at the national level. In this paper, we consider whether blockages in national policy processes − resulting for example from austerity or small state political philosophies − might be overcome by the development of more polycentric governance arrangements. Drawing on evidence from three stakeholder workshops and fifteen interviews, we address this question by exploring the United Kingdom’s recent retrenchment in the area of climate change policy, and the ways in which its policy community have responded. We identify two broad strategies based on polycentric principles: ‘working with gatekeepers’ to unlock political capital and ‘collaborate to innovate’ to develop policy outputs. We then empirically examine the advantages that these actions bring, analysing coordination across overlapping sites of authority, such as those associated with international regimes, devolved administrations and civic and private initiatives that operate in conjunction with, and sometimes independently of, the state. Despite constraining political and economic factors, which are by no means unique to the UK, we find that a polycentric climate policy network can create opportunities for overcoming central government blockages. However, we also argue that the ambiguous role of the state in empowering but also in constraining such a network will determine whether a polycentric approach to climate policy and governance is genuinely additional and innovative, or whether it is merely a temporary ‘sticking plaster’ for the retreat of the state and policy retrenchment during austere times.  相似文献   

This article reviews Fuqing ZHANG’s contributions to mesoscale atmospheric science,from research to mentoring to academic service,over his 20-year career.His fundamental scientific contributions on predictability,data assimilation,and dynamics of high impact weather,especially gravity waves and tropical cyclones,are highlighted.His extremely generous efforts to efficiently transmit to the community new scientific knowledge and ideas through mentoring,interacting,workshop organizing,and reviewing are summarized.Special appreciation is given to his tremendous contributions to the development of mesoscale meteorology in China and the education of Chinese graduate students and young scientists.  相似文献   

通过对中国气象频道本地发展现状和全国各地气象频道发展现状进行分析,提出中国气象频道本地发展策略:通过积极争取政府及相关部门支持广西应急气象频道的建设,建立部门联动的合作机制;推进业务服务体系建设,提升频道综合业务能力;完善广西应急气象频道节目体系,切实提升服务水平;建立健全系统业务流程,大力推进人才体系建设,从而把广西应急频道打造成为综合防灾减灾频道。  相似文献   


Mitigating climate change is often framed as the ultimate collective action problem of this era and great emphasis is made on the need for approaches that foster ‘cooperation’ and ‘consensus’. This paper argues that the irony of this rhetoric could not be more stark; climate policy framing is an exclusionary process, and climate mitigating interventions that are engineered essentially to address neoliberal economic concerns rather than environmental challenges are often the source of multiple new conflicts. In this regard, this paper shows how the response of local non governmental organisations (NGOs) to hydropower development in the Darjeeling region of West Bengal in the Eastern Himalayas bears evidence to Gramscian analyses of ‘the manufacture of consent’ between elite bourgeois actors – the state, formal civil society, political parties and the private sector. Such ‘associational’ unions are only occasionally interrupted, as in the case of the people’s movement, Affected Citizens of Teesta (ACT) in North Sikkim. Finding a balance between resistance and enabling political space to think and act differently, the movement led to the cancellation of several hydropower projects put forward in the name of climate mitigation, and in the process, drew attention to political processes involved in the manufacture of consent. Using case studies from the Darjeeling and Sikkim regions, this paper distinguishes between Gramsci’s vision of the political space of disruption vis-à-vis the covert agenda of climate consensus.

Key policy insights
  • A politics of consensus in relation to climate change is an outcome of, and in turn reiterates, a narrowing of distance between the state and civil society.

  • Including civil society in climate policy decision making and implementation is considered positive and inclusive, however, it is important to note that civil society is not always and everywhere inclusive and transformative.

  • Both at global and national levels, it is claimed that climate change interventions happen in an overall framework of participatory, inclusive environmental governance; in relation to hydropower development, we note that this is hardly the practice on the ground.


Individual action and support for policy to tackle climate change have been linked to perceptions of political and scientific controversy and consensus concerning the issue. Recent media effects research indicates that presentation of agreement or conflict between actors’ opinions influences how audiences respond to news about climate change and policy. While some national case studies have investigated portrayals of actors’ positions on important questions regarding climate change in the media, they are largely absent from comparative research. This study addresses this gap by analysing portrayals of actor-issue-positions and the emerging patterns of controversy and consensus in German, Canadian, and US coverage. Studying a sample of occurrences of climate change-related issues (N = 902) in-depth, the results show German media present political consensus about the need to limit emissions and societal controversy about the efficacy of specific mitigation measures. Presenting mainly consensus, Canadian media report more on climate change’s impact, leaving aside the issue of efficacy. In the US, media emphasise political controversy — about the need to limit emissions and occasionally about climate change’s impact on humans. The findings, consistent with other recent publications, can best be explained by journalists selectively indexing of seemingly relevant actor-issue-positions.  相似文献   

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