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Huang  Ling  Wan  Qilin  Liu  Chunxia  Huang  Huijun 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2020,34(2):353-367

Super Typhoon Mangkhut (2018) was the most high-impact typhoon in 2018 because of its long lifespan and significant intensity. The operational track forecasts in the short-to-medium range (deterministic and probabilistic forecast) showed a great uncertainty and the forecast landing points varied with different lead times. This study applied ensembles of high-resolution ECMWF forecasts to investigate the major factors and mechanisms of the bias production of the Mangkhut forecast track. The ensembles with the largest track bias were analyzed to examine the possible bias associated factors. The results suggested that environmental steering flows were the main cause for the erroneous southward track error with a variance contribution of 72%. The tropical cyclone (TC) size difference and the interaction of the TC with the subtropical high (SH) were other two key factors that contributed to the track error. Particularly, larger TCs may have led to a stronger erosion of the southern part of the SH, and thus induced significant changes in the large-scale environment and eventually resulted in an additional northward movement of TC.


Using lightning observations from the Fengyun-4A Lightning Mapping Imager(FY-4A LMI),best-track data from the Shanghai Typhoon Institute,bright temperature(TBB)data from Himawari-8 satellite,and composite reflectivity(CR)data from the South China radar network,we investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of lightning activity and convective evolution during the landfall of Super Typhoon Mangkhut,the strongest landing typhoon in China in2018.Three stages of active total lightning are observed,and differences of lightning characteristics between the inner core and the outer rainbands are present.The onset of inner-core lightning outbreak is about 4 h ahead of the maximum intensity of the storm,providing indicative information on the change of typhoon intensity.Lightning rates in the outer rainbands increase rapidly 12 h before the landfall,and lightning activity is mainly confined in the outer rainbands after the landfall.A good correlation in hourly variation is shown between lightning rates from the LMI and TBBs from the satellite.The averaged TBB within the inner core reaches its minimum(–80℃)when the innercore lightning outbreak occurs,indicating the occurrence and enhancement of deep convection there.Lightning locations observed by the LMI has a good spatial correspondence with regions of low TBBs and high CRs,revealing the monitoring capability of the LMI to lightning activity and deep convection in landing typhoons.Comparisons between the World Wide Lightning Location Network(WWLLN)and the LMI reveal that the spatial distribution,temporal evolution,and radial pattern of lightning activity in Mangkhut observed by the two systems are consistent.Furthermore,due to the detection capability of total lightning,the LMI has advantages in revealing the higher ratio of intra-cloud lightning within the inner core in typhoon.The continuous and real-time observation ofFY-4ALMI provides an unprecedented platform for monitoring total lightning and deep convection in landing typhoons in China,which will promote the generation of new research and applications in the future.  相似文献   

In the traditional incremental analysis update(IAU) process, all analysis increments are treated as constant forcing in a model’s prognostic equations over a certain time window. This approach effectively reduces high-frequency oscillations introduced by data assimilation. However, as different scales of increments have unique evolutionary speeds and life histories in a numerical model, the traditional IAU scheme cannot fully meet the requirements of short-term forecasting for the damping of hig...  相似文献   

超强台风“天鹅”(2015)路径突变过程机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用中国气象局的最佳台风路径数据和美国国家环境预报中心1°×1°每6 h再分析资料作为研究工作的基本场,运用了分部位涡反演方法探讨影响2015年第15号超强台风“天鹅”路径突变的物理机制,得到以下结论:(1)就天气系统而言,“天鹅”整个移动过程中都受到周围环境场及引导气流的影响,主要的影响系统包括西北太平洋副热带高压、季风涡旋、邻近台风“艾莎尼”及台风外围反气旋;(2)定量分析了与各影响系统扰动位涡相关的引导气流矢量,发现整个过程中超强台风“天鹅”的移动始终受西北太平洋副热带高压的影响,其次是来自季风涡旋及台风外围反气旋的贡献,而当“天鹅”有向北转向趋势时,与外围反气旋相关的东北向引导气流导致了台风的路径北折;(3)进一步定量分析了总扰动位涡在不同高度层上相关引导气流的贡献,结果表明在垂直方向上对流层中层系统的引导气流矢量与“天鹅”的移动最为吻合,而形成于低层系统的偏南风气流与“天鹅”向北突然转向有着密切的联系,并在转向后逐渐向中高层发展增强。  相似文献   

1109号超强台风“梅花”预报误差分析及思考   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
针对2011年第9号超强台风"梅花"的预报服务,中央气象台在其路径、强度和降雨预报方面均出现了一定偏差,在一定程度上造成了预报服务的被动。本文利用常规及非常规气象资料、业务数值预报模式、NCEP再分析资料(1°×1°)以及国家气象中心海气耦合模式对"梅花"的预报偏差进行了初步分析,结果发现:(1)"梅花"路径预报偏差的主要原因是乐观地估计了日本附近副热带高压向黄海的西进,而西风槽和双台风对"梅花"北上具有重要影响,"梅花"东侧的1110号台风"苗柏"东北行则对副热带高压南落具有一定指示意义;(2)当数值预报存在较大分歧时,如何更好地发挥集合/集成预报的作用,是进一步提高台风路径预报准确率的关键;(3)"梅花"强度预报偏差的主要原因是仅片面考虑了海温的影响,而忽视了干空气卷入和环境风垂直切变对台风强度变化的影响;(4)"梅花"降雨预报的偏差除了受"梅花"路径和强度预报的偏差影响外,还与业务预报中对"梅花"干台风特征的估计不足以及中低纬系统相互作用弱有关。  相似文献   

Super Typhoon Haiyan was the most notable typhoon in 2013. In this study, results from the operational prediction of Haiyan by a tropical regional typhoon model for the South China Sea are analyzed. It is shown that the model has successfully reproduced Haiyan’s rapid passage through the Philippines and its northward deflection after its second landfall in Vietnam. However, the predicted intensity of Haiyan is weaker than the observed. An analysis of higher-resolution model simulations indicates that the storm is characterized by an upper-level warm core during its mature stage and a deep layer of easterly flow. Sensitivity experiments are conducted to study the impact of certain physical processes such as the interaction between stratus and cumulus clouds on the improvement of the typhoon intensity forecast. It is found that appropriate boundary layer and cumulus convective parameterizations, and orographic gravity-wave parameterization, as well as improved initial conditions and increased horizontal grid resolution, all help to improve the intensity forecast of Haiyan.  相似文献   

Diagnostics are presented from an ensemble of high-resolution forecasts that differed markedly in their predictions of the rapid intensification(RI) of Typhoon Rammasun. We show that the basic difference stems from subtle differences in initializations of(a) 500-850-h Pa environmental winds, and(b) midlevel moisture and ventilation. We then describe how these differences impact on the evolving convective organization, storm structure, and the timing of RI. As expected,ascent, diabatic heating an...  相似文献   

台风"莫拉克"路径诊断分析和模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建海  黄汉中  何勇 《气象科技》2011,39(2):182-189
利用客观分析资料和数值模拟方法分析了0908号台风"莫拉克"穿越台湾岛前后在路径上出现的北翘、西折现象以及进入台湾海峡后移动异常缓慢的原因.结果表明:①台风靠近台湾岛后西太平洋副高减弱东撤,引导气流明显减弱,台风减速;台风进入台湾海峡后,北侧高压带的断裂和随后的重新连接加强是其路径偏北转向和移动缓慢的主因.②"莫拉克"...  相似文献   

主要利用常规气象资料和NCEP 1° ×1°再分析资料,对2018年22号超强台风Mangkhut在江西引发的飑线天气过程进行分析.结果表明:飑线在台风和副热带高压间的湿区生成,台风为此次飑线提供了有利条件.台风外围的低空急流输送充沛水汽,较强的对流有效位能和持久的地面辐合线使得初始离散对流单体组织发展成为台风飑线,而较强的低空垂直风切变为飑线的进一步发展提供了动力条件.江西省中南部中层入流环境及地面冷池等有利于雷暴大风的生成,江西省北部深厚的湿层和强烈的垂直上升运动等利于短时暴雨的发生.  相似文献   

利用数值模拟结果,该研究探讨了超级台风‘玛莉亚’的对流爆发(CBs)特征及与快速加强(RI)的关系。发现,(1)切变相对象限的内核CBs表现为由顺切变到逆切变的气旋式旋转,这有利于台风快速加强;(2)CBs的突然增长为即将到来的RI提供了预示性特征信号,同时,台风玛莉亚的RI过程引发剧烈的深对流;(3)自对流层底向上的对流增长角度分析,发现对流爆发与边界层高对流有效位能,次级环流的向上深层发展,增强的动量通量辐合等有关。  相似文献   

我国台风路径业务预报误差及成因分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
余锦华  唐家翔  戴雨菡  虞本颖 《气象》2012,38(6):695-700
利用2005 2009年中国气象局(CMA)提供的西北太平洋(包括南海)台风路径业务预报资料,比较了各类型台风路径、台风登陆位置及登陆时间的预报误差,登陆台风不同阶段以及华东登陆和华南登陆台风的路径预报误差。结果表明:CMA在2005 2009年的路径预报水平与1999 2003年的相比有了显著提高。平均南海台风预报误差大于西北太平洋。异常路径台风主要出现于南海,三个预报时效(24、48和72 h)异常路径的预报误差平均都小于正常路径。将登陆台风分为远海、登陆期间和登陆后三个阶段,显示登陆期间台风预报误差最大,同一阶段华南登陆台风的预报误差大于华东登陆台风。台风登陆位置在24、48和72 h预报时效的平均预报误差分别为71.1、122.6和210.6 km,48和72 h台风实际登陆时间有70%早于预报时间,平均分别提早8和12 h。比较大尺度引导气流与台风移动的偏差及24 h路径预报误差,得到南海三种典型登陆台风路径的大尺度引导气流与台风移动的偏差及其与路径预报误差的关系不一样,即误差成因不同。南海倒抛物线型的大尺度引导气流与台风移动的偏差最大,其预报误差最小;西一西北型的大尺度引导气流与台风移动的偏差最小,其预报误差最大,可能与大尺度环流预报准确性差有关。登陆华东的预报误差小于登陆华南台风的预报误差,这与台风登陆华南时其大尺度引导气流和台风移动的偏差大于登陆华东的台风有关。  相似文献   

0709号超强台风圣帕(Sepat)的闪电活动特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
潘伦湘  郄秀书 《大气科学》2010,34(6):1088-1098
利用全球闪电定位网 (WWLLN) 获取的闪电定位资料和中国气象局 (CMA) 提供的台风定位资料, 分析了2007年第9号超强台风圣帕的闪电时空演变特征。分析结果表明: 在热带低压至强热带风暴时期, 台风中心闪电活动频繁, 外围闪电少; 台风成熟时期, 呈现明显的三圈结构; 减弱消散时期, 中心闪电骤减, 几乎为零, 外围闪电密度远远超过中心闪电密度。眼壁闪电和台风总闪电存在阶段性变化。在台风中心最大风速急剧增大的阶段, 眼壁上的闪电两次爆发, 而在第二次眼壁闪电爆发后的两个小时, 中心风速达到最大值, 表明闪电活动有可能对台风增强有指示意义。台风眼壁置换是台风强度发生变化的一个转折点, 也是台风闪电活动发生变化的一个转折点, 从台风眼壁置换开始, 眼壁上闪电数接近于零。闪电次数跟云顶亮温存在显著性相关。结合热带测雨计划任务卫星 (TRMM) 上装载的闪电成像仪 (LIS) 和微波辐射计 (TMI) 资料, 进一步对比分析了台风闪电与强对流区域的关系, 发现闪电易发生在修正极化亮温低于225 K的深对流系统中, 但并不是所有的深对流中都能探测到闪电的发生。WWLLN和LIS探测到闪电发生区域基本一致。  相似文献   

2018年9月17日台风山竹(1822)外围螺旋雨带中发生EF2级龙卷。在高湿度、高不稳定、强垂直风切变的环流背景下,龙卷在台风外围雨带上微型超级单体右后侧钩状回波顶端的弱回波区中发展起来。具有高时空分辨率的广州X波段双极化相控阵雷达,不仅观测到超级单体的发展过程,还呈现出龙卷涡旋演变特征:单体风暴尾端在右后方入流加强作用下,逐渐形成钩状回波形态,此时对流层中低层2~3 km高度附近的中气旋强度率先达到最大,随着旋转强度进一步加强和旋转中心高度逐步下降,低层强旋转特征越来越明显,当低层旋转速度达到峰值(超过21 m·s-1),旋转直径收缩到1 km范围,地面出现EF2级以上龙卷,旋转速度对区域出现清晰的弱回波龙卷眼区特征。X波段双极化相控阵雷达在龙卷观测中优势显著,弥补了多普勒天气雷达观测的不足。  相似文献   

利用NCEP的全球数据同化系统(GDAS)1°×1°分析资料、CIMSS微波亮温资料等,对0606号台风派比安的异常移动路径特征作了诊断分析。结果表明:"派比安"出现的两次异常北抬路径与中纬度西风槽活动、热带西南季风、副热带高压以及热带气旋结构影响密切相关,西风槽槽后经向风活动和台风最大风速中心轴向对台风未来移向有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

0116号台风异常移动路径分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
项续康  陆文杰  刘征 《气象》2003,29(5):34-36
0116号台风(百合)生成地点偏北,维持时间较长,移动路径异常。影响移动路径的因素很多,有引导气流、双台风和高空冷涡等。作者主要利用GMS IR卫星云图,结合常规资料对0l16号台风的异常移动路径进行分析。  相似文献   

0801号台风“浣熊”的路径和强度特征分析   总被引:3,自引:11,他引:3  
利用一天四次的NECP格点再分析资料对台风的移动路径、强度突变进行分析。结果表明:台风"浣熊"的移动路径与副高位置的演变有关,而西风槽、脊的进退直接影响副高的演变。因此,副热带高压与西风槽、脊的相互作用是台风"浣熊"路径在北纬20度从西北偏北转向东北的原因;弱冷空气、东亚大槽槽前正涡度平流所产生的强辐散场是强度突变的重要原因;除此之外,越赤道气流与副热带高压的共同作用,不仅对台风"浣熊"强度突变有作用,同时也是其路径在南海从西北偏西转向西北偏北的原因。  相似文献   

In this paper, firstly, the bias between observed radiances from the Advanced TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounder (ATOVS) and those simulated from a model first-guess are corrected. After bias correction, the observed minus calculated (O-B) radiances of most channels were reduced closer to zero, with peak values in each channel shifted towards zero, and the distribution of O-B closer to a Gaussian distribution than without bias correction. Secondly, ATOVS radiance data with and without bias correction are assimilated directly with an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) data assimilation system, which are then adopted as the initial fields in the forecast model T106L19 to simulate Typhoon Prapiroon (2006) during the period 2-4 August 2006. The prediction results show that the assimilation of ATOVS radiance data with bias correction has a significant and positive impact upon the prediction of the typhoon’s track and intensity, although the results are not perfect.  相似文献   

This study explored the impact of coastal radar observability on the forecast of the track and rainfall of Typhoon Morakot(2009)using a WRF-based ensemble Kalman filter(EnKF)data assimilation(DA)system.The results showed that the performance of radar EnKF DA was quite sensitive to the number of radars being assimilated and the DA timing relative to the landfall of the tropical cyclone(TC).It was found that assimilating radial velocity(Vr)data from all the four operational radars during the 6 h immediately before TC landfall was quite important for the track and rainfall forecasts after the TC made landfall.The TC track forecast error could be decreased by about 43% and the 24-h rainfall forecast skill could be almost tripled.Assimilating Vr data from a single radar outperformed the experiment without DA, though with less improvement compared to the multiple-radar DA experiment.Different forecast performances were obtained by assimilating different radars, which was closely related to the first-time wind analysis increment, the location of moisture transport, the quasi-stationary rainband, and the local convergence line.However, only assimilating Vr data when the TC was farther away from making landfall might worsen TC track and rainfall forecasts.Besides, this work also demonstrated that Vr data from multiple radars, instead of a single radar, should be used for verification to obtain a more reliable assessment of the EnKF performance.  相似文献   

基于集合Kalman滤波数据同化的热带气旋路径集合预报研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
构建了一个基于集合Kalman滤波数据同化的热带气旋集合预报系统,通过积云参数化方案和边界层参数化方案的9个不同组合,采用MM5模式进行了不同时间的短时预报。对预报结果使用“镜像法”得到18个初始成员,为同化提供初始背景集合。将人造台风作为观测场,同化后的结果作为集合预报的初值,通过不同参数组合的MM5模式进行集合预报。对2003~2004年16个台风个例的分析表明,初始成员产生方法能够对热带气旋的要素场、中心强度和位置进行合理扰动。同化结果使台风强度得到加强,结构更接近实际。基于同化的集合路径预报结果要优于未同化的集合预报。使用“镜像法”增加集合成员提高了预报准确度,路径预报误差在48小时和72小时分别低于200 km和250 km。  相似文献   

As a follow-up of a previously published article on the contribution of tropical waves, this study explores the evolution of the mid-tropospheric mesoscale cyclonic vortex(MV) during the formation of Typhoon Megi(2010) with a successful cloud-resolving simulation. It is found that the formation and intensification of the MV were related to the deep convection and subsequent stratiform precipitation, while the weakening of the MV was related to the shallow convection. Both the upward transport of...  相似文献   

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