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黄海区虾拖网网囊网目选择性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在黄海区的山东近海,采用套网法对网目尺寸为30,33和40 mm的虾拖网网囊进行了选择性试验。使用Lo-gistic曲线作为选择性模型,求得不同网目尺寸的网囊对鹰爪虾(Trachypenaeus curvirostris)的体长选择性曲线,并运用极大似然法对渔获数据进行处理,同时估算选择性参数。结果表明,在网目尺寸为30,33和40 mm时主捕虾类鹰爪虾的选择体长L50分别为59.8,60.1和63.2 mm,选择范围SR分别为14.4,16.0和22.9 mm,选择性参数随网目尺寸的增加呈线性增大。鹰爪虾的选择体长L50与网囊网目尺寸m的线性回归方程为L50=0.353m+48.944,R2=0.956。根据试验结果并结合历史资料,认为目前33 mm的网囊网目尺寸对于保护鹰爪虾类资源是比较合适的。  相似文献   

裤式拖网法是渔具选择性研究方法之一 ,其网形和校核试验于 2 0 0 2年 1月在挪威特鲁姆瑟海湾进行。在 1 1 5~ 2 70 m的水深范围内 ,测量的裤式拖网网口的水平扩张平均为 (2 3.2 7± 0 .2 6) m,网口高度为 (6.53± 0 .1 2 ) m;右网囊对左网囊的虾渔获物重量之比为 1 .0 0± 0 .0 4 ,右网囊对左网囊的渔获物尾数之比为 1 .0 8± 0 .0 9,渔获物种类及体长频率分布相似 ,基本符合用裤式拖网法进行选择性研究的要求  相似文献   

为支撑《全国海洋捕捞准用渔具目录》的实施与管理,本文利用套网法在黄海区海州湾海域开展了黄海双船变水层疏目拖网网囊选择性研究。在分析渔获的基础上,运用相对重要性指数(IRI)、Logistic模型等分析方法,获得了双船变水层疏目拖网渔获物种类组成、优势种和主要渔获物竹荚鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)和带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)的选择性曲线。研究显示,随着网囊网目尺寸的增加,渔获物质量和逃逸率均逐渐增加;竹荚鱼、小黄鱼和带鱼的50%选择体长(L_(0.5))逐渐增大,且L_(0.5)与网囊网目尺寸呈线性关系;双船变水层疏目拖网网囊最小网目尺寸按照底拖网54 mm网目尺寸标准执行偏小。根据试验结果,结合小黄鱼、竹荚鱼和带鱼最小可捕规格,变水层疏目拖网网囊最佳网目尺寸分别为65.78、78.82和67.36 mm。在目前渔业资源状况下,为保护小黄鱼等中小型经济鱼类,建议将双船变水层疏目拖网网囊最小网目尺寸(网目内径)设定为66 mm。研究结果可为我国近海捕捞渔具管理以及渔业资源的可持续发展提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

为了分析黄海区虾拖网网囊网目对副渔获物的选择性,运用套网法对30,33,40 mm 3种网目尺寸的网囊进行了选择性试验。用统计学方法求得几种优势副渔物的逃逸率,并用极大似然法对渔获数据进行处理求得相关的选择性参数。结果表明,大部分副渔获物的逃逸率随着网囊网目尺寸的增大而增大,在网目尺寸为30,33,40 mm时矛尾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)的逃逸率分别为48.3%,59.7%和62.6%;细巧仿对虾(Parapenaeopsis tenella)的逃逸率分别为67.0%,68.2%,68.7%。矛尾虎鱼的选择性参数也随着网目尺寸的增大而增大,在网目尺寸为30,33,40 mm时,矛尾虎鱼的50%选择体长L50分别为81.858,86.715和88.028 mm,选择范围SR分别为41.097,45.007和50.423 mm。研究表明,单靠放大网囊网目尺寸来释放虾拖网中副渔获物,效果不甚理想。  相似文献   

南海区虾拖网方目与菱目混合网囊渔获性能初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虾拖网是南海区常见的作业方式,由于其网囊网目选择性差,虾拖网作业常产生大量的副渔获物。为了优化虾拖网网囊结构,提高其选择性,2015年8月在南海北部渔场用方形网目与菱形网目混合网囊进行试验。结果表明:虾拖网的渔获种类有34种;渔获种类中,康氏小公鱼(Anchoviella commersoni)、黑尾吻鳗(Rhynchoconger ectenurus)、中线天竺鲷(Apogon kiensis)和杂食豆齿鳗(Pisoodonophis boro)的尾数逃逸率均超过80%;周氏新对虾(Metapenaeus joyneri)和刀额新对虾(Metapenaeus affinis的尾数逃逸率最低,仅为6.18%和2.07%;周氏新对虾和刀额新对虾的50%选择体长(L50)分别为50.79 mm和53.858 mm;脊突猛虾姑(Harpiosquilla raphidea)的L50为62.51 mm;丽叶鲹(Caranx kalla)、中华青鳞鱼(Harengula nymphaea)、中线天竺鲷(Apogon kiensis)、赤鼻棱鳀(Thrissa kammalensis)和黄斑蓝子鱼(Siganus oramin)的L50分别为53.77、78.87、47.17、60.92和60.55 mm;混合网囊对鱼类副渔获的释放率较高,但对幼虾的释放率较低。建议今后放大网囊菱目段的网目尺寸进行相应的试验,提高混合网囊对目标种类的L50值,使其在释放鱼类副渔获物的同时释放幼虾,达到渔业资源的合理利用。  相似文献   

The sampling efficiency of two types of beam trawl towed at different velocities was compared when sampling deep-sea demersal fish and decapod crustaceans. The trawls were a Sigsbee-Agassiz type of 2 m span, and an Oregon type of 3 m span. The different hauls caught by the Oregon type beam trawl of 3 m span towed at 1.5 knot (3m 1.5 kt), the Oregon type towed at 0.8 knot (3m 0.8 kt) and the Sigsbee-Agassiz type towed at 1.5 knot (2m 1.5 kt) were compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA), the Tukey test, cluster analysis based on Morisita-Horn index, and correspondence analysis. The minimum viable sample size was determined by a randomization test. For demersal fish, the type of gear used had more influenced on the samples obtained than the towing velocity. For decapod crustaceans, no significant difference was detected between different trawls towed at different velocities. The common idea that if these types of trawl are towed at 1 knot or more, they cannot efficiently sample epifauna, but demersal fish can be well sampled, should be abandoned. The samples of demersal fish caught by 3m 1.5 kt revealed the greatest consistency and lowest variation than the others. We recommend using an Oregon type beam trawl of 3 m span towed at 1.5 knot as an ordinary deep-sea sampling device. Only a single successful haul or a sample size of 52 individuals was sufficient for estimating demersal fish diversity, but at least two successful hauls or a sample size of 54 individuals were needed for decapod crustaceans. If possible, seven successful hauls or a sample size of 189 individuals of decapod crustaceans are recommended for community study. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

为了探明南海北部虾拖网副渔获的种类组成、优势种类和幼鱼比例等情况,2012年8月1~5日作者于湛江近海进行了虾拖网副渔获调查。结果表明:湛江近海虾拖网副渔获种类极多,副渔获物与虾类的质量比为3.9:1;副渔获物的主要种类为蟹类和鱼类;蟹类副渔获物的优势种类分别为红星梭子蟹(Portunus sanguinolentus)、三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)和远海梭子蟹(Portunus pelagicus),其相对重要性(IRI)分别为7558.72、6540.72和2826.41;鱼类优势副渔获物的种类分别为褐斑三线舌鳎(Cynoglossus trigrammus)、少鳞鱚(Sillago japonica)、多齿蛇鲻(Saurida tumbil)和六带石斑鱼(Epinephelus sexfasciatus),其IRI分别为3158.94、1755.57、1294.44和1058.46;副渔获物的幼鱼比极高。最后,作者结合相关研究,对如何从技术层面解决南海区虾拖网严重的副渔获问题进行了探讨,以促进南海区虾拖网渔业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Modeling of long-wavelength gravity anomaly is crucial for bathymetry inversion with a gravity-geologic method. We propose a new method, named as iGGM, to approximate the long-wavelength gravity anomalies by using a finite element method based on an adaptive triangular mesh which is constructed by uneven control points. The mesh size is suitably controlled to ensure that there are several control points in each grid. By using iGGM, the bathymetry in the South China Sea (Test Area #1: 112°E–119°E, 12°N–20°N) and East China Sea (Test Area #2: 125°E–130°E, 25°N–30°N) is estimated. The performance of the method was evaluated by comparing the predictions with Earth topographical database 1 (ETOPO1) model and shipborne depths in the test points. Results show that the depths derived by iGGM have a strong correlation with the shipborne depths. In the test points, the mean values of their differences are smaller than 10 m. The standard deviations of their differences are smaller than 120 m and their correlation is stronger than 0.98. Meanwhile, the results provided by the iGGM model are comparable with that obtained by the ETOPO1 model, e.g., the differences between iGGM and ETOPO1 models in test points for Test Areas 1 and 2 are 116 and 70 m in standard deviation, respectively.  相似文献   

基于时差法原理设计了超声测风系统,并对该系统在空气中传播的超声声场进行了深入分析.阐明了在海洋环境监测中,风矢量对超声波声传播特性和超声测风系统声场的影响,分析了其与系统的最大量程、测量精度和分辨率等主要性能指标的关系,该研究结果为提高超声测风系统性能指标设计的准确性和科学性提供了依据.  相似文献   

基于多体动力分析方法进行FPSO和水下软钢臂系泊系统的运动特性研究。相较于非线性弹簧模拟软钢臂系泊系统或者其他近似模拟方法,多体分析方法可以充分考虑系泊系统具体结构形式及其动力项对FPSO运动性能的影响,更好的预报系统运动响应和系泊力。本文将FPSO和水下钢臂结构模拟成2个具有6自由度的独立结构,两者用系泊链组进行连接。基于三维势流理论应用汇源分布法,首先在频域内进行FPSO的水动力参数分析,进而在时域内对系统进行耦合动力分析。本文重点讨论系泊系统黏性力和二阶波浪力对系统响应的影响,计算结果发现系泊系统黏性力对系泊力有一定影响,而在浅水条件下二阶波浪力的计算对准确预报系统运动及系泊力非常重要。  相似文献   

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