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电影不仅是作为一种艺术品,同时也是作为一种商品存在,而电影片名就好比是电影的一件外衣,因此,确切地翻译电影片名非常重要。电影片名的翻译技巧有很多,同时影响电影片名的翻译的因素也有很多。因此.在翻译电影片名时要从各方面因素考虑,从而选择恰当的翻译技巧.使得译名不仅能够从意义上忠实于源名。涵盖电影的内容,同时在形式上做到简练并具有吸引力。  相似文献   

电影不仅是作为一种艺术品,同时也是作为一种商品存在,而电影片名就好比是电影的一件外衣,因此,确切地翻译电影片名非常重要。电影片名的翻译技巧有很多,同时影响电影片名的翻译的因素也有很多。因此,在翻译电影片名时要从各方面因素考虑,从而选择恰当的翻译技巧,使得译名不仅能够从意义上忠实于源名,涵盖电影的内容,同时在形式上做到简练并具有吸引力。  相似文献   

在群舞创作中,舞蹈构图就是舞蹈演员与整个舞台空间的静止画面,"静止"是舞蹈构图的表现形式,"流动"是舞蹈调度的表现形式,作为舞蹈构图与构图的必要连接,在营造舞蹈情境和增强形式美上起到了补充作用。舞蹈调度是变换舞蹈构图的一种过程,舞蹈构图是调度过程的某一个停顿和结果。二者相辅相成,不断进行连接和变化,为表现舞蹈作品的主题,交代环境情节和塑造舞蹈形象而发挥其特有的作用。  相似文献   

大陆架划界一直存在"等距离划界"与"公平划界"之争,"等距离划界"规定在《大陆架公约》中,"公平划界"是《联合国海洋法公约》中有关大陆架划界的适用原则。基于国际法上条约效力的相对性,中日东海大陆架划界只能以公平划界原则作为划界的法律依据。在划界过程中,要正确区分划界的法律原则与划界方法的性质,将大陆架划界中涉及的自然延伸、公平划界、等距离划界分别纳入定义、法律原则和技术方法三个层面予以定性考察,从而揭示日本意欲将"等距离划界"方法上升至国际法层面的真实目的。  相似文献   

The building of Shuikou Hydropower Station in the Minjiang River is the largest one in the region of east China. Its install capacity is 1.4 million kw., and its generated energy of planning is 4.95 billion kwh each year. In accordance with a comprehensive survey of the valley of the middle-lower reaches of the Minjiang River and the characteristic of hydrography and in association with the specific type of the hydrography station, we can be sure that no harm will be done to the ecological environment when a hydropower station is built at Shuikou. Not only the deposition of silt within the reservoir must not be very serious, it is also more favorable than before for the irrigation of farmland on plains in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River and inland navigation.In addition, after the completion of the power station, the ecological environment will be the same as before both at the Minjiang River estuary and beyond it.  相似文献   

中华文化素有突出的"尚水"传统,但以百川所宗的大海及其相关元素作为抒写对象的中国古代海洋文学,却一方面作品数量繁富,另一方面又在中国古代文学史上相对边缘地默守一隅,掩而未彰,从而呈现出在中华文明内陆文化精神主导下的独特性。对中国传统海洋文学全面系统的考察,需与内陆"河流文学"这一海洋文学的"亚形态"相关联,大力推进对基础文献的爬梳与整理,最终在对传统海洋文学的专题研究、综合研究等多维省察中打破现有的边缘化研究格局,并努力构建富有民族特色的中国型海洋美学。  相似文献   

随着农村土地整治事业的快速发展,农村土地整治项目已深入我国农村的各个角落,项目施工需要的农民工也越来越多,市场人工单价的快速增长与预算人工单价的相对稳定之间的矛盾越来越突出,本文从专业的角度对市场人工单价和预算人工单价进行全面的比较分析,并通过实证分析和与其它类似行业预算人工单价进行对比,得出现行的土地整治项目预算人工单价水平基本符合目前的社会经济发展水平,并对社会普遍反映的预算人工单价偏低的原因进行说明。  相似文献   

The Green Corridor in the lower reaches of the Tarim River is not only a unique natural landscape in desert but also an important passageway. Nowadays, the ecologic environment of the corridor is getting worse and worse due to man's economic activities and the lack of knowledge of the importance of the environment, which is one of is the three environment problems in Xinjiang. The corridor is in great need of planning and managing.  相似文献   

【目的】从亲疏水特征的角度对贝壳各层次结构中的界面进行分析探讨。【方法】采用接触角测量仪对贝壳的中维界面、无机文石及无机方解石进行水接触角测量。【结果】贝壳内表面的水接触角普遍大于90°,其中最大值为113°,最小值为91°;贝壳表壳层内表面边缘位置的水接触角平均值为67°,内部位置的水接触角平均值为112°;无机文石及无机方解石平整表面的水接触角均小于90°,其平均值分别为50°、49°。【结论】贝壳内表面具有疏水性,即有机质层具有疏水性;由于具有亲水特征的文石及方解石为贝壳矿物的主要成分,说明贝壳矿物结构具有亲水性;贝壳表壳层内表面边缘呈现亲水特征,内部呈现疏水特征。  相似文献   

城镇是创造物质和精神财富的主要空间载体,划定城镇开发边界,是推动城镇化发展由外延扩张式向内涵提升式转变重要手段.第三次国土调查是以土地资源为基础的调查,是国土空间规划的底图底数.通过梳理,第三次国土调查对城镇开发边界底数支撑包括土地利用现状、土地管理、土地成片开发以及耕地保护等方面.具体研究方法为运用Arcgis 10...  相似文献   

本文首先论述了华南与周边的地质构造分野,着重阐述了大别-舟山造山带的依据。文章分析了基底构造的基本特点及沿海陆域的地壳典型结构;重点阐述了该区中生代以来的印支运动、兰江运动、闽浙运动、丽水运动和狭义的燕山运动等地质事件的主要特点及表现形式;文章依据有利的7个含油(气)层位,以及构造变格所造成的盆地模跨规律等,提出了三个含油(气)远景区。  相似文献   

Investigations and studies for years all demonstrated that there is a patch of fine-grained mud in the central area of the South Yellow Sea. However, scientists have different opinions on its material source, genesis, and sedimentation intensity. Some believe that the materials come from the Huanghe River, some think that the mud area represents the depocentre of the South Yellow Sea, and some consider it as “relict mud”. The authors' geochemical study reveals that the mud is multi-sourced, yet the material supply is not ample, and that a little amount of fine-grained suspended materials deposited slowly under the dynamic action of a cyclonic gyre formed the modern muddy sediment, which is named “multi-source modern mud”. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, contribution No. 1646 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

行政赔偿因果关系的认定,直接关系到国家赔偿法效能的发挥.现实中,行政赔偿之所以陷入困境,其中一个重要原因是行政赔偿因果关系的认定缺乏标准.应从行政管理的规律出发,把握行政法律关系的特征,着眼于行政法未来的发展趋势,从充分发挥行政赔偿的内在功能入手,兼顾国家现实的赔偿能力及当前的法制人文环境,从理论上建立可供司法实践操作的行政赔偿因果关系认定规则.  相似文献   

The Huanghe and Yongding rivers were formed before the early and middle Pliocene epoch. Then they became interior rivers because of the appearance of interior fault lake basins at the end of the Pliocene epoch. The interior flow period continued until the end of the early Pleistocene or the middle pf the Middle Pleistocene, and then they changed into the exterior rivers again till today.  相似文献   


土地登记发证工作必须规范有序,科学合理。就共用土地使用权的登记发证问题,应走出平均分割法的误区。本文提出分割登记应区别对待.尤其是商住综合用地应从土地资产的实际出发,具体工作有7个方法可供选择。  相似文献   

Mapping and assessing soil-erosion risk can address the likelihood of occurrence of erosion as well as its consequences. This in turn provides precautionary and relevant suggestions to assist in disaster reduction. Because soil erosion by water in the watershed of the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River is closely related to silting of the upper reaches of the Yellow River, it is necessary to assess erosion risk in this watershed. This study aims to identify the soil-erosion risk caused by water in the watershed of the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River from 2001 to 2010. Empirical models called Chinese Soil Loss Equation(CSLE) and Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation(MUSLE) were used to predict the erosion modulus in slope surfaces and gullies. Then the soil erosion risk in this watershed was assessed according to the classification criteria of soil erosion intensities(SL190-2007). The study results showed that the range of values of the erosion modulus in this watershed was 0–44,733t/km2/a. More than 20% of the total watershed area was found to present an erosion risk, with the regions at risk mainly located in channels and their upper reaches, and in mountainous areas. To determine the regression coefficients of the erosion factors with respect to erosion modulus, a GWR(geographically weighted regression) was carried out using the Arc GIS software. It was found that the topographic factor has the highest contribution rate to the soil erosionmodulus, while the highest contribution rate of the erosion factors to the erosion modulus and the largest values of the factors were not located in the same places. Based on this result, the authors propose that slope management is the most important task in preventing soil loss in this watershed, and the soilconservation projects should be built according to the contribution rate of the erosion factors.  相似文献   

在矿业秩序实现全面好转的基础上,连云港市本着切实服务于全市经济建设和社会发展的宗旨,在规范采矿登记和进一步治理整顿矿业秩序等方面加强了地矿行政管理的力度.进一步健全采矿权管理的组织体系;规范采矿权登记的程序,严格审批;继续做好重点地区和突出问题的治理整顿,巩固已经取得的成果;整治开山采石,做好地热管理,为2001年实现矿业秩序的根本好转创造条件.  相似文献   

老五律的价值体现在以读者为中心 ;新五律渗透着对新技术和社会环境的关注。虽然都有闪光点 ,但是老五律本身自相矛盾 ;新五律所论述问题失诸过宽 ,缺乏理论的严谨性、科学性。  相似文献   

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