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In this letter we investigate the kinematical properties of early-type dwarfs by significantly enlarging the scarce observational sample so far available. We present rotation curves and mean velocity dispersions for four bright dwarf ellipticals and two dwarf lenticular galaxies in the Virgo cluster. Most of these galaxies exhibit conspicuous rotation curves. In particular, five out of the six new galaxies are found to be close to the predictions for oblate spheroids flattened by rotation. Therefore, and contrary to the previous observational hints, the present data suggest that an important fraction of dwarf early-type galaxies may be rotationally supported.  相似文献   

We present kinematics and stellar population properties of 17 dwarf early-type galaxies in the luminosity range -14 ≥ M B ≥ -19. Our sample fills the gap between the intensively studied giant elliptical and Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The dwarf ellipticals of the present sample have constant velocity dispersion profiles within their effective radii and do not show significant rotation, hence are clearly anisotropic. The dwarf lenticulars, instead, rotate faster and are, at least partially, supported by rotation. From optical Lick absorption indices, we derive metallicities and element abundances. Combining our sample with literature data of the Local Group dwarf spheroidals and giant ellipticals, we find a surprisingly tight linear correlation between metallicity and luminosity over a wide range: -8 ≥ M B ≥ -22. The α/Fe ratios of our dwarf ellipticals are significantly lower than the ones of giant elliptical galaxies, which is in agreement with spectroscopy of individual stars in Local Group dwarf spheroidals. Our results suggest the existence of a clear kinematic and stellar population dichotomy between dwarf and giant elliptical galaxies. This result is important for theories of galaxy formation, because it implies that present-day dwarf ellipticals are not the fossiled building blocks of giant ellipticals. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin and evolution of dwarf early-type galaxies remains an important open issue in modern astrophysics. Internal kinematics of a galaxy contains signatures of violent phenomena which may have occurred, e.g. mergers or tidal interactions, while stellar population keeps a fossil record of the star formation history; therefore studying connection between them becomes crucial for understanding galaxy evolution. Here, in the first paper of the series, we present the data on spatially resolved stellar populations and internal kinematics for a large sample of dwarf elliptical (dE) and lenticular (dS0) galaxies in the Virgo cluster. We obtained radial velocities, velocity dispersions, stellar ages and metallicities out to 1–2 half-light radii by reanalysing already published long-slit and integral-field spectroscopic data sets using the nbursts full spectral fitting technique. Surprisingly, bright representatives of the dE/dS0 class (   MB =−18.0  to −16.0 mag) look very similar to intermediate-mass and giant lenticulars and ellipticals: (1) their nuclear regions often harbour young metal-rich stellar populations always associated with the drops in the velocity dispersion profiles; (2) metallicity gradients in the main discs/spheroids vary significantly from nearly flat profiles to −0.9 dex   r −1e  , i.e. somewhat three times steeper than for typical bulges; (3) kinematically decoupled cores were discovered in four galaxies, including two with very little, if any, large-scale rotation. These results suggest similarities in the evolutionary paths of dwarf and giant early-type galaxies and call for reconsidering the role of major mergers in the dE/dS0 evolution.  相似文献   

We present a one-zone model of star formation in elliptical galaxies that includes thermal feedback from supernovae and a temperature dependent star formation efficiency. The modulation of feedback with the total mass results in the triggering of late episodes of star formation in low-mass galaxies. These small `bursts' can occur as late as at redshifts z ∼ 0.5 but they do not change significantly the optical and NIR color-magnitude relation (CMR) of cluster galaxies, both locally and out to moderate redshifts, in agreement with the observations. However, they introduce a large scatter at the faint end of the NUV-Optical CMR, as recently found in cluster Abell 851 (z = 0.41). This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The dwarf population of starburst galaxies is analyzed by the method of evolving population synthesis. The results show that the existence of an additional population can give a good fit to the available number counts and redshift surveys. These dwarf galaxies readily evolve into low surface brightness objects and become undetectable in our local neighbourhood.  相似文献   

Deep imaging and long-slit spectroscopy was obtained for a sample of dwarf ellipticals in the Fornax cluster, NGC 5044 and NGC 5898 groups using the ESO VLT. The observational data extend out to typically 1.5–2 effective radii and indicate a kinematic dichotomy in the family of ellipticals. The observed stellar kinematics indicate a luminosity–velocity dispersion relation largely supporting Supernova-driven stellar mass loss scenarios for the formation of dwarf ellipticals. Stellar dynamical models favour dark matter halos with typical mass-to-light ratios in the range of 3 to 9 solar units. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This is a summary of a general discussion held during the third EuroConference on galaxy evolution. Various observational features of the stellar populations in present-day dwarf galaxies were presented to introduce the discussion on the possibility that these systems be the main building blocks of spiral and elliptical galaxies. Many people in the audience turned out to think that the inconsistencies among the observed properties of large and dwarf galaxies are too many to believe that the former are built up only by means of successive accretions of the latter. However, theorists of hierarchical galaxy formation suggested that present-day dwarfs are not representative of the galactic building blocks, which may be completely invisible nowadays. Some of them suggested that, contrary to what is usually assumed in hierarchical modelling, the actual building blocks were still fully gaseous systems when their major mergers occurred. If this is the case, then most of the inconsistencies can be overcome, and the scenario of hierarchical galaxy formation becomes not too different from that of a slow gas accretion. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Using images from a charge-coupled device survey with the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope, we performed B - and I -band photometry on 156 Virgo cluster dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies, 25 candidate new cluster dwarfs, and nine candidate field dwarfs. Galaxies were modelled with Sérsic profiles, using both 1D χ2 and 2D cross-correlation methods, with nuclei modelled as point sources. The intensity profiles of 50 galaxies previously classified as dE, dE?, or ? are more accurately fitted if a nucleus is included, and this results in the majority of dwarfs now being classified as nucleated dwarf ellipticals (dE,N). Some faint galaxies with B magnitudes of 18–21 have particularly large relative nuclei, while a small number have apparent central dimmings. For cluster dE,N galaxies the nucleus magnitude is correlated with the magnitude of the host galaxy. The profile parameters of dE and dE,N galaxies are not significantly different, and there is no evident discontinuity in relative nucleus size between non-nucleated and nucleated dwarfs, suggesting that they may form a continuum. Nuclei are on average redder than their underlying galaxies, though a spread of relative colours was found, and two-fifths of nuclei are bluer. Formation mechanisms of nuclei are discussed: at least some appear to have formed in an already existing non-nucleated galaxy, though others may have formed simultaneously with their galaxies and subsequently evolved within them.  相似文献   

We put upper limits on the secondary burst of star formation in elliptical galaxies of the González sample, based on the colour dispersion around the U  −  V versus central velocity dispersion relation, and the equivalent width of Hβ absorption. Note that most of these galaxies locate in small groups. There is a significant number of Hβ strong galaxies that have EW(Hβ) > 2 Å, but they do not always have bluer colours in U  −  V . To be consistent with the small colour dispersion of U  −  V , the mass fraction of the secondary burst to the total mass should be less than 10 per cent at the maximum within the most recent 2 Gyr. This result suggests that even if recent galaxy merging has produced some ellipticals, it should not have been accompanied by an intensive starburst, and hence it could not involve large gas-rich systems. The capture of a dwarf galaxy is more likely to explain the dynamical disturbances observed in some elliptical galaxies. The above analysis, based on the U  −  V , is not compatible with the one based on the line indices, which requires that more than 10 per cent of mass is present in a 2-Gyr-old starburst to cover the full range of the observed Hβ (de Jong &38; Davies). The discrepancy might be partly explained by the internal extinction localized at the region where young stars form. However, considering that the Hβ index might have great uncertainties both in models and in observational data, we basically rely on U − V analysis.  相似文献   

We present the first 3D observations of a diffuse elliptical galaxy (dE). The good quality data (S/N up to 40) reveal the kinematical signature of an embedded stellar disc, reminiscent of what is commonly observed in elliptical galaxies, though similarity of their origins is questionable. Colour map built from Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) images confirms the presence of this disc. Its characteristic scale (about 3 arcsec =250 pc) is about a half of galaxy's effective radius, and its metallicity is 0.1–0.2 dex larger than the underlying population. Fitting the spectra with synthetic single stellar populations (SSP), we found an SSP-equivalent age of 5 Gyr and nearly solar metallicity [Fe/H]  =−0.06  dex. We checked that these determinations are consistent with those based on Lick indices, but have smaller error bars. The kinematical discovery of a stellar disc in dE gives additional support to an evolutionary link from dwarf irregular galaxies due to stripping of the gas against the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

Dwarf galaxies, as the most numerous type of galaxy, offer the potential to study galaxy formation and evolution in detail in the nearby universe. Although they seem to be simple systems at first view, they remain poorly understood. In an attempt to alleviate this situation, the MAGPOP EU Research and Training Network embarked on a study of dwarf galaxies named MAGPOP-ITP. In this paper, we present the analysis of a sample of 24 dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs) in the Virgo cluster and in the field, using optical long-slit spectroscopy. We examine their stellar populations in combination with their light distribution and environment. We confirm and strengthen previous results that dEs are, on average, younger and more metal-poor than normal elliptical galaxies, and that their [α/Fe] abundance ratios scatter around solar. This is in accordance with the downsizing picture of galaxy formation where mass is the main driver for the star formation history. We also find new correlations between the luminosity-weighted mean age, the large-scale asymmetry, and the projected Virgocentric distance. We find that environment plays an important role in the termination of the star formation activity by ram-pressure stripping of the gas in short time-scales, and in the transformation of discy dwarfs to more spheroidal objects by harassment over longer time-scales. This points towards a continuing infalling scenario for the evolution of dEs.  相似文献   

Frequency map analysis of the orbital structure in elliptical galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an application of the frequency map analysis to an elliptical galaxy which is represented by a generalization of a double-power-law spherical mass model. The density distribution of this model varies as r −γ close to the centre and as r −4 at large radii. We study the case with γ = 1, which is known as the 'weak-cusp' model and which represents well the density profile of the 'core' galaxies observed by the Hubble Space Telescope . The final objective of our work is to improve our understanding of the dynamics of elliptical galaxies in a similar way to Merritt &38; Fridman, finding the regions of stochasticity, looking for resonances that might play an important role in sustaining the triaxial morphology, and analysing the diffusion of orbits. To this end, we use the frequency map analysis of Laskar, which has been applied widely in the field of celestial mechanics but which is a relatively new technique in the area of galactic dynamics. Finally, we show some useful features of this method in understanding the global dynamical structure of the system.  相似文献   

The formation and evolution of elliptical galaxies (EGs) are still an open question. In particular, recent observations suggest that EGs are not only simple spheroidal systems of old stars. In this paper, we analyse a sample of EGs selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey in order to study the star-forming activity in local EGs. Among these 487 ellipticals, we find that 13 EGs show unambiguous evidence of recent star formation activity betrayed by conspicuous nebular emission lines. Using the evolutionary stellar population synthesis models and Lick absorption line indices, we derive stellar ages, metallicities and α-element abundances, and thus reconstruct the star formation and chemical evolution history of the star-forming elliptical galaxies (SFEGs) in our sample.
We find that SFEGs have relative younger stellar population age, higher metallicity and lower stellar mass, and that their star formation history can be well described by a recent minor and short starburst superimposed on old stellar component. We also detect 11 E+A galaxies whose stellar population properties are closer to those of quiescent (normal) ellipticals than to star-forming ones. However, from the analysis of their absorption line indices, we note that our E+A galaxies show a significant fraction of intermediate-age stellar populations, remarkably different from the quiescent galaxies. This might suggest an evolutionary link between E+As and star-forming ellipticals. Finally, we confirm the relations between age, metallicity, α-element abundance and stellar mass for local EGs.  相似文献   

We analyze a sample of the Local Volume that contains 451 galaxies within 10 Mpc. We compare the various global parameters of these galaxies with their tidal index that characterizes the local density of the environment. The closest correlation is observed between the density of the galaxy’s environment and its morphological type. The abundance of neutral hydrogen in the members of close groups was found to be, on average, a factor of 3 lower than that in isolated galaxies. However, much of this difference is attributable to different morphological composition for the group members and field galaxies. The total mass-to-luminosity ratio is virtually independent of the tidal index of the galaxy, which indirectly indicates a low percentage of tidal systems among dwarf galaxies. All of the galaxies with three or more companions in the Local Volume are shown to have masses above the threshold value of 1010M.  相似文献   

Stable models of elliptical galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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