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Summary. Reduced Pn travel times from the Archaean Pilbara Craton of north-west Australia show a strong correlation with azimuth, which could be used as evidence of anisotropy. However, the azimuthal correlation could also be explained by a southerly dip of between 1 and 2° on the crust–mantle boundary, although the models from several reversed seismic profiles across the craton suggest a smaller dip.
A time-term analysis of the Pn date yielded several models. The preferred solution, in which the dip on the crust–mantle boundary is similar to that in the models from the reversed profiles, has approximately 2 per cent anisotropy in the uppermost mantle, with the direction of maximum velocity 30° east of north. One possible cause of the anisotropy is that olivine crystals were aligned by syntectonic recrystallization and/or power law creep in the tensional environment caused at the base of the lithosphere by flexure during loading of the lithosphere by the strata of the Hamersley Basin which overlies the Pilbara Craton.
A seismic discontinuity occurs about 15 km below the crust–mantle boundary under the craton. A qualitative analysis of all available seismic data suggests that the velocity below the boundary is probably also anisotropic, with the direction of maximum velocity between north and 40° west of north. The direction of minimum velocity below the sub-Moho boundary correlates loosely with the direction of basement lineaments in the Proterozoic Capricorn Orogenic Belt to the south of the craton, suggesting that the anisotropy under the boundary may be younger than that immediately under the crust/mantle boundary. This is consistent with the notion that the Archaean lithosphere was thinner than the present lithosphere.  相似文献   

Borehole logs often show considerable variation over small lengths, consistent with fine layering of the formation. Elastic upscaling allows layering on a fine length scale to be replaced by thicker, homogeneous equivalent transversely isotropic layers, thus creating a model with far fewer layers. In this paper, the effect of inclusions of finite lateral extent on elastic upscaling is examined. For inclusions with a small thickness to width ratio, Backus averaging gives a good approximation to the long-wavelength elastic properties of the medium. However, for larger thickness to width ratios, the anisotropy of the medium can be significantly reduced. For inclusions that are long in comparison to their width, azimuthal anisotropy may result if the inclusions show a preferential orientation. This could result from the presence of flow during deposition. The azimuthal anisotropy increases with increasing thickness to width ratio of the inclusions, and vanishes when this ratio is zero. For larger thickness to width ratios, the magnitude of the azimuthal anisotropy may be of similar magnitude to that commonly seen in sedimentary basins. Azimuthal anisotropy is usually attributed to the presence of aligned fractures within the formation. The present results suggest a further source of azimuthal anisotropy that may be significant.  相似文献   

We measure the degree of consistency between published models of azimuthal seismic anisotropy from surface waves, focusing on Rayleigh wave phase-velocity models. Some models agree up to wavelengths of ∼2000 km, albeit at small values of linear correlation coefficients. Others are, however, not well correlated at all, also with regard to isotropic structure. This points to differences in the underlying data sets and inversion strategies, particularly the relative 'damping' of mapped isotropic versus anisotropic anomalies. Yet, there is more agreement between published models than commonly held, encouraging further analysis. Employing a generalized spherical harmonic representation, we analyse power spectra of orientational (2Ψ) anisotropic heterogeneity from seismology. We find that the anisotropic component of some models is characterized by stronger short-wavelength power than the associated isotropic structure. This spectral signal is consistent with predictions from new geodynamic models, based on olivine texturing in mantle flow. The flow models are also successful in predicting some of the seismologically mapped patterns. We substantiate earlier findings that flow computations significantly outperform models of fast azimuths based on absolute plate velocities. Moreover, further evidence for the importance of active upwellings and downwellings as inferred from seismic tomography is presented. Deterministic estimates of expected anisotropic structure based on mantle flow computations such as ours can help guide future seismologic inversions, particularly in oceanic plate regions. We propose to consider such a priori information when addressing open questions about the averaging properties and resolution of surface and body wave based estimates of anisotropy.  相似文献   

Summary. Anisotropy of seismic waves in the uppermost mantle has not only been observed in the oceanic but recently also in the continental lithosphere. Laboratory experiments on the formation of preferred orientation of olivine crystals suggest plastic flow às the most likely mechanism for the genesis of anisotropy in the upper mantle. Since the direction of maximum velocity correlates in the ocean and on the continent with a number of tectonic features, a causal connection between anisotropy and dynamical processes related to plate motions must be suspected.  相似文献   

Summary. Vertical-incidence reflection profiling has identified several characteristic features of the continental Iithosphere including a generally transparent upper crust, a reflective lower crust, reflections from the crust-mantle boundary, and a commonly transparent upper mantle. The underlying physical causes of these characteristic features remain poorly understood. This review summarizes additional information brought to bear on the physical properties of these characteristic crustal structures through the use of coincident wide-angle refraction profiling.  相似文献   

Summary. The analysis of data of seismic crustal studies in the USSR, obtained from waves propagating at different azimuths, reveals considerable horizontal and vertical inhomogeneity of the crust. Against this background it is difficult to predict what kind of velocity anisotropy can be expected in the continental crust. The rare cases of disagreement in velocities on intersecting profiles can be attributed both to anisotropy and to horizontal crustal inhomogeneity. There is a definite disagreement in layer velocities measured by reflected waves: fine layers in the crust and upper mantle have been found to have anomalously high velocities. The role of anisotropy in these events is not clear. The frequently observed splitting of S -wave with different polarization, however, positively implies anisotropy in the Earth's crust.  相似文献   

Summary. Fold belts form due to shortening of deep basins on oceaic and continental crust. Basins on the oceanic crust should be characterized by a pronounced seismic anisotropy in the mantle lithosphere. Deep basins on the continental crust may develop from the stretching or the destruction of the lower crust under asthenospheric upwelling. These processes can produce seismic anisotropy in both the crust and mantle lithosphere. The character of the anisotropy is different for different basin forming processes. Considerable anisotropy should also arise from compression of the crust and mantle in fold belts. The formation of fold belts produces the original seismic anisotropy in continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

Summary. If intermediate and deep earthquakes occur in the coldest portions of the downgoing slabs of lithosphere, then different lengths of seismic zones represent different temperatures in the slabs. As the slab descends through the aesthenosphere, it warms primarily by conduction of heat through its upper and lower surfaces. Isotherms are advected downwards to distances approximately proportional both to the rate of subduction and to the square of the thickness of the lithosphere. Consequently, the lengths of seismic zones should be approximately proportional to the product of the rates and the squares of these thicknesses. As these thicknesses are approximately proportional to the square root of the age of the lithosphere, the lengths ought therefore to be approximately proportional to the product of the convergence rates times the ages. Although there is considerable scatter, observed lengths are approximately proportional to such products, and are not simply related to the rate, the age or the thickness alone. The data crudely fit the relationship: length = rate × age/10. Using this relationship, we infer that the Philippine sea and Pacific plates move slowly, if at all, with respect to one another and that the Farallon plate may have been too young to be subducted to a great distance beneath western North America in the Palaeogene. Calculations of temperatures at the depths of the deepest events suggest that these cut-off temperatures increase from about 600 ± 100°C at 200 km to 830 ± 50°C at 650 km depth, but the cut-off potential temperature is approximately constant. Assuming that the strength is a thermally activated parameter, and using the activation energy for olivine, a crude estimate of activation volume is obtained from the dependence of the cut-off temperature on depth.  相似文献   

AgroupvelocityofseismiclovesurfaceaveandlithospherestructureinAntarcticPeninsulaTX@束沛镒@胡家富@滕吉文@张中杰@焦承民Agroupvelocityofseismiclove...  相似文献   

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