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The late Proterozoic (c. 1230 Ma) Zig-Zag Dal Basalt Formationfound in the platform area of eastern North Greenland is a remnantof a sequence of tholeiitic flood basalts which once may havecovered a large part of North Greenland. The basalts can besubdivided into three main units, totalling up to 1350 m inthickness and erupted within a short interval of time. Someof the flows are more than 100 m thick and have volumes of hundredsof cubic kilometers. Most of the basalts are aphyric or containvery sparse phenocrysts of plagioclase and augite. The chemical composition of the basalts was strongly influencedby hydrothermal metasomatism (incipient spilitization) soonafter deposition. Study of less-mobile elements suggests thatthe basalts formed from increasingly depleted mantle sources.Chemical discontinuities occur between the three main unitsand are probably related to breaks in the volcanic activity.Chemical variation within each unit is mainly governed by lowpressure fractionation of olivine, augite and plagioclase, althoughsuccessive flows do not represent successively more fractionatedmagma batches. Assimilation of crustal material at depth doesnot seem to have greatly affected the basic magma.  相似文献   

The Columbia River volcanic episode began with the eruptionof the coarsely porphyritic Imnaha Basalt between 17.0 and 16.5m.y. B.P. Lava poured from NNW trending vertical fissures andlocal vents north and south of the Seven Devils-Wallowa Mountainsdivide, covering a deeply dissected topographic surface of morethan 30, 000 km2, with an estimated volume of 6000 km3. A minimumof 26 flows or flow units are represented in 14 or 15 members.These include 11 chemical types and are exposed in sectionsranging to 577 m in thickness. All flows have normal polaritywith the exception of the youngest and oldest whose polarityis either reversed or transitional. The petrologic and majorelement chemical features of the Imnaha Basalt have much incommon with those of the Picture Gorge Basalt exposed in theJohn Day Basin of north-central Oregon, but the latter is younger,equivalent in age to part of the Grande Ronde Basalt formation. Using major and trace elements, the flows of Imnaha Basalt areclearly distinguished from those of all other formations ofthe Columbia River Basalt Group. Imnaha Basalt has lower SiO2,K2O, Ba and Rb than does Grande Ronde Basalt and differs frommost Wanapum and Saddle Mountains Basalt flows in its lowerTiO2 and P2O5 contents. The 11 Imnaha chemical types fall into two subgroups, the AmericanBar (AB) and Rock Creek (RC) subgroups, which differ in thecoarseness of their groundmass, the abundance of olivine, theirphenocryst assemblages, their SiO2 contents, CaO/Al2O3 ratio,and in their Sc, V, Sr, and Ni contents. Flows of the two subgroupsinterdigitate, but AB flows are predominant at the base of thesequence and RC flows at the top. One flow is a hybrid of thetwo magma types. Neither subgroup displays a significant variation in SiO2 content,but each does show systematic variation in K2O, P2O5, TiO2,Ba, Zr, Rb, and the REE, all of which vary inversely with MgO/(MgO+ FeO + Fe2O3). AB flows show a systematic increase in contentsof the incompatible elements upward in the succession, whileRC flows show a less obvious decrease upwards. Modelling of major and trace elements indicates that the chemicalvariations within each subgroup can be explained by simultaneouscrystal fractionation and assimilation of lower crustal material,in which the mass assimilated is only slightly less than thatlost by crystal fractionation; the mass fractionated varyingup to 50 per cent and the mass assimilated up to 42 per centof the original magma mass. These processes alone cannot explainthe relationships between the two Imnaha subgroups, nor thatbetween either subgroup and the overlying aphyric Grande Rondebasalt. The value of more complex quantitative models, in whichrecharge by more primitive magma, a variable composition forthe lower crustal contaminant, and the partial melting of aheterogeneous source, is limited by lack of data. Some suchprocess, or combination of processes in addition to a combinationof crystal fractionation and lower crustal assimilation, wouldseem to be required to account for the diversity in the earliestColumbia River basalts.  相似文献   

New major and trace element data on over 70 samples are combinedwith a wider knowledge of the regional stratigraphy, and ofthe tectonic evolution of the boundary between the ColumbiaPlateau and the northern margin of the Basin and Range province,to distinguish three subgroups within the Columbia River BasaltGroup (CRBG): the Picture Gorge Basalt; the main sequence ofColumbia River flood basalts, here named the Clarkston Basalt;and the Saddle Mountains Basalt. The subgroups are characterizedby different incompatible element and Sr-, Nd-, and Pb-isotoperatios, and they are interpreted in terms of different sourceregions mobilized under different tectonic conditions. The majordifferences between the subgroups are consistent with partialmelting processes in the upper mantle, and it is argued thatthey reflect previous partial melting episodes which resultedin source regions that were variably enriched and depleted inincompatible elements. The major variations within the PictureGorge and Clarkston Basalt subgroups include increases in theabundances of large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and increasesin the ratios of LILE/high field strength elements (HFSE) whichare interpreted as the addition of a lithospheric/subduction-relatedcomponent. The Picture Gorge Basalt has a depleted isotopic and chemicalsignature on which is superimposed an enrichment of LILE toproduce a trace element pattern similar to that of other 17–0-Mabasalts erupted south of the Olympic Wallowa Lineament. Thispattern is characteristic of volcanism associated with the Basinand Range extensional province, and others have attributed itto a source component derived from an enriched subcontinentallithospheric mantle (SCLM). Of the Clarkston Basalts, the Imnaha and Grande Ronde Basaltsform chemical and isotopic arrays which indicate mixing of componentsfrom two distinct source regions. One had high ratios of LILE/HFSEand light rare earth elements (LREE)/HFSE, and as these arenot common in oceanic basalts, this component is thought tohave been derived from the continental mantle lithosphere. Itsisotope ratios are more enriched (older?) than those of thePicture Gorge Basalt, and its Rb/Sr ratios are much higher thanthose in its source rocks, consistent with preferential mobilizationof LILE at the time of magmatism. The second component was derivedfrom an asthenospheric source similar to that of Hawaii basaltsand is most obviously attributed to mantle plume activity. Basaltsof the Eckler Mountain and Wanapum Formations (smaller, separateformations of the Clarkston Basalt as redefined in this paper)fit this mixing model less well and may represent mixing betweenmore than two components. Flows of the third CRBG subgroup,the Saddle Mountains Basalt, also carry a lithospheric geochemicalsignature and have long been recognized as having more radiogenicisotopic signatures than the other two subgroups. Thus, SaddleMountains flows appear to require a lithospheric source enrichedin LILE at an even earlier time, and we concur with other workersthat the isotopic and chemical evidence implies their derivationfrom subcontinental lithospheric mantle enriched at {small tilde}2000Ma. Within each subgroup, the chemical effects of partial melting,fractional crystallization, and magma mixing processes can allbe distinguished within particular flow sequences. In the ImnahaBasalt variable degrees of partial melting during the generationof the CRBG magmas, and gabbro fractionation within the lowercrust, played major roles in their evolution. In the GrandeRonde Basalt fractional crystallization appears to be restrictedto >10%. The chemical and isotopic data for each CRBG subgroup, and thedifferent sources which those data imply, can be accommodatedin a tectonic model which includes the passing of the Yellowstonehotspot south of the center of the CRBG eruption before significantBasin and Range extension had moved north of the Brothers Faultzone at 15 Ma.  相似文献   

The Ministers Island dike in southwest New Brunswick is a quartz tholeiitic member of the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic dike suite that outcrops along the east coast of North America. The dike's phenocryst assemblage is orthopyroxene + augite + plagioclase. The combination of petrographic, chemical (both phase and whole rock), isotopic and experimental work on representative samples from the dike places important constraints on the petrogenesis of the Ministers Island dike and by analogy on the other members of the dike suite. The petrographic, analytical and experimental results show that the Ministers Island dike magma underwent high pressure (0.8 to 1.0 GPa) fractionation of augite, followed by augite + orthopyroxene, and finally augite + plagioclase. The absence of olivine as either a phenocryst or an experimentally observed high pressure liquidus phase indicates that the magma evolved away from the Ol-Cpx-Opx-Plag pseudo-invariant point while still at high pressure and there was sufficient time for any olivine to settle out of the magma prior to emplacement of the dike. The Sr and Nd isotopic results support a metasomatised mantle source similar to EMI but with slightly more radiogenic Nd.  相似文献   

Three small sequential Saddle Mountains flows, occupying similar areas on the Columbia Plateau, were erupted over a short interval of time. In the Lewiston Basin area the middle flow of the trio (Lapwai) has intermediate mineralogy and lies on a straight mixing line between the other two flows for virtually all twenty-five elements analyzed. Systematic changes in the ratios of incompatible elements demonstrate that these relationships are a result of magma mixing rather than either crystal fractionation or variable degrees of partial melting. The Lapwai flow has a composition approximately midway between the two homogeneous end members and is itself relatively homogeneous. This implies efficient mixing between equal amounts of Asotin and Wilbur Creek magmas and suggests that mixing was completed in a magma reservoir prior to eruption. The Wilbur Creek and Asotin end members have isotopic features which are believed to result from different degrees of assimilation of crustal material by magma derived from an enriched mantle source (Carlson 1984). The mixing processes described here cannot be related to that earlier mantle/crust mixing process.  相似文献   

The crustal history of volcanic rocks can be inferred from the mineralogy and compositions of their phenocrysts which record episodes of magma mixing as well as the pressures and temperatures when magmas cooled. Submarine lavas erupted on the Hilo Ridge, a rift zone directly east of Mauna Kea volcano, contain olivine, plagioclase, augite ±orthopyroxene phenocrysts. The compositions of these phenocryst phases provide constraints on the magmatic processes beneath Hawaiian rift zones. In these samples, olivine phenocrysts are normally zoned with homogeneous cores ranging from ∼ Fo81 to Fo91. In contrast, plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene phenocrysts display more than one episode of reverse zoning. Within each sample, plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene phenocrysts have similar zoning profiles. However, there are significant differences between samples. In three samples these phases exhibit large compositional contrasts, e.g., Mg# [100 × Mg/(Mg+Fe+2)] of augite varies from 71 in cores to 82 in rims. Some submarine lavas from the Puna Ridge (Kilauea volcano) contain phenocrysts with similar reverse zonation. The compositional variations of these phenocrysts can be explained by mixing of a multiphase (plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene) saturated, evolved magma with more mafic magma saturated only with olivine. The differences in the compositional ranges of plagioclase, augite and orthopyroxene crystals between samples indicate that these samples were derived from isolated magma chambers which had undergone distinct fractionation and mixing histories. The samples containing plagioclase and pyroxene with small compositional variations reflect magmas that were buffered near the olivine + melt ⇒Low-Ca pyroxene + augite + plagioclase reaction point by frequent intrusions of mafic olivine-bearing magmas. Samples containing plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts with large compositional ranges reflect magmas that evolved beyond this reaction point when there was no replenishment with olivine-saturated magma. Two of these samples contain augite cores with Mg# of ∼71, corresponding to Mg# of 36–40 in equilibrium melts, and augite in another sample has Mg# of 63–65 which is in equilibrium with a very evolved melt with a Mg# of ∼30. Such highly evolved magmas also exist beneath the Puna Ridge of Kilauea volcano. They are rarely erupted during the shield building stage, but may commonly form in ephemeral magma pockets in the rift zones. The compositions of clinopyroxene phenocryst rims and associated glass rinds indicate that most of the samples were last equilibrated at 2–3 kbar and 1130–1160 °C. However, in one sample, augite and glass rind compositions reflect crystallization at higher pressures (4–5 kbar). This sample provides evidence for magma mixing at relatively high pressures and perhaps transport of magma from the summit conduits to the rift zone along the oceanic crust-mantle boundary. Received: 8 July 1998 / Accepted: 2 January 1999  相似文献   

The 200- to 300-m-thick volcano-sedimentary sequence in the Kangerluluk Fjord, associated with penecontemporaneous and late-tectonic dykes, as well as a synvolcanic plutonic suite, represents an integral component of the Palaeoproterozoic Ketilidian Mobile Belt, south Greenland. The ca. 1808-Ma Kangerluluk supracrustal sequence contains four distinct mappable lithofacies: (a) a conglomerate-sandstone lithofacies; (b) a pyroclastic lithofacies; (c) a volcanic lithofacies; and (d) a peperite lithofacies. The volcanic lithofacies, up to 200 m thick, is characterized by shallow-water subaqueous brecciated and pillowed flows. Flows are either (a) feldspar-phyric, or (b) feldspar-pyroxene-phyric, with 0.2- to 3-cm-size plagioclase and 0.2- to 3-cm-size pyroxene that constitute between 20 and 30% (locally up to 50%) of the flows. Mafic dykes intruded wet unconsolidated pyroclastic lithofacies, resulting in the formation of peperites. Geochemically, the volcanic and pyroclastic units represent a distinct tholeiitic magmatic suite enriched in incompatible trace elements including Th, La, Yb, Zr and Nb, and exhibiting (La/Yb)n~10. The plutonic suite and associated dykes display a calc-alkaline trend with enriched LREE and unfractionated flat HREE patterns, Lan ranging between 50 and 100, (La/Yb)n ratios between 8 and 22, and negative Nb and Ti anomalies on the mantle-normalized, incompatible multi-element patterns. The pillowed flows lie in the continental flood basalt field on the Y-Nb-Zr discrimination diagram, and display a Nb anomaly and K2O-enrichment that collectively suggest a crustal component and/or a subduction-modified mantle source. The geology, stratigraphy of the Kangerluluk area and geochemistry can be used to infer a change in magma genesis from arc to rift volcanism. The 1850- to 1800-Ma calc-alkaline Julianehåb batholith represents a magmatic arc that rifted during crustal extension, allowing for the ascent of mantle-derived mafic magma. The geochemistry of the mafic volcanic flows, synvolcanic dykes and pyroclastic deposits favours a crustal component in magma genesis and offers new insights into the tectonic evolution of the Ketilidian Mobile Belt.  相似文献   

Fine grained gabbroic chilled margins and crosscutting dikes are associated in space and time with three ca. 1400 Ma anorthositic plutons in the Flowers River area, southeastern Nain igneous complex. Both the anorthositic and gabbroic rocks have distinctive compositions compared to rocks of similar age and lithology elsewhere in northcentral Labrador. The anorthositic rocks contain olivine and augite rather than orthopyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxides, apatite and orthoclase are unusually abundant. Cumulus plagioclase is abnormally enriched in incompatible elements. Most of the gabbroic rocks are uniform in composition, although the effects of contamination and fractionation are evident in some places. They define a transitional to alkalic ferrogabbro magma that is strongly enriched in K, P and incompatible trace elements. The chemical characteristics of the ferrogabbro magma imply derivation from enriched mantle or involvement of a significant crustal component. A parent-daughter relationship between the ferrogabbro magma and anorthositic rocks is suggested by their compositional similarities and the fact that the gabbroic chilled margins and plagioclase-rich pluton interiors appear to be completely gradational in composition and texture.Geological Survey of Canada Contribution No. 54686.  相似文献   

Trace element systematics throughout the cal-calkaline high alumina basalt — basaltic andesite — andesite — dacite — rhyodacite lavas and dyke rocks of the Main Volcanic Series of Santorini volcano, Greece are consistent with the crystal fractionation of observed phenocryst phases from a parental basaltic magma as the dominant mechanism involved in generating the range of magmatic compositions. Marked inflection points in several variation trends correspond to changes in phenocryst mineralogy and divide the Main Series into two distinct crystallisation intervals — an early basalt to andesite stage characterised by calcic plagioclase+augite+olivine separation and a later andesite to rhyodacite stage generated by plagioclase augite+hypersthene+magnetite+apatite crystallisation. Percent solidification values derived from ratios of highly incompatible trace elements agree with previous values derived from major element data using addition-subtraction diagrams and indicate that basaltic andesites represent 47–69%; andesites 70–76%; dacites ca. 80% and rhyodacite ca. 84% crystallisation of the initial basalt magma. Least squares major element mixing calculations also confirm that crystal fractionation of the least fractionated basalts could generate derivative Main Series lavas, though the details of the least squares solutions differ significantly from those derived from highly incompatible element and addition-subtraction techniques. Main Series basalts may result from partial melting of the mantle asthenosphere wedge followed by limited olivine+pyroxene+Cr-spinel crystallisation on ascent through the sub-Aegean mantle and may fractionate to more evolved compositions at pressures close to the base of the Aegean crust. Residual andesitic to rhyodacite magmas may stagnate within the upper regions of the sialic Aegean crust and form relatively high level magma chambers beneath the southern volcanic centres of Santorini. The eruption of large volumes of basic lavas and silicic pyroclastics from Santorini may have a volcanological rather than petrological explanation.  相似文献   

The Huerto Andesite is the largest of several andesite sequences interlayered with the large-volume ash-flow tuffs of the San Juan volcanic field, Colorado. Stratigraphically this andesite is between the region's largest tuff (the 27.8 Ma, 3,000 km3 Fish Canyon Tuff) and the evolved product of the Fish Canyon Tuff (the 27.4 Ma, 1,000 km3 Carpenter Ridge Tuff), and eruption was from vents located approximately 20–30 km southwest and southeast of calderas associated with these ashflow tuffs. Olivine phenocrysts are present in the more mafic, SiO2-poor samples of andesite, hence the parent magma was most likely a mantle-derived basaltic magma. The bulk compositions of the olivine-bearing andesites compared to those containing orthopyroxene phenocrysts suggest the phenocryst assemblage equilibrated at 2–5 kbar. Two-pyroxene geothermometry yields equilibrium temperatures consistent with near-peritectic magmas at 2–5 kbar. Fractionation of phenocryst phases (olivine or orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + Ti-magnetite + apatite) can explain most major and trace element variations of the andesites, although assimilation of some crustal material may explain abundances of some highly incompatible trace elements (Rb, Ba, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) in the most evolved lavas. Despite the great distance of the San Juan volcanic field from the inferred Oligocene destructive margin, the Huerto Andesite is similar to typical plate-margin andesites: both have relatively low abundances of Nb and Ta and similar values for trace-element ratios such as La/Yb and La/Nb.Deriving the Fish Canyon and Carpenter Ridge Tuffs by crystal fractionation from the Huerto Andesite cannot be dismissed by major-element models, although limited trace-element data indicate the tuffs may not have been derived by such direct evolution. Alternatively, heat of crystallization released as basaltic magmas evolved to andesitic compositions may have caused melting of crust to produce the felsic-ash flows. Mafic magmas may have been gravitationally trapped below lighter felsic magmas; mafic magmas which ascended to the surface probably migrated upwards around the margins of silicic chambers, as suggested by the present-day outcrops of andesitic units around the margins of recognized ash-flow calderas.  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic compositions of Jurassic tholeiites of the Kirkpatrick Basalt Group from Solo Nunatak, northern Victoria Land, indicate that these rocks are contaminated with crustal material. The basalts are fine grained and contain phenocrysts of augite, pigeonite, hypersthene and plagioclase. The flows on Solo Nunatak are chemically more similar to average tholeiite than flows from Mt. Falla and Storm Peak in the Central Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) which appear to be more highly differentiated. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the flows on Solo Nunatak are high (>0.710) and are similar to those reported for the Kirkpatrick Basalt in the Central TAM. Whole-rock δ18O values are also high, ranging from +6.0 to +9.3‰ and correlate positively with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, similar to the Kirkpatrick Basalt in the Central TAM. The correlation between initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and δ18O values is explained as the result of simultaneous fractional crystallization and assimilation of a crustal contaminant. Sulfur isotope compositions vary between limits of δ34S= -4.01 to +3.41‰ Variations in (δ34S probably resulted from outgassing of SO2 under varying oxygen fugacities. Laboratory for Isotope Geology and Geochemistry (Isotopia), Contribution No. 71  相似文献   

Equilibrium melt trace element contents are calculated from Proterozoic Nain Plutonic Suite (NPS) mafic and anorthositic cumulates, and from plagioclase and orthopyroxene megacrysts. Assumed trapped melt fractions (TMF) <20% generally eliminate all minor phases in most mafic cumulate rocks, reducing them to mixtures of feldspar, pyroxene and olivine, which would represent the high-temperature cumulus assemblage. In anorthosites, TMF <15% generally reduce the mode to a feldspar-only assemblage. All model melts have trace element profiles enriched in highly incompatible elements relative to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (NMORB); commonly with negative Nb and Th anomalies. Most mafic cumulates yield similar profiles with constant incompatible element ratios, and can be linked through fractional crystallization. High K-La subtypes probably represent crust-contaminated facies. Mafic cumulates are inferred to belong to a tholeiitic differentiation series, variably contaminated by upper and lower crustal components, and probably related to coeval tholeiitic basaltic dyke swarms and lavas in Labrador. Model melts from anorthosites and megacrysts have normalized trace element profiles with steeper slopes than those calculated from mafic cumulates, indicating that mafic cumulates and anorthosites did not crystallize from the same melts. Orthopyroxene megacrysts yield model melts that are more enriched than typical anorthositic model melts, precluding an origin from parental melts. Jotunites have lower K-Rb-Ba-Y-Yb and higher La-Ce than model residues from fractionation of anorthositic model melts, suggesting they are not cosanguineous with them, but provide reasonable fits to evolved mafic cumulate model melts. Incompatible element profiles of anorthositic model melts closely resemble those of crustal melts such as tonalites, with steep Y-Yb-Lu segments that suggest residual garnet in the source. Inversion models yield protoliths similar to depleted lower crustal granulite xenoliths with aluminous compositions, suggesting that the incompatible trace element budget of the anorthosites are derived from remobilization of the lower crust. The similarity of the highly incompatible trace elements and LILE between anorthositic and mafic cumulate model melts suggests that the basalts parental to the mafic cumulates locally assimilated considerable quantities of the same crust that yielded the anorthosites. The reaction between underplating basalt and aluminous lower crust would have forced crystallization of abundant plagioclase, and remobilization of these hybrid plagioclase-rich mushes then produced the anorthosite massifs.  相似文献   

Columbia River Basalt Group dikes invade biotite–hornblendetonalite to granodiorite rocks of the Wallowa Mountains. Mostdikes are strongly quenched against wallrock, but rare dikesegments have preserved zones of partial melt in adjacent wallrockand provide an opportunity to examine shallow crustal melting.At Maxwell Lake, the 4 m thick wallrock partial melt zone containsas much as 47 vol. % melt (glass plus quench crystals) aroundmineral reaction sites and along quartz–feldspar boundaries.Bulk compositional data indicate that melting took place underclosed conditions (excepting volatiles). With progressive melting,hornblende, biotite, and orthoclase were consumed but plagioclase,quartz, and magnetite persisted in the restite. Clinopyroxene,orthopyroxene, plagioclase, and Fe–Ti oxides were producedduring dehydration-melting reactions involving hornblende andbiotite. Reacting phases became more heterogeneous with progressivemelting; crystallizing phases were relatively homogeneous. Progressivemelting produced an early clear glass, followed by light (high-K)and dark (high-Ca) brown glass domains overprinted by devitrification.Melts were metaluminous and granitic to granodioritic. Thermalmodeling of the partial melt zone suggests that melting tookplace over a period of about 4 years. Thus, rare dikes withmelted margins represent long-lived portions of the ColumbiaRiver Basalt dike system and may have sustained large flows. KEY WORDS: Columbia River Basalt dike; crustal melting; dehydration-melting; tonalite–granodiorite; thermal model  相似文献   

 A variety of cognate basalt to basaltic andesite inclusions and dacite pumices occur in the 7-Ma Rattlesnake Tuff of eastern Oregon. The tuff represents ∼280 km3 of high-silica rhyolite magma zoned from highly differentiated rhyolite near the roof to less evolved rhyolite at deeper levels. The mafic inclusions provide a window into the processes acting beneath a large silicic chamber. Quenched basaltic andesite inclusions are substantially enriched in incompatible trace elements compared to regional primitive high-alumina olivine tholeiite (HAOT) lavas, but continuous chemical and mineralogical trends indicate a genetic relationship between them. Basaltic andesite evolved from primitive basalt mainly through protracted crystal fractionation and multiple cycles (≥10) of mafic recharge, which enriched incompatible elements while maintaining a mafic bulk composition. The crystal fractionation history is partially preserved in the mineralogy of crystal-rich inclusions (olivine, plagioclase ± clinopyroxene) and the recharge history is supported by the presence of mafic inclusions containing olivines of Fo80. Small amounts of assimilation (∼2%) of high-silica rhyolite magma improves the calculated fit between observed and modeled enrichments in basaltic andesite and reduces the number of fractionation and recharge cycles needed. The composition of dacite pumices is consistent with mixing of equal proportions of basaltic andesite and least-evolved, high-silica rhyolite. In support of the mixing model, most dacite pumices have a bimodal mineral assemblage with crystals of rhyolitic and basaltic parentage. Equilibrium dacite phenocrysts are rare. Dacites are mainly the product of mingling of basaltic andesite and rhyolite before or during eruption and to a lesser extent of equilibration between the two. The Rattlesnake magma column illustrates the feedback between mafic and silicic magmas that drives differentiation in both. Low-density rhyolite traps basalts and induces extensive fractionation and recharge that causes incompatible element enrichment relative to the primitive input. The basaltic root zone, in turn, thermally maintains the rhyolitic magma chamber and promotes compositional zonation. Received: 1 June 1998 / Accepted: 5 February 1999  相似文献   

Between 1759 and 1774, Jorullo Volcano and four associated cinder cones erupted an estimated 2 km3 of magma which evolved progressively with time from early, hypersthene-normative, primitive basalts to late-stage, quartz-normative, basaltic andesites. All lavas contain <6 vol% phenocrysts of magnesian olivine (Fo90-70) with Cr-Al-Mg-spinel inclusions, and microphenocrysts of plagioclase and augite; late-stage basaltic andesites also carry phenocrysts of plagioclase, augite, and rare orthopyroxene, hornblende pseudomorphs, and microphenocrysts of titanomagnetite. Olivine-melt compositions indicate liquidus temperatures ranging from 1,230° C to 1,070° C in the early- and late-stage lavas, respectively; \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } \) was about 0.6 log units above the Ni-NiO buffer in the early lavas but increased to 2.5 log units above Ni-NiO in the late lavas, perhaps through groundwater-magma interaction. Smooth major and trace element compositional trends in the lavas can be largely modeled by simple crystal fractionation of olivine, augite, plagioclase, and minor spinel. La, Ce, and other incompatible elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, Hf, Th, Ta), however, are anomalously enriched in the latestage lavas, whereas the heavy rare earth elements (Dy, Yb, Lu) are anomalously depleted. The modeled crystal fractionation event must have occurred at lower-crustal to upper-mantle pressures (8–15 kb), although the crystals actually present in the Jorullo lavas appear to have formed at low pressures. Thus, a two-stage crystallization history is implied. Despite the presence of granitic xenoliths in middle-stage lavas from Jorullo, bulk crustal assimilation appears to have played an insignificant role in generating the compositional trends among the lavas. As MgO decreases from 9.3 to 4.3 wt% through the suite, Al2O3 increases from 16.4 to 19.1 wt%. Most highalumina basalts reported in the literature have 18 to 21 wt% Al2O3, but are too depleted in MgO, Ni, and Cr to have been generated directly through mantle partial melting. These high-alumina basalts have probably undergone significant fractionation of olivine, augite, plagioclase, and spinel from primitive parental basalts similar to the early Jorullo lavas. Such primitive basalts are rarely erupted in mature arcs and may be completely absent from mature stratovolcanoes. Cerro La Pilita is a late-Quaternary cinder and lava cone centered just 3 km south of Jorullo. The primitive trachybasalts of Cerro La Pilita, however, are radically different from the Jorullo basalts. They are nepheline normative with high concentrations of K2O (>2.5 wt%), P2O5 (>0.9 wt%), Ba (1,200 ppm), Sr (>2,000 ppm), and many other incompatible elements, and contain crystals of hornblende and apatite in addition to olivine, spinel, augite, and plagioclase. The magmas of these two neighboring volcanoes cannot be related to one another by any simple mechanism, and must represent fundamentally different partial melting events in the mantle. The contrasts between Jorullo and Cerro La Pilita demonstrate the difficulty in defining simple relationships between magma type and distance from the trench in the Mexican Volcanic Belt.  相似文献   

Disequilibrium phenocryst assemblages in the Younger Andesitesand Dacites of Iztacc?huatl, a major Quaternary volcano in theTrans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, provide an excellent record ofepisodic replenishment, magma mixing, and crystallization processesin calc-alkaline magma chambers. Phenocryst compositions andtextures in ‘mixed’ lavas, produced by binary mixingof primitive olivine-phyric basalt and evolved hornblende dacitemagmas, are used to evaluate the mineralogical and thermal characteristicsof end-members and the physical and chemical interactions thatattend mixing. Basaltic end-members crystallized olivine (FO90–88) andminor chrome spinel during ascent into crustal magma chambers.Resident dacite magma contained phenocrysts of andesine (An45–35),hypersthene (En67–61), edenitic-pargasitic hornblende,biotite, quartz, .titanomagnetite, and ilmenite. On reachinghigh-level reservoirs, basaltic magmas were near their liquidiat temperatures of about 1250–1200?C according to theolivine-liquid geothermometer. Application of the Fe-Ti-oxidegeothermometer-oxygen barometer indicates that hornblende dacitemagma, comprising phenocrysts (<30 vol. per cent) and coexistingrhyolitic liquid, had an ambient temperature between 940 and820?C at fO2s approximately 0?3 log units above the nickel-nickeloxide buffer assemblage. Mixing induced undercooling of hybridliquids and rapid crystallization of skeletal olivine (Fo88–73),strongly-zoned clinopyroxene (endiopside-augite), calcic plagioclase(An65–60); and orthopyroxene (bronzite), whereas low-temperaturephenocrysts derived from hornblende dacite were resorbed ordecomposed by hybrid melts. Quartz reacted to form coronas ofacicular augite and hydroxylated silicates were heated to temperaturesabove their thermal stability limit ({small tilde}940?C foramphibole, according to clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene geothermometry,and {small tilde}880?C for biotite). Calculations of phenocrystresidence times in hybrid liquids based on reaction rates suggestthat the time lapse between magma chamber recharge and eruptionwas extremely short (hours to days). It is inferred that mixing of magmas of diverse compositionis driven by convective turbulence generated by large differencesin temperature between end-members. The mixing mechanism involves:(1)rapid homogenization of contrasting residual liquid compositionsby thermal erosion and diffusive transfer (liquid blending);(2) assimilation of phenocrysts derived from the low-temperatureend-member; and (3) dynamic fractional crystallization of rapidlyevolving hybrid liquids in a turbulent boundary layer separatingbasaltic and dacitic magmas. The mixed lavas of lztacc?huatlrepresent samples of this boundary layer quenched by eruption.  相似文献   

At Medicine Lake Volcano, California, the compositional gap between andesite (57–62 wt.% SiO2) and rhyolite (73–74 wt.% SiO2) has been generated by fractional crystallization. Assimilation of silicic crust has also occurred along with fractionation. Two varieties of inclusions found in Holocene rhyolite flows, hornblende gabbros and aphyric andesites, provide information on the crystallization path followed by lavas parental to the rhyolite. The hornblende gabbros are magmatic cumulate residues and their mineral assemblages are preserved evidence of the phases that crystallized from an andesitic precursor lava to generate the rhyolite lavas. The andesitic inclusions represent samples of a parental andesite and record the early part of the differentiation history. Olivine, plagioclase and augite crystallization begins the differentiation history, followed by the disappearance of olivine and augite through reaction with the liquid to form orthopyroxene and amphibole. Further crystallization of the assemblage plagioclase, amphibole, orthopyroxene, magnetite, and apatite from a high-SiO2 andesite leads to rhyolite. This final crystallization process occurs on a cotectic that is nearly horizontal in temperature-composition space. Since a large amount of crystallization occurs over a limited temperature interval, a compositional gap develops between rhyolite and high SiO2 andesite.Liquidus surfaces with shallow slopes in temperature-composition space are characteristic of several late-stage crystallization assemblages in the andesite to rhyolite compositional range. Experimentally produced plagioclase+ amphibole+orthopyroxene+magnetite and plagioclase+ augite+low-Ca pyroxene+magnetite cotectics have liquidus slopes that are nearly flat. At other calc-alkaline volcanic centers crystallization processes involving large compositional changes over small temperature intervals may also be important in the development of bimodal volcanism (i.e. the existence of a composition gap). At Mt. Mazama and Mt. St. Helens, USA and Aso Caldera and Shikotsu, Japan the amphibole-bearing assemblage was important. At Krakatau, Indonesia and Katmai, USA, an augite+orthopyroxene-bearing assemblage was important. In addition to its role in the production of a compositional gap between intermediate and rhyolitic lavas, the crystallization process increases the H2O content of the residual liquid. This rapid increase in residual liquid volatile content which results from the precipitation of a large proportion of crystalline solids may be an important factor among several that lead to explosive silicic eruptions.  相似文献   

The Rotoiti eruption from the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) in northernNew Zealand produced voluminous pyroclastic deposits. The ferromagnesianmineral assemblage in these dominantly consists of cummingtonite+ hornblende + orthopyroxene with uniform magnesium/iron ratios;a second assemblage of biotite + hornblende + orthopyroxene,also with uniform Fe/Mg ratios, appears midway through the eruptionsequence and, thereafter, increases in abundance. These contrastingmineral assemblages, together with pumice clast and groundmassglass compositions, provide evidence for mingling of two discretemagmas. Similarities in the chemical characteristics of thetwo magmas suggest that they developed from a similar source.The eruption initially tapped relatively homogeneous magma thatwas erupted throughout most of this phase of activity. The middlestages of the eruption included some mixed magma. The finalstages of the eruption were dominated by a second magma composition,which was probably injected into the bottom of the main magmabody as the eruption proceeded. The source that fed the eruptionwas complex, and discrete magma bodies existed and evolved separatelyprior to the eruption. We conclude that eruptions in the TVZare fed from a diffuse upper-crustal zone of partially interconnected,and at times physically separate, magma bodies rather than fromcentralized and necessarily large long-lived magma chambers. KEY WORDS: Taupo Volcanic Zone; Okataina Volcanic Centre; Rotoiti eruption; rhyolite system; magma mixing  相似文献   

Anhydrous phase relations were determined at 1 atm and 10 to 15 kbar for primitive high-alumina basalts (79–35g and 82–72f) from Giant Crater at Medicine Lake volcano. These compositions are multiply saturated with olivine+augite+plagioclase+spinel+/-orthopyroxene near the liquidus at about 11 kbar. Experiments on mixtures of sample 79–35g with orthopyroxene and olivine determined the location of the multiple saturation boundaries where liquid coexists with the assemblage olivine+augite+orthopyroxene+plagioclase at 10 kbar and olivine+augite+orthopyroxene+spinel at 15 kbar. The mix experiments showed that primitive Medicine Lake high alumina basalts (HABs) are close in composition to liquids in equilibrium with a mantle lherzolite source containing olivine+augite+ orthopyroxene+spinel+plagioclase at 11 kbar. Orthopyroxene observed as a near liquidus phase in an 11 kbar experiment on sample 82–72f supports this conclusion. The most primitive HABs from Medicine Lake are low in K2O (0.07 wt.%), high in MgO (>10 wt.%) and Ni (231 ppm), and have light-rare earth element depletions and large ion lithophile element enrichments. A model for the origin of these near-primary high-alumina basalts is that they are partial melts of a MORB-like mantle lherzolite source that has been enriched by a fluid component derived from the subducted slab. The HAB magma segregated from its mantle residue just below the base of the crust near the crust-mantle boundary.  相似文献   

Lavas from the 1967 Halemaumau eruption and picrites eruptedin August 1968 at Hiiaka Crater and along the east-rift zonehave the same incompatible element ratios, a feature consistentwith a comagmatic origin. Competing hypotheses for the relationnshipbetween the picrites and basalts are accumulation of olivinein a basaltic melt similar in composition to the Halemaumaubasalts or fractionation of olivine from a primitive picriticmelt to produce the basalts. The results of thermodynamic modelingand major element trends on element ratio diagrams disprovethe first hypothesis but are consistent with the second, fractionation.Thermodynamic modeling provides further tests of the fractionationhypothesis in the form of predicted phase compositions. Predictedand observed phase compositions do not differ significantly.As predicted by modeling, late crystallizing augite and plagioclasein the east-rift picrites are similar to early crystallizingaugite and plagioclase in the Halemaumau basalts. These resultsare all consistent with the hypothesis that primitive picriticmelts with more than 15% MgO fractionated along a liquid lineof descent from the Hiiaka picrites to the Halemaumau basalts.The original magma entered the volcano, probably near its baseon the ocean floor. Part ascended and differentiated under Halemaumauand part erupted at Hiika, 5 km down the east-rift with littlechemical modification. More extensively crystallized picritesthat represent fractionation stages between the Hiiaka Craterpicrites and the Halemaumau basalts erupted another 4?5 and19?5 km down rift from Hiiaka, ending the August, 1968 eruption.  相似文献   

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