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The March–August, 1983 eruption of Mt. Etna can be considered as one of the most important in the last years.The analysis of seismic activity during the three months immediately before the eruption showed interesting variations of theb coefficient, in the frequency-magnitude relationship, that have been linked to possible changes of the stress field in the Etnean region.The eruption start was also preceded by a strong seismic crisis with epicenters mostly on the southern, eastern and southwestern flanks of the volcano, and characterized by the shallowness of most of the events (h3 km).The data analysis has led to a hypothesis on the eruption occurrence based on a model of dynamic evolution of the stress field acting on Mt. Etna. 相似文献
M. Cosentino S. Gresta G. Lombardo G. Patanè M. Riuscetti R. Schick A. Viglianisi 《Bulletin of Volcanology》1984,47(4):929-939
The seismic analysis of the volcanic tremors preceding and accompanying the Etnean eruption of March–August, 1983 has shown a significant variation in the spectral content before the beginning of the eruption, the tremor peaks at 1.4 and 1.6 Hz — which might be associated with the feeding pipes of the NE crater (Schick
et al., 1982a) — being the dominant feature of the spectra.A model of eruption mechanism is proposed where a feeder dyke would connect the NE crater with the effusive fracture. 相似文献
I. Guerra A. Lo Bascio G. Luongo R. Scarpa 《Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research》1976,1(4):347-362
On January 30, 1974, an explosive eruption began on the western side of Etna. The activity evolved into two eruptive periods (January 30–February 17 and March 11–29). Two spatter cones (Mount De Fiore I and Mount De Fiore II) were formed at a height of about 1650 m a.s.l. and a distance of 6 km from the summit area. The effusive activity was very irregular with viscous lava flows of modest length.A seismic network of four stations was established around the upper part of the volcano on February 3. Moreover additional mobile stations were set up at several different sites in order to obtain more detailed informations on epicenter locations and spectral content of volcanic tremor.The volcanic activity is discussed in relation to the distribution of epicenters and the time-space distribution of the spectral characteristics of volcanic earthquakes and tremor. The characteristics of the seismic activity suggest that the flank eruption of Mount Etna was probably feed by a lateral branch of the main conduit yielding the activity at the Central Crater. 相似文献
The event chronology of the 1983 Etna eruption is summarized, and the development of a compound lava field at different time intervals during the eruption is described as observed from aerial photographs.The morphological evolution of the lava fronts has been compared with effusion rate and principal modifications occurring in the main channel, and it has been inferred that the development of the lava flow units is related to the formation of lava tunnels and particularly of lava channels. The total volume of lava emitted has been estimated to be 100±20×106 m3 according to two different methods. Finally, the comparison with previous historical eruptive activity shows a good correlation to other quiet eruptions. 相似文献
R. Colombrita 《Bulletin of Volcanology》1984,47(4):1009-1038
This paper gives a critical analysis of the technical solutions adopted for erecting earthworks to divert lava flows on the basis of the experience obtained recently during the 1983 eruption of Mount Etna. The purpose of the paper is to explain questions of general nature and throw light on problems that must still be solved, which render it difficult to extrapolate the adopted solutions to other volcanic eruptions having radically different characteristics. An account of the earthworks made at the various sites to the east and the west of the lava flow is given, and an analysis is made of the planning choices, the decisions taken during the work, the daily output and thence the relative costs. The works carried out are summarized in Table 1 giving characteristics and costs of the works and times and sizes of the equipments used. The following works were carried out: 4 barriers for a total length of ca. 1700 m with a height variable from 8 to 20 m. 2 channels for a total length of 1000 m. many emergency measures during night and day-time also on fresh lava. During 50 days of 13 working hours per day a total volume of ca. 750,000 m3 of material was moved and ca. 10 km of service roads were built. The total cost of the above mentioned works was 3,678 millions of Italian liras. The final result fulfilled the planning forecasts: all the earthworks erected carried out their task of guiding and diverting the lava flows. Amongst other things, the study of the evolution of eruption has shown that preventive and emergency works can successfully be programmed. Finally, the technological aspects of the works are discussed with particular reference to their planning, site organization, determination of type and number of vehicles to be employed, output to expect and thus, for a correcta priori estimate of the advantage-cost ratio, a forecast of the expenses involved. The paper aims at giving information that may be of use during emergency situations and at stimulating the study of an operations program for mitigating the effects of lava flows in areas of volcanic risk. 相似文献
Daniele Andronico Antonio Cristaldi Paola Del Carlo Jacopo Taddeucci 《Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research》2009,180(2-4):110
The 2002–03 flank eruption of Etna was characterized by two months of explosive activity that produced copious ash fallout, constituting a major source of hazard and damage over all eastern Sicily. Most of the tephra were erupted from vents at 2750 and 2800 m elevation on the S flank of the volcano, where different eruptive styles alternated. The dominant style of explosive activity consisted of discrete to pulsing magma jets mounted by wide ash plumes, which we refer to as ash-rich jets and plumes. Similarly, ash-rich explosive activity was also briefly observed during the 2001 flank eruption of Etna, but is otherwise fairly uncommon in the recent history of Etna. Here, we describe the features of the 2002–03 explosive activity and compare it with the 2001 eruption in order to characterize ash-rich jets and plumes and their transition with other eruptive styles, including Strombolian and ash explosions, mainly through chemical, componentry and morphology investigations of erupted ash. Past models explain the transition between different styles of basaltic explosive activity only in terms of flow conditions of gas and liquid. Our findings suggest that the abundant presence of a solid phase (microlites) may also control vent degassing and consequent magma fragmentation and eruptive style. In fact, in contrast with the Strombolian or Hawaiian microlite-poor, fluidal, sideromelane clasts, ash-rich jets and plumes produce crystal-rich tachylite clasts with evidence of brittle fragmentation, suggesting that high groundmass crystallinity of the very top part of the magma column may reduce bubble movement while increasing fragmentation efficiency. 相似文献
Giuseppe De Natale Stefano Gresta Giuseppe Patané Aldo Zollo 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1985,123(5):697-705
Seismic activity that preceded, accompanied, and followed the 17–23 March 1981 Etnean eruption has been statistically analyzed.On the grounds of both time evolution of seismicity and catalogue completeness, three time intervals have been defined (12 February–2 March, 12–17 March, 19–31 March) and for each of these periods both the b coefficient of theGutenberg-Richter's (1956) relationship and the E parameter of the cluster size (Shlien andToksoz, 1970) have been calculated.No significant variations were observed between the first and third periods, while lower values of bothb andE coefficients were found in the second one. These findings might indicate that changes in the seismicity features occur just before the eruption start.Small but fast variations in the stress field acting on the volcano might originate this type of seismic activity, while the importance of the tectonic control on volcanic phenomena seems to be confirmed. 相似文献
A levelling network and a horizontal distance measuring network down Mt. Etna's south flank were measured before, during and after the 1983 eruption. We analyse the large movements recorded, using theoretical models of surface displacement, to determine the shape and position of the feeder conduit that supplied magma to the eruption. The results indicate that a dyke, the top surface extending nearly horizontally, connects the eruption site to a point near the Southeast Crater. The top of the dyke lies at an altitude of 2400 m to 2500 m, and dips between 75° and 90° to the west.More tentative evidence indicates that the top of the active dyke dropped by about 150 m between the 25th and the 95th day of the eruption, and that a small branching dyke 1 km long was emplaced to the east of the main dyke, but did not attain the surface. The implications of these observation are discussed. 相似文献
The 1991 eruption of the Hekla volcano started unexpectedly on 17 January. No long-term precursory seismicity was observed. The first related activity was a swarm of small earthquakes that began approximately half an hour before the eruption. Intensive seismicity, both earthquakes and volcanic tremor, accompanied the violent onset of the eruption. Almost 400 events up to ML magnitude 2.5 were recorded during the first few hours. During the later phases of the eruption, the earthquake activity was modest and the main volcano-related seismic signal was the persistent volcanic tremor. The tremor died away, together with the eruption on 11 March, and Hekla was seismically quiet until the beginning of June 1991, when a sudden swarm of numerous small shallow earthquakes occurred. This activity is atypical for Hekla and is interpreted to be a failed attempt to resume the eruption. 相似文献
Besides their common use in atmospheric studies, Doppler radars are promising tools for the active remote sensing of volcanic eruptions but were little applied to this field. We present the observations made with a mid-power UHF Doppler radar (Voldorad) during a 7-h Strombolian eruption at the SE crater of Mount Etna on 11–12 October 1998. Main characteristics of radar echoes are retrieved from analysis of Doppler spectra recorded in the two range gates on either side of the jet axis. From the geometry of the sounding, the contribution of uprising and falling ejecta to each Doppler spectrum can be discriminated. The temporal evolution of total power backscattered by uprising targets is quite similar to the temporal evolution of the volcanic tremor and closely reproduces the overall evolution of the eruption before, during and after its paroxysm. Moreover, during the sharp decrease of eruptive activity following the paroxysm, detailed analysis of video (from camera recording), radar and seismic measurements reveals that radar and video signals start to decrease simultaneously, approximately 2.5 min after the tremor decline. This delay is interpreted as the ascent time through a magma conduit of large gas slugs from a shallow source roughly estimated at about 500 m beneath the SE crater. Detailed analysis of eruptive processes has been also made with Voldorad operating in a high sampling rate mode. Signature of individual outburst is clearly identified on the half part of Doppler spectra corresponding to rising ejecta: temporal variations of the backscattered power exhibit quasi periodic undulations, whereas the maximum velocity measured on each spectrum displays a sharp peak at the onset of each outburst followed by a slow decay with time. Periodicity of power variations (between 3.8 and 5.5 s) is in agreement with the occurrence of explosions visually observed at the SE vent. Maximum vertical velocities of over 160 m s–1 were measured during the paraoxysmal stage and the renewed activity. Finally, by using a simplified model simulating the radar echoes characteristics, we show that when Voldorad is operating in high sampling rate mode, the power and maximum velocity variations are directly related to the difference in size and velocity of particles crossing the antenna beam.Editorial responsibility: A. Woods 相似文献
The character and location of seismic activity accompanying the onset of the 1991–1993 eruption at Mt. Etna are compatible with the surface evidence of the volcanic pile rupture. Both the epicentral distribution and the focal mechanisms of a swarm that occurred on December 14, 1991, agree with magma ascent occurring along the main NNW-SSE-trending structure of the volcano and the consequent opening of a system of effusive fissures with the same trend. A typical mainshock-aftershock sequence, recorded the day after and indicating transcurrent displacement occurring along the second-principal structure of Etna (NE-SW), depicts the tectonic response of the volcanic pile and the underlying basement to major stresses applied by the magma push. 相似文献
In this paper, we present a complete morphological characterization of the ash particles erupted on 18 December 2002 from
Etna volcano, Italy. The work is based on the acquisition and processing of bidimensional digital images carried out by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) to obtain shape parameters by image analysis. We measure aspect ratio (AR), form factor (FF), compactness
(CC), and rectangularity (RT) of 2065 ash particles with size between 0.026 and 1.122 mm. We evaluate the variation of these
parameters as a function of the grain-size. Ash particles with a diameter of <0.125 mm vary from mostly equant to very equant,
ash particles between 0.125 and 0.250 mm have an intermediate shape, and particles with diameters >0.250 mm are subelongate.
We find that, on average, particles with a diameter of <0.250 mm are subrounded, particles between 0.250 and 0.50 mm are subangular,
and particles >0.50 mm are angular. Using this morphological analysis and an empirical relation between the drag coefficient
D) and Reynolds number (R
e) of Wilson and Huang (Earth Planet Sci Lett 44:311–324, 1979), we calculate the terminal settling velocities (V
WH). The comparisons between these velocities and those calculated with the formula of Kunii and Levenspiel (Fluidization engineering. Wiley, New York, pp 97, 1969) (V
KL), which considers ash particles as spheres, show that V
KL are in average 1.28 greater than V
WH. Hence, we quantify the systematic error on the spatial distribution of the mass computed around the volcano carried out
by tephra dispersal models when the particles are assumed to be spherical. 相似文献
T.J.O. Sanderson G. Berrino G. Corrado M. Grimaldi 《Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research》1983,16(3-4)
We present reults from simultaneous precise levelling and gravity surveys on Mount Etna covering the period August 1980–August 1981. The flank eruption of March 1981 erupted 18–35 × 105m3 of lava. Following it, upward movements of more than 17 cm were observed close to the new fissure and a broad, apparently independent, uplift of 5 cm was observed 4 km to the west. A zone of about 2 cm depression to the east of the fissure is insufficient to account for the volume of magma erupted. Gravity results show positive changes of up to 63 microgal, and display good positive correlation with elevation changes. Both sets of measurements appear to be due to new intrusion of magma rather than subsurface magma drainage. Ground deformation close to the new fissure is well modelled by intrusion of a dyke in the zone 100–500 m below the surface, striking along the fissure and of dip between 75–90°. The gravity changes are modelled as due to a deeper intrusion of magma, along the same line but some 1500 m below the surface. The changes were not present immediately after the eruption but occurred during the ensuing 5 months. It is proposed that this introduction of matter occurred by crack propagation along the fissure in the aftermath of the eruption. Towards the west of the fissure, and some 4 km west of the summit, ground deformation is modelled by intrusion of a dyke in the zone 300–1500 m below the surface and dipping at 80–85°. Again, gravity changes appear to be due to magma intrusion at greater depth, close to sea level. In this case gravity changes are interpreted as due to magma density changes, as a result of pressure increase in a larger scale fissure zone. This same pressure increase may be forcing the new intrusion close to the surface, and makes this part of the volcano a region of especially high risk. 相似文献
F. Barberi F. Brondi M. L. Carapezza L. Cavarra C. Murgia 《Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research》2003,123(1-2):231
Preceded by four days of intense seismicity and marked ground deformation, a new eruption of Mt. Etna started on 17 July and lasted until 9 August 2001. It produced lava emission and strombolian and phreatomagmatic activity from four different main vents located on a complex fracture system extending from the southeast summit cone for about 4.5 km southwards, from 3000 to 2100 m elevation (a.s.l.). The lava emitted from the lowest vent cut up an important road on the volcano and destroyed other rural roads and a few isolated country houses. Its front descended southwards to about 4 km distance from the villages of Nicolosi and Belpasso. A plan of intervention, including diversion and retaining barriers and possibly lava flow interruption, was prepared but not activated because the flow front stopped as a consequence of a decrease in the effusion rate. Extensive interventions were carried out in order to protect some important tourist facilities of the Sapienza and Mts. Silvestri zones (1900 m elevation) from being destroyed by the lava emitted from vents located at 2700 m and 2550 m elevation. Thirteen earthen barriers (with a maximum length of 370 m, height of 10–12 m, base width of 15 m and volume of 25 000 m3) were built to divert the lava flow away from the facilities towards a path implying considerably less damage. Most of the barriers were oriented diagonally (110–135°) to the direction of the flow. They were made of loose material excavated nearby and worked very nicely, resisting the thrust of the lava without any difficulty. After the interventions carried out on Mt. Etna in 1983 and in 1991–1992, those of 2001 confirm that earthen barriers can be very effective in controlling lava flows. 相似文献
A syn-eruptive ground deformation episode measured by GPS,during the 2001 eruption on the upper southern flank of Mt Etna 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Ground deformation occurring on the southern flank of Mt Etna volcano during the July–August 2001 eruption was monitored by GPS measurements along an E–W profile crossing the fissure system. This profile was measured eight times during the eruption, using the 'stop and go' semi-kinematic technique. Horizontal and vertical displacements between GPS surveys are reported for each station. The most significant event is a deformation episode occurring during the first week of the eruption, between 25–27 July. Displacements were measured on benchmarks close to the eruptive fissure and the tensile 1989 fracture. Data inversions for measured displacements were performed using the Okada model. The model shows the narrowing of the 2001 dyke accompanied by a dextral dislocation along an east-dipping fault, parallel to the 1989 fracture.Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt 相似文献
The 1224 Mt. Etna eruption is a significant event both in terms of the mass of erupted materials and because it involved the lower eastern slope of the volcano, reaching down to the sea. Nevertheless, it is unknown to current historical catalogues. According to the historical sources, only two other lava flows actually reached as far as the sea: in 396 BC, just north of the present-day inhabited area of Acireale, according to the geological data alone, and in 1669, when the lava covered the south-eastern flank of Mt. Etna and damaged Catania. We present and discuss the two medieval sources that attest to the eruption of 1224 and make available the original texts. Furthermore, through the close analysis of the historical and topographic context of the Etna area, taking account of the roads and ports in the early 13th century, we have tried to single out the possible area of the lava's outlet into the sea in 1224 on historical grounds. A repeat of an eruption similar to that of 1224 would have a serious impact today as the coast is densely populated. 相似文献
For 5 months before the 2001 Mt. Etna eruption, a progressive gravity decrease was measured along a profile of stations on
the southern slope of the volcano. Between January and July 2001, the amplitude of the change reached 80 μGal, while the wavelength
of the anomaly was of the order of 15 km. Elevation changes observed through GPS measurements during a period encompassing
the 5-month gravity decrease, remained within 4–6 cm over the entire volcano and within 2–4 cm in the zone covered by the
microgravity profile. We review both gravity and elevation changes by a model assuming the formation of new cracks, uniformly
distributed in a rectangular prism. The inversion problem was formulated following a global optimization approach based on
the use of Genetic Algorithms. Although it is possible to explain the observed gravity changes by means of the proposed analytical
formulation, the results show that calculated elevation changes are significantly higher than those observed. Two alternative
hypotheses are proposed to account for this apparent discrepancy: (1) that the assumptions behind the analytical formulation,
used to invert the data, are fallacious at Etna, and thus, numerical models should be utilized; (2) that a second process,
enabling a considerable mass decrease to occur without deformation, acted together with the formation of new cracks in the
source volume. 相似文献
The explosive behavior and the rheology of lavas in basaltic volcanoes, usually driven by differentiation, can also be significantly
affected by the kinetics of magma degassing in the upper portion of the feeding system. The complex eruption of 2001 at Mt.
Etna, Italy, was marked by two crucial phenomena that occurred at the Laghetto vent on the southern flank of the volcano:
1) intense explosive activity and 2) at the end of the eruption, emission of a lava flow with higher viscosity than flows
previously emitted from the same vent. Here, we investigate the hypothesis that these events were driven by the injection
of volatile-rich magma into the feeding system. The input and mixing of this magma into a reservoir containing more evolved
magma had the twofold effect of increasing 1) the overall concentration of volatiles and 2) their exsolution with consequent
efficient vesiculation and degassing. This led to an explosive stage of the eruption, which produced a ~75-m-high cinder cone.
Efficient volatile loss and the consequent increase of the liquidus temperature brought about the nucleation of Fe-oxides
and other anhydrous crystalline phases, which significantly increased the magma viscosity in the upper part of the conduit,
leading to the emission of a high viscosity lava flow that ended the eruption. The 2001 eruption has offered the opportunity
to investigate the important role that input of volatile-rich magma may exert in controlling not only the geochemical features
of erupted lavas but also the eruption dynamics. These results present a new idea for interpreting similar eruptions in other
basaltic volcanoes and explaining eruptions with uncommonly high explosivity when only basic magmas are involved. 相似文献
An analysis of the structural lineaments, as observed on the middle and upper slopes of Etna volcano, was made with the aim of checking stress distribution within the volcanic structure. The observed features suggest that the deformation pattern of the volcanic edifice is compatible with a deviating stress field dominated by an E-W sinistral shear, with the maximum stress axes being oriented NE (σ1) and NW (σ3) respectively. Such a framework appears to be consistent with the active regional stress field, as deduced from structural data and focal mechanism analyses. The role of the active stress field in the penetration, uprising and eruption of magma in the Etnean area is therefore discussed and some more general suggestions about the geodynamic evolution of eastern Sicily are made. 相似文献