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The magnetic susceptibility of loess-palaeosol sequences in southern Poland and western Ukraine varies mainly with the degree of decomposition of detrital magnetite grains conditioned by palaeoclimate. Relatively high susceptibility values were observed in the unweathered loess horizons and in accumulation horizons of the non-gleyed soils which contain relatively high amounts of paramagnetic fraction and pedogenic (?) magnetite. The susceptibility curves characteristic for Polish and western Ukrainian loess-palaeosol sequences may be directly correlated with oxygen-isotope fluctuations in deep-sea sediments. This correlation is more complex than that for the Chinese or Alaskan loess-palaeosol sequences. The major causes of the complexities are the relatively small thicknesses of the investigated sections (especially their older horizons) and the heterogeneity of geochemical processes that affected loess surface in the interglacial and interstadial times.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with problems of the study of Paleolithic sites in the loess regions of the Russian Plain. It is of great significance to correlate prehistorical settlement with Upper Pleistocene cycles of loess and soil formation — not solely in the reconstruction of paleoenvironments. From the cultural layers at various sites paleontological finds and objects were collected for radiocarbon dating. A complex analysis of archeological objects embedded in the loess-paleosol sequence helps us date Upper Pleistocene loess formation cycles. The data acquired from the investigation of the lithological properties of loess and their modification through time and their dependence on relief characteristics permitted a correlation between the various paleoenvironments and the dust accumulation cycles, which played a decisive role in the selection of the most habitable sites.  相似文献   

Molecular stratigraphic analyses using gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry have been performed in the upper section (S0, L1, S1) of the Yuanbo loess-paleosol sequences in northwest China, with a record extending from the last interglaciation through the present interglaciation. The CPI (Carbon Preference Index) values of both n-alkanols and n-alkan-2-ones display variations between loess deposits and paleosols, showing a correlation with the magnetic susceptibility record, an indicator of the East Asian summer monsoon. The observed variations in the indexes in relation to changes in lithology/paleoclimate are proposed to result from microbial degradation of higher plant lipids in the paleosols. The CPI values of n-alkanes, n-alkanols, and n-alkan-2-ones are negatively correlated with δ13C of bulk organic matter. The correlations suggest that the observed glacial-interglacial variations of δ13C data in the loess stratigraphy reflect the relative importance of the contribution of paleovegetation compared with microorganisms (including both the degradation and the addition of organic matter) and allochthonous loess/soil parent materials. It is thus necessary to evaluate the contributions of the latter two before the paleovegetation can be reconstructed based on the δ13C analysis of bulk organic matter in some loess-paleosol sequences of the Chinese Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

新疆伊犁盆地黄土古气候记录与Heinrich事件对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张文翔  史正涛  刘勇  苏怀  牛洁 《冰川冻土》2015,37(4):973-979
伊犁盆地作为中国黄土高原与欧洲黄土区的过渡区域,其第四纪古气候研究对于揭示全球气候驱动及耦合机制具有重要的意义.通过对伊犁盆地塔勒德晚更新世黄土-古土壤剖面粒度、低频磁化率及地球化学元素分析,探讨了西风区黄土-古土壤序列中古气候指标变化特征及记录的全球气候突变事件.结果表明:古土壤层中粒径10μm颗粒物含量明显高于黄土层,与之相反的是古土壤层中的低频磁化率、Zr/Rb值和元素Ti含量均小于黄土层,且元素Ti含量与Zr/Rb间具有较高的相关性.黄土-古土壤剖面中古气候代用指标清晰的记录了6次Heinrich(H)事件及Younger Drays(YD)事件,但YD事件、H1、H2、H5和H6事件变幅较H3和H4事件显著,古气候指标与格陵兰冰芯δ18O、季风区李家塬粒度和洛川、西峰及环县Zr/Rb值均具有较好的一致性,所记录的气候事件较李家塬、洛川、西峰更为显著.结合已有研究说明,Heinrich和D-O旋回等气候事件是由西风区向季风区传递的,MIS3阶段温度的升高和常年受西风的影响是造成塔勒德气候环境变化特征的主要控制因素.  相似文献   

Morphological characters and multi-element isotopic compositions of carbonates from the loess-paleosol sequences in Northwestern China are examined to explore the origin of the minerals. Samples are collected from various sections ranging from Holocene to 0.9 Ma within the sequences and fractions with grain sizes >45 and <2 μm are separated from the bulk soil and examined by SEM and TEM. The results show that the grains >45 μm exhibit an almost perfect spherical shape while those <2 μm are dominated by nano-rods having diameters of 30-50 nm and lengths of 0.3-2 μm, presumably indicating the detrital origin of the coarse fractions and the authigenic characters of the fine ones. Such implications are corroborated by the multi-elemental isotopic compositions of the carbonate minerals. A comparison of the δ13C and δ18O values between minerals and biologically originated samples indicates that the <2 μm fractions have a similar composition to those of coexisting land snail shells. Additional differences between the two size fractions also manifest in the ratios of 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, 208Pb/204Pb, and 87Sr/86Sr. These results suggest the utility of fine carbonate particles in the soil profile in reconstructing a potentially higher resolution δ13C and δ18O time series to elucidate the paleoclimatic fluctuation in the Chinese Loess Plateau during Pleistocene. The discovery of the nano-rod calcite in Chinese loess, together with previous findings of the similar mineral form in Asian dust, strongly suggests the possibility that these highly reactive CaCO3 form may alter the aerosol properties during transport.  相似文献   

Thermoluminescence (TL) and infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) sediment-dating methods have been applied to paleosol- and tephra-bearing loess sequences younger than marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 7 at three important sites. TL ages indicate the development of significant paleosols ∼75,000 and ∼30,000 yr ago in the loess sequence at the Gold Hill site. Relatively minor soil development occurred ∼70,000 and ∼48,000 yr ago. Like the ∼75,000-yr-old soil, the 30,000-yr-old soil is apparently of global extent, and consistent in timing with inferred warm intervals elsewhere (e.g., Greenland, Europe, western and central China). At Birch Hill, replicate TL dating of primary loess combined with two earlier TL results from the same site, and with an earlier mean fission-track-glass-shard age of 140,000 ± 10,000 yr for the associated Old Crow tephra, yield a more precise numeric age of 142,300 ± 6600 yr for this Alaska/Yukon chronostratigraphic marker ash bed. Three of the TL ages at the Halfway House site are difficult to interpret, but combined with other evidence, they indicate: (1) the upper 5-6 m of loess from Halfway House is not part of the Gold Hill Loess (equivalent to pre-MIS 5 age) as long thought by T.L. Péwé, but rather is much younger; (2) the regionally significant variegated tephra, found in the Fairbanks and Klondike areas and previously thought to be older than MIS 5, has an age of 77,800 ± 4100 yr (late MIS 5).  相似文献   

选取位于中亚干旱区东部新疆天山地区的两个典型黄土沉积剖面,通过磁学参数(XARM/SIRM)、亮度(L*)、有机碳/氮同位素(δ13Corg和δ15N)等记录,对研究区内全新世以来的气候环境进行重建.结果表明:早全新世,XARM/SIRM、L*指示黄土成壤较弱、有机质含量低,δ13Corg记录表明区域降水较少,共同反映...  相似文献   

Dr. M. Pécsi 《GeoJournal》1987,15(2):151-162
The loess of type localities is subdivided into 3 subseries on the basis of the paleosols allowing even an Eurasian comparison for their lithostratigraphy.
  1. The upper young loess (8–10 m) is most widespread, characterized by 3 sandy loess and 2 intercalated humic loess horizons. The ages of the humic loess horizons H1, H2 are c. 16 ka and 20 ka BP, respectively.
  2. The lower young loess (15–20 m) contains 4 loess packets and 3 chernozem-like paleosols, usually doubled soil complexes (designated MF, BD, BA). The MF paleosol complex, first member of lower young loess is c. 27–28 ka BP (C14 and TL dating). The lower young loess is underlain by a brown forest soil and chernozem-like paleosol-assemblage (MB), probably formed during the last interglacial (c. 105–125 ka BP).
  3. The old loess (c. 20 m) is generally characterized by 6–7 loess, mainly brown forest soil and 2 interbedded fluvial sand layers. The lowermost old loess member and an ochre-red paleosol lie below the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary (0,73 Ma).
  4. The loess is underlain by a subaerial non-loessic sequence (20–40 m) with 5–10 red soils, red clays mostly directly superimposed on and locally interbedded by sand and silty sand. At the base of this sequence of red paleosols usually Uppermost Miocene inland sea deposits are found.
It can be concluded that the reddish paleosol developed under climatic, and in general, ecological conditions (probably warm subhumid with rapid cyclical climatic changes) differing from the cold and semiarid or semidesert environments of typical loess formation. The former conditions were characteristic — from the Lower Pliocene to the Lower Pleistocene — on continental or global scales.  相似文献   

Márton Pécsi 《GeoJournal》1995,36(2-3):117-131
In the process of loessification, the development of loess fabric, the role of zonal, regional and partly of local environmental factors is regarded decisive. In the loess sequences various genetic types of loess pockets and paleosols occur and reflect different climatic and paleogeographical conditions.As a consequence, even within a single profile the colour, grain size and mineral composition, CaCO3 content, degree of weathering and fabric of loess may vary. Zonal, regional or even local variations in such loess properties may equally derive from syngenetic or postgenetic processes. For similar reasons, spatially and temporally different forms, types and subtypes of paleosol also developed.This way, loess and soil formation resulted in various spatial types in the same glacial, interstadial or interglacial phase in the various geographical zones and regions. Although there exist major loess regions where the interglacial soils (eg brown forest soils) are markedly distinct from interstadial steppe soils or from other types of humic soils, continental loess areas can also be observed where the paleosols developed under interglacial and interstadial conditions (eg steppe or forest steppe soils) cannot be referred into different genetic types. In such cases the changes in paleoenvironments are difficult and uncertain to reconstruct.The interregional correlation of paleosols is occasionally hindered by the various terminologies applied to denote them. In addition, there are uncertainties concerning the dating and identification of paleoenvironments of polygenetic soils and of soil complexes consisting of paleosol units: how many soil formation phases they represent and how long erosional gaps can be reckoned with between these phases.  相似文献   


中国黄土-古土壤序列记录了东亚古气候的演化历史。为获取黄土高原南部地区夏季风强度演化特征,以甘肃灵台邵寨L9以来的黄土-古土壤序列为研究对象,通过X射线衍射(XRD)和X荧光光谱(XRF)方法分别对880 ka以来黄土-古土壤序列粘粒组分的粘土矿物和元素地球化学特征进行了系统分析。研究表明,黄土高原南部地区880 ka以来风尘堆积序列以伊利石为主,其次为蛭石,含少量的1.42 nm混层矿物(HIM)、高岭石和蒙脱石(含I/S),不含绿泥石;粘粒组分中常量元素含量从高至低排列如下:SiO2>Al2O3>TFe2O3>K2O>MgO>CaO>Na2O>TiO2>P2 O5>MnO。将粘土矿物组合、粘土颗粒显微结构与粘粒组分元素地球化学特征相结合,系统揭示出邵寨剖面中,蒙脱石(含I/S)和高岭石主要来源于原始风尘碎屑,伊利石包括原始风尘碎屑和后期风化成壤两种来源,蛭石和HIM为成壤风化产物。由于含Na、Fe、Mg元素的蛭石、HIM和蒙脱石(含I/S)含量的变化主要受控于成壤作用的强弱,因此基于上述元素获取的粘粒组分的CIW'(CIW'=100×Al2O3/(Al2O3+Na2O))和TFe2O3/MgO指标很好地记录了古东亚夏季风环流强度的变化历史。研究发现,880 ka以来东亚夏季风环流强度呈间冰期/冰期的强/弱变化特征,在约850 ka、约620 ka、约550 ka、约420 ka和约127 ka等几个间冰期显著增强。


The granulometric composition and sorting of loesses and interbedded soils are studied for stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of the loess-paleosol sequence in Moldova. Distinctive features of loess and paleosol horizons of different age are identified and general characteristics of the mineral composition are described that together with other lithological characteristics, including the visual ones, improve reliability of stratigraphic operations.  相似文献   

为查明典型黄土-古土壤系列地层结构的水分运移及湿陷变形规律,依托西安北至机场城际轨道项目于渭北黄土塬区所进行的大型试坑浸水试验,采用现场实时观测的方法,跟踪测试了无渗水孔条件下的湿陷性土层浸水渗透及湿陷变形。结果表明:在浸水前期,渗透水流以垂直运动为主,整体形态似一不断加大的“秤砣”形,随着水分运移至埋深较大土层时(约15.0 m),水平运动开始加大,直至达到水分入渗扩散角界限,最终,浸润区及饱和区均呈现形似倒置“漏斗”的形态;受水分扩散的影响,沉降过程可划分为:初始浸水段-剧烈湿陷段-湿陷稳定段-停水孔压消散段-固结沉降段-沉降稳定段;古土壤层阻碍了水分的垂直渗透速度,并对其上土层的侧向扩散起到一定促进作用,停水后,则起到隔绝水分向下快速扩散的作用。研究结果为认识典型黄土-古土壤系列场地水分运移及湿陷变形规律提供了参考,也可为该地区未来工程建设提供指导及借鉴。  相似文献   

The Mediterranan Sea is an evaporite basin that compensates its water deficit by inflow through the Straits of Gibraltar and the Bosporus. Excess salinities are discharged through a bottom counter current. In Plio-Pleistocene cooler periods a water surplus produced a surface outflow and a bottom inflow bringing in waters upwelling in the ancestral Canary current. Water circulation in modern evaporite basins can serve as an adequate model to explain ancient evaporites in the Mediterranean region. The last such high-salinity event comprises Upper Miocene evaporites stretching from southeastern Spain to the Caspian Sea, from the Carpathian Foreland to Yemen. They formed in a series of interconnected basins which pre-concentrated or locally diluted circulating bottom currents. Not normal oceanic saltwater but brackish Ponto-Caspian waters were the source of supply during a period when the Straits of Gibraltar were closed.  相似文献   

可菲  徐建  张鹏  包志安  马龙  宗春蕾 《地质学报》2023,97(2):565-582
本文通过对IODP 363航次于澳大利亚西北岸外陆架上钻取的U1483站岩芯进行沉积物粒度、镁同位素以及主量元素成分等分析,重建200 ka以来帝汶海西南部沉积物输入演化及其指示的源区风化和侵蚀历史,探讨海洋沉积物中细粒硅质碎屑组分镁同位素的古环境指示意义。U1483站陆源碎屑组分主要由黏土质粉砂组成,其δ26Mg变化范围超过0.25‰。通过计算化学蚀变指数(chemical index of alteration, CIA)和两种物理侵蚀指标(包括陆源物质堆积速率和Ti/Ca比值),结果显示200 ka以来δ26Mg指标与CIA具有非常一致的曲线形态。本文推测陆源碎屑组分的Mg同位素组成主要反映物源区大陆硅酸盐风化强度的变化,而受矿物学分选、岩性和早期成岩作用的影响较小。结合区域古气候记录,我们发现本研究中的风化和侵蚀记录与同一个站位已发表的澳洲夏季风降水和表层海水温度变化具有较好的耦合关系,而与赤道太平洋海平面变化的相关程度较低,反映了轨道时间尺度上沉积物所记录的物源区风化和侵蚀演化主要受控于澳洲古季风系统,表现为气候驱动型风化模式。本研...  相似文献   

地磁场源于地核流体的运动,至少已有约35亿年历史。地磁场的起源及演化一直是地球科学研究的前沿领域之一,这是因为它既是地球宜居环境的重要保障,也是探究地球系统各圈层联系的重要途径。本文重点围绕保留在岩石中的"深时"古地磁场记录,分析在地球内部磁场的形成与维持、地磁场极性倒转、以及地磁场强度变化等古地磁场研究三个方面的主要进展及面临的挑战。同时,结合古地磁测试技术的革新,磁发电机实验和超算模拟的应用,生物磁学的发展,阐述古地磁与地质学多学科交叉研究有望在揭示古地磁场变化及其对生物演化方面的贡献。对古地磁场变化的研究不仅有助于理解地磁场的起源与演化规律,也对认识地球的早期演化,甚至其它行星的演化有重要意义。  相似文献   

Based on the petromagnetic characteristics of rocks that crop out within the Main Ural Fault zone (MUF) and Voykar–Synya ophiolites the multistage pattern of deformation processes in the study areas has been established. An analysis of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of rock minerals detected the orientation, which allows us to reveal magnetic orientations in minerals recorded as a results of thrust (overthrust) and strike-slip deformations at an early stage of the evolution of the Ural orogenic belt. The main axes of the ellipsoid of anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS) associated with regional thrusting, namely, the main stage of formation of the structure of the Urals, have rarely been revealed. This is evidence that thrust petrofabrics are almost completely veiled by superimposed shear deformations.  相似文献   

Quantitative mineralogical analysis of bulk samples and single particles was carried out on three loess sections of different local climate settings on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP). Mineralogy, geochemistry, and single-particle petrography of loess and paleosols are relatively uniform over the CLP. However, in detail, there are mineralogical changes related to eolian process and chemical weathering. Particle-size sorting eastward from western sources led to an eastward increase of the total phyllosilicate contents enriched in fine illitic clay minerals. After deposition, detrital minerals susceptible to chemical weathering were sequentially altered in a progressive fashion with increasing precipitation in the order of calcite, dolomite, biotite, illite, chlorite, amphibole, and plagioclase. The weathering of biotite, chlorite, and illite resulted in a significant increase of expandable phyllosilicate contents. The sequential weathering of the minerals is reflected chemically in the decrease of Na and Mg and the increase of iron oxidation. Mineralogy of the Chinese loess at individual sites reflects the effects of size fractionation during eolian transportation and progressive sequential weathering along the climatic gradient, and it is essential to consider both effects when using mineralogical and dependent chemical data in the paleoclimatic reconstruction of the CLP.  相似文献   

为了探究磁山地区历史时期的古气候特点,本研究以河北省武安市磁山文化遗址区的黄土-古土壤为研究对象,该地区分布的黄土主要为晚更新世的马兰黄土和次生黄土,利用土壤切片图像处理分析系统和image-pro plus 6.0等软件对图像进行处理和分析,主要从微结构、孔隙特征及矿物成分这3个方面分析黄土和古土壤的微形态特征,并研究该地区黄土及古土壤的粒度和磁化率特征。得出结论如下:1)磁山地区的马兰黄土主要是粒状结构,孔隙度低,矿物以石英和长石为主;次生黄土主要有镶嵌微结构,还有典型的"斑状"微结构,孔隙度比马兰黄土小,粗颗粒仍然主要为石英、长石。2)马兰黄土中古土壤的粗颗粒主要为石英,孔隙壁沉淀较多方解石,存在发育良好的淀积粘粒胶膜,反映当时该地区气候温暖湿润,古土壤形成后,马兰黄土中的微形态特征、磁化率和粒度特征显示气候逐渐变得干冷,且冬季风强;次生黄土的微形态特点及磁化率特征,反映出次生黄土形成的后期比前期相对湿润。3)根据微形态和磁化率特征可知:磁山地区在晚更新世中期,气候从温湿逐渐变为干冷,晚更新世晚期则从干冷向相对温湿发展。  相似文献   

四川盆地加里东古隆起位于盆地中西部,龙门山构造带以东。分析古隆起形成演化及其动力学成因机理对研究盆地内构造变形和指导盆地深层油气勘探具有重要意义。本文基于前人研究成果,根据大量地震反射剖面和钻井资料,结合盆地周缘露头资料,开展新一轮的研究工作。通过对比分析不同区域地层特征,识别古隆起发育区的前二叠系缺失情况,以及各套地层尖灭点分布范围、不整合削截点和上超点。利用地震、连井剖面相结合方法,较为详细地刻画了加里东古隆的形态特征,进而认识古隆起的阶段性演化;以灯影组顶面古构造演化为研究对象,结合平衡剖面技术,确定了加里东古隆起的形成演化阶段,将其划分为震旦纪雏形期、寒武纪-志留纪发育期、泥盆纪-石炭纪剥蚀夷平期、二叠纪-中三叠世稳定埋藏期、晚三叠世-现今调整定型期5个阶段;结合区域构造背景和四川盆地基底断裂特征,进一步分析加里东古隆起动力学成因机理。综合研究认为,加里东古隆起的形成受控于区域构造活动和基底断裂分期分段活动的影响。是基底作"堑垒式"差异隆升使盆地出现"大隆大坳"此起彼伏的构造格局,从而影响了继承性古隆起的形成演化。  相似文献   

A palynological record recovered from successions of Coniacian to early Campanian age (89.1–83.5 Ma) was obtained from the lacustrine sequences of the SK-I south core (SK-Is) in the Songliao Basin, northeastern China. The palynoflora is dominated by bisaccate gymnosperm pollen, followed by spores of pteridophytes, and just minor amounts of angiosperm pollen. Based on the relative abundance of the different spore and pollen taxa through the core, the succession was subdivided into three palynological assemblages. The results indicate two opposite trends for climate change, a minor warming trend (from 89.1 to 85.7 Ma) followed by a rapid cooling trend (85.7–83.5 Ma). The first warming trend reached its maximum at 85.7 Ma, which is inconsistent with results from the marine realm (which instead show a minor cooling trend based on several proxy records). However, the second cooling phase is consistent with global changes from various and abundant palaeoclimate proxies from marine deposits. We interpret the climatic changes within the studied interval (89.1–83.5 Ma) as a consequence of the shifting climate from a hot/super greenhouse to a temperate greenhouse.  相似文献   

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