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This study presents geochronological data (40Ar/39Ar) obtained for Mesozoic volcanic rocks superimposed upon different-aged rocks from the eastern portion of the Argun superterrane. The new data on their age corresponds to the two episodes of magmatic activity distinctly manifested within the East Asia during the Mesozoic and proves the asynchronous development of the volcanic complexes, which make up the eastern and western flanks of the Umlekan-Ogodzha volcanoplutonic belt. It is assumed that the Umlekan-Ogodzha belt is a near EW section of a series of different-aged near NS-trending volcanoplutonic belts subparallel to the Pacific margin.  相似文献   

现龙江组与光华组作为大兴安岭北段龙江盆地中的主要地层单元,二者的时代与含义仍存有争议.通过对二者的建组剖面进行野外调查,采用最新的激光全熔40Ar/39Ar测年对剖面及周边的7件火山岩样品进行了精细的定年研究,结果显示,现龙江工组年龄为125.1Ma±1.5Ma~117.0Ma±9.0Ma;光华组为125.4Ma±1.8Ma~121.6Ma±1.4Ma;甘河组为123.1Ma±1.1Ma~82.0Ma±4.0Ma.本区晚白垩世火山岩信息揭示龙江盆地可能发育大兴安岭北段晚白垩世孤山镇期火山岩.野外地质调查结果表明,现龙江组和光华组具有基本相同的火山喷发旋回,结合2个岩组相同的年龄结果,建议合并现龙江组与光华组,恢复为原龙江组,而不再使用从原龙江组上部划分出的光华组.从火山-沉积地层出露特征分析,龙江盆地与其北部的大杨树盆地具有一定的相似性,2个盆地具有相同的地质演化历史,表明龙江盆地可能是潜在的油气调查新区.  相似文献   

鲁西地区中生代火成活动的^40Ar/^39Ar年龄   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
鲁西地区中生代有四种火成岩岩石组合,测得了三种组合代表性岩体的40Ar/39Ar坪年龄。平邑铜石岩体的石英二长闪长斑岩为189.8Ma,该岩体的二长斑岩为188.4Ma;枣庄沙沟岩体的黑云母辉石岩为115.1Ma;邹平茶叶山橄榄苏长辉长岩为112.5Ma,邹平四尖山石英二长岩为115.1Ma。结合已公布的年龄数据,将鲁西区火成活动划为早侏罗世和早白垩世两个阶段  相似文献   

青藏高原北缘中生代伸展构造^40Ar/^39Ar测年和MDD模拟   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
沿着青藏高原北缘的阿尔金山脉东段 ,发育了长度大于 30 0km、EW走向的拉配泉断裂。中美合作阿尔金课题组的地质填图结果表明 ,该断层实际上是一条南倾的正断层 ,局部倾角可以低至 30°以下。沉积学和热年代学研究控制了拉配泉断裂的活动时代 :早—中侏罗统地层可以解释为断裂上盘的伸展盆地沉积 ;下盘岩石中钾长石40 Ar/ 3 9Ar测年和MDD模拟给出 2个阶段的冷却事件 ,早期事件出现在约 2 2 0~ 187Ma之间 ,晚期事件出现在早白垩世晚期 (约 10 0Ma)。早期事件代表了拉配泉断裂正断作  相似文献   

氯对40Ar-39Ar定年的制约及数据处理   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
王松山 《地质科学》1992,(4):369-378
核反应35Cl(n,γ)36Cl和37Cl(n,γ)38Cl的最终产物36Ar和38Ar,对40Ar-39Ar定年影响不可忽视,尤其是在测定某些含K量低的沉积成因矿物时更为重要。本文介绍含Cl样品的40Ar-39Ar定年技术及全部数据处理步骤,以及ppm级K、Ca、Cl含量的测定及计算方法。  相似文献   

迁安紫苏花岗岩的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄谱   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对采自河北省迁安县水厂地区的紫苏花岗岩中的黑云母和紫苏辉石进行了~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄测定,分别给出了18.7亿年和19.6亿年的~(40)Ar保存年龄。这两种矿物的年龄谱的视年龄的梯度变化表明,紫苏花岗岩形成后是缓慢冷却的。3.9亿年左右的一次热事件,造成了放射成因~(40)Ar的丢失。根据热历史和封闭温度的研究,从27亿年(侵入到该区紫花岗岩中的花岗闪长岩的锆石U-Pb年龄)到19.6亿年,紫苏花岗岩岩体的抬升速率为6.5m/Ma,但从19.6亿年到18.7亿年,其抬升速率高达111m/Ma,具有明显的构造抬升作用。  相似文献   

在新藏公路奇台达坂东约10krn、海拔5600m的晚三叠世花岗岩之上发现厚约10m的玄武岩和粗面英安岩.地球化学数据显示,该火山岩高碱,富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损重稀土元素,Eu中等负异常,高Sr,低Nd,属钾玄岩系列,可能源于壳幔混合层.测定全岩~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar坪年龄为8.27Ma±0.32Ma(900~1400℃,~(39)Ar累积释放量为66%),与受火山岩烘烤后花岗岩的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄(7.9Ma±1.0Ma)在误差范围内一致,表明该火山岩喷发于约8Ma的晚中新世,与相邻的大红柳滩火山岩的时代(7.97Ma±0.14Ma)相近.新藏公路奇台达坂晚中新世火山岩的发现丰富了青藏高原西北缘晚新生代岩浆活动的资料,表明在晚中新世-上新世康西瓦-泉水沟一带火山活动非常频繁,并显示火山活动与大型断裂带运动的关系非常密切.  相似文献   

杜世俊  徐兴旺  杨列坤  符超  苏捷  崔敏利 《岩石学报》2009,25(12):3251-3258
山东临朐-昌乐地区新生代岩浆活动强烈,以形成含大量地幔包体的玄武岩为特征.作者在考察与研究昌乐北岩古火山口玄武岩中地幔包体的过程中,发现一些包体中发育有地幔钾交代成因的金云母细脉.鉴于金云母的封闭温度远低于玄武岩浆喷发时的温度以及金云母可以记录喷发的玄武岩浆冷却通过金云母封闭温度的时间,本文尝试通过金云母所记录的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄来推断玄武岩浆喷溢的结束时间.该火山口玄武岩不同部位的三个地幔岩包体其金云母的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar坪年龄分别为18.42±0.21Ma、18.65±0.27Ma和18.39±0.36Ma,年龄结果具有很好的一致性,充分说明了该定年手段的有效性.因此可以确定该火山口玄武岩浆喷溢活动约在18.5Ma前结束.由此推测山旺盆地中不整合发育在源于该火山口喷溢的玄武岩之上的化石群的形成时代下限约为18.5Ma.用玄武岩地幔包体金云母的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄来确定玄武岩年龄是玄武岩定年一个有效的新方法.  相似文献   

^40Ar/^39Ar定年中干扰同位素的质谱校正与低温分离技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
富云莲 《岩矿测试》1993,12(2):122-127
将光谱纯的CaF_2和优级纯的K_2SO_4同样品一起在反应堆中照射,用MM-1200质谱计分别对其熔融释放的气体进行测定,得到干扰同位素校正因子: C_2=(~(36)Ar/~(37)Ar)_(Ca)=(2.40±0.24)×10~(-4) C_4=(~(39)Ar/~(37)Ar)_(Ca)=(8.06±0.10)×10~(-4) C_3=(~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar)_K=(3.18~6.86)×10~(-3) 将被照射过的含Cl样品释放的Ar和Cl混合气体,通入被冷却到-90℃的弯管,Cl被冷  相似文献   

West of the Main Uralian fault, the main suture in the southern Urals, 40Ar/39Ar apparent ages of amphibole, muscovite and potassium feldspar are interpreted as cooling ages. A fast exhumation of the metamorphic complex of Kurtinsky during Upper Carboniferous time is indicated by the small age difference (15 Ma) between cogenetic amphibole and muscovite. Differentiated movement in the footwall of the Main Uralian fault along strike is indicated by the age difference of 70 Ma between the metamorphic complexes of Kurtinsky (north) and Maksyutov (south). No Upper Paleozoic (Uralian) medium- to high-temperature event is recorded in 40Ar/39Ar data from the metamorphic complex of Beloretzk (MCB). An amphibole age of 718±5 Ma and the occurrence of mafic intrusions might signal the break-up of Rodinia and therefore indicate the rifting period followed by the separate movement of the "Beloretzk terrane". Muscovite ages of approximately 550±5 Ma, the unique pre-Ordovician tectonometamorphic evolution of the MCB and the Late Vendian sedimentary history of the western Bashkirian Megaanticlinorium (BMA) imply the existence of a Neoproterozoic orogeny at the eastern margin of Baltica. This orogeny might have been initiated by the accretion of the "Beloretzk terrane". The metamorphic grade of the overlain Silurian shales and the K/Ar microcline ages from the "Beloretzk terrane" give evidence for a new thermal event at approximately 370 Ma. A microcline age of 530–550 Ma obtained for the Vendian conglomerate in the western BMA suggests that a maximum temperature of approximately 200°C was reached in Cambrian or Vendian times. An orthoclase age (590–630 Ma) of the Vendian Zigan flysch deposits might be inherited from the eastern source area, the Cadomian orogen. An orthoclase age (910–950 Ma) from the Riphean Zilmerdak conglomerate coincides with a documented decrease in the subsidence rate of the Upper Riphean basin.  相似文献   

辽西义县组火山岩40Ar/39Ar、K-Ar法年龄测定   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35  
义县组为辽西地区广泛分布的陆相火山-沉积地层,义县火山旋回分为 4个亚旋回.含珍稀化石的湖相沉积层与第二亚旋回火山岩伴生.运用激光微区 40Ar/39Ar法、常规 40Ar/39Ar阶段升温测年法和 K- Ar法,对义县旋回火山岩进行了系统的年龄测定,结果表明,直接覆盖义县组底砾岩的义县旋回第一亚旋回第一小旋回玄武岩的 K- Ar年龄为 (133.3± 2.6) Ma、 (133.6± 2.6) Ma,激光微区 40Ar/39Ar法给出的相关性很好的 Ar- Ar等时线年龄为 (132.9± 4.5) Ma,第三、第四小旋回玄武岩样品 40Ar/39Ar阶段升温获得平坦的年龄谱线,坪年龄分别为 (130.6± 0.5) Ma、 (127.7± 0.2) Ma;第二亚旋回玄武岩和流纹质凝灰岩样品 Ar- Ar等时线年龄为 (126.1± 1.7) Ma、 (127.4± 1.3) Ma,第三亚旋回火山岩全岩 K- Ar年龄为 (124.4± 2.4)~ (124.9± 2.4) Ma.义县火山旋回发生的时间大致介于 120~ 135 Ma之间, 义县组的时代应为早白垩世.  相似文献   

吴林  杨列坤  师文贝  王非 《地质科学》2010,45(3):905-916
Ar同位素体系定年矿物的封闭温度范围广,并且可以获得650℃~150℃温度段的非线性冷却历史,因此~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar热年代学成为研究地质体热演化历史过程中最有效的工具之一。但是由于矿物中Ar同位素扩散机制还有一些问题没有清楚地被认识,因此在一定程度上制约了~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar热年代学的发展。本文介绍了目前应用最广泛的两种~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar热年代学模式:多重扩散域模式和多路径扩散模式,讨论了它们的发展现状、存在的问题、可能解决的方法以及今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

By applying the 40Ar/39Ar-dating method, age estimates for phlogopites of mantle xenoliths with different parageneses from the Udachnaya and Mir kimberlite pipes (Yakutia, Russia) were obtained. The oldest ages determined are 2.6–2.3 Ga, which far transcends the Paleozoic age of kimberlite entrainment. The phlogopite formation of these ages reflects ancient metasomatic events following rearrangement processes in the mantle in the Archean-Early Proterozoic, particularly during and after accretion of the Pangea-0 super-continent. A multistep age spectrum of UV162/09 was obtained from several generations of phlogopite and indicates a later multistage metasomatic process taking place in the mantle under Udachnaya pipe. Several stages of mantle metasomatism of various ages and scales are detected within the Siberian platform.  相似文献   

东喜马拉雅构造结岩体冷却的40Ar/39Ar年代学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对采自东喜马拉雅构造结核心地段雅鲁藏布大峡谷地区的13件标本中的20件矿物样品进行了系统的常规^40Ar/^39Ar年代学研究。数据显示,样品的(^40Ar/^39Ar)i值均接近尼尔值(295.5±5),且绝大部分样品的坪年龄与其反等时线年龄在误差范围内一致。从数据统计结果来看,所测样品的^40Ar/^39Ar年龄大都集中在1.3Ma和2.5Ma左右,表明南迦巴瓦地区在上新世中期和更新世早期均经历了快速冷却抬升事件。本次测试的样品采自不同的高程及不同的构造单元,且样品原岩的成因及岩性各异,但沿着大峡谷由北向南不同地段的样品的不同矿物(角闪石、黑云母、白云母、钾长石)的^40Ar/^39Ar年龄相近,而同一样品中不同矿物的^40Ar/^39Ar年龄大小又并非完全按照矿物对氩同位素体系的封闭温度高低来分布,表明该地区在上新世以来的岩体冷却速率很大,以致该地区的矿物对氩同位素体系的封闭过程与处于缓慢冷却环境中的封闭过程明显不同。以本文报道的数据估算,南迦巴瓦地区的岩体在最近3Ma以来的冷却速率达120~240℃/Ma,岩体抬升速率达3.4—6.9mm/a。  相似文献   

西准噶尔成矿带夹持在天山断裂与额尔齐斯断裂之间,是中亚成矿域西部的核心区域之一,广泛发育晚古生代深成岩浆活动、走滑断裂构造和斑岩铜矿、造山型金矿成矿作用。本文在西准噶尔成矿带包古图岩体、康德岩体、加曼岩体、库鲁木苏岩体、别鲁阿嘎希岩体、哈图岩体、阿克巴斯套岩体、庙尔沟岩体、克拉玛依岩体及红山岩体采集12个样品,通过黑云母和钾长石(40)~Ar/(39)~Ar阶段升温测年,给出了该地区(40)~Ar/(39)~Ar冷却年龄。其中,黑云母(40)~Ar/(39)~Ar年龄处在326~302 Ma范围内,钾长石(40)~Ar/(39)~Ar年龄为297~264 Ma,反映了西准噶尔地区晚石炭世-中二叠世的区域中温冷却历史。结合前人报道的锆石U-Pb、角闪石(40)~Ar/(39)~Ar、辉钼矿Re-Os、磷灰石裂变径迹等年龄数据,构建了西准噶尔成矿带晚古生代岩浆侵入,成矿作用与构造抬升,以及晚中生代剥露过程的整个热历史;并与区域左行走滑断裂活动的时间进行了对比,讨论了(40)~Ar/(39)~Ar冷却年龄的构造意义。  相似文献   

The Late Triassic Central Patagonian Batholith is a key element in paleogeographic models of West Gondwana just before to the break-up of the supercontinent. The preexisting classification of units of this batholith was mainly based on isotopic and geochemical data. Here we report the results of field mapping and petrography, backed up by three new 40Ar/39Ar biotite ages, which reveal previously unnoticed relationships of the rocks in the batholith. Based on the new information we present a reorganization of units where the batholith is primarily formed by the Gastre and the Lipetrén superunits. The Gastre Superunit is the oldest magmatic suite and is composed of I-type granites which display evidence of felsic and mafic magma interaction. It is formed by 4 second-order units: 1) equigranular hornblende–biotite granodiorites, 2) porphyritic biotite–hornblende monzogranites, 3) equigranular biotitic monzogranites and 4) hornblende quartz-diorites. Emplacement depth of the Gastre Superunit is bracketed between 6 and 11 km (1.8–3 kbar), and the maximum recorded temperatures of emplacement are comprised between 660 and 800 °C. The recalculated Rb/Sr age is 222 ± 3 Ma and the porphyritic biotite–hornblende monzogranites yielded a 40Ar/39Ar age in biotite of 213 ± 5 Ma. On the other hand, the Lipetrén Superunit is made up by fine-grained biotitic monzo- and syenogranites that postdate magma hybridization processes and intrude all the other units. The recalculated Rb/Sr age for this suite is identical to a 40Ar/39Ar age in biotite extracted from one of its monzogranites (206.4 ± 5.3 and 206 ± 4 Ma, respectively). This and the observed textural features suggest very fast cooling related to a subvolcanic emplacement. An independent unit, the “Horqueta Granodiorite”, which has previously been considered as the record of a Jurassic intrusive stage in the Central Patagonian Batholith, gave a 40Ar/39Ar age in biotite of 214 ± 2 Ma. This and the reexamination of available isotopic data allow propose that this granodiorite unit is part of the Late Paleozoic intrusives in the region. The Late Triassic Central Patagonian Batholith is overlain by 190–185 Ma volcano-sedimentary rocks, suggesting that it was exposed sometime between the latest Triassic and earliest Jurassic times, roughly coeval with a major accretionary episode in the southwestern margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

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