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The aim of the present paper will be to generalize the methods for computation of the elements of eclipsing binary systems in the frequency-domain, summarized in our recent Paper I (Kopal, 1981), to the case ofclose systems, in which photometric proximity effects become conspicuous and must be taken into account before the methods previously outlined in Paper I become directly applicable.Following a brief introduction to the subject given in Section 1, Section 2 summarizes (and comments upon) the difficulties previously encountered in separation of the photometric proximity and eclipse effects. In Section 3 we develop an alternative new approach to the problem by modulation of the light curves throughout the entire orbital cycle, intended to filter out proximity effects from the observed light changes and isolate those due to eclipses; while in Section 4 we shall present a numerical application of the new method to an analysis of the observed light changes of the eclipsing system W Ursae Maioris.In Section 5 we shall present a quantitative investigation of the photometric effects of distortion on the light changes of close eclipsing systems within eclipses-the most complicated part of the whole problem-with numerical application to the system of U Sagittae carried out in the concluding Section 6.Appendices 1–3 contain numerical data which should facilitate application of the methods developed and illustrated in Sections 3–4; while Appendix 4 will be reserved for a mathematical proof of certain expansions used in Section 5, which would have been too discursive for the main text.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to extend the Fourier methods of analysis of the light curves of eclipsing binaries, outlined in our previous communication (Kopal, 1975) in connection with systems whose components would appear as uniformly bright discs, to systems whose components exhibit discs characterized by an arbitrary radially-symmetrical distribution of brightness —i.e., an arbitrary law of darkening towards the limb — be it linear or nonlinear.In Section 2 which follows a few brief introductory remarks, fundamental equations will be set up which govern the light changes arising from the mutual eclipses of limb-darkened stars — be such eclipses total, partial or annular; and Section 3 will contain a closed algebraic solution for the elements of the occulation eclipses terminating in total phase. Such a solution proves to be no more complicated than it turned out to be for uniformly bright discs in our previous paper; and calls for no special functions for the purpose — as will be put in proper perspective in the concluding Section 4.The cases of transit eclipses terminating in an annular phase, of partial eclipses of occulation or transit type, will be similarly dealt with by Fourier methods in the next paper of the present series.  相似文献   

UBV Light Curves of the eclipsing binary system PV Cassiopeiae have been investigated using recently developed frequency-domain techniques. This analysis is based on Kopal's new theory for the study of the light variations, between minima as well as within eclipses, of eclipsing binaries whose components undistorted or distorted by axial rotation and mutual tidal action.A method for the distinguishing of the photometric proximity and eclipse effects directly from the observed data is also presented. In this method no rectification is needed. The automated method has been tested successfully on the light curves of PV Cassiopeiae. Finally, a comparative discussion is given of Kopal's and Kitamura's methods of the light curves analysis.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper has been to generalize the method, developed by Kopal (1976), for the evaluation of the photometric proximity effects (between minima as well as within eclipses) of distorted eclipsing systems. The method is extended to quantities of second order (n-7) is surficial distortion. Analytical expressions of the polynomials to be used for modulation of the light curve are also given.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper has beento analyse the light changes of the close eclipsing system SX Aurigae in the frequency-domain. This analysis is based on Kopal's new theory recently developed for the study of light variations, between minima as well as within eclipses, of close eclipsing binaries whose components are distorted by axial rotation and mutual tidal action.A method for the separation of the photometric proximityand eclipse effects directly from the observed data is also presented. In this method no rectification is needed. The automated method has been tested on the light curves of SX Aurigae. Finally, a comparative discussion is given of Kopal and Kitamura methods of thelight curves analysis.  相似文献   

The radio radius of the Sun is determined from an analysis of the radio contact times of the 7 March, 1970 and 10 July, 1972 solar eclipses from = 3 mm to = 31 cm. Agreement with other eclipse measurements is good. A best fit curve through the several points gives the radio radius to within approximately ±0.01 of the photosheric radius below -5 cm.  相似文献   

Formulae are set out from which the light loss may be derived in a close binary system in which a component affected by a starspot, of the type considered previously (Budding, 1977) is also in eclipse, in such a way that the starspot itself is undergoing eclipse. In this way the hitherto postponed problem of thecombination of eclipse and maculation effects — which are sometimes believed to be present, e.g., in RS CVn-stars — is treated, and shown to be reducible to expressions involving algebraic or elliptic integrals.A more practical approach using a small-spot approximation is given, and demonstrated on an example. Such an approach should be easy to manage by computer, and is expected to find a ready application in the analysis of active cool, close binaries.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to make use of the expressions, established in Paper XI, for the fractional loss of light l 0 of arbitrarily limb-darkened stars in the form of Hankel transforms of zero order, in order to evaluate the explicit forms of the l 0's for different types of eclipses (Section 2), as well as of the momentsA 2mof the respective light curves (Section 3)-in a closed form; or in terms of expansions that converge under all circumstances envisaged. Particular attention will be directed to a connection between these expansions and other functions already available in tabular form; or to alternative forms amenable to automatic computation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper has been to establish explicit expressions for the photometric perturbations in the light changes of close eclipsing systems, arising from the mutual distortion of the components, for any type of eclipses — be these occultations or transits; partial, total, or annular — and exhibiting arbitrary distribution of brightness (limb- or gravity-darkening) over the apparent disc of the eclipsed star.These perturbations have been expressed in terms of certain general types of series that can be easily programmed for automatic computation. They represent a generalization of results previously obtained by Kopal (1975) or Livaniou (1977, 1978) in so far as the expansions derived in this paper hold good for any real (not necessarily integral) value ofm>0. As such, they can be used to free from the photometric proximity effects within eclipses the empirical momentsA 2m of the light curves of non-integral orders, and the task performed within seconds of real time on high-speed automatic computers now available. Closed-form expressions for such perturbations, obtaining in the case of total eclipses, are given correctly to terms of first order in quantities which represent the distortion of each component.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the peculiar Bp star HD 36916 has been studied on plates with dispersion 9.7 A/mm and compared with those of Aur, B3V andi And, B8V. A comparison of the observed contours of H, H and of the Balmer discontinuity D with those computed by Mihalas gives the following results: HD 36916: e=0.347, logg=3.8;i And: e=0.383, logg=3.2; Aur: e=0.302, logg=3.6. HD 36916 presents the characteristics of the Si-4200 stars: strong deficiency in helium and probably also in oxygen and nitrogen, strong excess of silicon and strontium; 3984 Hgii is present. Moreover this star also has characteristics which are not common to Si-4200 stars but rather to Mn stars: excess by a factor of ten of the elements of the iron group and an excess larger, probably of the order of 100, for manganese. The star is a member of the Sword subgroup of the Orion association.  相似文献   

We consider the effect that coherent motion has on the observed brightness of moving clouds above the photosphere. We find that steady state clouds (constant N e and T e ) that are moving perpendicular to the line of sight will appear brighter in H for speeds between 8 and 100 km/sec and dimmer for speeds greater than 135 km/sec. The brightening and dimming are due to apparent Doppler shifts of the respective H absorption and the Lyman- emission profiles seen by the absorption profile of the moving cloud.We apply this analysis, along with optical depth and geometrical considerations, to the observed brightness variations of the 1 March 1969 limb eruptive prominence. We find that all of the observed brightening and dimming can be explained by the motions, and that no significant change in the prominence N e or T e was necessary during the observed H event. This conclusion is significant in interpreting an X-ray burst that began as the prominence velocity increased abruptly at the time of maximum H intensity. The thermal X-ray peak occurred 150 sec later when the prominence had become faint again. There was no associated flare that was visible in H. We discuss the relative brightness of H and D 3 in a specific moving prominence knot.We note that the observed range of limb speeds (30–150 km/sec) may be due to the combined H Doppler brightening and Lyman- dimming effects. We also discuss generally the H brightness of disk surges (bright and dark) and flares, and sprays and puffs that occur at or near the limb.Now at the Dept. of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Colorado, and High Altitude Observatory (NCAR) Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.  相似文献   

The cycle durationC in some dwarf novae underwent abrupt significant changes, as was found by using our own photometric data and the published moments of maxima. For the analysis, the DMRT method (Dumontet al., 1978) as well as least-squares (LS) routine were used. The DMRT method is more appropriate for a search for mean period, if the cycle numeration is unknown. Such changes may be possibly explained by a solar-type activity of convective secondary stars in cataclysmic binaries. However, the abrupt character of the changes ofC (i.e., the time of switchings from one cycle to another is sufficiently small as compared with the lifetime of a given cycle) is an observational puzzle which is to be interpreted theoretically.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Infrared observations of the secondary minimum of the eclipsing system of Algol, secured recently by Nadeauet al. (1978) with the 200 in and 60 in reflectors of Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories at the effective wavelength of 10 m, show its light curve to be distinctlydish-shaped-i.e., the light diminishes relatively fast in the early stages of the eclipse, and its rate of decline slows down in advanced partial phases. This fact indicates convincingly that the light distribution over the apparent disc of Algol's late-type (contact) component is akin to that produced by the phenomenon of gravity-darkening to a very pronounced degree.Past observational evidence on close binary systems has indicated that gravity-darkening consistent with the equilibrium structure of the stars was adequate to account for the light variations of such systems exhibited between minima, as long as their components remain on (or do not depart much from) the Main Sequence (Kopal, 1968b). However, for components close to (or at) their Roche limits, the photometric effects of gravity-darkening appear to be greatly exaggerated (Kopal, 1968a)—a result confirmed by subsequent investigators (cf. Parthasarathy, 1972; or Niarchos, 1978).An analysis of Algol's infrared light curve during the secondary minimum (when its contact component undergoes eclipse by its nearly spherical mate) observed at an effective wavelength of 10 m, discloses now that the (monochromatic) coefficient of the linear law of gravity-darkening, characterizing the distribution of brightness over the apparent disc of the contact star comes out again at least twice as large as one which would correspond to a purely radiative energy transfer of total light in the far interior of this star. No physical theory can be advanced to explain this fact—except, possibly, a hypothesis that the observed enhancement of the monochromatic coefficient of gravity-darkening over that appropriate for total radiation may be caused by a very wide departure of the outer layers of the respective stars from thermodynamic equilibrium.  相似文献   

Near-infrared photometric and low-resolution spectroscopic observations of Aurigae at two phases during the current eclipse are presented. The eclipse depths are found to be wavelength-independent in the infrared right up to 2.5 m. There is no infrared excess at wavelengths shorter than 2.5 m. The light absorbing particles in the eclipsing body must be larger than 10 m in size.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to set up, and solve, the equations governing transfer of radiation in semi-transparent envelopes of the stars; and, in order to do so, to employ a system of curvilinear (non-orthogonal) three-dimensional coordinates in which the radial coordinate has been identified with equipotential surfaces. Such coordinates are particularly suitable to a treatment of the problems arising in close binary systems, which render the outcome more than any other amenable to observable tests, but which has so far received but very scant attention.The introductory section of this paper will contain a statement of the problem; and its mathematical formulation in terms of Clairaut coordinates (cf. Kopal, 1980, 1989, Chapter V) will be outlined in Section 2; their methods in Section 3. Section 4 will then contain an application to the problem of distribution of surface brightness (limb-darkening) over the apparent discs of distorted components of close binary systems; while in Section 5 we shall do the same for radiative flux of distorted stars as a function of the phase (gravity darkening).The concluding Section 6 will then contain an outline of additional problems arising in this connection, to which we shall turn in successive parts of this series.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper has been two-fold. In the first part (Sections 1–2), closed algebraic formulae will be set up furnishing the momentsA of the light curves of arbitrary index , and, due to arbitrary type of eclipses, in terms of the coefficientsa of Fourier cosine series obtained by least-squares fit to the given data; and the uncertainty of the momentsA deduced from that of thea 's.In the second part (Sections 3–4) we shall establish the explicit forms of the lincar functions r 1,2, (cosi) and L 1 for the variation of the respective elements expressible likewise in terms of the Fourier coefficientsa . The probable errors of these elements can then be identified with those of the respective linear functions, and are obtainable from the same matrix of coefficients which furnished the most probable values of the elements.  相似文献   

In the present paper n 0 , for occulation and transit eclipses of partial phases, are evaluated numerically by means of the Runge-Kutta methods. Section 2 contains the required differential equations of n 0 with respect to the modulusX orC, and Section 3 includes the numerical method of the solutions of these differential equations. Theoretical values of 0 0 and 1 0 , with corresponding values ofC, are also added in this section.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper has been to analyse the light changes of the close eclipsing system AK Herculis in the frequency domain. This analysis is based on Kopal's new theory recently developed for the study of light variations—between minima as well as within eclipses—of close eclipsing binaries whose components are distorted by axial rotation and mutual tidal action.A new method for the separation of the photometric proximity and eclipse effects directly from the observed data is also presented. In this method no rectification is needed. New elements taking into account the photometric perturbations are also given.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to find the eclipse perturbations, in the frequency-domain, of close eclipsing systems exhibiting partial eclipses.After a brief introduction, in Section 2 we shall deal with the evaluation of thea n (l) integrals for partial eclipses and give them in terms ofa 0 0 ,a 0 0 (of the associated -functions) and integrals; while Section 3 gives the eclipse perturbations arising from the tidal and rotational distortion of the two components. The are given for uniformly bright discs (h=1) as well as for linear and quadratic limb-darkening (h=2 and 3, respectively).Finally, Section 4 gives a brief discussion of the results and the way in which they can be applied to practical cases.  相似文献   

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