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An integrated representation of spatial and temporal relationships between evolving regions 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
The study of relationships between evolving regions within GIS still needs the development of operators that integrate the
spatial and temporal dimensions. This paper introduces a new approach that combines topological relationships between regions
in 2-dimensional space with temporal relationships between convex intervals in time. Resulting relationships are defined and
visually presented within a 3-dimensional space that integrates the geographical space as a 2-dimensional space and the time
line as the third dimension. Conceptual neighbourhoods are identified and extended by the concept of semi-transitions and
transitions. Such a flexible framework presents the advantage of being derived from accepted relationships in both space and
time. Its computational implementation is therefore compatible with current spatial and temporal GIS models.
Received: May 2000 / Accepted: June 2001 相似文献
Assessing representation error in point-based coverage modeling 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Accurately representing geographic space in a digital environment continues to confound and challenge researchers. Carrying
out spatial analysis in a setting where geographic representation is subject to change poses problems to be addressed. In
this paper we examine spatial representation in the context of coverage-based location modeling. A geographic region can be
represented in a variety of ways. We present an evaluation of spatial representation in the location of facilities that provide
coverage oriented services. The analysis shows that the modeling results are sensitive to how spatial demand for service is
represented in a digital environment. We develop an approach for evaluating representational appropriateness. This research
contributes to spatial analysis integrated in geographic information system environment.
Received: 10 January 2001 / Accepted: 8 April 2002 相似文献
Evaluating the importance of accessibility to congestion response using a GIS-based travel simulator
Irene Casas 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2003,5(1):109-127
This paper examines the effect of accessibility on individual response to unexpected traffic delays and congestion. The dataset
used was collected by means of a travel simulator developed within a geographic information system (GIS) environment. The
simulator models a commute trip where congestion takes place, and subjects are asked to respond by making a choice among alternative
courses of action. Available alternatives for dealing with the unexpected traffic delay include changing the location of the
planned activities or changing the activities to be performed. Accessibility to the new locations and to the different activities
is computed using a cumulative measure. Analysis using CHAID tree technique found that accessibility is a good predictor of
subjects' choice when responding to unexpected traffic delays.
Received: September 2002 / Accepted: January 2003
Support for this research by a grant from the Center of Intelligent Transportation Research of the Ohio State University
is gratefully acknowledged. The author would also like to thank Joe Weber, Mei-Po Kwan and two anonymous reviewers for their
valuable comments. 相似文献
Yifei Sun 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2002,4(4):359-370
Based on a four-point evaluation system consisting of accuracy, consistency, power, and chance to commit type I errors, this study compares Tango's minimum p (MinP) and Stone's maximum relative risk (MaxRR) methods for detecting focused cluster size through simulations in GIS. It
reveals that the MinP method is more effective than the MaxRR method. The MinP method exhibits higher levels of accuracy and
consistency; and its power and chance to commit type I errors are similar to the MinP method. The MaxRR method has a tendency
to underestimate the cluster size, while the MinP method tends to overestimate the cluster size, particularly when the clusters
are relatively big and have high relative risk levels. In addition, the MinP method seems to be most effective in revealing
the size of clusters when clusters are neither too strong nor too weak. The lowest detection rates for clustering occur when
the clustering signal is relatively weak, which is easily understandable. In practice, it might be useful to use both the
methods to estimate a range of possible cluster sizes, where the MaxRR method indicates the lower estimate, while the MinP
method gives the higher estimate of the cluster size.
Received: 24 August 2002 / Accepted: 20 December 2002 相似文献
Mark L. Wilson 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2002,4(1):31-42
Many infectious diseases that are emerging or transmitted by arthropod vectors have a strong link to landscape features.
Depending on the source of infection or ecology of the transmitting vector, micro-habitat characteristics at the spatial scale
of square meters or less may be important. Recently, satellite images have been used to classify habitats in an attempt to
understand associations with infectious diseases. Whether high spatial resolution and hyperspectral (HSRH) images can be useful
in studies of such infectious diseases is addressed. The nature of questions that such studies address and the desired accuracy
and precision of answers will determine the utility of HSRH data. Need for such data should be based on the goals of the effort.
Examples of kinds of questions and applications are discussed. The research implications and public health applications may
depend on available analytic tools as well as epidemiological observations.
Received: 30 July 2001 / Accepted: 14 October 2001 相似文献
Wolf-Dieter Rase 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2001,3(2):199-213
The interpolation of continuous surfaces from discrete points is supported by most GIS software packages. Some packages provide
additional options for the interpolation from 3D line objects, for example surface-specific lines, or contour lines digitized
from topographic maps. Demographic, social and economic data can also be used to construct and display smooth surfaces. The
variables are usually published as sums for polygonal units, such as the number of inhabitants in communities or counties.
In the case of point and line objects the geometric properties have to be maintained in the interpolated surface. For polygon-based
data the geometric properties of the polygon boundary and the volume should be preserved, avoiding redistribution of parts
of the volume to neighboring units during interpolation. The pycnophylactic interpolation method computes a continuous surface
from polygon-based data and simultaneously enforces volume preservation in the polygons. The original procedure using a regular
grid is extended to surface representations based on an irregular triangular network (TIN).
Received: 5 October 2000 / Accepted: 20 December 2000 相似文献
This paper develops a computational method for analyzing changes in polygon distributions. Unmovable polygons that change
discontinuously without explicit functional linkage information are discussed. Six types of primitive events are used to describe
the change: 1) generation, 2) disappearance, 3) expansion, 4) shrinkage, 5) union, and 6) division. The change of polygon
distributions is decomposed into a combination of these events. A computational procedure for deducing a set of events from
polygon distributions of two times is proposed. The method is applied to the analysis of the spatial competition between the
major and small chains of convenience stores in Tokyo, Japan. Some empirical findings are shown.
Received: 3 August 2000 / Accepted: 6 February 2001 相似文献
Stochastic assessment of GPS carrier phase measurements for precise static relative positioning 总被引:17,自引:11,他引:17
Global positioning system (GPS) carrier phase measurements are used in all precise static relative positioning applications.
The GPS carrier phase measurements are generally processed using the least-squares method, for which both functional and stochastic
models need to be carefully defined. Whilst the functional model for precise GPS positioning is well documented in the literature,
realistic stochastic modelling for the GPS carrier phase measurements is still both a controversial topic and a difficult
task to accomplish in practice. The common practice of assuming that the raw GPS measurements are statistically independent
in space and time, and have the same accuracy, is certainly not realistic. Any mis-specification in the stochastic model will
inevitably lead to unreliable positioning results. A stochastic assessment procedure has been developed to take into account
the heteroscedastic, space- and time-correlated error structure of the GPS measurements. Test results indicate that the reliability
of the estimated positioning results is improved by applying the developed stochastic assessment procedure. In addition, the
quality of ambiguity resolution can be more realistically evaluated.
Received: 13 February 2001 / Accepted: 3 September 2001 相似文献
Space-time accessibility measures: A geocomputational algorithm with a focus on the feasible opportunity set and possible activity duration 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12
Space-time accessibility measures have received much attention in recent years due to their sensitivity to differences in
individual ability to participate in activities in space and time. Despite the conceptual attractiveness and robustness of
space-time measures, only few attempts have been made to operationalize them to date. Research that seeks to improve space-time
accessibility measures is still sorely needed. This study seeks to enhance space-time accessibility measures through developing
a new operational method and GIS-based algorithm that better represents the space-time characteristics of urban opportunities
(e.g. their geographical distribution and opening hours) and human activity-travel behavior (e.g. delay times, minimum activity
participation time, and maximum travel time threshold). The proposed method not only takes into account the number and size
of opportunities, but also the possible activity duration at each activity location given its opening hours and the effect
of transport network topology (e.g. one-way streets, turn restrictions and over-pass). Incorporating these elements into space-time
measures helps overcome several shortcomings of previous approaches to evaluating space-time accessibility.
Received: 15 September 2002 / Accepted: 10 February 2003
A version of this paper was presented at the 98th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles,
March 19-23, 2002. We thank Joe Weber for providing the digital transport network with travel speeds and a version of the
geocomputational algorithm he used in his study (Weber 2001), upon which our developmental effort has been based. We are also
grateful to the helpful comments and suggestions of the reviewers. 相似文献
The Cartesian moments of the mass density of a gravitating body and the spherical harmonic coefficients of its gravitational
field are related in a peculiar way. In particular, the products of inertia can be expressed by the spherical harmonic coefficients
of the gravitational potential as was derived by MacCullagh for a rigid body. Here the MacCullagh formulae are extended to
a deformable body which is restricted to radial symmetry in order to apply the Love–Shida hypothesis. The mass conservation
law allows a representation of the incremental mass density by the respective excitation function. A representation of an
arbitrary Cartesian monome is always possible by sums of solid spherical harmonics multiplied by powers of the radius. Introducing
these representations into the definition of the Cartesian moments, an extension of the MacCullagh formulae is obtained. In
particular, for excitation functions with a vanishing harmonic coefficient of degree zero, the (diagonal) incremental moments
of inertia also can be represented by the excitation coefficients. Four types of excitation functions are considered, namely:
(1) tidal excitation; (2) loading potential; (3) centrifugal potential; and (4) transverse surface stress. One application
of the results could be model computation of the length-of-day variations and polar motion, which depend on the moments of
Received: 27 July 1999 / Accepted: 24 May 2000 相似文献
H. Nahavandchi 《Journal of Geodesy》2002,76(6-7):345-352
It is suggested that a spherical harmonic representation of the geoidal heights using global Earth gravity models (EGM) might
be accurate enough for many applications, although we know that some short-wavelength signals are missing in a potential coefficient
model. A `direct' method of geoidal height determination from a global Earth gravity model coefficient alone and an `indirect'
approach of geoidal height determination through height anomaly computed from a global gravity model are investigated. In
both methods, suitable correction terms are applied. The results of computations in two test areas show that the direct and
indirect approaches of geoid height determination yield good agreement with the classical gravimetric geoidal heights which
are determined from Stokes' formula. Surprisingly, the results of the indirect method of geoidal height determination yield
better agreement with the global positioning system (GPS)-levelling derived geoid heights, which are used to demonstrate such
improvements, than the results of gravimetric geoid heights at to the same GPS stations. It has been demonstrated that the
application of correction terms in both methods improves the agreement of geoidal heights at GPS-levelling stations. It is
also found that the correction terms in the direct method of geoidal height determination are mostly similar to the correction
terms used for the indirect determination of geoidal heights from height anomalies.
Received: 26 July 2001 / Accepted: 21 February 2002 相似文献
Francesco Lagona 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2002,4(1):53-68
Markov Random Fields, implemented for the analysis of remote sensing images, capture the natural spatial dependence between
band wavelengths taken at each pixel, through a suitable adjacency relationship between pixels, to be defined a priori. In most cases several adjacency definitions seem viable and a model selection problem arises. A BIC-penalized Pseudo-Likelihood
criterion is suggested which combines good distributional properties and computational feasibility for analysis of high spatial
resolution hyperspectral images. Its performance is compared with that of the BIC-penalized Likelihood criterion for detecting
spatial structures in a high spatial resolution hyperspectral image for the Lamar area in Yellowstone National Park.
Received: 9 March 2001 / Accepted: 2 August 2001 相似文献
地理信息系统(GIS)因其强大的空间数据处理能力和可视化的友好显示功能,为水质综合评价管理提供了一个新颖、高效的工具。本文深入研究WebGIS在水质综合评价管理中的实际应用,通过北京市河湖水质综合评价的应用实例,阐明了应用WebGIS构建水质评价管理信息系统过程中的信息采集、储存、分析的方法和过程,分析了利用WebGIS进行水质评价应用的可行性和优越性,并讨论了这种方法在水质评价方面的广阔应用前景。 相似文献
Monitoring of the crustal movements along a tectonic fault is of particular importance in the study of the mechanism of an
earthquake. There are several techniques to gauge crustal deformations, including terrestrial survey methods, space-positioning
techniques and permanently installed geotechnical instruments. Each technique or method has its own advantages and limitations.
Integration of the various techniques into a monitoring scheme is recommended. It is discussed how a proper integrated system
can significantly improve the separability of a monitoring scheme at little additional expense. Separability is the ability
of a monitoring scheme to distinguish among potential deformation models, and can be used for the optimum design of monitoring
schemes. Discussion concentrates on the separability between a dislocation model and a rigid movement model in the area of
an active fault. The addition of a few strain observations to a conventional terrestrial survey scheme can better distinguish
between the above-mentioned models. A simulated example is presented to demonstrate the idea.
Received: 4 November 1997 / Accepted: 9 July 2001 相似文献
Change detection thresholds for remotely sensed images 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Peter A. Rogerson 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2002,4(1):85-97
The detection of change in remotely sensed images is often carried out by designating a threshold to distinguish between
areas of change and areas of no change. The choice of threshold is often arbitrary however. The purpose of this paper is to
offer a statistical framework for the selection of thresholds. The framework accounts for the facts that one carries out multiple
tests of the null hypothesis of no change, when searching for regions of change over an image with a large number of pixels.
Special attention is given to global spatial autocorrelation, which can affect the selection of appropriate threshold values.
Received: 8 March 2001 / Accepted: 12 October 2001 相似文献
Improvement of satellite derived pollution maps with the use of a geostatistical interpolation method 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The small number of ground stations for the assessment of the spatial distribution of air pollutants motivates the search
for methods that make use of satellite images. One such method, known as Differential Texture Analysis (DTA), is used to measure
the Aerosol Optical Thickness in the Visible (AOTV), which correlates highly with air quality. With this method, the presence
of clouds and/or land cover changes produce patches of missing values. In this paper we demonstrate that universal kriging
can be used to obtain reasonable estimates for these missing values. The methodology was applied to a satellite derived AOTV
map of the city of Brescia (Italy).
Received: 17 July 2001 / Accepted: 11 December 2001 相似文献
Roger Bivand 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2002,4(4):405-421
Placing spatial econometrics and more generally spatial statistics in the context of an extensible data analysis environment
such as R exposes similarities and differences between traditions of analysis. This can be fruitful, and is explored here
in relation to prediction and other methods usually applied to fitted models in R. Objects in R may be assigned a class attribute,
including fitted model objects. Such fitted model objects may be provided with methods allowing them to be displayed, compared,
and used for prediction, and it is of interest to see whether fitted spatial models can be treated in the same way.
Received: 26 August 2002 / Revised version: 15 January 2003 相似文献
Kieran P. Donaghy 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2001,3(3):257-270
This paper presents and demonstrates a general approach to solving spatial dynamic models in continuous space and continuous
time that characterize the behaviour of intertemporally and interspatially optimizing agents and estimating from discrete
data the parameters of such models. The approach involves the use of a projection method to solve the models and a quasi-Newton
algorithm to update quasi-FIML parameter estimates.
Received: 26 July 2000 / Accepted: 31 January 2001 相似文献
Geostatistical incorporation of spatial coordinates into supervised classification of hyperspectral data 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
P. Goovaerts 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2002,4(1):99-111
This paper presents a methodology to incorporate both hyperspectral properties and spatial coordinates of pixels in maximum
likelihood classification. Indicator kriging of ground data is used to estimate, for each pixel, the prior probabilities of
occurrence of classes which are then combined with spectral-based probabilities within a Bayesian framework. In the case study
(mapping of in-stream habitats), accounting for spatial coordinates increases the overall producer's accuracy from 85.8% to
93.8%, while the Kappa statistic rises from 0.74 to 0.88. Best results are obtained using only indicator kriging-based probabilities,
with a stunning overall accuracy of 97.2%. Significant improvements are observed for environmentally important units, such
as pools (Kappa: 0.17 to 0.74) and eddy drop zones (Kappa: 0.65 to 0.87). The lack of benefit of using hyperspectral information
in the present study can be explained by the dense network of ground observations and the high spatial continuity of field
classification which might be spurious.
Received: 12 April 2001 / Accepted: 7 September 2001 相似文献