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利用2006年7月至2008年10月北部湾商业捕捞底拖网和流刺网渔获物中采集的1 276尾北部湾二长棘犁齿鲷(Evynnis cardinalis)中1 045尾耳石完整样本,对二长棘犁齿鲷矢耳石重量与年龄关系进行了初步研究.结果显示,北部湾二长棘犁齿鲷左右矢耳石间的重量无显著差异,选用左矢耳石为研究对象;用直线、幂函数和多项式等拟合二长棘犁齿鲷各类参数间的关系,样本体长(L)与矢耳石重量(OW)呈幂函数相关:OW=2.000 0×10-6L2.143 0(R2=0.952 9,n=1 045);北部湾二长棘犁齿鲷耳石重量与年龄(T)呈二项式关系:OW=0.002 7T2+0.008 1T+0.023 5(R2=0.992 5,n=1 045),矢耳石重量与年龄呈显著的线性相关性.以此估算年龄,与从矢耳石上直接读取的年龄并无显著差异,并且,通过矢耳石重量估算年龄比体长频率法较为准确.因此,在经过适当校正后,矢耳石重量可以作为二长棘犁齿鲷年龄鉴定的有效辅助手段.  相似文献   

台湾海峡南部漂浮植物   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1988年6和11月,在台湾海峡南部用改进的Manta型漂浮生物网采集漂浮植物,共鉴定漂浮植物102种及变种.漂浮植物具有明显的季节变化,6月总数量高于11月.在平面分布上,6月漂浮植物密集区出现在台湾浅滩南部.11月密集区出现在台湾浅滩西部.漂浮植物数量具有一定的昼夜变化,最高值出现午后4时,最低值在午夜前后,与漂浮动物相反.讨论了漂浮植物与环境的关系,以及漂浮植物与漂浮动物的关系.  相似文献   

台湾海峡南部的海洋锋   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16  
李立  郭小钢  吴日升 《台湾海峡》2000,19(2):147-156
通过近期水文观测,结合卫星遥感和历史水文资料,对台湾海峡南部海域的海洋锋现象进行了整体分析。结果表明,由于多种水系在此交汇,台湾海峡南部冬、夏季匀有明显锋面发育。受季风气候影响,锋面发育有显著的季节差异。夏季影响本海区的水系主要有韩江冲淡水、上升流、南海水、和黑潮水等。它们的交汇形成了韩江冲淡水羽状锋、台湾浅滩上升流锋、黑潮锋、以及陆架/陆坡锋等的三维锋结构。韩江冲淡水和上升汉对夏季海崃南部浅海峰  相似文献   

In June and November 1988 samples were collected by the improved Manta neuston net at 18 stations in the southern Taiwan Strait.One hundred and two species and variations of phytoneuston are identified.Total individuals of phytoneuston in June are more than those in November.The horiwntal distribution of phytoneuston is that the dense area occurs in the southern Taiwan Bank in June, while it appears in the western Taiwan Bank in November.The diet variations of phytoneuston are very obvious.The.abundance of phytoneuston occurs in the afternoon (16:00),and the minimum at midnight which is opposite to zooneuston.The relationships between phytoneuston and environment, and between phytoneuston and zooneuston are also discussed.  相似文献   

台湾海峡中北部海域刺鲳种群生态学参数及其变动趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2001~2002年周年逐月采集台湾海峡中北部单拖渔船渔获的刺鲳样品578尾,进行群体结构和生长与死亡关系的研究,与1982~1984年渔获群体结构进行了比较,并结合1995~2008年渔业投入量和产出量的变化,探讨其种群变化趋势及管理策略.结果表明:2001~2002年刺鲳群体的L∞值为238.17 mm,W∞值为506.31 g,k值为0.338 3,t0值为-0.953 4a,tr值为2.146 2a.总死亡系数为2.364 1,自然死亡系数为0.841 5,捕捞死亡系数为1.523 0.与1982~1984年相比,渔获群体发生了个体小型化、结构低龄化、性成熟提早等生态学变化.这些变化与该渔场自1993年以来不断加大捕捞的投入和渔获量的产出且大量捕杀幼鱼,开发比率高达0.644 1,处于过度开发有关.因此必须强化对渔业资源的管理,同时实施最小可捕叉长为126.19 mm和最小可捕体重为58.81 g的管理制度,使该海域渔业资源得以恢复,实现渔业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

The analysis of 103 samples collected quantitatively from the southern Taiwan Strait (22°4'-24°3'N, 117°5'-119°9'E), China, in August 1997 indicates that the abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) ranges from 391 to 1 846 ×103 cell/dm3, with an average of 949 × 103 cell/dm3, and 96.2% of cells are in size of 2-22 μm in all HNF met in the samples. The HNF cells are 9.83-45.79 μg/dm3 after conversion from cell number to carbon content, with an average of 22.82 μg/dm3 . The HNF abundance is relatively low in comparison with other areas. The nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients of the water are lower than previous investigations, which may be caused by the El Nino. The biomass of HNF is higher in southern waters, where cell concentration is 3-5 folds higher than that in other waters, and nearly 2-fold as high as the average of the investigated areas. The HNF is mainly habitat in 0-30 m water layer. Both horizontal and vertical HNF distribution must be influenced by hy-drographical dynamic pro  相似文献   

台湾海峡南部夏季的颗粒有机碳   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
叶翔  李炎  黄邦钦  陈坚 《海洋学报》2009,31(6):87-99
根据2004年夏季、2005年夏季和2006年夏季3个航次观测的颗粒有机碳(POC)数据,表层POC含量的分布表现出近岸高、远岸低的特点,表层和次表层POC含量的高值区出现在东山以东以及南澳附近上升流区。沿岸流较强的2005年和2006年航次具有相对丰富的总悬浮颗粒物(TSM)含量。浮游植物是该区POC的主要来源。各航次的POC含量与叶绿素a(Chl a)含量正相关,所有航次统计的Chl a/POC与Chl a呈正相关,上升流区Chl a/POC偏小,上升流较强的航次高Chl a区的Chl a/POC也偏小,反映了上升流与高营养转换效率浮游生物生态在空间和时间上的联系。根据Chl a/POC~Chl a关系图判断,台湾海峡南部海域1988年、1998年和2004年夏季航次的浮游生物营养转换效率受到相对抑制,而在上升流信号较强的2005年和2006年夏季航次,上升流区的浮游生物高营养转换效率状态得以强化。各航次的POC含量和Chl a/POC比值与TSM含量正相关,POC/TSM比值与TSM负相关,沿岸流带来的陆源悬浮颗粒物通量波动,并没明显干扰台湾海峡南部以海洋浮游生物生态主导的颗粒有机碳生物地球化学循环格局。  相似文献   

台湾海峡南部金线鱼的生长与死亡特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2001和2002年在台湾海峡南部底拖网渔获物采集的金线鱼样品,进行渔获群体结构、生长和死亡的研究.结果表明,2001和2002年金线鱼渔获群体叉长范围86-282mm,优势组191-220mm,平均210.3mm.体重范围10-375g,优势组131-200g,平均170.9g.年龄范围O-4龄,优势组1龄,平均1.05龄.生长参数L∞为373.4 mm,W∞为967.6g,生长速率k为0.2769,t0为-1.0784(理论叉长为零时的年龄),体重牛长拐点t,为2.864 4龄.总死亡系数为1.684 4,自然死亡系数为0.665 6,捕捞死亡系数为1.018 8,开发比率高达0.604 8.最小可捕叉长为177.64 mm,最小町捕体重为103.36g.该渔场自1994年以来连续13年超过了估算的最大可持续渔获量和最大可持续捕捞力量,必须严格控制该海区渔业的投入和产出量及开捕规格.  相似文献   

The ecological characteristics of four lizardfishes, Trachinocephalus myops, Saurida undosquamis, Saurida tumbil and Saurida elongata, were studied from specimens (910 T. myops, 454 S. un-dosquamis, 686 S. tumbil and 744 S. elongata) collected monthly in the southern Taiwan Straits from April 2005 to March 2006. The population dynamics of the four lizardfishes was also discussed by the comparison with the previous studies. All being composed of 7 a classes; the dominant group of T. myops and S. tumbil was 1-2 a, while S. undosquamis and S. elongate were 2-3 a. The total mortality coefficient Z and the fishing mortality F were at high as indicated by the exploitation ratio E(>0.5), and a large number of by-caught juvenile and young fishes showing that the stock of lizardfishes in this area was overexploited and the fishing gear was irrational. Compared with the previous studies, the maximum and mean fork length, body mass and age of the four lizard-fishes declined gradually, the lizardfishes populations were younger in age and smaller in size. The asymptotic fork length L decreased while increasing growth coefficient k, and age at the inflexion point of mass tr was younger compared with the previous studies. The declining of older ones has moderated the feeding competition and the younger ones grew faster. The larger mortality param-eters Z,M and F have revealed higher fishing pressure. The smaller change of the first mature fork length of female T. myops and the change from K selection pattern to r selection pattern of S. tumbil have indicated a more vulnerable fishery ecosystem in this area. The changes of ecological characteristics and population dynamics may be caused by over-exploitation of demersal fishes such as the lizardfishes, especially a large number of juvenile and young fishes by-catch by the current fishing gears and methods. Therefore, in addition to the traditional fishery management approach such as the minimum length-limit, ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAF) should be taken to improve the practical marine ecosystem management, including increased fishing intensity of the non-economic species especially the feeding competitors of the lizardfishes and the conser-vation of the pelagic fishery population in the fisheries ecosystem, in order to restore the fishery population and achieve the sustainable use of the fishery stocks.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the flow is northward in the Taiwan Strait during summer and that the strongest current is detected in the Penghu Channel between the Penghu Islands and the Taiwan Island. This current, the eastern prong flow, is made up of waters from the South China Sea (SCS) and the Kuroshio. North of the Penghu Islands, the current veers to the west before turning northward again because of the shallow Chang-Yuen Ridge, and extends westward off the coast of Taiwan. There is a second prong of northward flow existing between the Taiwan Bank and the China mainland coast. Here, we show with observational data as well as results from a numerical model that this water receives little influence from the Kuroshio and is distinctively cooler, fresher, less oxygenated and more acidic, and contains more dissolved inorganic carbon than waters at the same density level of the eastern prong. Evidence is provided to show that the source water of the western prong should be the subsurface water from the strong upslope advection flowing northward from the SCS to the southern Taiwan Strait and upwelling along the coast during the favorable southwesterly wind. Subsequently, the upwelled water flows over the saddle west of the Taiwan Bank and joins the main flow northwest of the Penghu Islands.  相似文献   

台湾海峡南部沉积物中某些重金属元素的背景值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨慧辉 《台湾海峡》1997,16(1):28-36
本文根据台湾海峡南部海区沉积物中Mn、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb等重金属元素含量、中值粒径和细粒组分的等值线平面分布的相似,三者从岸到海和沿岸变化特征的一致,以及重金属元素之间、其和粒度组分之间的显著相关,建立四组估算重金属元素背景值的回归方程,并以统计检验方法择优。结合沉积物样本的测定值和回归方程的计算值,选取总体均值μy估计值95%置信区间作为重金属元素的平均背景值区间。以细粒组分及其  相似文献   

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