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We study the dynamical structure of a cooling dominated rotating accretion flow around a spinning black hole. We show that non-linear phenomena such as shock waves can be studied in terms of only three flow parameters, namely the specific energy     , the specific angular momentum (λ) and the accretion rate     of the flow. We present all possible accretion solutions. We find that a significant region of the parameter space in the     plane allows global accretion shock solutions. The effective area of the parameter space for which the Rankine–Hugoniot shocks are possible is maximum when the flow is dissipation-free. It decreases with the increase of cooling effects and finally disappears when the cooling is high enough. We show that shock forms further away when the black hole is rotating compared to the solution around a Schwarzschild black hole with identical flow parameters at a large distance. However, in a normalized sense, the flow parameters for which the shocks form around the rotating black holes are produced shocks closer to the black hole. The location of the shock is also dictated by the cooling efficiency in that higher the accretion rate     , the closer is the shock location. We believe that some of the high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations may be due to the flows with higher accretion rate around the rotating black holes.  相似文献   

In the present communication of our series of papers dealing with the accretion flows in the pseudo-Kerr geometry, we discuss the effects of viscosity on the accretion flow around a rotating black hole. We find the solution topologies and give special attention to the solutions containing shocks. We draw the parameter space where standing shocks are possible and where the shocks could be oscillating and could produce quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) of X-rays observed from black hole candidates. In this model, the extreme locations of the shocks give the upper limits of the QPO frequencies  (νQPO)  which could be observed. We show that both the viscosity of the flow and the spin of the black hole a increase the QPO frequency while, as expected, the black hole mass reduces the QPO frequencies. Our major conclusion is that the highest observed frequency gives a strict lower limit of the spin. For instance, a black hole exhibiting  νQPO∼ 400  and  700 Hz  must have the spin parameters of   a > 0.25  and  >0.75  , respectively, provided viscosity of the flow is small. We discuss the implications of our results in the light of observations of QPOs from black hole candidates.  相似文献   

黑洞的吸积是天体物理学中最重要的基础理论之一。近年来该理论取得了引人瞩目的重大进展,具体表现在两个方面。其一是根据黑洞吸积必定跨声速这一特性,提出在一定条件下吸积流中会出现激波,这可称为含激波的吸积理论;其二是基于对一种局域致冷机制-贮导(advection)致冷的作用的重新认识而建立的,称为ADAF理论。在吸积盘的光学厚度很小或很大两种情况下,粘滞产生的大部分热量没有像在标准薄盘模型中那样辐射出去,而是贮存在流体中随流体的径向运动进入黑洞。与标准薄盘模型相比,贮导吸积盘具有高得多的温度和大得多的径向速度,但角动量小于开普勒角动量,吸积致能的效率要低得多。  相似文献   

We examine the spatial stability of spherical adiabatic Bondi accretion on to a point gravitating mass against external perturbations. Both transonic critical and subsonic subcritical accretion are shown to be stable against purely radial acoustic, vortex or entropy perturbations. In the case of non-radial perturbations the amplitude of the perturbations grows without limit with smaller radii. Instability manifests itself only if the size of the accreting body is much less than the Bondi radius so that the inflow is highly supersonic or highly subsonic at the surface of the accretor in the case of critical or subcritical accretion respectively. These asymptotics hold and consequently the instability may develop for adiabatic index of accreting gas γ < 5/3. We suggest that this instability may lead to an essential thermalization of accreting flow thus, particularly, solving the problem of otherwise inefficient energy release in spherical accretion on to a black hole.  相似文献   

We study the radiation properties of an accretion disc around a rotating black hole. We solve the hydrodynamic equations and calculate the transonic solutions of accretion disc in the presence of shocks. Then we use these solutions to generate the radiation spectrum in the presence of radiative heating and cooling processes. We present the effect of spin parameter of the black hole on the emitted radiation spectrum. In addition, attention has also been paid to the variation in energy spectral index with Kerr parameter and accretion rate. We find that spectral index becomes harder as the spin parameter changes from negative (accretion disc is counter-rotating with respect to the black hole spin) to a positive value. Finally, we compute and compare the spectral characteristics due to a free-fall flow and a transonic flow. We notice significant differences in high energy contributions from these two solutions.  相似文献   

This paper presents global solutions of adiabatic accretion flows with isothermal shocks in Kerr black hole geometry. It is known that in the previously studied cases, where the flow including the shock is either entirely adiabatic or entirely isothermal, there can be no more than one stable shock solution, and the solution can only be of α –x type. However, the solution topology in the present case shows remarkable new characteristics: for the same flow parameters there can be two stable shock solutions satisfying physical boundary conditions, and the solution can be of three types, namely α– x , x –α and α–α type. In addition, shocks in the present case occur for a parameter region different from that for Rankine–Hugoniot shocks. These results greatly increase the possibilities of shock formation in astrophysical flows. It is also significant that the effects of frame-dragging of a rapid Kerr black hole on the shock formation are discovered. Finally, a brief comparison is made between shocked inviscid flows and two types of shock-free viscous flows, namely those of Shakura & Sunyaev and Narayan & Yi, and some comments are made about the fact that numerous authors who have studied transonic global solutions of accretion flows have found no shocks.  相似文献   

The power of jets from black holes is expected to depend on both the spin of the black hole and the structure of the accretion disc in the region of the last stable orbit. We investigate these dependencies using two different physical models for the jet power: the classical Blandford–Znajek (BZ) model and a hybrid model developed by Meier. In the BZ case, the jets are powered by magnetic fields directly threading the spinning black hole while in the hybrid model, the jet energy is extracted from both the accretion disc as well as the black hole via magnetic fields anchored to the accretion flow inside and outside the hole's ergosphere. The hybrid model takes advantage of the strengths of both the Blandford–Payne and BZ mechanisms, while avoiding the more controversial features of the latter. We develop these models more fully to account for general relativistic effects and to focus on advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) for which the jet power is expected to be a significant fraction of the accreted rest mass energy.
We apply the models to elliptical galaxies, in order to see if these models can explain the observed correlation between the Bondi accretion rates and the total jet powers. For typical values of the disc viscosity parameter  α∼ 0.04 –0.3  and mass accretion rates consistent with ADAF model expectations, we find that the observed correlation requires   j ≳ 0.9  ; that is, it implies that the black holes are rapidly spinning. Our results suggest that the central black holes in the cores of clusters of galaxies must be rapidly rotating in order to drive jets powerful enough to heat the intracluster medium and quench cooling flows.  相似文献   

A model proposed by Melia & Ruffert to evaluate the spectrum and radiation flux for accretion on to a black hole makes use of the 'equipartition assumption' in which the magnetic, turbulent and gravitational energy densities are assumed to be in approximate equilibrium for distances below the accretion radius, where Bondi–Hoyle infall begins. As a consequence, the mechanism for the dissipation of the magnetic field and the resulting effect on the flow of the accreting gas have not been treated quantitatively. Here we examine alternative approaches for modelling the dissipation of magnetic fields and turbulent flow to see how these may be incorporated into the model. The results of our study should be immediately applicable to the ever-improving measurements of the spectrum and size of the massive black hole at our Galactic Centre, in particular producing a more accurate estimate of its mass. Combined with greatly refined kinematic studies of this region, our work may constrain the dark matter concentration in the nucleus of our Galaxy.  相似文献   

We present the results of an exhaustive numerical study of fully relativistic non-axisymmetric Bondi–Hoyle accretion on to a moving Schwarzschild black hole. We have solved the equations of general relativistic hydrodynamics with a high-resolution shock-capturing numerical scheme based on a linearized Riemann solver. The numerical code was previously used to study axisymmetric flow configurations past a Schwarzschild black hole. We have analysed and discussed the flow morphology for a sample of asymptotically high Mach number models. The results of this work reveal that initially asymptotic uniform flows always accrete on to the hole in a stationary way, which closely resembles the previous axisymmetric patterns. This is in contrast with some Newtonian numerical studies where violent flip-flop instabilities were found. As discussed in the text, the reason can be found in the initial conditions used in the relativistic regime, as they cannot exactly duplicate the previous Newtonian setups where the instability appeared. The dependence of the final solution on the inner boundary condition as well as on the grid resolution has also been studied. Finally, we have computed the accretion rates of mass and linear and angular momentum.  相似文献   

We introduce a multipolar scheme for describing the structure of stationary, axisymmetric, force-free black hole magnetospheres in the '3+1' formalism. We focus here on Schwarzschild spacetime, giving a complete classification of the separable solutions of the stream equation. We show a transparent term-by-term analogy of our solutions with the familiar multipoles of flat-space electrodynamics. We discuss electrodynamic processes around disc-fed black holes in which our solutions find natural applications: (i) 'interior' solutions in studies of the BlandfordZnajek process of extracting the rotational energy of holes, and of the formation of relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei and 'microquasars'; (ii) 'exterior' solutions in studies of accretion disc dynamos, disc-driven winds and jets. On the strength of existing numerical studies, we argue that the poloidal field structures found here are also expected to hold with good accuracy for rotating black holes, except for the cases of the maximum possible rotation rates. We show that the closed-loop exterior solutions found here are not in contradiction with the MacdonaldThorne theorem, as these solutions, which diverge logarithmically on the horizon of the hole , only apply to those regions that exclude .  相似文献   

Compact remnants – stellar mass black holes and neutron stars formed in the inner few parsec of galactic centres are predicted to sink into the central parsec due to dynamical friction on low-mass stars, forming a high concentration cusp. Same physical region may also contain very high-density molecular clouds and accretion discs that are needed to fuel supermassive black hole (SMBH) activity. Here we estimate gas capture rates on to the cusp of stellar remnants, and the resulting X-ray luminosity, as a function of the accretion disc mass. At low disc masses, most compact objects are too dim to be observable, whereas in the high disc case most of them are accreting at their Eddington rates. We find that for low accretion disc masses, compact remnant cusps may be more luminous than the central SMBHs. This 'diffuse' emission may be of importance for local moderately bright active galactic nuclei (AGNs), especially low-luminosity AGNs. We also briefly discuss how this expected emission can be used to put constraints on the black hole cusp near our Galactic Centre.  相似文献   

We show that for the accretion disk with equipartition between magnetic and radiative pressures, prograde black holes generate outflowing energy in jets more efficiently than retrograde black holes do. Both viscous radiative and irradiative disks provide more efficient outflow jets in the case of a prograde black hole than in the case of a retrograde black hole. Our results confirm the conclusion of Tchekhovskoy & McKinney (2012) that, for the same absolute value of the spin, prograde black holes with geometrically thick accretion disks generate outflows several times more efficiently than retrograde black holes do. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We propose a model of magnetic connection (MC) of a black hole with its surrounding accretion disc based on large-scale magnetic field. The MC gives rise to transport of energy and angular momentum between the black hole and the disc, and the closed field lines pipe the hot matter evaporated from the disc, and shape it in the corona above the disc to form a magnetically induced disc–corona system, in which the corona has the same configuration as the large-scale magnetic field. We numerically solve the dynamic equations in the context of the Kerr metric, in which the large-scale magnetic field is determined by dynamo process and equipartition between magnetic pressure and gas pressure. Thus we can obtain a global solution rather than assuming the distribution of large-scale magnetic field beforehand. The main MC effects lie in three aspects. (1) The rotational energy of a fast-spinning black hole can be extracted, enhancing the dissipation in the accretion disc, (2) the closed field lines provide a natural channel for corona matter escaping from disc and finally falling into black hole and (3) the scope of the corona can be bounded by the conservation of magnetic flux. We simulate the high-energy spectra of this system by using Monte Carlo method, and find that the relative hardness of the spectra decreases as accretion rate or black hole spin a * increases. We fit the typical X-ray spectra of three black hole binaries  (GRO J1655−40, XTE 1118+480 and GX 339−4)  in the low/hard or very high state.  相似文献   

We calculate the structure of the accretion disc around a rapidly rotating black hole with a super-Eddington accretion rate. The luminosity and height of the disc are reduced by the advection effect. In the case of large viscosity parameter, α>0.03, the accretion flow deviates strongly from thermodynamic equilibrium and overheats in the central region. With increasing accretion rate, the flow temperature steeply increases, reaches maximum, and then falls off. The maximum is achieved in the advection-dominated regime of accretion. The maximum temperature in the disc around a massive black hole of M =108 M⊙ with α=0.3 is of order 3×108 K. The discs with large accretion rates can emit X-rays in quasars as well as in galactic black hole candidates.  相似文献   

We present the results of axisymmetric, time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion flows around black holes. The calculations begin from a rotationally supported thick torus which contains a weak poloidal field. Accretion is produced by growth and saturation of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) provided that the wavelength of the fastest growing mode is less than the thickness of the torus. Using a computational grid that spans more than two decades in radius, we compare the time-averaged properties of the flow with previous hydrodynamical simulations. The net mass accretion rate is small compared with the mass inflow and outflow rates at large radii associated with turbulent eddies. Turbulence is driven by the MRI rather than convection. The two-dimensional structure of the time-averaged flow is significantly different compared with the hydrodynamical case. We discuss the limitations imposed on our results by the assumption of axisymmetry and the relatively small radial domain.  相似文献   

We numerically examine centrifugally supported shock waves in 2D rotating accretion flows around a stellar mass  (10 M)  and a supermassive  (106 M)  black holes over a wide range of input accretion rates of     . The resultant 2D shocks are unstable with time and the luminosities show quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) with modulations of a factor of 2–3 and with periods of a tenth of a second to several hours, depending on the black hole masses. The shock oscillation model may explain the intermediate frequency QPOs with 1–10 Hz observed in the stellar mass black hole candidates and also suggest the existence of QPOs with the period of hours in active galactic nuclei. When the accretion rate     is low, the luminosity increases in proportion to the accretion rate. However, when     greatly exceeds the Eddington critical rate     , the luminosity is insensitive to the accretion rate and is kept constantly around  ∼3 L E  . On the other hand, the mass-outflow rate     increases in proportion to     and it amounts to about a few per cent of the input mass-flow rate.  相似文献   

本文详细讨论了在Blandford-Znajek过程中吸积盘中心黑洞的角动量和质量的总变化率与质量吸积率和能量提取率之比的关系,在此基础上讨论了BlandfordZnajek过程对黑洞吸积盘内边缘半径r_(ms)演化的影响,并证明在此过程中中心黑洞的熵总是增大的。  相似文献   

The assumption that radiative cooling of gas in the centres of galaxy clusters is approximately balanced by energy input from a central supermassive black hole implies that the observed X-ray luminosity of the cooling flow region sets a lower limit on active galactic nucleus (AGN) mechanical power. The conversion efficiency of the mechanical power of the AGN into gas heating is uncertain, but we argue that it can be high even in the absence of strong shocks. These arguments inevitably lead to the conclusion that the time-averaged mechanical power of AGNs in cooling flows is much higher than the bolometric luminosity of these objects observed currently.
The energy balance between cooling losses and AGN mechanical power requires some feedback mechanism. We consider a toy model in which the accretion rate on to a black hole is set by the classic Bondi formula. Application of this model to the best studied case of M87 suggests that accretion proceeds at approximately the Bondi rate down to a few gravitational radii with most of the power (at the level of a few per cent of the rest mass) being carried away by an outflow.  相似文献   

Recent X-ray observations have shown evidence for exceptionally broad and skewed iron Kα emission lines from several accreting black hole systems. The lines are assumed to be due to fluorescence of the accretion disc illuminated by a surrounding corona and require a steep emissivity profile increasing into the innermost radius. This appears to question both standard accretion disc theory and the zero-torque assumption for the inner boundary condition, both of which predict a much less extreme profile. Instead it argues that a torque may be present due to magnetic coupling with matter in the plunging region or even to the spinning black hole itself. Discussion so far has centred on the torque acting on the disc. However, the crucial determinant of the iron line profile is the radial variation of the power radiated in the corona. Here we study the effects of different inner boundary conditions on the coronal emissivity and on the profiles of the observable Fe Kα lines. We argue that in the extreme case where a prominent highly redshifted component of the iron line is detected, requiring a steep emissivity profile in the innermost part and a flatter one outside, energy from the gas plunging into the black hole is being fed directly to the corona.  相似文献   

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