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A multilayered salt/mica specimen with embedded strain markers was shortened to produce a fold and the distribution of strain was subsequently mapped out over the profile plane. On a fine scale the initial foliation, which is parallel to the undeformed layers, is folded by tight kinks to produce two new foliations; one is defined by the preferred orientation of kink boundaries and the other by the preferred orientation of (001) of mica. In the hinge region of the fold the first of these new foliations is parallel to the local λ1λ2-principal plane of strain whereas the preferred orientation of mica is bimodal and is symmetrical about the λ1λ2-plane. Elsewhere the two new foliations are not parallel to the principal plane of strain and angular divergencies of up to 30–35° are measured. If a March model with initial random mica orientation is assumed for the development of mica preferred orientation then the correct value of strain is predicted but the orientation of the principal plane of strain can be grossly in error. A theoretical analysis of the angular relationships to be expected between kink boundaries and the λ1λ2-plane of strain confirms that for the type of geometries experimentally developed, large divergences of up to 35° should be common. In rocks where the foliation has developed by processes similar to those recorded here, large angular divergencies between the foliation and the λ1λ2-principal plane of strain should be expected as the rule.  相似文献   

The account of the relationship of foliation and strain in a salt-mica experiment by Hobbs, Means and Williams is criticized for two reasons. Firstly, the scales of the experimental material and the finite elements measured are considered inappropriate. Secondly, the strain data presented is actually the tectonic, not finite, strain. Both criticisms restrict the application of the experimental results to foliation and strain in rocks.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed in the three-phase system high-silica rhyolite melt + low-salinity aqueous vapor + hydrosaline brine, to investigate the exchange equilibria for hydrogen, potassium, and sodium in magmatic-hydrothermal systems at 800 °C and 100 MPa, and 850 °C and 50 MPa. The K aqm/melt H,Na and K aqm/melt H,K for hydrogen-sodium exchange between a vapor + brine mixture and a silicate melt are inversely proportional to the total chloride concentration (ΣCl) in the vapor + brine mixture indicating that HCl/NaCl and HCl/KCl are higher in the low-salinity aqueous vapor relative to high-salinity brine. The equilibrium constants for vapor/melt and brine/melt exchange were extracted from regressions of K a q m / m e l t H , N a and K a q m / m e l t H , K versus the proportion of aqueous vapor relative to brine in the aqueous mixture (Faqv) at P and T, expressed as a function of ΣCl. No significant pressure effect on the empirically determined exchange constants was observed for the range of pressures investigated. Model equilibrium constants are: K aqv/melt H,Na(vapor/melt)=26(±1.3) at 100 MPa (800 °C), and 19( ± 7.0) at 50 MPa (850 °C); K aqv/melt H,K=14(±1.1) at 100 MPa (800 °C), and 24(±12) at 50 MPa (850 °C); K aqb/melt H,b(brine/melt)= 1.6(±0.7) at 100 MPa (800 °C), and 3.9(±2.3) at 50 MPa (850 °C); and K aqb/melt H,K=2.7(±1.2) at 100 MPa (800 °C) and 3.8(±2.3) at 50 MPa (850 °C). Values for K aqv/melt H,K and K aqb/melt H,K were used to calculate KCl/HCl in the aqueous vapor and brine as a function of melt aluminum saturation index (ASI: molar Al2O3/(K2O+Na2O+CaO) and pressure. The model log KCl/HCl values show that a change in melt ASI from peraluminous (ASI = 1.04) to moderately metaluminous (ASI = 1.01) shifts the cooling pathway (in temperature-log KCl/HCl space) of the aqueous vapor toward the andalusite+muscovite+K-feldspar reaction point. Received: 22 August 1996  / Accepted: 5 February 1997  相似文献   

Experimental modelling of an aggrading braided river has allowed investigation of the relationship between the frequency of channel avulsion ( A f), the duration of time that the braidplain is occupied by flow, the spatial pattern of braidplain sedimentation and how these respond to a change in sediment supply ( S s). Model results demonstrate a strong, positive relationship between S s and A f and that there is no downstream change in A f over the short braidplain distances ( ca 100 m) modelled herein. Although A f is strongly dependent on S s, the degree of channel switching does not influence the rate, or spatial pattern, of braidplain sedimentation. All experiments used a single, central input for water and sediment, and the channels occupied the centre of the alluvial basin for a longer period of time than the margins for all sediment supply rates and distances downstream. Despite this spatio-temporal pattern in flow occupancy, braidplain sedimentation rates were nearly uniform both downstream and across the basin, and increased at approximately the same rate as increases in S s. As a consequence, less frequent, and possibly short-lived, flows at the margins of the braidplain deposited and preserved more sediment per unit time in comparison with the centre of the basin where flow occupancy was higher. An approximate order of magnitude change in sediment supply resulted in only a factor of two change in bed slope, probably due to both an increase in channelization and adjustment of the channel form that maintained sediment transport through the basin. This result suggests that linear diffusion models are unlikely to be applicable in landscape evolution models that possess aggrading multi-thread rivers, which are capable of self-adjustment in channel number and form.  相似文献   

从室内试验与现场试验两方面对土体小应变试验研究现状进行了综述与评价,指出最近应力历史对小应变刚度门槛值及小应变范围内刚度变化的重要性,值得进一步系统研究。同时也指出小应变试验研究对指导我国工程实践也具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

可以实现分布式、长距离、实时监测的BOTDR监测技术已在土木工程领域得到了较为广泛的应用,但在岩土工程领域的应用研究起步较晚,相关技术还有待于进一步完善。以布里渊BOTDR的巷道/隧道应变监测技术为基础,研究了沿巷道轴向进行一维布设的光纤应变测量值与隧道顶板沉降变形之间的关系。首先,根据巷道/隧道顶板的变形规律,建立了光纤沿巷道/隧道轴向发生的应变与巷道/隧道顶板的沉降变形之间的数学模型,即圆弧模型、抛物线模型和三角形模型。其次,对巷道/隧道顶板的沉降变形与光纤应变之间的关系进行了试验研究。对比分析表明,理论计算值与试验值具有很好的一致性。利用圆弧模型、抛物线模型和三角形模型等3个计算模型,可以将光纤应变与顶板沉降联系起来,这对于BOTDR技术的应用与推广具有重要的理论意义和工程实用价值。  相似文献   

Three series of density-current experiments were performed in a 5.76 m flume. In the first series, the flume was horizontal, and in the second and third, it was inclined with a positive slope and negative slope, respectively. Energy relations during successive stages of density-current movement were computed from observed data, which showed an appreciable frictional energy dissipation. The computed friction factors of our experimental density-flows were compared to the friction factors for pipe flows (Moody diagram), and while the calculated friction factor increases with increasing Reynold's number within the range of our experiments (Re 2 × 103?2 × 104), it is concluded that with increasing Reynold's number above about 5 × 104 the friction factor decreases. For natural turbidity currents, the Moody diagram gives a reasonable estimate of the friction factor between the current and sediment bed. The value of the friction factor for the interface between the current and overlying water was found to be about 0.2 times the friction factor for the current and flume. However, due to errors inherent in measuring the depth of the current, a value of 0.4 would be more reasonable for density-currents in our range of Reynold's number. Friction tends to decrease the value of the dimensionless coefficient in Keulegan's law of saline front and to decrease the thickness of the flow. In contrast, the presence of a slope in the direction of flow tends to compensate the effect of friction. The angle θc that provides the potential energy to exactly offset the energy losses incurred during movement by the density-currents in our experiments has a calculated value of 31′. An empirical formula φ= 0.935θ—0·57 relating friction, in terms of the hydraulic gradient φ, to the slope angle θ was obtained. Since the thickness of the current can be computed from the relationship between φ and θ, we estimated the thickness of naturally occurring density-currents in Swiss lakes. The results suggest the applicability of our experimental results to small turbidity currents in nature. Our analysis further indicates that large turbidity currents have a small φ and can be expected to flow very long distances on a flat abyssal plain.  相似文献   

The fractionation of boron isotopes between synthetic dravitic tourmaline and fluid was determined by hydrothermal experiments between 400 and 700°C at 200 MPa and at 500°C, 500 MPa. Tourmaline was crystallized from an oxide mix in presence of water that contained boron in excess. In one series of experiments, [B]fluid/[B]tour was 9 after the run; in another series it was 0.1. All experiments produced tourmaline as the sole boron-bearing solid, along with traces of quartz and talc. Powder XRD and Rietveld refinements revealed no significant amounts of tetrahedrally coordinated boron in tourmaline. 11B always preferentially fractionated into the fluid. For experiments where [B]fluid/[B]tour was 9, a consistent temperature-dependent boron isotope fractionation curve resulted, approximated by Δ11B(tour–fluid) = −4.20 · [1,000/T (K)] + 3.52; R 2 = 0.77, and valid from 400 to 700°C. No pressure dependence was observed. The fractionation (−2.7 ± 0.5‰ at 400°C; and −0.8 ± 0.5‰ at 700°C) is much lower than that previously presented by Palmer et al. (1992). Experiments where [B]fluid/[B]tour was 0.1 showed a significant larger apparent fractionation of up to −4.7‰. In one of these runs, the isotopic composition of handpicked tourmaline crystals of different size varied by 1.3‰. This is interpreted as resulting from fractional crystallization of boron isotopes during tourmaline growth due to the small boron reservoir of the fluid relative to tourmaline, thus indicating larger fractionation than observed at equilibrium. The effect is eliminated or minimized in experiments with very high boron excess in the fluid. We therefore suggest that values given by the above relation represent the true equilibrium fractionations.  相似文献   

Jean T. van Berkel   《Tectonophysics》1991,190(2-4):315-329
Foliation and total strain patterns of diapiric structures are very sensitive to pre- or post-diapiric deformation. This is illustrated quantitatively by superimposing homogeneous pure and simple shear on Mareschal and West's (1977) finite-element model of an antiformal diapiric ridge.

In models with post-diapiric homogeneous deformation (type 1) the foliation patterns typical for diapirism are obliterated. In models with pre-diapiric homogeneous deformation (type 2) diapiric deformation was too weak to overprint pre-diapiric foliation patterns. However, total strain patterns can be used successfully for identifying a diapiric component in the deformation history of both type 1 and type 2 models provided post- or pre-diapiric deformation is not too high.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope partitioning between calcite and tremolite was experimentally calibrated in the presence of small amounts of a supercritical CO2–H2O fluid at temperatures from 520 to 680° C and pressures from 3 to 10 kbar. The experiments were carried out within the stability field of the calcite-tremolite assemblage based on phase equilibrium relationships in the system CaO–MgO–SiO2–CO2–H2O, so that decomposition of calcite and tremolite was avoided under the experimental conditions. Appropriate proportions of carbon dioxide to water were used to meet this requirement. Large weight ratios of mineral to fluid were employed in order to make the isotopic exchange between calcite and tremolite in the presence of a fluid close to that without fluid. The data processing method for isotopic exchange in a three-phase system has been applied to extrapolate partial equilibrium data to equilibrium values. The determined fractionation factors between calcite (Cc) and tremolite (Tr) are expressed as:1031n Cc-Tr=3.80 × 106/T 2-1.67By combining the present data with the experimental calibrations of Clayton et al. (1989) on the calcite-quartz system, we obtain the fractionation for the quartztremolite system: 1031n Qz-Tr=4.18 × 106/T 2-1.67Our experimental calibrations are in good agreement with the theoretical calculations of Hoffbauer et al. (1994) and the empirical estimates of Bottinga and Javoy (1975) based on isotopic data from naturall assemblages. At 700 C good agreement also exists between our experimental data and theoretical values calculated by Zheng (1993b). With decreasing temperature, however, an increasing difference between these data appears.Retrograde isotopic reequilibration by oxygen diffusion may be common for amphibole relative to diopside in metamorphic rocks. However, isotopic equilibrium in amphibole can be preserved in cases of rapid cooling.  相似文献   

The styles and mechanisms of deformation associated with many variably dolomitized limestone shear systems are strongly controlled by strain partitioning between dolomite and calcite. Here, we present experimental results from the deformation of four composite materials designed to address the role of dolomite on the strength of limestone. Composites were synthesized by hot isostatic pressing mixtures of dolomite (Dm) and calcite powders (% Dm: 25%-Dm, 35%-Dm, 51%-Dm, and 75%-Dm). In all composites, calcite is finer grained than dolomite. The synthesized materials were deformed in torsion at constant strain rate (3 × 10−4 and 1 × 10−4 s−1), high effective pressure (262 MPa), and high temperature (750 °C) to variable finite shear strains. Mechanical data show an increase in yield strength with increasing dolomite content. Composites with <75% dolomite (the remaining being calcite), accommodate significant shear strain at much lower shear stresses than pure dolomite but have significantly higher yield strengths than anticipated for 100% calcite. The microstructure of the fine-grained calcite suggests grain boundary sliding, accommodated by diffusion creep and dislocation glide. At low dolomite concentrations (i.e. 25%), the presence of coarse-grained dolomite in a micritic calcite matrix has a profound effect on the strength of composite materials as dolomite grains inhibit the superplastic flow of calcite aggregates. In high (>50%) dolomite content samples, the addition of 25% fine-grained calcite significantly weakens dolomite, such that strain can be partially localized along narrow ribbons of fine-grained calcite. Deformation of dolomite grains by shear fracture is observed; there is no intracrystalline deformation in dolomite irrespective of its relative abundance and finite shear strain.  相似文献   

Shale formation swelling is one of the main factors affecting wellbore instability and associated problems in drilling operation. In order to eliminate these problems, it is important to investigate formation characteristics and understand mechanisms of rock-fluid interaction, from chemical/mechanical point of view. Shale membrane efficiency is known as an important parameter affecting wellbore instability. In order to measure this parameter, many mathematical models and experimental efforts have been carried out which consider mechanical-chemical processes for rock-fluid interactions. In this study, the field equations governing the problem have been derived based on the linear chemo-poroelastic theory and solved using analytical/numerical methods. Afterward, a comprehensive workflow to characterize the chemo-poroelastic parameters of illite-rich shale is conducted in the laboratory. In fact, mineralogical and apparent properties of shale sample have been described and some setups were performed such as triaxial test and membrane efficiency. Then genetic algorithm has been applied to solve an inverse problem and get a match between experimental data and modeling results. Ultimately, the three important properties in shale-fluid interactions, i.e., shale membrane efficiency, hydraulic, and chemical diffusivity coefficient have been estimated. Comparing the simulation results with the experimental data indicates that the simulation model can appropriately simulate the pore pressure transmission test. With this approach, the required parameters can be estimated with good accuracy without using time-consuming and costly tests.  相似文献   

This paper describes quartz ribbons parallel to foliation, containing elongate recrystallized quartz grains aligned oblique to the foliation within a mylonite of the southern Tasman Belt, southeastern Australia. The shape fabric of quartz grains varies in obliquity (with respect to the foliation) and intensity (grain aspect ratio) from one ribbon to another, whereas the c-axis fabric pattern is stable with respect to the mylonitic foliation and lineation. It is argued that the grain shape fabric is an oscillating foliation due to competition between deformation and syntectonic recrystallization.  相似文献   

Microstructural aspects of room-temperature deformation in experimental Westerly granite gouge were studied by a set of velocity stepping rotary-shear experiments at 25 MPa normal stress. The experiments were terminated at: (a) 44 mm, (b) 79 mm, and (c) 387 mm of sliding, all involving variable-amplitude fluctuations in friction. Microstructural attributes of the gouge were studied using scanning (SEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), image processing, and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses. The gouge was velocity weakening at sliding distances >10 mm as a core of cataclasites along a through-going shear zone developed within a mantle of less deformed gouge in all experiments. Unlike in experiment (a), the cataclasites in experiments (b) and (c) progressively developed a foliation defined by stacks of shear bands. The individual bands showed an asymmetric particle-size grading normal to shearing direction. These microstructures were subsequently disrupted and reworked by high-angle Riedel shears. While the microstructural evolution affected the effective thickness and frictional strength of the gouge, it did not affect its overall velocity dependence behavior. We suggest that the foliation resulted from competing shear localization and frictional slip hardening and that the velocity dependence of natural fault gouge depends upon compositional as well as microstructural evolution of the gouge.  相似文献   

Water-saturated and water-undersaturated experiments (a H2 O = 1.0 and 0.5) were performed in the temperature range 780–1040°C at 2 and 5 kbar in order to determine the upper thermal stability of phlogopite in granitic melts. Starting compositions were: (A) subaluminous mixtures of 20 wt % synthetic phlogopite and 80 wt % synthetic anhydrous haplogranitic glass; (B) peraluminous mixtures (normative corundum  = 4 %) of 20 wt % synthetic phlogopite and 80 wt % synthetic anhydrous peraluminous haplogranitic glass. The molar quartz: albite: orthoclase ratio of the glasses of the 2␣kbar runs was 35:39:26 and that of the 5 kbar runs 30:42:28. In the subaluminous system, phlogopite is stable up to 820°C at a H2 O = 1.0 and up to 780°C at a H2 O = 0.5. At higher temperatures, it is replaced by enstatite. In the peraluminous system phlogopite has a remarkably higher thermal stability (up to 1000°C at 5 kbar and a H2 O = 1.0) and there is a temperature interval of 80°C at a H2 O = 1.0, and 90–100°C at a H2 O = 0.5 between the first appearance of enstatite and the disappearance of phlogopite. In the peraluminous system, phlogopite is a solid solution (ss) of phlogopite, muscovite, talc and eastonite components. The crystalline product of the phlogopitess breakdown reaction is an aluminous enstatite. The MgO-content of the melt depends on the normative corundum content of the starting material and the run temperature. It is independent of pressure. In the subaluminous system, the MgO-content ranges between 0.05 and 0.3 wt % in the temperature interval 780–880°C at both investigated water activities. The MgO-content of the peraluminous melts at a H2 O = 1.0 ranges between 0.4 and 1.7 wt % and at a H2 O = 0.5 between 0.2 and 1.4 wt % in the temperature range 780–980°C. Received: 28 August 1995 / Accepted: 6 August 1996  相似文献   

This experimental investigation examined the controls on the geometry of cross‐sets formed by subaqueous dunes. A range of steady, unidirectional flow conditions spanning the field of dune existence was investigated, and aggradation rate ranged from 0 mm s?1 to 0·014 mm s?1. Data from an ultrasonic depth profiler consist of high‐resolution temporal and spatial series of bed profiles from which dune height and length, migration rate and the depth of trough scour were measured. Cross‐set thickness and length were measured from sediment peels. The size and shape of dunes from an equilibrium assemblage change continuously. Individual dunes commonly increase in height by trough scouring and, occasionally, by being caught‐up by the upstream dune. Both types of behaviour occur suddenly and irregularly in time and, hence, do not appear to depend on dunes further upstream. However, dune climbing or flattening is a typical response of dunes that disappear under the influence of the upstream dune. All types of behaviour occur at any flow velocity or aggradation rate. Successive dune‐trough trajectories, defined by dunes showing various behaviours, affect the geometry of the preserved cross‐sets. Mean cross‐set thickness/mean dune height averages 0·33 (±0·7), and mean cross‐set length/mean dune length averages 0·49 (±0·08), and both show no systematic variation with aggradation rate or flow velocity. Mean cross‐set thickness/mean cross‐set length tends to decrease with increasing flow velocity and Froude number, therefore allowing a qualitative estimation of flow conditions. Quantitative analysis of the temporal changes in the geometry and migration rate of individual dunes allows the development of a two‐dimensional stochastic model of dune migration and formation of cross‐sets. Computer realizations produced stacks of cross‐sets of comparable shape and thickness to laboratory flume observations, indicating a good empirical understanding of the variability of dune‐trough trajectories. However, interactions among dunes and aggradation rates of the order of 10?2 mm s?1 should be considered in future improved models.  相似文献   

李瑞山  袁晓铭  李程程 《岩土力学》2018,39(10):3623-3630
以SHAKE2000为代表的频域等效线性化是目前主流的土层地震动计算方法。由于该方法在软土场地计算结果严重不合理,其改进方法成为目前研究热点,主要采用频率相关法,但一直没有取得实效。对频率相关法中土体动剪应变和震动速度成恒定比例关系的基本假定进行研究,从波动方程推导出了均匀全空间单向行波、单一均匀半无限场地、成层场地等3种典型场地中土体剪应变与震动速度关系的精确解答,通过数值试验研究了这一假定的合理性与偏差程度。结果表明:动剪应变和震动速度成恒定比例关系这一假定只有在无边界均匀介质单向行波情形下才成立,对于实际成层土场地,动剪应变与震动速度关系强烈依赖于波的频率和观察点的位置,如果在土层地震反应分析中忽略反射波而采用单向行波恒定比例假定将会使计算结果产生显著偏差;动剪应变与震动速度成恒定比例关系的假定导致的偏差达4个量级,即使对于单一均匀半无限空间模型偏差也十分显著;对实际土层地震动的求解,该假定在理论上定性错误,定量上偏差不可接受,必须放弃而另寻其他途径。  相似文献   

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