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Brittle deformation of Caledonian age affects the Harris (Scotland) meta-anorthosite and occurs as restricted areas with penetrative networks of shear fractures, frequently associated with pseudotachylite. Plagioclase is cut by both transcrystalline and intracrystalline fractures, the latter being of two types: those directly induced by the transcrystalline shear fractures and those which appear to be independent of them. Several orientations of intracrystalline fractures may occur in any one grain.Whereas the orientations of the transcrystalline fractures may be independent of the plagioclase lattice, intracrystalline fractures are clearly crystallographically controlled. The most common intracrystalline fractures follow the main cleavage planes, (001) in all cases, but also frequently (010), (110) and (110). Other fracture directions, often conjugate, are very common. They include (021) and others near (111)–(121) and (111)–(121) close to the [101] and the [112] and [112] zones. These latter planes are those which also occur as cleavages in experimentally shocked microcline and as slip planes and deformation bands in experimentally deformed feldspars.The easy slip and low cohesion in plagioclase can be explained in terms of periodic bond chains in the feldspar structure. The close agreement in orientation between the unusual cleavages developed in the meta-anorthosite and experimentally produced deformation bands in plagioclase suggests that fracture occurs along the deformation bands parallel to dislocation glide planes.  相似文献   

Commonly, basal glide is the predominant deformation mechanism of quartz in tectonites. Therefore, local deformation is probably mostly progressive simple shear rotating the sheared domains as well as deforming them. If a tectonite body is constrained to be deformed irrotationally and approximately homogeneously throughout, it is necessarily traversed by closely spaced material surfaces that are approximately plane and orthogonal originally, and stay so through time. These surfaces act as internal boundaries and enforce cancellation of the rigid-body rotations of, in the general case, four distinct families of domains, with slip planes and directions mutually mirror-symmetric. The overall symmetry of the fabric is orthorhombic, with the mirror planes coinciding with the principal planes of strain. Certain grains with basal planes in favorable orientation for one of the four ideal simple shears could initiate the deformation, and because of the need for compatibility, entrain neighboring grains into a similar strain, making the surroundings of an initiating grain a shear zone. Compatibility also requires thec-axes of grains in a domain to be rotated progressively toward the direction of maximum shortening. If the original orientation of crystallographic axes was random, domains of one family thus acquire a fabric with a single maximum, and the four resulting fabrics with single maxima combine to form crossed-girdle patterns. Depending on the orientation of the average shear planes and slip directions in the four families, the crossed girdles can be of different types; most fabric types that have been observed in quartz tectonites can be obtained by superposition. Crossed-girdle fabrics with low symmetry result from non-coaxial strain histories.  相似文献   

Plagioclase from fragments of crystalline basement rocks in breccias found in the area of the Nördlinger Ries crater displays characteristic plastic deformation and phase transition phenomena due to shock metamorphism at different pressures in the range of 100 to 1000 kilobars.These phenomena are discussed in the scope of a progressive impact metamorphism the degree of metamorphism reflecting a radial gradient of pressure and temperature diminishing outward from the point of meteorite impact.Within the lowest pressure range of about 100 to 300 kilobars (shock stage I) strong fracturing and plastic deformation such as bending of crystals, deformation bands and planar features (lamellae of lowered refractive index and of lowered or no birefringence) are to be found. The lamellae which are mostly isotropic, are interpreted as slip bands the glide planes of which are low indices planes of the plagioclase lattice such as (001), (010), (100), (1¯20), (130) and others. These slip bands are unknown from feldspar formed by normal processes within the earth's crust. Plagioclase of such a stage of deformation shows an unusual strong decrease of refraction and birefringence. Its optical properties are those of a highly disordered plagioclase. It may be called diaplectic plagioclase.Total isotropization of plagioclase is a typical feature of the pressure range from 300 to 500 kilobars (shock stage II). This glass which is called diaplectic glass differs strongly from the normal glass in physical properties and structural state. It is formed by a kind of solid state transformation without actual melting.Shock pressures in the order of 500 to 650 kilobars (shock stage III) are able to cause selective melting of plagioclase grains in a crystalline rock. Normal glasses with vesicles and streaks are formed by this process.Within the pressure range of about 650 to 1000 kilobars (shock stage IV) residual temperatures are so high that total melting of rocks occurs. Plagioclase melts are mixed inhomogenously with other silicate melts forming rock melts which can be found in suevite as flat glassy bombs. Vaporization of silicates must be expected in the upper pressure range of this shock stage.Statistical universal stage measurements on the fabric of plagioclase support theoretical considerations after which the deformation pattern of a single crystal should depend on the fabric relations to the surrounding minerals and on their physical properties. Strongly inhomogenous deformation of plagioclase minerals within the microscopic rock scale was observed because polycrystalline rocks are disorganizing a unique shock front by interaction of wave fronts at interfaces and free surfaces and perhaps by multiwave shocks. Directions of compressive and tensile stresses on a mineral are therefore changing from grain to grain.  相似文献   

Spatial variations in shear strain rate are expected in ductile shear zones. Where the variation is a change in shear strain perpendicular to the displacement direction, the effect is to rotate the shear slip planes. This is a mechanism for giving a rotation of fold axes into parallelism with the slip and extension direction in a rock. If such a variation in shear strain affects rocks with a strong planar anisotropy it is possible to produce a fabric with an apparent stretching lineation parallel to fold axes, but both significantly oblique to the slip direction. A possible example of this is seen in strongly deformed quartz-mica schists from Syros, Greece, where a stretching lineation is seen parallel to fold hinges over a range of fold axes orientations of at least 40°.  相似文献   

Clast fabric and morphological data have been used to determine the origin of fluted subglacial tills exposed by recent retreat of the Slettmarkbreen glacier, Norway. A new method for the interpretation of clast fabric data allows aspects of the strain and depositional history of the till to be reconstructed. The till formed by a combination of lodgement and subsole deformation by slip along discrete shear planes. Lodgement was dominant for the larger size fractions (>125 mm), while the smaller material was more susceptible to deformation. The fluted till surface reflects the tendency for the till matrix to deform into regions of low confining pressure in the lee of lodged boulders. Downglacier components of till flow are thought to have resulted in significant sediment transfer towards the margin.  相似文献   

The analysis of fabric and microstructure across an amphibolite facies shear zone of mafic composition reveals that the strain-dependent change from grain size insensitive to grain size sensitive creep is associated with a fundamental reorganization of the mylonitic fabric. At moderate strain a banded mylonite evolves from a metagabbro, which displays a mechanically-induced compositional layering. Strain is concentrated in monomineralic layers of dynamically recrystallized plagioclase. At higher strain and decreasing grain size (10-30 µm) the phase segregation is progressively destroyed and replaced by a phase mixture of amphibole and plagioclase. Phase mixing in these ultramylonites is developed and stabilized by heterogeneous nucleation processes of amphibole and plagioclase within unlike phases and at dilatant sites. Nucleation appears to be controlled by grain-scale gradients in stress. A dispersed phase distribution in fine-grained ultramylonites indicates (water-assisted) diffusion processes that accommodate grain boundary sliding. Although diffusion-controlled creep plays a dominant role in these ultramylonites, the dislocation densities remain high (2.0-4.0᎒9 cm-2) and indicate that two competing mechanisms (dislocation and diffusion creep) accommodate grain boundary sliding. Commonly accepted criteria for superplastic or granular flow derived from monomineralic aggregates must be applied with caution to polymineralic rocks of mafic composition.  相似文献   

The effect of alumina and water solubility on the development of fabric in orthopyroxene in response to simple shear deformation has been investigated at a pressure of 1.5 GPa and a temperature of 1,100 °C using the D-DIA apparatus. The microstructure observations at these conditions indicate that dislocation glide is the dominant deformation mechanism. In MgSiO3 enstatite and hydrous aluminous enstatite, partial dislocations bounding the stacking faults in [001] glide parallel to the (100) (or) the (100) [001] slip system. Electron backscattered diffraction analysis of anhydrous aluminous enstatite, however, indicates operation of the (010) [001] slip system, and microstructure analysis indicates dislocation movement involving [001] on both (100) and {210} planes. The strong covalent bonding induced by the occupation of M1 and T2 sites by Al could have restricted the glide on (100), activating slip on {210}. The resulting seismic anisotropies (~2 %) in orthopyroxene are weaker compared to olivine (~9.5 %), and reduced anisotropy can be expected if orthopyroxene coexists with olivine. Weak anisotropy observed in stable cratonic regions can be explained by the relatively high abundance of orthopyroxene in these rocks.  相似文献   

The Tres Arboles ductile fault zone in the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, central Argentina, experienced multiple ductile deformation and faulting events that involved a variety of textural and reaction hardening and softening processes. Much of the fault zone is characterized by a (D2) ultramylonite, composed of fine‐grained biotite + plagioclase, that lacks a well‐defined preferred orientation. The D2 fabric consists of a strong network of intergrown and interlocking grains that show little textural evidence for dislocation or dissolution creep. These ultramylonites contain gneissic rock fragments and porphyroclasts of plagioclase, sillimanite and garnet inherited from the gneissic and migmatitic protolith (D1) of the hangingwall. The assemblage of garnet + sillimanite + biotite suggests that D1‐related fabrics developed under upper amphibolite facies conditions, and the persistence of biotite + garnet + sillimanite + plagioclase suggests that the ultramylonite of D2 developed under middle amphibolite facies conditions. Greenschist facies, mylonitic shear bands (D3) locally overprint D2 ultramylonites. Fine‐grained folia of muscovite + chlorite ± biotite truncate earlier biotite + plagioclase textures, and coarser‐grained muscovite partially replaces relic sillimanite grains. Anorthite content of shear band (D3) plagioclase is c. An30, distinct from D1 and D2 plagioclase (c. An35). The anorthite content of D3 plagioclase is consistent with a pervasive grain boundary fluid that facilitated partial replacement of plagioclase by muscovite. Biotite is partially replaced by muscovite and/or chlorite, particularly in areas of inferred high strain. Quartz precipitated in porphyroclast pressure shadows and ribbons that help define the mylonitic fabric. All D3 reactions require the introduction of H+ and/or H2O, indicating an open system, and typically result in a volume decrease. Syntectonic D3 muscovite + quartz + chlorite preferentially grew in an orientation favourable for strain localization, which produced a strong textural softening. Strain localization occurred only where reactions progressed with the infiltration of aqueous fluids, on a scale of hundreds of micrometre. Local fracturing and microseismicity may have induced reactivation of the fault zone and the initial introduction of fluids. However, the predominant greenschist facies deformation (D3) along discrete shear bands was primarily a consequence of the localization of replacement reactions in a partially open system.  相似文献   

Strain analysis of a shear zone in a granodiorite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A ductile shear zone in a late Precambrian granodiorite, from the Rouergue (southwest part of the French Massif Central) has been studied.A single episode of deformation is responsible for the formation of a foliation and a well-defined lineation which are localized into an elongated zone, a few decimeters wide.The strain features can be attributed to a simple-shear mechanism (Ramsay and Graham, 1970), so that the main parameters of the deformation are defined.At stages of increasing deformation, the quartz isotropic sub-fabric of the undeformed host rock is progressively transformed into an anisotropic fabric composed of a single oblique girdle while the subgrain size progressively decrease and the dislocation density remains constant. It is suggested that the gliding planes of quartz are the basal plane (0001) and a predominant prismatic plane 101̄0 the slip directions may be a for both glide-planes.The results obtained in this investigation provide a basis for a high voltage electron microscope (H.V.E.M.) study which shows that the fabrics development may be related to dislocation processes. The difference of strain rates in the host rock and in the shear zone is calculated from the dislocation microstructures.  相似文献   

Three samples of gem quality plagioclase crystals of An60 were experimentally deformed at 900 °C, 1 GPa confining pressure and strain rates of 7.5–8.7×10−7 s−1. The starting material is effectively dislocation-free so that all observed defects were introduced during the experiments. Two samples were shortened normal to one of the principal slip planes (010), corresponding to a “hard” orientation, and one sample was deformed with a Schmid factor of 0.45 for the principal slip system [001](010), corresponding to a “soft” orientation. Several slip systems were activated in the “soft” sample: dislocations of the [001](010) and 110(001) system are about equally abundant, whereas 110{111} and [101] in ( 31) to ( 42) are less common. In the “soft” sample plastic deformation is pervasive and deformation bands are abundant. In the “hard” samples the plastic deformation is concentrated in rims along the sample boundaries. Deformation bands and shear fractures are common. Twinning occurs in close association with fracturing, and the processes are clearly interrelated. Glissile dislocations of all observed slip systems are associated with fractures and deformation bands indicating that deformation bands and fractures are important sites of dislocation generation. Grain boundaries of tiny, defect-free grains in healed fracture zones have migrated subsequent to fracturing. These grains represent former fragments of the fracture process and may act as nuclei for new grains during dynamic recrystallization. Nucleation via small fragments can explain a non-host-controlled orientation of recrystallized grains in plagioclase and possibly in other silicate materials which have been plastically deformed near the semi-brittle to plastic transition.  相似文献   

Deformation mechanisms at the pore scale are responsible for producing large strains in porous rocks. They include cataclastic flow, dislocation creep, dynamic recrystallization, diffusive mass transfer, and grain boundary sliding, among others. In this paper, we focus on two dominant pore‐scale mechanisms resulting from purely mechanical, isothermal loading: crystal plasticity and crofracturing. We examine the contributions of each mechanism to the overall behavior at a scale larger than the grains but smaller than the specimen, which is commonly referred to as the mesoscale. Crystal plasticity is assumed to occur as dislocations along the many crystallographic slip planes, whereas microfracturing entails slip and frictional sliding on microcracks. It is observed that under combined shear and tensile loading, microfracturing generates a softer response compared with crystal plasticity alone, which is attributed to slip weakening where the shear stress drops to a residual level determined by the frictional strength. For compressive loading, however, microfracturing produces a stiffer response than crystal plasticity because of the presence of frictional resistance on the slip surface. Behaviors under tensile, compressive, and shear loading invariably show that porosity plays a critical role in the initiation of the deformation mechanisms. Both crystal plasticity and microfracturing are observed to initiate at the peripheries of the pores, consistent with results of experimental studies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study explores the state of finite strain and changes in the mean kinematic vorticity number, grain size, whole-rock chemistry and mineralogy across an upper amphibolite-facies shear zone in a metadiorite, northern Malawi, east-central Africa. P–T conditions during shear-zone formation and deformation were approximately 700–750C and 5–7?kbar and are slightly less than P–T conditions for the regional peak of metamorphism. The major rock-forming minerals, plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, and quartz, were deformed by crystal-plastic processes accompanied by, except for hornblende, dynamic recrystallization. The modal abundance of all four major rock-forming minerals shows no systematic change from the country rock into and across the shear zone, indicating that shear-zone development was not associated with retrograde mineral reactions. The grain size of the major rock-forming minerals decreases within the shear zone. Plagioclase and hornblende, which occur as porphyroblasts outside the shear zone, exhibit a bimodal grain-size distribution within the shear zone. Quartz has a unimodal grain-size distribution in the shear zone. Major and trace element chemistry does not change systematically across the shear zone, implying no volume change in the mylonite. Matrix strain data for plagioclase and hornblende by the Fry method and fabric strain as deduced from Rf/φ analysis of plagioclase and quartz grains demonstrate a slightly constrictional strain type (K≈1.5) across the shear zone. The quantitative finite-strain data for the different residual minerals as obtained by unlike methods show no systematic variation, but recrystallized plagioclase grains record higher strain than the residual grains. The mean kinematic vorticity number changes from approximately 0.3 outside to approximately 0.8 within the shear zone, indicating that the bulk deformation path deviated from progressive simple shear. The estimates for finite strain and the degree of noncoaxiality account for approximately 50% of thinning normal to the shear zone.  相似文献   

Deformed rocks of the Itabira Iron Formation (itabirites) in Brazil show microstructural evidence of pressure solution of quartz and iron oxides; it appears that magnetite was dissolved and hematite precipitated. The dissolution of magnetite seems to be related to its transformation to hematite by oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+. The transformation of magnetite to hematite occurs along {111} planes, and results in the development of hematite domains along {111} that are parallel to the foliation. The difference in volume created by the transformation of magnetite to hematite and the shear stress acting on the interphase boundaries allow fluids to migrate along these planes. The dissolution of magnetite involves the hydrolyzation of the Fe2+—O bonds at interphase boundaries of high normal stress. The high fugacity of oxygen in the fluid phase promotes the reaction of Fe2+ (in solution) with oxygen. Fe2+ ions oxidize to Fe3+ and precipitate as hematite platelets with their longest axes oriented parallel to the direction of maximum stretching. The transformation of magnetite to hematite during deformation plays an important role in the fabric evolution of the iron formation rocks. The transformation along {111} creates planes of weakness that facilitate fracturing. The fracturing plus the dissolution result in a reduction of magnetite grain size, and the oriented precipitation results in layers of hematite platelets. These processes produce a new fabric characterized by a penetrative foliation and lineation.  相似文献   

Two sets of crenulations are associated with a major, Alleghanian, dextral shear zone which deformed stratigraphic and structural boundaries in the eastern Piedmont of South Carolina. Both sets of crenulation planes are oblique to the boundaries of the shear zone. The morphologies and orientations of the crenulation sets and their spatial distributions indicate that they are related to slip along foliation planes, and that they serve to compensate for displacement components of foliation slip normal to the overall movement direction in the shear zone. The crenulations act to maintain the initial thickness of the shear zone. Our evaluation of the recent literature on shear zones suggests that crenulations related to foliation slip are abundant and constitute a reliable sense of shear indicator.  相似文献   

电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术在大陆动力学研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:10,他引:4  
电子背散射衍射(Electron backscatter diffraction,简称EBSD)技术可以快捷准确地进行物相鉴定,确定矿物晶体的晶格优选定向和多相岩石中各矿物的空间分布,使其成为定量研究岩石显微构造的理想工具。将岩石组构测量、野外地质观察与矿物的变形实验研究相结合,可以判别物质运动的剪切指向和变形的温压条件,从而进行运动学和动力学机制的分析。本文首先介绍了EBSD技术的原理和主要矿物组构的实验研究进展,然后以国土资源部大陆动力学重点实验室5年来的成果为例,总结了EBSD技术在研究大陆深俯冲和折返的动力学机制和大陆造山带动力学研究中的应用。结果表明:橄榄石和绿辉石的组构揭示了板块深俯冲阶段的组构运动学特征,而石英、斜长石和夕线石的组构可以用来研究地壳内大型韧性剪切带的变形历史,如与苏鲁超高压变质岩折返相关的韧性剪切带、龙门山逆冲剪切带、西昆仑康西瓦走滑剪切带和喜马拉雅造山带的康马拆离剪切带。因此,EBSD技术的应用有助于实现显微构造与宏观构造相结合,建立变质-变形-运动学相统一的地球动力学模型。  相似文献   

Structural and fabric analysis of the well-exposed Hilti mantlesection, Oman ophiolite, suggests that shear zone development,which may have resulted from oceanic plate fragmentation, wasinfluenced by pre-existing mantle fabric present at the paleo-ridge.Detailed structural mapping in the mantle section revealed agently undulating structure with an east–west flow direction.A NW–SE strike-slip shear zone cuts across this horizontalstructure. The crystal preferred orientation (CPO) of olivinewithin the foliation is dominated by (010) axial patterns ratherthan more commonly observed (010)[100] patterns, suggestingthat the horizontal flow close to the Moho involved non-coaxialflow. Olivine CPO within the shear zone formed at low temperatureis characterized by (001)[100] patterns and a sinistral senseof shear. The olivine CPO becomes weaker with progressive mylonitizationand accompanying grain size reduction, and ultimately developsinto an ultra-mylonite with a random CPO pattern. The olivine[010]-axis is consistently sub-vertical, even where the horizontalfoliation has been rotated to a sub-vertical orientation withinthe shear zone. These observations suggest that the primarymechanical anisotropy (mantle fabric) has been readily transformedinto a secondary structure (shear zone) with minimum modification.This occurred as a result of a change of the olivine slip systemsduring oceanic detachment and related tectonics during cooling.We propose that primary olivine CPO fabrics may play a significantrole in the subsequent structural development of the mantle.Thus, the structural behavior of oceanic mantle lithosphereduring subduction and obduction may be strongly influenced byinitial mechanical anisotropy developed at an oceanic spreadingcenter. KEY WORDS: mantle lithosphere; anisotropy; shear zone; olivine CPO; Oman ophiolite  相似文献   

Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) as a tool has been explored here to investigate the nature of petrofabrics in Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) of west-central Indian region by representative sampling in typical pahoehoe and rubbly pahoehoe lava flows, dykes within flows, shear zone and the impact crater units. The rock magnetic analysis indicate varying degree of concentration of titanomagnetite compositions dominated by multi domain (MD) to pseudo single domain (PSD) grains favoring shape anisotropy of minerals that form primary fabrics. The pahoehoe type lava flows shows planar oblate fabrics without any preferred orientation of principle susceptibility axis (K1) depicting crystal settling (of magnetic grains) as chief mechanism of fabric development. The rubbly pahoehoe type lava flow exhibit prolate fabrics with well clustered maximum susceptibility axis within horizontal to sub-horizontal planes depicting their response to viscosity shear. The dykes show well clustered K1 parallel to it’s plane locked during rapid contractional cooling. The sampling at Lonar impact crater was unable to trace any clear fabric due to impact/shock induced deformation and rather preserve the primary fabrics. Further, the shear zone depict random fabrics demanding more detailed and systematic sampling in both the cases. The present investigation infer that the magnetic mineralogy and magnetic fabric variations in the DVP are controlled by the flow mechanism and style of cooling that is characteristic of the given flow unit or dyke and any secondary or superimposed fabric needs to be examined by critical sampling strategy. While more detailed attempts are required to establish the AMS as a tool to record various aspects including the flow dynamics and rate of effusion in the vast terrain of DVP; the present approach is useful to characterize and correlate the lava flow units and dyke occurrences.  相似文献   

Block-in-matrix melanges at San Simeon have been variously interpreted as deformed olistostromes or as subduction-channel flow melanges. Detailed examination shows that seven types can be distinguished, with transitions among them. All contain exotic clasts of greenstone, chert, and more rarely blueschist, in addition to greywacke; the same materials also occur as blocks metres to tens of metres in diameter immersed in melange. The seven types are (1) bedded conglomerate, (2) structureless conglomerate, (3) mud-matrix conglomerate, (4) sandy block melange, (5) broken formation, (6) mud-matrix melange without deformational fabric, and (7) sheared melange. Types (1)–(3) are clearly sedimentary in origin. Types (4) and (5) were formed from unconsolidated sediment, most likely by down-slope sliding, and transitional types suggest that the mud-matrix melange (6) formed in the same way. Sheared melange (7) was formed by low-temperature post-consolidational deformation of all other types, which produced shear bands and a crude scaly fabric.

Kinematic indicators of shear direction are rare, but assuming the fabric and shear bands are coeval, the shear direction and sense can be determined from the angular relationship between the two planar fabrics. Most shear planes are gently dipping, with normal-sense displacements of a few centimetres to tens of centimetres. Shear directions are highly variable, with the highest concentrations between WNW and S. This suggests that the main phase of shearing took place during a phase of approximately vertical shortening and horizontal extension, rather than during accretion. Post-accretionary dextral shearing on NNW-trending vertical planes, and sinistral shear on a variety of trends, are likely related to Neogene transform tectonics. The simplest interpretation of these relationships is that the disrupted character of the melanges formed primarily by sliding down the trench inner slope of unconsolidated sediment, including clasts and blocks of previously accreted and exhumed greenstone, chert, and blueschist. The deformational fabric is largely unrelated to the disruption, and was formed during late-stage extension in the accretionary wedge.  相似文献   

Flexural slip folds are distinctive of mixed continuous-discontinuous deformation in the upper crust, as folding is accommodated by continuous bending of layers and localized, discontinuous slip along layer interfaces. The mechanism of localized, layer-parallel slip and the stress and fluid pressure conditions at which flexural slip occurs are therefore distinctive of shear localization during distributed deformation. In the Prince Albert Formation mudstone sequence of the Karoo Basin, the foreland basin to the Cape Fold Belt, folds are well developed and associated with incrementally developed bedding-parallel quartz veins with slickenfibers oriented perpendicular to fold hinge lines, locally cross-cutting axial planar cleavage, and showing hanging wall motion toward the fold hinge. Bedding-parallel slickenfiber-coated veins dip at angles from 18° to 83°, implying that late increments of bedding-parallel shear occurred along unfavorably oriented planes. The local presence of tensile veins, in mutually cross-cutting relationship with bedding-parallel, slickenfiber-coated veins, indicate local fluid pressures in excess of the least compressive stress.Slickenfiber vein microstructures include a range of quartz morphologies, dominantly blocky to elongate-blocky, but in places euhedral to subhedral; the veins are commonly laminated, with layers of quartz separated by bedding-parallel slip surfaces characterized by a quartz-phyllosilicate cataclasite. Crack-seal bands imply incremental slickenfiber growth, in increments from tens of micrometers to a few millimeters, in some places, whereas other vein layers lack evidence for incremental growth and likely formed in single slip events. Single slip events, however, also involved quartz growth into open space, and are inferred to have formed by stick-slip faulting. Overall, therefore, flexural slip in this location involved bedding-parallel faulting, along progressively misoriented weak planes, with a range of slip increments.  相似文献   

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