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The paper is concerned with the finite-element modelling of geologic phenomena. More specifically, the paper presents numerical models of folding and sait doming. A (penalty-) finite-element model based on the equations governing a viscous incompressible fluid is used to simulate the folding is used to simulate the folding of a viscous layer in a less viscous matrix and the salt dome formation, and to predict the location of active faulting and deformation in prograding delta systems on continentalmargins. The initiation and development of drape folding and associated faulting are also modelled. The United States continental margin of the Gulf of Mexico is used as an example of prograding delta system. The finite-element predictions seem to agreewith the published results.  相似文献   

陕西横跨三大地质构造单元,曾历经前板块构造、板块构造和陆内造山等三大构造-成矿演化阶段、8个构造-成矿期和8次重大成矿地质事件,形成能源、金属、非金属和水气等四大类135种矿产2000余处矿产地。本文在建立涵盖陕西固体及非固体矿产矿床类型划分方案的基础上,总结了矿产时、空分布规律:时间上具有明显的阶段性,由早到晚分出8个构造-成矿期;空间上具有明显的丛聚性,由北到南划出12个矿集区。矿集区与地质历史时期的重大成矿地质事件密切相关,根据二者的时空关系,划分出单一型、耦合型、叠加型和复合型4种类型矿集区。矿集区的矿产种类、规模大小,一般与其所发生的成矿地质事件的性质和频次有关。叠加型矿集区比单一型矿集区更具找矿潜力。  相似文献   

633-2铀矿床断裂与成矿的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋荣辉  谭亚辉 《矿床地质》1990,9(4):363-370
本文论述了633-2铀矿床断裂与成矿之间的规律性。它立足于地质构造动力学说和多阶段叠加成矿的观点,应用莫尔力学强度理论和有限单元法、赤平极射投影、数理统计的分析方法,不仅对成矿构造应力场和叠加断裂作用进行了理论分析,还对不同成矿阶段叠加矿化强度进行了数值计算。研究结果表明,633-2铀矿床断裂与成矿之间在空间上有明显的关系。  相似文献   

The account of the relationship of foliation and strain in a salt-mica experiment by Hobbs, Means and Williams is criticized for two reasons. Firstly, the scales of the experimental material and the finite elements measured are considered inappropriate. Secondly, the strain data presented is actually the tectonic, not finite, strain. Both criticisms restrict the application of the experimental results to foliation and strain in rocks.  相似文献   

One of the rules of thumb of structural geology is that drag folds, or minor asymmetric folds, reflect the sense of layer-parallel shear during folding of an area. According to this rule, right-lateral, layer-parallel shear is accompanied by clockwise rotation of marker surfaces and left-lateral by counterclockwise rotation. By using this rule of thumb, one is supposed to be able to examine small asymmetric folds in an outcrop and to infer the direction of axes of major folds relative to the position of the outcrop. Such inferences, however, can be misleading. Theoretical and experimental analyses of elastic multilayers show that symmetric sinusoidal folds first develop in the multilayers, if the rheological and dimensional properties favor the development of sinusoidal folds rather than kink folds, and that the folded layers will then behave much as passive markers during layerparallel shear and thus will follow the rule of thumb of drag folding. The analyses indicate, however, that multilayers whose properties favor the development of kink folds can produce monoclinal kink folds with a sense of asymmetry opposite to that predicted by the rule of thumb. Therefore, the asymmetry of folds can be an ambiguous indicator of the sense of shear.The reason for the ambiguity is that asymmetry is a result of two processes that can produce diametrically opposed results. The deformation of foliation surfaces and axial planes in a passive manner is the pure or end-member form of one process. The result of the passive deformation of fold forms is the drag fold in which the steepness of limbs and the tilt of axial planes relative to nonfolded layering are in accord with the rule of thumb.The end-member form of a second process, however, produces the opposite geometric relationships. This process involves yielding and buckling instabilities of layers with contact strength and can result in monoclinal kink bands. Right-lateral, layer-parallel shear stress produces left-lateral monoclinal kink bands and left-lateral shear stress produces right-lateral monoclinal kink bands. Actual folds do not behave as either of these ideal end members, and it is for this reason that the interpretation of the sense of layer-parallel shear stress relative to the asymmetry of folds can be ambiguous.Kink folding of a multilayer with contact strength theoretically is a result of both buckling and yielding instabilities. The theory indicates that inclination of the direction of maximum compression to layering favors either left-lateral or right-lateral kinking, and that one can predict conditions under which monoclinal kink bands will develop in elastic or elastic—plastic layers. Further, the first criterion of kink and sinusoidal folding developed in Part IV remains valid if we replace the contact shear strength with the difference between the shear strength and the initial layer-parallel shear stress.Kink folds theoretically can initiate only in layers inclined at angles less than to the direction of maximum compression. Here φ is the angle of internal friction of contacts. For higher angles of layering, slippage is stable so that the result is layer-parallel slippage rather than kink folding.The theory also provides estimates of locking angles of kink bands relative to the direction of maximum compression. The maximum locking angle between layering in a nondilating kink band and the direction of maximum compression is . The theory indicates that the inclination of the boundaries of kink bands is determined by many factors, including the contact strength between layers, the ratio of principal stresses, the thickening or thinning of layers, that is, the dilitation, within the kink band, and the orientation of the principal stresses relative to layering. If there is no dilitation within the kink band, the minimum inclination of the boundaries of the band is to the direction of maximum compression, or to the direction of nonfolded layers. Here α is the angle between the direction of maximum compression and the nonfolded layers. It is positive if clockwise.Analysis of processes in terminal regions of propagating kink bands in multilayers with frictional contact strength indicates that an essential process is dilitation, which decreases the normal stress, thereby allowing slippage and buckling even though slopes of layers are low there.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show, using cyclic spherical nanoindentation experiments, that the deformation mechanisms in mica, including basal plane ruptures and delaminations, can be explained by invoking the presence of mobile dislocation walls, and incipient and regular kink bands. Our results clearly show that the energy dissipated or that was stored during the deformation of muscovite depends critically on its previous deformation history and/or the pre-existing defect concentration. Once nucleated, the dislocation-based incipient kink bands are believed to be responsible for the nonlinear elastic deformation and hysteretic loops obtained during cyclic loading. Moreover, a model is presented to estimate the number and distribution of dislocations and the energy consumed in their motion under the indenter. From the model, we also estimate the critical resolved shear stress for the motion of basal plane dislocations under the indenter. The implications of this work can be extended beyond mica to understand the nonlinear hysteretic deformation in other geological formations dominated by layered minerals.  相似文献   

李伟  陈建平  褚志远  徐磊 《地质学报》2020,94(9):2728-2735
山东蒙阴金刚石矿床是中国著名的金伯利岩型金刚石矿床,西峪金伯利岩管是山东蒙阴地区的典型代表。三维建模技术于近些年来被广泛应用于地学研究领域。本文选择山东蒙阴地区西峪金伯利岩管为研究对象,借助于三维建模技术构建金伯利岩管和断裂构造的三维实体模型,在岩管成矿地质背景分析基础上,开展断裂构造三维空间特征定量分析和三维模型叠合讨论,探讨西峪金伯利岩管与断裂构造特征的关系。结果表明:金伯利岩管呈现出连续的上大下小"放射状"空间形态特征,岩管赋存部位往往断裂构造密集;金伯利岩岩浆上涌的通道可能为F1、F2、F10等深大断裂,岩管分布于断裂交点旁侧,岩管形态与构造交点形态相似。  相似文献   

各类型氟中毒病区与各类地质环境存在着明显的一致性。中、重病区类型区分布于地下水迳流的区域汇水区 冲积湖积低平原 水化学作用的元素富集区。单一中病类型区分布在迳流区——汇水区的过渡带 风砂覆盖的冲积湖积平原和冲积湖积平原的结合部 水化学作用方向的砂丘水对致病水层的补给淡水。单一轻病类型区分布在地下水的迳流区 风砂覆盖的冲积湖积平原 水化学作用方向的元素迁移区。镶嵌于中、重病类型区内的轻病区分布在冲积平原(霍林河河漫滩) 水化学作用方向为河水的对致病水层补给淡化。饮水氟含量与氟骨症患病率呈定域正相关关系,当饮水氟含量超过6 mg/l时,患病率保持基本不变。影响氟中毒滋生的诸地质环境因素中地下水动力条件起着根本性作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a three-dimensional numerical investigation into the interaction between conventional tunneling and a pile supported bridge. Hypothetical tunneling conditions under an existing pile supported bridge were first developed in consideration of an actual urban tunneling situation. Various components of the bridge, including piers, piles, and pile caps have been replicated from the areas in question within this model. Also included in the model is the pile-ground interface to allow for possible slip between the piles and the ground during tunneling. The results of the analysis indicate that during tunnel driving, piles directly above the tunnel can experience significant losses in their shaft loads due to downward settlements of piles relative to surrounding soils. Piles within the same system, but farther away from the tunnel tend to experience slight increases in the pile loads. Practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

巴中市地处四川盆地和秦岭造山带的过渡地带,地质构造以宽缓的隔档式褶皱为主,地层岩性主要为砂泥岩互层的红层岩体,红层滑坡灾害多为强降雨诱发。开展滑坡灾害与降雨雨型关系的研究,可为该地区滑坡灾害临界降雨阈值和预警服务提供参考。文章通过统计巴中市强降雨事件与滑坡发生的对应关系,初步揭示了滑坡灾害触发的降雨特征,并在分析降雨强度的基础上,结合降雨历时和降雨过程,对巴中市2007—2016年之间23场月降雨量大于200 mm的降雨事件进行了细分,共划分为单峰型、前峰型、后峰型、递增型、递减型、均匀型6类降雨雨型。对各类降雨雨型下滑坡发生数量进行统计,递增型和单峰型降雨事件下滑坡发生的比例分别为46.90%和25.02%。经稳定性计算分析,递增型和单峰型两类雨型条件下滑坡稳定性有明显降低,降雨过程对滑坡发生具有显著影响。结果表明:强降雨期间应加强降雨雨型的分析,为适时发布区域滑坡灾害预警信息、做好提前避让提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Natural or artificial hydraulic connections between a granular aquifer in contact with a fractured-rock aquifer can have significant physical and chemical impacts at both a local and a regional scale. In this study, numerical simulations are conducted in order to illustrate the hydrogeological consequences of such hydraulic relationships. The numerical investigation, based on a conceptual model, focuses on the effects of the hydraulic connections when conducting a pumping test in a well that is set into a granular confined aquifer overlying a fractured-rock aquifer which presents a few fractures directly connected to the granular aquifer. It is illustrated that when interpreting the pumping test with the conventional methods consisting of plotting the drawdown versus time, a bias is introduced on the estimation of the transmissivity of the granular aquifer due to groundwater flowing from the fractured-rock aquifer via connecting fractures. However, it is underlined that plotting drawdown log-derivative versus time helps to diagnose the existence of these hydraulic relationships and therefore avoids committing a bias on the transmissivity estimation of the granular aquifer. Numerical simulation results also illustrate that hydraulic connections between the two aquifers can have significant impacts on the hydrogeochemical signature of the granular aquifer under investigation.  相似文献   

Sixty five per cent of the Paleozoic basement of western and central Europe is hidden by a sedimentary cover and/or sea. This work aims to remove that blanket to detect new structures which could used to build a more comprehensive model of the Variscan orogeny. It is based on the interpretation of various forms of data: (a) published gravity maps corrected for the effects of the crust-mantle boundary topography and light sedimentary basins; (b) aeromagnetic maps; (c) measurements of densities; and (d) induced and remanent magnetizations on rocks from Paleozoic outcrops of the upper Rhenish area. From the northern Bohemian Massif to the eastern Paris Basin, the Saxothuringian is characterized by a 500 km long belt of gravity highs, the most important being the Kraichgau high. Most of the corresponding heavy bodies are buried under a post-early Viséan cover. They are interpreted as relics of Late Proterozoic terranes overlain by an Early to Middle Paleozoic sequence, equivalent to the Bohemian terrane in the Bohemian Massif. The most probable continuation of these dense Bohemian terranes toward the west is the Southern Channel-Northern Brittany Cadomian terrane. The gravity lows are correlated with Variscan granites and pre- and early Variscan metagranites.Gravity and magnetic maps demonstrate large-scale displacement in Devonian-Early Carboniferous times along the parallel and equidistant, NW-SE striking, Vistula, Elbe, Bavarian, Bray and South Armorican dextral wrench faults. In the Vosges-Schwarzwald and Central Massif the faults continue with the east-west striking Lalaye-Lubine-Baden-Baden and Marche faults and with south vergent thrusts. The Bavarian faults shift the Kraichgau terrane by 150 km relative to the Bohemian terrane, whereas the offset of the Northern Brittany Cadomian relative to the Northern Vosges-Kraichgau terranes is estimated at 400 km along the Bray fault. Sinistral wrench faults are the NE-SW striking Sillon Houiller, Rheingraben, Rodl, Vitis and Diendorf faults. The southern Vosges-Schwarzwald Devonian-Dinantian basin is interpreted as a pull-apart basin at the south-easterly extremity of the Bray fault. The Bohemian and Kraichgau body form allochthonous terranes which were thrust over the Saxothuringian crust. Thrusting to the north-west was accompanied by back-thrusting and led to the formation of pop-up structures. Contemporaneous dextral and sinistral wrench faulting resulted in transpressive strain during collision. The zonal structure of the Variscides in the sense of Kossmat (1927) is relevant only to the Rhenohercynian Foreland Belt. Kossmat (1927) already spoke of a Moldanubian Region because it displays no real zonal structure. The Saxothuringian Zone was formed by terrane accretion. Their apparent zonal structure is not a pre-collisional feature, but only the result of accretion and collision.  相似文献   

城市地质工作与城市发展关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市地质工作作为基础性、先行性工作,贯穿于城市建设发展的全过程。城市建设发展分为选址布局、规划建设、运行完善和转型升级四个阶段,对应于城市建设发展不同阶段的地质工作,可划分为区域地质资源环境调查、城市地质资源环境调查评价、城市地质资源环境监测预警,城市地质环境功能恢复等。本文重点讨论了城市不同发展阶段对地质工作的需求,提出了城市地质工作在城市不同建设发展阶段的工作目标、任务及相关要求。  相似文献   

河北省沧州市地质灾害与地下水关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要对沧州市的地面沉降、地裂缝等地质灾害的发育特征进行了分析研究,论述了其与地下水的关系。得出深昙地下水水位降深70m可作专控制地面沉降发展的警戒水位降深,浅层地下水水位埋深7m可作为地裂缝多发的警戒水位埋深的结论。这专地质灾害监测工作相对滞后,而地下水水位监测系统相对完善的平原地区,如何控制地质灾害的发生、发展提供了一个可资借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

吉林省大阳岔金矿床地质特征及成因探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周斌  姜建军 《吉林地质》1999,18(3):54-60
大阳岔金矿床产于太古界龙岗群高级变质岩系中的石英脉型金矿床,金矿化与黄铁绢英岩化关系密切,本文着重论述了矿床的矿体,矿化及矿石特征,进而探讨了该矿床的形成机理。  相似文献   

A method is developed for expressing a dependent variable that is subject to systematic regional variations (trend) in terms of a set of independent geological variables. Trend surfaces are fitted to the independent variables, and the dependent variable is regressed on both the fitted trend values and the original observations for the independent variables. The method is applied to evaluate the areal distribution of gold occurrences in the Greenbelt of western Quebec as a function of a set of lithological variables.  相似文献   

通过对舒城县1∶5万县市地质灾害调查资料的收集,总结了舒城县不同地形地貌下地质灾害的分布、演化特征,借助研究不同地形地貌对地质灾害的影响特征,为预防地质灾害提供一定参考。  相似文献   

降雨量与闽西北地区地质灾害关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对闽西北某地区2010年"6.13"特大强降雨下产生地质灾害的频数及程度分析对比,探讨降雨量与形成地质灾害的影响。分析结果表明,降雨的强度和时间对地质灾害的形成有重要的影响,对以后地质灾害预报预警有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

大骨节病流行于中山、低山和极低地区(低平原、山间谷地),元素迁移区和富集区,中偏酸性的还原环境和碱性-氧化环境。非病区则在元素流失区向元素富集区过渡的过渡带内,中性氧化还原环境。大骨节病是诸多地质环境因素综合影响的地方性疾病,但水文地球化学环境是最重要的因素。  相似文献   

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