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Previous determination of a well-constrained thermal profilerepresenting peak conditions of metamorphism for the contactaureole of the Kiglapait Intrusion, Labrador, provides the basisfor critical comparative geothermometry of cation exchange thermometersapplied to mafic and ultramafic granulites. Knowledge of theshape of the profile and constraints on the temperature of theintruding magma allow calculation of cooling rates which rangefrom 150?C/m.y. at the contact to 30?C/m.y. at 2500 m from thecontact. Substitution of these rates in diffusion equationspermits discrimination between geothermometers which are eitheradequately or poorly calibrated, as well as thermometers whichare probably inappropriate for use in metamorphic terranes.Our results suggest that the two-pyroxene thermometer (Lindsley& Andersen, 1983) is accurate from 950 to 750?C. Below 750?C,both limbs of the miscibility gap require at least minor recalibration,or the projection scheme of Lindsley & Andersen (1983) requiresadjustment. Results from the cpx-ilm thermometer are erraticand imply that the solution models for pyroxene and ilmenite,as presently formulated in this thermometer, are inadequate.Results from the opx-ilm, ol-ilm, and opx-ol thermometers areinconsistent. Theoretical calculations at both high and lowtemperatures show that these three thermometers cannot giveinternally consistent results. Results from Fe-Ti oxide thermometrysuggest that these minerals are easily re-equilibrated due tocation interdiffusion between grains. However some grain pairsappear to retain compositions appropriate to peak thermal conditions.  相似文献   

Several isoprenoid compounds were isolated from a heat-treated marine sediment in the southern California continental shelf (from Tanner Basin) which were not present in the original sediment. Among the compounds identified were: phytol, dihydrophytol, C18-isoprenoid ketone, phytanic and pristanic acids, C19- and C20-monoolefins, and the alkanes 2,6,10-trimethylpentadecane, pristane and phytane. The significance and possible routes leading to these compounds is discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents the development of an alternative constitutive model for predicting the thermal volume change of saturated and unsaturated soils using the concept of thermally-accelerated secondary compression. The model requires observation of the secondary compression response prior to drained heating to estimate the coefficient of secondary compression. The model was found to successfully capture the trends in thermal volume change arising from accelerated secondary compression resulting from prior mechanical loading for unsaturated, compacted Bonny silt. The model was also used successfully to represent data from the literature for normally consolidated and heavily overconsolidated soils prepared with different loading paths.  相似文献   

The tectono-magmatic evolution of the Earth and Moon started after the solidification of their magmatic “oceans”, whose in-situ crystallization produced the primordial crusts of the planets, with the composition of these crusts depending on the depths of the “oceans”. A principally important feature of the irreversible evolution of the planetary bodies, regardless of their sizes and proportions of their metallic cores and silicate shells, was a fundamental change in the course of their tectono-magmatic processes during intermediate evolutionary stages. Early in the geological evolution of the Earth and Moon, their magmatic melts were highly magnesian and were derived from mantle sources depleted during the solidification of the magmatic “oceans”; this situation can be described in terms of plume tectonics. Later, geochemically enriched basalts with high concentrations of Fe, Ti, and incompatible elements became widespread. These rocks were typical of Phanerozoic within-plate magmatism. The style of tectonic activity has also changed: plate tectonics became widespread at the Earth, and large depressions (maria) started to develop at the Moon. The latter were characterized by a significantly thinned crust and basaltic magmatism. These events are thought to have been related to mantle superplumes of the second generation (thermochemical), which are produced (Dobretsov et al., 2001) at the boundary between the liquid core and silicate mantle owing to the accumulation of fluid at this interface. Because of their lower density, these superplumes ascended higher than their precursors did, and the spreading of their head parts resulted in active interaction with the superjacent thinned lithosphere and a change in the tectonic regime, with the replacement of the primordial crust by the secondary basaltic one. This change took place at 2.3–2.0 Ga on the Earth and at 4.2–3.9 Ga on the Moon. Analogous scenarios (with small differences) were also likely typical of Mars and Venus, whose vast basaltic plains developed during their second evolutionary stages. The change in the style of tectonic-magmatic activity was associated with important environmental changes on the surfaces of the planets, which gave rise to their secondary atmospheres. The occurrence of a fundamental change in the tectono-magmatic evolution of the planetary bodies with the transition from depleted to geochemically enriched melts implies that these planets were originally heterogeneous and had metal cores and silicate shells enriched in the material of carbonaceous chondrites. The involvement of principally different material (that had never before participated in these processes) in tectono-magmatic processes was possible only if these bodies were heated from their outer to inner levels via the passage of a heating wave (zone) with the associated cooling of the outermost shells. The early evolutionary stages of the planets, when the waves passed through their silicate mantles, were characterized by the of development of super-plumes of the first generation. The metallic cores were the last to melt, and this processes brought about the development of thermochemical super-plumes.  相似文献   

地球轨道变化驱动冰期旋回的理论是气候演变研究在20世纪的最大突破。然而以65°N太阳辐射量为准的传统轨道理论,忽视了低纬区和碳循环的作用。本项目以“西太平洋暖池”为重点,通过地质资料和气候数值模拟的结合,揭示了“西太平洋暖池”和东亚季风发育的阶段性,发现了暖池海区冰消期表层水升温超前于北半球冰盖的融化。在南沙海区发现了碳同位素有40~50万年长周期,经过全球对比和对意大利上新世地层的实测与分析,证明这是世界大洋碳储库对于地球运行轨道偏心率长周期的响应,并推测是通过浮游植物群改变有机碳在海洋碳沉积中的比例所致。研究表明热带驱动和碳循环在气候演变中重要性,其正确认识是预测气候长期演变趋势的前提。是“深海973”项目总结报道之后的续篇,对上述成果作专题讨论。  相似文献   

The thermal stabilities and decay kinetics of three peroxy radicals (Centers #1, B and B′) and three other radiation-induced defects (#3, C′ and E1′) in natural quartz from the high-grade McArthur River uranium deposit (Athabasca basin, Canada) have been investigated by isochronal and isothermal annealing experiments and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Single-crystal EPR spectra of isochronally (2 h) annealed quartz show that these centers all grow in intensity to 280°C and then decay with further increase in temperature, but their disappearance temperatures differ markedly and depend on the initial concentrations (e.g., Center #1 in a dark smoky quartz is annealed out at 380°C, B and B′ at 420°C and #3 and C′ at 580°C). The isothermal decay processes of these centers are all of the second order type. The calculated activation energies for the peroxy radicals [#1 and B + B′ at 0.36 (9) and 0.83 (8) eV, respectively] are smaller than those of Centers #3, C′ and E1′ [1.09 (8), 1.24 (8) and 1.45 (7) eV, respectively]. Gamma-ray irradiations of thermally bleached quartz restore a fraction of the peroxy radicals, suggesting that their diamagnetic precursors are stable up to at least 800°C. The unusual decay characteristics of “peroxy radicals” in quartz reported in the literature are shown to most likely arise from multiple radiation-induced defects. These results have implications for not only applications of peroxy radicals in quartz for EPR dating but also better understanding of thermoluminescence and cathodoluminescence spectra of this mineral.  相似文献   

Data on thermal radio emission and absorption in and near the directions towards supernova remnants are used to estimate the distribution of ionized gas surrounding remnants of type II supernovae. The amount of absorption and emission toward the supernova remnants are determined by two types of HII regions. The first are extended HII regions around the supernova remnants (Strömgren spheres), while the second are more compact and bright HII regions surrounding early-type stars. In the early stages of evolution of the supernova remnants (1000–3000 yrs), the amount of thermal absorption and emission is minimum, apparently indicating that only the supernova Strömgren zones contribute in these stages, while there is an absence of absorption or emission from the compact HII regions. Possible mechanisms for this scenario are discussed.  相似文献   

详细地介绍了热惯量填图技术在多年冻土研究中的应用。研究中利用MODIS~星图像的数据,借助热惯量方法对青藏高原东北部的多年冻土进行了分析。其结果表明,由热惯量图像所圈定的冻土范围与常规野外调查方法的结果极为吻合。  相似文献   

The electronic and magnetic structure of the chain silicate orthoferrosilite Fe 2 2+ Si2O6 has been investigated by electronic structure calculations in the local spin density approximation. All calculations are based on experimentally determined geometrical data at room temperature. The calculated spin-allowed dd excitation energies and hyperfine parameters are in quantitative agreement with the respective experimental data from optical absorption and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Inside one ribbon that is parallel to the crystallographic c axis and contains two non-equivalent M1 and M2 sites, all iron spins are ferromagnetically coupled with coupling constants of about +16 cm?1. Between these ribbons within the (bc)-plane a weak ferromagnetic coupling of about +2 cm?1 is obtained. Neighboured (bc)-planes are coupled antiferromagnetically via chains of Si B -tetrahedra but ferromagnetically via chains of Si A -tetrahedra. Such a theoretically determined "double-plane antiferromagnetic" spin structure is at variance with an experimentally derived magnetic structure. This discrepancy is attributed to differences between the geometry at room temperature and at temperatures below the Néel temperature currently not available.  相似文献   

A very interesting and informative paper on widespread occurrence of a thermal hydrosphere. Geothermal power uses are discussed. Distribution of heated waters, some up to 150° C is discussed in considerable detail, especially with reference to possible power utilization of the geothermal energy. Seven hydrothermal regions of the U.S.S.R. are discussed and delineated. Chemical quality of waters is referred to. There is a summary listing of locations in the U.S.S.R. where thermal waters could be utilized for generation of electric power. — B. N. Cooper.  相似文献   

The compositions of rain, snow, melt, spring and geothermal waters from the rift zone of N.E. Iceland can be explained by seaspray addition, chemical fractionation at the seawater-air interface, burning of fossil fuel, farming activities, purification by partial melting of snow and ice, dissolution of basalts and buffering by alteration minerals. The dissolution of the rocks appears to be incongruent. During solute acquisition, spring compositions move through the stability fields of kaolinite and smectite to the laumontite and illite fields. All but four of the springs are undersaturated with respect to calcite. Silica concentrations are compatible with the solubility of basaltic glass. The reactions reflected in the spring waters appear to have taken place sealed off from atmospheric CO2 after initial saturation.The geothermal waters which are recharged by the spring waters are depleted in Mg and Ca but enriched in carbon and sulfur with respect to dissolution of primary rocks. Expressions are derived relating dissolution rates of rocks, age of groundwaters, physical properties of groundwaters and mass transfer. The characteristic rock particle radii in the cold water aquifers range from 0.2 to 2 cm and the characteristic crack openings are of the order 0.04 to 0.4 cm. Using laboratory studies on the Icelandic lavas as a guide, the residence times of the cold waters in the aquifers can be estimated at 60 days to 4 years. The average active surface area of the aquifers enclosing 1000 g of spring water is of the order of 0.6 to 6 m2 and these 1000 g of water have reacted with 0.1 to 1 g of basaltic rocks. The same mass of thermal water has interacted with 100 to 300 g of unaltered rocks.  相似文献   

冻土区管土相互作用研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄龙  盛煜  胡晓莹  王生廷 《冰川冻土》2017,39(1):112-122
管道是长距离输送天然气或石油的最经济有效的工具之一,当管道穿越冻土区时,将面临土体冻胀融沉作用引起的管道弯曲变形和破坏,管土之间的相互作用为冻土区管道设计和运营的重要考虑因素。简述目前世界上主要的穿越冻土区管道工程(罗曼井管道、俄罗斯远东地区管道、美国阿拉斯加管道及中国寒区管道网)的设计理论发展,归纳总结了管土相互作用室内外相关试验、数值模拟分析理论和方法等方面的研究成果和发展现状,并针对冻土区管土相互作用的研究提出进一步的研究展望。  相似文献   

 We have studied the dislocation microstructures that develop in (Mg0.9Fe0.1)2SiO4 wadsleyite deformed by simple shear at high pressure. The experiments were performed in a multianvil apparatus with the shear assembly designed by Karato and Rubie (1997). The samples were synthesized in a separate experiment from high-purity oxides. The deformation experiments were carried out at 14 GPa and 1300 °C with time durations ranging from 1 to 8 h leading to plastic shear strains of 60 and 73%, respectively. The microstructures investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) show that dislocation glide is activated under these conditions over the whole experimental time. The easy slip systems at 1300 °C involve 1/2<111> dislocations gliding in {101} as well as [100] dislocations gliding in (010) and {011}. Received: 15 July 2002 / Accepted: 14 February 2003 Acknowledgements High-pressure experiments were performed at the Bayerisches Geoinstitut under the EU IHP — Access to Research Infrastructures Programme (Contract no. HPRI-1999-CT-00004 to D.C. Rubie). The quality of the preparation of the TEM specimens by H. Schultze is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

Metamorphism in the Adirondacks: II. The Role of Fluids   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Quantitative estimates of metamorphic fluid speciation, stableisotopic analyses, and studies of fluid inclusions all documentthe local complexity of fluids in the deep crustal rocks exposedin the Adirondack Mountains, NY. Estimates of the activity ofH2O in the granulite facies are substantially lower than inthe amphibolite facies gneisses. The onset of low water activitiesin semi-pelitic gneisses generally correlates with migmatitictextures in the uppermost amphibolite facies, suggesting thatpartial melts absorbed H2O at the peak of metamorphism. In granulitefacies marbles and calc-silicates, conditions varied from extremelyundersaturated in H2O-CO2 fluid to fluid saturated, and H2Oand CO2 show sharp gradients within single outcrops. Low valuesof fO2 and fH2O, or of fCO2, and fH2O indicate fluid-absentconditions for some orthogneisses and marbles, which are inferredto have been ‘dry’ rocks before and during granulitefacies recrystallization. Wollastonite is preserved from earlycontact metamorphism and serves as an index mineral for fluid-absentconditions in granulites where H2O is low. Values offO2 rangefrom near the hematite + magnetite buffer in metamorphosed ironformation to substantially below the quartz + magnetite + fayalitebuffer in some orthogneisses. The anorthosite suite is moreoxidized than some associated granitic gneisses. Halogens (Fand Cl) substitute extensively for OH in micas and amphiboles,extending their stability, although F2, Cl2, HCl, and HF areminor components in any fluid. Oxybiotite-type exchanges involvingO for OH are also important, extending the stability of biotite.Stable isotopic ratios of O and C demonstrate that premetamorphicwhole-rock compositions are commonly preserved whereas mineralcompositions generally reflect equilibration at the peak ofmetamorphism. The Marcy Anorthosite Massif was intruded as ahigh 18O magma. The combination of mineral equilibria, stable isotope data,and fluid inclusions is used to identify and to distinguishamong pre-orogenic contact metamorphic/hydrothermal events,peak metamorphic events, and retrograde/postmetamorphic events.Polymetamorphism is documented at skarn zones adjacent to anorthosite,where large volumes of hydrothermal fluid were channeled duringearly, shallow contact metamorphism and where conditions werefluid poor during subsequent regional metamorphism. Peak metamorphicevents are inferred to have been caused primarily by magmaticprocesses of intrusion and anatexis. Partial melting has causedlow values of H2O in many rocks, but in other cases low valuesof H2O are recorded in orthogneisses derived from H2O-poor magmas.Isotopic studies show that maximum fluid/rock ratios were <0?land possibly 0?0 for infiltrating fluids at the peak of metamorphismin many localities. No evidence of pervasive, regional infiltrationby a fluid at the peak of metamorphism has been substantiatedin the Adirondacks. Fluid inclusions containing high-densityCO2 or CO2 + H2O represent conditions from after the peak ofmetamorphism and document isobaric cooling, in agreement withestimates from garnet zoning. Fine-scale retrograde veins arecommon and are associated with high-density CO2-rich fluid inclusions.  相似文献   

Acetate can mediate the primary migration of natural gas from tight, water-laden source rocks by acting as a mobile precursor that is expelled during compaction to resevoir rocks where subsequent decarboxylation yields methane. The viability of this mechanism is demonstrated by integrating, via a computer model, the experimental kinetic rate data for acetate decarboxylation that are presented in Part I with the thermal-temporal-spatial relationships of sediment and fluid in the upper portions of actively forming sedimentary basins. Specifically, this analysis indicates that when the enthalpy of activation is between 32 and 42 kcal · mol−1, and the temperature is between 80 and 130°C, acetate can survive the thermal regime of a typical sedimentary basin long enough to migrate out of the source rocks and yet decarboxylate to form a natural gas deposit within the time frame imposed by the age of the basin sediments. The results suggest that this migration mechanism for natural gas may be predominant within a significant geological and chemical window.A similar analysis has shown that acetate can survive moderate hydrothermal temperatures (<300°C) long enough to promote the mobility of metals as acetate complexes. Ongoing experimental studies now show that metal-acetate complexes are stronger than the analogous chloro-complexes and may account for a large proportion of the metal in hydrothermal solutions with access to organic material.  相似文献   

We used neutron activation analysis to determine ten trace elements retained in Abee (E4) samples heated at 400–1000°C for 1 week in a low-pressure (initially ~ 10?5atm H2) environment. Eight elements generally are lost progressively with increasing temperature although gas(es) evolved from the samples apparently affect retention of some elements. In the extreme, ‘open-system’ losses are: Se—23%, Cs—40%; Te—87%; Ag, Bi, In, Tl, Zn— ≥93%. Under these conditions Co is not lost; Ga is lost only at 1000°C. At 900°C elements are lost from Abee chips in the same relative order as from Abee powder but the loss is somewhat less facile. Three of the most mobile elements—Bi, In, Tl—are lost more readily from Abee than from Allende (C3), the only other primitive chondrite studied to date. Assuming that elemental loss is a kinetic process involving mobilization from spherical grains, Bi, In, Se, Tl and Zn have different activation energies at high and low temperatures either because each element was originally present in two different sites or each has more than one loss mechanism (diffusion or desorption) in different temperature ranges.Comparison of elemental abundance patterns, patterns of statistically-significant correlations, factor analysis results and two-element correlation diagrams indicate strong similarities between heated Abee and ‘as-received’ enstatite chondrites for mobile elements. These results are consistent with a two-stage evolutionary model for enstatite chondrites involving condensation of cosmochemically fractionated primitive nebular material and subsequent loss of mobile elements from parent material by metamorphism.  相似文献   

Definitions of common terms used in analytical chemistry are listed. Most have international approval through the International Organisation for Standardisation. Others are terms that have not yet received formal ISO approval, but have wide international support.  相似文献   

砂岩孔隙结构分维及其应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
陈程  孙义梅 《沉积学报》1996,14(4):108-113
分形几何学特别适合于解决复杂环境中的许多问题。本文把砂岩孔隙结构置于分形几何学框架内,推导了小于孔隙半径r的孔隙度与孔隙半径之间幂函数关系,表明其指数与孔隙结构分维(D)有关,用压汞曲线证实这种幂函数关系是客观存在的,提供了一种测量孔隙结构分维的方法。作者研究认为,孔隙结构分维(D)能定量表征砂岩的储集性能,并能反映砂岩孔隙结构的成因特征。D接近于2,砂岩储集性能极好;D接近于3,砂岩储集性能极差。不同成因的孔隙结构具有不同的分维,但相同或相似成因的孔隙结构的分维具有固定的范围。因此可用分维对砂岩孔隙结构进行分类和评价。实际应用效果较好。  相似文献   

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