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We investigated the geographical variations in abundance and biomass of the major taxonomic groups of micro- and net-zooplankton along a transect through Ise Bay, central Japan, and neighboring Pacific Ocean in February 1995. The results were used to estimate their secondary and tertiary production rates and assess their trophic roles in this eutrophic embayment in winter. Ise Bay nourished a much higher biomass of both micro- and net-zooplankton (mean: 3.79 and 13.9 mg C m–3, respectively) than the offshore area (mean: 0.76 and 4.47 mg C m–3, respectively). In the bay, tintinnid ciliates, naked ciliates and copepod nauplii accounted for, on average, 69, 18 and 13% of the microzooplankton biomass, respectively. Of net-zooplankton biomass, copepods (i.e. Acartia, Calanus, Centropages, Microsetella and Paracalanus) formed the majority (mean: 63%). Average secondary production rates of micro- and net-zooplankton in the bay were 1.19 and 1.87 mg C m–3d–1 (or 23.1 and 36.4 mg C m–2d–1), respectively, and average tertiary production rate of net-zooplankton was 0.75 mg C m–3d–1 (or 14.6 mg C m–2d–1). Available data approximated average phytoplankton primary production rate as 1000 mg C m–2d–1 during our study period. The transfer efficiency from primary production to zooplankton secondary production was 6.0%, and the efficiency from secondary production to tertiary production was 25%. The amount of food required to support the zooplankton secondary production corresponded to 18% of the phytoplankton primary production or only 1.7% of the phytoplankton biomass, demonstrating that the grazing impact of herbivorous zooplankton was minor in Ise Bay in winter.  相似文献   

The composition and behavior of allochthonous particulate organic matter (POM) in the northern part of Ise Bay, Japan were investigated to elucidate the short-term variation in POM accompanying changes in river discharge. The behavior of POM was significantly regulated by hydrographic conditions, but behavior was different in the upper layer versus the middle and lower layers. The former showed simple dynamics controlled by the river plume, while the latter showed complex dynamics because of changes in river discharge and subsequent variation in estuarine circulation. During normal discharge, the contribution of riverine materials to POC in the surface water within the bay was negligible because most riverine organic matter is deposited before flowing into the bay. During high discharge, on the other hand, the contribution of riverine organic matter to total POM increased to 50% at ∼10 km from the river mouth. Though riverine organic matter loads increased, the total amount of POC decreased around the river mouth due to flushing of phytoplankton. After river discharge, the contribution decreased rapidly.The behavior of POM in the middle and lower layers differed from that in the surface layer. At normal discharge, the influence of riverine organic matter was weak. During high discharge, high flooding temporarily weakened the bottom inflow, resulting in heavier riverine organic matter distributed from the river mouth to mid regions within the bay in the lower layer. The maximum contribution of riverine organic matter to total POM was estimated to be ∼60% around 25 km from the river mouth. After high discharge, riverine POM in the lower layer was pushed to the bay head by enhanced estuarine circulation and was uplifted to the middle layer. The behavior of riverine POM dynamically changed in relation to river discharge, and exerted a significant influence on bottom water conditions in the bay.  相似文献   

Based on our long-term data from megabenthos sampling from 1993 to 2002 in Ise Bay, central Japan, we examined spatio-temporal variations in taxon composition, species richness and its distribution of megabenthos in the bay in relation to the occurrence of the oxygen-poor water (i.e. oxygen content less than 3 ppm) in bottom waters of the bay. A total of 261 species were identified including 6 cnidarians, 1 tentaculate, 5 annelids, 71 molluscs, 72 crustaceans, 16 echinoderms, 12 urochordates and 78 pisces. Of the most abundant 10 megabenthos species, the following 4 species of echinoderms made up more than the half of megabenthos biomass: Luidia quinaria, Echinocardium cordatum, Asterias amurensis and Astropecten scoparius. Species richness of megabenthos varied significantly between seasons and among stations. The severity and period of occurrence of the oxygen-poor water developing every summer play an important role in determining spatial distributions of species richness in the bay.  相似文献   

The species composition, seasonal abundance, and vertical distribution of mesopelagic fish larvae are described based on discrete depth sampling from the surface down to 1000 m depth during four cruises at a fixed sampling station in Sagami Bay. The abundances of total mesopelagic fish larvae in April, July, September, and December were 65.7, 13.6, 118.9, and 17.2 individuals per 10 m2 sea surface, respectively. Twenty species or types of mesopelagic fish larvae belonging to 10 families were collected. Diaphus garmani, Lipolagus ochotensis, Diogenichthys atlanticus, Sigmops gracile, and Maurolicus japonicus were the five most abundant larvae and accounted for 43.1, 14.5, 7.4, 6.3, and 5.9% of the total mesopelagic fish larvae, respectively. These five species showed clear seasonal changes in abundance, i.e. L. ochotensis, D. atlanticus, and S. gracile larvae mainly occurred during winter— spring; D. garmani and M. japonicus were collected during summer—autumn. No obvious diel vertical migration was found in these larvae. The larvae of D. garmani and M. japonicus were concentrated in the 25–50 and 50–100 m depth layers, respectively. The transforming stage of L. ochotensis, S. gracile, and D. atlanticus occurred at 400–1000 m depth, while their larvae (<8 mm standard length) occurred in the upper 100 m layer, indicating that metamorphosis of these species takes place in the 400–1000 m layer. Based on the occurrence of mesopelagic fish larvae and oceanographic processes in Sagami Bay, with the exception of D. garmani and M. japonicus, most larvae are considered to originate from the Kuroshio region where their main spawning grounds are formed.  相似文献   

The larvae ofEuphausia similis G. O. Sars in Sagami Bay, Central Japan, are described. Nauplius, metanauplius, calyptopis and furcilia stages are included. In the furcilia stage, six forms are identified on the basis of the form of the pleopods and the number of terminal telson spines. Furcilia I: a pair of non-setose pleopods and seven terminal telson spines. Furcilia II: a pair of setose and three pairs of non-setose pleopods and seven terminal spines. Furcilia III: four pairs of setose and a pair of non-setose pleopods and seven terminal spines. Furcilia IV: five pairs of setose pleopods and five terminal telson spines. Furcilia V: five pairs of setose pleopods and three terminal telson spines. Furcilia VI: five pairs of setose pleopods and one terminal telson spine. On the basis of the developmental pathway of the larvae,E. similis is suggested to be related toE. spinifera, E. longirostris, E. hanseni and theE. gibboides group species. The size ofE. similis larvae, expressed as total length, in Sagami Bay varied according to month. The sizes of calyptopis III and furcilia I–V stages were smallest in November and March and largest in May.  相似文献   

The life history ofEuphausia similis G.O. Sars in Sagami Bay, central Japan, has been studied by examining the abundance, size distribution, and occurrence of each growing stage from egg to adult. Three cohorts were laid within the period from July 1979 to July 1980. Individuals of cohort I of 1980 were laid in November and December 1979, and matured and spawned in March and April of the following year. Those of cohort II of 1980 laid in January and February 1980 should mature in November and spawn after December, by analogy with cohort II of 1979. Cohort III of 1980 was laid in April 1980, but decreased in number in July. Cohort II was the dominant cohort in Sagami Bay throughout the period studied. From December 1979 to April 1980 when the mixing layer was present, many eggs ofE. similis were in the epipelagic zone. It is suggested that the spawning season ofE. similis roughly coincided with the season of active feeding, indicated by high fullness of stomachs in individuals. The production of juveniles and adults was about 1.33 mg C m–2 day–1, and the production to bio mass (P/B) ratio was estimated to be 4.78 between July 1979 and July 1980.  相似文献   

Photographic observations were carried out at depths of the shelf edge at the mouth of Uchiura Inlet, Suruga Bay, central Japan in order to clarify the life style of the isocrinid stalked crinoid,Metacrinus rotundus (Echinodermata). The distribution of the species was found to be restricted to a narrow area where boulders and rock outcrops were locally present. Mean density of the crinoid was 0.05 m–2, and this value was an order of magnitude smaller than that of the deeper isocrinid,Diplocrinus wyvillethomsoni, reported from the Bay of Biscay.Metacrinus rotundus formed a parabolic filtration fan with its arms recurved into the bottom current, and was thought to be a passive suspension feeder elevating the fan into the water column by its stalk. The distal half of the stalk lay along the hard substratum and about ten groups of cirri grasped the substratum. This mode of attachment was similar to that ofCenocrinus rather than that ofDiplocrinus. Metacrinus rotundus collect food at the layer between 10 and 50 cm above the sea floor, and do not utilize a higher layer even when this layer could be utilized by climbing over a larger boulder. Resuspended benthic materials are thought to be important as a food source forM. rotundus, and the crinoids seek not only locations of stronger currents but also the position where much resuspended matter is available.  相似文献   

According to studies made to date, the planktonic larvae ofPinnixa rathbuni, especially the early zoeal stages, have been found mainly in the eastern part of Ise Bay (Pacific coast of central Japan), while the benthic adult population is restricted to the southwestern part of the bay. The present study was made to obtain a better understanding of the origin of the dense population of early zoea found along the coast of the Chita Peninsula in the eastern part of the bay. Field surveys made with a Smith-McIntyre grab from May to November 1981 (every two months) ruled out the possibility that the benthic adult crabs in the southwestern part of the bay migrated to the eastern part of the bay to release their larvae, or that a substantial population of the crabs occurred in the eastern part of the bay. Thus, the larvae may be derived wholly from the benthic adult populations localized in the southwestern part of the bay. The spatial distribution of the early larvae can be explained by assuming that the larvae, released by the benthic adult population in the southwestern part of the bay, are rapidly transported toward the Chita Peninsula and form a dense larval population along the coast in the eastern part of the bay.  相似文献   

The feeding ofSagitta nagae was analyzed in connection with food chains in the pelagic and near-bottom communities of Suruga Bay. The following results are obtained: (1)S. nagae feeds on dominant copepod species both in the free water (upper water layers) and the near-bottom habitats; (2)S. nagae did not show any food-size selection in the range of 0.2 to 1.2 mm in cephalothorax width and height of copepods; (3) Feeding activity ofS. nagae in the free water is highest at night, while in the near-bottom habitat the species feeds more actively during the day than at night; and (4)S. nagae migrates between the bottom and free water and plays an important role in shallow water by connecting the near-bottom community with the pelagic community.  相似文献   

Pelagic chaetognaths in Sagami Bay and Suruga Bay, Central Japan, were studied. Their community structure was very similar in both of these bays. Four genera and 26 species were identified. In Sagami Bay the habitat segregation by depths was clearly obtained. The population and species number of epipelagic (0–200 m) chaetognaths were larger in summer than in winter. The populations of meso- (200–500 m) and bathypelagic (500–1,000 m) species were smaller than that of epipelagic ones and fairly stable seasonally.  相似文献   

To estimate the influence of mercury emitted from submarine fumaroles, the horizontal and vertical distribution of mercury in sediment of Kagoshima Bay was studied. The fumaroles are located in the northern bay head area, and the sediment samples had been taken from 52 points throughout the bay with a gravity core sampler. The core samples obtained were cut at a thickness of 1–2 cm and used for measurements. The total concentration of mercury in surface sediment in the northern and central areas of the bay was 51–679 μg kg− 1 (average 199 μg kg− 1, n = 22) and 23–100 μg kg− 1 (average 55 μg kg− 1, n = 30), respectively. The highest value was obtained in the vicinity of the fumaroles. The mercury concentration in sediment near the fumaroles varied with depth, which may reflect the variation in fumarolic activity. A successive extraction method was applied to the speciation of mercury in the sediment. The results showed that sediment taken in the vicinity of submarine fumaroles contained a higher percentage of mercury bound with organic matter.  相似文献   

Nontidal sea level changes generated in Hiroshima Bay of the Seto-Inland Sea in Japan are studied over various time scales, from the sub-tidal (2 d to 1 month) to inter-annual scales (〉2 years). The total sea level variation produces a standard deviation (STD) of 12.5 cm. The inter-annual component of the sea level variation in Hiroshima Bay oscillates with a STD of 3.4 cm, forming a long-term trend of 4.9 mm/a. The STD of the sea level variation is 9.8 cm for the seasonal component (8 months to 2 years) and 4.7 cm for the intra-seasonal one (1 month to 8 months). Significant sea level variations with a STD of 4.2 cm also occur in the sub-tidal range. Special attention is paid to the sub-tidal sea level changes. It is found that the upwelling and associated transient sea level changes generated along the north coast of Hiroshima Bay (opened southward) by the strong northerly wind, play a significant role in sub-tidal sea level changes. The transient sea level changes are over 10 cm in most cases when caused by typhoons that pass through the Pacific Ocean offthe Kii Peninsula, located at about 400 km east of Hiroshima Bay. Reasonable sea level changes are evaluated by the balance of pressure forces at the onshore and offshore boundary of the study domain.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cobalt (Co) in surface waters from the Sagami River to northern Sagami Bay and from the Yura River to southwestern Wakasa Bay in Japan were determined in order to investigate the factors governing the distribution of this metal during estuarine mixing. Dissolved (<0.2 μm) and particulate (>0.2 μm) Co showed non-conservative mixing behavior with low or mid-salinity maxima within those two estuarine regions, indicating benthic remobilization and/or sewage input apart from riverine input during the estuarine mixing. These results are supported by a suite of complementary measurements of other parameters, such as manganese, phosphate, and suspended particulate matter concentrations. In addition, the concentration ratio of dissolved Co to total Co (dissolved plus particulate) increased along the salinity gradient, implying the potential for desorption of this metal from suspended particulate matter on estuarine mixing.  相似文献   

In April 1996, a massive algal bloom of the coccolithophorid Gephyrocapsa oceanica developed in both Chita Bay and Atsumi Bay which comprise the bay known as Mikawa Bay of Japan. It was the first record of such a bloom in this area. In Chita Bay, the bloom persisted until the middle of May, however in Atsumi Bay, it remained until early June. From the analysis of salinity, water temperature, and current velocity and direction data, it is considered that the following mechanism accounts for the occurrence and maintenance of the bloom: Before the bloom, the standing crop of phytoplankton was poor, resulting in relatively rich nutrients throughout the bay. Thereafter, with the influx of oceanic water into Mikawa Bay, high salinity occurred firstly in Chita Bay. Under these hydrographic conditions, the bloom occurred first in Chita Bay, and extended throughout the bay with the clockwise circulation of water into Atsumi Bay. In Chita Bay, the bloom was influenced by rainfall and G. oceanica flowed out from this area. Whereas, in Atsumi Bay, the bloom persisted for longer due to the clockwise circulation and another influx of oceanic water.  相似文献   

Observations of synoptic variability from CTD and current meter measurements in Wakasa Bay, Japan in summer of 1980 and 1981 are compared with the results of 1979 reported by Yamagata, Umatani, Masunaga and Matsuura (1984). It is suggested that the speed and direction of propagation can basically be explained in terms of shelf wave dynamics.In the 1980 event, a dense (colder and more saline) water advanced eastward along the north coast at about 10 km day−1. The lateral scale of the phenomenon was about 30 to 40 km, in agreement with the Rossby internal radius of deformation. The T-S and current data suggest that the 1980 cold event was dominated by phase propagation. In the 1981 event, a light (warmer and less saline) water area advanced eastward at the speed similar to the 1980 cold event, but the T-S and current data suggest that Lagrangian drift of water particles associated with strong eddy motions was not negligible.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in freshwater, salt, phosphorus and nitrogen budgets of Hakata Bay, Japan were investigated from April 1993 until March 1994. The internal sink of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and nitrogen (DIN), and the internal source of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) and nitrogen (DON) predominate in the bay. This means that the production of organic matter is larger than respiration, and atmospheric CO2 is absorbed in the water column of Hakata Bay. Denitrification is more dominant than nitrogen fixation in the bay. Compared to Tokyo and Mikawa Bays, Hakata Bay is harder to eutrophicate, mainly due to the shorter residence time of freshwater.  相似文献   

Remote sensing reflectance [R rs(λ)] and absorption coefficients of red tides were measured in Isahaya Bay, southwestern Japan, to investigate differences in the optical properties of red tide and non-red tide waters. We defined colored areas of the sea surface, visualized from shipboard, as “red tides”. Peaks of the R rs(λ) spectra of non-red tide waters were at 565 nm, while those of red tides shifted to longer wavelengths (589 nm). The spectral shape of R rs(λ) was close to that of the reciprocal of the total absorption coefficient [1/a(λ)], implying that the R rs(λ) peak is determined by absorption. Absorption coefficients of phytoplankton [a ph(λ)], non-pigment particles and colored dissolved organic matter increased with increasing chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a), and those coefficients were correlated with Chl a for both red tide and non-red tide waters. Using these relationships between absorption coefficients and Chl a, variation in the spectrum of 1/a(λ) as a function of Chl a was calculated. The peak of 1/a(λ) shifted to longer wavelengths with increasing Chl a. Furthermore, the relative contribution of a ph(λ) to the total absorption in red tide water was significantly higher than in non-red tide water in the wavelength range 550–600 nm, including the peak. Our results show that the variation of a ph(λ) with Chl a dominates the behavior of the R rs(λ) peak, and utilization of R rs(λ) peaks at 589 and 565 nm may be useful to discriminate between red tide and non-red tide waters by remote sensing.  相似文献   

Sagami Bay is a deep-water foreland basin with an average sedimentary rate of approximately 0.1 g/cm2/year. It is an appropriate area to study for better understanding of sedimentary processes in a setting with a high sedimentation rate. Seven multiple core samples, 30-50 cm thick, were obtained from Sagami Bay. Four of the core samples were taken from the Tokyo submarine fan system (Tokyo canyon floor, Tokyo fan valley and its levee, the distal fan margin). Two samples were obtained from the Sakawa fan delta and the adjacent topographic high. The remaining one was from an escarpment of the Sagami submarine fault. Variations in chemical composition can be recognized at every coring site. They show two different sediment sources: the sediments of the Tokyo submarine fan system and those from Sakawa fan delta. Further, there are differences in chemical composition between canyon floor and levees even within the Tokyo submarine fan system. The results suggest that the sedimentary process is strongly controlled not by vertical particle settling but by a hyperpycnal flow process. The proxies obtained from the core samples do not reflect conditions in the water column immediately overlying the sea floor. Rather, they are controlled by conditions on the adjacent continental shelf or/and shallow basins, which are the areas of primary accumulation.  相似文献   

The downward flux of Mn through the water column was directly measured using sediment traps. The Mn flux from the bottom sediment to the water column, and the removal rate of Mn in the bottom water were estimated from Mn gradients in the bottom water. The sediment traps were deployed more than ten times at the same station in Funka Bay, Japan. The trapped settling matter and filtered suspended matter samples were analyzed for Mn, Fe, Al and ignition loss. The observed downward flux of Mn through the water column in winter (1.3–2.8 μg/cm2 /day) was generally an order of magnitude larger than that in summer (0.13–0.45 μg/cm2 /day), and the Mn fluxes for both seasons were also greater than the accumulation rate of Mn in the bottom sediments (0.10 μg/cm 2/day). More Al was contained in the trapped settling matter than in the suspended matter, while Mn showed the opposite behavior. The Fe/Mn ratio of the residual fraction (obtained by subtracting the sediment component of the settling matter) was rather well correlated with the corresponding ratio in suspended matter. Settling particles are expected to scavenge suspended matter during their passage through the water column. The flux of Mn across the sediment—water interface was estimated from its vertical profiles in the water column to be 0.1–0.3 μg/cm2 day. The residence time of Mn in bottom water was about one to several months. These results suggest that Mn is actively recycled between the water column and the sediments of the coastal sea.  相似文献   

Deep-sea benthic ecosystems are mainly sustained by sinking organic materials that are produced in the euphotic zone. “Benthic-pelagic coupling” is the key to understanding both material cycles and benthic ecology in deep-sea environments, in particular in topographically flat open oceanic settings. However, it remains unclear whether “benthic-pelagic coupling” exists in eutrophic deep-sea environments at the ocean margins where areas of undulating and steep bottom topography are partly closely surrounded by land. Land-locked deep-sea settings may be characterized by different particle behaviors both in the water column and in relation to submarine topography. Mechanisms of particle accumulation may be different from those found in open ocean sedimentary systems. An interdisciplinary programme, “Project Sagami”, was carried out to understand seasonal carbon cycling in a eutrophic deep-sea environment (Sagami Bay) with steep bottom topography along the western margin of the Pacific, off central Japan. We collected data from ocean color photographs obtained using a sea observation satellite, surface water samples, hydrographic casts with turbidity sensor, sediment trap moorings and multiple core samplings at a permanent station in the central part of Sagami Bay between 1997 and 1998. Bottom nepheloid layers were also observed in video images recorded at a real-time, sea-floor observatory off Hatsushima in Sagami Bay. Distinct spring blooms were observed during mid-February through May in 1997. Mass flux deposited in sediment traps did not show a distinct spring bloom signal because of the influence of resuspended materials. However, dense clouds of suspended particles were observed only in the spring in the benthic nepheloid layer. This phenomenon corresponds well to the increased deposition of phytodetritus after the spring bloom. A phytodetrital layer started to form on the sediment surface about two weeks after the start of the spring bloom. Chlorophyll-a was detected in the top 2 cm of the sediment only when a phytodetritus layer was present. Protozoan and metazoan meiobenthos increased in density after phytodetritus deposition. Thus, “benthic-pelagic coupling” was certainly observed even in a marginal ocean environment with undulated bottom topography. Seasonal changes in features of the sediment-water interface were also documented.  相似文献   

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