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龙门山逆断裂带中段的构造地貌学研究   总被引:39,自引:15,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
赵小麟  陈社发 《地震地质》1994,16(4):422-428
龙门山逆断裂带中段由3条主要的逆断裂带组成,根据构造地貌学特征和地震活动性推测,其第四纪活动性自南西向北东方向递减,表现出明显的分段性。其中灌县-江油断裂控制了山地与平原或山地与丘陵区的分界以及第四系的厚度,根据这一特征可知该断裂的活动性自南向北,在大邑、灌县和彭县一带最强,绵竹次之,安县至江油最弱。断裂活动的分段性可能受龙门山北部南北向岷山隆起的控制。由于新构造活动分布在3条断裂上,所以区内以6级以下的中小地震活动为主  相似文献   

通过古隆起地貌恢复、不整合分布样式及沉积相等研究,揭示了塔里木盆地中央隆起带古生代重要发育期的古构造地貌特征及其对沉积相发育分布的控制作用.中奥陶世末至晚奥陶世早期的中央隆起带是由和田河古隆起、和田河东古隆起、塔中古隆起及巴楚古斜坡等组成的、具有复杂古构造地貌的大型古隆起一古斜坡带,总体由西向东倾没;可划分出高隆带、断隆平台、古隆边缘斜坡或坡折带、陆棚斜坡或低凸起带、陆架坡折带及深海盆地或平原等古地貌单元.它们对沉积古地理的发育具有重要控制作用,古隆起边缘斜坡.坡折带往往控制着构成重要储层的台缘礁、滩等高能沉积相带的发育和分布.晚奥陶世晚期盆地东南缘强烈隆起,塔中古隆起东段随之隆升并由东向西掀斜,形成由东向西倾沿的鼻状古隆起带.早志留世和晚泥盆至早石炭世盆地中北部的古构造地貌由原来的东低西高转为北东高、西南低;可划分出强烈剥蚀高隆带、古隆边缘斜坡带、坳陷边缘缓斜坡带及坳陷带等古构造地貌单元.构造隆起末期沿古隆起边缘斜坡至坳陷边缘发育的低位及海侵体系域可形成重要的储集体.古隆起地貌与盆内多个不整合的分布样式具有密切关系.从古隆起区向坳陷区可划分出高隆区的不整合复合带、古隆起斜坡边缘的削蚀不整合三角带和超覆不整合三角带、古斜坡与坳陷区过渡的微角度或平行不整合带以及坳陷内的整合带.削蚀不整合和上超不整合三角带可形成重要的地层圈闭,是有利的大型岩性地层油气藏的发育带.  相似文献   




在灵山地区北西向的六吉-蕉根坪断裂带上,存在着明显的窗棂脊构造地貌。叙述了该构造地貌的特征、形成时间及年变速率,并据此指出,该断裂具有较高的活动性,其地震危险值得注意。该构造地貌的发现为华南地区现今构造应力场和古地震的研究提供了新的信息。  相似文献   

岷山隆起带与西秦岭构造带中段位于青藏高原物质东向流动的必经之处,又是南北地震带的组成部分和GPS速度场非连续性衰减和转换的关键部位,其地壳结构及地壳变形机制受到国内外地质地球物理学家的广泛关注,了解研究区深部细结构及主要边界断裂空间展布特征,对青藏高原隆升机制及中强地震孕震构造的研究有重要意义.本文依托分别横跨岷山隆起带及西秦岭构造带中段的两条大地电磁剖面(SG-WQL-L1与SG-WQL-L2)小点距观测数据,采用大地电磁相位张量分解技术对两条剖面上各个测点的电性走向、二维偏离度进行计算分析,根据分析结果对原始数据进行主轴方位角校正处理,进一步采用NLCG(非线性共轭梯度)二维反演方法开展TE与TM模式的相位和电阻率联合反演,获取沿剖面方向30 km以浅的电阻率结构模型,并完成了地质地球物理综合解释.两条大地电磁剖面勘探成果揭示出,马尔康地块中上地壳发育的壳内低阻层与岷山隆起上地壳低阻体在深部交汇,岷江断裂带与虎牙断裂带受控于马尔康地块与岷山隆起带上地壳底部的滑脱面,滑脱面呈现往东角度逐渐变陡峭的趋势且在岷江附近出现"断坡"构造,历史强震震源深度显示虎牙断裂为岷山隆起带新生代强震的发震断裂;西秦岭构造带中段中上地壳沿剖面方向表现为横向分块、纵向分层的电性结构特征,中地壳12~25 km左右发育厚度不等的壳内低阻层,壳内低阻层多与研究区次级地块的边界断裂在深部交汇,次级地块以及区分次级地块的活动断裂带可能是GPS速度场在研究区呈现非连续性的递减并伴随方向转换的构造成因;青藏高原内部的软流圈物质向NE和SSE流动,驱动巴颜喀拉地块东缘上地壳沿中上地壳低阻层东向运移,受到摩天岭高阻地块的阻挡作用,软弱的岷山隆起带发生地壳褶皱变形并向东逆冲推覆从而形成高耸的岷山山脉,岷江断裂与虎牙断裂的左旋运动加速了岷山的隆起.  相似文献   

构造地貌学作为地球科学领域的新兴学科,具有独特的资源环境意义与科学内涵。通过中文文献计量学手段,对1956—2019年间收录于知网的构造地貌学领域的学术论文进行分析,尤其是近10年来重点报道的研究成果,探讨相关的研究热点与趋势。关键词与共词分析结果显示,我国构造地貌学的显著特征是与大地构造单元、地震活动紧密联系,构造地质学、地貌学、地球物理学和地理信息科学贡献了构造地貌学进展的主要部分,且研究热点在持续更新,能源盆地的古地理特征、多影响因素的耦合作用、沉积过程的响应是比较突出的研究亮点。最后,分析了我国构造地貌学的主要研究趋势和方向,并提出简要见解。  相似文献   

京杭大运河在宿迁附近走向发生东西方向的拐折,研究认为系与该区存在近东西向断裂有关。文中应用人工地震和地质钻孔资料详细论述了这一地区的地貌特征,并对发生拐折的成因作了分析。  相似文献   

关于岷江断裂若干问题的讨论   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
钱洪  马声浩 《中国地震》1995,11(2):140-146
本文在野外观察的基础上,结合年代学样品测定资料,讨论了岷江断裂的几何特征、晚第四纪活动性以及潜在地震能力。笔者认为,岷江断裂并不是一条单一的南北向断裂,而是由多条北东-北北东向次级断层左阶羽列而成。由于岷江断裂总体延伸方向的差异,可以把它分为南、北、中三段。中段控制第四纪盆地,并具有晚第四纪活动性。进一步的研究认为,断理解几何特征导致的断层分段对断裂的潜在地震能力具有控制作用。  相似文献   

岷山断块由岷江断裂和虎牙断裂自西向东的推覆逆掩运动所形成 ,处于我国南北地震带的中段。受区域NWW向主压应力场的控制 ,岷江断裂带第四纪以来表现为明显的推覆逆掩运动并具有一定的左旋走滑分量 ,岷山断块则处于强烈的隆起抬升状态。航片解译及野外地质考察结果表明 ,岷江断裂带由数条次级断裂呈羽列组合而成 ,其中尕米寺 -川盘右阶羽列区的羽列距达3km ,控制了低序次的地震破裂单元。第四纪地貌发育过程及断错地貌研究结果表明 ,岷江断裂晚第四纪以来的平均垂直滑动速率为 0 37~ 0 53mm/a ,水平位错量与垂直位错量大致相当 ;岷山断块第四纪以来的平均隆起速率为 1 5mm/a左右。地震活动特征表明 ,该地区 6级以上强震丛集于强烈活动的断块边界断裂上 ,中强地震及小震发生在新构造隆起区及近东西向断裂带上 ,与断裂的活动性质具有密切的成因联系  相似文献   

The Hetao depression zone, located to the north of Ordos block, is a complex depression basin that consists of two sub-uplifts and three sub-depressions. The depression zone is subject to the regional extensional stress field driven by the Indo-Asian continental collision and the westward subduction of the Pacific Plate. The Baotou uplift that separates the Baiyanhua sub-depression and Huhe sub-depression is mainly composed of Archean gneiss and is overlaid by Quaternary sedimentary strata. The two sub-depressions are bordered by the Wula Mountains and Daqing Mountains to the north, respectively. The bedrock exhumed in Wula Mountains and Daqing Mountains consists mostly of Precambrian granitic gneiss, and the piedmont depressions are infilled by thick Cenozoic strata. The Wulashan piedmont fault and Daqingshan piedmont fault extend along the range front of Wula Mountains and Daqing Mountains, respectively. The subsidence is controlled by the two boundary faults. Previous studies have preliminarily documented the characteristics of the northwest boundary fault of Baotou uplift. Combining shallow seismic exploration, active fault mapping, and geological drilling, this paper presents a detailed study on the tectonic characteristics of the Baotou uplift. The shallow seismic exploration reveals that the Baotou uplift is an asymmetrical wedge with a steep southeast wing and a gentle dipping northwest wing. The Baotou uplift is wider in the northeastern part and narrows down towards the southwest. In seismic profiles, the Baiyanhua sub-depression and the Huhe sub-depression manifest as asymmetric dustpan-like depressions with south-dipping controlling faults. Baotou uplift is bounded by the Xishawan-Xingsheng Fault to the northwest and Daqingshan piedmont fault to the southeast. The two faults exhibit significant difference in many aspects, such as fault geometry, fault displacement, the latest active time, and so on. The southeast boundary fault of Baotou uplift is the Baotou section of the Daqingshan piedmont fault which is a Holocene active fault and the major boundary fault of Huhe sub-depression. East of Wanshuiquan, the fault strikes EW-NEE; west of Wanshuiquan, the strike changes to NW. The Daqingshan piedmont fault appears as a south-dipping listric fault in seismic profiles whose dip decreases with depth and cuts through all the sedimentary strata in Huhe sub-depression; the fault extends along the late Pleistocene lacustrine platform at surface with prominent geomorphological evidences. The Xishawan-Xingsheng Fault is a buried high-angle normal fault that mainly dips to the northwest and strikes NE. The fault strike changes to NNE at the eastern tip. Based on the results of seismic exploration and geological drilling, the Xishawan-Xingsheng buried fault is an early to middle Pleistocene Fault capped by late Pleistocene lacustrine strata. We reckon that the Xishawan-Xingsheng Fault is one of the synthetic faults that dip towards the main boundary fault of Baiyanhua sub-depression. Similarities in lithology, geometry, and structural characteristics of south boundary faults all indicate that Baotou uplift is the western extension of Daqing Mountains. Multiple factors may contribute to the formation of Baotou uplift, such as tectonic subsidence and the development of large-scale river system and mega-lake. We suggest that the upwelling of asthenosphere may play a primary role in the evolution of Wulanshan piedmont fault and Daqingshan piedmont fault. Separated by the Baotou uplift, the Wulashan piedmont fault and Daqingshan piedmont fault can be regarded as independent seismogenic faults. The Hetao depression zone is featured by complex inner structures, and many scientific issues are subject to further researches. Thus, more attention should be paid to the secondary structures within the depression zone for a better understanding on the formation and evolution of Hetao depression zone.  相似文献   

滇西南地区现代构造应力场分析   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
利用断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量的方法,获得滇西南地区20个构造应力张量数据,并通过与由震源机制解资料求解该地区平均应力场结果的对比,获得了研究区现代构造应力场特征:镇源——营盘山断裂以西至龙陵断裂带以南地区,最大主压应力方向为北北东,应力结构以走滑型为主;龙陵断裂带及其以北的局部地区,最大主压应力方向为近南北或北北西,应力结构为走滑型.  相似文献   

闻学泽 《地震地质》2000,22(3):239-249
依据多种资料分层次剖析了川西鲜水河 -安宁河 -则木河断裂带的地震破裂分段性及其原因 ,并将该断裂带划分为 12个特征地震破裂段。断裂带上持久性和非持久性的破裂边界各占约 ;持久性及重要的破裂边界可依据断裂几何结构及活动习性标志进行判定 ,它们均以局部体积变化的方式来终止破裂的扩展 ;非持久性的破裂边界则可依据地震破裂与复发行为、断裂现今活动习性空间差异、松驰障碍体与较小尺度几何障碍的复合体等进行判定 ,其位置可随时间变化。地震破裂时间间隔短的 ,相邻破裂的重叠量较小 ;时间间隔长的 ,相邻破裂的重叠量则较  相似文献   

四川西昌1850年地震地表破裂特征研究   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
任金卫  李坪 《地震地质》1993,15(2):97-106,T002
本文对则木河断裂带上各种地震地表破裂现象作了调查和时代方面的研究,结果表明,1850年西昌地震在西昌北的李金堡至宁南的松新间形成了长达90km的地震形变带。地震位错的最大水平位移为7m,垂直位移一般为0.5~2m,对地震形变带中的各种变形遗迹和地震地表破裂特征的研究表明,则木河断裂是这次地震的发震构造,震中位于大箐梁子一带,震中烈度达Ⅹ~Ⅺ。地震破裂的力学性质为左旋扭张,与则木河断裂晚第四纪以来的活动一致。地震破裂具有向南突出发展的不对称特点  相似文献   

The Huya Fault, located in the steep topographic boundary of the Minshan Mountains in the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, has documented many major earthquakes such as the 1630(M=6 3/4), 1973 Huanglong(MS=6.5) and the 1976 Songpan-Pingwu earthquake swarm(MS=7.2, 6.7, 7.2). While its activity remains unclear because of lacking Quaternary sediments. In the past few decades, there have been significant advances in understanding the relationship between bedrock channel landscapes and active tectonics, indicating that the bedrock fluvial features can well record the tectonic activity. Many studies reveal that tectonism is the primary factor of landscape evolution in tectonically active regions, and the erosional landscapes can be used to reveal tectonic signals on timescales of 103~106 years. The Huya Fault crosses the Fujiang drainage basin, making it suitable for the study of bedrock rivers and tectonic uplift in the eastern margin of Minshan. In this study, we calculate the geomorphologic indeices(hillslope, local relief, normalized steepness indices and hypsometric integral) on the basis of the digital elevation model(DEM) SRTM-1. For better understanding the tectonic activity along this fault, we derive some small catchments on the two sides of the Huya fault to analyze the differences of average steepness indices and hypsometric integral. Combining with field observations, lithology, precipitation and modern erosion rates, this study suggests that tectonic activity is the controlling factor of geomorphology in the eastern margin of the Minshan Mountains. We use focal mechanism solutions, GPS data and geomorphic evidence to explore the relationship between the geomorphologic indices of the Fujiang drainage and activity characteristics of the Huya fault. Our results suggest that:(1) The Fujiang drainage basin is in a steady state. The characteristics of the knickpoints indicate that they are mainly controlled by the locally resistant substrate. (2) The suggested value of the geomorphologic index on the west side of the Huya fault is generally larger than on the east side, showing differential tectonic uplift rates across the fault. (3) The difference of the geomorphologic index of the small catchments on both sides of the Huya fault is gradually increasing from north to south along this fault, in accordance with that the north and south segments of the Huya fault are dominated by strike-and reverse-slip, respectively.  相似文献   

川西构造应力场现今变化特征与地震活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文从电阻式地应力—应变观测系统扩大试验所取得的资料,分析了川西现代构造应力场的变化特征及其与地震活动的关系,指出:川西现代构造应力场有明显的时空变化特点,其积累、加强与释放、回复的反复变化是这一地区强震孕育和接连发生的直接原因。1981年1月24日道孚6.9级地震前,区域构造应力场的主压应力方向曾发生过近90°的转折,持续36天,震前9天恢复为正常方向。本文最后指出:1982年6月16日甘孜6.0级地震后,川西构造应力场较稳定,而川南则加强,因此,川西地震较少,而滇西、滇东北以及元江、红河断裂地震较为活跃,曾于1982年至1983年接连发生中强地震。  相似文献   

主要从川滇块体东缘的地层分布和出露特征 ,以及岩浆活动等方面深入探讨块体东缘的活动构造及其它们的发育和演化过程  相似文献   

以四川盆地为例,通过分析沉积岩储藏系统中断层的发育特征和典型沉积岩断层形成前后岩石变形破坏过程的实验研究,探讨沉积岩层中小断层在油气田注水诱发地震中的作用及较大地震发生条件。首先,通过分析已有的有关四川盆地深部注水诱发地震活动情况的资料得到具有一定普遍性的认识:诱发地震的空间分布明显受已有断层或破裂的控制,有感地震尤其是可导致一定灾害的中强地震往往都是已有断层的重新活动所致。其次,结合石油地质资料及盆地边缘地区出露的一些未成熟小型断层的地质与构造特征观察分析,发现这些断层的存在具有普遍性而且是地下油气纵向运移的主要通道。进而,在实验室条件下对四川盆地几个典型沉积岩样本进行了三轴压缩破坏实验。采用多通道宽动态高速声发射观测技术与三维X射线CT成像技术分析断层形成过程及形成后的几何特征和摩擦系数的变化。最后,通过融合各方面研究结果分析注水诱发地震的发生机制和模型,探讨了较大地震发生条件,为提升注水诱发地震评估能力和建立安全注水操作管理指南提供理论基础。该结果有助于理解为何四川盆地油气田注水诱发地震活动如此剧烈。主要的前三叠系沉积岩(包括白云岩、页岩及白云质灰岩)均具有较高的破坏强度和脆性变形破坏特征,使四川盆地油气储藏系统有条件保持较高的应力水平和在一定条件下导致地震性断层破坏。一般,一条尺度达到几km的断层便足以产生M5级别的中强地震。这些条件使得该区具有发生破坏性注水诱发地震的可能。有必要在对注水孔周围的破裂及断层构造的空间分布、尺度大小及力学性质特征有基本了解的条件下,通过注水数值模拟和监测注水诱发地震的时空演化,建立适当的统计模型实现诱发地震的统计评估和预测,指导注水操作而达到减少灾害性地震发生的风险。  相似文献   

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