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High-resolution current velocity and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data were collected by using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) at two anchor stations and a cross-section in the South Channel of the Changjiang River mouth during meso and neap tides on Nov. 16, 2003. In addition, tidal cycle (13-hour) observation at two stations was carried out with traditional methods during the spring tide. Results indicated that resuspension occurred not only at the flood and ebb maximum, but also in the early phase of ebb in the meso and neap tide. When tidal current transited from high to ebb phase, current speed accelerated. Subsequently, fine-grained sediment with low critical threshold was resuspended and increased concentration. The river mouth area remained in siltation in the meso and neap tidal phase during the observation season, with calculated resuspension flux in the order of magnitude of 10−4–10−7 kg·m−2/s. Suspended sediment transport in the South Channel was dominated by freshwater discharge, but the Storks drift, vertical circulation and vertical shear effect due to tidal oscillation also played an important role in resuspension and associated sediment transport. In contrast, resuspension sediment flux in the spring tide was larger than that in meso and neap tide, especially at the ebb maximum and flood maximum. The present study revealed that intensive resuspension corresponded well with the larger current velocity during winter. In addition, the ‘tidal pumping’ effect and tidal gravity circulation were also vital for forming the turbidity maximum in the Changjiang River estuary.  相似文献   

Using both the photosynthetically active chlorophylla (chla) content of the organic carbon fraction of suspended particulate matter (chla/POC) and the percentage of photosynthetically, active chla in fluorometrically measured chla plus pheophytina (% chla), we determined that under specified hydrodynamic conditions, neap-spring tidal differentiation in particle dynamics could be observed in the Columbia River estuary. During summer time neap tides, when river discharge was moderate, bottom chla/POC remained relatively unchanged from riverine chla/POC over the full 0–30 psu salinity range, suggesting a benign trapping environment. During summertime spring tides, bottom chla/POC decreased at mid range salinities indicating resuspension of chla-poor POC during flood-ebb transitions. Bottom % chla during neap tides tended to average higher than that during spring tides, suggesting that neap particles were more recently hydrodynamically trapped than those on the spring tides. Such differentiation supported the possibility of operation of a particle conveyor belt process, a process in which low-amplitude neap tides favor selective particle trapping in estuarine turbidity maxima (ETM)., while high-amplitude spring tides favor particle resuspension from the ETM. Untrapped river-derived particles at the surface would continue through the estuary to the coastal ocean on the neap tide; during spring tide some particles eroded from the ETM would combine with unsettled riverine particles in transit toward the ocean. Because in tensified biogeochemical activity is associated with ETM, these neap-spring differences may be critical to maintenance and renewal of populations and processes in the estuary. Very high river discharge (15, 000 m3 s−1) tended to overwhelm neap-spring differences, and significant oceanic input during very low river discharge (5,000 m3 s−1) tended to do the same in the estuarine channel most exposed to ocean input. During heavy springtime phytoplankton blooms, development of a thick bottom fluff layer rich in chla also appeared to negate neapspring differentiation because spring tides apparently acted to resuspend the same rich bottom material that was laid down during neap tides. When photosynthetic assimilation numbers [μgC (μgchl,a)−1h−1] were measured across, the full salinity range, no neap-spring differences and no river discharge effects occurred, indicating that within our suite of measurements the compositional distinction of suspended particulate material was mainly a function of chla/POC, and to a lesser extent % chla. Even though these measurements suggest the existence of a conveyor belt process, proof of actual operation of this phenomenon requires scalar flux measurements of chla properties in and out of the ETM on both neap and spring tides.  相似文献   

In comparison to their temperate counterparts, sediment processes in tropical estuaries are poorly known and especially in African ones. The hydrodynamics of such environments is controlled by a combination of multiple processes including morphology, salinity, mangrove vegetation, tidal processes, river discharge, settling and erosion of mud and by physico-chemical processes as well as sediment dynamics.The aim of this study is to understand the sediment processes in this transitional stage of the estuary when the balance between river discharges and marine processes is reversing. Studying the hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of the Konkouré Estuary has recently been made possible thanks to new data on bathymetry, sedimentary cover, salinity, water elevations, and current velocities. The Lower Konkouré is a shallow, funnel shaped, mesotidal mangrove-fringed, tide-dominated estuary, well mixed during low river discharge and stratified during high river discharge. The Konkouré Estuary is turbid despite the small amount of terrestrial input and its residual velocity at the mouth during low river discharges, landwards for two of the three branches, suggests a landward migration by tidal pumping of the suspended particulate matter. A Turbidity Maximum Zone (TMZ) is identified for typical states of the estuary with regard to fluvial and tidal components. Suspended sediment transport during a transitional stage between the rainy and dry seasons is known thanks to current velocity and Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) measurements taken in November 2003. The Richardson layered number calculation assesses that turbulence is the major mixing process in the water column, at least during the flood and ebb stages, whereas stratification occurs during the slack water periods. Tidal currents generate bottom erosion, and turbulence mixes the suspended sediment throughout the water column. As a result, a net sediment input is calculated from the western Konkouré outlet for two consecutive tidal cycles. Despite the net water export, almost 300 tons per tide reach the estuary through this outlet, for a moderate river flow.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of oxygen depletion in turbid estuaries to parameters like freshwater discharge, depth, and sediment availability is investigated using an idealized model. The model describes tidally averaged circulation and suspended sediment concentration (SSC), which are input into an advection–diffusion sink module of dissolved oxygen (DO). Based on the analysis of field data collected in the Ems estuary, the modeled oxygen depletion rates are proportional to SSC. The model is calibrated to the observed variation of DO with SSC and temperature. Modeled DO closely tracks changes to the estuarine turbidity zone (ETZ): increased channel depth, decreased freshwater discharge, and decreased mixing move the ETZ upstream, amplify SSCs, and decrease DO. Summertime temperatures produce lower DO than cooler periods. Model results are consistent with historical measurements in the Ems, which indicate that hypoxic events (DO concentrations < 2 mg l−1) have occurred more frequently after deepening from 5 to 7 m.  相似文献   

Systematic seasonal variations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) along a 44-km transect of the Mandovi estuary reveal that the concentrations of SPM are low at river-end stations, increase generally seaward, and are highest at sea-end stations of the estuary. An estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) occurs at sea-end stations during June–September when river discharge is high and also in February–May when river discharge is low. These are the two windiest times of year, the former associated with the southwest monsoon and the latter characterized by a persistent sea breeze. The salinity vs. SPM plot shows that high SPM is a seaward deposit and skewed landward. Suspended matter comprised of floccules, fecal pellets, and aggregates that consist of clay and biogenic particles occur everywhere in the estuary. Diatoms are the most common and are of marine type at the sea-end and freshwater-dominated at river-end stations of the estuary. SPM is characterized by kaolinite- and smectite-rich clay mineral suites at the river- and sea-end stations, respectively. Smectite concentrations increase seawards with the increase in SPM content and are not influenced by salinity. Wind-driven waves and currents and biogeochemical processes at the mouth of estuary likely play an important role in the formation of ETM in resuspension and transformation of SPM into floccules and aggregates and in their upkeep or removal.  相似文献   

Systematic studies on the suspended particulate matter (SPM) measured on a seasonal cycle in the Mandovi Estuary, Goa indicate that the average concentrations of SPM at the regular station are ∼20mg/l, 5mg/l, 19mg/l and 5mg/l for June–September, October–January, February–April and May, respectively. SPM exhibits low-to-moderate correlation with rainfall indicating that SPM is also influenced by other processes. Transect stations reveal that the SPM at sea-end stations of the estuary are at least two orders of magnitude greater than those at the river-end during the monsoon. Estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) of nearly similar magnitude occurs at the same location in two periods, interrupted by a period with very low SPM concentrations. The ETM occurring in June–September is associated with low salinities; its formation is attributed to the interactions between strong southwesterly winds (5.1–5.6ms−1) and wind-induced waves and tidal currents and, dominant easterly river flow at the mouth of the estuary. The ETM occurring in February–April is associated with high salinity and is conspicuous. The strong NW and SW winds (3.2–3.7ms−1) and wind-driven waves and currents seem to have acted effectively at the mouth of the estuary in developing turbidity maximum. The impact of sea breeze appears nearly same as that of trade winds and cannot be underestimated in sediment resuspension and deposition  相似文献   

We describe the tidal circulation and salinity regime of a coastal plain estuary that connects to the ocean through a flood tide delta. The delta acts as a sill, and we examine the mechanisms through which the sill affects exchange of estuarine water with the ocean. Given enough buoyancy, the dynamics of tidal intrusion fronts across the sill and selective withdrawal (aspiration) in the deeper channel landward appear to control the exchange of seawater with estuarine water. Comparison of currents on the sill and stratification in the channel reveals aspiration depths smaller than channel depth during neap tide. During neap tide and strong vertical stratification, seawater plunges beneath the less dense estuarine water somewhere on the sill. Turbulence in the intruding bottom layer on the sill promotes entrainment of fluid from the surface layer, and the seawater along the sill bottom is diluted with estuarine water. During ebb flow, salt is effectively trapped landward of the sill in a stagnant zone between the aspiration depth and the bottom where it can be advected farther upstream by flood currents. During spring tide, the plunge point moves landward and off the sill, stratification is weakened in the deep channel, and aspiration during ebb extends to the bottom. This prevents the formation of stagnant water near the bottom, and the estuary is flooded with high salinity water far inland. The neapspring cycle of tidal intrusion fronts on flood coupled with aspiration during ebb interacts with the sill to play an important role in the transport and retention of salt within the estuary.  相似文献   

Tidal freshwater sections of the Cooper River Estuary (South Carolina) include extensive wetlands, which were formerly impounded for rice culture during the 1,700s and 1,800s. Most of these former rice fields are now open to tidal exchange and have developed into productive wetlands that vary in bottom topography, tidal hydrography and vegetation dominants. The purpose of this project was to quantify nitrogen (N) transport via tidal exchange between the main estuarine channel and representative wetland types and to relate exchange patterns to the succession of vegetation dominants. We examined N concentration and mass exchange at the main tidal inlets for the three representative wetland types (submerged aquatic vegetation [SAV], floating leaf vegetation, and intertidal emergent marsh) over 18-21 tidal cycles (July 1998–August 2000). Nitrate + nitrite concentrations were significantly lower during ebb flow at all study sites, suggesting potential patterns of uptake by all wetland types. The magnitude of nitrate decline during ebb flow was negatively correlated with oxygen concentration, reflecting the potential importance of denitrification and nitrate reduction within hypoxic wetland waters and sediments. The net tidal exchange of nitrate + nitrite was particularly consistent for the intertidal emergent marsh, where flow-weighted ebb concentrations were usually 18–40% lower than during flood tides. Seasonal patterns for the emergent marsh indicated higher rates of nitrate + nitrite uptake during the spring and summer (> 400 μmol N m-2 tide-1) with an annual mean uptake of 248 ± 162 μmol m–2 tide–1. The emergent marsh also removed ammonium through most of the year (207 ± 109 μmol m–2 tide–1), and exported dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in the fall (1,690 ± 793 μmol m–2 tide–1), suggesting an approximate annual balance between the dissolved inorganic N uptake and DON export. The other wetland types (SAV and floating leaf vegetation) were less consistent in magnitude and direction of N exchange. Since the emergent marsh site had the highest bottom elevation and the highest relative cover of intertidal habitat, these results suggest that the nature of N exchange between the estuarine waters and bordering wetlands is affected by wetland morphometry, tidal hydrography, and corresponding vegetation dominants. With the recent diversion of river discharge, water levels in the upper Cooper estuary have dropped more than 10 cm, leading to a succession of wetland communities from subtidal habitats toward more intertidal habitats. Results of this study suggest that current trends of wetland succession in the upper Cooper River may result in higher rates of system-wide inorganic N removal and DON inputs by the growing distributions of intertidal emergent marshes.  相似文献   

A turbidity maximum has been observed in the Kennebec estuary during mode rate and low flow conditions near the upstream limit of salinity intrusion. Hydrographic, ADCP, and transmissometer data were collected at different river flow levels and seasons during 1995–1998. The location of the tip of the salt intrusion changes dramatically and during high runoff may be flushed from the channel of the estuary along with the accumulated particles in the turbidity maximum. It is hypothesized that the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) was absent 18% of the time with occurrences in all seasons during 1993–1999 based on river flow volumes from the Kennebec and Androscoggin Rivers throughout the study period. When the flow is moderate and low, which occurred 73% of the time on average, a region of high turbidity can be found as far as 40 km upstream of the mouth. Suspended particulate loads are low in the ETM, on the order of tens of mg l−1 and may vary with the length of time that the ETM has been present.  相似文献   

On different time scales of suspended matter dynamics in the Weser estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-term observations in the Weser estuary (Germany) between 1983 and 1997 provide insight into the response of the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) under a wide range of conditions. In this estuary the turbidity zone is closely tied to the mixing zone, and the positions of the ETM and the mixing zone vary with runoff. The intratidal suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations vary due to deposition during slack water periods, subsequent resubsequent and depletion of temporarily-formed and spatially-limited deposits during the following ebb or flood, and subsequent transport by tidal currents. The corresponding time history of SPM concentrations is remarkably constant over the years. Spring tide SPM concentrations can be twice the neap tide concentrations or even larger. A hysteresis in SPM levels between the falling and rising spring-neap cycle is attributed to enhanced resuspension by the stronger spring tidal currents. There is evidence that the ETM is pushed up-estuary during times of higher mean water levels due to storms. During river floods the ETM is flushed towards the outer estuary. If river floods and their decreasing parts occur during times of relatively high mean water levels, the ETM seems to be maintained in the outer estuary. If river floods and their decreasing parts occur during times of relatively low mean water levels, the ETM seems to loose inventory and may need up to half a year of non-event conditions to gain its former magnitude. During this time seasonal effects may be involved. Analyses of storm events and river floods have revealed that the conditions in the seaward boundary region play an equally important role for the SPM dynamics as those arising from the river.  相似文献   

The Changjiang (Yangtze) estuarine and coastal waters are characterized by suspended sediments over a wide range of concentrations from 20 to 2,500 mg l−1. Suspended sediment plays important roles in the estuarine and coastal system and environment. Previous algorithms for satellite estimates of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) showed a great limitation in that only low to moderate concentrations (up to 50 mg l−1) could be reliably estimated. In this study, we developed a semi-empirical radiative transfer (SERT) model with physically based empirical coefficients to estimate SSC from MERIS data over turbid waters with a much wider range of SSC. The model was based on the Kubelka–Munk two-stream approximation of radiative transfer theory and calibrated using datasets from in situ measurements and outdoor controlled tank experiments. The results show that the sensitivity and saturation level of remote-sensing reflectance to SSC are dependent on wavelengths and SSC levels. Therefore, the SERT model, coupled with a multi-conditional algorithm scheme adapted to satellite retrieval of wide-range SSC, was proposed. Results suggest that this method is more effective and accurate in the estimation of SSC over turbid waters.  相似文献   

The behaviour of dissolved Al in the Great Ouse estuary, in particular with respect to salinity, is complex. There is, however, evidence from field data as well as laboratory mixing experiments to suggest that flocculation and sorption mechanisms play important roles affecting the concentrations of dissolved Al during the early stages of estuarine mixing. In contrast, a near-buffering of dissolved Al occurs in the entire stretch of the estuary (salinity >0.2) with concentrations varying around 1.4 μg l−1. This distribution and lack of variation with salinity is attributable to sorption processes which might dominate over other processes in these turbid estuarine waters (suspended particulate load 48–888 mg l−1) impacting dissolved Al levels. Sorption models have been developed for both dissolved and leachable particulate Al concentrations in these waters. These observations provide compelling evidence of sorption processes that might be important in the geochemistry of Al in estuarine waters.  相似文献   

In October of 2004, a 3-d observational program to measure flow and sediment resuspension within a coastal intertidal salt marsh was conducted in the North Inlet/Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve located near Georgetown, South Carolina. Current and acoustic backscatter profiles were obtained from a moored acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) deployed in a shallow tidal channel during the spring phase of the tidal cycle under high discharge conditions. The channel serves as a conduit between Winyah Bay, a large brackish estuary, and North Inlet, a saline intertidal coastal salt marsh with little freshwater input. Salinity measurements indicate that the water column is vertically well mixed during flood, but becomes vertically stratified during early ebb. The stratification results from brackish (15 psu) Winyah Bay water entering North Inlet via the tidal channel, suggesting an exchange mechanism that permits North Inlet to receive a fraction of the poor water quality and high discharge flow from upland rivers. Although maximum flood currents exceed maximum ebb currents by 0.2 m s−1, suspended sediment concentrations are highest during the latter ebb phase and persist for a longer fraction of the ebb cycle. Even though the channel is flood-dominated, the higher concentrations occurring over a longer fraction of the ebb phase indicate net particulate transport from Winyah Bay to North Inlet during spring tide accompanied by high discharge. Our evidence suggests that the higher concentrations during ebb result from increased bed friction caused by flow asymmetries and variations in water depth in which the highest stresses occur near the end of ebb near low water despite stronger maximum currents during flood.  相似文献   

Tidal currents and the spatial variability of tidally-induced shear stress were studied during a tidal cycle on four intertidal mudflats from the fluvial to the marine part of the Seine estuary. Measurements were carried out during low water discharge (<400 m3 s−1) in neap and spring tide conditions. Turbulent kinetic energy, covariance, and logarithmic profile methods were used and compared for the determination of shear stress. The cTKE coefficient value of 0.19 cited in the literature was confirmed. Shear stress values were shown to decrease above mudflats from the mouth to the fluvial part of the estuary due to dissipation of the tidal energy, from 1 to 0.2 N m−2 for spring tides and 0.8 to 0.05 N m−2 for neap tides. Flood currents dominate tidally-induced shear stress in the marine and lower fluvial estuary during neap and spring tides and in the upper fluvial part during spring tides. Ebb currents control tidally-induced shear stress in the upper fluvial part of the estuary during neap tides. These results revealed a linear relationship between friction velocities and current velocities. Bed roughness length values were calculated from the empirical relationship given by Mitchener and Torfs (1996) for each site; these values are in agreement with the modes of the sediment particle-size distribution. The influence of tidal currents on the mudflat dynamics of the Seine estuary was examined by comparing the tidally-induced bed shear stress and the critical erosion shear stress estimated from bed sediment properties. Bed sediment resuspension induced by tidal currents was shown to occur only in the lower part of the estuary.  相似文献   

 The Mfolozi Estuary on the KwaZulu-Natal coast of South Africa is the most turbid estuary in Natal due to poor catchment management, leading to large quantities of suspended particulate matter (SPM) entering the estuary from the Mfolozi River. This paper quantities some of the solute and sediment dynamics in the Mfolozi Estuary where the main documented environmental concern is the periodic input of SPM from the Mfolozi Estuary to the St. Lucia system, causing reduction of light penetration and endangering biological productivity in this important nature reserve. Synoptic water level results have allowed reach mean bed shear stresses and velocities to be calculated for an observed neap tidal cycle. Results indicate that ebb velocities dominate the sediment transport processes in the estuary when fluvial input in the Mfolozi River is of the order of 15–20 m3 s–1. Observed and predicted flood tide velocities are too low (<0.35 m s–1) to suspend and transport significant amounts of SPM. Observed results indicate that although the SPM load entering the estuary is dominantly from the Mfolozi River, the Msunduzi River flow plays a major role in the composition of the estuary's salinity and velocity fields. It is calculated that the Mfolozi Estuary would fill with sediment in 1.3 years if it was cut off from the sea. The major fluvial flood events help maintain the estuary by periodically pushing sediment seawards (spit progrades seawards 5 m yr–1) and scouring and maintaining the main flow channel in the estuary. During low fluvial flow conditions, tidal flow velocities will become the dominant control on sediment transport in the estuary. Interchange of SPM between the St. Lucia and Mfolozi estuaries under present conditions is complicated by the strong transverse velocity shear between the two systems at their combined mouth. This is creating a salinity-maintained axial convergence front that suppresses mixing of solutes and SPM between the systems for up to 10 h of the tidal cycle during observed conditions. Received: 22 May 1995 · Accepted: 31 July 1995  相似文献   

Sediment trapping and transport in the ACE Basin,South Carolina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study took place during May 1998 and May 1999 to examine the processes controlling localized accumulation of fine-grained sediments in the lower Ashepoo River. This region, referred to as the Mud Reach, is an area of muddy bottom sediments bounded by fine sands. The Mud Reach is located downstream of the landward extent of the salt intrusion where an estuarine turbidity maximum commonly occurs. Tidal time-series measurements made in the Mud Reach during May 1998, when river discharge was at a 10-yr high, showed high concentrations of suspended sediment (0.05–1 g I−1) during maximum tidal current velocity with concentrations in the bottom 30 cm exceeding 70 g I−1 (fluid mud). A correlation between salinity stratification and increased suspended sediment concentration suggests that inhibited vertical mixing enhances the settling of flocculated sediments to the bed. Measurements made during May 1999 show a two-order-of-magnitude decrease in the concentration of near-bed sediments. A decrease in river discharge during the 1999 observation period of more than 100 m3 s−1 suggests that changes in the hydrography and in the supply of sediments to the system both may be important factors in the trapping of fine-grained sediments in the region. The source of sediments is likely from muddy deposits in the Fenwick Cut, a man-made section of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway about 2 km north of the Mud Reach that connects the Ashepoo and Edisto Rivers. The Fenwick Cut appears to be an effective area for trapping sediments where shoaling has increased by 130% in the last decade. Current measurements show that flow velocities decrease through the Cut, likely allowing for the settling of suspended particles that form the thick deposits of unconsolidated mud observed during both years.  相似文献   

0-group sea bass,Dicentrarchus labrax, colonize intertidal marsh creeks of Mont Saint Michel Bay, France, on spring tides (e.g., 43% of the tides) during flood and return to coastal waters during ebb. Most arrived with empty stomachs (33%), and feed actively during their short stay in the creeks (from 1 to 2 h) where they consumed on average a minimum of 8% of their body weight. During flood tide, diet was dominated by mysids,Neomysis integer, which feed on marsh detritus. During ebb, when young sea bass left tidal marsh creeks, the majority had full stomachs (more than 98%) and diet was dominated by the most abundant marsh (including vegetated tidal flats and associated marsh creeks) resident amphipod,Orchestia gammarellus. Temporal and tidal effects on diet composition were shown to be insignificant. Foraging in vegetated flats occurs very rarely since they are only flooded by about 5% of the tides. It was shown that primary and secondary production of intertidal salt marshes play a fundamental role in the feeding of 0-group sea bass. This suggests that the well known nursery function of estuarine systems, which is usually restricted to subtidal and intertidal flats, ought to be extended to the supratidal, vegetated marshes and mainly to intertidal marsh creeks.  相似文献   

Backwater tidal sloughs are commonly found at the landward boundary of estuaries. The Cache Slough complex is a backwater tidal region within the Upper Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta that includes two features that are relevant for resource managers: (1) relatively high abundance of the endangered fish, delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), which prefers turbid water and (2) a recently flooded shallow island, Liberty Island, that is a prototype for habitat restoration. We characterized the turbidity around Liberty Island by measuring suspended-sediment flux at four locations from July 2008 through December 2010. An estuarine turbidity maximum in the backwater Cache Slough complex is created by tidal asymmetry, a limited tidal excursion, and wind-wave resuspension. During the study, there was a net export of sediment, though sediment accumulates within the region from landward tidal transport during the dry season. Sediment is continually resuspended by both wind waves and flood tide currents. The suspended-sediment mass oscillates within the region until winter freshwater flow pulses flush it seaward. The hydrodynamic characteristics within the backwater region such as low freshwater flow during the dry season, flood tide dominance, and a limited tidal excursion favor sediment retention.  相似文献   

The Kochi Backwater (KB) is the second largest wetland system in India. It is connected to the sea at Fort Kochi and Munambam (Pallipuram) (30 km north of Kochi). As the tide is forced through two openings, its propagation in the backwater system is very complicated, particularly in the northern arm of the estuary. Using synchronous water level (WL) and current measurements in the KB from a network of stations during 2007–2008, it was convenient to demarcate the northern KB into two distinct regions according to the tidal forcing from the north (Pallipuram) and south (Vallarpadam). This demarcation is useful for computing the propagation speeds of the dominant tidal constituents in the northern branch of the KB with dual opening for opposing tides. WL variations indicated that M2 tide (Principal lunar semidiurnal constituent) dominated in the sea level variance, followed by the K1 constituent (Luni-solar declinational diurnal constituent). The M2 tidal influence was the strongest near the mouth and decayed in the upstream direction. The propagation speed of the M2 tide in the southern estuary was ~3.14 m/s. The ratio of the total annual runoff to the estuarine volume is ~42 that indicates the estuary will be flushed 42 times in a year. KB can be classified as a monsoonal estuary where the river discharge exhibits large seasonal variation.  相似文献   

Tillamook Bay, Oregon, is a drowned river estuary that receives freshwater input from 5 rivers and exchanges ocean water through a single channel. Similar to other western United States estuaries, the bay exhibits a strong seasonal change in river discharge in which there is a pronounced winter maximum and summer minimum in precipitation and runoff. The behavior of major inorganic nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, and silica) within the watershed is examined over seasonal cycles and under a range of river discharge conditions for October 1997–December 1999. Monthly and seasonal sampling stations include transects extending from the mouth of each river to the mouth of the estuary as well as 6–10 sites upstream along each of the 5 major rivers. Few studies have examined nutrient cycling in Pacific Northwest estuaries. This study evaluates the distributions of inorganic nutrients to understand the net processes occurring within this estuary. Based upon this approach, we hypothesize that nutrient behavior in the Tillamook Bay estuary can be explained by two dominant factors: freshwater flushing time and biological uptake and regeneration. Superimposed on these two processes is seasonal variability in nutrient concentrations of coastal waters via upwelling. Freshwater flushing time determines the amount of time for the uptake of nutrients by phytoplankton, for exchange with suspended particles, and for interaction with the sediments. Seasonal coastal upwelling controls the timing and extent of oceanic delivery of nutrients to the estuary. We suggest that benthic regeneration of nutrients is also an important process within the estuary occurring seasonally according to the flushing characteristics of the estuary. Silicic acid, nitrate, and NH4 + supply to the bay appears to be dominated by riverine input. PO4 −3 supply is dominated by river input during periods of high river flow (winter months) with oceanic input via upwelling and tidal exchange important during other times (spring, summer, and fall months). Departures from conservative mixing indicate that internal estuarine sources of dissolved inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen are also significant over an annual cycle.  相似文献   

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