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We describe an imaging telescope for observations of celestial sources in the energy range between 30 keV and 1.8 MeV onboard stratospheric balloons. The detector is a 41 cm diameter, 5 cm thick NaI(Tl) crystal coupled to 19 photomultipliers in an Anger camera configuration. It is surrounded by a plastic scintillator 15 cm thick on the sides, 0.2 cm thick at the top and 20 cm thick at the bottom. The imaging device is based upon a 19 × 19 element square MURA (Modified Uniformly Redundant Array) coded mask mounted in an one-piece mask-antimask configuration. The detector's spatial resolution is about 10 mm at 100 keV. This is the first experiment to use such a mask pattern and configuration for astrophysical purposes. The expected 3 sensitivity for an on-axis source observed for 104 s at a residual atmosphere of 3.5 g cm–2 is 1.44 × 10–5 photons cm–2 s–1 keV–1 at 100 keV and 1.00 × 10–6 photons cm–2 s–1 keV–1 at 1 MeV. The angular resolution is approximately 14 arcminutes over a 13°field of view. The instrument is mounted in an automatic platform with a capability for pointing and stabilization in both azimuth and elevation axis with 2 arcmin accuracy.Presented at the 2nd UN/ESA Workshop, held in Bogotá, Colombia, 9-13 November, 1992.  相似文献   

Detection of cosmic sources of very high energy gamma rays based on the atmospheric Cerenkov technique is discussed. Very high energy gamma-rays initiate, on entering the terrestrial atmosphere, electron-photon cascade showers with in turn produce Cerenkov photons in the air. Parabolic reflectors are used to focus these photons onto fast photomultipliers. Two methods of deployment of parabolic reflectors are in vogue: one in which all the reflectors are located close to each other in a compact array and the other in which the reflectors are spread out farther apart forming a distributed array. In the latter mode, the arrival direction of individual showers can be determined accurately by using the measured relative arrival times between different detectors. Detailed studies with the distributed array helped us to understand the various parameters in the two designs and evaluate their relative merits in reaching the ultimate goals of lowering the energy threshold and improving the signal to background ratio for the detection of gamma-ray sources. It is found that the relative superiority among the two types of arrays is a function of the exponent assumed for the differential power law energy spectrum for the gamma ray source. It is also seen that with the type of reflectors commonly used in atmospheric Cerenkov work, lower energy thresholds can be achieved with use of larger aperture.  相似文献   

The field of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has enjoyed rapid growth in recent years. As an increasing number of sources are detected at TeV energies, the field has matured and become a viable branch of modern astronomy. Lying at the uppermost end of the electromagnetic rainbow, TeV photons are always preciously few in number but carry essential information about the particle acceleration and radiative processes involved in extreme astronomical settings. Together with observations at longer wavelengths, TeV gamma-ray observations have drastically improved our view of the universe. In this re- view, we briefly describe recent progress in the field. We will conclude by providing a personal perspective on the future of the field, in particular, on the significant roles that China could play in advancing this young but exciting field.  相似文献   

TeV gamma-ray astronomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The Cerenkov installation of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, consisting of two identical detectors, separated by 20m, are mounted in parallel for comparing the parameters of images. The average counting rate at one section is 35% higher than at the other. The number of coincident flashes make up 55% for one section and 76% for the second section. The comparison of parameters of coincident events shows high correlation of centroid positions (correlation coefficient r=0.98), of length (r=0.70), orientational angle (r=0.64). The correlation of width parameters is considerably lower (r=0.44).Since the coincident flashes at the two sections correspond to the same EAS their image parameters must be the same or very close. Hence the correlation coefficient between identical parameters of coincident flashes will characterize the quality of equipment and the method of observational data processing.  相似文献   

A new imaging balloon-borne telescope for hard X-rays in the energy range from 30 to 100 keV is described. The imaging capability is provided by the use of an extended URA-based coded-mask. With only one motor and suitable stop pins, we can rotate a carbon-fiber wheel with most of the mask elements attached to it by 180°, and a bar, which is also part of the mask pattern and is allowed to rotate freely over the wheel, by 90°; this combined rotation creates an antimask of the original mask, except for the central element. This is a novel and elegant manner of providing an antimask without additional weight and complex mechanical manipulations. We show that the use of antimasks is a very effective method of eliminating systematic variations in the background map over the position-sensitive detector area. The expected sensitivity of the instrument for the 30–100 keV range is of the order of 7 × 10-5 photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1, for an integration time of 104 seconds at a residual atmosphere of 3.5 g cm-2. This telescope will provide imaging observations of bright galactic hard X-ray sources with an angular resolution of 2° in a 10° by 10° FOV, which is defined by a collimator placed in front of the detector system. We are particularly interested in the galactic center region, where recent imaging results in X-rays have shown the presence of an interesting source field. Results of computer simulations of the imaging system are reported.  相似文献   

We describe the science motivation and development of a pair production telescope for medium-energy (∼5–200 MeV) gamma-ray polarimetry. Our instrument concept, the Advanced Energetic Pair Telescope (AdEPT), takes advantage of the Three-Dimensional Track Imager, a low-density gaseous time projection chamber, to achieve angular resolution within a factor of two of the pair production kinematics limit (∼0.6° at 70 MeV), continuum sensitivity comparable with the Fermi-LAT front detector (<3 × 10−6 MeV cm−2 s−1 at 70 MeV), and minimum detectable polarization less than 10% for a 10 mCrab source in 106 s.  相似文献   

It is known that the counting rate of both Nai and Csi hard X-ray detectors can have intense enhancements of brief (<1 s) duration, which appear like very short cosmic gamma-ray bursts but probably are due to phosphorescence in the detector itself. Unfortunately, this problem is not limited to short bursts. We present here three much longer (up to 80 s) pseudo-gamma-ray bursts observed during a transatlantic ballon flight. We conclude that detections of gamma-ray bursts (and probably also of hard X-ray source flares) based only on a rate increase by a single scintillator should always be confirmed by at least one other instrument.Paper presented at the Symposium on Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts held at Toulouse, France, 26–29 November, 1979.  相似文献   

Significance testing, parameter estimation and sensitivity calculations for -ray telescopes are discussed for single on-off astronomical observations. Four widely used significance test methods are examined by Monte-Carlo simulations. The Maximum Likelihood Ratio Method is found to consistently over-estimate the significance of an observation by a few percents whereas the Fisher's Exact Test is shown to be slightly conservative and always under-estimates the significance by about the same amount when the reported significance is about 3 and therefore it is preferred for -ray astronomy applications. Two methods for constructing a confidence interval and an upper limit for -ray source counts are discussed. It is found that the method based on the Smooth Transformation provides slightly better estimations. A new formula for the calculation of the sensitivity of a -ray telescope is presented, in contrast to the widely accepted one, and their statistical meanings are explained in detail.  相似文献   

Details are presented of an atmospheric Cherenkov telescope for use in very high energy gamma-ray astronomy which consists of a cluster of 109 close-packed photomultiplier tubes at the focus of a 10 meter optical reflector. The images of the Cherenkov flashes generated both by gamma-ray and charged cosmic-ray events are digitized and recorded. Subsequent off-line analysis of the images improves the significance of the signal to noise ratio by a factor of 10 compared with non-imaging techniques.  相似文献   

The function of a telescope is to optimize the transfer of the information of interest from a source of finite angular size to the analytical device which is going to extract it. It is far from obvious that the conventional large telescope is the optimum fore-optical system for looking through a turbulent atmosphere. There are considerable scientific and financial advantages in going to multiple-imaging-elements and several groups in different parts of the world are working in this direction.Presented at Primars-1 Conference, held at University of Manchester, June 26–30, 1979.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in the last half-decade in the field of very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray astronomy (photons with energies between 1011 and 1013 eV). The high background level due to the isotropic cosmic ray flux which has bedevilled the field since its inception in the early 1960's can now be reduced to such a degree that significant gamma-ray signals from several sources become visible within a few hours of observation. The instrumentation and methodologies which have made this possible are reviewed. A brief historical introduction is followed by a summary of the salient properties of the atmospheric Cherenkov flash associated with VHE gamma-ray events. The major components of a VHE gamma-ray astronomy telescope are then reviewed. This is followed by a discussion of the different methodologies currently being used to discriminate against the cosmic ray background. Properties of several specific installations are then summarized, and possible future developments in VHE instrumentation are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of the gamma-ray sky reveal the most powerful sources and the most violent events in the Universe. While at lower wavebands the observed emission is generally dominated by thermal processes, the gamma-ray sky provides us with a view on the non-thermal Universe. Here particles are accelerated to extreme relativistic energies by mechanisms which are still poorly understood, and nuclear reactions are synthesizing the basic constituents of our world. Cosmic accelerators and cosmic explosions are the major science themes that are addressed in the gamma-ray regime.With the INTEGRAL observatory, ESA has provided a unique tool to the astronomical community revealing hundreds of sources, new classes of objects, extraordinary views of antimatter annihilation in our Galaxy, and fingerprints of recent nucleosynthesis processes. While INTEGRAL provides the global overview over the soft gamma-ray sky, there is a growing need to perform deeper, more focused investigations of gamma-ray sources. In soft X-rays a comparable step was taken going from the Einstein and the EXOSAT satellites to the Chandra and XMM/Newton observatories. Technological advances in the past years in the domain of gamma-ray focusing using Laue diffraction and multilayer-coated mirror techniques have paved the way towards a gamma-ray mission, providing major improvements compared to past missions regarding sensitivity and angular resolution. Such a future Gamma-Ray Imager will allow to study particle acceleration processes and explosion physics in unprecedented detail, providing essential clues on the innermost nature of the most violent and most energetic processes in the Universe.  相似文献   

Work at Goddard is preséntly being carried out in three major areas of gamma-ray burst research: (1) A pair of simultaneously operating 0.8-m2 burst detectors were successfully balloon-borne at locations 800 miles apart on 9 May, 1975, each to atmospheric depths of 3 to 4 g cm–2, for a 20-h period of coincident data coverage. This experiment investigates the size spectrum of bursts in the 10–7 to 10–6 erg cm–2 size region where dozens of events per day are expected on a –1.5 index integral power-law extrapolation. Considerable separation in latitude was used to avoid possible atmospheric and auroral secondary effects. Its results are not yet available. This experiment is the sequel to a single balloon flight in May 1974, in which candidate events were found to fit the –1.5 spectral extrapolation, indicating the need for positive event identification. (2) A deep-space burst detector, the first spacecraft instrument built specifically for gamma-ray burst studies, was recently successfully integrated into the Helios-B space probe. Its use at distances of up to 2 AU will make possible the first high-resolution directional study of gamma-ray burst source locations. Similar modifications to several other space vehicles are also being prepared. (3) Our gamma-ray instrument on the IMP-7 satellite is presently the most sensitive burst detector still operating in orbit. Its results have shown that all measured event-average energy spectra are consistent with being alike. Using this characteristic spectrum to select IMP-7 candidate events of smaller size than those detected using other spacecraft in coincidence, a size spectrum is constructed which fits the –1.5 index power law down to 2.5×10–5 erg cm–2 per event, at an occurrence rate of about once per month.Paper presented at the COSPAR Symposium on Fast Transients in X-and Gamma-Rays, held at Varna, Bulgaria, 29–31 May, 1975.  相似文献   

Neutrinos represent a new window to the Universe. In this paper we discuss the attempts to detect neutrinos, starting with the Homestake experiment, which showed the deficit of solar neutrinos. The detection of neutrinos from SN 1987A gave a new impetus to neutrino research. By using successive generations of neutrino detectors it was possible to show that the solar neutrino deficit could be explained by a flavor change of massive neutrinos. With the latest detector, kamLAND, it is possible to investigate the interior of the Earth through the detection of geoneutrinos.  相似文献   

Gamma-ray astronomy is devoted to study nuclear and elementary particle astrophysics and astronomical objects under extreme conditions of gravitational and electromagnetic forces, and temperature. Because signals from gamma rays below 1 TeV cannot be recorded on ground, observations from space are required. The photoelectric effect is dominant <100 keV, Compton scattering between 100 keV and 10 MeV, and electron–positron pair production at energies above 10 MeV. The sun and some gamma ray burst sources are the strongest gamma ray sources in the sky. For other sources, directionality is obtained by shielding / masks at low energies, by using the directional properties of the Compton effect, or of pair production at high energies. The power of angular resolution is low (fractions of a degree, depending on energy), but the gamma sky is not crowded and sometimes identification of sources is possible by time variation. The gamma ray astronomy time line lists Explorer XI in 1961, and the first discovery of gamma rays from the galactic plane with its successor OSO-3 in 1968. The first solar flare gamma ray lines were seen with OSO-7 in 1972. In the 1980’s, the Solar Maximum Mission observed a multitude of solar gamma ray phenomena for 9 years. Quite unexpectedly, gamma ray bursts were detected by the Vela-satellites in 1967. It was 30 years later, that the extragalactic nature of the gamma ray burst phenomenon was finally established by the Beppo–Sax satellite. Better telescopes were becoming available, by using spark chambers to record pair production at photon energies >30 MeV, and later by Compton telescopes for the 1–10 MeV range. In 1972, SAS-2 began to observe the Milky Way in high energy gamma rays, but, unfortunately, for a very brief observation time only due to a failure of tape recorders. COS-B from 1975 until 1982 with its wire spark chamber, and energy measurement by a total absorption counter, produced the first sky map, recording galactic continuum emission, mainly from interactions of cosmic rays with interstellar matter, and point sources (pulsars and unidentified objects). An integrated attempt at observing the gamma ray sky was launched with the Compton Observatory in 1991 which stayed in orbit for 9 years. This large shuttle-launched satellite carried a wire spark chamber “Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope” EGRET for energies >30 MeV which included a large Cesium Iodide crystal spectrometer, a “Compton Telescope” COMPTEL for the energy range 1–30 MeV, the gamma ray “Burst and Transient Source Experiment” BATSE, and the “Oriented Scintillation-Spectrometer Experiment” OSSE. The results from the “Compton Observatory” were further enlarged by the SIGMA mission, launched in 1989 with the aim to closely observe the galactic center in gamma rays, and INTEGRAL, launched in 2002. From these missions and their results, the major features of gamma ray astronomy are:
  • Diffuse emission, i.e. interactions of cosmic rays with matter, and matter–antimatter annihilation; it is found, “...that a matter–antimatter symmetric universe is empirically excluded....”
  • Nuclear lines, i.e. solar gamma rays, or lines from radioactive decay (nucleosynthesis), like the 1.809 MeV line of radioactive 26Al;
  • Localized sources, i.e. pulsars, active galactic nuclei, gamma ray burst sources (compact relativistic sources), and unidentified sources.
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    Gamma-ray burst observations performed by LASL began with the identification and initial report of the phenomenon from data acquired by the Vela satellites. The Vela instruments have recorded responses to 73 gamma-ray bursts over a ten-year interval, and are continuing to contribute toward these observations. Similar instrumentation was included aboard the NRL SOLRAD 11 spacecraft. These performed well but suffered an early demise. Recently, the LASL gamma-ray burst astronomy program has been enhanced through the implementation of experiments aboard the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and ISEE-C spacecraft. Both of these experiments are continuing to contribute data vital to trigonometric directional analyses.Paper presented at the Symposium on Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts, held at Toulouse, France, 26–29 November, 1979.  相似文献   

    The Goddard program of gamma-ray burst studies is briefly reviewed. The past results, present status and future expectations are outlined regarding our endeavors using experiments on balloons, IMP-6 and IMP-7, OGO-3, ISEE-1 and ISEE-3, Helios-2, Solar Maximum Mission, the Einstein Observatory, Solar Polar and the Gamma Ray Observatory, and with the interplanetary gamma-ray burst networks, to which some of these spacecraft sensors contribute. Additional emphasis is given to the recent discovery of a new type of gamma-ray transient, detected on 5 March, 1979.Paper presented at the Symposium on Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts held at Toulouse, France, 26–29 November, 1979.  相似文献   

    A search has been made for gamma-ray bursts in 15 hours of data obtained from a balloonborne gamma-ray detector on 10 October and 21 October, 1970. The event rate for photon energy losses in the 0.1–0.4 MeV range from the 13-in. diameter by 6-in. thick NaI(T1) scintillation crystal was examined for statistically significant fluctuations as an indication of gamma-ray bursts. Searches of the data were made with time resolutions varying from 2 ms to 64 s. Four statistically significant bursts were detected and are considered as possible cosmic gamma-ray burst events. The characteristic duration of all four of the observed events is 100 ms. Similar events can be generated in the laboratory following an extremely large (103 GeV) thirty ns X-ray energy deposition in the NaI(T1) crystal. The implications of these short duration, low intensity events, if valid gamma-ray bursts, are discussed.Paper presented at the COSPAR Symposium on Fast Transients in X- and Gamma-Rays, held at Varna, Bulgaria, 29–31 May, 1975.  相似文献   

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