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The daily averages of the dawn and dusk observed exospheric temperatures (deduced from solar EUV attenuation measurements between 250 and 400 km) are presented for 280 days from day 227, 1969. They are compared with the empirical model of the US Standard Atmosphere Supplements 1966 and the Jacchia 35 H model. Although consistently lower temperatures than either model were found, a better fit to the latter rather than the former was observed. The exospheric response to solar and geomagnetic activity is investigated, and refinements to the models are suggested. 相似文献
The Agena B upper-stage rocket 1963-27A was launched into a near-circular orbit, inclined at 82.3° to the Equator, on 29 June 1963. Its orbit is determined at 52 epochs over the 16 month interval prior to its decay on 26 October 1969. The resulting orbital elements are used to obtain 95 atmospheric density values, at heights near 400km. Corrected to fixed heights, and normalised to a common exospheric temperature, these values reveal the semi-annual variation in density. A comparison between the observed variation and that of a recent model atmosphere is made. Although agreement between the two is generally good, their principal differences are discussed. 相似文献
The behavior of the cosmic-ray intensity and anisotropy near the neutral sheet of the interplanetary magnetic field has been studied at the sector-boundary crossing times. The detected patterns are indicative of a north-south asymmetry in the interplanetary magnetic field attributable to a systematic shift of its neutral sheet into the southern hemisphere. 相似文献
Lidar observations of atmospheric sodium reveal a diurnally steady layer with a maximum concentration near 92 km of 3?5 × 10 3cm?3. These data imply that both Fe and Mg should have peak concentrations near 10 5 cm ?3 on the basis of their relative abundance to sodium in chondritic meteorites. We review the available metallic ion data below 100 km and find typical maxima of 10 2 cm ?3 for Na and 10 3 cm ?3 for both [Fe +] and [Mg +] for undisturbed daytime conditions. We argue that enhancements of up to 10 4 cm ?3 for Fe + and Mg + during aurora support the viewpoint that [Fe] and [Mg] both approach 10 5 cm ?3 near 92 km. We briefly discuss the lack of spectroscopic evidence for such concentrations. In our review of the metallic ion data we find evidence for about a factor of ten diurnal variation in both Fe + and Mg + and probably Na +. Minimum concentrations of 10 2 cm ?3 are attained just before dawn for [Fe +] and [Mg +]. 相似文献
Correlation studies between various solar activity indices and a long time series of annual sums of the maximum value of solar
magnetic field intensity, observed for each group of sunspots during each passage of it over the visible solar hemisphere,
have pointed out a couple of interesting points. First, the faculae have a significant contribution to the numerical representation
of the small scale solar magnetic coefficients and low standard errors of estimation to the above mentioned maximum values
of the solar magnetic field. These properties give to the area index an important physical meaning which is a first approximation
to the small scale solar magnetic fields expressed by the above-mentioned maximum values of it. Finally, the main point which
comes out is that long term studies of the solar magnetic fields, especially extrapolated studies to the past, could be supported
by photospheric indices of the solar activity.
This paper constitutes the expanded version of a report presented to the IAU Symposium No. 102 ‘Solar and Stellar magnetic fields: Origins and coronal effects’, held in Zürich 2–6 August, 1982. 相似文献
The polar orbiting magnetically stabilized satellite AZUR measured transverse magnetic variations in auroral and polar latitudes by means of a two component flux-gate magnetometer. Simultaneous measurements of and auroral emissions are related to low-energy zero-pitch-angle electron fluxes, which cause the transverse magnetic disturbances. Power spectra of the magnetic field variations are consistent with those of geomagnetic micropulsations.The sources of the field-aligned currents can be located in the Alfvén layer and in the magnetotail. 相似文献
The solar ultraviolet irradiance measurements in the 120–400 nm wavelength range are reviewed and compared showing still important discrepancies between the irradiance values deduced from the most recent observations.The possible variations of the solar ultraviolet irradiances with the 27-day rotation period of the Sun and with the 11-year activity cycle are presented and discussed on the basis of the available irradiation fluxes obtained during the rising phase of solar cycle 21.The spectral features of both kinds of variation are clearly related to the solar atmospheric layer from which the corresponding radiation is emitted.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands. 相似文献
In the first part a new index of solar activity in the photosphere is introduced i.e. the areas index I
a defined with the help of the relation, where A and f are the total areas of the sunspots and faculae respectively corrected for foreshortening.In the second part a relation of the form: is proposed, where S
represents the intensity of solar radio-emission in the frequency range 1000 f < 10000 MHz, i
f is the index of solar flares, S
0o is the corresponding value of s
for I
a = 0 and K is a constant.In the third part a relation of the form: is proposed, where I
5303 is the mean intensity of the coronal line 5303 Å for each quarter of the years 1954–1964, n
pf is the corresponding number of proton flares, I
0 is the value of I
5303 corresponding to I
= 0 and K is a constant. 相似文献
The intriguing question of the origin of the arm-like magnetic structures seen between the optical spiral arms of certain spiral galaxies is addressed. Using a two-dimensional approximation to the non-linear disc dynamo equation, it is shown that gas streaming along the arms may produce such a field configuration. Another possibility is a spiral modulation of the turbulent diffusivity, associated with an enhancement of turbulence in the interstellar medium within the arms. The effects of a similar modulation of the alpha-effect are also examined. Finally, the consequences of a non-linear feedback of the large-scale field on the turbulent diffusivity ('η-quenching') are briefly discussed. 相似文献
The diurnal variation of air density at 205 km, deduced from changes in the orbit of Sputnik 3 satellite, is shown to have different characteristics in the low and high latitude regions of the southern hemisphere. At lower latitudes the maximum density occurs at 1400 hours L.T. and is 17 per cent greater than the minimum density, while at higher latitudes the maximum density occurs at 1700 hours and is 12 per cent greater than the minimum. 相似文献
From rocket and radar-meteor wind observations, annual and semi-annual components of the zonal flow are derived for latitudes N at heights between 60 and 130 km. Height regions of maximum and minimum amplitude are described with reference to changes in phase. The annual components decrease with height throughout the mesosphere and, after a reversal of phase, enhance to 25 m/sec at 100 ± 5 km. The semi-annual components have maximum amplitudes of 25 m/sec over a wide range of latitude in two height regions at 90 and 120 km and in a limited range of latitude (near 50°) at 65 km. Calculated temperatures and log densities are discussed in terms of amplitude and phase as functions of height and latitude. Below 100 km a comparison is made with temperature amplitudes derived from independent temperature data. Above 100 km the annual temperature variation maximizes at 115 km and is particularly large at high latitudes (exceeding 50°K). On the other hand, the semi-annual component increases rapidly with height between 110 and 120 km at all latitudes maximizing at the 120 km level, where amplitudes exceed 25°K at high and low latitudes and 10°K at mid-latitudes. The annual component of log density, like the temperature variation, is largest at high latitudes up to 125 km. The semi-annual variation has a minimum at 110–115 km, above which amplitudes increase with height, reaching 5–12 per cent at 130 km according to latitude. The phases at and near 130 km for the annual and semi-annual density variations are very close to those found at greater heights from satellite orbits and amplitudes could be readily extrapolated to agree with those in the satellite region. 相似文献
On moderately disturbed days when substorms occur frequently, the quiet day daily variation in the polar region ( Sqp) is enhanced. On such days, however, the quiet day variation along the dip equator appears to be suppressed, as well as being superposed with ‘fluctuations’.It is suggested that the enhancement of Sqp is related to a partial suppression of the equatorial electrojet. The asymmetric ring current also causes an apparent suppression of the electrojet.On the other hand, the substorm-associated electric field which drives the eastward current in the auroral and subauroral zone (causing positive bays) in the afternoon sector appears to enhance the equatorial electrojet.Thus, magnetic variations along the dip equator are influenced by a number of processes in the magnetosphere. 相似文献
A comparison of the variations in the count of electrons E > 36 keV on the satellite Vela 4A, and in the Macquarie Island magnetometer H trace, shows for a time lag of 22-8 min a correlation, r = 0.95, over a 90 min period of the recovery phase of a magnetospheric substorm on 17 August 1968. All-sky camera data suggest that during the correlation period the auroral electrojet showed very little latitudinal movement. Each peak in electron count relates to a current surge in the electrojet as shown by a deepening of the negative bay at Macquarie Island.Using the Fairfield (1968) model of the location of auroral shells in the solar magnetic equatorial plane, and the known location of the satellite, an estimate of the velocity of tail to Earth plasma convection in the plasma sheet of about 0·33 Re/min is obtained for the recovery phase.The relationship is discussed between plasma sheet thinning and subsequent broadening, and the extension of the magnetic field lines into the tail region and their subsequent return. This discussion makes use of the estimated time lags between electron count at the satellite and the time of arrival of auroral particles at the antisolar meridian.From a somewhat speculative explanation, but one largely supported from the literature, of the magnetospheric processes involved in this auroral substorm, a plasma velocity estimate of 0·42 Re/min for the initial phase of the substorm is obtained. These velocities are of the same order as the 0·5 Re/min obtained by Lezniak and Winkler (1970) at 6·6 Re. 相似文献
Time weighted accumulations of the ap, AE and PC magnetic indices have been here analysed together with the hourly values of the critical frequency of the F2 ionospheric layer, foF2, coming from several ionospheric stations located in the European longitudinal sector at geographic latitudes ranged between 60°N and 68°N. The preliminary results obtained for different seasons and for different solar activity conditions indicate that the response time of the high latitude ionosphere to the magnetic activity is of the order of about 15 and/or 20 hours depending on the magnetic index considered. 相似文献
We present Stokes I Zeeman splitting measurements of sunspots using the highly sensitive ( g = 3) Fe i line at = 1.5649 m. The splittings are compared with simultaneous intensity measurements in the adjacent continuum. The relation between magnetic field strength and temperature has a characteristic, nonlinear shape in all the spots studied. In the umbra, there is an approximately linear relation between B
2 and T
b, consistent with magnetohydrostatic equilibrium in a nearly vertical field. A distinct flattening of the B
2 vs T
brelationship in the inner penumbra may be due to changes in the lateral pressure balance as the magnetic field becomes more horizontal; spatially unresolved intensity inhomogeneities may also influence the observed relation.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. 相似文献
Since 1958 it is known that there exists a response time of the upper atmosphere to changes in solar activity. This response time is best described as the lag between the 27-day variation of solar decimeter flux and the observed density changes of the upper atmosphere. Roemer obtained as a mean observational value for this lag 1.0 ± 0.12 days. Volland's simplified version of the Harris-Priester model of the upper atmosphere is used to calculate the delay which can be expected from theory. Only the effect of solar EUV radiation is taken into account. A possible influence of the corpuscular component of the solar radiation is not included in our estimate. The calculations are carried out for the Harris-Priester model with solar activity index
and a variation of
. The resulting delay is 0.6 days. The calculated amplitude of the variations of the diurnal average temperatures during the solar 27-days cycle is in very good agreement with Jacchia's empirical formula. 相似文献
We Investigate the orbital changes of the satellite 1976-87A (the sixth Chinese satellite) during its lifetime and from its orbital decay rate determine the air density at heights 205–220 km. The density we obtained is, on the average, over 20% greater than that in the CIRA 1972 model. We discuss in detail the correlation between changes in the density and in the geomagnetic activity, and the relationships between the geomagnetic effect and the latitude and the local solar time. 相似文献
Explorer 34 (Imp 4) 2.56 s magnetic data during 131 traversals of the tail current sheet are presented along with simultaneous 2.5 min auroral electrojet indices AE and AL. The normal magnetic field, B
, satellite crossing times and positions are tabulated for these 131 crossings. B
is defined in the center of the sheet: it is the vector magnetic field at the time of field minimum during the crossing ( B
x component changes sign). It is remarkable that the only normal components too large in magnitude to be classified as fine structure occur near the time of onset of an AE event. Cases are discussed where the normal component, defined near the plasma sheet edges, has the opposite sign compared to the normal component defined at the sheet center. For quiet times, the current sheet may be only about 1000 km thick within a 3 R
e (Earth-radii) plasma sheet, and may carry some 10–15% of the total tail current. 相似文献
In this paper, applying Vondrák band filter to both series of (l.o.d.) and sunspot relative number ( R), we obtain variations of amplitude of 11 yr term during 1800–1985. The results show that solar cyclic signal in (l.o.d.) series is weak and unstable. The amplitude of 11 yr term in R series has long-periodic variation. The paper has briefly discussed some results about effects of solar activity on the Earth's rotation through the atmospheric motion. From the variation of (l.o.d.) obtained by band filter, we find that maxima of amplitude of annual term in (l.o.d.) occur at the same time with those of sunspot number. It implies that the angular momentum imbalance between the circulations in Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere is controlled in some way by solar activity. 相似文献