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登陆中国热带气旋入海强度变化的统计特征 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
利用1949—2006年热带气旋资料分析登陆中国又入海的热带气旋(LSTC)的强度变化,重点给出明显加强的LSTC(RLSTC)发生频率、时空分布、路径及强度演变特征。主要结论:(1)LSTC入海有24%加强,主要在我国海域,也有少部分进入朝鲜海峡、日本海和鄂霍次克海加强;登陆大陆入海加强的比率明显高于登陆台湾或登陆海南的比率。(2)RLSTC年平均有0.7个,逐年代减少,8月最多。(3)中心最低气压和最大风速加强最强的月份分别在8月和10月、加强最强的海域分别在南海和东黄海。(4)登陆时强度为强热带风暴的最多;其路径除了移向稳定者外,在南海和北部湾还有迂回盘转式。(5)明显加强主要发生在入海时刻,很少持续明显加强。进入东黄海的RLSTC以最大风速先于中心气压变化或仅有风速加强的情况居多,进入南海、北部湾入海后的风速、气压基本同步加强,迂回路径可在入海后72~132小时还会加强。 相似文献
广东省登陆热带气旋活动异常成因分析 总被引:43,自引:26,他引:43
利用1970~2001年热带气旋年鉴资料,对32年来西太平洋热带气旋登陆我国的频率、位置、维持、衰减、变性、加强及消亡等进行统计分析,揭示热带气旋登陆活动的一些事实和特征。研究表明:在我国沿海不同地区(不包括岛屿)登陆的热带气旋,其陆上维持时间明显不同,从广西至浙江,维持时间向北增加;热带气旋登陆后的明显衰减主要发生在登陆后12小时内,登陆时越强的热带气旋,衰减得越厉害;热带气旋在我国陆上消失的位置最北是黑龙江、最西可至云南,广西是登陆我国热带气旋消失数最多的地区。 相似文献
登陆广东的热带气旋的统计特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文根据1949~1993年的热带气旋资料对登陆广东的热带气旋进行了统计分析,得到一些可供预报参考的、登陆广东的热带气旋活动规律及统计关系。1 登陆广东的热带气旋的分布特征1-1 年际变化特征在1949~1993年的45年间,共有177个热带气旋登陆广东,平均每年3-93个。最多为7个,共有4年;最少1个,只有2年。1-2 月际变化特征45年中,除1~4月外,其余各月均有热带气旋登陆广东。最早的是5105号热带气旋(1951年5月13日在台山~斗门间登陆),最迟是7439号热带气旋(1974年1… 相似文献
利用1988~2008年《台风年鉴》和《热带气旋年鉴》资料,统计分析近20年来进入陵水县预报警戒区的编号热带气旋,并对比每日4次的2 5.×2 5°NCEP全球再分析资料,对热带气旋影响过程的物理量特征进行诊断分析,找出在热带气旋影响下,陵水产生强降水的一般特征及预报思路.分析结果显示,陵水县降水强弱与热带气旋生成源地... 相似文献
利用1949~2001年热带气旋年鉴资料,对53年登陆我国并经过内陆湖泊的热带气旋特征进行统计分析.结果表明:登陆过湖泊热带气旋在陆上维持时间长,登陆时强度较强;湖泊地带能延缓登陆TC强度的衰减;热带气旋经过内陆湖泊时大多表现为中心气压维持不变或降低,风速增大;长江中游地区是登陆过湖泊热带气旋消失数最多的区域. 相似文献
利用热带气旋(TC)年鉴资料和海南岛逐日降水量资料,对海南岛57a登陆TC年频数、强度、登陆位置、活动时间、登陆维持时间、登陆TC降水量的变化特征进行了分析。结果表明:在全球气候变暖背景下,海南岛登陆TC年频数有显著减少趋势,但登陆时TC的平均强度和极端强度都有增强趋势,这主要归功于南海登陆海南岛的热带低压年频数的显著减少和强热带风暴的弱增加;登陆TC具有准3a的周期,而南海登陆海南岛的TC具有准3a、准5a的周期,西太平洋登陆海南岛的TC具有准13a和准3a的周期;海南岛登陆TC的登陆点位置有南移趋势,80年代中期以来在海南岛最南端地区登陆的TC频数明显增多;登陆TC的活动时间和登陆维持时间均有弱的缩短趋势;登陆TC暴雨与登陆时TC强度成显著负相关关系而和登陆维持时间有显著正相关关系,但登陆时TC强度对暴雨的影响强于登陆维持时间;登陆TC年降水量呈减少变化趋势,其中登陆风暴和强风暴的年降水量有增多趋势,登陆热带低压和登陆台风年降水量均有减少趋势。 相似文献
利用1949-2010年热带气旋年鉴资料和常规气象观测资料,对62a来登陆辽宁热带气旋的生成源地、移动路径、登陆地点、登陆强度、登陆后影响时间等进行统计分析,揭示登陆辽宁热带气旋活动特征。结果表明:1949-2010年共有18个热带气旋登陆影响辽宁,66℅以热带低压(TD)的强度登陆,61℅在08-20时之间登陆,78℅在辽宁境内活动时间为6-12h,89℅是在其他地区登陆进入黄渤海后在辽宁再次登陆,大连是登陆次数最多的地区,33℅登陆辽宁后减弱消失,登陆后移动路径主要有向东北向、偏北向、西北向3种移动路径。在此基础上,根据业务需求建立了基于副热带高压、气旋源地和热带气旋前期路径等因子,预报登陆辽宁热带气旋后期走向[0]的预报关键区,为热带气旋预报工作提供参考。 相似文献
With the data from the Tropical Cyclone Yearbooks between 1970 and 2001, statistical analyses
were performed to study the climatic features of landfall TCs (noted as TCs hereafter) in China with particular
attention focused on landfall frequency, locations, sustaining, decaying, transition, intensification and
dissipation etc. The results indicate that the sustaining periods of TC over land are quite different for different
landfall spots, and increased from Guangxi to Zhejiang. The most obvious decreasing of TC intensity occurs mainly
within 12 hours after landfall. The stronger a TC is,the more it decays. The areas over which TCs are dissipated
can be in Heilongjiang, the northernmost, and Yunnan, the westernmost. Besides, Guangxi is an area with high
dissipating rate and subject to TC dissipation as compared with the other coastal regions. 相似文献
The locations(longitudes and latitudes)of the tropical cyclones(TCs)making landfall on the Chinese mainland from 1949 to 2008 are investigated in detail by using ArcGis and FORTRAN routine.The southeast coastline[110 to 122°E)with most landfall TCs was selected as the key region,which was divided into 12 subsections with 1°intervals of longitude.The study period was from July to September in each year.The result showed that the average sustaining time of TCs making landfall on the subsections east of 118°E is longer than those west of 118°E.Before landfall,the averaged TC intensity in the subsections east of118°E is stronger than that west of it.After landfall,however,the difference between the west and east is not significant.The index of destructive potential for the period before/after landfall was defined as TDP1/TDP2.The maximum of TDP1/TDP2 occurred in the subsection of[119,120°E)/[110,111°E).The ENSO impact on the frequency and average location of landfall TC over the whole region at 110 to 122°E is not obvious,but the effect varies with specific subsections.There is little differences of averaged TDP1 in the subsections between different phases of ENSO events,but the averaged TDP2 is larger in the warm events than that in the cold events.The rainstorm days of each station caused by TCs in different subsections were counted respectively.The results suggested that the rainstorm days of the subsections east of 118°E are much more than those west of 118°E.The larger values are primarily distributed at the subsections of[119,120°E)and[110,111°E). 相似文献
Based on observed rainfall data, this study makes a composite analysis of rainfall asymmetry in tropical cyclones(TCs) after making landfall in Guangdong province(GD) during 1998—2015. There are 3.0 TCs per year on average making landfall in GD and west of GD(WGD) has the most landfall TCs. Most of TCs make landfall in June,July, August, and September at the intensities of TY, STS, and TS. On average, there is more rainfall in the southwest quadrant of TC in CGD(center of GD), WGD, and GD as a whole, and the maximum rainfall is located in the southwest near the TC center. The mean TC rainfall in the east of GD(EGD) leans to the eastern side of TC. The TC rainfall distributions in June, July, August, and September all lean to the southwest quadrant and the maximum rainfall is located in the southwest near the TC center. The same features are found in the mean rainfall of TD, TS, STS, TY,and STY. The maximum rainfall is mainly in the downshear of vertical wind shear. Vertical wind shear is probably the dominate factor that determines asymmetric rainfall distribution of TCs in GD. Storm motion has little connection with TC rainfall asymmetry in GD. 相似文献
登陆中国大陆不同区间的热带气旋特征初步分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
利用地理信息系统及程序计算得到了1949—2008年登陆中国大陆的热带气旋(TC)登陆点经纬度信息,在此基础上对登陆中国大陆的TC进行分析,最终选择110~122°E海岸线为研究区域,7—9月为研究时段,且将110~122°E海岸线以1°E为间隔划分为12段,分析这12段海岸线登陆TC的基本特征发现:118°E以东的区间TC登陆前后平均维持时间及登陆前平均强度基本上为大于118°E以西的区间,登陆后平均强度东西两段相差不大;定义了TC登陆前(后)破坏潜力指数TDP1(TDP2),TDP1(TDP2)最大值出现在区间[119,120°E)([110,111°E));ENSO事件对7—9月登陆110~122°E段的TC频数、平均登陆点位置影响并不明显,对各区间登陆TC的影响也不尽相同;各区间平均TDP1冷暖事件年对比差别较大,平均TDP2在暖事件年基本上比冷事件年大;1961—2008年,各区间对应的暴雨总站次,118°E以东的区间要远大于以西的区间,就空间分布而言,较大值的分布出现在区间[119,120°E),[110,111°E)。 相似文献
The landfall of tropical cyclones in the eastern part of China falls in the category of small
probability events. Constructing a step function with intervals adequately divided can help reflect the non-linear
distribution of conditional probability for a landfall event. For the prediction of landfall event probability, factors applying the step function in transformation are superior to the standardized factors that are linearly related. The prediction scheme discussed in the work uses transformation factors of step function to formulate prediction models for tropical cyclones making landfalls in eastern China, through screening with non-linear correlative ratios and REEP analysis. Classified models for statistic-synoptics, statistic -climatology and statistic-dynamics have been constructed using initial field data and numerical prediction output. Forecasting skills have been improved due to ensemble of predictions using these classified models. As shown in forecasting evaluations and experiments, the scheme is capable of predicting tropical cyclones that make landfalls in eastern China. 相似文献
应用相关分析与合成分析方法分析了影响东海热带气旋登陆后路径趋势的若干因素,结果表明:登陆后路径趋势随时间和登陆地点的变化分布说明热带气旋登陆后路径仍受基本气流的引导和制约;热带气旋登陆时的惯性和地转力的变化对东海热带气旋登陆后的路径趋势有一定影响;环境场及其变化对东海热带气旋登陆后路径有较大影响,尤其对流层中层流场对登陆后的热带气旋的移动仍有明显的引导作用;中国东部至黄海区域是环境场影响东海热带气旋登陆路径趋势的关键区,当区域内的西北太平洋副热带高压加强西伸,西风槽北撤时,东海热带气旋登陆后在副高南侧东风气流引导下向内陆西行至消亡,当区域内副高减弱东退,西风槽南压时,东海热带气旋登陆后受副高西侧偏南气流与西风槽前西南气流引导转向后入海;东海热带气旋登陆前的环境场对登陆后路径趋势影响相对较小,登陆后12~24小时是登陆后路径趋势受环境场影响的敏感时段,环境场的变化对登陆后路径趋势的影响要比当前环境场的影响超前6小时。 相似文献
王晓芳 《热带气象学报(英文版)》2009,15(1):63-67
By using the data of 1949 – 2001 (53 years) of Tropical Cyclone (TC) Yearbooks, statistical
analyses are performed to study the climatic features of TCs making landfall and then passing through
lakes (hereafter referred to as “L-TCs”) in China. Results show that L-TCs can sustain a long time over
land and the intensity is very strong during the course of landfall. Lakes can noticeably slow down the
reduction of TC intensity, with the minimum pressure mostly maintained or decreased and the maximum
velocity increased. The middle reach of the Yangtze River has the biggest TC dissipating rate as compared
with the other areas where the TC is active. 相似文献
登陆广东热带气旋的降水分布和移速变化 总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2
利用1980~2001年登陆广东的72个热带气旋的路径和降水资料,计算了热带气旋登陆前后的移动速度和加速度,比较分析了热带气旋主要降水落区与热带气旋移速变化的关系.计算结果统计表明登陆广东的热带气旋中,有66.1%的个例在登陆时移速加快.当主要降水落区位于热带气旋前进方向右侧时,热带气旋的12小时平均加速度为正的占了大部分(81.8%);当主要降水落区位于热带气旋前进方向左侧时,近八成(78.6%)的热带气旋平均加速度为负.这些统计结果进一步从诊断事实上说明了地形以及非绝热加热等因子对台风移动的可能影响. 相似文献