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Hyperbolic meteor orbits from the catalog of 64,650 meteors observed by the multistation video meteor network located in Japan (SonotaCo 2009) have been investigated with the aim of determining the relation between the frequency of hyperbolic and interstellar meteors. The proportion of hyperbolic meteors in the data decreased significantly (from 11.58% to 3.28%) after a selection of quality orbits, which shows its dependence on the quality of observations. Initially, the hyperbolic orbits were searched for meteors unbound due to planetary perturbation. It was determined that 22 meteors from the 7489 hyperbolic orbits in the catalog (and 2 from the selection of the orbits with the highest quality) had had a close encounter with a planet, none of which, however, produced essential changes in their orbits. Similarly, the fraction of hyperbolic orbits in the data, which could be hyperbolic by reason of a meteor's interstellar origin, was determined to be at most 3.9 × 10?2. From the statistical point of view, the vast majority of hyperbolic meteors in the database have definitely been caused by inaccuracy in the velocity determination. This fact does not necessarily assume great measurement errors, since, especially near the parabolic limit, a small error in the value of the heliocentric velocity of a meteor can create an artificial hyperbolic orbit that does not really exist. The results show that the remaining 96% of meteoroids with apparent hyperbolic orbits belong to the solar system meteoroid population. This is also supported by their high abundance (about 50%) among the meteor showers.  相似文献   

We have carried out double-station TV meteor observations between 1990 and 1994. The orbits of 326 meteors have been determined from doubly observed meteors, and radiant distributions are studied. The mean magnitude of the observed meteors was as faint as +4.7, since I.I. (Image Intensifier) and Video cameras were used. Radiants were widely distributed over the celestial sphere. The velocity distribution showed some similarity with the distribution predicted by the theoretical radiant distribution from comets rather than that from asteroids. In all 13 showers including both major and minor meteor showers were detected from radiant distributions of the observed meteors; from the orbital elements and meteor velocities as well as from the radiant directions.  相似文献   

We tested four criteria used for discrimination between asteroidal and cometary type of orbits: Whipple criterion K, Kresak criterion Pe, Tisserand invariant T and aphelion distance Q. To estimate their reliability, all criteria were applied to classify the 2225 orbits of NEAs and 582 orbits of comets, for several epochs spanning the time interval of 40 thousands years. The Q-criterion produced the smallest number of exceptions and has shown the best stability. The biggest number of exceptions and the biggest variations are obtained for the K-criterion. We applied the Q-criterion to classify meteor orbits from the IAU Meteor Data Center and the video meteor orbits available on the Web sites. Among the sporadic radar orbits, as well as among the mean orbits of meteor streams a strong preponderance of asteroid-type orbits was observed. In case of the photographic and video meteors a weak preponderance of cometary and asteroidal orbits was found, respectively.  相似文献   

A central depository for meteor orbits obtained by photographic techniques, as a part of the IAU Meteor Data Center, was moved to the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava in 2001. The current version of the catalogue contains data on 4581 meteor orbits obtained by 17 different stations or groups from the period 1936 to 1996. Since 1996 a few huge campaigns were organised including very successful Leonids and Perseids. That is why we would prepare a new more complete version of the database. The main aim of this paper is a call to the observers of meteors having new or recalculated/remeasured data on photographic meteors to send them to the MDC, where after a check and consultations with the observer, the orbits will be included in the database.  相似文献   

We deal with theoretical meteoroid streams the parent bodies of which are two Halley-type comets in orbits situated at a relatively large distance from the orbit of Earth: 126P/1996 P1 and 161P/2004 V2. For two perihelion passages of each comet in the far past, we model the theoretical stream and follow its dynamical evolution until the present. We predict the characteristics of potential meteor showers according to the dynamical properties of theoretical particles currently approaching the orbit of the Earth. Our dynamical study reveals that the comet 161P/2004 V2 could have an associated Earth-observable meteor shower, although no significant number of theoretical particles are identified with real, photographic, video, or radar meteors. However, the mean radiant of the shower is predicted on the southern sky (its declination is about −23°) where a relatively low number of real meteors has been detected and, therefore, recorded in the databases used. The shower of 161P has a compact radiant area and a relatively large geocentric velocity of ∼53 km s−1. A significant fraction of particles assumed to be released from comet 126P also cross the Earth’s orbit and, eventually, could be observed as meteors. However, their radiant area is largely dispersed (declination of radiants spans from about +60° to the south pole) and, therefore, mixed with the sporadic meteor background. An identification with real meteors is practically impossible.  相似文献   

Comet 15P/Finlay is unusual in that, contrary to ab initio expectations, it demonstrates no apparent linkage to any known meteor shower. Using data contained within the Electronic Atlas of Dynamical Evolutions of Short-Period Comets, we evaluate theoretical shower radiants for Comet 15P/Finlay, but find no evidence to link it to any meteoric anomalies in recorded antiquity. This result, however, must be tempered by the fact that any Comet 15P/Finlay-derived meteoroids will have a low, 16 km s−1, encounter velocity with Earth's atmosphere. Typically, therefore, one would expect mostly faint meteors to be produced during an encounter with a Comet 15P/Finlay-derived meteoroid stream. We have conducted a D -criterion survey of meteoroid orbits derived from three southern hemisphere meteor radar surveys conducted during the 1960s, and again we find no evidence for any Comet 15P/Finlay-related activity. Numerical calculations following the orbital evolution of hypothetical meteoroids ejected from the comet, at each perihelion epoch since 1886, indicate that Jovian perturbations effectively 'drive' the meteoroids to orbits with nodal points beyond the Earth's orbit. The numerical calculations indicate that, even if Comet 15P/Finlay had been a copious emitter of meteoroids during the past 100 years, virtually none of them would have evolved into orbits capable of being sampled by the Earth. There are good observational data, however, to suggest that Comet 15P/Finlay is becoming a transitional comet–asteroid object, and that it has probably not been an efficient producer of meteoroids during the past several hundreds of years.  相似文献   

Both amateur and professional meteor groups are more frequently using Low-Light level TV (LLTV) systems to record meteors. Double-station observations can yield orbit data. However, data analysis normally is still done by hand and thus time consuming. This paper addresses the question of whether available automated tools can be used to determine reasonably accurate orbits with minimum human intervention. The European Space Agency performed several observing campaigns to observe the Leonid meteor stream. In November 1999, the ESA meteor group was stationed at two locations in Southern Spain, in November 2001 at two stations close to Broome in North-Western Australia. Double-station observations with LLTV systems were conducted. The data was recorded on S-VHS video tapes. The tapes were processed using automatic detection software from which meteor heights, velocities and radiants were computed. This paper shows the results for the two maximum nights. The radiants determined in 1999 show a very large scatter due to unfortunate observing geometry and inaccurate position determination since one of the cameras was moving because of the wind. The 2001 data is excellent and the radiant was determined to be at RA = 153.96°±0.3° and Dec = 21.09°±0.2°. The error bars for individual meteor radiants are about 0.2° to 0.4°. This demonstrates that is indeed possible to determine good radiant positions using totally automated tools. Orbits, on the other hand, are not well defined due to the fact that the velocity of individual meteors shows large errors. Reasons for this are described.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, we study the extremely high beginning parts of atmospheric trajectories of seven Leonid meteors recorded by sensitive TV systems equipped with image intensifiers up to apparent magnitude +6.5. For all seven cases, we observed comet‐like diffuse structures with sizes on the order of kilometers that developed quickly during the meteoroids' descent through the atmosphere. For the brightest event with a maximum absolute magnitude of ?12.5, we observed an arc similar to a solar protuberance and producing a jet detectable several kilometers sideways from the brightest parts of the meteor head, and moving with a velocity over 100 km/s. These jets are common features for the seven studied meteors. Precise position in trajectory, velocity, and brightness at each point is available for all seven meteors, because of double‐station records on 85 km base‐line. When these meteoroids reached 130 km height, their diffuse structures of the radiation quickly transformed to the usual meteor appearance resembling moving droplets, and meteor trains started to develop. These meteor phenomena above 130 km were not recognized before our observations, and they cannot be explained by standard ablation theory.  相似文献   

We present the first clear observations of meteor shower activity from meteor-head echoes detected by a high-power large-aperture radar (HPLAR). Such observations have been performed at the Jicamarca VHF radar using its interferometric capabilities allowing the discrimination of meteor shower echoes from the much more frequent sporadic meteors. Until now, HPLARs were unable to distinguish meteor shower from the much more common sporadic meteor ones. In this work we have been able to detect and characterize the η-Aquariids (ETA) as well as the Perseids (PER) showers. The shower activity is more conspicuous for the ETA than for the PER shower due to the more favorable geometry. Namely, PER meteors come from low elevation angles, experiencing more filtering due to the combined Earth-atmosphere-radar instrument. In both cases, there is an excellent agreement between the measured mean velocity of the shower echoes and their expected velocity, within a fraction of 1 km s−1. Besides the good agreement with expected visual results, HPLARs observe meteors with a variety of particles sizes and masses, not observed by any other technique. Taking into account the different viewing volumes, compare to optical observations Jicamarca observes more than 1000 times more ETA meteors. Our results indicate that Jicamarca and other HPLARs are able to detect the echoes from meteor showers, but without interferometric capabilities such populations are difficult to identify just from their velocity distributions, particularly if their velocity distributions are expected to be similar to the more dominant distributions of sporadic meteors.  相似文献   

流星光学监测网是定位陨石和观测火流星的基础科研设施. 流星光学监测系统利用光学相机高速采集天空图像, 使用嵌入式系统实时处理数据, 能够快速识别流星并获取流星位置和陨石落点信息, 是构成流星监测网的关键仪器. 为提高流星光学监测系统获取信息的实时性及准确性, 提出了一种基于嵌入式人工智能设备的流星光学监测系统. 该系统由软件及硬件部分组成: 硬件部分包括观测设备(商用高空抛物摄像头)以及数据处理设备(嵌入式人工智能设备); 软件部分运行于数据处理设备内, 主要包括控制界面模块、流星监测模块、数据管理模块. 实际工作时, 摄像头采集天空视频信息, 流星监测模块从视频流中实时监测流星并存储包含流星视频的数据, 数据管理模块将流星位置信息实时传回数据中心用于预警. 观测结束后, 将原始观测数据同步至数据中心用于后续科学研究. 在整个系统中, 流星监测模块决定了整个监测系统的实时性及准确性. 该系统采用嵌入式人工智能设备与人工智能算法结合的方法构建流星监测模块. 通过使用实测数据对搭载监测模块性能进行测试, 结果表明: 流星监测模块能够达到0.28%的低误检率以及100%的召回率, 且数据处理速度达到了Mobilenetv2的8倍. 进一步将包含监测模块的整个流星光学监测系统部署于太原理工大学-张壁古堡远程天文台, 通过实测表明流星光学监测系统实用中能达到100%的召回率和较低的误检率.  相似文献   

We have carried out multi-station TV observations since 1994 in order to determine the orbit of the Arietid daytime meteor stream. In 1999, one possible Arietid meteor was recorded by our simultaneous observations and its orbit was determined. In 2003, two Arietid meteors were observed from two stations of our observing site, those orbits were determined precisely, the orbital elements were in good agreement with each other. This is the first time that determination of the precise orbit of the Arietids has been made from optical observations. The orbit of these Arietid meteors, and comparison with the orbit obtained from radar observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Jack D. Drummond 《Icarus》1981,47(3):500-517
Sixteen comets produce recognizable meteor showers that are found in A. F. Cook's (1973, In Evolutionary and Physical Properties of Meteoroids (C. L. Hemenway, P. M. Millman, and A. F. Cook, Eds.), pp. 183–191, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.), working list of meteor streams. Of these, five are long period, including one in a parabolic and one in a hyperbolic orbit. The largest Earth-comet orbit miss distance is 0.20 AU for P/Encke and the Northern and Southern Taurids. Using this is an upper limit for meteor showers from comets, all comets which approach the Earth's orbit to within 0.20 AU were extracted from the Catalogue of Cometary Orbits (B. G. Marsden, 1979. 3rd ed., Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams, IAU SAO, Cambridge, Mass.). A compilation of such comets is presented by date minimum approach, along with the distance of closest approach and the theoretical geocentric radiants and velocities of possible associated meteor showers. Both pre- and postpperihelion encounters with the Earth's orbit are considered. There are 240 entries for 178 long-period comets, and 36 for 28 short-period comets. It is noted that all short-period comets that have approached the Earth's orbit to within 0.08 AU have produced meteors, except P/Lexell, P/Finlay, P/Denning-Fujikawa, and P/Grigg-Skjellerup. Attention is called to the favorable observing conditions for detecting meteors from P/Grigg-Skjellerup in April 1982, and for the possibility of another great Draconid storm from P/Giacobini-Zinner in October 1985. A comparison is made between observed sporadic meteor rates and the distribution of theoretical radiants throughout the year, from which it is concluded that the currently known comets can account for sporadic meteors. A criterion is developed to test whether or not an observed meteor shower can be associated with a given theoretical radiant. Based on known examples, a qualitative model for comet/meteor relationships is also presented.  相似文献   

The IAU Meteor Data Center in Lund has acted as a central depository for meteor orbits obtained by photographic, video and radar techniques. The database of precisely reduced photographic meteors contains data on 4581 meteor orbits obtained by 17 different stations or groups in the period 1936–1996. The orbital and geophysical data are available in two separate files as well as in an alternative file with the merged data. In various studies of meteoroid streams as well as in studies of the sporadic meteor background, it is often necessary to utilize both the orbital and the geophysical data files. Since the database is a compilation of partial, not perfectly compatible catalogues from many observing stations, the merging of parameters from one data set to another may sometimes present problems. The present contribution is a note on some problems encountered in the merging procedure. Moreover, it is evident that the database includes a small amount of erroneous data – either in the observations or in the subsequent data reductions. The latter error is not surprising in view of the lack of modern computers at several stations in the past. A final, corrected version of the IAU MDC Lund photographic meteor orbits (eq. 2000.0) can now be requested through the homepage of the Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences (http://www.astro.sk/~ne/IAUMDC/Ph2003/database.html).  相似文献   

The calculation of theoretical meteor radiants is discussed for comets and asteroids whose orbits pass within, but at present do not necessarily intersect, that of the Earth, in particular from the perspective of developing a suitable method for application to Taurid Complex orbits. The main question addressed here is how to allow for dynamical evolution between epochs when an orbit isnot Earth-intersecting (as at present in most cases for macroscopic bodies) and those when itis (i.e., when meteors can actually be observed). This should be understood in terms of evolution in the past, such that meteoroids released some time ago have evolved differentially from the putative parents, allowing meteors to be detected now. Theoretical radiants for macroscopic Taurid objects are then presented and compared with observations of the nighttime and daytime Taurid meteor showers. These are found to be broadly similar in form, given the sparsity of some of the data, adding weight to the hypothesis that this sub-jovian complex contains kilometre-plus asteroids. A similar conclusion results for the group of objects in similar orbits to (2212) Hephaistos.  相似文献   

Particles of mass less than about 1 gm are a minor fraction of the total matter impinging on the Earth averaged over millennia time scales. However, these particles dominate during a single particular year and produce the most obvious evidence of incoming extra-terrestrial matter in the form of ablation trails in the atmosphere which are visible at night as meteors.Observations of meteors give astronomical information on the composition, structure, and cometary associations of the particles. The composition is deduced from optical spectra of meteors, whilst telescopic studies of the trails during formation give information on the physical structure of the particles. Any cometary associations are deduced from measurement of meteor orbits determined photographically, using television, or by radar.Meteors occur in the atmosphere at heights from about 70 to 120 km. Optical observations are restricted to night-time and usually under conditions of low moonlight. A typical television based detector can record +8M meteors with a sporadic rate of 15–20 per hour and velocities accurate to about 3%. The luminosity of the trail is strongly dependent on the velocity of the meteoroid (to about the third power).Radar observations of meteors are unrestricted by weather or time of day, and can readily detect meteors at least two orders of magnitude smaller in mass than those detectable optically. Again the observations are heavily biased toward the higher velocities as the electron line density varies approximately asV 3.5. However, the higher the velocity of the meteoroid the greater the height of the meteor trail, and the reduced probability of radar detection due to rapid diffusion of the trail. Thus radar observations tend to select meteors in the intermediate velocity range 30–40 km s–1.  相似文献   

A new meteroid stream—October Ursa Majorids—was announced by Japanese observers on Oct. 14–16, 2006 (Uehara et al. 2006). Its weak manifestation was detected among coincidental major meteor showers (N/S Taurids, Orionids), as its meteors radiated from a higher placed radiant on the northern sky. We have tried to find out previous displays of the stream throughout available meteor orbits databases, and among ancient celestial phenomena records. Although we got no obvious identification, there are some indications that it could be a meteor shower of cometary origin with weak/irregular activity, mostly overlayed by regular coincidental meteor showers. With a procedure based on D-criterion (Southworth and Hawkins 1963) we found a few records in IAU MDC database of meteor photographic orbits which fulfill common similarity limits, for October Ursae Majorids. However, their real association cannot be established, yet. With respect to the mean orbit of this stream, we suggest for its parent body a long-period comet.  相似文献   

Efforts to link minor meteor showers to their parent bodies have been hampered both by the lack of high-accuracy orbits for weak showers and the incompleteness of our sample of potential parent bodies. The Canadian Meteor Orbital Radar (CMOR) has accumulated over one million meteor orbits. From this large data set, the existence of weak showers and the accuracy of the mean orbits of these showers can be improved. The ever-growing catalogue of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) provides the complimentary data set for the linking procedure. By combining a detailed examination of the background of sporadic meteors near the orbit in question (which the radar data makes possible) and by computing the statistical significance of any shower association (which the improved NEA sample allows) any proposed shower–parent link can be tested much more thoroughly than in the past. Additional evidence for the links is provided by a single-station meteor radar at the CMOR site which can be used to dispel confusion between very weak showers and statistical fluctuations in the sporadic background. The use of these techniques and data sets in concert will allow us to confidently link some weak streams to their parent bodies on a statistical basis, while at the same time showing that previously identified minor showers have little or no activity and that some previously suggested linkages may simply be chance alignments.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have used dual coaxial microchannel plate image-intensified monochrome charge-coupled device (CCD) detectors run at standard NTSC frame rates (30 frames per second, fps) to study the Leonid meteor shower on 1998 November 17 from an airborne platform at an altitude of ~13 km. These observations were part of NASA's 1998 Leonid multi-instrument aircraft campaign (MAC). The observing systems had fields of view (width) of 16.3° and 9.5°, and limiting stellar sensitivities of +8.3m and +8.9m. During 12 h of recording, 230 meteors were detected, of which 65 were Leonid meteors. Light curves are presented for 53 of these meteors. The magnitudes at peak brightness of the meteors investigated were generally in the range from +4.0m to +6.0m. The mass distribution indices for the two samples are 1.67 and 1.44, with the former being based on the wider field of view dataset. The light curves were skewed with the brightest point towards the beginning of the meteor trail. The F parameter for points one magnitude below maximum luminosity had a mean value of 0.47 for the wider field system and 0.37 for the more sensitive narrower field system. We provide leading and trailing edge light curve slopes for each meteor as another indication of light curve shape. There were few obvious flares on the light curves, indicating that in-flight fragmentation into a large number of grains is not common. There is variability in light curve shape from meteor to meteor. The light curves are inconsistent with single, compact body meteor theory, and we interpret the data as indicative of a two-component dustball model with metal or silicate grains bonded by a lower boiling point, possibly organic, substance. The variation in light curve shape may be indicative of differences in mass distribution of the constituent grains. We provide trail length vs. magnitude data. There is only a slight hint of a bend at +5m in the data, representing the difference between meteors that have broken into a cluster of grains prior to grain ablation, and those that continue to fragment during the grain ablation phase. Two specific meteors show interesting light curve features. One meteor is nebulous in appearance, with significant transverse width. The apparent light production region extends for 450 m from the center of the meteor path. Another meteor has several main fragments, and evidence of significant separated fragments. We offer several suggestions for improvements for the 1999 Leonid MAC light curve experiment.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a search for chosen photographic meteoroid streams compiled from the IAU Meteor Data Center Lund catalogue from which less than 2% of the orbits had to be removed due to internal inconsistency among the orbit parameters. Additional 35 orbits were removed due to extremely high hyperbolic velocities. The final set consists of 3411 orbits. Members of the Quadrantids, Lyrids, Perseids and Geminids were searched for, firstly, by a stream-search procedure utilizing the Southworth-HawkinsD-criterion. This choice, as a rule, represents the most abundant filament of the stream. Secondly, rate distribution histograms ofD were divided into region of shower meteors and region of sporadic background meteors. The searched database with a relatively low abundance of sporadic meteors in the analyzed periods simplified this choice, and followingly, fitting the obtained values by means of power and exponential functions, the limitingD s for particular showers were derived. The derivedD s appears as the optimum value, as for higherD, the number of sporadic meteors included in the stream sample increases more rapidly than the number of additional shower meteors, and for smallerD, the number of shower meteors decreases quicker than the number of omitted sporadic meteors. The following counts of shower meteorsN and limitingD s were found: Quadrantids (39, 0.22), Lyrids (11, 0.15), Perseids (595, 0.53) and Geminids (224, 0.32). Efficiency of the procedure was tested comparing the number of sporadic meteors in the region of radiant area and the neighbouring regions of the same size.  相似文献   

The orbital evolution of the two meteorites Příbram and Neuschwanstein on almost identical orbits and also several thousand clones were studied in the framework of the N-body problem for 5,000 years into the past. The meteorites moved on very similar orbits during the whole investigated interval. We have also searched for photographic meteors and asteroids moving on similar orbits. There were five meteors found in the IAU MDC database and six NEAs with currently similar orbits to Příbram and Neuschwanstein. However, only one meteor 161E1 and one asteroid 2002 QG46 had a similar orbital evolution over the last 2,000 years.  相似文献   

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