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The spectrum of the S-component of solar radio emission has been investigated at 4 GHz, 17 GHz, 35 GHz, 70 GHz, and 94 GHz. The spectrum for a spot group which appeared late in March 1966 (McMath plage No. 8223), seems to be flat at the frequencies above about 35 GHz. This implies that the emission is due to pure free-free emission at the frequencies above 35 GHz.  相似文献   

Comparison of maps of the Sun obtained over the period June 29 to July 8, 1982 at 169 MHz with the Nançay Radioheliograph and at 73.8, 50, and 30.9 MHz with the Clark Lake Radioheliograph shows that the slowly varying component at meter and decameter wavelengths is not always thermal emission. During the period under study weak noise storm continua were the most frequent sources of slowly varying component at 169 and 73.8 MHz. Most filaments show no radio counterpart on the disk. A streamer has been detected on the disk from 169 to 30.9 MHz with an optimum observability at 50 MHz. The brightest source of the slowly varying component from 73.8 to 30.9 MHz for most of the period was located above an extended coronal hole in a region where a depression was observed at 169 MHz. In favorable cases, electron densities can be derived from the positions of noise storms and radio streamers; these are in agreement with previous K-corona eclipse observations.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the observed data on the solar S-component sources at millimetre wavelengths. The observations were made in 1968 and 1969 using the 22-m radio telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory at six wavelengths: 2, 4, 6, 8, 13 and 17 mm. The enhanced intensity of the solar active region in comparison with the quiet Sun level varies proportionally to –2 if the wavelength is within the range of 2 ÷ 6 mm. In the wavelength band of 6 ÷ 17 mm almost flat spectra of the solar S-component sources is observed. Assuming the bremsstrahlung mechanism of the radio emission for the quiet Sun and the solar active regions an attempt has been made to treat the above presented data. It appears that the most probable explanation of the 2 ÷ 6 mm spectrum is that the S-component sources are opaque. In the 6 ÷ 17 mm wavelength band there are two possibilities: the active region may be either transparent or opaque. But in the last case the source brightness temperature must be proportional to 2. Some differences in the spectra of the sources, identified with flocculi and with bipolar sunspot groups, were mentioned. The cold regions (as compared with the quiet Sun) were observed up to = 2 mm and identified with the filaments. However, its visibility falls when the wavelength decreases.  相似文献   

A. Tlamicha 《Solar physics》1968,5(3):377-381
The spectrum and diameter of the source of the S-component emission (McMath Plage No. 244) observed on March 4, 1968 has been investigated at 3.3 mm, 4.3 mm, 8.5 mm, 2 cm, 9.1 cm, 21 cm, and 43 cm wavelengths.On leave of absence from the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Observatory Ondfejov, Czechoslovakia.Operated by Associated Universities, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Solar decameter bursts of Type IIIb are observed with a multichannel radiometer at wavelengths around 12m. The time and frequency resolutions were 10 ms and 100 kHz. Observations on the time structure of these bursts are presented. A theoretical model which accounts for various aspects of these bursts is proposed.  相似文献   

The slowly varying component of the solar radio emission (S-component) has been investigated from data obtained in the United States and Japan at 35, 17, 9.4 and 4 GHz. A good correlation occurs between the 35 GHz flux of the S-component and the corresponding plage area. This is interpreted by the assumption that the 35 GHz radiation is due to pure free-free emission, and the electron density in the coronal condensation is estimated to be about 2 × 109/cm3, assuming the electron temperature to be 2 × 106 K and the scale height of the coronal condensation to be 3 × 104 km.The S-component radiation at 17 GHz has, in turn, two components, one is due to pure free-free emission and the other is due to thermal-gyro emission. It is concluded that in the active regions a magnetic field of more than 2000 gauss extends horizontally over about 104 km.  相似文献   

Our model uses the latest EUV data on the chromosphere-corona transition region. We take the three physical parameters (electron temperature and density and magnetic field) to be functions both of the height above the photosphere and the distance from the axis of our unipolar model. We consider both the gyroresonance radiation and the bremsstrahlung. Our calculated flux and polarization spectra peak at λ = 6 cm and 3 cm respectively, in general agreement with observations. Some features in the spatial distribution of the flux and polarization were obtained, which may be compared with future high-resolution data. We found that in the SVC radiation, the gyroresonance emission is all-important, while the contribution from the reflection of the extraordinary wave is almost nil. These results are directly opposite to the conclusions by Shimabuburo et al./1/.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the contribution of gyro-resonance to the SVC of the solar radio emission. We calculated the spatial distributions of the gyroresonance radiation over uinpolar and bipolar active regions at a number of wavelengths and we found some interesting features. We also calculated the spectra of flux and polarization and our results were in general agreement with observations. This suggests that the gyro-resonance radiation is indeed an Important mechanism for the solar SVC.  相似文献   

Statistical analyses of solar radio observations have shown that proton events are likely to occur when the flux at 3 cm, S3, of the SVC is greater than 25 sfu and when S3/S8 is grater than 1. A theoretical explanation of this fact is attempted in this paper. I calculated the spectrum of the SVC using the gyro-radiation emission and found that the main reason for S3 >; 25sfu is a ten-fold increase in the conductive energy flux in the active region over the quiet region, raising the height of the gyro-resonance layer for the 3 cm emission, and that the main reason for S3/S8 ? 1 is an increase in the coronal magnetic field gradient in the active region, causing a decrease in the optical thickness for the gyro-resonance absorption at 3 cm. It is precisely these active regions that are most favourable for the production of proton events.  相似文献   

Daily solar radio flux observations have been examined for a relationship to the large-scale photospheric magnetic field structure. Interplanetary magnetic field sector boundaries were used to indicate boundaries between photospheric field regions of opposite polarity. An enhancement in emission was found about four days before the boundary central meridian passage. Most of the effect came from emission near toward-to-away type boundaries. A higher level of emission appears to be associated with toward field regions than with away field regions.  相似文献   

The slowly varying component of solar microwave emission is associated with plage and sunspot regions seen optically. Under the assumption that the microwave emission originates radially above the associated optical feature the height of the microwave emission region above the photosphere can be calculated.For 99 regions seen at 9.1 cm during the International Quiet Sun Years 1964–1965 the average height was 8000 km. This result compares with 18000 km measured for the same wavelength emission during 1960. A change of height in this direction could be the result of the changing strength of the magnetic field associated with regions seen during the two periods.  相似文献   

The new TeePee Tee array of the Clark Lake Radio Observatory has been used to observe the quiet Sun at 121.5, 73.8 and 26.3 MHz. The equatorial brightness distributions at all three frequencies, and the polar brightness distributions at the two higher ones have been measured. From the observed total fluxes and half-power diameters we have derived the peak brightness temperatures of the solar disk as well as of some sources of the slowly varying component.On leave of absence from Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía, Argentina.  相似文献   

The positions and motions of solar bursts in the range 20 to 60 MHz have been measured by the means of a sweep-frequency grating interferometer with angular resolution of 5 arc at 60 MHz decreasing to 15 arc at 20 MHz. The positional characteristics of the decameter wavelength bursts are discussed in terms of the commonly accepted theories of the origin of radio bursts from plasma and synchrotron radiations.  相似文献   

Radio emission from the sun at a wavelength of 9.1 cm has been studied during the quiet sun years, 1964–65, using the Stanford spectroheliograph. A map of the quiet sun has been prepared and compared with a map produced using the same instrument in 1960. On the basis of ray tracing results the differences in the two maps can be explained by a decrease in the electron density by a factor of 1.4 at the equator and 1.1 at the poles.The slowly varying component of emission can be attributed to electron density enhancements by a factor of 2 to 5 over regions with dimension 2 to 6 arc. Changes of flux and width of these regions with longitude on the sun agree with the results of ray tracing using a very simple model for the regions. The detection of sunspot groups on the far side of the sun by measuring increased 9.1 cm emission at the limbs is shown to be possible.  相似文献   

A. C. Riddle 《Solar physics》1974,36(2):375-381
The slowly varying component of solar centimeter wavelength radiation can often be attributed to thermal emission from density enhancements above an active region. This assertion is justified by the success in reproducing the observations by ray tracing calculations in appropriate coronal models. Similar components have been observed at meter wavelengths and thermal radiation from density enhancements has again been suggested as the emission mechanism. However ray tracing calculations at meter wavelengths, unlike those at centimeter wavelengths, must include both refraction and scattering effects for realistic modelling. In this study, in which scattering is included for the first time, it is shown that scattering may lead to lower emission from density enhancements rather than higher emission as predicted by models in which refraction alone is considered. This strongly suggests that the emission observed at meter wavelengths is of non-thermal origin.  相似文献   

Decametric storm radiation during the period July–August 1970 has been observed simultaneously with a high sensitivity spectrograph at Arecibo Observatory and with the log-periodic, swept-frequency array of the Clark Lake Radio Observatory. The observations complement each other; different types of fine structure emissions can be easily identified on the spectrograph records and their position can be determined from the swept-frequency recordings. We study the relative positions of the different emissions which have been observed during the storms. Four distinct sources appeared to be present. The continuum emission, the type I bursts and the flare-related type III's were all emitted at different locations. The storm type III bursts, type IIIb's and drift pairs overlapped in position, but appeared at different locations than the previously mentioned sources.On leave of absence from Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia, Argentina.  相似文献   

We report multifrequency observations of storm continuum and other radio bursts. Based on their positional study and their correlation with other coronal and photospheric features, we deduce that the storm source is located in the magnetic field lines lying above a single bipolar active region. Energetic electrons trapped in the magnetic structures above the spots must be responsible for the storm radiation. We show that spontaneous emission of Langmuir waves by anisotropic distributions can explain both storm continuum and bursts self-consistently. Whenever the collisional damping ( c ) is more than the growth (- A ), there is a steady emission responsible for the continuum, and whenever c = - A (which may be satisfied randomly) there is a sudden jump in T b giving rise to bursts. The number density of energetic particles required to explain the storm continuum at 73.8, 50, and 30.9 MHz frequencies is estimated to lie in the limits n b /n e 10–10–10–9 in the context of the present observations. The brightness spectrum of the storm continuum is computed and compared with observations.On leave from Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560034, India.  相似文献   

Observations are reported of radio-pulsations at dm-wavelengths. The pulsations are quasiperiodic with a period of 0.5 s, they have a bandwidth > 300 MHz and show up to a 50% enhancement of the underlying type IV continuum.  相似文献   

Chen and Shawhan (1978) observed the brightness distribution of solar radio bursts at 26 MHz and fitted it to a double gaussian model. The small angle and large angle components were labelled core and halo. As an alternative to the scattering theory by coronal inhomogeneities, the authors introduced an interpretation of these components as the primary source and its reflected image on lower layers of the corona. We stress the difficulties with this interpretation because the corona is indeed very far from being spherically symmetric; the observed source structure may be due to a coronal scattering process involving both weak and strong inhomogeneities. But first of all we point out a relation between the halo dimensions and the local time which casts some doubt on the solar origin of the halo; we argue that it might result at least partially from instrumental or more probably from ionospheric effects.Laboratoire Associé du CNRS No. 264.  相似文献   

Observations on the pulsation pattern in the time profile of short duration solar radio bursts at decametre wavelengths are presented. The pulsations are found to be present predominantly in the saturation phase of the burst. A tentative physical model based on the non-linear development of the waves interacting in a turbulent medium is invoked to explain the origin of the pulsations.  相似文献   

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