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An eddy-resolving multidecadal ocean model hindcast simulation is analyzed to investigate time-varying signals of the two recirculation gyres present respectively to the north and south of the Kuroshio Extension (KE) jet. The northern recirculation gyre (NRG), which has been detected at middepth recently by profiling float and moored current meter observations, is a major focus of the present study. Low-frequency variations in the intensity of the recirculation gyres are overall highly correlated with decadal variations of the KE jet induced by the basin-wide wind change. Modulation of the simulated mesoscale eddies and its relationship with the time-varying recirculation gyres are also evaluated. The simulated eddy kinetic energy in the upstream KE region is inversely correlated with the intensity of the NRG, consistent with previous observational studies. Eddy influence on the low-frequency modulation of the NRG intensity at middepth is further examined by a composite analysis of turbulent Sverdrup balance, assuming a potential vorticity balance between the mean advection and the convergent eddy fluxes during the different states of the recirculation gyre. The change in the NRG intensity is adequately explained by that inferred by the turbulent Sverdrup balance, suggesting that the eddy feedback triggers the low-frequency modulation of the NRG intensity at middepth.  相似文献   

Yang  Chen  Yang  Haiyuan  Chen  Zhaohui  Gan  Bolan  Liu  Yongzheng  Wu  Lixin 《Ocean Dynamics》2023,73(8):531-544
Ocean Dynamics - Based on the eddy-resolving Four-dimensional variational Ocean Re-Analysis for the Western North Pacific over 30 years (FORA-WNP30) product, this study investigates the...  相似文献   


黑潮延伸体(Kuroshio Extension,KE)海域附近具有强烈的大气斜压性可显著影响北太平洋上空风暴轴异常,因而有必要研究KE海区附近斜压性的特征和维持机制.本文设计数值试验并结合高分辨率ERA-Interim资料研究了大气斜压性对KE年代际海温变率模态(KEDV-induced SSTA,Kuroshio Extension Decadal variability SSTA)中的中尺度海洋锋(KEDV-induced Meso-scale SST Front,KMSTF)的响应特征和维持机制.研究发现,表层斜压性对KMSTF的响应分布相对KMSTF经向梯度的分布偏南,平流过程的响应起主要作用.表层感热通量的响应相对KMSTF分布偏北,表层温度的响应分布与KMSTF分布的位相差异是导致其偏北分布的主要原因.积云对流过程、垂直热量输送和月内尺度扰动向极热量输送均可削弱表层斜压性,而感热通量加热可加强表层斜压性.研究对流层斜压性的特征发现,斜压大值随高度向北移动,极值在边界层顶附近,积云动量再分配影响的月内尺度扰动通量经向辐合有一定的贡献.同时,相对KMSTF暖海温异常偏南分布的低SLP(Surface Level Pressure)可引发经圈平面内次级环流,并将月内尺度扰动热量、水汽和动量向高纬度输送,从而引起斜压性随高度向北分布并增强斜压性.此外还发现,积云对流过程引发的非绝热加热通过扰动热力作用使高层急流向北偏移.


Yang  Yang  Liang  X. San  Sasaki  Hideharu 《Ocean Dynamics》2021,71(11-12):1069-1086
Ocean Dynamics - In the power spectrum, the upper and deep parts of the Kuroshio Extension have distinctly different peaks. The former peaks around 200 days, while the latter is mainly at the...  相似文献   

The SOFIA (Surface of the Ocean: Flux and Interaction with the Atmosphere) experiment, included in the ASTEX (Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition EXperiment) field program, was conducted in June 1992 in the Azores region in order to investigate air-sea exchanges, as well as the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer and its capping low-level cloud cover. We present an analysis of the vertical structure of the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL), and especially of its turbulence characteristics, deduced from the aircraft missions performed during SOFIA. The meteorological situations were characteristic of a temperate latitude under anticyclonic conditions, i.e., with weak to moderate winds, weak surface sensible heat flux, and broken capping low-altitude cloud cover topped by a strong trade inversion. We show that the mixed layer, driven by the surface fluxes, is decoupled from the above cloud layer. Although weak, the surface buoyancy flux, and the convective velocity scale deduced from it, are relevant for scaling the turbulence moments. The mixed layer then follows the behavior of a continental convective boundary layer, with the exception of the entrainment process, which is weak in the SOFIA data. These results are confirmed by conditional sampling analysis, which shows that the major turbulence source lies in the buoyant moist updrafts at the surface.  相似文献   

Sea level changes coherently along the two coasts of Japan on the seasonal timescale. Archiving, validation, and interpretation of satellite oceanographic altimetry data and ocean general circulation model for the Earth Simulator results indicate that the variation propagates clockwise from Japan’s east coast through the Tsushima Strait into the Japan/East Sea (JES) and then northward along the west coast. In this study, we hypothesize and test numerically that the sea-level variability along the west coast of Japan is remotely forced by the Kuroshio Extension (KE) off the east coast. Topographic Rossby waves and boundary Kelvin waves facilitate the connection. Our 3D Princeton Ocean Model when forced by observed wind stress reproduces well the seasonal changes in the vicinity of JES. Two additional experiments were conducted to examine the relative roles of remote forcing and local forcing. The sea-level variability inside the JES was dramatically reduced when the Tsushima Strait is blocked in one experiment. The removal of the local forcing, in another experiment, has little effect on the JES variability. Both experiments support our hypothesis that the open-ocean forcing, possibly through the KE variability, is the leading forcing mechanism for sea-level change along the west coast of Japan.  相似文献   

Effects of mesoscale eddies on the marine ecosystem in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) region are investigated using an eddy-resolving coupled physical-biological model. The model captures the seasonal and intra-seasonal variability of chlorophyll distribution associated with the mesoscale eddies, front variability, Kuroshio meanders, and upwelling. The model also reproduces the observed interannual variability of sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) in the KE region along a zonal band of 32–34°N from 2002 to 2006. The distribution of high surface chlorophyll corresponds to low SSHA. Cyclonic eddies are found to detach from the KE jet near 150°E and 158°E and propagate westward. The westward propagating cyclonic eddies lift the nutrient-rich thermocline into the euphotic zone and maintain high levels of chlorophyll in summer. In the subsurface layer, the pattern in chlorophyll is influenced by both lateral and vertical advection. In winter, convection inside the eddy entrains high levels of nutrients into the mixed layer, increasing production, and resulting in high chlorophyll concentration throughout the surface mixed layer. There is significant interannual variability in both the cyclonic eddy activity and the surface phytoplankton bloom south of the KE jet, although whether or not there is a causal link is unclear.  相似文献   

ARGO hydrographic profiles, two hydrographic transects and satellite measurements of air–sea exchange parameters were used to characterize the properties and seasonal heat budget variations of the Surface Mixed Layer (SML) south of Africa. The analysis distinguishes the Subtropical domain (STZ) and the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ), Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) and Antarctic Zone (AZ) of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. While no Subantarctic Mode Water forms in that region, occurrences of deep SML (up to ∼450 m) are observed in the SAZ in anticyclones detached from the Agulhas Current retroflection or Agulhas Return Current. These are present latitudinally throughout the SAZ, but preferentially at longitudes 10–20° E where, according to previous results, the Subtropical Front is interrupted. Likely owing to this exchange window and to transfers at the Subantarctic Front also enhanced by the anticyclones, the SAZ shows a wide range of properties largely encroaching upon those of the neighbouring domains. Heat budget computations in each zone reveal significant meridional changes of regime. While air–sea heat fluxes dictate the heat budget seasonal variability everywhere, heat is mostly brought through lateral geostrophic advection by the Agulhas Current in the STZ, through lateral diffusion in the SAZ and through air–sea fluxes in the PFZ and AZ. The cooling contributions are by Ekman advection everywhere, lateral diffusion in the STZ (also favoured by the ∼10° breach in the Subtropical Front) and geostrophic advection in the SAZ. The latter likely reflects an eastward draining of water warmed through mixing of the subtropical eddies.  相似文献   

The response of atmospheric circulation to sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) of different scales in extra-tropical oceans has always been a popular issue i...  相似文献   

Synoptic sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) were determined as a result of separation of time scales smaller than 183 days. The SSTAs were investigated using daily data of ocean weather station “C” (52.75°N; 35.5°W) from 1 January 1976 to 31 December 1980 (1827 days). There were 47 positive and 50 negative significant SSTAs (lifetime longer than 3 days, absolute value greater than 0.10 °C) with four main intervals of the lifetime repetitions: 1. 4–7 days (45% of all cases), 2. 9–13 days (20-25%), 3. 14–18 days (10-15%), and 4. 21–30 days (10-15%) and with a magnitude 1.5-2.0 °C. An upper layer balance model based on equations for temperature, salinity, mechanical energy (with advanced parametrization), state (density), and drift currents was used to simulate SSTA. The original method of modelling taking into account the mean observed temperature profiles proved to be very stable. The model SSTAs are in a good agreement with the observed amplitudes and phases of synoptic SSTAs during all 5 years. Surface heat flux anomalies are the main source of SSTAs. The influence of anomalous drift heat advection is about 30-50% of the SSTA, and the influence of salinity anomalies is about 10-25% and less. The influence of a large-scale ocean front was isolated only once in February-April 1978 during all 5 years. Synoptic SSTAs develop just in the upper half of the homogeneous layer at each winter. We suggest that there are two main causes of such active sublayer formation: 1. surface heat flux in the warm sectors of cyclones and 2. predominant heat transport by ocean currents from the south. All frequency functions of the ocean temperature synoptic response to heat and momentum surface fluxes are of integral character (red noise), though there is strong resonance with 20-days period of wind-driven horizontal heat advection with mixed layer temperature; there are some other peculiarities on the time scales from 5.5 to 13 days. Observed and modelled frequency functions seem to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

A model of the time dependent relationship between productivity and light intensity following changes in light intensity is briefly described. The model incorporates two response timescales simulating initial response and photoinhibition, although additional timescales could easily be incorporated. The model is calibrated against one set of time dependent data, and applied to two simple models of motion in the upper mixed layer of a lake. The two models are: organised motion simulating Langmuir cells, and disorganised motion simulating the turbulent velocity field associated with surface wind stirring. The depth and therefore light histories for a number of photosynthesising particles are calculated by these models, and used by the productivity model to calculate mean productivities. The results show that the influence of the time dependent nature of the productivity relationship depends on the ratio of the mixed layer depth to the euphotic depth, and to a less extent, on the rate at which the particles circulate in the mixed layer.  相似文献   

白天混合层顶部夹卷层厚度的特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文首先对Deardorff的一阶模型给予解释,在此基础上分析对流边界层湍流动能方程,分析机械湍流和对流湍流对边界层发展的贡献,提出一个新的速度尺度,混合层顶速度尺度,定义了全理查森数,给出夹卷层厚度的参数化方案,并用Boers和Elotanta的雷达观测数据进行验证。参数化方案与实验数据符合得很好。当夹卷层厚度表示为夹卷速度或夹卷理查森数的函数时,该函数曲线随边界层发展通常表现为磁滞回线形状现象,利用本文的理论进行了解释。  相似文献   

Summary About 20 benthic storms, originated by deep reaching eddies, have been observed between September '83 and May '86 in the deep West European Basin. First results show, that these eddies influence the dispersion of tracers in the near-bottom layers significantly, e.g. due to deformation by shear. This paper is an attempt to estimate the eddy viscosity tensor in the bottom mixed layer. It will be examined as in to how far benthic storms and vortices result in changes of momentum transfer within this layer. The results indicate that the influence of these phenomena is mainly restricted on meso-scale processes.
Über den Impulsaustausch in der durchmischten Bodenschicht des Westeuropäischen Beckens
Zusammenfassung Zwischen September 83 und Mai 86 wurden in der Tiefsee des Westeuropäischen Beckens 20 benthische Stürme beobachtet, die durch tiefreichende Wirbel verursacht wurden. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, daß diese Wirbel die Ausbreitung von Stoffen in den bodennahen Schichten erheblich beeinflussen können, z. B. durch Deformation von Wasserkörpern infolge von Scherung. In dieser Arbeit wird versucht, den Impulsaustauschtensor in der durchmischten Bodenschicht abzuschätzen. Ferner wird untersucht, inwieweit benthische Stürme oder Wirbel den Impulsaustausch in dieser Schicht beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß sich ihr Einfluß im wesentlichen auf mesoskalige Prozesse beschränkt.

Contribution à l'étude des transports d'énergie dans la couche profonde du bassin ouest-européen de l'Atlantique Nord
Résumé Une vingtaine de tempêtes benthiques provoquées par des tourbillons à fort développement vertical ont été observées de septembre 1983 à mai 1986 dans les profondeurs du bassin ouest-européen de l'Atlantique Nord. Les premiers résultats montrent que ces tourbillons exercent une influence significative sur la dispersion des traceurs disposés dans les couches proches du fond, par suite des déformations dues au cisaillment. Une tentative d'estimation du tenseur de viscosité du tourbillon dans la couche de mélange profonde est proposée dans la présente contribution, qui étudie dans quelle mesure les tempêtes benthiques et les systèmes tourbillonnaires engendrent des modifications du transfert d'énergie cinétique au sein de cette couche. Les résultats semblent indiquer que l'influence de ces phénomènes n'est surtout sensible que pour les processus méso-échelle.

In this paper, we address the question of energy leakage from turbulence to internal waves (IWs) in the oceanic mixed layer (OML). If this leakage is substantial, then not only does this have profound implications as far as the dynamics of the OML is concerned, but it also means that the equation for the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) used in OML models must include an appropriate sink term, and traditional models must be modified accordingly. Through comparison with the experimental data on grid-generated turbulence in a stably stratified fluid, we show that a conventional two-equation turbulence model without any IW sink term can explain these observations quite well, provided that the fluctuating motions that persist long after the decay of grid-generated turbulence are interpreted as being due to IW motions generated by the initial passage of the grid through the stably stratified fluid and not during turbulence decay. We conclude that there is no need to postulate an IW sink term in the TKE equation, and conventional models suffice to model mixing in the OML.  相似文献   

全球大洋混合层深度的计算及其时空变化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用2005-2009年的全球网格化Argo数据,分别采用温度判据和密度判据计算了全球大洋混合层深度(Mixed Layer Depth, MLD),讨论了障碍层(Barrier Layer, BL)和补偿层(Compensated Layer, CL)对混合层深度计算的影响,得到了合成的混合层深度,并研究了其时空变化特征. 研究表明:(1)在赤道西太平洋(10°S -5°N,150°E-150°W),孟加拉湾,热带西大西洋(10°N-20°N,30°W-60°W)是障碍层高发区域. 冬季的北太平洋副热带区域(30°N附近)以及东北大西洋(40°N-60°N,0°-30°W)是补偿层发生的区域. (2) 在各个半球的夏季MLD都比较浅,在各个半球的冬季MLD则普遍比较深. 北太平洋和北大西洋的MLD的分布和变化比较相似,印度洋MLD受季风影响显著,呈现半年周期变化. 太平洋和大西洋的MLD 的经向分布大致呈现出"两端深,中间浅"的拱形特点. (3)混合层深度距平场EOF第一模态时间变化为周期的年信号,北太平洋和北大西洋、南大洋(尤其是南极绕流区)都是MLD变化剧烈的海域,第二模态显示全球大洋混合层深度距平存在着一个半年的变化周期.  相似文献   

本文利用2005-2009年的全球网格化Argo数据,分别采用温度判据和密度判据计算了全球大洋混合层深度(Mixed Layer Depth, MLD),讨论了障碍层(Barrier Layer, BL)和补偿层(Compensated Layer, CL)对混合层深度计算的影响,得到了合成的混合层深度,并研究了其时空变化特征. 研究表明:(1)在赤道西太平洋(10°S -5°N,150°E-150°W),孟加拉湾,热带西大西洋(10°N-20°N,30°W-60°W)是障碍层高发区域. 冬季的北太平洋副热带区域(30°N附近)以及东北大西洋(40°N-60°N,0°-30°W)是补偿层发生的区域. (2) 在各个半球的夏季MLD都比较浅,在各个半球的冬季MLD则普遍比较深. 北太平洋和北大西洋的MLD的分布和变化比较相似,印度洋MLD受季风影响显著,呈现半年周期变化. 太平洋和大西洋的MLD 的经向分布大致呈现出"两端深,中间浅"的拱形特点. (3)混合层深度距平场EOF第一模态时间变化为周期的年信号,北太平洋和北大西洋、南大洋(尤其是南极绕流区)都是MLD变化剧烈的海域,第二模态显示全球大洋混合层深度距平存在着一个半年的变化周期.  相似文献   

湖泊热力结构不仅影响湖泊内部生态环境,而且与区域气象和气候系统相互影响,但目前对湖泊垂直温度的观测研究仍非常匮乏.本研究基于青藏高原拉昂错连续的湖温和气象观测,分析了小时尺度和日尺度热力分层规律和混合层深度的变化特征.结果表明:拉昂错为冷多次完全混合型湖泊;湖表温度8月达到最大值,湖面敞水区和沿岸的湖表温度季节震荡相同...  相似文献   

The series of ionograms of the satellite radio sounding from altitudes below the ionospheric maximum, which were called a delayed lower track, is considered. The method for analyzing ionograms in such a series has been described. The appearance of the delayed lower track on ionograms is explained by the presence of a large ionospheric inhomogeneity which turns radiowaves of many frequencies toward a satellite. It has been assumed that the series of ionograms diagnoses the same inhomogeneity, the structural parameters of which can be determined. The electron density profiles in individual vertical sections of inhomogeneity and the inhomogeneity plasma frequency gradient have been presented, and an attempt to construct the spatial model of inhomogeneity has been made.  相似文献   

From May to June 2014, the geochemical characteristics of dissolved barium(Ba) in sea water and its influx from the Kuroshio into the East China Sea(ECS) were studied by investigation of the Kuroshio mainstream east of Taiwan Island and the adjacent ECS. This allowed for the scope and extent of the Kuroshio incursion to be quantitatively described for the first time by using Ba as a tracer. The concentration of Ba in the Kuroshio mainstream increased gradually downward from the surface in the range 4.91–19.2 μg L.1. In the surface layer of the ECS, the Ba concentration was highest in coastal water and gradually decreased seaward, while it was higher in coastal and offshore water but lowest in middle shelf for bottom layer. The influx of Ba from Kuroshio into the ECS during May to October was calculated to be 2.19×108 kg by a water exchange model, in which the subsurface layer had the largest portion. The distribution of Ba indicated that Kuroshio upwelled in the sea area northeast of Taiwan Island. The north-flowing water in the Taiwan Strait restrained the incursion of Kuroshio surface water onto the ECS shelf, while Kuroshio subsurface water gradually affected the bottom of the ECS from outside. The results of end member calculation, using Ba as a parameter, showed that the Kuroshio surface water had little impact on the ECS, while the Kuroshio subsurface water formed an intrusion current by climbing northwest along the bottom of the middle shelf from the sea area northeast of Taiwan Island into the Qiantang Estuary, of which the volume of Kuroshio water was nearly 65%. Kuroshio water was the predominant part of the water on the outer shelf bottom and its proportion in areas deeper than the 100 m isobath could reach more than 95%. In the DH9 section(north of Taiwan Island), Kuroshio subsurface water intruded westward along the bottom from the shelf edge and then rose upward(in lower proportion). Kuroshio water accounted for 95% of the ocean volume could reach as far as 122°E. Ba was able to provide detailed tracing of the Kuroshio incursion into the ECS owing to its geochemical characteristics and became an effective tracer for revealing quantitative interactions between the Kuroshio and the ECS.  相似文献   

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